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It was nice, it was nice. Hes going to be feeling good about Michael Bennett, he is heading to the world title tournament. I am feeling good about it. It should have happened sooner. But i think people have always told him where to be, who to be. Now he is coming into his own. You see his new tatoo and his new personality. This is just one of the many stinging sets that are taking him into the future. He had a realization, but if he really wants something, he has to stop obeying. He just loves those superheroes. Brutal bob, he got hit with a superkick twice. We might have spoken too soon. Launches him across the ring. Can brutal bob do it . No, no, he cant do it oh, maria, look at this hes got it down, hes got it covered, and he kicks out. He didnt really. Kevin, i have to say, maria doesnt look worried in the slightest. Its the look on the face of brutal bob hes desperate, old and out of shap shape. Hes a has been. You see what hes doing . What is he doing . Wa is he, a clown . Maria enjoys this. All this. One and a little premature there, maria. Bennett favors the look in the eye. The prodigy is dead. And so is bob. [ bell rings ] Michael Bennett Michael Bennett. What has maria been putting in the mind of that uber talented individual . Shes got that contract in hand. Theyve been prepping ring of honor for weeks now. Theres always negotiations in contracts. This is getting ridiculous now. Hes going to sign a contract . Thae theyve got a pen already. Michael bennett is signing a contract. He is now part of the longterm plan of ring of honor. Wait a minute, cheese burger . Whats he doing there . Oh, no, that poor kid he should not have been there. What was he thinking . Brutal bob evans came to cheeseburger, and i guess cheeseburger was repaying the favor, but he just got brutalized, he just got savagely pounced by Michael Bennett who has just signed a contract, and hes part of ring of honor. They won, kevin. You proved your point. Now get to the bank, all right the . You cant feel too good about the way that bennett is this what ring of honor is all about . Is this what lets get some help from cheeseburger, brutal bob, an ear tofl bennett. Honor personified, sixman main event to come. Stay with us. The payments too small, and over years and years . Only getting. Could you use this . Get more cash, and keep more cash. Call and get your money when you need it. Youve seen them at their best, and their bloodiest. Now see them at home, now on dvd. The matches that helped define their careers as well as over 20 minutes of uncensored bonus footage, now at r. O. Do you know you want more . Text today. What we saw, the challengers continue in the women of honor, and maria is remaining here. Women of honor match. Maria, i dont want to dwell on what we just saw, but i want your thoughts on what Michael Bennett just did, to the cheeseburger as well. He destroyed him, like he should have a long time ago. Hes a handsome looking guy, hes a yes man, he is always nice to everybody, but when youre done being nice, its time to get things done. Bobby cruz, lets hear it the inferno kick nightmare. That is a woman that gets jumped on. She certainly is. So its bonesaw brooks, making her ring of honor debut. Kblap blap r. O. H. Dojo trainee. We go to the tale of the tape. You can see miss mischief. Now we call for the code of honor. Bonesaw is a tough lady. Shes ready to go. We adhere to the code of honor. Maria, your thoughts about, of course, all things with mike bennett, all things with maria, but i know that youve paid a lot of attention to the women of honor. Ive always paid attention to the women of honor. I think theyre an Incredible Group of women. They can really show off what they can do here, and im hoping theyll do that. Mischief and bonesaw brooks. Oh, shoulder first to the steel ring post. What was mijal mcginnis saying . Blah, blah, blah. Tied up in the corner was that the plan all along, to sign the contract over the fallen body of brutal bob evans . Of course thats the plan. Weve always had a plan. We saw all the contracts coming in for someone from florida and from this and from that and from all these places, and finally it was tik time to make a decision. We didnt want to be controlled. We wanted to make our own rules. Choose what is right and what is wrong. I know nigel is very high. Painful. I dont know. I think that mischief has just got so many years of wrestling on her. Cannot imagine her losing. Well, it is a great experience, while bonesaw brooks, a topnotch trainee, trained, fought her way through with the dojo, but wait, the bridge you know, one thing that i love here, because there arent that many women ooh is when i start finding women to come and be a part of the company, i can pick some of my own friends. Well, and i know your contract list is quite full. Wait a minute, now bonesaw now, back on her feet. She can go. Get in there uhoh, she missed, bonesaw looking to capitalize i would not want a headbutt from her. No, fighting mischief with all her different styles oh okay, that scared me. That that definitely scared me. That woman is amazing. You can call it right now. Three count. Its over the winner is mischief maria, thank you very much for joining us. We appreciate your expertise, on a sixman tag team, ring of honor is next ring of honor wrestling fans, have i got news for you r. O. H. Debuts in chattanooga, tennessee. This one is sure to be a barn burn are. All of the ring of honor stars will be in attendance. For more information, go to rohwrestling. Com for your tickets. No matter what town ring of honor comes to, it becomes the hottest ticket in town. Go to the web site and it see all the ring of honor stars. The buzz is the ring of honor world title tournament. If youve ever seen a v. J. Wit mer match, you know i go all out. Its been a long were two weeks away from the kickoff of the ring of honor championship. Who is not here is making a major milestone. Well talk about that and more inside ring of honor. With a win last week over adam paige, young punched his ticket for the first world title tournament in. R. O. H. History. There were injured suffered by jay brisco at the hands of matt hardy. So now he plans on making history. 16 competitors, all vying for one spot. 16 competitors. People say thats something i should be worried about, but i look at these competitors, and i see a bunch of boys trying to be men, a bunch of boys trying to be silus young. But whats going to happen . One by one, theyre all going to fall to the wayside, and there will be one man left standing, whether you love me, you hate me, you like me, you despise me, it doesnt matter, because when its all said and done, not only are you going to call me the last man in professional wrestling, youre going to be calling me your ring of honor champion. Silas young is in the tournament. When the field was announced, two men that were shooins were former champions Eddie Edwards and davey rich arz. However, the american wolves, as we learned last week, have a different focus in mind. Theres a reason former World Championship diehard Eddie Edwards and former World Championship the american Wolf Davey Richards are not in the world title tournament. Thats because we are ready to take our rightful place as world tagteam champions. So whatever happens tonight, whether it be red dragon or forever hooligans, keep those belts warm, because were coming to collect. The Tag Team Action in r. O. H. Has never been hotter. Theyll put it away here. Oh, no, no, no, no one, two haha i dont believe it scla 1k4r5h i dont believe it ring of honor, world tagteam champion the forever hooligan. You just know the wolves are waiting to reign kpleem on the supreme on the top. Keep up on all the volatility that is tagteam wrestling here at r. O. H. The ring of honor championship gets underway in two weeks. But next week right here on television, a very special milestone our 100th episode. Heres a special look at what youll see next week. Hey, guys, im jay lethal. And im roderick strong. Sit back and watch. You dont want to miss any of ring of honors 100th episode. Thats going to be a mustsee next week. But so is our main event coming up next, a match that represents everything that is great about ring of honor, an honor personified sixman tagteam match you dont want to miss. This is your home for all the latest news on the ring of honor World Championship tournament, inside ring of honor. Hey, ring of honor fans, were making our debut in birmingham, alabama, on saturday, september 7th with a 7 30 p. M. Bell time. Now, all of the wrestling stars that youve come to know from ring of honor are going to be there. For more information, go to r. O. H. Wrestling. Com to get your tickets today. Its coming to your town, and were taking you for a ride. You bet your hardearned money that well entertain you. Time for us to put in the time and show you at the wrestle factory. Well seexx you know you want more . Send a text to see the women of honor. We are back on ring of honor wrestling, and its time for honor personified sixman tagteam main event this is your Television Main Event it is honor personified 230 pounds. One year ago, one year ago in this same building, he suffered what anyone would call a careerending acl energy. Now we have, and better than ever, representing ring of honor, hes back, and his partner from canada, Michael Elgin a lot of flavor for the upcoming World Championship tournament. This man, Michael Elgin, the no. 1 seed, many say, and an oddson favorite. Can he make it all the way to the final . Can he wear the gold that many say is his destiny . There is no doubt in his mind. If youre looking for somebody who is confident, its this man coming out now. You can hear by the crowd reaction here in providence, well and truly taken back into the hearts of the ring of honor faithful. From canada, 261 pounds, kevin steen he fulfilled his promise to be part of team r. O. H. , steel cage warfare. While im not sure that kevin steen will ever be an honorable man, he fights with honor. What an allstar, sixman mean event this is. From cincinnati, ohio, 230 pounds, b. J. Whitmer whitmer, you know he is psyched to be part of the field of 16. Very much so. I remember when he drove out from cincinnati, ohio, to philadelphia just for the opportunity to compete in ring of honor, and hes been here to be the no. 1 head hon choe here. He wants to go back to philadelphia, september 20 and 21. He wants to reign supreme, its hooligan. His partner, at 420 pounds, Eddie Edwards. Its the american wolves and b. J. Whitmer caking on kevin steen, unmakeable Michael Elgin. Nigel, ill tell you what, sometimes as matchmaker, you have a tough job. But this is an easy one. Lets take six guys and put them in our main event. Its what this company was built upon much. Put them in. A clear winner, a clear loser. I know weve all experienced this cathartic bresh of breath of fresh air, not to be with scum at ringside. A handshake and a bit of a joke, a hug there afterwards with davey richards. These guys, very proud. Look at elgin hanging on to richards. Theres going to be a lot of gamesmanship, if you will, in this. All six men want to prove that theyre the best, that they are, indeed, the top dog here at r. O. H. Youve got a former world champion, youve got upandcomers, youve got no. 1 seeds, youve got men like b. J. Whitmer who have something to prove. One in, one out. Here we go. Theres the bell. What what do you think now to this aguy, tearing his knee last year . He has to be thinking about it. He looked confidence, but there has to be a little bit of doubt. Once youve had that injury, its always in the back of your mind. One thing i learned about Eddie Edwards truly today, hes a diehard celtics fan. He bears boss he wears Boston Celtics socks. I saw that there was a picture of David Letterman on the front . That was larry bird. Its steen and edwards now. A break . On kevin . Listen to that local crowd favorite here, boston not far up the road. And edwards always played it very cool, but this means a lot to him. Last week, forever hooligan defeating red dragon to become the world champion. You werent kidding, were you . I was stunned but its fantastic you never know whats going to happen here at ring of honor. And now so much focus on the tagteam division. You have to keep up with all the news, the volatility he says enoughs enough. That chop of edwards, second to none. Oh, dear hes down on the floor. Well, every little bit of fun, im sure, a whole lot emotionally invested in this one, but hes one of the toughest chops. This is not about titles, its not about anything more than just proving that honor lives. And what a sensational sixman tagteam event. Next weeks show, episode 100, and what a special, special broadcast that will be. Tell everybody you know, make sure youre there to see episode 100 of ring of honor television next week the chop of edwards, elgin, through edwards, shoulder first this honor personified sixman tagteamam main event continues. Stay with us the time is now to become the ultimate ring of honor insider. Never miss ring of honor. You can join camp strong by texting r. O. H. To today. Its so easy even a how did you do it . Roh to today. Join in on the hoopla and text today. There is nothing like the action of seeing ring of honor live. Chattanooga, we debut in birmingham. R. O. H. Returns home to philadelphia september 20 and 21 in two huge shows in death before dishonor weekend. We head to minnesota on september 28ingth. This is action. This unbelievable the strength of Michael Elgin youll understand, when youre upside down like that as well, you end up on your head. The strength of Michael Elgin thats a human being. Rich richards, unable to do anything, it must seem like an eternity. Will he ever decide to let him go its up the count. Oh, my word sno now with one arm. Oh b. J. , not even letting him get a onecount. Now lets break him down. Going to try the same thing . Looks like it [ crowd counting ] 12, 13, 14, 15. Eddie edwards, doing the same thing what did elgin get to . Hold on he got edwards hooked. Oh ha, ha eddie says no way to the floor that was complete. Out of the way, richards. Knew exactly where he was, and he continues. Edwards now flies in. Elgin, down, center of the ring. Elgin with a strong kickout. I wonder how difficult it was for davey and eddie to decide to not be part of the world heavyweight championship and instead to focus on the tag team. I dont know. When they came to me and said we dont want to be in the tournament, they seemed pretty confident. They certainly were very clear when they made their point last week. A lot of speculation about whether or not the former champs would be in the field of 16, which gets underway in two weeks here on television t. Will be on television. Youll see it all unfold here each and every week wait a minute, now. Eddie edwards could be in some trouble certainly not now. Davey richards. Oh two out of the way up on the shoulders. Oh, no elgin its honor personified sixman tagteam event b. J. taking the advantage, not for long. Oh powerlock, two, hes trying, oh one more combination, on top of b. J. Whitmer i dont know if he knew that b. J. Was still behind him very effective. He likes to hit high atop oh, no across the knees of b. J. Whitmer. Edwards like a snake, living under bottom rock now now we see full devastation. Dropkick from edwards. Fans, we have got to take one more commercial break. Were back on ring of honor wrestling, honor personified, Tommaso Ciampa and Eddie Edwards, slugging it out. The voices in his head might not be real, but theyve got some good ideas right now theyre not saying much now. Got to be careful here. Knock him out. This main event has been a showcase of everything that makes ring of honor great, six of the best, duking it out, to reign supreme. Were two weeks away from the ring of honor, and now the american wolf, focusing on the tagteam division. We have new champions in forever hooligan. Go to rohwrestling. Com to get all the latest there is no stopping diehard and the beauty of a match like this, kevin, this couldnt have happened a month ago with scum. What were seeing here is the personification of professional wrestling, a clear winner and a clear loser, and i love it. Block countered by ciampa. Watch out. There it is a year ago, ciampas knee was wrecked, and now its strong, but edwards sed no. Ankle up oh hes done it the focus is on the ligament. Eddie edwards and Tommaso Ciampa. There we go ciampa, oh broken up. I guess weve got elgin and b. J. , the two legal guys in the ring. And the buzzsaw falls to the floor. Collision in the center of the ring between steen and richards. There goes davey, there goes steen i know whos legal, and its these two men right here. Okay oh look at that, sharp move for eddie, eddie getting the better exchange. Eddie showing his experience here. Ciampa, and richards oh turns him inside out. Ciampas not going to have the opportunity, this one breaking down, anything going. Each tearing the other, hit me hard, because im going to hit you harder. Youre not going to knock someone out with a chop. Its the chin you want to watch. Thats a great rotation on the power slam. Beautiful look at that, smart from the walls. Perfect combination. Ciampa kicks out. Great point, trying to prevent any attempt to break up the combination. Both edwards and richards, a lot of sixman tags over there. Theyve got the experience. They know when your guys on top, keep the other two out of the ring. Oh, my god look at that one, two, he kicked out, watch out for davey oh, he got him right in the arm elgin was there to break it up. Ciampa seriously weakened now. Taking a lot of damage. Davey looking to finish things off here in our main event. Quick strike to the chest. Ciampas just taking it all, asking for more, kevin ciampa proving something to himself as well. We know he can hang with the big dogs here at r. O. H. Hes got no idea oh, theres a knee ciampa showing on a number of occasions he can win a match with a knockout knee. Another one. Now on the shoulders. The head hook, hes got it center of the ring, elgin over elgin, his knee there prevents interference, but davey was able to kick out. Watch out ciampa, cannonball ciampas legal edwards didnt break it up. Now this one breaking down. Its all about honor personified. Whoever loses this, theyre not going to be happy. Watch out for whitmer. Steen just drilled edwards whitmer, ciampa each tried the same thing, getting close to the apron, both to the floor, but elgin just tagged himself in, did you see that nigel . I did not. I was looking elsewhere. Eddie edwards behind now. Breaking down every which way he can. So elgin and richards, the legal men. Smack to richards. Up on the shoulders no. Elgin wait a minute watch out oh, my god Eddie Edwards had a lot of velocity there. He split split the difference and landed heavy in the center on the floor. He aint moving. I hope hes okay. Nonetheless, he actually continues in the ring, richards and elgin. I think its what these two wanted from the start. Elgin always wants to prove himself. He didnt want to be hanned the world title; he wanted to fight his way forward and loves the idea of the 16man tournament. Look at the way elgin rolls through he hasnt got it extended, e, and thats smart from elgin. All the way up what now

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