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Hotels like caesars couldnt run without them. Eight years ago, they endorsed president obama before the caucuses. But this time around, they are staying neutral. Another sign of just how tight the race is here. We are following breaking news in the fight against isis. American war planes targeted a highvalued target in a major strike this morning in libya. A local leader says the air strike killed 40 people. Johnathan vigliotti is tracking this unfolding story from london. Reporter good morning. According to u. S. Officials, the air strikes targeted a senior tunisian operative linked to isis attacks in tunisia last year. This man is wanted in connection with a march attack at a museum where 22 people were killed and another attack in june when gunmen tornado a tunisian beach popular with western tourists killing 38 people. House and the west struggle to contain isis. This week president obama said they would go affair isis wherever they appear. The terrorist group carrying out several gruesome beheadings including this one last february, allegedly showing militants killing christians in a beach near tripoli. U. S. Fighters are in the country and they consider the target of todays attack a key figure in isis operations there. Thank you, jonathan. Apple reportedly has three more days to respond to a court order demanding them to unlokck a terrorists cell phone. They want apples help. Other Tech Companies like facebook and twitter say they support apples decision to defy the court order. Searched the home of the brother of San Bernardino gunman saeed farook. The brother has not been arrested or named as a suspect in the december attack that killed 14 people. Investigators took a computer tower and large envelopes from the home in corona, california. Apples reluctance to operate in this case has led to a sharp debate over National Security and Civil Liberties. John miller is going to share his thoughts ahead. Official ceremonies to honor Justice Antonin Scalia began this morning in washington, d. C. His casket will be taken to Supreme Court shortly to lie in repose before his funeral mass tomorrow. Jan crawford is at the court where the service will be held in the great hall of thefor the justice on saturday. Reporter the ceremony begins two days of public mourning for justice scalia. His former justices and former family will attend. When the casket arrives later here this morning, Supreme Court Police Officers will be serving as the pallbearers and his former law clerks will be honorary pawlllbearerspallbearers. The court will stay open tonight and the public will be able to come by and pay respects. The president and mrs. Obama will also be paying respects here today. But they will not be attending tomorrows funeral. The Vice President and jill biden will be there tomorrow to represent the administration. Now, father paul scalia, Justice Scalias son, one of his nine children, he will be leading the mass tomorrow. He also will deliver the homily, the burial will be private. Now, once these services are over, the public mourning has ended, kind of the shock of Justice Scalias sudden death has been absorbed that is when youre now going to see this allout battle over his successor, who the nominee will be. All of that speculation starting jan, thank you. Pope francis suggests Roman Catholic women may have birth control. The pope said avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. They believe zika virus can lead to abnormal newborns. The outbreak has spread to 30 countries and 30 territories. Federal investigators are investigating how a helicopter crashed into water near hawaiis pearl harbor. A witness captured the frightening moment on cell phone video yesterday. At least one of the five people on board is in critical condition. Vinita nair shows us how to help. Reporter helicopter tours are a popular tourist activity in hawaii where some of the islands best sights are best seen from the air. Within seconds, this particular flight turned into a disaster. Helicopter hovering in the air shortly before plunging into the water just feet from the shoreline. Almost immediately, it overturns. All of a sudden, it fell out of the sky and crashed in front of us. Reporter sean windrick was taking pictures on his phone and switched to video when he noticed was wrong with the aircraft. The tail rotor appearing to stall in the video. We ran over and bunch of people jumped in the water and tried to help the survivors. Reporter chris garner said he tried to free those trapped inside the wreckage. Somebody said there is still somebody in the aircraft so i dove through from the pilots side in the back seat and saw him and then saw that he was twisted. Reporter firefighters at nearby members of the navy raced to the scene. All five people on board were rushed to the hospital. We heard what was two loud bangs and we thought it was gunshots and saw people running which made us scared, particularly in a high profile destination. Down near the uss arizona memorial. A popular attraction on oahu. Officials say the helicopter is owned by genesis hospitals. It offers sightseeing tours around oahu. Obviously, its something no one ever wants to see. Just tragic. Reporter Jeffrey Gabbert tells kgmb he has been in contact with federal officials. The federal Aviation Administration is investigating and the National Transportation safety board is expected to arrive today to begin examining the wreckage. Thank you so much. California Officials Say a natural gas leak in a Los Angeles Neighborhood is now permanently sealed. Special camera show the ruptured well that started spewing methane four months ago. Some people in the porter ranch section said the smell made them sick. Thousands forced from their homes. Despite the announcement, jerry many questions following adeles performance of all i ask at the grammys the other day. Ahead, the sing addresses what went wrong and her struggles with stage fright. Announcer this portion of cbs lets go places. Should apple help the government fight terrorism . Critics say it puts your privacy at risk. Ahead, Nypd John Miller weighs in on the balance between Civil Liberties and National Security. The news is back this morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by voya financial. Changing the way you think of retirement. Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Get organized at voya. Com. When youve got a house full of guests on the wayand a cold with nus pressure, you need fast relief. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. To put you back in control. 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Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief monday, the teenager in your house has to watch this story your local news is coming up christine good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update. Two people are safe after escaping a fire in Gaston County. It broke out at a duplex in stanley. It started in a stove, no injuries were reported. Were following the commute on this friday morning, chris larson watching a couple problem spots in the first alert traffic center. Chris a couple slow spots. Traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Lets start on the brookshire freeway, this is 277 on to i77 northbound, that is 5a, overturned truck, working to clear the scene but that created snarls on the outer loop of 277, looking 77 at clanton, running smooth. Airport. Inner loop between matthews and providence road. Telling you about the accident scene intersection at tuckaseegee and little rock still blocked off. Here is meteorologist al conklin. Al sunshine, clear skis, the skies, traffic is picking up a busy start this morning and a cold start, 30 in shelby, up to hickory, 31 gastonia, at freezing here in charlotte. 26 in boone, morganton, 28 over toward albermarle. Lots of sunshine, quickly rebound up to 38 here by 8 00. 52 lunch time, 57 late this afternoon, lots of sunshine all day long. Tonight we will see a gradual increase in cloud cover, that will keep us not quite so cold tonight, 43, tomorrow mostly cloudy, 64, small chance of shower in the mountains, better chance late on sunday for the rain likely monday Anderson Cooper asked personal question. Marco rubio said he like electronic dance music. Edm . Why do we need to know this . Are we electing a president or an uber driver . Rubio said he is a 90s fan of hiphop which i think he means he likes the theme song from queen of bellaire. And Hillary Clinton likes whatever music you like. Marco rubio and edm music . Interesting. He always says he has liked rap music. A good mix. Welcome back. Against apple in its stand against the fbi. Nypd Deputy Commissioner john miller, hello there he is back in studio 57 today. And bob sheafchieffer is sitting there two. Why the Largest Police department in the country believes terror is a greater threat than government overrefresh. Adele said she cried almost all day after the grammys. She claims what happens and reveals what made her feel better. That is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Wall street journal reports on hopes dimming for walmarts effort to ignite growth. The Fourth Quarter the retail giant posted a 8 drop in profits and it predicts relatively flat sales growth for the current fiscal year because of the planned closures of more than 200 stores. Walmart will be spending more on wages. Tomorrow, about a million hourly workers will get a raise. In an opinion piece in the billionaire charles koch says he agrees with Bernie Sanders on one issue. That is sanders beliefs we have a political and Economic System often rigged to help the privileged few to the expense of everyone else but koch is not feeling the burn and unlikely to support sanders. Lets just be clear. The Los Angeles Times reports on the fcc opening the Cable Television box marketplace. It approved a proposal we showed you yesterday that allows consumers to swap cable boxes for cheaper devices and app. American households spend an average of 231 a year to rent them. Cable providers and stakeholders have 60 days to comment for a final vote. If passed the industry has two years to imply. A spaceship will be rolled out today at the mohave air and space port in california. It is designed to take up to six passengers to the fringe of space. During testing, killing a pilot. Richard branson said space is too important not to continue. The New York Times looks at apple ceos road to bridging security. Cook said he values his companys physical products, not the details of customers lives. The executive has used his political and social issues. One example is his battle with the fbi to stop the government from accessing locked cell phones. Apple fired back against the fbi director. Cook wrote the government is asking apple to hang our own users and undermine decades of security advancements. Major Tech Companies side with apple. Jack dorsey tweeted we stand with tim cook and apple and thank him for his leadership and support. Public opinion varies. Some say the company should help bernardino killers and others argue our Civil Liberties are at risk here. John miller is back at the table. He is, as you know, our former Senior Correspondent and we like him very much john miller, welcome back. Tim cook says further the government suggests this tool could be used once and only once on one phone and not true. Once created the technique could be recreated over and over on a number of devices. You have to ask tim cook does he protect his own people. For them to develop a technique to get past the pass code lock which is the thing that makes it erase the whole phone after ten false tries, they said you can go in there and do it in your own lab. If you figure out the formula and crack open this phone to the point we can then try codes against it, tear the formula up and toss it in the fireplace and throw it away. So unless he thinks one of his trusted engineers is going to world about this secret, i think that is a false flag. But i think what tim cook is saying and apple is saying is that when they create that software, they then will create that back door that will allow hackers and others to not only spy on that phone, but also other government phones. If hackers can figure that out, they will figure it out without tim cook. What the government is asking tim cook is you designed it, you can design your way out of it for this one time. And then you can destroy that. The term i find most offensive is the government and what tim cook writes, is asking for a back door. The government is not asking for a back door. They have come in with a federal warrant, based on probable cause, signed by the United States magistrate, that is how we do it in a democracy. They are asking for a front door. There is no bank. There is no safe company. There is no vault. There is no apartment. There is no door that cant be penetrated with a lawful order that is also how we protect our people. Why do you think apple is doing this, john . Well, i think they are doing this just to take the shrillness down a level, i think for them, this is a business model, which is about privacy and security in an age where a lot of people, least of all, the government, are trying to get into peoples stuff and exploit it. So i think there is a right reason for it, and i think there is a commercial appeal for it. The point is that they have put those interests ahead of all other interests. Tim cook says im doing this for the safety of my customers, meaning, so that we have an impregnantable phone. How many people who died on the floor in San Bernardino or in paris had iphones in their pockets as they were being killed by the terrorists . They are tim cooks customers too. Those are the people who buy all of the apple products and you threats against each other. What is the worst Case Scenario, john . Ill tell you the worst Case Scenario right now. When i go to bed at night, i think all day what did i do and what little thing did i miss . Do you want to know what i think about today . I think about in that phone in San Bernardino of those two killers who murdered more than a dozen people and wounded more, who were they in touch with . Did someone tell them to do it . And if that piece of information is in there and that can be exploited, who did that someone talk to here in new york city and what could happen next . Quickly to that point too. Apple has been cooperative with the government in the past. All of the information on that phone that was backed up in the cloud, my understanding has been passed to law enforcement. But he stopped backing up his phone about a month and a half before the attacks. So the concern of law enforcement, what did he do in that last month and a half . Suggests he may have been in contact with another cell, someone overseas, et cetera . A phone isnt a phone. A phone is a giant mass storage device. There are notes and apps in there and all kinds of things that dont touch the cloud and things that touch the cloud and some things are saved and they are documents. Its not really apple or verizon or any other company or googles call to say we will decide what order. Two points. When apple has in its advertisements and public statements we are different from other tech statements we are not about the data of our customers. Thats all we do is sell phones and all we do. Thats what they have said. The second, can you in a sense say to apple, i guarantee you there is no way that if you help us open this particular phone within the confines of your own technology location, they will not get out and other people wont use it . Very specific here which is get past one feature of the phone and we will do the rest with a little bit of help and then we will move on to the next case. They are not talking about hand us a formula to use again. What is amazing getting back to what norah said they have been working on this and this is not a new issue. This is an issue between apple and the government for a while. I have some experience with apple and i find that apple is capable of doing what apple wants to do. For two years, we talked to apple about a device where when you with the fbi or here . With the nypd. We talked to apple about having a kill switch on the phone so when it was stolen, you could erase all of your data. They said it couldnt be done. Until it became bad pr. Then they figured it out if five minutes. Apple is capable of what apple is capable of and they will decide to do it when they think it is right. And they should do it now . Its a court order. I dont know how they are special. John miller, thank you very much. Adele reveals her emotional her technicalically challenged grammys performance. My heart at the door ahead, see how the megastar recovered from her disappointment with the help of a burger and a beer. Sounds like my type of door. If youre heading out the door, you can watch us live through digital device because you do not want to miss Bob Schieffer on the growing nastiness in the we will be right back. Bleeding gums . You may think its a result of brushing too hard. Its not. Its a sign of early gum disease which you can help reverse by using listerine added to your brushing routine and helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine power to your mouth also try listerine floss. 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Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Wait, did you just have that on your phone . Its time to mix it up. Do it, dad yeah, do it there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. It was frozen. Daddys hand looks funny. And choosing unitedhealthcare can help make it simpler by letting you know when your claim has been processed. Yo, adrian. Still not funny. Rumor has it adele is opening up what she calls an embarrassing performance at the grammys. Anthony mason was there and heard her performance live. Good morning. Inside the staples center, adeles performance didnt sound too bad because we were unable to hear the technical glitches broadcast on television. While it wasnt her strongest moment, she was given a chance to redeem herself yesterday. Reporter this is how adeles sound. Reporter much different than her grammy performance. I believe reporter which was plagued by sound problems when a microphone fell on to the piano strings and causing it to sound like a poorly played guitar. Some people thought it was him rehearsing but it wasnt him. We are on great terms. Reporter she spoke about her disappointing performance on the Ellen Degeneres show. Did you feel bad the next day . I cried pretty much all day yesterday. You cried to your own song . In fairness i would cried if it went really well as well. If it was a standout performance i would have cried. I always cry. Reporter cameras caught her sobbing in joy last year when she brought down the house for her first live show in four years. I want it to be over because i was so nervous. Reporter as her fame has increasingly crippled with stage fright, something she discussed with Anderson Cooper for 60 minutes in 2013. What does that mean . That i wont love it. That i will ruin my love for my songs. Reporter fortunately for the pop star, when a Live Performance does go wrong, se has also learned to laugh it off. It wasnt too bad. I treated myself to a burger and a beer. Reporter . You can look at the grammys as a bad moment for adele but you can also look at it as a moment for adele to segway into the thing we really love about her which is her relatability and how we identify with her. Did you want to stop and start over . Next time i will. Next time i have any sound issues im going to start. If we have time to do it again, lets do it again. Otherwise, bye overcome her stage fright. Coming up her world tour kicks off july 5th and, no, no tickets available. They sold out within minutes of going on sale. I believe it i saw her in los angeles last week. It started off wrong and she did stop and say, i want to start over and it only endears her to the awed yons. No question, the lady can sing. Nice to see you. Thanks. Ahead, extreme skiers help share the thrill of their sport. Im don dahler in aspen, colorado. Its one thing to ski well and another thing to be able to ski. Incredible videos in rough announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by etrade. Opportunity is everywhere. And id like to. Cut. So im gonna take this opportunity to direct. Thank you, well call you. Evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. Bob. Youre a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. Milk it. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. Ibsd. You know the symptoms when they start. 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So its good to know that Mazola Corn Oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. And a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. Take care of those you love and cook deliciously. Mazola makes it better. Its not an anti aging face cream its realizing beauty, doesnt stop at my chin. Rocs formula adapts to delicate skin areas. Chest, neck and face cream from roc. We know democrats and republicans face a big test. Who is here . Bob schieffer, the man in the know Bob Schieffer the pride of ft. Worth. Ft. Worth, texas. We will talk about the pope and candidates and both could suffer from this years campaign. Morning. At safelite, we know how busy your life can be. Oh no this mom didnt have time to worry about so she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there. Hi, steve with safelite. Thanks for your text i replaced her windshield. And she didnt miss a single shot giving you more time for what matters most. Howd ya do . We won nice that another safelite advantage. Thank you so much if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. John good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update im john carter. Three before 8 00. An suv crashed in a traffic utility pole this morning bringing the lights down and closing part of tuckaseegee road in west charlotte. They will be working on the scene until around noon today. Lets go live to Mark Davenport who is at the scene there. We wont go live to mark but these are live pictures from the scene. Police say the driver may have been intoxicated, had a mouth injury, taken to the hospital, the crash still under investigation. Now check in with chris larson first alert traffic. Chris john, traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Well start with that accident scene, this is just above i85 little rock road at tuckaseegee, Mark Davenport telling us that crews are sort of working to repair the power lines there and slowly diverting traffic through some of the area shops around also looking at big time delays outer loop of 485 and i85 northbound making your way on to the outer loop. Look live at i77 inbound at lasalle, very heavy traffic this morning. We had an accident on 277 on the 77, and then a slowmoving go making your way to the south. Overall, a tough commute through center city this morning. That is a check of traffic, here is meteorologist al conklin. Al well take you right back in center city, chris, you can see from metro school camera, clear skies this morning, plenty of sunshine. Starting to rebound now, now up to 38 degrees in the charlotte area, 28 in albermarle, 27 wadesboro up to salisbury, 26 in boone, 26 morganton, 30 shelby and 30 in hickory, lots of sunshine, as we approach the 8 00 hour, 38 degrees, 52 at noon and 57 late this afternoon, close to average this time of the year. Well be above average going in the weekend, 64 tomorrow, 68 sunday. A lot more cloud cover over the shower oscine, much it is friday, february 19th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including the contentious president ial race and the next big test for the candidates. Bob schieffer is in studio 57. Why he says both parties may be unraveling. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. It is difficult to say. Difficult to wrap your mind around, but as we all know, donald trump has defied political convention. The pope is being told that donald trump is not a nice person. Donald trump is a very nice person and im a very good christian. Donald trump is at the center of the story. Other candidates who want to get blocked by the coverage of this. Nevada has minority voters so immigration was the prime topic at that town hall. Once these services are over, the public mourning has ended that is when youre see the allout battle over his successor. Helicopter tours are a popular tourist attraction in hawaii but this one turned into a disaster. He says im doing this for my customers. How many people died on the floor in San Bernardino had iphone in their pockets . They are tim cooks customers too. Inside the staples center, adeles performance didnt sound too bad, but while it wasnt her strongest moment, she was given a chance to redeem herself. Donald trump says jeb bush swapped out his grasses for contacts because he want to look cool and ben carson is trying new eyewear to make him seem more energetic. Announcer this portion of cbs im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. South carolinas republican primary is tomorrow. A new poll this morning shows donald trump is still in first place but with a smaller lead. His controversial statements and blowups with other candidates have not seemed to hurt him so far, but now he is battling with pope francis over immigration and walls. The pope said on a flight from mexico to roam, quote, the following. The pope was answering a question about trumps plan to build a wall along the mexico border. The billionaire candidate was quick to challenge the pontiff. For a religious leader to question a persons faith is disgraceful. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another mans religion or faith. Comments last night and blamed the Mexican Government saying the pope must have gotten only one side of the story. Cbs news contributor Bob Schieffer is here with us. He is our retired chief washington correspondent and former host of face the nation. Good morning. Good morning. May i start off by saying nothing surprise me. In this Political Year . That would you ever hear the popes name in the sentence with the word in the same sentence. The closeness of both races and their increasing nastiness is revealing a new trend in the american politics about a divide within the parties themselves. Except for mitt romney in 2012, every republican who won the South Carolina primary went on to win his partys nomination. When South Carolina speaks, republicans listen. But what they are hearing this year is different. A party tearing itself apart in public. My mom is the strongest woman she should be running for president. Its not about my family. Youre the biggest liar. Pyou are probably worse than jeb bush. He lied about marriage. This guy will say anything. Nasty guy. Why do you lie . Donald, adults learn not to interrupt people. I know. Youre an adult. It got so bad, john kasich said this. I think we are fixing to lose the election to Hillary Clinton if we dont stop this reporter that could be right in a normal year, but Hillary Clinton is in a tough fight for her partys nomination with a man who doesnt even call himself a democrat what we may be seeing this year is not just a race for the nomination, but unraveling of both Political Parties. Ive never seen a situation where both Political Parties are in the process of, what i call selfdestructing. On the democratic side, you see a fragmentation that is significant and on the republican side, the lack of civility and, in fact, the we have seen in 20 or 30 years. I would make that 40 years. What these last ten days have shown, i think, is just how weak the two parties have become and all of these socalled Party Leaders on both sides, all they can do is just sit there and watch it happen. People always say politics is always nasty, bob. I thought jimmy kimmel said it best when he said how is this happening . Where are the Party Leaders . Why arent they stepping in . They have no leverage any more because the candidates raise their own money. A time when the parties were able to control the money and control delegates. They dont have any leverage on these people any more and they raise their own money and stay in the race as long as the money lasts. What youre saying is this could be permanently damaging. This could be a change for the relationships . I tell you im not ready to predict this yet, but i think it is entirely possible that the i mean, i dont know if that is going to happen, but i think there is now a possibility of that. And when you look at the Democratic Party where they have managed to produce only one legitimate democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, and she is in the fight of her life with Bernie Sanders, a very nice man, but someone who has never sought office as a democrat. That shows you just how weak the Party Structure is on both sides. So who knows what will happen. How core constituents are supporting sanders rather than her. Yeah. I mean, if Hillary Clinton cant get the vote of young women, where does she go . And, right now, she is having a problem with that. What impact do you think this dustup with the pope will have . What are you thinking . Well, i dont know. Quite frankly, gayle, ill tell you this. I dont think you should underestimate the catholic vote in South Carolina. The only place that mitt romney last time out and he would not have gotten the republican nomination had he got 50 of the catholic vote everywhere but in South Carolina. But you know who beat him in South Carolina . A catholic newt gingrich. I dont know how that figures in this time around but im not underestimating that. There is also the possibility of a thirdparty. Michael bloomberg may run. Yes. And i think that is increasing by the moment, the possibility of that. We will see. The question you have to ask here is if bloomberg does get in and hes one of the few independents that has the money and stuff to get on the ballot, he can do this, but who does he help and who does he hurt . Im not sure of that so far. The democrats fear they will be hurt. I think they do. But, you know, who knows in this Political Year where nothing seems to come out the way who would believe it possibly could end up in the house if, in fact, there is a thirdparty . He could. He absolutely could. This whole thing is kind of scary. This whole thing is really kind of scary, because we are moving into unchartered waters here. You know, if jeb bush finishes fourth here, he probably lives to go for another day, at least to super tuesday. You may have four people coming out of there. So im not sure the race is whilts whittled all that much. I think we will have an open convention on the republican side and who knows, might have two. All reporters are hoping that happens. We cant put our wishes ahead of our logic and our analysis because we have never had one and we all think, wow, this would be the most fun thing in the world for us i think you better not get used to retirement Bob Schieffer, a place for you at the table. Thank you very much, gayle. So great to have you here. Have live coverage tomorrow of the Nevada Democratic caucuses and South Carolina republican primary. You can watch it online at cbsnews. Com live. They apparently didnt check that fine print. Ahead, how a couple may have to pay almost 7,000 after posting a negative review on yelp. Announcer this portion of cbs nationwide is on your side there a gravity defying athlete you dont see. Next, meet the skiers behind the camera for these incredible aerial stunts. How they capture footage while flying down the mountain. Charlie, i had no idea you could do those jumps. Youre watching cbs this morning. He is good. Not that good. He is very limber. Of diabetic nerve pain, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love helping little ones get off on the right foot. Wait. Wait. Perfect. At del monte, corn is packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. Nothing else. So its allnatural and delicious. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it the better it works. Retinol correxion from roc. This morning as part of our pushing the limits series we head to the mountains to meet the skiers who thrill us with their acrobatics and to hang out with the gopro photographers who don dahler is on the slopes in ludlow, vermont. Reporter when you come to a ski resort like this you see a lot of these guys with the gopro cameras taking videos of their downhill runs or doing tricks on the halfpike. We recently met a group of gopro professional photographers who take these amazing videos of extreme athletes all over the world. The difference is, they often take those videos while doing the same tricks, same jumps, going backwards reporter we have all seen videos like this. Reporter extreme athletes pulling insane maneuvers in other worldly locations. But have you ever thought about how they capture these images . For every one of these dare devils in fronts of the lens there is also another adrenaline junky behind the camera, shadowing the athletes. Doing the same stunts but one when you see those shots, we are literally six inches to two feet away from them in the air going 30 miles an hour off of a 90foot jump. Meet Abe Kislevitz a few years ago was another engineering student with a hobby. I was making videos. We just had those original go gs pros and putting your videos on ire Youtube Channel and they said we love what you are doing and love for you to come work for us. Reporter that ceo was gopro founder nick woodland who hired abe as one of the companys earliest employees. He also tapped u. S. Fellow ski team grads and identity twins chris and caleb farrow. Its pretty much our entire ski team from when he were sophomores and juniors in college and work at gopro now. Reporter this is a classic story. Love just for the fun of it and yeah. Its pretty awesome. I dont really think i dont the morning. The idea is to stay close and stay on them. Reporter on the day we caught up with them, going to work meant their office was the winter xgames in aspen, colorado. The course is juicy, dude. Reporter and their job was to shoot action footage of competitors like 23yearold champion skier ima dahlstrom. To be able to hit this course you need to know what youre doing on your ski or snowboard so they need approve props for doing what they are. Ready when you are. Reporter when youre doing a follow cam and following them you make sure the shot is perfect framed and youre not speed. You dont really process exactly what they are doing. I can hardly ever tell you what tricks they did on their run. Reporter in fact, they rarely know what they have got reporter while they are working, they try to stay out of the spotlight. Dont know we are there. Waiting for. Reporter every once in a while, they accidentally get some attention. He is going to debit his entire run via gopro angle. Reporter caleb was following an olympic gold medalist. With a live broadcast. I knew i was on. Like, they are using my feed. Just a dirty japan grab on that it was a little embarrassing but we are getting cool shots. When he goes back to the trailer, everyone is like, oh, live tv. We saw you go down. These are the big jumps and big dog Playing Field so you get butter plis in your stomach. Reporter but for him and others the butterflies disappear with the rushing wind of a downhill run. If a kid asked you how do you do what i do, would what would you tell them . Their passion. Thats out we all got here and i think the best way to get to what you want to do. Reporter at the end of the each slope is a paycheck, these guys believe the real reward is up in the air. We have the best seat in the house. We are in the air with the athletes, so its pretty rad reporter the brothers told me when they first started the videos the athletes gave them a little bit of a Cold Shoulder until they saw how great they are at photographers and how great they are at athletes. You look great out there, don. Like they are saying take my picture and woodman who saw something in this, let me hire those guys. Gopro is taking over our Instagram Account today with more amazing images and videos. To see them, follow cbs this morning on instagram. Totally rad. I like that. We will show you the price of the godfather. What did it sell at auction . And how the members changed the original line from the script. Which one is it . Youre watching cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by eddie the eagle. Only in theaters. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Get organized at voya. Com. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. Im going to make them an offer again. I remember that line. Original godfather screen play with handwritten notes that was auctioned for 625,000 yesterday. The materials give a glimpse at how the classic film all came together. What the hell is this . A message. It means he sleeps with the fishes. The screen play shows the line was supposed to be luca is dead but writers added drama and changed it sleeps with the fishes. The collection includes a letter to actor marlon brando. What have i ever done to make this so dreadful . He wrote an apology to brando when the music studio didnt think the actor was a fit to play don corleone. What . He won the best actor oscar for that role. That was touch a good movie. At the time, i remember sitting in the Movie Theater saying, ive never seen anything like this really good stuff. All of the president ial candidates want to get votes, but sometimes they give hugs. Why john kasich reached out to this man in South Carolina. After your local news. John this is a wbtv on your side news update im john carter. 8 25. Two people safe this morning after escaping from a fire in Gaston County. Stanley. Officials say the fire started in a stove, no injuries were reported. Now lets checking in with chris larson, first alert traffic. Chris john, thank you, first alert traffic is sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. Were going to start with a live look this morning, this is little rock at tuckaseegee. Accident overnight involving an suv went off the side of the road, d down took down powers lines and signals to the intersection. Duke energy crews are putting up a new pole, you can see in the Bottom Center of the scene the dangling portion of the earlier pole, theyre trying to get that be up until lunch hour before tuckaseegee and little rock is once again reopened. Take a look at the mapping system, point out where this is happened, this is just up to the north of i85 but you are going to see the intersection closed for the next little while. I85 northbound heading to 485 outer loop, a tough commute this morning, stop and go traffic and heavy on i77 southbound, lasalle street in toward center city, stop and go from 85 all the way down to the john belk. Here is meteorologist al conklin with a check of your forecast. Al 32 in burke county, the courthouse in morganton, blue sky, sunshine, looking good. Sunshine all across the viewing area. Little colder, boone at 29, 32 morganton, lenoir, 35 in gastonia, 38 charlotte, 32 wadesboro and 33 now down monroe. Well warm up nicely this afternoon on a southerly breeze and with plenty of sunshine the after 6 00 and with that and clear skies, probably light until 6 30. 57 degrees today. Our rain chances pretty slim, weekend. Fair amount of clouds over the weekend but rain kick in early next week, be around several days so, plan accordingly. Not much chance of rain saturday, maybe a small chance in the mountains, mostly cloudy, 64, a warm weekend but not necessarily a sunny weekend here, sunday up to 68, small chance for rain monday, tuesd we know it is black history month. When you hear somebody say, hey, michelle girl you look so good is that any way to treat a first lady . Its just a joke from president obama, as he and his wife, police michelle obama, hosted a white house reception honoring black history month. The white house called the event the first of its kind with multiple generations of civil rights leaders on hand. He raises a good point. When did you ever hear, hey barbara, hey, nancy, hey, welcome back. The one star review that may force a couple to pay thousands of dollars. Find out how the fine print could limit your right to post negative reviews online. A mothers death. 48 hours shows us, what a jury is forced to choose between science and the testimony of that mothers children. That is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Wall street journal reports that Many Americans are sleepdeprived. A new study by the cdc finds more than 35 of adults get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep in a 24hour period. People who do get enough rest tend to be employed, married, or have a College Education or higher. The New York Times reports on an emotional report on a stop for john kasich. Kasich gave him hope. Over a year ago, a monday what would, like, my second dad, he killed himself, and then a few months later, my parents got a divorce and then a few months later, my dad lost his job. But i was in a really dark place for a long time. I was pretty depressed, but i found hope and i found it in the lord and in my friends. Now ive found it in my president ial candidate that i support, and id really appreciate one of those hugs youve been talking about. A very emotional moment. Kasich said he has heard a lot about the pain that voters feel. We need to slow down, because there are not enough people who are helping those who have no one celebrate their victories and we dont have enough people that sit down and cry with that brad says kasich is a uniter and thinks he can win the presidency. This is something kasich talked about when he was here at the table. Same thing. He talked about the hug as well. Thats right. A hug at the right time at the right place on the right person can be a gamechanger. I hasnt seen it until you sent it around yesterday. Thats a message more people need to hear. Very touching. And make it more than just policy. Thats right. It is about people and their own feelings. Very touching. And very genuine. Very genuine. Detroit news reports on a new feature on fords fusion sport that helps jump potholes. They will have sensors that detect holes and shock absorbers will adjust to stop the wheel from dropping hard. A demonstration shows pingpong bottoms at the bottom of a pothole were not damaged. The new fusion sport is expected to go on sale this summer. Or they could just fix the potholes how about that . A whole lot of them. Amsterdam avenue. The Arizona Republic reports on an house bumping along. Reports on unusual bloom of wildflowers in the desert. Death valley is filled with socalled super bloom happens about once a decade. Mainly influenced by the temperature, the win, and the rain. The spectacle might only be around until april. The flowers will then start to wilt once the temperatures top 100 degrees. A couple faces a lawsuit over a negative Online Review about a business. They signed a contract prohibiting them from writing any poor reviews about the company. You can find similar languages and contracts in Business Travel agencies and dentists. Our dallas station explores a customers right to voice an opinion. I dont do anything wrong and here my husband said there is a Police Officer coming to the house to serve you. There he goes. Good. Robert duchouquette chose a Dallas Company called Prestigious Pets to watch their dogs when they were out of town. Review. Michelle wrote an Online Review yelp. I saw the dishwater was getting cloudy and worried so i sent an email about that. I said i didnt like that they didnt leave my key, didnt like that they messed up the billing. I thought that was the end of it. The couple got slapped with a cease and desist order and then this lawsuit. Prestigeious pets claim the onestar review caused the were representable and continued libelous and slanderus harm. On the second page of a service in this countryone, the fine print says this agreement prohibits you from taking any action that negatively impacts the business. I didnt even read it, so i didnt see it before this. I only had to request it from the attorney. Reporter criminal defense attorney troy slaton, who is not representing the couple, says he simply wouldnt sign one. Id absolutely cross it out and if they didnt want to do business with me, then ill find somebody else. Reporter a California Law nicknamed the yelp bill renders nondisparaging clauses null and void. Back in january, yelp Ceo Jeremy Stoppelman appeared on cbs this morning and said he would like to see these clauses become illegal nationwide. What do you think about after that experience, why cant i say it was not good . Without repercussions. You live in america. Its a nice place. When it comes to that. Certain businesses have tried to reporter senator jon thune cosponsored the freedom review act which passed the senate and is await ago house vote. This is essentially online bullying. Youre infringing on peoples rights, their freedom. Reporter in an email to cbs news, the Business Owner says fair and honest feed backis not the issue here and he is only asking for a judge to make his or her decision. Do you believe this is a violation of your free speech . I do. I would like them to make the lawsuit go away. I dont want to hurt his business. Its a small business. And i dont mean them any harm, outside of, you know, sharing my experience. Reporter for cbs this morning, kristen severance, dallas. We should note the users posted 95 million reviews on yelp last year. A Company Spokesperson said in a statement yelp protects in power and protects consumers and making sure businesses cant slip nondisparagement causes a hard charging former prosecutor faces justice in his own courthouse. Reporter im Maureen Maher of 48 hours. A big man on campus in a small Midwestern University Football Player and even a local prosecuting attorney. Mysteriously one morning, the curtis love lace was an all american and High School Athlete who turned into a big ten football star and later rose to become a prominent attorney. Maureen maher shows us the man who appeared to have it all, a great job and loving family until one valentines day his wife died under mysterious circumstances. Reporter in the 1980s, Curtis Lovelace made headlines as a star athlete and scholar at quincy, illinois, high school. Curtis lovelace was a very hard working kid and smart kid who went to the university of illinois. The fighting ill my lie. Reporter local journalist i mean, quincy, illinois, doesnt produce a lot of big ten players. The offensive line, kurt lovelace. Reporter jim nantz called a university of Illinois Game lovelace played in, he called the game. After college, lovelace returned to his home and married High School Classmate corey didriksen. She had a good smile. Reporter marti, her mom. She smiled at everybody and an ugly dog you got. Reporter there the couple had four children and Curtis Lovelace continued his path as a golden boy. An shift state attorney and national guardsman. I mean, he is the big man on campus. Reporter on the morning of valentines day in 2006 corey died in her bed of no aparpted cause. James keller went to the house was troubled by what he saw. What is the story that corys body was telling you . That she had passed earlier that prior evening or day. Earlier, possibly . Correct. I noticed her hands kind of in an upright position. Reporter to keller, it certainly appeared that medical rigor mortis had set in, but there was a problem. Three of the four lovelace children say they saw their mother alive before their father took them to school that morning. After an autopsy, the cause of death was ruled undetermined. The case was officially closed for eight years. That is until a curious new Detective Adam gibson came on the scene in 2013. Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes to see things. Reporter gibsons investigation came to a stunning cory had been suffocated and Curtis Lovelace, her husband, was charged with her murder. How certain are you now that Curtis Lovelace murdered his wife cory . Im 100 certain. The science tells me that. Maureen maher joins us now from los angeles. Good morning, maureen. The prosecutor didnt stutter there. What were the key issues at the trial. Reporter for them the key issues came down to the pictures that were taken at the time that corys body was found in the master bedroom. It was that her hands were in this odd position and frozen stiff like this but it also came down to more of the toxicology tests and the pooling of blood in her body and lots of issues you hear coming up in an autopsy. All of the dots were not connected until eight years later when the detective you just saw adam gibson kind of pulled it altogether and found a new medical examiner to take a look at the original results. What is the motivation here . Reporter that is a very good question. Months before she passed away, there were significant arguing and turmoil in the home but, you know, what marriage doesnt have sort of arguments going on . Not all of them end in death. We still toof a specific motivate but you will see there is a twist in this case at the end that you are not expecting. Looking forward to that, maureen. Thank you. You can watch her full report what did the children see . Tomorrow night on 48 hours. 10 00 9 00 central on cbs. Next, we will look at all that mattered this week. Morning. What a great week. Great week. Seems like it just started. That does it for us. For live coverage of the nevada caucuses and South Carolina republican primary, tomorrow watch our Digital News Network cbsn. As we leave, take a look back at my hope is to be right, to be faithful to my oath, which is to apply the constitution. People here at this court just cannot imagine what its going to be like without him. I cant think of any other job that i would find as interesting. I plan to fulfill my Constitutional Responsibilities to nominate a successor. White house officials expect a nasty battle. I do not believe the president should appoint somebody. Its called delay delay delay. I expect to nominate someone. Youre running fifth in South Carolina. When do you plan to do better . I think we will do better than fifth here. You still have one of those killers phones we have not been able to open. His letters are released and hers are still kept secret. What is the first splurge you want to make on yourself . With that much money, she can probably get brad pitt to give her a massage. The winner of the Westminster Dog Show is cj. What a night. Grammy goes to taylor swift. Pimple butterfly. Work work work work pretty much our entire ski team works for gopro now. This. I love marley what is the look youre going for . Youll have to see. I i i i i want it to be a surprise. A good laugh or a good cry . Both. Ill take them both. Naked or clothes . Naked. Thats easy. Its not clear why the orangutan appears so happy. A boy orangutan. What is his name . Ill call him charlie for now. Yes ive seen that expression really . When . I didnt say he was looking at me but im just saying ive seen that expression. All that . Great idea. Who is calling you, charlie . Tell them youre busy. Im busy. And all that matters. No, no no here dont they know youre in a live broadcast . On cbs this morning. Calling between 7 00 a. M. phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with social security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Christine this is a wbtv on your side news update im christine sperow. 8 55. An suv crashed in traffic lights this morning. Bringing the lights down in the middle of the road closing part of tuckaseegee road. Police seat driver may have say the driver may have been intoxicated. Chris larson has been watching that intersection as well throughout the morning, talking about other problem spots as well in the first alert traffic. Chris first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. We have a new problem in, this is in center city on 3rd street. Look at this, a tree down in the road, and possibly an overturned armored vehicle. We have a crew on the way to the scene there but you can clearly make out that tree which is splintered. Well point out where we believe it happened. It popped up in the system, 3rd street just above south davidson near south caldwell youll find emergency crews on the scene. I77, starting to see interstate traffic thin out a bit. Still relatively heavy coming out of lake norman area, southbound 77 from 85 in center city a slow go and there is the scene that we have been watching tuckaseegee, still closed down as Duke Energy Crews repair the here is meteorologist al al well take you in belmont, Gaston County we dont have accidents or incidents on main street. Traffic moving along nice and smooth, clear skies, were starting to see the temperatures rebound a little bit after being well down in the 30s, were now at 41 in charlotte 40, gastonia, not far from that lancaster rock hill, 36 hickory, 34 statesville, 32 around salisbury, this afternoon, what sunshine, southerly breeze will help continue to warm us, go from 41 to 457 this afternoon. Close to average this time of the year, maybe a smidge above normal. As we go through night tone, partlytonight,partly cloudy. Warm day tomorrow, fair amount of cloud cover saturday, be mindful, wont be a sunny weekend necessarily but also probably wont be wet. Monday, tuesday and wednesday. Realtime closedcaptioni jeff hi. Im chef jeff, and welcome to flip my food. Today we have some fantastic flips that turn ordinary sandwiches into something special. Lets get in the kitchen, and lets get cooking. Announcer today on flip my food, host chef jeff gets the best sandwichmakers in new orleans to share their secrets, from the surprising ingredient that makes Grilled Cheese unforgettable to tricks for making an amazing poboy. [theme music plays] jeff its that time for an amazing sandwich, and my good friend chef diva dawg from new orleans, whos got the hot dog food truck, baby, is back

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