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Right back. Tt0w tx hi 4 tt0w tx hi el l tt0w tx hi ed tt0w tx hi 8hfzt tt0w tx hi kzh[5 tt0w tx hi nh. \ tt0w tx hi 0ph0;< tt0w tx hi sh i\ tt0w tx hi ueh , tt0w tx hi 7hh . x well as donald trump was pronouncing himself the winner, Mark Phillips tells us europeans were having trouble pronouncing him at all. Reporter theyre trying to figure out the name. And theyre trying to figure out the man. Donald trump was once seen as a peculiar aberration of american politics. Even as vaguely amusing. But nobody is laughing now. Instead theyre scrambling to learn how to deal with him. Taking trump lessons from those who know. On the phone his behavior was extraordinary, childish. Head of the Scottish Government when trump was promising to build a glittering new golf resort there. Then things soured very, very quickly. Reporter the European Press has been full of apocalyptic foreboding, madness screamed the cover of der spiegel. Really . Asked the economist. Ann mcillvoy, really what is spooking people. That is what he is running on. Being changeable. Pulling the rug out. Being an event. Reporter if you want to know what people really think of donald trump, try the bookies where trumps odds are dramatically improving. Alex donahue sets the odds. The trump odds shortened up. He was 3 1. Now 2 1. More likely. Much more likely. 2 1, scott is a good bet. Clintons odds are even better. Here is a sobering thought. In recent elections here and in been belter predictors of the result than the political pollsters. Mark films reporting to night from london newsroom. Mark, thank you. In an important story, the biggest Abortion Case in a decade was argued before the eight justices of the Supreme Court. This one is a challenge to a texas law that imposes tough standards on Abortion Clinics. Supporters say the law protects patients. Jan crawford is following this. It is the courts first controversial case since the death of justice antonin scalia. But the questions from the and reflected deep divisions. Liberals appeared united the new regulations raising standards for Abortion Clinics would force many to close. Ultimately obstructing a womans right to abortion for no good reason. Justice ruth bader ginsburg, what it is about is that a woman this choice for herself. The conservatives ask where is the evidence, the law would in fact shut down many clinics. Justice sam alito, there is information that they closed for reasons that had nothing to do with this law. Texas passioned the law in 2013, amid National Outcry over a pennsylvania clinic where a doctor was convicted of killing a patient and three infants in botched late term abortions. The law requires clinics to operate more like surgery centerers and have doctors with admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Texas representative jody laudenberg sponsored the bill. Texas cares about our women. That its what this is all about. Womens health. And quality of care. Reporter amy hegtrom miller, ceo of the Abortion Clinic challenging the law said it was a smokescreen. This law is cruel. Harsh and does nothing to women. Reporter the key vote here as in all Abortion Cases is the moderate conservative anthony kennedy. Today he did not tip his hand. He did ask whether the court should send this case back to lower courts to get more evidence. And scott, that would delay a decision in the case until Justice Scalias seat is filled. Jan crawford at the court tonight. Jan, thank you. Today, justice came in two infamous murders near the university of virginia. Kris van cleave is at the courthouse. Reporter shackled Jesse Matthew left a packed Charlotte Charlottesville court pleading guilty to the murder of two college students. Hannahs father, john. Hannahs enduring gift to us all was she enabled this wicked man to be apprehended. Terrible price. Graham starting her second year at university of virginia in september of 2014 when she her body was found six weeks later. Security camera video showed the last person to seep her alive was matthew. Dna recovered during the graham investigation linked matthew to harringtons murder the Virginia Tech student disappeared after a concert in 2009. They say it takes a vil ragelage to raise a child. I know it takes one to bury a child. Morgan any mother jill, welcomed the plea deal. I would say the primary emotion is relief. This has been finding justice for morgan has been a burden on our family for six and a half years. In exchange for pleading guilty, matt to is spared the death penalty. Instead he will serve four life sentences. Scott through his attorney, matthew apologized to the families of his victims. Kris, thank you. Natural gas pioneer has been killed in a mysterious crash. And, an alarming report about an elusive cancer. Right back. Covergirl has big news for lashes lashblast is our most Award Winning mascara millions of girls, millions of looks billions of beautiful lashes blasted the lashblast collection from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl did you know theres a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours . Try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. Its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. I think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do that right in my ear . Its not always as easy for me as it is for him. Its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Degree motionsense. The worlds first antiperspirant with unique microcapsules activated by movement, that release bursts of freshness all day. Motionsense. Protection to keep you moving. Degree. It wont let you down. This is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germridden stains. Clorox toilet bowl eaner with bleach is no match for that. But lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral buildup effortlessly. Aubrey mcclendon was every inch the tycoon, producing natural gas from shale he made Chesapeake Energy second to exxon in gas production. Well today a. Len belone behind the wheel he died in a one car crash. Timing suspicious. Circumstances under investigation. Here is omar via franca, 56yearold mcclendons suv crashed into the wall in the overpass and exploded into flames. Paco valderama. He drove straight into the wall there was opportunity to correct or get on the roadway. That didnt occur. Reporter the death of the comes one day after department of justice charged him with rigging bids on oil lease is a claim he denied. Mcclendon kidded awas considered a pioneer, the boom made chesapeake bill yuchbz dollars. In 2010, he cold lesley stahl that america was sitting on an energy gold mine. We discovered the equivalent of two saudi arabias of oil in the form of natural gas in the United States, not one but two. Reporter after the boom came the bust. He was forced out as ceo of chesapeake in 2013. Authorities say, mcclendon was going faster than 50 miles an hour and was not wearing a seatbelt. But do not know if the accident was intentional. It will take our investigators one to two weeks to completely finish the investigation and recreate the accident. But at this point in time it looks pretty cut and dry. Investigators have pulled out the suvs black box. Will tell them more about the circumstances of the accident. Thank you, omar. An urgent call for action next. A government Advisory Board sounded an alarm about Ovarian Cancer. Every year more than 22,000 women in the u. S. Are diagnosed. Because it is often caught too late, more than 14,000 die. Dr. Jon lapook has more on this. Reporter todays report found surprising gaps in what we know about Ovarian Cancer starting with the basic definition. Though it is called Ovarian Cancer, it can start outside the ovary in the fallopian tubes or uterus. These are all tumors. Dr. Douglas levine heads the research lab and was one of the report authors. It is a collection of many different diseases. The subtypes of Ovarian Cancer all occur in or around the different origins. Why is that important . When you figure the orgins it tells you information important about treatment, prevention and mechanisms of developing cancer. Reporter presendtionvention is key. Right now no effective way of finding Ovarian Cancer early. One reason the disease is so deadly. 34yearold morgan melnekov, got genetic testing last fall and learned she was at increased risk. I was not going to gamble with my life knowing they would not catch Ovarian Cancer in early stages. So she opted for preventative surgery. In her case that meant removing the ovaries, fallopian tubes and hysterectomy. I had to diet. Frustrating as a patient. You can screen for breast cancer. You can screen for colon cancer. Why is Ovarian Cancer different . Up a. The cells turn into cancer we have a limited eded window opportunity to identify cancer cells. Often no symptoms or theyre vague. Here itsalarming. More than half women with Ovarian Cancer do not get standard of care, treatment by an Ovarian Cancer specialist. Dr. Jon lapook. Thank you, doc. Today, u. S. And malaysian Officials Say debris that washed up on mozambique last weekend is believed to be part of the tail section of a boeing 777. The same type of aircraft as Malaysia Airlines flight 370. That plane disappeared two years ago with 239 people on board. It is the only triple 7 still missing. He has been watching from a scott kellys return home next. We end tonight with a man who spent more time away from the planet than any american in history. Last night, they brought him home. Mark strassmann now with the earthling. Scott kelly back on mother earth after 340 days in space. Reporter for almost a year one of the stars in the sky was scott kelly. Well dont have to look up anymore to find him. While he orbited earth 16 times a day. We were glued to the window he gave us. His social media photos included some of the nearly 11,000 patagonia, hurricane danny, photos that enlarged the horizon. Kelly had fun. Posing for selfies. Goofing around in a gorilla suit. Certainly i know my kids have watched that video and think it is hysterical. Reid wiseman spent six months aboard the space station. Everyone is following scott on twitter. Everyone is watching what is going on out there. Far more engaged than a decade ago. Reporter even Stephen Colbert said beam me up scotty. Talking to some one in orbit still is, its like im an astronaut right now. Reporter in a matter of hours kelly will be back where he trained at Johnson Space center. It feels like our ride is over too. A year is a long time, you know. You know, even though i look forward to coming home and there is things that i miss, i clearly could have stayed, you know, however long it took. Feel we were also standing on top of the world. Mark strassmann, cbs news, houston. And thats the overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news, im don dahler. The republican president ial field continues to narrow. Ben carson who hardly made a blip in the super tuesday primaries and caucuses is effectively ending his campaign. Carson says he sees no path forward and will skip tonights gop debates in detroit. The debate will be hosted by fox news, and this time, frontrunner donald trump says hell be there. Trump skipped the fox debate in iowa over his dustup with moderator megyn kelly. But since then, he has been on a roll. Major garrett reports. If this was a typical campaign, donald trump and his party would move together towards nominating convention. Trump and rivals remain at odds, and some in the gop want to block trumps path. Modern politics with a resolution no one can predict. It looks like we could win, six, seven, or eight, or nine. Reporter trump used the ballroom at his gawdy maralago resort as a backdrop. Its only too bad winner didnt take all. If winner took all this thing is over. Trump did not repeat claims that ted cruz was a liar. Instead complimenting his two victories. And long before marco rubio secured his first only victory of the campaign in minnesota, trump declared him the nights big loser. He hasnt won anything. He is not going to win very much. But i do congratulate ted. Because i know how hard ted worked on texas. Thats a big get. I voted for myself. Reporter cruz won at home in texas and neighboring oklahoma and declared trump unfit for the presidency. America shouldnt have a you embarrassed if your children repeated them. [ applause ] reporter cruz had this message for rubio, john kasich and ben carson. For the candidates who have not yet won a state, who have not racked up significant delegates, i ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together. We have real problems. Reporter rubio remained combative and argued harsh new attacks, slowed trumps momentum. Five days ago we begin to explain to the American People that donald trump is a con artist. Reporter after the speech, rubio told cbs news the gop would never ral yaely around trump. I will do anything it takes to keep trump from booing nominee. Trump sounded conciliatory. I think we are going to be more inclusive. I think we are going to be more unified. I think we will be a much bigger party. I think we are going to win in surveys of voters in six states showed 90 of Trump Supporters were looking for an outsider. 50 are angry with the federal government. In under two weeks, trump and rubio square off. Rubio trails trump by double digits. Not only his political opponents working to derail Donald Trumps quest for the nomination. Massachusetts republican Governor Charlie Baker says he would not vote for trump in november. And some big money donors are also pooling fund to stop him. Antitrump super pac is planning a two week ad blitz in the next round of states. They claim new research will unearth a trove of dirt on trump going beyond controversial statements to focus on his business deals. The plan to assault the republican frontfrontrunner. I think we are going to be a much bigger party and going to win in november. Reporter as donald trump pushes toward enough delegates to secure the republican nomination. For president. Reporter the gop establishment i dent team crisis reached a fever pitch. The math is completely in trumps favor. Republicans will be commition an abortion on their own party. Unless there is an explosion in thursday nights debate, troim is donald trump is going to be the nominee. Reporter with 300 delegates in his hand. One super pac trying to stop trump in his tracks is upping its game. I am conservative, common sense conservative. Not a lifelong conservative, not consistent conservative, he is a fraud. Tim Miller Communications director for jeb bushs campaign. Now senior tadadviser for our principals pac. So far no one tried to stop donald trump. Donald trump tells people what he thinks they want to hear. On immigration, abortion, gun cull troe. Taxes. Health care. The super pac spent millions in i w to prevent trump caucus win there all. You are talking about with white supremacy. Plans to plow forward with two week spending spree focusing with states with primaries and caucuses, march 8 to 15th t the grooms money reportedly coming from well heeled billionaire republican donors. The ricketts family, hedge fund manager, paul singer and meg whitman, president and ceo of hewlettpackard enterprise. Tonight is the beginning of donald trump bringing the Republican Party together. Whitman was Chris Christies former National Financial cochair and blasted his support for trump as opportunism. Hillary clinton took a big leap towards the nomination on super tuesday. Winning seven of the 11 states. Still Bernie Sanders insists he had an extraordinary night. Nancy cordes with the Clinton Campaign in florida. Thank you all so much. She won six Southern States by 30 to 60 points including delegate rich texas. She pulled off an upset in massachusetts. And began to position herself as the antitrump. We know we have got work to do. But that work that work is not to make America Great again. America never stopped being great. Sanders won oklahoma. Minnesota, colorado. Plus his home state of vermont. It is good to be home. He said he would soldier on even if the delegate math is daunting. 15 states will have voted. 35 states remain. Cbs news exit polls show clinton outperformed with africanamericans. Older voters and women. I believe what we need in am k in America Today is more love sanders won among white men and voters under 30. I know that secretary clinton and many of the established establishment people think that i am looking and thinking too big. I dont think so. Reporter clinton is one step closer to making history as the first woman to head a president ial ticket for a major party. A thrill for supporters who watched her frontrunner status slip away eight years ago. She cares about women. She cares about uniting us. I think women get things done. I think her place is rightfully in the white house. Clinton chose to celebrate tuesday wins in florida because the states primary is coming up. And because the state is always a key battleground in the general elections. If she is going to be going up against donald trump, she needs to start laying the ground work now. Because the he is practically a local. Way, called maralago. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. I did everything i could to make her party perfect. Almost everything. You know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. politely wait, wait, wait you cant put it in like that. You have to rinse it first. Thats baked on alfredo. Bakedon . Its never gonna work. Dish issues . Trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. It powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. Crowd funding has become a multibillion dollar industry. A way for Small Businesses to raise money and for people to solicit charitable donations. Two of the biggest web sites are go fund me and you caring. Because these sites are largely unregulated. There is potential for fraud. Anyone can say theyre raising money for a worthy cause. But there is nothing to stop them from pocketing the cash. Tyree king killed by a drunk driver last summer near his home in springfield, ohio. The next day the 13yearolds parents say they were consoled by a neighbor they never met before. The woman offered to set up a you caring crowd fund site to raise money for funeral expenses. We thought sunny was a good neighbor. Pleaded guilty to Telecommunications Fraud after tyrees parents accused her of pocketing 1,000 of 3,000 raised. It was seccen ing ensickening to play on a family, and use their kid for that reason, it is just, crazy. Frankly. Youcarings representative insists incidence of frauds are rare. Launching hundred of thousand of fundraisers a year. Vast, vast majority coming to use the site are people who have need here and now. Youcaring and gofundme are popular ways to raise money for people who need help from medical bills to adoption fees and college tuition. Crowd funding sites raise 2 billion in 2015. Profitting themselves usually through fees, or percentages of donations. This multibillion dollar tyrees father come plaend to ohio senator Sherrod Brown taking his cause to the federal trade commission. In a statement. Senator brown says families should never have off to face seeing deceased loved ones connected to fundraising scams. I urge the ftc to examine to ensure that families are pro tektdpro protected. This professor says crowd funding is safe and legitimate. People are soliciting money. You dont know who they are. It gets suspicious and ditch cult to enforce. Phil collins was one of the biggest rock stars of the 80s and 90s selling about 150 million albums. Then he disappeared from the music scene. Well, collins is back, rein reintroducing classic tunes. He spoke with anthony mason. Reporter it has been a long time since we heard from phil collin whose abruptly announced since then wrestled with depression, divorce and neck injury that prevents him from playing the drums now. He is back. Well, all most. Please give me one more night just one more night reporter with seven number one hits in the 80s. Phil collins became a global superstar. His music inescapable. The back half of the 80s, you were everywhere. I know. Im sorry. No, no, i do. I feel like i have to go out. I dent realizeidnt realize itit i can feel it coming in the night collins is rereleasing solo albums waite digsal tracks and updated cover photos. the new you. It is a new me, yeah. Small step back into music. Announced new material since 2002. No i cant stop loving you. Are you writing songs . I havent been. I have tried to avoid being me, frankly. Thats why i retired. I just was fed up with it. Fed up with what part of it . I cant describe it. You know, fell out of love with music a bit. Started to feel like music was the enemy. Just one mind reporter after collins rumd the airwaves in the 80s, as a solo artist. To night tonight tonight reporter and with the band, he suffered a backlash. Becoming as Rolling Stone called him one of most unfairly and inexplicably villified men in rock n roll. Did you ever ask yourself by you became a punching bag. It does Gain Momentum and have a life of its own. Why do i read it. I dont go looking for it. Jack nicholson and i are thrilled to be standing in front of phil collins. Collins seemed to take the blame for all the musical excesses of the 80s. For flying the concord across the atlantic to play both legs of live aid in 1985. Welcome mr. Robert plant. For a much maligned performance there. With robert plant, jimmy page, and john paul jones. Part of the led zeppelin that wasnt quite so good as it might have been. I have been blame ford that ever since. It wasnt my fault. Robert was not ready. Was not match fit. Sing the stuff. Old stuff. You have to wear your voice. And jim jeepmy was dribbling. Jimmy was dribbling. When i saw it. Reporter you want to explain that term for me . You know, coming out of the mouth. He was in another place. I can feel it coming in the night as artists like adele and pharell pharell, collins emerged from the shadows and back with his family. And with your wife . Yeah. Yes, i am. Yeah, we realized we made a mistake. Reporter reuniting with his third wife, means he is back with his two youngest sons, nicholas, now 14, and matthew, who is 11. Matthew said the tuts day on his said the other day on his birthday he wished it would happen. What dpidid you think when he said it to you . Do you view it as a second we missed each other. You make me blue his children made him reconsider it. The kids google youtube. Watch some of the clips. Thats good. Yeah. I really look over their shoulder. And i, that was great fun. That guy wasnt too bad. Yeah, starting to say, forgot about that. You know if you went out on door with all the songs. You know you would sell out. People stop me in the treatment. I really am touched by that. I can smell it, you know. I can, i can imagine it. Might t e you play again . Yeah, damn, i said it. Yes, you might. S. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. Sometimes we use ky ultragel to enhance my bodys natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. And when i know shes into it, i get into it and. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Start healthing. Yeah, click because im a woman. Do you think im gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field . Defy expectations any day with always infinity. De with flexfoam. Absorbs 10x its weight. Rewrite the rules. Always. Try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. Its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. Try delsym. 2016, the 1th anniversary of the National Park service. Connor knighten has been taking a tour of some natural wonders you may not know about mike mammoth cave National Park in reporter there is a lot to see at mammoth cave National Park. Its just not always that easy to see it. Add a little light. An entire underground world is illuminated. A world millions of years in the making. A drop at a time to day. Located just beneath the hills of south central, kentucky. Mammoth cave is mammoth. It is by far the longest known cave system in the world. We discovered more than 405 miles of passage ways. Thats twice as long as the second longest cave on planet earth. We could just keep walking forever. Long before david kim was leaning towards mammoth. Early visitors were using their strokes to. Very, very famous tourist attracts. Only the wealthiest people could afford to beep here. So being able to leave your mark and indicate that you were here was a status symbol. At the time, maamo was privately owned. Amtz the cave avenue reputation grew. So did profits. Steady stream prompted farmers to take a look at the holes in you get paid, buying a few lanterns lanterns. Telling stories underground and people were willing to do it. Trains bought some of the first tourists to cave country. With introduction of the automobile, everything changes. 1934, first automobile arrived at mammoth cave. Now the railroad is no longer where you go on your tour. Today the drive into mammoth is a quiet. Scenic journey. But 100 years ago it was anything but. A time known as the the kentucky cave wars. Owners of nearby caves flooded the road trying to direct a bit of mammoths traffic in their direct. Reporter are you getting swarmed by the guys . Every intersection. Boots around the world. Signs promising official cave information was designed to use similar sounding cave names like colossal cav earns. Out. You paid your tourist dollars. They have your money the in their pocket. Sorry about your luck. Keep on driving. Down the road. At the very end of the road was crystal cave. Owned by the fame leemt of cave explorer, floyd collins. If low kissing was important. That is where he was lacking. He had to create the road to get to his cave. Flid setoyd set out. To discover a cave. At the beginning of the road. While exploring a possible entrance. Collins was by a falling rock. Trapped underground. For 18 days the story of the kentucky care of. Looking to make a better life, captivated the nation. His entrapment became a worldwide story. It scud be argued one of our first nationwide. January, february, 15. Radio was new. Congress was halted so they could listen. Happen to old floyd in kentucky. Floyd dietd just before rescuers were able to reach im. Ballads were written, eulogizing. The brave explorer. In cave country, a Movement Began to ensure that Something Like this wouldnt have to happen again. They wanted to see something dumb. They wanted the cave to be remembered the way they remembered it before. All this ugly stuff started. They wanted it protected. Finally in 1941, mammoth cave was declared a National Park. Ment park Service Later bought up some surrounding caves. Which it turns out were part of this year, marks the 200th at scott kelly back in texas after spending a year at International Space station. Kelly, landed safely in kazakhstan yesterday. He spent 340 days in orbit, the longest space stint for any american. Mark strassmann at Johnson Space center in houston with more. Here inside building nine. This is a mockup of the soyuz space capsule that brought kelly back to earth. Over here, a replica of the space station. Think about it. Kelly orbited the earth, 16 time a day for almost a year now. That is 143 million miles. Or about the distance between earth and mars. Scott kelly back on mother earth after 340 days in space. He is back. After nearly a year living in 220 miles above the rest of us. Folks here in mission control. Houston letting out a big cheer. Nasa will study the 52yearold for the impact of long time weightlessness. What happens to the human body after 340 days of too little gravity and too much radiation. They will assess the psychological effects of living in such cramped alien quarters. Its not necessarily uncomfortable. It is a harsh environment. For instance, having no running water. Kind of look i have been in the woods camping for a year with regards to like, hygiene. And liftoff. The year in space starts now. The goal, to help future astronauts survive even longer Space Missions like the three years it could take to got to mars and back astronaut reid wiseman spent six months on the space station in 2014. From the federal community. Thousand of things they will what is going on with muscles, bones, eyes, fluid shift, how is his brain coping. Nasa will have the unique opportunity to analyze changes to kellys jen itting structure, comparing him to identical twin brother, former astronaut mark kelly. In hundreds of extraordinary photos from space, kelly invited social media followers along for the ride. In october, he took this memorable selfie of his first space walk. I believe in the importance of flying in space. And the research we do. I believe in exploration. And i will miss being on the front lines of that endeavor. Kelly says the hardest thing about his time in space was missing his friend and family. But he will see many of them when he returns home to houston. Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im don dahler. What a super tuesday the frontrunners look like a cinch to clinch. If winner took all this thing is over. Some republicans fear it is over. Here is what i will say in november when we lose. I told you so. Also tonight down a justice. The Supreme Court takes up the biggest Abortion Case in decades. A gang invades a gun store. And steals dozens of weapons. Wheel one day after his indictment. And, the most super of the super tuesday returns. Scott kelly back on mother earth. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Their tail lights are getting smaller as frontrunners donald trump and Hillary Clinton race done an open road toward a nomination in summer and a faceoff in the fall. Trump has won 10 states, seven on super tuesday. He now has more than a quarter republican candidate ben carson said yesterday he sees no path forward for his campaign and there is only an Obstacle Course left for ted cruz, marco rubio and john kasich. A nearly insurmountable course because of the delegate math and the nature of the states remaining. Heres major garrett. Reporter marco rubio voted early in florida, the state that could be his last stand against donald trump. Incredible privilege and honor to vote for myself for president. Last night trump held a president ial style News Conference in opulent maralago ballroom and began what advisers i am a unifire, people will find at hard to believe. On cbs news, former candidate ndsay graham wasnt buying it. I think we are about to lose most dishonest politician in erican history, hillary inton. W could you do that nominate mebody who is crazy . Think dishonest beats crazy . Former students say trump iversity was a scam. Antitrump ad is part of a ltimillion dollar push to rail trump. E frontrunner did not appear ased. Theyre going to put 25 llion into it from two weeks om what came over the wires. Ankly i think thats fine as r as im concerned its fine. 2012 republican nominee rmer Massachusetts Governor mitt romney expected to be sharply critical of trump in his speech. The current republican governor of massachusetts Charlie Baker said if given the opportunity he would not vote for trump in november. The turnout on super tuesday among republicans was at an all time historic high. Major garrett on the campaign for us. Thank you. On the democratic side clinton has won ten states including seven on super tuesday. And she now has 44 of the delegates she needs. Yesterdaywas one for the history books. Reporter clintons super tuesday wins were super sized. She beat Bernie Sanders by 59 points in alabama. 43 points in georgia. And about 30 points in both virginia and texas. In a memo today her Campaign Manager noted clintons delegate lead is larger than any lead then senator obama had at any point in the 2008 primary. Clinton barely mentioned sanders in her victory speech. Instead she took on trump. We know we have got work to do. But, that work, that work is not to make America Great again, america never stopped being great. In the southwest. Oklahoma last night, we won 10 points. Reporter today his aides insisted he is in the hunt. Senator sanders doesnt have to start walk in few states he starts to start winning everywhere. And by large margins. That wont be easy because right now Hillary Clinton its leading in the polls in michigan, ohio, louisiana, and florida. Four states that vote this month. Scott, she is celebrating her big victory here in new york city tonight with a starstudded nd raiser featuring elton john d katy perry. Nancy cordes, thank you. Awe to make sense of this ll turn to john dickerson, cbs news political director and anchor of face the nation. John, a lot of talk among republicans of stopping trump. How practical is that . It is a long shot. There is definitely motivation. I asked someone involved with the antitrump effort to rank the republican panic on scale of one to 10. He said 11. But harnessing that panic requires politicians and Party Regulars to organize themselves quickly. There is no leader of this effort. Requires them to take a big risk. They dont like to be on the wrong side of public opinion. No guarantee. Attacks from the establishment could make trump stronger. Plausible approaches . I guess the shortest long shot would be to deny trump the delegates needed for the nomination. By launching a withering set of ads immediately in delegate rich states, ohio, florida, which volt on march 15th. The hope would be to tear trump down and give some other candidate a chance to win. Then there would be no clear winner. And the delegates could be persuaded to pick some one other than trump in possibly more controlled environment of the convention. Looking quickly at democrats. Es sanders have a shot against llary clinton at this point . A very, very distant shot. Is winning states. E is winning more than he is. E has a delegate lead. Less something changes she is the way off to the mination. John dickerson. Ank you. In houston, the police have released an incredible video today. Ransacking a Gun Store Thieves ransacking a gun store. The burglary in the southwest houston gun shop was fast and furious. Group of men pulled up to the front of the store, in a large pickup truck. Smashed the windows. Attached a chain to the doors and pulled them off the hinges. Ten people rushed in and ran through the store, smashing glass cases with hammers. Grabbing handguns by the sackful. At this angle we see one man scoop up four rifles off the back rack. An early investigation shows the thieves got away with at least 50 weapons. Scott, so far there have been no arrests. Stolen in this burglary will kely end up on the black rket and could be used in olent crimes. Manuel, thank you. E cbs overnight news will be ght back. Well as donald trump was well as donald trump was pronouncing himself the winner, Mark Phillips tells us europeans were having trouble pronouncing him at all. Reporter theyre trying to figure out the name. And theyre trying to figure out the man. Donald trump was once seen as a peculiar aberration of american politics. Even as vaguely amusing. But nobody is laughing now. Instead theyre scrambling to learn how to deal with him. Taking trump lessons from those who know. On the phone his behavior was extraordinary, childish. Head of the Scottish Government when trump was promising to build a glittering new golf resort there. A promise he never kept. Quickly. Reporter the European Press has been full of apocalyptic foreboding, madness screamed the cover of der spiegel. Really . Asked the economist. Ann mcillvoy, really what is spooking people. That is what he is running on. Being changeable. Pulling the rug out. Being an event. Reporter if you want to know what people really think of donald trump, try the bookies where trumps odds are dramatically improving. Alex donahue sets the odds. The trump odds shortened up. He was 3 1. Now 2 1. More likely. Much more likely. 2 1, scott is a good bet. Clintons odds are even better. Here is a sobering thought. In recent elections here and in the u. S. , the book makers have been belter predictors of the pollsters. Mark films reporting to night from london newsroom. Mark, thank you. In an important story, the biggest Abortion Case in a decade was argued before the eight justices of the Supreme Court. This one is a challenge to a texas law that imposes tough standards on Abortion Clinics. Supporters say the law protects patients. Jan crawford is following this. It is the courts first controversial case since the death of justice antonin scalia. But the questions from the justices were no less intense. And reflected deep divisions. Liberals appeared united the new regulations raising standards for Abortion Clinics would force many to close. Ultimately obstructing a womans right to abortion for no good reason. Justice ruth bader ginsburg, has a fundamental right to make this choice for herself. The conservatives ask where is the evidence, the law would in fact shut down many clinics. Justice sam alito, there is information that they closed for reasons that had nothing to do with this law. Texas passioned the law in 2013, amid National Outcry over a pennsylvania clinic where a doctor was convicted of killing a patient and three infants in botched late term abortions. The law requires clinics to operate more like surgery centerers and have doctors with admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Texas representative jody laudenberg sponsored the bill. Texas cares about our women. That its what this is all about. Womens health. And quality of care. Challenging the law said it was this law is cruel. Advance medical health for women. Reporter the key vote here as in all Abortion Cases is the kennedy. Today he did not tip his hand. He did ask whether the court should send this case back to lower courts to get more evidence. And scott, that would delay a decision in the case until Justice Scalias seat is filled. Jan crawford at the court night. Jan, thank you. Today, justice came in two infamous murders near the university of virginia. Kris van cleave is at the courthouse. Reporter shackled Jesse Matthew left a packed Charlottesville Court pleading guilty to the murder of two college students. Hannahs father, john. Hannahs enduring gift to us all was she enabled this wicked she did change the world a terrible price. Graham starting her second year at university of virginia in september of 2014 when she vanished. Her body was found six weeks later. Security camera video showed the last person to seep her alive was matthew. A recovered during the graham vestigation linked matthew to rringtons murder the Virginia Tech student disappeared after a concert in 2009. They say it takes a village raise a child. Know it takes one to bury a ild. Morgan any mother jill, welcomed the plea deal. I would say the primary emotion is relief. This has been finding justice for morgan has been a burden on our family for six and a half years. In exchange for pleading guilty, matt to is spared the death penalty. Sentences. Scott through his attoney, matthew apologized to the families of his victims. Natural gas pioneer has been killed in a mysterious crash. And, an alarming report about an elusive cancer. Right back. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Too late, were about to take off. These dissolve fast. Theyre new liquid gels. And youre coming with me. You realize i have gold status . Mucinex sinusmax liquid gels. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. Lets end this. Its not always as easy for me as it is for him. Its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Feel the difference with ky ultragel. Choose kneeloving, underarmcaring, bikini linebearing. Choose venus swirl. With five contour blades and a flexiball, it pivots with every dip and divot. Choose to smooth. Aubrey mcclendon was every inch the tycoon, he took a country and with natural gas from shale, he made Chesapeake Energy second to exxon in gas production. Well today alone behind the wheel he died in a one car crash. Here is omar villa franca, 56yearold mcclendons suv crashed into the wall in the overpass and exploded into flames. Police captain paco valderama. He drove straight into the wall there was opportunity to correct or get on the roadway. That didnt occur. Reporter the death of the former ceo of Chesapeake Energy of justice charged him with rigging bids on oil lease is a claim he denied. Mcclendon was considered a pioneer in the oil and Natural Gas Drilling business. The boom made Chesapeake Energy billions of dollars. In 2010, he cold lesley stahl on 60 minutes that america was sitting on an energy gold mine. In the last few years we have discovered the equivalent 6 of two saudi arabias of oil in the form of natural gas in the United States, not one but two. Reporter after the boom came the bust. He was forced out as ceo of chesapeake in 2013. Authorities say, mcclendon was going faster than 50 miles an hour and was not wearing a seatbelt. But do not know if the accident was intentional. It will take our investigators one to two weeks to completely finish the investigation and recreate the accident. But at this point in time it looks pretty cut and dry. Investigators have pulled out scott, theyre hoping the box will tell them more about the circumstances of the accident. Thank you, omar. Next. A government Advisory Board sounded an alarm about Ovarian Cancer. Every year more than 22,000 women in the u. S. Are diagnosed. Because it is often caught too late, more than 14,000 die. Dr. Jon lapook has more on this. Reporter todays report found surprising gaps in what we know about Ovarian Cancer starting with the basic definition. Though it is called Ovarian Cancer, it can start outside the ovary in the fallopian tubes or uterus. These are all tumors. Dr. Douglas levine heads the research lab and was one of the it is a collection of many different diseases. The subtypes of Ovarian Cancer all occur in or around the ovary, but they have very different origins. Why is that important . When you figure the orgins it tells you information important about treatment, prevention and mechanisms of developing cancer. Reporter prevention is key. Right now no effective way of finding Ovarian Cancer early. One reason the disease is so deadly. 34yearold morgan melnekov, got genetic testing last fall and learned she was at increased risk. I was not going to gamble with my life knowing they would not catch Ovarian Cancer in early stages. So she opted for preventative surgery. In her case that meant removing the ovaries, fallopian tubes and hysterectomy. I had to diet. Frustrating as a patient. You can screen for breast cancer. You can screen for colon cancer. Why is Ovarian Cancer different . The cells turn into cancer and spread quickly. Opportunity to identify cancer cells. Often no symptoms or theyre vague. Here its what alarming. More than half women with Ovarian Cancer do not get standard of care, treatment by an Ovarian Cancer specialist. Dr. Jon lapook. Thank you, doc. Today, u. S. And malaysian Officials Say debris that washed up on mozambique last weekend is believed to be part of the tail section of a boeing 777. The same type of aircraft as Malaysia Airlines flight 370. That plane disappeared two years ago with 239 people on board. It is the only triple 7 still missing. Scott kellys return home next. We end tonight with a man who spent more time away from the planet than any american in history. Last night, they brought him home. Mark strassmann now with the earthling. Scott kelly back on mother earth after 340 days in space. Reporter for almost a year one of the stars in the sky was scott kelly. Well dont have to look up anymore to find him. While he orbited earth 16 times a day. We were glued to the window he his social media photos included some of the nearly 11,000 sunrises and sunsets he saw. Patagonia, hurricane danny, photos that enlarged the horizon. Kelly had fun. Posing for selfies. Goofing around in a gorilla suit. Certainly i know my kids have watched that video and think it is hysterical. Reid wiseman spent six months aboard the space station. Everyone is following scott on twitter. Everyone is watching what is going on out there. Far more engaged than a decade o. Reporter even stephen lbert said beam me up scotty. Talking to some one in orbit still is, its like im an astronaut right now. Reporter in a matter of hours kelly will be back where he trained at Johnson Space it feels like our ride is over too. A year is a long time, you know. You know, even though i look forward to coming home and there is things that i miss, i clearly could have stayed, you know, however long it took. Reporter scott kelly made us el we were also standing on p of the world. Rk strassmann, cbs news, uston. And thats the overnight news for this thursday. R some of you the news ntinues. For others check back with us a news and cbs this morning. Om the Broadcast Center in new rk city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news, im don dahler. The republican president ial field continues to narrow. Ben carson who hardly made a blip in the super tuesday primaries and caucuses is effectively ending his campaign. Carson says he sees no path forward and will skip tonights gop debates in detroit. The debate will be hosted by fox news, and this time, frontrunner donald trump says hell be there. Trump skipped the fox debate in iowa over his dustup with moderator megyn kelly. But since then, he has been on a roll. Major garrett reports. If this was a typical campaign, donald trump and his party would move together towards nominating convention. Trump and rivals remain at odds, and some in the gop want to block trumps path. A split without precedent in resolution no one can predict. It looks like we could win, six, seven, or eight, or nine. Reporter trump used the ballroom at his gawdy maralago resort as a backdrop. Its only too bad winner didnt take all. If winner took all this thing is over. Trump did not repeat claims that ted cruz was a liar. Instead complimenting his two victries. And long before marco rubio secured his first only victory of the campaign in minnesota, trump declared him the nights big loser. He hasnt won anything. He is not going to win very much. But i do congratulate ted. Because i know how hard ted worked on texas. Thats a big get. I voted for myself. Reporter cruz won at home in texas and neighboring oklahoma presidency. America shouldnt have a president whose word would make you embarrassed if your children repeated them. [ applause ] reporter cruz had this message for rubio, john kasich and ben carson. For the candidates who have not yet won a state, who have not racked up significant delegates, i ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together. We have real problems. Reporter rubio remained combative and argued harsh new attacks, slowed trumps momentum. Five days ago we begin to explain to the American People that donald trump is a con artist. Reporter after the speech, rubio told cbs news the gop would never rally around trump. I will do anything it takes to keep trump from booing nominee. Trump sounded conciliatory. I think we are going to be more inclusive. I think we are going to be more unified. I think we will be a much bigger party. I think we are going to win in november. Surveys of voters in six supporters were looking for an outsider. 50 are angry with the federal vernment. In under two weeks, trump and rubio square off. Rubio trails trump by double digits. Not only his political opponents working to derail Donald Trumps quest for the nomination. Massachusetts republican Governor Charlie Baker says he would not vote for trump in november. And some big money donors are also pooling fund to stop him. Antitrump super pac is planning a two week ad blitz in the next round of states. They claim new research will unearth a trove of dirt on trump going beyond controversial statements to focus on his business deals. The plan to assault the republican frontrunner. I think we are going to be a much bigger party and going to win in november. Reporter as donald trump pushes toward enough delegates to secure the republican nomination. Takes a lot of courage to run reporter the gop establishment identity crisis is has reached a fever pitch. The math is completely in trumps favor. Republicans will be commition an abortion on their own party. Unless there is an explosion in thursday nights debate, donald trump is going to be the nominee. Reporter with 300 delegates in his hand. One super pac trying to stop trump in his tracks is upping its game. I am conservative, common sense conservative. Not a lifelong conservative, not consistent conservative, he is a fraud. Tim Miller Communications director for jeb bushs campaign. Now Senior Adviser for our principals pac. So far no one tried to stop donald trump. Donald trump tells people what he thinks they want to hear. On immigration, abortion, gun control, taxes, health care. The super pac spent millions win there. I dont know anything what you are talking about with white supremacy. Plans to plow forward with two week spending spree focusing with states with primaries and caucuses, march 8 to 15th t the grooms money reportedly coming from well heeled billionaire republican donors. The ricketts family, hedge fund manager, paul singer and meg whitman, president and ceo of hewlettpackard enterprise. Tonight is the beginning of donald trump bringing the Republican Party together. Whitman was Chris Christies former National Financial cochair and blasted his support for trump as opportunism. Hillary clinton took a big leap towards the nomination on super tuesday. Winning seven of the 11 states. Still Bernie Sanders insists he had an extraordinary night. Nancy cordes with the Clinton Campaign in florida. Thank you all so much. What a super tuesday. She won six Southern States by delegate rich texas. She pulled off an upset in massachusetts. And began to position herself as the antitrump. We know we have got work to do. But that work that work is not to make America Great again. America never stopped being great. Sanders won oklahoma. Minnesota, colorado. Plus his home state of vermont. It is good to be home. He said he would soldier on even if the delegate math is daunting. 15 states will have voted. 35 states remain. Cbs news exit polls show clinton outperformed with africanamericans. Older voters and women. I believe what we need in am in America Today is more love and kindness. Voters under 30. I know that secretary clinton and many of the established establishment people think that i am looking and thinking too big. I dont think so. Reporter clinton is one step closer to making history as the first woman to head a president ial ticket for a major party. A thrill for supporters who watched her frontrunner status slip away eight years ago. She cares about women. She cares about uniting us. I think women get things done. I think her place is rightfully in the white house. Clinton chose to celebrate tuesday wins in florida because the states primary is coming up. And because the state is always a key battleground in the general elections. If she is going to be going up now. Cause the he is practically a cal. Eps a small residence up the y, called maralago. The cbs overnight news will right back. Did you know theres a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours . Try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. Its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. Try delsym. Hi, anne. How are you doing . Hi, evelyn. I know its been a difficult time since your mom passed away. Yeah. I miss her a lot, but im okay. Wow. That was fast. This is the check ive been waiting for. Mom had a guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance policy through the Colonial Penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. Is it affordable . It costs less than 35 cents a day thats pretty affordable, huh . Thats less than the cost of a postage stamp. So, you said it was guaranteed acceptance . Yes. Its for people ages 50 to 85. Theres no medical exam or Health Questions. You cant be turned down because of your health. It fit right into moms budget and gave her added peace of mind. You should give them a call for less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. You cannot be turned down because of your health. There are no Health Questions or medical exam. Your rate will never go up and your benefit will never go down due to age guaranteed these days, the average cost of a funeral is over 7300, and Social Security pays a death benefit of just 255. Dont leave a burden for your loved ones. Call about the Colonial Penn program now. Sometimes we use ky ultragel to enhance my bodys natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. And when i know shes into it, i get into it and. Crowd funding has become a multibillion dollar industry. A way for Small Businesses to raise money and for people to solicit charitable donations. Two of the biggest web sites are go fund me and you caring. Because these sites are largely unregulated. There is potential for fraud. Anyone can say theyre raising money for a worthy cause. But there is nothing to stop them from pocketing the cash. Tyree king killed by a drunk driver last summer near his home in springfield, ohio. The next day the 13yearolds parents say they were consoled by a neighbor they never met before. The woman offered to set up a you caring crowd fund site to raise money for funeral expenses. We thought sunny was a good but that neighbor, tina harper, pleaded guilty to Telecommunications Fraud after tyrees parents accused her of pocketing 1,000 of 3,000 raised. It was sickening to play on a family, and use their kid for that reason, it is just, crazy. Frankly. Youcarings representative insists incidence of frauds are rare. Launching hundred of thousand of fundraisers a year. Vast, vast majority coming to use the site are people who have need here and now. Youcaring and gofundme are popular ways to raise money for people who need help from medical bills to adoption fees and college tuition. Crowd funding sites raise 2 billion in 2015. Profitting themselves usually through fees, or percentages of this multibillion dollar industry is largely unregulated. Tyrees father come plaend to ohio senator Sherrod Brown taking his cause to the federal trade commission. In a statement. Senator brown says families should never have off to face seeing deceased loved ones connected to fundraising scams. I urge the ftc to examine to ensure that families are protected. This professor says crowd funding is safe and legitimate. People are soliciting money. You dont know who they are. It gets suspicious and ditch cult to enforce. Phil collins was one of the biggest rock stars of the 80s and 90s selling about 150 million albums. Then he disappeared from the music scene. Well, collins is back, reintroducing classic tunes. Reporter it has been a long time since we heard from phil collin whose abruptly announced his retirement five years ago. Since then wrestled with depression, divorce and neck injury that prevents him from playing the drums now. He is back. Well, all most. Please give me one more night just one more night reporter with seven number one hits in the 80s. Phil collins became a global superstar. His music inescapable. The back half of the 80s, you were everywhere. I know. Im sorry. No, no, i do. I feel like i have to go out. I didnt realize it. I can feel it coming in the night collins is rereleasing solo albums waite digsal tracks and updated cover photos. The new you. It is a new me, yeah. Small step back into music. For the singer who hasnt announced new material since 2002. No i cant stop loving you. Are you writing songs . I have tried to avoid being me, frankly. Thats why i retired. I just was fed up with it. Fed up with what part of it . I cant describe it. You know, fell out of love with music a bit. Started to feel like music was the enemy. Just one mind reporter after collins ruled the airwaves in the 80s, as a solo artist. To night tonight tonight reporter and with the band, he suffered a backlash. Becoming as Rolling Stone called him one of most unfairly and inexplicably villified men in did you ever ask yourself by you became a punching bag. It does Gain Momentum and have a life of its own. Why do i read it. Some one tells me it is there. I dont go looking for it. Jack nicholson and i are thrilled to be standing in front of phil collins. Collins seemed to take the blame for all the musical excesses of the 80s. For flying the concord across the atlantic to play both legs of live aid in 1985. Welcome mr. Robert plant. For a much maligned performance there. With robert plant, jimmy page, and john paul jones. Part of the led zeppelin that have been. I have been blame ford that ever it wasnt my fault. Robert was not ready. Old stuff. You have to wear your voice. And jimmy was dribbling. Jimmy was dribbling. I knew that was dangerous reporter you want to explain that term for me . You know, coming out of the mouth. He was in another place. I can feel it coming in the night as artists like adele and pharell, collins emerged from the shadows and back with his family. And with your wife . Yeah. Yes, i am. Yeah, we realized we made a mistake. Reporter reuniting with his third wife, means he is back with his two youngest sons, nicholas, now 14, and matthew, who is 11. Said the other day on his birthday he wished it would happen. Said it to you . Do you view it as a Second Chance . Simple. We missed each other. You make me blue his children made him reconsider it. The kids google youtube. Watch some of the clips. Thats good. Yeah. I really look over their shoulder. And i, that was great fun. That guy wasnt too bad. Yeah, starting to say, forgot about that. You know if you went out on door with all the songs. You know you would sell out. People stop me in the treatment. I really am touched by that. I can smell it, you know. I can, i can imagine it. Might see you play again . Yeah, damn, i said it. Yes, you might. Activated by movement, that release bursts of freshness all day. Motionsense. Protection to keep you moving. Degree. It wont let you down. Enough pressure in here for ya . Im gonna take mucinex sinusmax. Too late, were about to take off. These dissolve fast. Theyre new liquid gels. And youre coming with me. You realize i have gold status . Mucinex sinusmax liquid gels. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. Lets end this. cell phone rings where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. 2016, the 100th anniversary of the National Park service. Connor knighten has been taking a tour of some natural wonders you may not know about mike mammoth cave National Park in kentucky. Reporter there is a lot to see at mammoth cave National Park. Its just not always that easy to see it. Add a little light. Illuminated. A world millions of years in the making. Still being formed. A drop at a time to day. Located just beneath the hills of south central, kentucky. Mammoth cave is mammoth. It is by far the longest known cave system in the world. We discovered more than 405 miles of passage ways. Thats twice as long as the second longest cave on planet earth. We could just keep walking forever. Long before david kim was leaning towards mammoth. Early visitors were using their strokes to. Very, very famous tourist attracts. Only the wealthiest people could so being able to leave your mark and indicate that you were here was a status symbol. At the time, maamo was privately owned. Amtz the cave avenue reputation grew. So did profits. Steady stream prompted farmers to take a look at the holes in their backyards. You get paid, buying a few lanterns. Telling stories underground and people were willing to do it. Trains bought some of the first tourists to cave country. Automobile, everything changes. 1934, first automobile now the railroad is no longer where you go on your tour. Today the drive into mammoth a quiet. Enic journey. But 100 years ago it was anything but. A time known as the the kentucky cave wars. Owners of nearby caves flooded the road trying to direct a bit of mammoths traffic in their direct. Reporter are you getting swarmed by the guys . Boots around the world. Signs promising official cave information was designed to use similar sounding cave names like colossal cav earns. By the time you figured it out. You paid your tourist dollars. They have your money the in their pocket. Sorry about your luck. Keep on driving. Down the road. At the very end of the road was crystal cave. Owned by the fame leemt of cave explorer, floyd collins. If low kissing was important. He had to create the road to get to his cave. Floyd set out. To discover a cave. At the beginning of the road. While exploring a possible entrance. Collins was by a falling rock. Trapped underground. For 18 days the story of the ntucky care of. Looking to make a better life, captivated the nation. Worldwide story. It scud be argued one of our first nationwide. January, february, 15. The whole nation watched. Radio was new. Congress was halted so they could listen. Happen to old floyd in kentucky. Floyd dietd just before rescuers were able to reach im. Ballads were written, eulogizing. The brave explorer. In cave country, a Movement Began to ensure that Something Like this wouldnt have to happen again. They wanted to see something dumb. They wanted the cave to be remembered the way they remembered it before. All this ugly stuff started. They wanted it protected. Finally in 1941, mammoth cave was declared a National Park. Ment park Service Later bought up some surrounding caves. Which it turns out were part of anniversary of organized tours at mammoth. Not much has changed. Just the sign. Mammoth cave, National Park. Ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 its ryans cell phone. Gibbs isolate calls from psyops, governmentissued lines. Theres five or six different numbers here. Crossreference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. I knew what to do to save my passengers. But when my father sank into depression, i didnt know how to help him. When he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. Dont let this happen to you. If you or a loved one is suicidal, call the National Suicide prevention lifeline. No matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. franklin d. Roosevelt the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. Endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources. And inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all. We approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. Narrator donate to goodwill where your Donations Help Fund scott kelly back in texas after spending a year at International Space station. Kelly, landed safely in kazakhstan yesterday. He spent 340 days in orbit, the longest space stint for any american. Mark strassmann at Johnson Space center in houston with more. Here inside building nine. This is a mockup of the soyuz space capsule that brought kelly back to earth. Over here, a replica of the space station. Think about it. Kelly orbited the earth, 16 time a day for almost a year now. That is 143 million miles. Or about the distance between earth and mars. Scott kelly back on mother earth after 340 days in space. He is back. After nearly a year living in earths ultimate penthouse 220 miles above the rest of us. Folks here in mission control. Houston letting out a big cheer. Nasa will study the 52yearold for the impact of long time weightlessness. What happens to the human body after 340 days of too little gravity and too much radiation. They will assess the psychological effects of living in such cramped alien quarters. Its not necessarily uncomfortable. It is a harsh environment. For instance, having no running water. Kind of look i have been in the woods camping for a year with regards to like, hygiene. And liftoff. The year in space starts n n. The goal, to help future astronauts survive even longer Space Missions like the three years it could take to got to mars and back astronaut reid wiseman spent six months on the space station in 2014. From the federal community. Thousand of things they will what is going on with muscles, bones, eyes, fluid shift, how is his brain coping. Nasa will have the unique opportunity to analyze changes comparing him to identical twin brother, former astronaut mark kelly. In hundreds of extraordinary photos from space, kelly invited social media followers along for the ride. In october, he took this memorable selfie of his first space walk. I believe in the importance i believe in exploration. Captioning funded by cbs its thursday, march 3rd, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. The campaign to stop donald trump. Leading republicans try to derail the gop frontrunners path to the partys nomination. Scott kelly, space odyssey, and the astronaut is back home in the United States this morning after spending a year in space. And a chilling crime is caught on camera. Thieves are seen breaking into a gun store and taking off with dozens of weapons. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Im annemarie green. Ben carson wont be participating in tonights republican president ial debate. Carson has not officially quit the race, but he says he cant see a political path forward. Meanwhile, some republicans are working on a lastditch effort to deny donald trump the nomination. There are new attack ads and, today, a former gop nominee is trump. Don champion has the story. Reporter republican president ial frontrunner donald trup is locked in another battle. This time, against mitt romney, who is expected to blast the billionaire during a speech on the state of the gop race today. I want universal coverage. Reporter trump posted this video to his Facebook Page wednesday night questioning romneys conservative credentials. So far, romney has attacked trump over his refusal to release tax returns and failure to immediately disavow kk leader david duke

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