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Ppobably s not the same. Harbaugh on ray last dance. And a colttravens preview. Later in spprts unlimiied. Everyone is howing heir purple ppide today. Tooay. The. Scuba divers. At the aquarium. Are. Getting into the spirit. . They. Donned. Their. Purple jerseys. For a dive this morning. . And. Even performed ray even the annmals t the aquarium get upset whhn thinking about the ravens opponentlook at what margaret. He aqqarrumss macaw. Did to thh colts logo when she saw it. He crushed itt. And sttrted tearing it to peices. Iq everybodyys showing their the entire pier. Pwilll. Be. Lit up. Purple toniiht this. Is. Not just. Any purple friday. thiss. Friday. . That. acculd bea. Ay lewiss. alasta game in baltmore. Joel d. Smith takee us purple friday caravan. Andd tells us about the 1 thing a real ravens fan will anotaado. Do. 817 ravens fans areeyou playoff ready . . Ready . . Pggmm time. 8 3 are my . Dogs in the houss . Wwooooo band nat the purple friday caravan always staats thh same. With confidence overflowing 100145. Ravees whooo but a playoff apperance is not good enough for this crowd anymore. 849 row in he playoffs. People dress rrhearsals. Now you pdd innthat this is ray lewis p 58 55 ast time and feeling even biggerr 4853 its still ssocking to me how big it isgarrett morris took this when the movie tteatre he away. 4855 rayylewis has been my fav player for 17 seasons. Think of how fierce lewis is. Like the hulk4548 since ray announced his retirement, it def makes it more speccal too try to make it all the way thhs ear. 907 with his pretirement, it brings a whole and othings more new than. The newest ravens fan,. 5 month old macc 937 44 i want him to meet poe and the cheerleaders, nd ii excited new ravens jersey. You might be able to fund part of macs pduuation if you sold the ticcets. But for this game . Priceless. T mmhenry rrw. , 95855 lets go avens joel 3 the ravens purple friday caravan continues tonight at power plant live from 6 30 10 . 10 00. Thht whereefans could win tickets. To the that brings us to our question of the day. What are our ravenscoots game . Go. To. Foox baltimore dot com. tell us. What you thhik. . Sound. Off. Thru. Facebook. . Send. Or us. A tweet. At foxbaltimooe. . Purple pride. Everywherelook at this little guy. Hes ready for ttii wwekends game. And hes even wearinn rays number show uu. Your purple pride. . Go to. Foxbaltimore dot com. To. Uploaa your pictures. Or. Send them. Directll. From your cell. To. Purple t. Com. see. Our. Ravens photo galleryy. Or n our website. An. Update. News. We. Aired. Yesterdayy n. Now. Know the names. Of the teenagers. Involved. In that serious crash. In. Countyii. Happennd. On. Route p99. arrund. 230. Thuusday afternoon. right. In. Front of. Mount hebron high school. you. Can. See. What remaiis there. . Police. Say. A honda civicc. Ppplled out. Plot. . Riiht. In. Front. Of a mack truck. Owned by. A. Tree clearing compan company. the. Driver. Of thh honda. 18yearold. Jeffrey sinclair. . Was. Flown to pcooddtion. 4. Other students. In the par. . Justin. Alexander. pand. Urek bradshaw. ere. Rushed. To. Howard county general. Injuriess. . The. 3 truckkdriier. Wasnt. Hurt. the. Crash. Is under investigation a. 10yearold girr. Killed by a stray bullet. On. New years eve. p has. Given. At least. Children. A. Gift gift boyer. Passed away. Earlier. This week. support. At a childrens 3 in. Wilmington, delaaare. according to er family. At least 3 other children received her organs. One chill at the same hospital. Peceived her heart. Poliie. Say. Bbyer was shot in the head monday night. Hile visiting family. In fireworks outtide,. P when. Aaliyah collapsed. police. Are. Searrhing for suspectt. An update now to breaking news onnfox45 news at tee. Pen. Police are still looking men. Alonn winding way in whiie marsh. Thatssjust off of silvee spring road. Road. Police say the victims were stabbed after getting into a fighh with another the otherris still being l. Treated this. Is. The scene of a fire. On. Schlay. Avenue. last night. the. Smoke. Is comingg. From. Started. It. Aboot. 7. . Everyone. Got out. one. 18yearold woman. Was treated. Inhalltion. . Fireffghters. Aatacced. This fire. From. Hh oo of the building iq the fire did burn throughh the roofoq bbtter under ccntrol control investigation. . Still under investigators. Are. Trying to determine. If the homes. Had working smoke detectors an Elementary School student. From silvvr spring. Whoowas suspended from school for makingga gun gesture wwth hhs hand. Will haveehissrecord cleared. Cleared. Kathleen cairns. Joins us. With. More onn hh fate. Of. Tte. Six year old. Chool administrattrs called it a serious youngster he threetened to shoot a student. They wwnted to have a seeious discussion with the boy and his parents. About what they called. problematic pbehavior. But rodney ynch ssyy he got in trouble after prettnding his scissors were a gun. He says he was just playing. And it was all fun and gaaes. P 01 rodney lynch just poonting yoor fingers likk this, and she dii tteepow sound. I just went like that then i got sent to he office again. And im the oneethat gets suspended for nothing. School went too far with the punishment. And they say they wish adminiisrators had initially handled the situutton differently. Kc fox 45 news aa five how are thh roads ooking tonig . Tonight . Brandi proctor has our traffic edge report. Repprt. Map greenspring libbrtybat natl pikeshawan map395 3 3 a delay in this years tax returnn. Why the last minute deal on the fiscal cliff is to bllae. P blaae it on the booze. Why prison nnates are suing major Alcohol Companies for the crimes that put them pehind bars. And the senseless excuse theyre giving. 3 155thousand jobs were added in ddcember. Thaas according tooa new jobs reeort. Released by the Labor Department just minutes ago. Phiring comes from he bbggest manufacturing and constructiin. Which added 30 preflects adddtional hiring neededdto rebuild after superstorm sandd. Therees no word yet if your tax refunds will be delayed this year. Because fiscal cliff. The irs says its reviewing the details of this weeks tax llgislation. Aad assessing what impact ii will have on this years the 1040 form for 2012. Severrl lines areelisted as those are plaaeholders forr several fiscal cliff provisions ittwas waiting on at the time. We. Could. Get. More gaspains. Soo soon. the. Cost. Of a gallon of gas. Ppent up 6 cents. In maayland. In. The past week. . Up. Too. An verage of. 339. A gallln. its. A. Dime higherr. Than his time last year. Year. Experts saa. Higger. Crude oil pricess. Coold be. The culprit. but. They also say. You can bbame. The fiscal cliff. . Debt policies. Can elevate. Tte price of oil. 5 idaao inmates are blammng plcohol companies. For the crimee ttat ppt them behiid bars. And now. Heye going as far as suing them. Them. Theyre seeking 1billlon pdollars frrmm8 of the Largest Companies in the world. Tte addictiveness of alcohol when they started drinkiig as booze for a range oo crimes. Including anssaughter label. Because itts ommon sense. If you put these guyssthrough depositions nd you ask them what do you know about alcohol . I think its pretty common knowledde that its addictive. Its well nown to be addictive and its well knnwn to be something that causes you to reduce your inhibitions and to do things you otherwise wouldnnt do. The defendants include and the akers of jim beam. Noneehave responded to the pfiling. Earlier we asked for ppredictions on the ravens playoff game with the colts. Colts. Its our question of he. Day. Diane writts on our facebook ppge. Close, but ravens win. Win. And donna writes. Dont like to prrdict. I donttwant to jinx anything. Anyyhing. Of course lot response on this not there do seem to be a feww pcolts fans out there. 3 go to foxbaltimore ddt com and tell us what you think. You can also sound off through ffcebook. Send us a tweet. At foxbaltimore. Obamacare mmy money. Thats costing them eeployees. P3 one robber messed with thee wrong clerk. Whaa he did to this thief. When he demanded all of the stores money. 3 adblib weather a. Wannabe thief. Attempts. To rob. A. New jersee deli. . The. On the storrs. Surveillance tape. . Tape. . The. Robber. Walkee into the store. and. Simply demanded money. his. Face, ccvered. . And. Hes armee. With a but. Thats when. The clerk juss said no. Hidalgo says my reaction i go out and he sees me go out so he goes out rrnning. Running. Kim says this is like employee of he year . Yeah or like the centuryy century not. Only did. Jesus. Reffse to hand over the money he actually chased. The wannabe robber. Out of he store literally. Kickingghim out. unfootunately. P the ggy. Got away. jesus. Says. ahesa. Even. Re 3 arizona. Teenagers. Arr rescued. From a frozen lake. after. The. Ice cracked. Beneaahht. Them. One of theeteens made it to a nnwcovered bank. But as you can see here. Crews had to pluck the other 2 from a dead tree they were hanging onto in the middle of the lake. Rescuers say the teens were hanging onno the dead tree for more than atwo hoursa without their shoes. Because those were stuck to the ice. All three teens were taken to the hospital and treeted for mild ypothermia. 3 3 the impact new obamaaare rules. May have on small busiiesses. May have on small the newwAffordable Care act. Also knownas obamacare doesnt take effect unttlnext year. Bbu as john rydell tells s. Some localbusiness owners say theyre already worriedabout how theell be impacted. John. Impacted. Johh. One business owner. Tells me. He may. Not be able to. Afford to offer. Ealth insurance. To allhis employees. But if he doesnt. He says. Ell still. Pay the price. Price. nats at j. Kings. Steak and seafood. The winter months. Are usually slower. And the staaf. Is smaller. But james king. Who also owns. Seveeal other restaurants. Is preparing too lay off even more employees. kinn so were oing the math right now and it looks to be as if its goiig to be bussness. Hes not blaming the economy. So much asthe new Affordable Care act. Better known as obamacare. While. It doesnt officiaaly take effect untii 2014. King. Sayssthh i. R. S. Is alreadyystartinggto monitor the payrools of businesses. He says he i. R. S. Will calculate employment numbers from this ppear. To decide which year. And king says the real pproblem. Is that uncle sam. Will soon classify emplooees. Who also must be e covered. king and to get bellw 50 person thrrshold means some pretty drassicc layoffs. Its not one or two ppeoppe, its dozens of people ryddll the maayland Retailers Association says pome of its membbrs are already receiving informationn implemented. But some say w theyre still worriid abouu all the fine print. donaao what is the rice of what im going to be required to do under obamacare and that is still relatively nebulous. Jamee king. Ssys ii if he refuses to comply with obamacare. He couud face fines. Of up to two thousand ollaas. Pee employee. king but ittlooks now likes its going to be a 55,000 to 85,000 hit to the bottom line and quiie frankly aalot of my businesses dont make thht mucc money each year so were very nervous about james king. Says. Hh currentlyoffers. Health insuuance. Toohis managers. But he cant afford. Tt else. Epseically. All his parttime. Seasonal workers. Five. An. Alarming. Nuuber of americans. Admit. To having. Fallen asleep. behind. The whe. Wheel. According. To. A. Government survey. Releaseddthursday. ne. In. 24 people say. They fell asleep. While drivinn sometime. In thh last month. however. Healthhofficials. Think. That number. Actually. Be higher. because. Many people. Ont realize it. Whennthey. Nod off. Ffrra second or two. yet. Many people attempt. Long drives anyway iq so you just drive in from north arolinaoq stopped here and gottsome 3coffee coffeedrowsy driving. Appeared to be. More common. In men. and peeple ages 255to 34. Heres one thing you can do pith your olddchristtma tree. Tree. Make it lunch. Zoo their Holiday Season wiih a feast of discarded christmas trees. Tte trees are holiddy left overr,unsold during christmas. That were ponated to the zoo by the local vendors. Elephants along ith other animals in the zoo are attractee to chrissmas trees because of their trong smeel. This feast lasts for several weeks 3 next on fox45 news at 530. Financial relief. For hurricane sandyyvvctimss. Why theell still be waiting. And the child that bullet on new years eve. Nee att5 33. The search for the preson who fired the gun. After the break new at 530a hearing for the teenager accused of shooting a classmate in Perry Hall High School in august. Has been delayed again. Accuued aas an dulta for the shooting t perry hall high. Paniel borowy. He hearing was to ddtermine if e will be tried as an duut or a juvenile. The hearing has not county detentiin centere 14members. Of the national chhmpion. Loyyla lacrosse team. showed. Their supportt. For th

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