which judge is leaving the show now. >> facing charges for videotapeing police. the letter that could change the legal argument about maryland's wiretapping law. >> a safe haven becomes a crime scene. the act of compassioo this man is accused of taking advantage of. >> the front that brought us storms, will also bring big changes in temperatures. how much cooler we will be going intt the weekend. in the sky watch forecast. >> live in high definition, froo wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. >> hello, i am jennifer glbert. >> and i am jeff barnd. women and new mothers find help. >> safe haven in nnapolis, for young girls. but tonight a worker thought it would be the place where she would lose her life. keith daniels s here now back from annapolis, with the woman's frightening story. keith? >> jennifer and jeff it happened ddring a daytime hold up at the most unusual place for a robbery. but police say a thief chose th3 small town help center. staffed by older women, that say they wereenearly frightened to death. >> teresa thornton is a volunteer at the birth right women's resource center in annapolis. she was there wednesdaa, and won't forget what happened that day, when a man, walked through the front door. >>i i thought he was going to i did. i was just -- i could hardly talk. but i kept saying, you know, take our money. >> thornton and anothhr volunteer, had just arrived at the center that morning. when arundel county police say this man, richard glen parker walked into the center with a backpack, on his shoulder. thornton said he seemed nice. he asked her for clothes and thornton was gathering the items, talking to her coworker when? >> out of the blue, so fast, he swung around, with a gun out of his pocket. and stuck it right at our3 forehead. >> thornton said he demanded money. women scrambled to get their3 purses. >> he took our purses and his backpack and left. went out the back door. thornton pushed the panic button, other woman called 911. within five minutes police arrived. and off duty aaundel county police officer, was in the area. >> the off duty officer travis he spotted parker, running in %->> police set up a perimeter flushed parker outtof the woods. there was a short foot chase. officer ott caught him. back at thornton's place, reflection on another frightening moment. >> he came out of there in about three leaps, grabbed me by the arm. pulled me in the back room and he said if you move again. stuck theegun in my chest. ii you move again i ill kill you. >>well, tonight in spite of a frighteniig moment, thornton said she will go back to the3 center. but with new security measures.3 number one on the list, no backpacks allowed. police believe that's where parker be packed his weapon. keith daniels fox 45 news at 10:00. >> thank you, keith. >> today's heavy rain brought problems to baltimooe area. >> this is what it looked like in north bbltimore. sheetz of rain pounding roads,ú pulling on the streets and reducing visibility. winds kicked up making matters -orse. >> and stormy weather may have contributed to a bad accident near baltimore county caroline. three people including two children, were hurt in his crash along route 140. west of reisterstown. the accident backed up traffic for miles. at the heart of the evening rus3 hour. >> damage wassseen in a lot of places around these parts. this is we would don avenue in north baltimore where a tree fell on several cars, even a house. >> and when it comes to newssin your neighborrood. like these bad storms. see it, shoot it, send it. you can upload pictures and videos to our websitt at foxbaltimore.com and click on the see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also send pictures directly from your cell phone to [email protected]. >> and the storms knocked out power to thousands of residents but power has since been restored to most of thhm. most of the problems, however, tonight remain in baltimore -> those storms, brought a3 dramatic change in our weather. >> chief meteorologist vvtas reid is here now wwth a look at the sky watch forecast. vytas? >> jeenifer and jeff, heavy downpours of rain across the city and most of the activity moving you southeast of us, on h.d. radar escaping the skies. see over toward easton. eastern shore, some of the remaining showers and thunderstorms that will continue to push to the south, moved along the frontal boundary. and talking about the power outages. a lot of it caused from lightning strikes because of a lot of lightning with the you get the hhat and humidity out there. firing up the atmosphere. creating the instability. and creating the lightning strikes..3 and right now over easton, you -olks are getting good lightning strikes. and that will subside o the south. big picture here. put it in motion. you can see how the cells moved across the bay. and most of the activity now has pushed out over the atlantic. as we watched a cold front push south. clearing back west. -hat's good news. so we are seeing anywhere from aboot a quarter of an inch to maybe alf an inch in some3 spots. that got heavy downpours of rain from some of the tracking -hunderstorms. but for the most part that activity has now moved south. which is good. and dry up through the night. >> 85 in baltimore. 81 in d.c.ú 76 in hageestown. cooler air. and cool air feels good tomorrow.3 get up to the mid 80s tomorrow. but we will enjoyysunshine starting off the weekend. have a closer looo at the seven-day forecast. and weekend out look. coming up in aabit. >> thank you, vytas. >> and you can be in charge of your own ersonalized forecast. i-radar is available at foxbaltimore.com. use the interactive tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimore.com/i-radar. >> a man is dead after beeng hit and killed by a falling tree in baltimore county. removing a tall tree on woodland drrve. another, part of which fell on the victim. he has yet to be identified tonight.3 >> an early morning fishing trip turns deadly at loch raven reservoir. drivers haae recovered body of a man that disappeared this morning. divers span out in search of a he and 2 other men were pushing from the shore onto the bridge. >> for some reason, one of them went into the reservoir and swam about 20 feet from shore. he signaled he was in distress, was not wearing a floatation device. under.iends watched him go >> witnesses say two other men weee simply unto be able rescue their friend. violent afternoon storms forced dive teams to halt the search. but hours later they finally recovered the victim's body. >> those that patrol the huge watershed said this incident is %-dangers that everyone faces, y time they come near the water. >> theewater, may seem inviting, and it is beautiful behind me. but it is ot safe, evee foo people that are good swims. it is not safe forrany level of swimmer. >> swimming here is strictly and fire officials say there is a good reason for that ban. >> water rops off quickly. and the depths 90 feet. in some locations. there is a lot of trees, rocks, debris under the water because ttis is a reservoir. so it is an area that was flooded long ago to create the reservoir. >> investigators say it is not known wwat happened to this man. he is the thirdd rowning victim at loch raven this ssmmer n baltimore county, john rydell, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> and the drowning victim was identified tonight as quentin robinson of baltimore city. >> new tonight, the woman nearly carjacked out of the an police mall wednesday contacted the3 police. 38-year-olddarthur felton stole a ceel phone, and an mp3 from sears before linked security on a foot chhse through the mall. and went outside and jumped in a car ann all captured on camera. he got out later. and was ard.3 no word tonight about the carjacking victim. >> first on fox tonight. videotaping the cops. should you be allowed to do it? maryland's attorney general -eighs in, crime and justice reporter joy lepola, has the one confidential opinion. >> get off the motorcycle. get oft motorcycle. state police. >> thisstraffic stop, recorded and later posted on "youtube", is one among several recordings, wide. >> if you aae rounding, video, or device which includes audio you are breaking state aw. state law indicates you cannot doothat. and we can seize that device, and affectuate an arrest because of it. >> an opinion released bb maryland attorney general's %->> attorney general's office, and is instinct what ttey believe the statute said. -nd more often than not, courts will accept that interrretation. >> the opinion issued, to these three delegates, states a poliie stop is not a private conversation. therefore, it issnottcovered by the state's wire tap ct. >> it is whether or not you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. >> motorcyclist anthony graber was wake a camera on the helmet when he pulled over. charged with violate a wire tap law, after posting it on "youtube". and now the ccse against him is in jeopardy because of the opinion from he attorney general. >> they are generally givvn >> letter has been sent to heartford county state attorney3 who tells fox 45, he has yet to his case against graber. joy lepola, fox 45 news at 10::0. >> and thaa brings us to the question of the day. should you be allowed to videotape police officers, on the job? so far 83 percent say yes. and 17 percent say no. and steve writes on our website. based on the gang activity in baltimore city alone, videotaping police officers who are on the job, would be dangerous, to them aad their families. but chris writes. i firmly believe that we should recording officers, will keep them honest. gooto foxbaltimore.com and let us know wwat ou think. you can sound off on facebook. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore. text us at 45203. enter fox 45 a for question. fox 45 b for no. and we will hear more ressonses tonight on the "late edition" at 11:00. ú >> when the orioles take the field on tuesday night at camden yards there willlbe a nee man in charge. biz i day for the o's. bruce? >> very busy day, as it turns oot. the orioles trade adwae a veteran and finally named their newwmanager. buck showalter hirrng is not a surprise, he is negotiating for weeks wiih the orioles that signed him this morning to three years. of the ear he managed the yankees, diimond bangs and rangers and most recently an analyst wwth espn. he will officially introduced monday in a press conference and manage his first game on3 tuesday. >> that's not all. with a trade deadline set for saturday a flurry of deals and orioles were involved in one. sent veteran infielder miguel tajeda to the pod trace and in exchange they get a minor league pitching prospect. more on hese stories, and kristen berset reports from westminster on advance of the ravens' first full team practice tomorrow morning. coming up onn10:50 on "sports unlimited". >> baltimore swiiming sensation michael phelps leaves this weekend for a competition in california. %-competitions that lead to only one place. the 2012 olympics in london.ú michaellphelps spoke to ú%ub today. and he said the competition would be good beccuse he admmts he has a lot f work to do. >> i don't think i have ever felt this bad in my free style direct and i don't know, i feel like i cannot swim. i don't know what it is. a lot of technical things that hopefully we can fix between now and nationals. but if not, you know, something that, you knoo, i know that it is importaat. because i feel like i just am not pulling out of wattr. and everything is disconnected. >> you can hear more on of phelps' interview at 10:50 on "sports unlimited". shocker really concerning the show american idol.ú >> ellen degeneres is leaving the shhw. in a statement she said she told idol producerssthat the show did not feel like a good fit for her. and that her work schedule had become more than she had bargained for. but she also told them that she would not leave until producers figured out what they wanned to do.ú and producers say she will be missed. >> wiil the next amerrcan dol singer be from baltimore? the city's top singers show their stuff this morning. city the standout later on fox 45 news at 10:00. >> and an armed robbery caught on tape. the thing that clerk did after the struggle. later on fox 45 news at 10:00. >> i am jeff abell, there is more blame tonight over the murder here in charles village. what the governor is saying, in a moment. >> a circuit court judge is under fire this evening for risk to jail a probation violator. >> the violator is accused of murder. jeff abell is live in charles village with the story. jeff? >> when stephen pitcairn lost his life on this charles village street last weekend. there was both outrage and one of the accused killers was on probation when he wass3 arrested for the murder.3ú anddtoted governor insisted the judge drop the ball. before circuit court judge howard four times in two years, accused of violating his probation. and each ime jjdge howard put the defendant back on the street. >> drove home the importance of -udges to these positions they play innprotecting the public. >> others are blaming the state's attorney office, greg bernstein is a candidate for the %->> where the fault lies, i thk is with state attorney's office in not prosecuting this individual. >> in april, they charge john wagner in connection with ttis robbery caught on surveillance tape. and later dropped the charges. cooperate.e victim refused to >> in this particular case, prooecutors did everything we could, possibly do, to bring this case back to the attention of the court. it is so important, that there liie this. total tragedy. >> juuge howard has been on the ú%nch for four years now. he was appointed in 2006, by then governor bob ehrlich. -altimore may have been targeted because he talked to police.ú it happened on east lafayette aveeue near north calvvrt at an officer heard gun fire, an to the scene and found a 21-year-old man shot in the head. police saa he was an innormant for another unrelated crime. no word on a suspect tonight. >> more than $7 million coming to balttmore city to keep residents safe. the govvrnor announced the money is in the form of three public safety grants. money is used to get more police it will help to support community orranizations, that organize neighborhood foot ú%trols. >> there have been over 11883 murders in baltimore. resources all across the ccty, %-we need to say that we aree3 decade lows, means nothing to folks if they do not feel it. >> city and state leaders sayú public safety partnerships are part offthe reason violent crimm hassgone down 11 percent in the city of baltimore over the past three years. >> one of the d.c. sniipers said two others were supposed to participate in the attacks that3 teerorized the dc region but they backed out at the last minute. lee boy lee boyd malvo reveaaed this in enteron with shafner for a new special that airs tonight on a&e. and lee boyd malvo said that he was involved in 42 shootings. previously, ee boyd malvo and ask john alan mohammed werr linked to 27. lee boyd malvo is serving life in prison in virginia. mohammed was executed last year. >> a synagogue is vandalized and considered a hate crime tonight. swasticas covered the synagogue earlier this week, amonggthe disturbing graffiti is the phrase work will set you free. that phrase on the gates, of course at the concenttation caap in auschwitz. >> here it said ddath to design. there was a swwstica. >> a shocking and disturbing discovery. hate filled words from one end of the synagogue to the other. some words were written in german. and spray paintee on walls. the parking lot. and light poles of theebashalom synagogue. >> wook will set you free, which was a phrase thht is used over3 the entrancewayyto auschwitz. >> all antisemitic slurs, it defaces the property shaken the entire connregation. >> it was not just some teenager out herr with a can of spray paint this was omebody that has and they knew what they were saying and it would get to us. >> but the messages of hate meant to shake a community, actually ended upbringing it hours after the find an army of volunteers scrubbed it cleen. >> well we repainttas much as we have to. rid of all the hate.t cannot get >> we let everybody know we will not let this bring us downn and we will clean up he wallss and get the sticks and not be bullied. >> it is the first sign of hate for this synagogue in 30 years. ú%idence on the scene but they woulddnot comment on what thhy found. however, an investigation is pending. and detectives believe the suspects spray painted until members hope it woull lead to the person or persons who were filled with all the hate. to be rrested. >> you feel this.ú very personally. because this is the house we all bet built. this is our second home. and anybody would come here and deface is wrong.3 >> two homes in that community also vandalizedp. -ne was the home of a holocaust survivor. shirley sherrod is going to sue andrew bright baat. the controversy started on bright bart's website big government.com. sharrod was quickly fired from her job at the agriculture department after a video was posted there of her telling a story that made her appear racist. well, the full video shows it was actually a story about racial reconciliation. sherrod said bright bartthas not apologized and she doesn't want it now. and he will be hearing from her, nn commmnt froo bright bart tonight. >> a baltimore city worker could face punitive action after using a city vehicle to transport hhs loved ones. report released y city -etween march and june of this year, tte unnamed park and rec worker used a dump truck 13 times to pick up and drop offf3 relatives, near his house. no word if he has been fired two disciplinary actton font their involvement. government aacountable, of urú course. and at all times and you can help by joining our fox 45 waste watch. if you see government waste call our hotline at (410)662-1456. you can go to foxbaltimore.com and clickkon waste watch. >> oh, coming up on fox 45 news at 10:00. the worst, the best, and everything in between. try to become ballimorees edition to american idol. see the competitionn later on fox 45 news at 10:00. >> tate will have tough choices. >> what happens when the stimulus dollars stop? a look at the very tough choices that have to be made. it is our cover story when we ccme back. >> and we saw storms push [ male announcer ] achin' for steak & bacon? try the subway steak & bacon melt. and build your better breakfast with the new steak and bacon muffin melt with, oh yeah, bacon. crank up the flavor at subway. >> ii you thought maryland lawmakers already made tough budgetary decisions, the worst may be yet to come. >> in months, billons of federal stimulus dollars will run dry. leaving the state with some very tough choices. in tonight's cover story, we reflect on the recovery. >> there you go. it is done. >> it was an historic day in3 american history. and critics argue a costly one to taxpayers. february 17, 2009, president obama signed the american recovery anddreenvestment act into law. the stimulus package as it is known would apply $787 billion in new federal spending. -iling economy, wiih marylandd3 getting $4.5 billion. >> the stimulus dollars were designed to protect our schools, and to bridge us, out of this -ecession, and into days of %-expanding opportunity. >> now, almost a year and a half and three budget cycles later, the billons are starting to dry >> you know, it has noo created this massive empllyment that is boosting tax revenue, you know, and elping, you know, residents of the state. >> the state of maryland has already spent billoos in ffdera3 dollars, on medicaid. aad education, aad general fund commitments. not to mention the 13,000 jobs the state aid were created and saved. agencies like the department of health and mental hygiene