Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 530 20111118 : compareme

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 530 20111118

jan and feb and we hope there is a good verdict in the case.. but either way this case has brought enormous attention to animal abuse here in our ccty." the judge is calling aa jurors onnmonday morning... pe says thats because of the ppblicity in the case.. and trial is expected to take.. two weeks. live downtown.. kathleen cairnn fox 45 news at 5:30 a man is sentenced to life in prison for stabbing to deeth an ctive duty marine at his pirthday party. party. 28-year-old miihael wiggins was convicted of first-degree murder and assault. assaull. this was the scenn back ii aauary 2011.... when wiggins stabbed 20-year-old private darius ray durinn two other suspeets were also charged with assault... woodard. the family of a woman who wws fatally stabbed by her husband in 2008 is suing the baltimmre police department... claiiing officers allowed him tt remain free to ccmmit crimms. veronica williams was stabbed outside the north avenue districc courthouse by herrhusband cleaven williams. family membbrs say before the murder... officers exchanged text messages with cleavvn pilliams.. trying to rrange a time for him to turn himself in... but never arrested him. a... peenager .../ faces... charges .../ baltimore... city police keith daniels.../ live.../ at... the.../ south-east... police district.../ áátteáá place ...where the suspect../// is... accused... of stealing badges.../ and... other equupment. state police have arrested a suspect in a string of armed robberies across several counties. 25-year-old michael malpass is &pstate police have arrested a suspecttin a string several counties. 25-yeer-old miihael maapass is charred ponvenience stores throughout counties.he was linked to the crimes through this surveillance photo.police pelieve he's responsible foo at leest ssxxrobberies ttis month. baltimore.../ has.../ become.../ one... of... two cities.../ in... to... test.../ a new... immigration policc. the ... program's.../ aim... // is... to freeze ...thh deportation... ...who.../ ádidn'tá commit.../ a... ssrious crime...//. ááadvocatesáá... applaud... the decision.../. áácritiisáá... ffar... it will make.../ baltimore... a... sanctuary city. p3:25:18 eople go where they mmryland issthe disneyland of phe eass coast for illegals attrrctions and free rides :29 :29 in... theenext legislative session,... mcdonough... plans to ááwithholdingáá... funding... to any city.../ r... county .../ that reffses... to enforce... pmmiiration rules. here's... our... question of the day. should illegal immigrants only be deporred if phey have criminal records? gg... to... fox- ballimore dot com .../ us ...what you think...//. áásoundáá off... thru... faccbook...///. a twwet../.// . ááoráá... p 45--203...///. ááenteráá... &pfox45a... or yes..// ááfox45báá / more faalout from the baltimore grand prix. prix.race organizers still owe pillionsto the well as countless vendors.but community leaders in federal to do witha ten thousand dollars impact grant.baltimore racing officials gavethem the money to help compensste for the inconveniences.some wwnt the ten thousandreturned to phe grand helpthem reduceetheir debt. (hawks) "well, iithink it's a very honorable suggestion, i don't elieve the money should have been given away in the fiist place to tte communities. the grand prix should have never come to baltimore because it shut off the entire city central." &pcentral."othhrs say fedeeal hill shouldkeep the en thousand...and use ittoo improve their communitt. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?brandi ppoctor has our trafffc edge report. report. 3&they saa one 3 animal abuse seriously ii the ravens take on the cincinatti bengels this weekend and we asked you to ssow us your purple pride... 3 3 take a look... at this pott.../ of... james parker..../ áájustáá eight weeks old.../ ááandáá.../ mom alreaay... has him... wearing.../ his ravens gear. and check out these guys.... theewhole baldwin famill... is cheering for the and max the dog. show uu.../ your... purple ááuploadáá phhtos ...and videos... to us ../ thru.../ "purple"... at... fox baltimore dot com....// ááyouáá can... see those pictures .../ on our.../ "see it... shoot it... send it" page .../ at...// foxbaltimore dot com..... ááoráá po... to.../ facebook dot com... slash... foxbaltimooe... / áácliccáá on... "inside fox45"... on the left side... of the screen. a... college student .../ makes... a sex tape.../ with his girlfriend. what he's accused of doing with it áafterwards... that's landed him in trouble with the law. p -- police sirens, "put your caught on camera....the shocking way this policc ccase ended. and a little dog makes a big mess on the highway... the tense moments that brought traffic to a standstill. 3 --adblib weather tz-- [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ♪ a former stevenson university hereewith details of the drama 3 in the orm room. police call it an act of revenge. when a relltionship goes sourr....a college student goes ex....having sex. 3 police say christopher pcott....a former lacrosse university...posted the sex video online without his former girlfriend's permission. scott allegedly shot the video almost wo years aao in his dorm rooo at stevenson. its been viewed thousands oo former girlfriend went to police, complaining of harrassment. scott is now priminally charggd. and the campus has been alerted. 10:566 "i think everybodys gonna think twice about what they do with that boyfriend or girlfriend. its &pgonna make everyone ssy shoul i or should i not." (5:50) "i definitely wouldn't want something like that happen to me, so....." 33 &pphristopher scott left stephhnson more than a year ago. he now lives in pennsylvania where a raid of his home last month....netted police with a lot more than that sex video.... on his computer, detectives found, what they describe, as images depicting child pornography. jeff abell, fox 45 news at 5::0. 3 ááformeráá... penn state... head coach... joe paterno.../ has... a... treatable form...// cancer...///áátheáá... family sayy... 84-year- old.../ paterno...// is... undergoing treatmenn .../// and.../ arr ctors...// - optimistic.../ make... a... full recoveryy"...///áámeantimeáá... .the sex scandal...// is...grooing../ 2... attorneys.../ say...// they... met with.../ victims-/ ááconsiderrngáá... coming forward ...with allegations.../ phat.../ former... coach...// jerry sandusky .../ them....// - ááoneáá... lawyer-/ represents.../ two... alleged victims &p is.../ talkin to... seeeral others....// áásomeáá... claims... go back.../ more than... 20-years. "in some instances, he uh -- raped or assaulted them on one occasion. in some instances what i can tell now, uh from - decades of uh predatory behavior. grooming families so he could exercise his predatory ways.." 3 attorneyy say.../ some... clients... were mmved.../ to... speak out...// story...// came...out &pmeantime.../ syracuse unnversity's.../ associate.../ basketball coach.../ &p bernie fine.../ ááisáá... administrative leave... / ááafteráá police....announcee.../ they're... re- investigating.../ child... sex abuse allegations.../ against.../ him...///.áátwoáá former... syracuse univerrityy../ ball boos... say.../ they... were molested foo years.../ by... the coach.../ 90s....////ááfineáá dennes... any wrongdoing. police have released dash cam video of an officer beiig attacked ii indiana. indiana. -- police sirens, "put your hands down!"--- down!"---investigators say paul spencer led police on a chase... then crashed hhs car... jumping out with a cammra... he begins stabbing an officer in the face...the other ccps then open fiie, killing spencer. the officer who was stabbed... is doing fine. drivers along this arizona r highway... when a dog gets loose and goes for a joy run... officers on motorcycles try to catch up to it..he dog jumped out of a car that had just been in an accident. officers eventually cornered the dog on a median... and owner... turned him to his - 3 3& i really dont wanna perform its unnecessary. but i'm gonna leave it up to you, you're my mentor do you think i shhuld perform. one contestant's really bad attitude... on last night's "x . factor." coming up.../ we'll show you whatt happened... aftee this comment. 3 --adblib weather tz--  poññ/ america sends home one more contestant on the x factor. candacc doll.../ is... here... with reaction.../ to... last night's elimination.../ for today's lowwown. 3 (((pkg)))the good news is marylann native's paige elizabeth ogle and maacus canty are stilllin the was a dramatic night for the people with the teenage rapper astro and - 42-year-old stacy fraacis were in the bottom two and they both had to sing for survival. but it was astro's attitude... that stood out more than his performance. iireally dont wanna perform its unnecessarydo u think i shoudl perform youve come a long way eventually astrooperformed "nevvr say goodbye"... and stacy sang "amazing grace." phey eventually sent stacy morning and i asked her about astro's comments.. here is what she had to say.sot stacy: he is young.. immaturity you can see the topp9 on the x factor tuesday and wednesday at 8pm hhre on fox45. i'm candace dold and hat is your lowdown. can... take... a few - poiits.... oof.../ your "bad"... cholesterol.../ doctors... studied... nearly... fifteen hundred adults..../ ááandáá... found ...either... green tea .../ or... ccpsules... / ácontainingá... green tea &pcompounds .../ took... up... to... six pointss../ áoffáá... bad cholesterol levels.../. áágreenáá tea... in ooe effective... than - capsules.... / áá'thoáá overall... benefits were small. a... chillly... day out there .../ warmer weekend... 3 let's check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid for a look at the forecast. forecast. 3 3 when... news breaks.. / ááaccessáá the... latest information... righh on your... ell phone.../. the... fox45... mobile news app... for your droid... or i--hone.../. ááitáá has... headlines.. traffic.. and weather conditions.. / ááalláá t... your fingertips.../. áágoáá .../ and... look om - for... "mobile""../ screen. .. right... of the 3 3 i think it's abbut the stupidest thing i've ever heard." 3 animal rights group.... the animeason peta wants a small to to change its name. [ chiand be invisible!m [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit that's the power of german engineering. to keep it a secret as long as they could...but after his reports ravens linebackkr ray lewis is likely out for sunday. lewis listed as questionableefor week 11 with the bengals....on the injury report itts listed as foot... i'm hearing toe..we have no pdea when this injury happened last sunday against visable signn during that game. .if lewis doos not suit up sunday... his streak of 57 consecutive game staats wwll john harbaugh asked if there's an injury update on &plewis... he replied no... and nothing more.but did get chatting when asked if he will play. "ray is ray, you know? yoo can't count ray out. there could be reports out there, pnd you guysscould turr over some rocks and figure it out and ask and think you've got something, and you might have something. but you might noo, beccuse you're talking about i think ii's something he coulddplay with, possibll. but we are verr confident in ur &plinebackers. and we're confident in our defense. you what you dd. we've had plentyy - of injuries all year; we've had lots of guys hurt throughout the course of the year. we'll play wiih the guys thaa we have, and we're confident in those guys. ww have a really good group." so the bengals young offense probably going to catch a break.the ravens have two linebackers questionable... da- brendon ayanbadejo might get the start along side jameel mcclain at linebackkr..anddi'm suue thee'll stackkthe line with paul kkuger and perrell mcphee.sergio kindle could be active for the 2nd time this season..we do know anthony allen and arthur jones are out sunday. bengals receiver aj green doubtful with a knee injury... and the first m-i-a-a ffotball championshipp.. that's coming up at 10-50 and 11-30 on sports unlimited... 3&it's warming up this wwekend... but will we have good weather at game time? time? let's check back with chief meterologist vytas reid. 3 3 3 a ssall northern 3&ptexas town is the targgt of animal rights grouu this holiday season. peta ... is... calling... on the town of turkey .../ to chaage ...its name... for thanksgiving.../. áátheáá group ... says... the town ... should call itsell.... "to--furky...."" /// to... promote compassion for turkeys ... who suffer ...during the holiday season....///áábutáá... the... small town--- / with... less thaa.../ 500 residents-/ -doesnt aapear... to be ...on board. thing i've evee heardd" ? i -- 'doo't mess with texas.' my theory is, we're going to makk a new sign-- don't mess with turkey, texas." texas." peta sent a letter... to the mayor... askkng... for the nameechange ... for just... ttanksgiving day.../. ááináá exchange, .../ peta offered give... the town.../ a... healthy vegannfeest... for all its residents. 3 that's alllfor fox45 news at 5:30."judge judy" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight for fox45 news at ten -- and the late edition att11... 11...we'll see yoo later. later.

Related Keywords

United States , Indiana , Pennsylvania , Germany , Texas , Turkey , America , German , Paige Elizabeth Ogle , Arthur Jones , Candace Dold , Jeff Abell , Anthony Allen , Keith Daniels , James Parker , Darius Ray , Paul Spencer , Veronica Williams , Jerry Sandusky , John Harbaugh , Eason Peta , Joe Paterno ,

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