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Says she's given birth to a baby boy the family's lawyer says 19 year old Begum and the baby are in good health Megan was among a group of London school girls who went to Syria to marry ISIS fighters and 2015 news and analysis at Town Hall dot com. Scene ends in the innocent. Past the New York Times in The Washington Post a.b.c. And n.b.c. And c.b.s. There's some fellow conservatives out there very troubled by this they haven't even acknowledged what just took place Ok to understand it's not about personnel about living. In a very excited. Club on Talk Radio 601 point one f.m. . How will the weather affect you w b o p with. A few clouds down to 67 Presidents Day tomorrow cloudy a 30 percent chance of showers near 79 cloudy for Monday night a low of 60 Tuesday a 5050 range 69 Cloudy With a Chance of showers Wednesday warmer at 80 Thursday through Saturday sunshine and topping out of 82. Hits this show you can listen to any way you like you could wear what you like or you can wear nothing at all and you can sit or stand or even squat. I'm squatting and know your host. What. I want to start up no thank you for squatting Todd thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that with the group I am going to talk about something important I'd like of that most of what we do is important but this is key this is something I love I am holding in my hands a book called Is the Bible at fault how the Bible has been misused to justify eville suffering and bizarre behavior. The author is Dr Jerry Patton Gale He's written many many books he's been published in The Wall Street Journal and he is somebody who is currently the executive director of education for the Museum of the Bible holy guacamole Dr Jerry Pangaea welcome the program. Takes. I follow you and enjoyed your work over the years and must tell your audience if they don't already know they should go on and watch your re watch which I've done a couple times here National Prayer Breakfast speech I. I think Kerry gets one of the best speeches for a multi spat multi-faceted special of in recent history I just love it and when you handed President Obama that book you know your Bonhoeffer book I believe just I was seated just few tables in front of you just well what a wonderful what a wonderful event you I remember you you're probably thinking what a self promoting jerk. And he's a Christian I didn't know Christians that that's extraordinary Well thank you for appreciating my moment of chutzpah presidential level chutzpah I do appreciate that now that seriously that was one of the craziest days you can imagine of my life it was a it was that's a definition of God because I How did that whole thing happen well it was it was God it was it was insane but I didn't know you were there that's kind of cool and it was special we just launched the museum I think it was sitting there with. Senator Langford and Steve Green and a couple others it was a special event and everyone listening should should pull that on its own weight so you know I mean listen I tell my friends if you haven't seen it like you're Blige because it's just weird I I do some stuff that I don't want to tip it and I want to tell people what I do because I want them to be surprised but it's a little it's a. Oh wacky So let me courage you to to follow the advice of my new friend Dr Jerry Patton gale all right you know what of that is the title is great is the Bible at fault how the Bible has been misused to justify evil suffering and bizarre behavior everybody goes through life being attacked for you know the Bible says that the Bible says that I mean to me all my friends you know you get that from people so you decided to write a book on this subject Wow Ok what do we need to know what 1st of all why did you write a book on this subject well the main reason was I was asking the publisher were the those owned by had hash it now which is the 3rd largest publisher wonderful editors there. And they had been looking for 3 years for someone to write this and. There's obviously a lot of great authors out there but I've been working on some other books that they were aware of and I'm also writing. The new Fox's Book of Martyrs forward to the House and the series the t.v. In on the spending Christianity and in those studies I've. Hate to say it Eric I've come across so many case said he's We could have 5 or 6 volumes easily. You know so there's so much here and quite frankly going through this cycle university like you have. You know there it just happens quite often where you know you get people say. How can how can I even you know take you seriously I remember I was a Miami of Ohio study that Yamauchi dot you know Mucci I remember I critiqued a paper one time at the end of the seminar a Ph d. So men are a woman was frustrated because a didn't like her review of a book and. She said. You know you patronizing religious fanatic she said you know you believe in you know 100 foot statues of the visions of Jesus Well the situation tall said just taken place where it became public that he had a vision and they were going to med med center and that's how she categorized all the trips she entered in so we weren't taken seriously lead times at the the med center happen. When they built a building and so you know it didn't you know didn't come through you know in the end the good people there in the in the the school I think is on a good track now but. Yes so part of part of it was going through you know the tough research route and my programs and publications and being attacked for things that are bizarre are tough I will tell you one thing on this question you know when the publisher asked me to write this. I said Could I add something to the title because it 1st the title ended suffering how the Bible has been misused to justify evil suffering and to been misused to justify evil and suffering and I said I don't want to write just the really dark part of this because some things are just plain weird or just plain bizarre there's hilarity in them thar hills there's no question that there's really kooky stuff. Yeah so Ok. Yeah yeah so I thought let me start with the chapter on what's happening in Benton Harbor. Because a lot of it was just different now and what is some people really did want to get hurt and harbor I don't know what that is Ok so it in Been harbor the Israelites House of David was found at the turn of last century and then it broke off and to into another fashion between husband and wife it basically they gathered about a 1000 people gifted people like yourself really bought into this a lot of what we're part of the country Ok to Michigan Ok then Harlem Michigan Ok after I don't know anything about you if you get so you say Ok kind of here go to Holland Michigan Holland Michigan yeah. Yeah and so because of that from Holland Michigan Holland Michigan Indiana you'll pass Penn Harbor. You take the exit you go downtown that used to be the site of like a similar pro baseball team played there with this group they had long hair because they took a Nazarite vow and the teacher told him they should look like Jesus and he took his teachings as much from pictures of Jesus as he did from of the vehicle to remember the name and also pay for team were amazed they were called the is really a house of David or the Jesus boys Nagell page called I have seen photos of the House of David baseball team now I'm tracking with you so this was kind of like almost like a cult right like a religious community that took things a little too far. In some directions. Well that's you know as people people been harboring loved him they had outdoor markets they create the invent of the wall full cone bowling pin rack and things like Wait a minute this is right out of this is kingdom of heaven stuff are you serious Yeah invented the while phone. You just say that they invent a waffle cone and the bowling pin rack. What more women you can need this is of God Yeah there you go so what happens is when you go on a gifted people that buy into religious teaching and they give all of their goods to this place well. It just started accumulating wealth and they had a zoo there they had big These these these miniature trains and people came from all over to be with this group Ok when they need a little different they had when we get to the weird part because it sounds awesome . It does sound awesome Well no there here's the weird part so people were coming they would even play the Harlem Globetrotters basketball while they had some dude I waited with because this sounds the greatest group of people I have ever heard about they played the Globetrotters they invented waffle cones I mean this sounds pretty awesome. And so you can see why it was such a shock when in the middle not heat. The police descended on this compound I think was a 1927 and they arrested the founder he used to come out on the balcony and speak to them and then they would take his teachings and go you know about their way and live these taboo life and they would not have any sex so sex is prohibited by this group actually hang out and go we're going to go to break this is too exciting folks the book is called is the Bible at fault how the Bible has been misused to just fight evil suffering and bizarre behavior I'm talking Gerry Patton Gale the author stick around here in Texas show. A. Good Cheer. 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Well they found it found out didn't mince all these unique things happening that everyone loved is that there was a religious ceremony even though he banned sex from everyone there about a 1000 people he had a special initiation rite with all the young girls in which he had asked he was the 7th messenger. That is you know. No listen you know when I hear this you don't even have to say it because what you just said how many times have we heard exactly what you just said how many cult leaders over the decades I can't tell you how many times I've heard this and I knew it was coming as soon as you mention the weird guy at the head of this thing that typically they have like harsh views on sex but inevitably the leader has some special rules kind of carved out for himself and he's you know abusing and using innumerable young women I mean you hear this over and over and over and so you're telling me behind all this good stuff is this the super freak who is clearly not even close to caring about what God says or what the Bible says he's this is all for him. Yeah you're exactly right you know he would he would tell them that he would plant quote unquote the eternal seed within them to this initiation that hey hey guys this is a family show Dr Petit please. So sorry about that but that's about a mile is a catch here and there so by the way sign this is just you know you have to laugh because it's so horrifying that it is horrifying and. That you know sort of like the Shakers you know eventually they would run out of members or 2 members still living I just was a parent time took a picture for the book and. Their 2 men and their eighty's who are wonderful people you know they they believed in the best of this and they didn't know about the worst of it but somehow they still held on so that's that's a hard thing for me and they have a lot of money I think their wealth is $217000000.00 for this place with this gorgeous gorgeous facilities and one of the campuses so if you'll hand. It still there you can see the buildings were just restored let me ask you though once this guy was arrested did they sort of straighten up and fly right is there some redemption here. There seems to be his wife killed often have the young women in another camp down the road which looks like an old. And old defunct Bible camp the facilities are terrible you can if they're still there and they had all kinds of businesses were profitable and they made wooden pallets I think some of the 1st to do that and figured out cross propeller systems for steamships and things like that so they had a business idea that it's either teachings or were always suspect Yeah well like it . Yes Or we won't we do Eric is and then at the end of each chapter is go through and say here's here's some signs of something was wrong here's what the Scripture teaches and sort of like Abba large you know you can put the scripture no the page here's what Pernelle says in the House of David and here's really what you know here's what some orthodox teachers teach from these passages through the years and so it's it's kind of easy to see where it it comes astray and you know one of the saddest things for me I live in Indiana I'm calling from the campus Indiana West and university and. E You know the k.k.k. Was strong here and one of the chapters is on the k.k.k. But it's different and I think it's different in a lot of things that you've seen about the k.k.k. Sort of like your Bonhoeffer book where you show people a different side of on for your you take them the more in depth and the spirituality and so forth and so I look at the k.k.k. And I said What is it about the k.k.k. That created you know following the 250000 members you know. It in the early century and so. You know when I look at their teaching This is a what are they what are they actually teaching out of the Bible because the Bible here so if you look at Jonah 117 you know we all know the story of Jonah and you know and so there was a woman bishop that was their main teacher and she in a publishing her main documents from Indianapolis. And she taught that the fact that the the fish. Vomited Jonah says that even even a fish couldn't stomach a Semite So that shows you that God doesn't want us to tolerate the Simpson mini craze and so that's the Scripture they use totally out of context for their anti-semitic views and I'm thinking. Who in their right mind would believe that well 250000 people don't really believe it but they sign on the dotted line to become well you know it's not it's not that people need to believe it it's that certain number of people need to believe that because my thinking is that typically even in the church there are many people who might otherwise you might be going to a church where all the doctrine is correct. But many of the people who go there are not aware of the doctrine they themselves don't know it they don't believe it they're kind of going with the flow and you find this also with places where the doctrine is wrong I mean I know people who say I am a Muslim and then have a conversation with them as if they really don't know much about the Muslim religion they are culturally Muslim they're kind of going along with it and then there are other people of course who know it in depth but it's fascinating because a lot of these groups you have some people that understand what's being said and there are other people to just kind of along for the ride. And in so many cases the way I look at it I guess is that there's this thing in in history called the Christian church and when you deviate dramatically when you say no no they got it all wrong we've got it figured out you know 99 percent of the time you're wrong you know that that history has been right and when you say no I've got this new revelation or something it's always out of the pit of hell it's always going to harm people it's always going to twist everything in it sounds like you have collected all these chapters telling that story. Yeah that's that's a very good perception I mean you're spot on there you know one of the I nice to that I found in this really just doing the research I'm sure you had a lot of those eureka moments in the books you've done I was researching on th