Gilbert and bruce cunninghhm are liveetonight in ew ooleans, taking you inside the lets go first to sports director Bruce Cunningham who was at the cooches press p3 3 3 thanks bruce, Jennifer Gilbert is also anchoring our coverage offthe ssperbowl ffom nee rleans. Things on this friday beffre the super bowl . Rollcce pkg second suppr bowl. 3 3 3 p3 baatimore police aae bracinn for super owl fans. They say trouble. Bbt if people et oou of control, cops ay they prepared. Theye. Shutting down. Ome streets. Streets. . Keith daniels. Live. From federal hill. With more pplice plans. Keith. Keith. Jeff and karen. Police say additionall pofficers will beedeployed to prime bar eighborhoods like here in fedeeal hill. Theyll be in fells point and canton too. Hunndeds of offfcers mooitoring the crowdd. Crowds. At the correr of west cross street and charles in police say be attheadquarterr monitoring those feedd frommstationary and helicopter cameras. They ay theyll also be on the streets wtih other law agencies looking for drunk drivers. Live n federall hill, kd, fox45 newssat ten. There are. Other plans. Police will use. Downtown. Oo. Sunday for the game. Theyre going to have du. City. . Theyre also going to closeedown a loo of streets ddpenddng on how large crowds are. or a complete list. Of the closures. headdto. Fox baltimore ddt com andd ook for the ssreet closures under our too stories. 3 oor state delegates pride echo throuuh the apitol. Capittl. 010249 n three, hat time issit . 010002 011300 its a purple friday tradition to do he chant oo the floor, but this one packkddannextra punchhass its te super owl eeition. Ravens fanss. At. Celebrated. What thee caaled. Super. Purple friday. Today. . Aaber as. Everyyne aae the best of the last couple days. Before the big game. 3 ts purppeefriday pnce again nat sund up what ost fans are lookinn orward to now. Is. A. Ravens victory paradd fans. Streets. To welcome. The team. Home. . The evenn. Was sponsored by m nd t bank. That brings us to our question of the day. What is your head tt facebook dot com slashhFox Baltimore and record pour rediction ffr all to see. Despite his physical challenges, o. Brigance is considered one of he most inspirational members of the ravens. Coming up in our cover story. How thh ravens sscret weapon will give them 3a eede against the niners. 3 breaaing news tonight out of west baltimore. Baatimmre. A maa was shot. At. Fayette ndd bentaloo. policc got. Reports of gunssots. The victii was rushed to the hospital,. hhs condition is unknown. . Homicide detectives are invvstigating. And. The the shooter. Is. Still at large. Tonight. Takeehome vehicles that some emppooees are driving out of state . As kathleen cirns reporrs firrs on foxxtonnght put theebrakks on a program that he saas is wasting 3 3 3 10 kc fox 455newssat a wasteat the enn f tte day p 02 09at the end oo the day its a wastekc fox 45 news at 10 City Council President tjack young also ays hhewill support the proposal. 3 its our duty to the roposal. He will support young aloosays prrsident jack ccty council 3City Council President jack pyoung also says he will support the roposal. Pts our dutt to hold our paa help by joining thee fox45 asse watch. F you see hotline 410621456. You can also go to foxaltimore watch. 3 3 he deserves to go to jail executive leeppld announces his resignation. The reesonn eft bbfore the cooncil could n vote him out. P the prosecution rests in thh Phylicia Barnes murder rial. The reason thee udgeecalled their case weak buttwouldnt throw it out. Dollars will be on the line ttis super bowl. The team one of our zoos famous residents thinks will come out on top. 3 3 [ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like. 2 minutes [ male announcer ] once youve got verizon fios internet, you get it the difference 100 fiber optics makes. But dont take our word for it ask a real fios customer. Ask me why fiber optics matters. Ask me about the upload speeds theyre sick [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. Because once youve got it, you get it. And now theres never been a better time to get it. [ female announcer ] upgrade to fios now for just 89. 99 a month with a 2year agreement and get 300 back. Hurry, last chance to get this incredible deal. Fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. Its 100 fiber optic, 100 different from cable. Switch to fios for an incredible price online, just 89. 99 a month with a 2year agreement, plus get 300 back. Or, get this great price with no annual contract. Hurry, this offer ends february 2nd. Go to got2getfios. Com today. And see why millions have switched to americas fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. Contact the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 8009746006 tty v. Post powerful men in anne arrndel county, john eopold announcee his resignation today. Today. Janice parr tells us, this comes just days after the foommr county executtve was miscooduct. 3 a. Baltimooe based blogger who broadcast his standoff with police was denned bail for the third time today. . james macurthee. Has since his standoff with police. In december. When they tried to arrest him for a parole violation. today. Prrsecutorr. A threat to public safety. instead today. They. Ttld a judge. He is a flight isk. maaarthhrs. Scheduled for. Resisting two young sisters areedeed and pfive people are hospitalized county. Fire in frederick 3 it happened late laat night at this burned out home on higgland avenue ii myersville. 3yearold madigan lillard. And her 6yearold sister sophie who weee trapped inside. The rest of the family escaped. All were hoopitallied. Includdng. The parents. Ann8yearold girl. Aad a 7monthold infant. The cause of the fire is under investigation. 3 a man. Is. Under parrest and charged. With p. Attemptee murder. After. An. Ooings mmlls st. Stabbinn. 34 yeaa old luis medrano. Is. Heldd without bail. Facing. Attempted fiist degree murder and assault charges. police. Say. An argument. Escalated. Onto. Victim,. Orllndo pmartinez. Was stabbed. Pusiness for help. hes. Recoverinn. And expecttd to 3 a udge odayydeeided against thhowing out the states case against the accused killer of phylicia baanes. Crime lepola saas hii decisioo came shortlyyafter prooecutoos rested their casee 3 3 a. Ballimore man. Ii. Sentenced to life in prison. Ppus 25 years. For killing. An. Old friend. Facebook. Two. Years ago,. Kenneth brrnetti. Reekindled. His. High schooo friendship. With. Lois smithh. Ooline. . A. Few. Months later. in. May 2011. . He. Lured her. To a wooded area. On. The. Pwynns falls. Traai. . And. Afterr. The. Murder,. . brunetti. Ssole. Her car. pwithdrew. 700 dollars. Wit her. Atm. Card. nd. With friends. ab feass. 3 it may noo beescientific baltimore raaens aae goong to pwii the suppr bowl powlchimp rips paper. Yayy yayyy 3thats accooding tt the chimpanzees at the maryland zoo. . Keepprs put p. Tww enclooure,. ne for the baltiiore ravens. And. Another for the Sann Francisco 49err. . As ou can see. Thh chimps signaled. Tteir prediction pby ripping down the ravenss banner first. . They were awared with pravens footballs. Were awaredd with ravens footballs. Iq well, chimpanzees aae very intelligent animmls. Oq feel for it. The zoo has made banners for the ,3 chhmps to tear down beffrr on occasions like halloween and valentinns day, but theyee prrdiccion tool. A frigid night in 3maryland. Maryyand. After we lmost hit 70 this week, tonights freezing air feels even colderr colderr lets go to meteorologiis whats happening noww now. 3 p and get thh latest news and wwathee evenndays a week. The fox455weekend morning news on saturday and sunday. Six am. Ts tomorrow morning at 3 new aa tee thirtt, annapolis ggts ready for the pgun conttol debate. Why the buttfirst the ravens olds 3 secret weapon. The figgt agaanst a deadly diseass that pwill fuel thh fire of the pwiavens ttis super bool sunda 3 the ravens we gotta sell the car. Where would we even start . Get the car. Hi howard. Get in. Hi, good to see you. Start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. Carmax. Start here. Players, coaches and support staff areeall in new orleans tonight. Ittincludes o. J. Briggnce the director of pplayer development. O. J. Is. The only. Balttmore. Player to win. A championshhp ring. With. The c. F. L. And. N. F. L. . Kathleen cairns. Reports. o. J. Is. Still ann aa inspirational aa meeber. Of phe team. . And. Could be considered. The ravens secret weaaon. 3 fox 45 news at 10 3 o. J. And. His wife. Phandra. Started a fundraising campaign. Callee its. Mission. Is. To help encourage. Othhr pay. Need equupment and support services. And ontribute. Go to ox baltimore dot com and click on newslinks. 33 new aa ten thirty, pushing for gun rrstrictions in maryland. The major pushinggaad why republicans say they woottactually ssop shoottngs. 3 getting high in the middle of a car chase. The red balloon hat finally pushed policeeto drag this man tt jail. 3 3 new at ten thirty, in ust a few daas. Un control will take center stage in annapolis. Annapolis. Ohn rydell. Rom. Annapolis. p that. Democrats and pepublicans. Are. Already. Squaring oof. On. A ssries. Of. Public bills. Bills. natss a. Public pearing. On. Several. Gun bills. Will be held. Next wwdnesday. In. A. Ssnate committee. The mayor continues her push to eliminatt light. And little purple pride. With a prideedemm nats nattcrrws began tearing p20th street in orrh painted with the message deeolish the 49ers. Its part of theevacants to value program. Which revamps city ppeighborrhods. By getting 3 its the worlds. Largest partyycaaavan. Caravvn. Ffrget worrying aaout a hotel or a way to gee around new orleans, these fans have it rvs is ppcking every park paround new orleans. Some thh road. Ke urple pride on 3 we llve it hhre. Between the food, theemusic,the ppople, come and vacation. Pas been booked for monthssprk gaae,. then. Maybe the commercials. . But. Cllse behind. On hee sunday. Is. He food 3 at. They have specialss. On many foot subs and shrimp. . Overall,. Salessat ggocery stores. Gooup. Between. 10to15 . Superbowl take a llok at this quick hange they made we told thee. To get theenumber 44. Outtof the sttre. In. Every way. And. They acttally did it p140 i hink its a great idea. I would have nevee thought of that on the spur of the moment like that. Ut yoo dont wwnt any 49ers away. No 49ss well akee48sseveryday everyday pheemmnager says some 49er balloons were delivered to the refuse to inflate them and pctually put them out. Fans are going to extreme lengthssto show theii purple pr. Priie. Theyre. Not afraii. To let the world. See it. It. 105 ravees theebaltimore ravens. 120 120 thats doctor pocket and he says this is his original song he composed for we can tell he has a phd in dance moves. To seeethe entiretyyof his tribute and other fan favorrtes, head to ffx baltimore dot com and click on our around the web link. And ttisspicture comes alll the way from afghanistan. Jeninn and colonel Terry Mcbride are hhge ravens fans. Theyre serving in kabul rrght now. Theyre going to watch the game live but it willlbe thhee thirty monday morning their ttme. We want to thank aal our men and wwmen in uniform along with thh our camo pride is the only thing bigger than our puuple pride. You caa uppoaddphooos aad videosstt us through pprple at Fox Baltimore dot com. Shoot it send it page at Fox Baltimore dot com. Oo you can go to our Facebook Page attffcebook dot com slash Fox Baltimore cllck on insidd foxx5. 3 3 and we want to telllyou. About a ggeat way. To get some ravens superbowl stuff. Ann. Heep out the make a wiih foundation. theyre. Producing five thousanndof these footballs. And dollars. . Over the lass s. Four years,. Theyve raised ooer two milliin doolars. For. Childrens orderingginformation. fox baltimmoe dot com. Te,. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 pi hope they gee you and i life in priionnand hopeeyou o get you and i of i hope they hope you live the rest of yoor life in prisonnand you never psee the day offliggh again. Again. A ssx year old boy standoff that could last forr days or even weeks. P police sayythis driver i gassed out of his mmnd. The wwy he was gettiig igh in the middle of an extremely slow car chase. 3 for four days, an arred man has held a little bby hostage in his bunker. Swat teams have seetup thisscommaad center in midland pcity, in an effort to get the boy out. The standoff bbgaa a school buss killed the driver and grabbed tto childree. One of thee scaped. Negotiators have been alking ventilation pipe in thee bunkkr. Which is 4feet undergrounn. I hope they get you and i hope youulive theerest of youu life pthe day of light again. Again. The boy is believed to be in good shape. Though hes been cryinn for his parents. Police say the bunker ps well stocked, and tte suspect, could stay hooed up a loo speeddchase. Inn. Lossangeles. Ends. When the driver. Finally gees. His fill. Gas. Inhaling laughing gas. Officers tried to ull this driving. When he finally stopped heee, he wouldnt get out of he car, even with a dozen officers ith guns drawn. Hes inhhling. Hessactually taking pulls off of aatank of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. Police actually allowed him to inhale and reffll 5 balloons before they stoppedd laughing and bboke out his window. Hes facing dui charges tonight. 3 the man behind p the maa behind he mantt teo hoax explains why he couldnt stop. The way he says hh ended up falling in love witt one of thh countrys top fooobaal playerr. A joint. Heaa 3 pa joint. Head cooches supp bowl resser has never happenee. Because. Weve neeer had brothers. John and jim harbaugg keepiig it in the familyyone final time. Before bowl 47 idelines on sunday. Er sunday. We go live to sports director bruce cunniigham in new orleans. With more on vo roll cue very big dealsot roll cce s fammly jjhn harbaugh we are not just of one another and we changg. Weewill continue to be 3 fiercely llyal and protective of one another but also of our teams. Toobe here and loooing played, to me, that is wwy were here. Not bbccuse of any coaching were when we were sunday is he busiest ddy of the year for las vegas. And odds mmkers. The ridiculous the super bowl. Tonighh on sports unlimited. 3 the man. Who claims. He was behind the infamous. Mmntie. Tayoo. Hoax. Is speaking out. An inteeview. With dr. Phil. tooee. Asssoso poo. tooee. Ass soso o . . Admits to creating a fake online girlffiend. Who had a football star. . The hoax came to light. Afterrthh woman supppoedly ddid of leukemia. tooee. Also ade. Another pbombshell confession. claiming he hiiself. Was in love with the football playyrr. . Tte truth of it s is that grew emotions that sooner orr anymore couldnt control anymor aaid. He wwuld desccibee3. Himself. As confused. . 3 a reporter versus an intoxicated woman on bourbon street. The controversial way she ffnally got the wooan to leaae. And oming up in jjst 5 minutes on the late editionn. Peddtion. Pstories ne contestant made u to imprrss the judges. And a stinky surprise on the beech. Hoowa disgusting discovery could translate into a big paaday ffr one man. 3 while reporters growing weve got your chance of our freebruary contest. 3 monday on fox455morriggneww. Are out covering this weekends big game fans are hitting tth streets. Offnew orleans orleensand in some cases. Theyre provingg. They might be a little tto loaded for live tt. take a look at how. Ii