Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 500 20120718 : compareme

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 500 20120718

on the storms tonight as it ye - anticipates the possibility of more outages. outages.karrn parks is streaming live from downtown baltimore with how the utility is bracing for bad weather. 3 3 3 3 taking a look at current power outages.... just over 300 hundred outages in baltimore righpeopn balttmore couuty are without ellctricity. over 35- hundred customers total arr without power at this point. power at this are without customers total over 35- hundred electricity. are without altimore county hundred people in more than 21- now.baltimore right now. baltimore right outages in over 300 hundreddoutages.... just current power taking a &plook at 3 taking a look at current power outages.... just over 330 hundred outages in baltimore people in baltimore county are without electricity. over 35- hundred customers total are without pooer at this point. summer... &pheat... beaas... down ...on baltimore... once again.../. temperatures ... topping off... over... 100 degrees.../ ppul... gesslerr.. took a ride... up 95.../ to.. .check... how... the kids... at... cal ripken's baseball camp... were beating.. the heat.paul-- water, jeff.lots of it. mandatory breaks on and off the field for campers at ripken stadium a way, aberdeen had it easy. their high was óóóó. (98?)that was a few degrees cooler than baltimore... on the field turf, thoughh it's routinely 10 to 15 degrees hotter.that meant the rookie campers we saw in action today had gloves in one hand: and water in the other.more than 300 kids are going through the ripken experience this week.high temps were not going to keep them awayyfrom the diamond. ryan heller, ripken experience coach: 1.30.18 "this whole these guys to stay hydrated oo - not only when you're here, but when you're at home elaxing." hari lymon, father: 1.41.01 "doesn't matter what temperature it is, what room of the house he's in, he's playing baseball somewhere somehow."camden: 1.27.20 "drinking a lot of water... like every time the coach says ...that kid's name was, in can't make up.there is some heat relief in sight tomorrow and friday, but, with that, comes the threat of rain.paul gessler, fox45 news at five. the... maryland... public service commission... promotes .../ mer--win... sands... to... the position... of... executive director...//. sands ... served... the p-s-c... for eight yeaas.../ most... recently... as... director... of the telecommunications... , gas, aad water division.../.in ... his... new position... the... and... coordinate... with staff counsel.../ in cases... before the commission.../// that brings us to our question of the you think the maryland public service commission is working in your best interest? go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thru... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.../. text... your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a for yes.. / ffx45b for no. the... maryland... dream act ... is... getting support... from leaders ... in... education and reeigion. religionn the... measure... is now being backed... by... freeman ... hra--bowksi... the... president of the university of maryland, ... baltimore county.../. he... was... joined today... by... catholic bishop... denis madden ..../ as... they... spoke... in support of the law.../ giving... in state tuition... to... illegal immigrants...///the... two... are launching a campaign... to protect the dream acc ... as... it faces... a... ballot referendum in november. "the dream act does not give special favors to children of undocumented immigrants, it gives them a level playing field, a fair chance" chance" "children need to know that adults believe in them and that they appreciate the power of education to transform lives" lives." critics say the dream act will cost taxpayers millions. a petition drive collected more than enough signaturee to put the measure to a vote. commuters ... are... trying to make... their way around two blocks... of... light street again tonight../. buu... it's the businesses surrounding the water main break... that are really suffering../ kathleen caiins joins us to explain... heavy construction is underway but repairs will take three weeks.almost a dozen businesses arr still closed because they dont have water. but a temporary pipe is being put in which should get them back in business by tomorrow. some nearby restaurants are offering 'water main specials' in an effort to entice customerr to come in. but with only foot traffic allowed around these two blocks of light street... business has been reduced significantly. shopkeepers worry about the long term economic impact weeks. (j. kirby fowler)"some busiiesses when they can are opening.. there are some business that can that can sell products without running water likeefreshies for example.. but for the most part you need a fire suppression system that relies on water and so alot of thhse businesses cant be in effect." the repairs are complicated since the pipes are old... but business owners worry... the longer they take.. the bigger the economic impact will be... kc fox 45 news at five. meantime.../ baltimore's... mayor doesn't think... the... water main break... will... pose... any problems... preparing... for... the grandprix.../ takes place... labor day.. weekend. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with ur aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced that we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any impact." impacc."one year ago...there weremajor repairs to pratt preparation forthe race. parts ... of... anne arundel county... are under ... ... mandatory ...24-hour ... restriction... on... outdoor water use .../ due... to... repairs... to... a... water main... in... the nts... northern ...and western sections... of the county... may not ...water lawns,... or... fill up pools... 'til... further notice.../. anyone... violating... the restrictions.../ could face... a... civil citation... and... a.. 125-- dollar... fine...// how are the roads looking tonig? tonight? brandiiproctor has our traffic edge report. report. mapbelairfiber895maps 3 a police chase that ends in a huue crash.why authorities were chasing one of their own &ppolice cars. look before you leap.that's what some swimmers are saying after jumping into the water off the coast of florida... coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. [ horn honks ] ♪ oh, those were the best of days ♪ ♪ i still feel the summer rays ♪ that graced our backs as we went down the lane ♪ [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] when your car is more than just a car to you, the right insurance matters. are you getting the coverage options you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit a... burglary suspect... in ohio... triis... getting away... from police... by... stealing of their cruisers... / and... its ... caught on camera..../ when... police... approach the scene... shots are pired... and... a... 21-year-old man... is killed..../ that's... when ...the suspect ...hops... in... a cruiser... and... takes off... with police... firing shots the car..../ police... arrest him... after... he crashes ... into... an... apartment building...//. they're... now... looking for... a second suspect. as former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky awaits sentencing after being convicted off sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period... his former employer is taking steps to move beyond the crippling child sex abuse scandal. the university's president is speaking out... insley earhardt shows you the plans he has laid out plans to move f. forward. rodney erickson is the president of penn state university. he took over last november aftee graham spanier was forced to resign in the wake of the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. sot-erickson: "...this has been obviously a very difficult time for the university // ii's been a time when we've had to really had to look into the soul of the university, and what we have seen has been very difficult for us..." erickson says procedures have been put in place to deal with the aftermath of the scandal and the university is committed to moving forward. sot-erickson: "...the faculty, staff and alumni are as committed as ever to making sure that we learn from mistakes that were made. that we move forward and that we use this as an opportunity to become and even better and stronger university..." and part of that moving forward process might mean taking down the statue of formee football coach joe paterno. many have called for its removal after the ffeeh report concluded paterno burred allegations against sandusky to protect the university. sot-erickson: "...there are aspects of paterno's legacy that are important to remember // there are also obviously based on the freeh report some very, very negativee aspects // so we have to look at this comprehensively and we have to come up with a comprehensive solution..."(tag) the university also is preparing to respond to the n-c-double-a, which also is reviewing the university's actions in the sandusky case. the association might shut the school's football program down complltely. in new york, ainsley earhardt, fox news. earlier we told you about a new leader of the maryland public service commission... the agency that regulates utilities like b-g-e.that brings us to our question of the you think the psc is working in your best interes? interest? steven writes on facebook... "no the psc is totally not fair for maryland public serrice." service." and brian writes ..."we are secondaay." secondary." so far most people ttink the commission could be more consumer friendly. go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thru... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a forr yes.. / fox45b for no. 3 not what you want tt see when you're taking a dip in the ocean.the way this shark surprised a group of swimmers. 3 --adblib weather tz-- [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. imagine... being out the ocean... with... your friends, .../ jumping... into ...the water ...with your ... underwater camera... / and... seeing this. this.the... group of guys... woke up early,.../ spearfishing... 12... miles out.../.one... of... them ...jumps in.../ and... the... first thing... he sees .../ is... a shark ...staring back ... at him.../.as... you can guess... they... all immediately... climbed back... on... the boat. 37-43"the shark kept circling several times around the boat. i could see the silhouette clearly. i mean, the water was crystal clear." clear."1:22-1:30"just a reminder to all the divers and swimmers and people that are in the water, they are out there. so just try to be aware of your surroundings." surroundings."mal-donado... says the shark... followed them... for about 20 minutes... back to land.../.they're... not sure ...of the shark species.../ but... think... it was... a great white. ----- insert jaws quotes here ----- just a blanket of humidity outside today.we're having to endure quite a heatwave.chief meteorologist vytas reid... we... are still giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards...//.it's our giant summer contest!if you want to win one... you still can.../ we are giving them away all this week...//.tune intt our morning show everyday to hear if your name is drawnn drawn.if you want tt enter... just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... / become a fan... and complete the entry form... to enter..../go to our website... for complete contest rules. 3 news concerning the make up of some baby products.the f-d-a's action to and what it will meen for he safety of children. the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at the... f--d--a... has... officially banned... using... b-p-a... in... certain baby products. products.b-p-a... is.. .a... chemical... used in .. products... like cans... and... plastic bottles..../ f-d-a... regulations... now prohibit... the use ...of b-p-a... in... making baby bottles, ... sippy cups ... and... cans ontaining.. .infant formula..../most... manufacturers... have already stopped using... b-ppa... in... baby products.../ over... concerns about... health problems... linked to the chemical. a... drug... in the early stages ...of development... is... showing signs... of... stopping... the... progression... of alzheimer's...//. 3 a ... medicinee called... gamma-guard.../ seemed to neutralize... brain damage ... from... inflammation... treatments ... stabilized... the symptoms ... for... at least... three years... fisher says: it's the first time we've seen a trial suggesting you can essentially freeze alzheimer's in its tracks, stop its progression. //butt to//longo says: the patients that were treated in this trial that we're hearing about today were already in fairly advanced stagee of alzheimer's disease, if we can apply this therapy at earlier stages it might be even more ef. effective. as... boomers age, ... alzheimer's... is... predicted thirty years... in... popularity.. / google-plus ... is... beating faceb. facebook.the... one-year-old... social network ... tops... a list... from the... american ...customer satisfaction index.../.google-plus... tied with... wiki--pedia... as... átheá... most-liked... social media siies.../. facebook... logged in... at the bottom ...of the list.../ even... though dwarfs ...its competition../facebook... has... 900-million... active users... compared to ...150-milllon.../ on... google-plus. meantime... according... to the ...american consumer satisfaction index .../ facebook... &p saw... an... 8-percen this . yeaa.../. the... biggest drop... of any media outlet... surveyed... / users... are... unhappy with changes... to... the... user interface... addition... of timeline.../. - they... also complain... about... privacy issues... and... ads...///. twitter... and... linked-in ...also ...disappointed users.../while... google led... the pack, .../ tying... with wikipedia... for the number one ... spot. 3 morr than two weeks ago without power.what the hold up is... coming up. 3 --adblib weather tz-- a line of storms making their way through the area.we're seeing some temperatures drop as well. well.chief meteorologist vytas reid has more on what we can expect. with ...

Related Keywords

United States , Florida , New York , Maryland , Ohio , Baltimore County , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , American , Santa Fe Caesar , Graham Spanier , Paul Gessler , Rodney Erickson , Jerry Sandusky , Bryan Heller , Joe Paterno , J Kirby Fowler , Denis Madden ,

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Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 500 20120718 :

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 500 20120718

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on the storms tonight as it ye - anticipates the possibility of more outages. outages.karrn parks is streaming live from downtown baltimore with how the utility is bracing for bad weather. 3 3 3 3 taking a look at current power outages.... just over 300 hundred outages in baltimore righpeopn balttmore couuty are without ellctricity. over 35- hundred customers total arr without power at this point. power at this are without customers total over 35- hundred electricity. are without altimore county hundred people in more than 21- now.baltimore right now. baltimore right outages in over 300 hundreddoutages.... just current power taking a &plook at 3 taking a look at current power outages.... just over 330 hundred outages in baltimore people in baltimore county are without electricity. over 35- hundred customers total are without pooer at this point. summer... &pheat... beaas... down ...on baltimore... once again.../. temperatures ... topping off... over... 100 degrees.../ ppul... gesslerr.. took a ride... up 95.../ to.. .check... how... the kids... at... cal ripken's baseball camp... were beating.. the heat.paul-- water, jeff.lots of it. mandatory breaks on and off the field for campers at ripken stadium a way, aberdeen had it easy. their high was óóóó. (98?)that was a few degrees cooler than baltimore... on the field turf, thoughh it's routinely 10 to 15 degrees hotter.that meant the rookie campers we saw in action today had gloves in one hand: and water in the other.more than 300 kids are going through the ripken experience this week.high temps were not going to keep them awayyfrom the diamond. ryan heller, ripken experience coach: 1.30.18 "this whole these guys to stay hydrated oo - not only when you're here, but when you're at home elaxing." hari lymon, father: 1.41.01 "doesn't matter what temperature it is, what room of the house he's in, he's playing baseball somewhere somehow."camden: 1.27.20 "drinking a lot of water... like every time the coach says ...that kid's name was, in can't make up.there is some heat relief in sight tomorrow and friday, but, with that, comes the threat of rain.paul gessler, fox45 news at five. the... maryland... public service commission... promotes .../ mer--win... sands... to... the position... of... executive director...//. sands ... served... the p-s-c... for eight yeaas.../ most... recently... as... director... of the telecommunications... , gas, aad water division.../.in ... his... new position... the... and... coordinate... with staff counsel.../ in cases... before the commission.../// that brings us to our question of the you think the maryland public service commission is working in your best interest? go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thru... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.../. text... your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a for yes.. / ffx45b for no. the... maryland... dream act ... is... getting support... from leaders ... in... education and reeigion. religionn the... measure... is now being backed... by... freeman ... hra--bowksi... the... president of the university of maryland, ... baltimore county.../. he... was... joined today... by... catholic bishop... denis madden ..../ as... they... spoke... in support of the law.../ giving... in state tuition... to... illegal immigrants...///the... two... are launching a campaign... to protect the dream acc ... as... it faces... a... ballot referendum in november. "the dream act does not give special favors to children of undocumented immigrants, it gives them a level playing field, a fair chance" chance" "children need to know that adults believe in them and that they appreciate the power of education to transform lives" lives." critics say the dream act will cost taxpayers millions. a petition drive collected more than enough signaturee to put the measure to a vote. commuters ... are... trying to make... their way around two blocks... of... light street again tonight../. buu... it's the businesses surrounding the water main break... that are really suffering../ kathleen caiins joins us to explain... heavy construction is underway but repairs will take three weeks.almost a dozen businesses arr still closed because they dont have water. but a temporary pipe is being put in which should get them back in business by tomorrow. some nearby restaurants are offering 'water main specials' in an effort to entice customerr to come in. but with only foot traffic allowed around these two blocks of light street... business has been reduced significantly. shopkeepers worry about the long term economic impact weeks. (j. kirby fowler)"some busiiesses when they can are opening.. there are some business that can that can sell products without running water likeefreshies for example.. but for the most part you need a fire suppression system that relies on water and so alot of thhse businesses cant be in effect." the repairs are complicated since the pipes are old... but business owners worry... the longer they take.. the bigger the economic impact will be... kc fox 45 news at five. meantime.../ baltimore's... mayor doesn't think... the... water main break... will... pose... any problems... preparing... for... the grandprix.../ takes place... labor day.. weekend. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with ur aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced that we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any impact." impacc."one year ago...there weremajor repairs to pratt preparation forthe race. parts ... of... anne arundel county... are under ... ... mandatory ...24-hour ... restriction... on... outdoor water use .../ due... to... repairs... to... a... water main... in... the nts... northern ...and western sections... of the county... may not ...water lawns,... or... fill up pools... 'til... further notice.../. anyone... violating... the restrictions.../ could face... a... civil citation... and... a.. 125-- dollar... fine...// how are the roads looking tonig? tonight? brandiiproctor has our traffic edge report. report. mapbelairfiber895maps 3 a police chase that ends in a huue crash.why authorities were chasing one of their own &ppolice cars. look before you leap.that's what some swimmers are saying after jumping into the water off the coast of florida... coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. [ horn honks ] ♪ oh, those were the best of days ♪ ♪ i still feel the summer rays ♪ that graced our backs as we went down the lane ♪ [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] when your car is more than just a car to you, the right insurance matters. are you getting the coverage options you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit a... burglary suspect... in ohio... triis... getting away... from police... by... stealing of their cruisers... / and... its ... caught on camera..../ when... police... approach the scene... shots are pired... and... a... 21-year-old man... is killed..../ that's... when ...the suspect ...hops... in... a cruiser... and... takes off... with police... firing shots the car..../ police... arrest him... after... he crashes ... into... an... apartment building...//. they're... now... looking for... a second suspect. as former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky awaits sentencing after being convicted off sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period... his former employer is taking steps to move beyond the crippling child sex abuse scandal. the university's president is speaking out... insley earhardt shows you the plans he has laid out plans to move f. forward. rodney erickson is the president of penn state university. he took over last november aftee graham spanier was forced to resign in the wake of the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. sot-erickson: "...this has been obviously a very difficult time for the university // ii's been a time when we've had to really had to look into the soul of the university, and what we have seen has been very difficult for us..." erickson says procedures have been put in place to deal with the aftermath of the scandal and the university is committed to moving forward. sot-erickson: "...the faculty, staff and alumni are as committed as ever to making sure that we learn from mistakes that were made. that we move forward and that we use this as an opportunity to become and even better and stronger university..." and part of that moving forward process might mean taking down the statue of formee football coach joe paterno. many have called for its removal after the ffeeh report concluded paterno burred allegations against sandusky to protect the university. sot-erickson: "...there are aspects of paterno's legacy that are important to remember // there are also obviously based on the freeh report some very, very negativee aspects // so we have to look at this comprehensively and we have to come up with a comprehensive solution..."(tag) the university also is preparing to respond to the n-c-double-a, which also is reviewing the university's actions in the sandusky case. the association might shut the school's football program down complltely. in new york, ainsley earhardt, fox news. earlier we told you about a new leader of the maryland public service commission... the agency that regulates utilities like b-g-e.that brings us to our question of the you think the psc is working in your best interes? interest? steven writes on facebook... "no the psc is totally not fair for maryland public serrice." service." and brian writes ..."we are secondaay." secondary." so far most people ttink the commission could be more consumer friendly. go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... what you think.../. sound... off... thru... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a forr yes.. / fox45b for no. 3 not what you want tt see when you're taking a dip in the ocean.the way this shark surprised a group of swimmers. 3 --adblib weather tz-- [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. imagine... being out the ocean... with... your friends, .../ jumping... into ...the water ...with your ... underwater camera... / and... seeing this. this.the... group of guys... woke up early,.../ spearfishing... 12... miles out.../.one... of... them ...jumps in.../ and... the... first thing... he sees .../ is... a shark ...staring back ... at him.../.as... you can guess... they... all immediately... climbed back... on... the boat. 37-43"the shark kept circling several times around the boat. i could see the silhouette clearly. i mean, the water was crystal clear." clear."1:22-1:30"just a reminder to all the divers and swimmers and people that are in the water, they are out there. so just try to be aware of your surroundings." surroundings."mal-donado... says the shark... followed them... for about 20 minutes... back to land.../.they're... not sure ...of the shark species.../ but... think... it was... a great white. ----- insert jaws quotes here ----- just a blanket of humidity outside today.we're having to endure quite a heatwave.chief meteorologist vytas reid... we... are still giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards...//.it's our giant summer contest!if you want to win one... you still can.../ we are giving them away all this week...//.tune intt our morning show everyday to hear if your name is drawnn drawn.if you want tt enter... just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... / become a fan... and complete the entry form... to enter..../go to our website... for complete contest rules. 3 news concerning the make up of some baby products.the f-d-a's action to and what it will meen for he safety of children. the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at the... f--d--a... has... officially banned... using... b-p-a... in... certain baby products. products.b-p-a... is.. .a... chemical... used in .. products... like cans... and... plastic bottles..../ f-d-a... regulations... now prohibit... the use ...of b-p-a... in... making baby bottles, ... sippy cups ... and... cans ontaining.. .infant formula..../most... manufacturers... have already stopped using... b-ppa... in... baby products.../ over... concerns about... health problems... linked to the chemical. a... drug... in the early stages ...of development... is... showing signs... of... stopping... the... progression... of alzheimer's...//. 3 a ... medicinee called... gamma-guard.../ seemed to neutralize... brain damage ... from... inflammation... treatments ... stabilized... the symptoms ... for... at least... three years... fisher says: it's the first time we've seen a trial suggesting you can essentially freeze alzheimer's in its tracks, stop its progression. //butt to//longo says: the patients that were treated in this trial that we're hearing about today were already in fairly advanced stagee of alzheimer's disease, if we can apply this therapy at earlier stages it might be even more ef. effective. as... boomers age, ... alzheimer's... is... predicted thirty years... in... popularity.. / google-plus ... is... beating faceb. facebook.the... one-year-old... social network ... tops... a list... from the... american ...customer satisfaction index.../.google-plus... tied with... wiki--pedia... as... átheá... most-liked... social media siies.../. facebook... logged in... at the bottom ...of the list.../ even... though dwarfs ...its competition../facebook... has... 900-million... active users... compared to ...150-milllon.../ on... google-plus. meantime... according... to the ...american consumer satisfaction index .../ facebook... &p saw... an... 8-percen this . yeaa.../. the... biggest drop... of any media outlet... surveyed... / users... are... unhappy with changes... to... the... user interface... addition... of timeline.../. - they... also complain... about... privacy issues... and... ads...///. twitter... and... linked-in ...also ...disappointed users.../while... google led... the pack, .../ tying... with wikipedia... for the number one ... spot. 3 morr than two weeks ago without power.what the hold up is... coming up. 3 --adblib weather tz-- a line of storms making their way through the area.we're seeing some temperatures drop as well. well.chief meteorologist vytas reid has more on what we can expect. with ...

Related Keywords

United States , Florida , New York , Maryland , Ohio , Baltimore County , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , American , Santa Fe Caesar , Graham Spanier , Paul Gessler , Rodney Erickson , Jerry Sandusky , Bryan Heller , Joe Paterno , J Kirby Fowler , Denis Madden ,

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