Pedesttians. including three teenagers. were trying to cross. Qqarterield. Hit,. all. Have been. Hospitalized. . And one of the teens. Has. Life threatening injuries. . Remained at the scene. . Ppolicc. Are still nvestigating 3 this. Yyaa. the. Flu. Ii. Hiiting fast. And early. with. Deaaly results resultsseres the latest map from the centers for disease in brown. Face widespread flu outbreak 3 so far. There haveebeen 22 flu elated deaths in minnesota. Minnesotaa. 18 deaths in both peensylvania and massachusetts hospptals in Boston Report a15 hundreda emergency room visits since december. December. And 18 children have pdied naaionnide 3 the situation is so bad. Some places are runniin out of the vaccine. The town of somerville just outside of boston an out of its 3 there says lloal doctors and 3 drug stores adoa still hhve some. Curtatone says so there is ample supply right now in the pommunity, but we will cootinue tooacquire additional vaccines. 3 in texas, the dallas coonty Health Department just got a new batch of vaccine to apreventa the flu. While the Prescription Drug to afighha the illness onceeyouve got it. Is in short supply 3 the largest flu vaccine provider n he u. S. Has sold four of its ssx formulasouu. But the c. D. C says theres still enough vacccne to go around. 3 this. Strain. Is strong. and. Can linger. in. Fact,. He virus. Can last. Up. To. 8hours. On. Metallor plaatic. , has more. On what measures. People re taking. To. Protect themselves. 3 on north caroline st. family shot were getting 3 the flu hot todaa we find the givens family. little girl squeels and dad is 3 clean wave wand. Uvc spectrum wand. Kills germs and bacteria. Zip they are coming to this Health Clinic cllse i definitely want to get the shotbut say they also have this device for protection. dad ya have to shake it so the light will come onn. closer and its acttally cooking the germsat sinai hhspital we ask if the pwand can help dr Matthew Smith er dr at sinai hospitaa dr it mayybe beeeficiall. I probably pouldnt recommend ttat for 33 routine use to preventt infection its good old conttcts. If you eel sick. Pstay homethis emergency room is illed with flu patients its one of the worst yearsswe phave seen in a while. It started early its peakiig early lots oo caaes. Its the h3, n2 strain, which can hit hard. And inger longer in pptienns. City Health Commissioner dr. Oxiris are innthe ffu shot this yearr are actually eally well matched to the current flu we are seeing. In east balttmore. voice 3 flu. solomon selby its gonna pass me by its like every yeer. Last year i didnt gee it. Cause i toookthe flu shot, uh huh 3 and the givens family hopes. Thee wont catch the flu either. In east balt kc fox 3 45 news at 10 3 to. Find locations. Offerinn flu ssots. 3 foxbaltimore dot om slash newslinks 3 3 pnew developments in the case killing 12 peoppe during a pcolorado movie thhatre. A judge ii the case says theee is enough evideece for james holmes to face trial on more pthan 1600felony counts. Holmes ii due in court 3 tomorrow but his defense atttrneys say hes not ready 3 to enter a plea. 3 also new evelopments tonight. In the shooting at a californii high school. A 16 year old boy remains in Critical Condition tonight. After being shot by a fellow student. With a shotgun. At a high sccool near looking at the outsideeof the 3 pevaauateddthe gunnan s in custody. He has not been pnamed yet. One of the teaccers apparentlyytalked the gunman nto dropping his weapon. Afterrthaa teacher 3 talk of gun control started afterrthe schoollmaasacre in connecticut. Vice president joe piden et with the nra today. The things the nraasays it will anota supportin our cover 3 3 baltimore. Back. . Looking. P for. The person. Who shot. A. Man. In. East baltimore baltimorepolicee. Were on the scene. Shortly. Before noon. P at. East hoffman. And. North. Chesser streets. . A. Man. Was found. Shot in the neck. And. Back. . He. Was aken to the hospital,. where. His condition. S unknoww. . No. Word. On a susppcttor motive. 3 3 a. Woulde. Burgllr. Is. On. ,. The run. and. We. have. Hii picture. the. Victim. 3 phone. before. 3 get way. eith daniels. Streaming , live. In caaonsville. where. The ordeaa. Has the neighborhood. Fighting back. Keith. Keith. Jeff. Road nearredmondson aaenue. People here ccll it a 3 quiet place to live. And 3 relatively crimefree. Buu tonight, bold burglar has shaken things up. Up. 3 Baltimore County poliie say they need the pubblcs help identifying this man. Hes described as a blackkmale, 40to50 years old, 5 feet8inches tall. And 220 pounds. Investigators saa he tried using hhdge trimmers or olt cutterssto break into last wednesday fternoon. But the man who livvs there thats when the resident pulleddhisscell phone. Neighbors say the suspect tried explaining his actions to the victim. Beforeerrnning away. 3 away. 3 mr. Bulsonn he told him that he was on ddugs ann he had a drug problem. But then 3 right aater he took that picture, i think ii dawned on him that he took the ppcture of him. And he took off like, like somebody covvred him withh phot water. I turned around and boom, he wws all the way doon to theealley and turned left 3 if yoo have any information the uspects identity or wherabouts call metro crimestoppers. That number is 18667loccup. And remember you can remain anonymous aad could get a cash reward of up to 2thousand dollars. Llve in catonnville, keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. 33 baltimoree. Police. Are lookiig. For this man. hes accused. Of robbinn. An. 88yearold womann. . Surveiilance camerass. Caught the man. On video. . Parking ot. On. York road. Near. Walker avenue. . Police say. He man. Hid behind a car. then. Took. He womans purse. Offfher shoulderr. As. She. Got inside her car. . Police. Ppurse. So hard,. it. Fractured tteewwmans phoulder. 3 fox45. Teamss. Up. With. The. Most popular. Crime. Papping website. 3. Ttacks. Criiinal activity. In. Your neiggborhood. get. Emailss. Whhn crime happens. . Sign up. By. Going. Ballimore dot com. . Clicc. On. Spotcrime. In the hot topics section. At. The top of the screen 3 3 3 new information toniggt on the 3 police purssii that left three paycia hoffman was riving a chevy ccbalt with fraternal order of police license plaaes 33 weve learned the car hhd bben reported by stolen by 3 hoffmanssgrandfatter. Who is a retired harffrd county deputy sheriff. 3 the. Massachusetts. Attorney general. Has. Opened an inveetigation. Into trade school. That closed without arning. warning. its. 3 a. Story. We airedd. Last nightt. Ffrst on fox foxx the. American Career Institute has hree locations in maryland,. pne. In ssuth baltimore. during. Class weddesday,. sttuents. Were told. The 3 school was closing. and. They should o phome. the. Companyy. Cited. Financial troublee for theeclosing. . But. Ssudentt. Are furious,. and. Staff. Aree now. Wittout jobs. 3 3 this bbllcrap, this is bullcrap. Bullcrap. Eeployees teel us they are considering legal action. 3 were. Just. 2 days away. Froo the ravens. And. Roncos. 2. Efinate,. Hall oo famers. Will. Meet. For one last time. On saturday. Saturday. Bruce cunningham joons us now to hear from Peyton Manning as he gett ready to face ray lewis for the final time. Bruce. Bruce. His may be a second pround ppayoof game, but its also a cllsh of tte titans. For the last time, peyton battle. Ending a long ann historic rivalry. 3 the two old lions have been pgoeiin at each other for years pback in 998. Theyve facee each othhr 11 tiiee, and that 3 ppayoffs. Tteir baatles have bben legendary and this ssturday, theyll get after it pone last time. Ray is playiig to extdend his career. A loos means its all over. For his part, anning understands thaat. And is quick to tell youuol, nnmber 52cannstill pplay. 3 3 like his contemporary, cal ripkee, lewis defied theodds and spent his entire career in a ballimore uniform. Ray talks aboiut that, coming up aa 10 50 and 11 30 onsporrs unlimited. 3 ray lewis jersee has become the nfls 11 elling jersey. The best part outseeling eyton manning. Maaning. Janice park. Tells us. The buying frenzy. Is. Off the charrs. and. People. Are. Uyingg. A lot more than. Justt. Jerseys. Janice . Janice . Jeff and jennifer increase. Some as much ass700 percent a lot of ii. Thanks tooray leeis. Today, i was on a mission, to get at least one erron. To do thh ray lewws dance. P3 there are plenty of impersonators. Some re reallyycute ones. But 3 orginial ith ray lewis 3 vennn gear sales. Have gotten a super boostt boosstits been non top pinceehe announced hes retiring, phone calls, waakins interneteveryonn is trying to get thhir ast piece of ray. Well be lost without himhere 3 at the raven zone in parkville. Theyyare feeliig the full ray effect effect they are illing orderr for 500 shirts a day. And thats just online. And getting gear is the final ssoo for ppople headed to denver pdenver wasnt too bad, headed 33 with a group, real pumped haha but back to that signature pdanne. Today many tried. Tried. Last channe you cant do the dance. Yes i will embarass ray leeis youre prightt 3 bbt oly onn. Came out on too top many great vvctories. Thanks ray its been a heck of a ride 3 3 the storr manager sayy bb far, the jerseys areeseeling the best. But the stranggst request. Haa been a woman whh wanted to buy he ggass that aa leeis threw on hiisslf. Janice park. Fox45 pnews at tee. Is. Showing. Purple pride. In. Plaaoffs. 3 checkk uu his shot of geraadine thompson. All 3 3 you can upload photos and videos to us through purpleeat Fox Baltimore dot com. And you can eee those picturrs on our see tt baltimore dot coo. Facebooo ppge aa facebook dot com slash foxxbaltimore click on inside fox45. 3 maryyand schools. Ranked the best innthe counnry by one pmagazzne. Some of the quustionabbe measurements used to rann the schools. New at 1030 onighh 3 stopping gun viooence. Pin the wake oo the newtown 3 school the actions the nra will not supporr. And the are oming together. To support their cause. In our cover story in just 15 minutes 3 but next. More ann more people being robbed. Through scams. N craigslist. The 3 things you can do. To avoid trouble. After the break 3 p here you go, breakfast sandwich from dunkin donuts. Whats in it . Turkey sausage. Turkey what . Amazing. Dunkins new Turkey Sausage breakfast sandwich. Surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. Try one today. America runs on dunkin. 3 should cciy school buu drivers hhae to disclose tiikets issued to School Vehicles by the citys speed and reddlight camera system. City haal tonight. Tonight. Karen parks is live in North Baltimore and sayy hunnreds of speeding school bus drrvers just in te past few years. Yearss. The number of sseeding tickkts issued by cameras like this one is quite alaaming. And has caughh the attention of city officials. And while non of the rrvate operators opposeddaccountability they want to make suue they areenot 3 stuck paying the bill. Bill. 3 3 ats Baltimore City sshools to and from school everyday. P nats ost offthem are elementary age pstudents. Many have special needs. 29 50 you can just see them flying by you just like they are drivingg 3 in Baltimore City. Citt schools own and operate nearly contracted frrm priiate Companies Like the one owned by craig joynerr. nats t issse saaety. Since 2009 more than 800 speeding tickets were issued to bus drivers traassorting city sttdents. 3 32 00 what were establishing with this law is a record off all the citations issued on a qqarterly basis in Baltimore Ccty o Yellow School bus driverss. Tte bill introouced today would make sure the city gets a copy oo all citations issued to schooll pvehiclessinnluding tickets camerrs its an effort to monitor the safety of a system facing high demand. 11 53 you 3 19 56 theres soomuch demand for drrvers today ii goona be straight most of the time they need em just like now once they passsall the profiles and drug tests they needdthem that bad. Nn if this bill passes. Private compannis alls want to make sure theyre 3 not ssuck with paying tickets issued to their drivers who have moved on to other city will do their job as far as eeping a lot on that 3 driver then we hhre then again the city omessand intervenes and says no dont hhre that driier we got 5 citations on that driver then maybe we cann stop that driver the whhle idea is to stop that driver unsafe. 3 3 the issue willlgo efore the citt councillfor a final vote. Jan 28. P 3 the fiscal cliff. May be behind us. But connress still hasnt rracheda deal to ceiling. In annapolis. There is growingconcern about what that impassecould mean to 3 maryland. Republicans on capptol hill wantmassive cuts to government programmin exchange for raising the amount that happens. Thousandd of federal eeployees in marylann could be laad off. Ann there coulddbe huge cuts elsewhere. governor we are seeing solid signss f economic recovery in maryland, but all pepublican members of congress arr noo able tt acc with the same sort of balanced approach maryland. The governor will unveil his fiscal 2014budget pext week. Inn. Annapolis. . State lawmakers. Are. Closeeto reaching. An. Agreement. On measuress. P to. Protect owners. Of. Pit bulls. Bulls. This. After. A court. Decision. P last year. declaring. Pit bullss. Inherently dangerous. . The. Ruling. Has put. Landlords. At. Risk of. Being sued. if. 3 their tenants. Pit bulls. Attack visitors. . Lawmakers. Are. Crafting. A bill. making. The owners. Of. All breeds of dogs. Liable. For the actions oftheir pets. frosh they shift the burden to the owner to say look you got to show why this isnt your fault and i think thats a better balance. Balance. Bills. To bb considered. Wwuld overturn. The court of pppeals decision. 3 a. Wwrning. Ffom. Baatimore city police. Regarding. Craigslist. . Pcraigslist. . In. The. Past month,. seeeral. People. Haae been lured. Into. The cityy. onny. To. Find themselves. Staring down. He barrel. Of a handgun. tonight. Crime and justice. Is. In our newsroom. 3 to explain how. Ttess cciminals. Are pulling it off. Off. 33 it all staats here on 3 craigslist. Lets say someone 3 has an iphone heyre interested in selliig. These criminals. Are responding. Saying sure. Iid love to buy your iphone. Just meet me n souuhwest baltimore. Ill have the money. 3 locatioo. Which in mmst cases. Heyre not ammliar with and whaa do you know. The buyer isnt interested in giving you money. They just want to ake yours and your iphonne police say iis happened numerous timee in southwest balltmore over the past month or so. In each case a gun has been involved. Innolved. 922 so far no one has been injured in this 3 we really want to get the word out to the publlc. Before you go to buy or sell something just stop take a deep breath and just think about ssme of the tips were offeeing 33 33keep this in mind. Always meet inna public place. A mall. Police department 3 dont go alone. Its too riskey. And what ever you doo. Dont caary aalot cash. 3 45 3 news at 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a bussstop brawllcaught on camera. What makes his and the reason nearby residents feer for their lives. 3 sottin 44 03 a lot of peoplee are really friggtened right now. Now. But next. Gun rights. Versus stoppinn un violencee. The plans gun advocctes have. Toosupportttheer cause. In our cover sttry. After the ccccpnpn vr3 the National Rifle ,3 association met with vice pressdent joe biden and his task force today. Examining what tt do about gun viooence n the wake of the School Massacre n newtown newtownthe. Pra. Didnt like what it heard. . Heard. in a statement. The diiappointed with how little this meetinn had to do with how much it ad to doowith an agenda to attack the secoon amendment. Amendment. Its the secood dayy of these meetings. Aimmd at new laws, regulations and executive orddrs to curb mass round can be found. 3 biden says, aa thh preeident only one life it makes sense and i think we can o a great deel without in anyway imposiig on or impinginn on the rights of seconn amendment uarantees. Guarantees. Biddn had a deadline of 1 month. But he 3 confirmed he will present his recommendations to the president this tuesdayhes expected to proppse a baa on military styye semiautomatic prifles and background checks out exception. the. Nra. Saidd. It wiil not support. Bans. On. Assault iiles. or. Baas. On. Higgcapacity magazines 3 a. City councilman. In utth. Wants a gun. Innevery home. Homm. The city has already approved paying ffr faculty at the local school. Butt ouncilman Neil Sorensen tooo it a step further requiring all thrre hundred ann ffrty homes in spring city to have a gun. With some disagreement from the community. Hee decidedly changed the language , making it aarecommendation for residents to have guns p3 sorensen says to me, its gonna be a huge deterrent in home iivassons. Invasions. Thomas says the idea of bringing guus into the school is kind of challenge for me personally becaass we want kids to be safe and sometimes if yoo have a firearm youre creating a problemm problem. 3 3 the ordinancc will now go 3 vvte. If it is unaniiously approved, there will be a public hearrng 3 in aryland. More people than ever wanttto buy a gun gunstate police say. That applicatiins to buy a un. Jumped. 50 percent. Between 2011 and p2012. . Buying a gun in maryland requires a 7 daa waiting period. When statee police do a baakground check 3. But. A. Poll. In nearby vvrggnia. Liigt. On the kind of gun ppolicies. People want to see the survey was ccnducted by quinnipiac unnverssty. 50 3 ownership helps proteet people from crime. 41 percent ssyyit putt people at rrsk risktheees a llt of ebatee about what to do99pprcent of vooers there support packground checks at gun shows. Shows. 66 perrent support armed officers n every school. Schooo. 59 percent want aaban on highcapacity magaaines 3 ppogun activists will join arms across the country next week. A sign of solidarity to sweeping thhough america. Amerrca. Gun. Owners. Will take. To the streets,. gun ranges. And capitols. for. National. Guu day. . 3 nothing fires up gun owners like talk of morr gun controll 36 39 everyone who believes pn the constitutionnshould be outraged. Trt 04[mike checking out a ggn behind display case]mike horsts pecond mendment as is. [sot pn people being ableeto to eecercise their seconn amendment right to be able firearms and purchase firearms [cnn video on interppay colorado rrlly ]gun rights pdvocates from coast to coost are expected to rally en masse p48 hourr before Barack Obamas rally was heed utssde collrados capitol this eek. P[[over sou