Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20131105 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20131105

system, and are now out there making money in real estate, loving what they do. throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-botto price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what io every day, and this is what my students are out there doing evy day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip is house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. >> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better ple to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed d have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone. this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since going to the training, we're on our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and i is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't. a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for u, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried aut money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for urself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking contr of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the 31 properties i'm working on right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywher they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've jusfinished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting staed flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource gue addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one behind me. i also have a track record for teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and "property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-know strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retiment account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs anall the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event. (female announcer) the following is a paid presentation brought to you by my pillow incorporated. ♪ music playing >> i definitely just got a much better sleep. >> try it, that's what i would say. >> there's just no comparison to it. >> without realizing what i was missing. once i had it, i loved it. >> it really did change my life. >> my name is patty reilly and if youe anything like me, you have struggled for years trying to get a good night sleep. i wake up in the middle of the night. i can't get back to sleep, tossing and turning. that is just no fun. so it wasn't until recently that i actually discovered something that a lot of people were talking about. and it's called my pillow. now, i'm not a compulsive buying. i'm somebody who actually has to do a little bit of research and find out a little bit of the buzz before i invest in a product. well, recently i discovered my pillow and now i sleep like a baby. so if you're thinking, is this too good to be true? well, i'm here to tell you that it is good and it is true. (female announcer) millions of people have fallen in love with the world's most comfortable pillow. my pillow. and now, you can too. stay tuned to learn how you and your family can take advantage of mike's exclusive 30-day trial offer, to experience two of your very own my pillows for just $19.95 shipping and handling. join host patty reilly, sleep expert mike lindell, and people across the country who have discovered the secret to the most restful, comfortable, deep healing sleep of their lives with my pillow. (audience clapping) >> mike lindell. >> good patty. >> i can't believe it took meo long. >> you just said it right there when most people, that's there biggest complaint when they get my pillow is they didn't get it sooner. >> mhmm. >> you know, what you were telling about with how people that used, we all use our arms. our arm's asleep, our necks are sore, and we flip flop all night long like a guppy. well, sleep is about, sleep interruption's where you pull out of that deep sleep that your body needs and deserves. and we have here is a few pillows that you've probably slept on. >>okay. yeah. i recognize a few, definitely. >> the uh, i'm going to tell you about each what each of these pillows does. you've got your fiber fill here. we've all slept on that where it's springy. it pushes back, it's not going to change it. it is what it is. there's you know, if you don't match this pillow, even if you do match it, there's your neck muscles are constantly pushing you down or pulling you up. whatever, whatever it may be depending on your shoulder size. >> okay. >> this one here is just no good. (audience laughing) >> the next one we have here, we have a memory foam. and we've all tried them. and what's your experience with them? >> well, you know i've seen these before. and i thought well, what a genius idea. it looks like its contoured perfectly for my neck and you've probably tried it too. >> but, what happens out there, they don't fit everybody's neck. and we all have different sleep positions, side, back, stomach. this pillow, if you happen to fit this curve, what else happens? it gets hot. >> it gets really hot, you wake up with your neck all sweaty. >> and we'll find later, you can't wash and dry this either. >> oh. okay. good to know. >> this one here, said it before, has ruined america. this pillow is so flat there is no, there is nothing there, it's air. it's down pillows. we've tried it. once we get fed up with these other pillows, we end up going out and spending, thinking, spending more money, is worth more value. it's not, it's worse. you spend an hour and a half waking up, eating energy, drinking energy drinks, drinking ffee. >> yeah. i felt like i spared no expense. and i know a lot of you out there thought the same thing. and then, it goes flat as a pancake. so, no good. >> exactly, it is the worst. ♪ music playing >> what i like about my pillow is that i can, i can kind of punch it and fold it and tuck it in exactly how i need it. >> with those other pillows that you're getting at the markets, they're just trash really. they're just, they're cheap, and after you wash them, they bunch up. they're not the same anymore. but with my pillow, you can toss it into the wash, you can air dry it, toss it into the dryer. it's such an easy pillow to take of and it's going to last you forever. >> i couldn't lay in bed for a long time because my back would hurt just from being in a bed too long. and after the pillow i noticed that wasn't an issue. so, possibly sleeping in on saturdays and sundays if i wanted to. so, that is nice. >> and i've noticed you fall asleep faster than you used to too. um, he just kind of like laid there and toss and turn and try to keep moving around to get comfortable. but, i don't see that for him anymore, which is nice. >> and you know, with my theory of sleep, you take a garden hose and you have water coming through i and it's just fine. well, in your neck you have, you're cervical spine in your vertebral arteries. when you bend that, what happens? you'll flip flop to another position to get that hose open. but what happens with their pillows, they go flat. >> that's right. >> or they're pushing back and the hose is bent either this way orhis y. there's nothing worse than trying to sleep with your neck in, bent in an awkward position. i wanted something that held my neck straight for me as an individual. what i did is i invented this pillow. i have my own us patent and these; i have three different sizes of this foam, if you feel that. but, all three sizes inter, they interlock together. so, it's like if you had pressure, if you had pressure on my hands, it would be harder to pull them apart. well, when you lay your head on that, wherever you mold this pillow for you. see how that holds? push down there. >> oh yeah. >> see that? that's not my grain. so, for your exact shoulders, it's going to, no matter how big your shoulders are or how small, it's going to be exactly for you as an individual. you're not going to have these flip flopping all night like a guppy or using your arm or folding your pillow and waking up or flipping to the cool side. >> so, no matter if you're a back sleeper, a side sleeper, a stomach sleeper, just get your fit. which is so easy to do. >> exactly. you can get the right fit. it takes a couple of minutes but then, you're right no matter what position you sleep in this will work for you. >> with my pillow premium, this is so easy to care for too. machine wash, tumble dry. so, i mean it's a no brainer. so it's a win, win. >> well, i wanted it to no only people if they're even hesitant out there, they've seen me before on tv. they uh, and they're waiting for it, it's not going to change. the same problems there that we have, the same solution's here. my pillow. this is your solution. this will work for you. it works for everybody. >> for gift giving. it may not something that you think is the most glamorous, sexy, fun thing give as a gift. but, for me, i actually sent a set of these to my parents, you know people who have everything. and um, oh my gosh, i think it's the best gift i'd ever gave them. which is a perfect nights sleep every single night. >> absolutely. there is no better gift but the gift of health. my pillow is the most important thing to your sleep. d sleep is the most important thing to your health. (audience clapping) ♪ music playing >> there's just no comparison to it. the way that it's made and it stays where you put it. and it stays soft and stays cool. what more could you want out of a pillow? >> i definitely just got a much better sleep and just much more comfortable. so, there is something to it. there's some magic in it. >> when i woke up after, after being on my pillow for just a few nights, i just realized, you know, i feel more refreshed in the morning. >> i bought one, brought it home; my life has been completely changed. i sleep so wonderfully at night. and i, the pillow is amazing; i don't know it works that this foam is soft and yet so firm. and it's perfect. (female announcer) millions of people have fallen in love with the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. and here's why. unlike ordinary pillows that go flat, lose their shape, or heat up, my pillow's patented interlocking fill conforms to your unique shape. regardless of sleep position and creates a cooling effect resulting in the most restful, comfortable, deep healing sleep of your life. >> i am so confident that you're going to love my pillow that i'm willing to ship one out to you to try in your own home for just $19.95 shipping and handling. >> call now or visit and get fitted for not just one but two of your very own my pillows for just $19.95 shipping and handling. >> i was completely amazed that just a pillow could make that difference. >> it really did change my life. >> try it, you'll like it. >> my pillow comes with a generous 60 day return picy, an incredible 10 year warranty, and is made in the u.s.a. you can even wash and dry my pillow just like your favorite pair of jeans. >> if you're not convinced that my pillow is the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own, simply return it and pay nothing more. but, you can keep my press-n-pack travel bag as my personal gift to you just for trying my pillow. >> mike's handy press-n-pack travel bags make it easy to take my pillow wherever you go. but, hold everything. we're so sure you're going to love my pillow that we'll also include two of mike's new go anywhere pillows. your perfect companion for the plane, the train, or a trip to grandma's house. the press-n-pack travel bags and mike's go anywhere pills, an $80 value, are yours to keep even if you decide to return my pillow. visit us online at and enter promo code mypillow to save 25% off your entire purchase when you order now. there's never been a better time or a better offer for you and your family to experience the amazing difference you can only get from the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. ♪ for the best nights sleep ♪ in the whole wideorld, is ♪ >> to fully undersnd the benefits of my pillow, it's good to know where this is. a pillow sits behind your neck. the neck is an important place for neurologic structures. if you have a pillow say for example that doesn't work effectively and it starts kind of breaking down throughout the night that safe place for all that neurologic structure gets destroyed throughout the night. and what does that do? it keeps you awake because you're tossing and turning, you don't restore yourself, and health deteriorates. >> after having the my pillow, i just feel so much better. just everything is just well taken care of, it feels like. and it's, there's no problem anymore getting out of bed with my pillow. (audience clapping) >> well we've been talking about how my pillow premium gives you an unbeatable nights sleep. in fact, it give you the best nights sleep ever. d i know that from personal experience. but, it took me a while, okay, to convert to it. you know, because for me, seeing is believing. so let's check in with mike. mike? >> hi, patty. >> can you give us some examples about inferior pillows that a lot of people are struggling with to get a good nights sleep with right now. >> yeah patty, it's like uh, that story of the three bears and goldie locks, only here we could have 20, 20 of the problems they had. not just three. but we just have a couple here to show you. um, jackie's been laying on a fiber filled pillow. she told me a little bit ago, it's too low. so, what do we do when it's too low out there because you can adjust it, we usually end up folding it in half. and i'll go ahead. >> i've done that. >> that's very uncoortae, right? there's nothing worse than your neck being out of position, either too high or too low. with this, fiber fill is what it is people, it is terrible. (audience laughing) >> no good. the uh, the next one we have here is memory foam. we've all slept on memory foam or tried it when it came out. and the problem with it is, it's a solid piece, good for one sleep position only and only very few people fit it. you know, because you're trying, and now is that too low, too high? >> too high. >> too high. >> now mike, i tended to get heated up when i slept on that pillow too. >> they get hot, they get hot. so you're doing the ip. you ever do the pillow flip? >> absolutely. >> now to the object of sleep is to not have those sleep interruptions. you need to get into that deep rim sleep. and this pillow here, even if you did fit it on your side by the way, you're not going to put it on your back because you need a lower pillow. and that's where people end up with their necks like this. and this one here again is no good. (audience laughing) here we have the worst pillow ever. this one has ruined america, i've said it before. >> i think i through that one away last week. >> and it happens to be the most expensive too. we all know that down pillows, they're expensive. but yes, you know what, they go like this. >> flat as a pancake. >> they're just air, people, that's all they are. you can go ahead and i know you don't want to lay on this one but, if you'll give it a shot. you're basically, you'll be better off sleeping of phone books and putting a towel over them to keep your neck in the right position. there is nothing worse. this pillow has done more problems for people getting sleep than any pillow there is. and absolutely the worse. and now we have the amazing my pillow. this pillow here, no matter what sleep position you're in, you can adjust it wherever you move it. it's going to hold your neck in the right position for you and you are going to sleep all night. you're going to get great uninterrupted sleep. the sleep you need for your health. because of my patented fill, no matter if you're on your stomach, back, side, or how big a frame you are. it doesn't matter; we have one that will fit you no matter what. and if you, if you're on your side, you can go ahead and just adjust that to your own individual needs. do what you wouldo. as you, you're trying to get comfortable on other pillows, here you make my pillow fit you, it absolutely amazing. now, your neck, her necks is perfectly straight. you can sleep, don't fall asleep, okay. this is what my pillow is all about. keeping your neck straight for you as an individual. you won't be flip flopping all night anymore like a guppy. you won't wake up with your arm asleep and your neck won't be sore in the morning. and you won't want to, quick spend an hour and a half wasted time, waking up. another thing, if you're on your back, same pillow, if you're on your back you know we threw one of those pillows over the bed here that had the little curve on it, i know 1 in 30 of us match, who knows how many people match it, from my experience not too many. if you, i'm going to go a little more dramatic here, if your,ow put your head back. >> so you can adjust it to your sleep needs, right? >> you can adjust, because you can move the pillow. it doesn't matter, now. some people sleep half on their side, half on their back. why don't you move. >> i do that. i sleep on my back half the night then switch. >> so then youan, u need a different level. because you can move the pillow, you just make the pillow fit you. it's all it's absolutely the most amazing sleep you're ever going to have. i personally guarantee it. there is nothing better. (audience clapping) ♪ music playing >> so for a lot of you at home who are still on the fence, seeing is truly believing. and the proof is in the pillow. so visit, to get yourself fitted, pick out your pillow, and be on your way to the best nights sleep you'll ever have. >> what i really like about the my pillow is that you can conform it to fit exactly how you want it to be. >>the my pillow i really like because it's like, i can kind of scrunch it up and it's going to stay. yeah. it will hold its shape. >> whatever position i was in, the pillow kind of conformed to that. >> the pillow is just doing the job and supporting my neck the way that my old pillow wasn't. >> i was completely amazed that just a pillow could make that difference. >> i ended up findg the my pillow and it's been just a wonderful thing to have in my life. (female announcer) millions of people have fallen in love with the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. and here's why. unlike ordinary pillows that go flat, lose their shape, or heat up, my pillow's patented interlocking fill conforms to your unique shape. regardless of sleep position and creates a cooling effect, resulting in the most restful, comfortable, deep healing sleep of your life. >> i am so confident that you're going to love my pillow that i'm going to ship one out to you to try in your own home for just $19.95 shipping and handling. >> call now or visit, and get fitted for not just one but two of your very own my pillows for just $19.95 shipping and handling. >> i was completely amazed that just a pillow could make that difference. >> it really did change my life. >> try it, you'll li it. >> my pillow comes with a generous 60 day returpolicy and an incredible 10 year warranty and is made in the u.s.a. you can even wash and dry my pillow just like your favorite pair of jeans. >> if you're not convinced that my pillow is the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own, simply return it and pay nothing more. but, you can keep my press-n-pack travel bag as my personal gift to you just for trying my pillow. >> mike's handy press-n-pack travel bags make it easy to take my pillow wherever you go. but, hold everything. we're so sure you're going to love my pillow that we'll also include two of mike's new go anywhere pillows. your perfect companion for the plan the train, or a trip to grandma's house. the press-n-pack travel bags and mike's go anywhere pillow's an $80 value, are yours to keep even if you decide to return my pillow. visit us online at mypillom and enter promo code mypiw to save 25% off your entire purchase when you order no. there's never been a better time or a better offer for you or your family to experience the amazing difference you can only get from the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. ♪ for the best nights sleep in the whole wide world, ♪ ♪ is >> when i invented this pillow, years ago, i also wanted to make sure that all my manufacturing is done by me. i did not want to outsource anything. i wanted everything made here in the united states. i wanted it to be the best ever made. if you say, well i want to buy a product that's made here in the u.s., you've got it. and you have a product that's going to effect everything you do in your daily li. to see my business go from 40 employees to 500 and some employees in a few short months was the most rewarding. it was almost surreal and now we have over 2,000 other jobs that are affected by it. and it's just amazing to see how it's grown to that and it's getting bigger because, and to help all the people that have bought the pillow, over 1,000,000 people. and uh, not only, i'm helping them two ways; helping them with jobs and helping people sleep. and it's very you know, i feel very blessed to be a part of that. >> being made in america is wonderful but, it's made right. >> i went from sleeping with three pillows stacked up and crunched to sleeping with one my pillow. so, it's really nice. >> there's no problem anymore getting out of bed with my pillow. >> you fluff that thing up before you go to bed, get your head in their where you want it, and the pillow doesn't move. >> sometimes in the past, i've had pillows where it's like i get really warm. and then you look at the pillow it's like all stained from sweat and it's disgusting. but this pillow, it's stays nice, nice, and comfortable. >> it's just great for me and i love it. >> my six year old son uses my pillow. he loves it and what we forget is that just because they are little people, they still need sleep and they need more sleep than adults. some kids have problems sleeping, they have problems getting to bed. they have problems being fidgety in bed. some kids wake up tired, some kids wake up and not want to go to school. sometimes the first thing that we find out about kids who have attention issues or focus problems, isn't that they need some medication, sometimes they just need better sleep. (audience clapping) >> one of the things that i love about my pillow premium is that you can wash it. so we're going to check inith mike and find out what makes this pillow so superior to any other pillow out there. mike? >> well, patty, not only be able to wash but you can also dry it. and when i set out to invent this pillow, i wanted it to have everything. so not only do i warranty it 10 years, to not go flat, i didn't want it to get any dirty. i wanted to be able to wash and dry it. with all my experimentation i did, i finally came up with the right patented fill that you could do that with. and other pillows that we've tried, i've got them right here. this first one here with that fiber fill, look what happened to it. >> it los distorted. >> that's terrible. now i see it might match the guy with the big head but it's not going to match anybody else's, absolutely terrible. the next one, we actually just set this one in here. we didn't actually wash and dry because it says absolutely do not wash and dry it. and so when this is dirty, when this goes flat, you're done. >> well, and that's the little portable heater. that's the one you sweat on, so. >> right, rit, right, right. so that one's going to not only get full of sweat but it's going to be disgusting. >> that's no good. >> absolutely disgusting. yeah. it's even gotten worse. you've lost some, i mean it's. >> what's happening? >> this is your, this is the one with your down and most expensive. this one here actually said you could wash and dry it. >> okay, well there is way too much dust going on. and it brings me to and um, allergies and people that think that. >> and my pillow is non-allergenic and it's warranty 10 years not to go flat. it doesn't matter how many times you wash and dry it. i even used premcor threads so the thread won't even wear out. if it doesn't come out, look this is the pillow i currently use, and i don't know how many times i've washed and dried it. it's the same pillow, the same everything's the same, nothing changes. it's my beautiful pillow but it's also non-allergenic, i can breathe, and it's clean. >> well, you know and a lot of people and also your followers on facebook talk about how the pillow actually gets better and betr and better. >> so people don't be afraid to wash and dry you're my pillow, it is amazing when it comes out of the dryer. (audience clapping) >> so if you want more information, once again go to to check out my pillow premium, get yourself fitted, and be on your way to the best nights sleep of your life. >> i like the fact that it's completely washable. e warranty on it and so we gave it a try and i will never use anything else. i love it. >> whenever they are laundered, they uh, it's just as if they are brand new again. you know when you first take it out of the wrapper and just kind of expands, it's just got that same sort of uh, new feeling to it. >> i love the fact that you can wash it and dry it. um, it comes out looking just like you had just bought a new pillow. >> with those other pillows that you're getting at the markets, they're just trash really. they're just, they're cheap and after you wash them, they bunch up, they're not the same anymore. but with my pillow, you can toss it into the wash, you can air dry it, toss it into the dryer. it's such an easy pillow to take care of and it's going to last you for forever. >> taking it out of the dryer and having it be all fluffy and new again, taking care of all of those dust mites. >> it washed every once in a while and kind of renew it with the washer and dryer and uh, it's just like a new pillow. >> i believe that the foam really does regenerate when you wash it. so i do the, i wash it on hot waternd i put it in the dryer really hot. and wash them every four months just to make sure they stay great. (audience clapping) >> we've heard from several different testimonials, mike, about how popular the my pillow premium is. how much they love it. how it's changed their lives in fact. >> and you know patty, i hear thousands of testimonies every week. it's just so surreal to me when i set out to create the world's best pillow, i wanted you to be able to walk down the street and say what would you like to be able to see in a pillow. and if they said i want to be able to wash and dry it. well, my pillow does that. if they said i want it to be able to conform to my exact individual needs, my pillow does that. i want it to stay cool, my pillow does that. i want it to be price right, so it can last 10 years and give it value, my pillow does that. i want it to come with a guarantee in case it doesn't work, my pillow does that. what's been amazing for me is my calling is just the fact that now i'm hearing back from these. well you know, it seems like one in five people send or tell me it's not only helped them but created a miracle in their life. >> if you don't mind, i'd love to read a letter from one of your facebook followers now? >> no. >> so this is from samantha nelson, who is an army wife and one of your facebook followers. she says, dear mike, my name is samantha and i am a military wife living in west point, new york. i've purched my pillow this summer before making the long drive to our next duty station. i was hesitant to purchase yet another pillow that made all these promises, but i gave in after thinking about those nights i sat up, not sleeping, with all the other pillows and was excited to see if it actually worked. since i have had the my pillow premium, i have had the most amazing night sleep. i love it so much. i seriously owe you my life. thank you so, so, so much for allowing me to wake up every day so well rested. sincerely, your friendly army wife, samantha nelson. (audience clapping) >> i have never been able to find a pillow that i wouldn't wake up in the morning and have neck issues. and i have tried foam pillows. i have tried down pillows. i have tried the pillows that have the curve thing in them. and i have never found a pillow that i was satisfied with. so that first night, i sleep on it and i was thrilled and when i woke up the next morning, i was like, i think this is going to work. >> uh, when i tried my pillo following my first night of sleep it was, oh my gosh, this was too good to be true. and then the second night when i slept through the entire night without waking up and also noticing no longer waking up with headaches in the morning or stiffness. and i was sold. for once i was sleeping ll and getting into the deep rim sleep and really got back the quality of life that i was hoping for. i truly am sold on the my pillow. it's my cadillac, it's made the difference in my life. (female announcer) millions of people have fallen in love with the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. and here's why, unlike ordinary pillows that go flat, lose their shape, or heat up, my pillow's patented interlocking fill conforms to your unique shape, regardless of sleep position. and creates a cooling effect resulting in the most restful, comfortable, deep healing sleep of your life. >> i am so confident that you're going to love my pillow that i'm going to ship one out to you to try in your own home for just $19.95 shipping and hang. >> call now or visit, and get fitted for not just one but two of your very own my pillows for just $19.95 shipping and handling. >> i was completely amazed that just a pillow could make that difference. >> it really did change my life. >> try it, you'll like it. >> my pillow comes with a generous 60 day return policy, an incredible 10 year warranty, and is made in the u.s.a. you can even wash and dry my pillow just like your favorite pair of jeans. >> if you're not convinced that my pillow is the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own, simply return it and pay nothing more. but you can keep my press-n-pack travel bag as my personal gift to you just for trying my pillow. >> mike's handy press-n-pack travel bags make it easy to take my pillow wherever you go. but hold everything. we're so sure you're going to love my pillow that we're also include two of mike's new go anywhere pillows. your perfect companion for the plane, the train, or a trip to grandma's house. the press-n-pack travel bags and mike's go anywhere pillows an $80 value, are yours to keep even if you decide to return my pillow. visit us online at and enter promo code mypillow to save 25% off your entire purchase when you order now. there's never been a better time or a better offer for you and your family to experience the amazing difference you can only get from the world's most comfortable pillow, my pillow. ♪ for the best night sleep in the whole wide world, ♪ ♪ is ♪ music playing >> it's uh, phenomenal difference in the way that you're able to sleep. >> i definitely just got a much better sleep. >> i fell asleep instantly. >> try it, that's what i would say. >> we started with one or two and then all of a sudden the kids realized, the kids i think kindly borrowed mine for the first time and then she said i want one of those, dad. so i got her one of the pillows and ever since then our whole family has them. >> the way that it's made and it stays where you put it and it stays soft. and it stays cool, what more could you want out of a pillow. >> i use my pillow, my wife uses my pillow, my mom uses my pillow, my son uses my pillow, everyone in my famy, everyone that i know now uses my pillow or at least has considered it. um, and those that haven't considered it, should. >> being made in america is wonderful, but it's made right. and to the average consumer, if you're looking at helping yourself to help the body to help itself more, the pillow is a great place to start. >> it really did change my life. >> what we've seen here today is what? we're all the same. we all have the same problems. what we need to do is get rid of these problems. get them out of o life. start enjoying life, your answer to your problems is my pillow. you will feel better, you will feel refreshed, you will feel younger, you will get that uninterrupted sleep that you need and deserve. sleep is the most important thing to your health and my pillow is the most important thing to your sleep. ♪ for the best night sleeps in the whole wide world, ♪ ♪ is (female announcer) the proceeding program was brought to you by my pillow incorpated, creators of the worlds most comfortable pillow, my pillow premium. (male announcer) the proceeding program was produced by life brands, we build brands. >> announcer: the following is paid presentation for focus t25, brought to you by beachbody. >> [ echoing ] it's about time. the number-one people have for not working out is they don't have time. >> i have four kids. >> i work 60, 70 hours a week. >> i don't want to work out for no hour. are you kidding me? i don't have the time. >> announcer: no time to work out? no problem. introducing focus t25, the breakthrough in-home fitness program guaranteed over an hour's results in only 25 mites. t25 was created by a guy who knows a thing or two about insane results -- supertrainer shaun t. >> i created insanity, so i know what it's like to work out hard for an hour. and i know everyone doesn't have that much time. that's why i created t25 -- so you can get insane results in just 25 minutes. >> announcer: only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, zero excuses. >> the days of working out for an hour are done. >> announcer: it's short, it's sweaty, and the results are ridiculous. >> i've lost 37 pounds. >> i think i got the six-pack i was looking for. >> wn i see the "before" pictures, i can't even believe it's me. >> if you give me 25 minutes, i'll give you a life. >> you're gonna go in, you're gonna go hard, and then you're gonna be done. >> i lost 35 pounds in 10 weeks. >> this is what t25 did for me. >> with t25, you get it all -- high-intensity cardio, strength training, and core training, all in just 25 minutes. >> announcer: 25 minutes to get ripped, to get abs, lose the baby weight, lose the muffin top. six-pack, eight-pack, look better, feel better, hotter, sexier. all you need is a little space and 25 minutes a d, and t25 supplies the rest. you literally get everything you need to get it done in just 25 minutes a day. >> what other workout can you get this kind of sweat in 25 minutes? >> yeah. you have to focus. do you know, if you do this every single day, the result you can get and the time you can save? >> when i started t25, i weighed 208 pounds. i weigh 78 now. so, i've lost 30 pounds. >> i lost 16 pounds. >> i've lost 41 pounds. >> 25 minutes a day. >> we want you to get the best results possible. 25 minutes, zero rest. you can rest when you go to bed. [ echoing ] it's about time. >> all right, so, this is day 1 of my t25 journey. i weigh 215 pounds. i'm in a size 38 jeans now, and hopefully i'd like to see myself in a size 34. look at that. that was me 10 weeks ago. i've been editing fitness infomercials for beachbody for years now. but until t25, i never really did the workouts. sure, i tried insanity, but it was just too long for me. i'm a busy guy. i sit in this chair for about 12 hours a day. plus, i just got married, and now i have an 8-week-old son. but when i started editing t25 and saw the results people were getting in just 25 minutes, well, that got my attention. even i have 25 minutes. so, i gave it a shot, and so far i've lost 30 pounds. and these jeans are 34s. and i'm not the only one. >> i had a hard time finding an hour to get a good workout in. with t25, i was loving it. it was 25 minutes in the morning. you wake up half-hour early, you get it done, and you go about your day. >> you are in my gym for 25 minutes a day. >> 10 weeks ago, i was bulging over here. [ chuckles ] and my stomach was just way bigger. the results are there. you can see yourself. t25 works. i lost 31 pounds doing t25. losing 31 pounds doing a 25-minute-a-day program was not something i was expecting. it is ridiculously intense. you stay home, and you get it done in 25 minutes. my kids say that i havscles on top of muscles now. the days of working out for an hour are done. 25 minutes a day is all i need. when i look at myself now, i feel like i just changed my life. >> time. t25. i wanted to great a 25-minute workout simply because when i walked around and i talked to people about other workouts that i created, they're like, "i really want to try one of your workouts, but i just don't have enough time." so, it was time to create something short and sweet that worked. >> announcer: you may think the longer you work out, the better your results, but study after study have proven that shorter workouts are more efficient at burning fat than longer ones. so, shaun got right to work. he spent a year in development, created hundreds of new moves, experimented with sequences and trial and error to perfect the ultimate time-saving workout. shaun created focus interval training to deliver the results you want in just 25 minutes. you'll focus on one muscle group at a time, sequencing from move to move without any rest. you may start with your glutes. just when you can't do another rep, you move on to the core. when those muscles are toast, it's onto the biceps, quads, lower abs, back, obliques, triceps. it's a full-out attack on the body without any rest. >> with t25, every second counts. it's intense, but you're gonna get over an hour's results in just 25 minutes. >> my body, pre-t25, was not the greatest. i am here today because i've been a person who's alwa kind of struggled with my weight my whole life. when i look at the "before" video, i can't even believe that was me. over the course of the t25 program, i've lost 37 pounds. all this time i've spent in the gym over the course of my life, i've never even gotten close to these results. after the 10 weeks, i want to have skinny legs... i lost four inches off of each leg. ...smaller hips... i think i lost like four to five inches off my hips. ...flatter stomach. my stomach is definitely way flatter. i couldn't be happier. i've never looked like this. i've never felt this good, and i absolutely love my new body. t25, baby. >> with t25, you get in, hit it hard, and get it done -- no b.s., just results. >> announcer: t25 is fast, but you can't go from t to fit overnight. you get there in phases. your transformation begins with the alpha cycle. start burng fat from your very first workout. >> and this is alpha and this is your foundation and i need for you to nail every single workout. >> announcer: then you move on to the beta round, whe you focus on your core and build your six-pack. >> beta takes it to a whole nother level, and i really started to see a lot of definition in this area. >> you got to use it. this is beta, so i'm going a little harder on you, and i want you to focus just a little bit harder. come on. >> before t25, my workout regimen would consist of a lot i should be working out." "wow, i just let myself go since my 20s. i'd done other programs. i'd done insanity, but it's not insanity. this is t25, something totally different. the combinations of moves are different. the intensity that you have to apply with no brakes -- everything is different. it's a monster. this one's a monster. you're gonna want to quit, but there's gonna be another exercise to give whatever body part you were working that you want to quit a little bit of a break. it'll be over before you know it. it's brilliant. it's perfect. it's less than half an hour. you get in, get out. i think i look like an action figure now. [ laughs ] >> time. >> another thing i love about t25 is there's a modifier. for me, that was critical because i hadn't worked out in years. so, now anyone at any fitness level can get it done. >> 10 weeks from now, my body's gonna be the dream body that i've always imagined, which is toned and lean. i've always wanted to get in better shape. i've always wanted to lean up and tone and achieve this body. when i started seeing results, that's when it really clicked for me. i would push myself even more. i would take it to the next level. i would challenge myself. it's only 25 minutes. do you have excuses? you got to get rid of those. i've always wanted my arms to be toned... and my arms changed... middle section... stomach, my waist... thighs, for sure... legs, everything, really. everything has transformed. i lost 35 pounds in 10 weeks. 25 minutes is the way to go. t25 changed my life. brand-new body, brand-new me. >> announcer: having trouble finding time to work out? well, not anymore. introducing focus t25 -- only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, zero excuses. >> there was no excuse. time you're finished watching the infomercial, you could have worked out. >> ancer: it's not easy condensing an hour-long workout into 25 minutes. shaun uses focus interval training to crank up the intensity. he alternates your focus on different muscle groups -- biceps, quads, lower abs, back, obliques. but there's no rest and no water breaks. every second counts. and if tt looks too tough for you, you're in luck because every workout features a modifier. so, anyone at any age or any fitness level can do these workouts. >> all you need is 25 minutes. >> announcer: your transformation starts with the alpha cycle -- five 25-minute workouts to build your foundation. melt the fat with alpha cardio. you'll chisel your abs with ab intervals, load up your legs with lower focus, sculpt your entire body with total body circuit, and, finally, speed 1.0 is fun, fast, and furious. >> you're feeling it and you're having fun and next thing you know, shaun t says, "time." >> time. t25. your focus is there. >> announcer: five weeks later, you're ready for the beta cycle. you'll ramp up your results with five new workouts, with a focus on your core -- core cardio, ripped circuit, dynamic core, upper focus, and speed 2.0. >> trust and believe that you are gonna work your core like never before. >> announcer: and we're including a few tools to make sure you get it done every day. the alpha beta wall calendar shows you which workout to do each day and lets you track your progress. the quick-start guide walks you through your transformation step by step. and the get it done nutrition plan makes eating right easy. all the recipes have 5 ingredients and take just 5 minutes of prep. >> the nutrition plan was great. i was never hungry. i lost 16 pounds, and it's been the easiest thing i've ever had to do. >> announcer: we have never seen a product sell this fast, not p90x, not insanity. this isn't just a new workout. this is a life-changer. it's no wonder we've sold over 0,000 units this month alone. shaun took over a year to develop these workouts and figured out how to deliver over an hour's results in only 25 minutes. and now you can have it all for just 3 payments of only $39.95. you heard me right -- only 3 payments of $39.95 for the greatest breakthrough in fitness. and when you order t25 in the next 25 minutes, we'll add on $220 of additional bonus gifts. bonus 1 is stretch. just 25 minutes, and you'll feel good all over. and bonus 2 is shaun's variable resistance band, so you won't need to buy any dumbbells. t25 gives you everything you need to shape and sculpt your entire body. and bonus 3 is shaun's 5 day fast track so you can get max results in your first five days. >> with the t25 fast track, i lost nine poundsn five days, and it's given me the motivation to keep going. >> announcer: plus, you get free online support. attend live monthly chats with shaun t, where he'll answer all of yr diet and fitness questions, and you'll even get a free coach to give you all of the support and motivation you need. but don't wait to call to get yours because demand for this new program has been so strong that we've already gone out of stock three times. but callers get priority, so if you call this toll-free number to order now, your order will be bumped to the front of the line. and we'll even give you an upgrade to express delivery. that's a $15 free. so, you won't have to wait 2-3 weeks for delivery or new inventory. you'll get t25 within 2 to 5 business days, guaranteed, but you need to call now. and t25 comes with the get it done guarantee. try t25 risk-free for 30 days, and if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, send it back, and we'll refund your entire purchase price fast. but you can still get it done because we'll let you keep alpha cardio to burn the fat and total body circuit, plus the variable resistance band to sculpt your body as our gifts just for trying t25. but who are we kidding? you're not sending this back because t25 doesn't just work. it works fast. you will absolutely love this program. in fact, you'll wonder why no one thought of it sooner. so, stick with t25, nail your workouts, and get ridiculous results like these. then send us your "before" and "after" photos, and we'll send you this free t-shirt. >> you want this t-shirt? you got to nail your workouts first. >> announcer: two hours at the gym or 25 minutes? you decide. t25 is not available in stores and never will be, so call now and get it done for just 3 payments of $39.95. >> by the time you dressed up for the gym, drive to the gym, check in at the gym, say hello to friends at the gym, you're done in my gym. >> i was one of those guys that thought working out for 25 minutes was something that my girlfriend would do to tone up for the beach, but, i mean, this was real deal. before, i'd be at the gym for an hour and a hal but because of all the resting, because of all the trips to the drinking foundation, because of the intensity level being so much lower, i wasn't getting the results that i wanted. you do not need an hour, an hour and a half to work out. 25 minutes with t25 is more than enough. when i started t25, i weighed 208 pounds. i weigh 178 now. so, i've lost 30 pounds, and i did it all in 25 minutes a day. >> come on! almost there! aw, shiz-nizzy, here we go! >> i just had a baby, and i have not been able to exercise the way i want to. i've just had no time. >> recognize this woman? that's tania. i got to know her when i was editing insanity. if you've done insanity, she's the one right next to shaun t on the videos, keeping up with him and then some. but then she got married, had a baby, and, like me, couldn't find time anymore for exercise. then along came t25. >> it is a full-body workout. you give it everything you have for 25 minutes. >> we don't do breaks in t25. >> i lost 16 pounds and 5 inches off my waist. >> holy crap! yeah, i know. it works like that. it's only 25 minutes. come on. >> i just feel like i just went... >> when we first started this, my wife and i were the heaviest that we've ever been. she had just had a baby, and i, for some reason, gained 25 pounds. >> he put on a lot of daddy weight. >> luckily, we were able to do this together. it's kind of like insanity, but shorter, just right to the point. 25 minutes and you hit it and there's no rest. only 25 minutes a day. i've lost 41 pounds. it's no joke. you know, right when you get to that point where you're like, "i can't do it anymore," it's over. you're done. >> time. t25, baby. >> i've never seen him like this, ever. >> solid as a rock right there. >> to all moms, in general, who feel like they're never gonna get their body back, you can do it. you can do it. in 50 days, you have your body back, and you'll feel better. >> time. t25, baby. >> before i started editing for beachbody, i'd see photos like that and say, "those people must have starved themselves to lose that much weight." but having just finished t25, i can tell you that it's shaun's focus interval training that gives you such amazing results in only 25 minutes. you'll focus on one body part at at time, then sequence to the next so you don't have to rest. >> time. t25. your focus is there. >> announcer: so, if you want to get over an hour's worth of results in only 25 minutes, get it done with focus t25. only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, zero excuses. >> this eliminates all excuses. >> announcer: it's short, it's sweaty, and the results are ridiculous. >> because of t25, i lost 20 pounds. i'm blown away that 25 minutes did this. >> announcer: your transformation starts with the alpha cycle -- five 25-minute workouts to build your foundation -- alpha cardio, ab intervals, lower focus, total body circuit, and speed 1.0. then you move on to the beta cycle, with five fast workouts to ramp up your results -- core cardio, ripped circuit, dynamic core, upper focus, and speed 2.0. and every workout features a modifier. so, no matter what your age or fitness level, you can get it done with t25. and we're including 3 tools to make sure you get it done every day -- the alpha beta wall calendar, the quick-start guide, and the get it done nutrition guid over a year of developing, testing, and refining have made this the most efficient fitness program ever put on dvd, results that would take over an hour at the gym in only 25 minutes. and you can have it all for just 3 payments of $39.95. that's right -- just 3 payments of $39.95. order t25 in the next 10 minutes, and we'll add on $220 in bonus gifts. bonus number 1 is the stretch workout. this 25-minute workout makes you feel good all over. bonus 2 is shaun's variable resistance band. you don't need to buy dumbbells. t25 gives you everything you need to shape and sculpt your entire body. and bonus 3 is shaun's 5 day fast track so you can get max results in your first five days. plus, you get free online support with shaun t, for all the motivation you need. and demand for t25 is so insane, when you order online, you may get an "out of stock" message and have to wait 2-3 weeks for delivery. but call the toll-free number on your screen, and we'll upgrade your order to express delivery. you'll be doing your first 25-minute workout in just 2 to 5 business days, guaranteed. and t25 comes withhe "t it done" guarantee. try t25 risk-free for 30 days, and if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, send it back, and we'll refund your entire purchase price fast. but keep these two alpha workouts and the resistance band just for trying t25. and if you nail your t25 outs and get ridiculous results like these, send us your "before" and "after" photos, and we'll send you this free t-shirt. t25 is not available in stores and never will be, so call now and get it done for just 3 payments of $39.95. >> over half of all americans don't exercise. that doesn't mean you're lazy. i know you're busy. what i'm hoping is, if you've been too busy to work out regularly, you'll hear about t25 and say, "i can find 25 minutes a day to get my weight under control, to take care of myself, to look the way i want to look." you know you need to exercise. now all you need is 25 minutes a day to do it, so let's get it done. time. >> t25 changed my mind-set on working out. i didn't have to do an hour a day anymore. i got to where i needed to be in 25 minut a day. let me show you. this is where i needed to be in 25 minutes. i had this little roll over here, and it's gone. 25 minutes, 10 weeks -- that's all it took. t25 kicked my butt. it's a level-10 intensity. your heart doesn't comdown for 25 minutes. >> when we get to that burner, i'm asking you to go, go, and soak this! come on! >> this is a workout that i will incorporate into my life forever. it's like the perfect short, intense workout that i've always looked for. >> we're not doing crunches and sit-ups. we're doing t25. >> i feel like i've done plenty of sit-ups, i've done plenty of runnin and it just never had gotten me to this level and to a level where i can rock a bikini. i just saved myself a gym i can just do it in my living room for 25 minutes a day. >> time. t25. >> what's really cool about t25 is you'll stick with it. i just finished the program this morning, but i'm not stopping. now it's a habit. it's part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth. even days that i'm too tired or too busy, i literally say, "it's only 25 minutes." josh can tell you -- this is the workout you can stick with. >> i mean, to be honest, i was really scared to this workout. you know, being a big guy like i was, i couldn't do all the moves that shaun t was doing. i needed the modified version. >> but with t25, you get the same intensity with modified version of each exercise, and that's why i believe josh kept going on and on and he kept staying committed. >> one day i don't even need the modified at all. i just stuck with it. at the beginning of this, i weighed 293, and now i weigh 226. i've never done anything as effective as the t25. i mean, i've lost over a pound a day. >> he's the best testimonial i've ever had because he kept on going to lose even more weight. we're not just doing this for fun. we're doing this because we need to focus and we need to get results, and i know you can do it. >> i lost 67 pounds in the first 10 weeks, i continued on, and now i've lost 90 pounds. doing t25 -- it's part of my daily schedule. now i get up at 6:00 a.m. just because i have to. it's just part of my new lifestyle. i'll never go back to who i was. t25 changed me forever. >> josh and everyone in this show were all members of a test group, volunteers who tried t25. that's onef the things i love about beachbody -- when they create a workout program, whether it's p90x, insanity, or t25, they don't just put the product out there on the airwaves and promise it's nna work. they prove it first. everyone in this test group changed their body and their lives in only 25 minutes a day. >> my goal was to lose 20 pounds, and i've definitely surpassed that -- 27. yay! [ laughs ] >> guess i don't need to spend that much time in the gym anymore. i've done th in 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, really crushed it. >> 10 weeks ago, i said this was gonna be the start of my new life. i was gonna change my life forever, and i changed my life forever. >> if you told me 10 weeks ago when we were talking that i was gonna lose 19 pounds in 10 weeks, i would have laughed at you. >> it's 25 minutes, but it's 25 minutes of 100% nonstop working out. i was able to lose 42 pounds doing a 25-minute-a-day workout for 50 days. >> my body is more amazing than it's ever been. i feel like a totally different person. >> i'm wearing 30-inch pants right now. i haven't worn a 30-inch pant for...10 years. >> do this for 25 minutes, make it a lifestyle chae, and you can do it forever. >> well, just about done here. one last "before"-and-"after" photo to show you -- mine. this was me before i started t25. and this photo was taken today. i've lost 30 pounds by working out just 25 minutes a day. all you need is 25 minutes. >> t-2-5. >> it's about time. >> announcer: it's about time to order the greatest breakthrough in fitness. it's called focus t25, and it delivers over an hour's results in just 25 minutes. shaun uses focus interval training to crank up the intensity. he alternates your focus on different muscle groups -- biceps, quads, lower abs, back, obliques. but there's no rest and no water breaks. every second counts. >> you don't gets results by resting. you get results by working hard. >> announcer: your transformation starts with the alpha cycl-- five 25-minute workouts to build your foundation -- alpha cardio, ab intervals, lower focus, total body circuit, and speed 1.0. then you move on to the beta cycle, with five fast workouts to ramp up your results -- core cardio, ripped circuit, dynamic core, upper focus, and speed 2.0. and every workout features a modifier. sono matter what your age or fitness level, you can get it done with t25. and we're including a few more tools to help you succeed. the alpha beta wall calendar shows you which workout to do each day and lets you track your progress. the quick-start guide walks you through your transformation step by step. and the get it done nutrition plan makes eating right easy. all the recipes have 5 ingredients and take just 5 minutes of prep. >> the nutrition plan wagreat. i was never hungry. i lost 16 pounds, and it's been the easiest thing i've ever had to do. >> announcer: we have never seen a product sell this fast, not p90x, not insanity. this isn't just a new workout. this is a life-changer. it's no wonder we've sold over 100,000 units this month alone. and now is your chance to own t25 for only 3 payments of only $39.95. you heard me right -- only 3 payments of $39.95 for the greatest breakthrough in fitness. and when you order t25 in the next 5 minutes, we'll add on $220 of additional bonus gifts. bonus 1 is stretch. just 25 minutes, and you'll feel good all over. and bonus 2 is shaun's variable resistance band, so you won't need to buy any dumbbells. t25 gives you everything you need to shape and sculpt your entire body. and bonus 3 is shaun's 5 day fast track so you n get max results in your first five days. >> i mean, 11 pounds, 5 days -- i feel incredible. >> announcer: plus, you get free online support. attend live monthly chats with shaun t, where he'll answer all of your diet and fitness questions, and you'll even get a free coach to give you all of the support and motivation you need. but don't wait to call. demand for this brand-new program has been so strong that we've already gone out of stock, three times. but callers get priority, and we'll even give you an upgrade so, call now, and you won't have to wait two to three weeks for delivery. you'll receive t25 in 2 to 5 business days, guaranteed. and t25 comes with the get it done guarantee. try t25 risk-free for 30 days, and if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, send it back, and we'll refund your entire purchase price fast. but you can still get it done because we'll let you keep alpha cardio to burn the fat and total body circuit, plus the variable resistance band to sculpt your body as our gifts just for trying t25. so, stick with t25, nail your workouts, and get ridiculous results like these. then send us your "before" and "after" photos, and we'll send you this free t-shirt. >> you want this t-shirt? you got to nail your workouts first. >> announcer: two hours at the gym or 25 minutes? you decide. t25 is not available in stores and never will be, so call now and get it done for just 3 payments of $39.95. the preceding has been a paid presentation for focus t25, presentation for focus t25, brought to you by beachbody. jerry springer here for liberty ford randall's town. you're about to hear exciting news from the folks at liberty ford. if you're shopping for a new or pre-owned vehicle, pi attention. here's exciting news from liberty ford. >> this is it, the event you're read about in the supervises and heard -- in the newspapers an heard about on tv. a liquidation at libertity ford with low market pricing available and guaranteed automotive credit, an event so big it could literally paint the quality of life for the better. if you want a new car, if you need a new car, i urge you to pay close attention. have you ever been dolled you're upside down with your current car or truck, that you owe more than it's worth? then today is your lucky day. during this total wall-to-wall automotive liquidation event, when we make a deal, we'll pay off your trade, no matter what you owe. incredible but true. be of all your new monthly payment could be less than you're paying now and your new car or truck will come with a lifetime engine warranty with no mileage limitation, none. effective middle east, you will be automatically enrolled in liberty's lifetime protection plan. your tires will be protected for as long as you own the car. a new and important way to protect your new car investment. have you ever been rejected for automotive credit due to bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, low pay, no pay? then today is truly your lucky day because you can be approved for automotive credit at this dealer-authorized liquidation going on now at liberty ford. i urge you to stay tuned and we'll tell you how to get the keys to your new car with absolutely no money down! >> hundreds and hundreds of people, your friends and neighbors are now driving the new car of their dreams! they simply made one toll-free call and were approved for audit this is an event of unprecedented magnitude. an event where you should expect very significant savings, low monthly payments, and even buy withno money down during this cereal-authorized liquidation. your credit is guaranteed. when you purchase any new or pre-owned vehicle, you get the full factory new vehicle warranty. the remainder of the pre-owned vehicles' manufacturer warranty and liberty's lifetime warranty, with no mileage limitations. now, you will be enrolled in that's right, we'll make your first two payments. >> we want to be your credit lifeline. we're able to help just about anybody get the new or pre-owned vehicle they need, the one they deserve. thousands have to depend on the bus or taxies to get to work, the super market or friends. if that's you, grab the liberty pick up the phone and call now for your guaranteed automotive credit. >> i have been seeing it on tv and in the newspaper. i needed a car bad, but after an ugly divorce and unpaid bills, my credit took a hit. i have been everywhere. no one wants to give me credit without a co-signer. where was i going to find a co-signer? this morning, i called the 1-800 number, and they told me i was approved and to come in and pick out my new car. can you believe it? this one, mine! >> let me ask you a couple of questions, do you want a new car? do you need a new car? do you think you can't afford a new car? do you think you might not be approved for automotive credit? well, i'm here to tell you, think again. if you have a job, you can buy a new car, and you can be approved for automotive credit, even with past or current credit problems. this is the liquidation event you've heard about on the radio, the one your friends and neighbors are talking about. liberty ford in lain -- randallstown guarantees you automotive credit. >> i ask you to pay close attention. i'm going to tell you how you can buy a new or pre-owned vehicle at our lowest possible price. how to get a low monthly payment you can afford and how to buy with no money down. right now during the total liquidation event going on now at liberty ford in randallstown, when you purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle, you will be entered into our liberty for life program, a warranty program that allows you to drive worry free as long as you own your vehicle, included with your purchase. there's absolutely no additional cost. >> liberty for life gives you an engine warn warranty for a lifetime, oil changes for a lifetime, tire rotation force life, safety inspections for life, even car washes for life. now, you will be automatically enrolled in our lifetime higher protection plan. most important, guaranteed automotive credit. guaranteed automotive credit. you heard me correct. >> this is a liberty ford offer available now during the gant dealer authorized liquidation. call the number at the bottom of the screen to register for the event and get guaranteed automotive credit. pick up and call 1-800-848-1000 now. it's free. >> call 1-800-848-1000 now. our helpful credit advisory will answer your call. you will be able to select from hundreds of available new fords and pre-owned vehicles. choose from lexus, bmw, honda, infinity, acura, toyota, cadillac, even jaguar. our storage lots are packed and packed as tight as possible and with new vehicles on the way, we must make room. do you want to save money? do you need a car? don't miss this wall-to-wall inventory liquidation event. absolutely no reasonable offer will be refused. certain unreasonable offers may be accepted. experience saving up to 60% off original msrp. megan, you're talking with what looks like very satisfied buyers. aim right? >> you bet. let m ask this lady. what do you think of the giant automotive liquidation event? >> you've heard the expression everybody needs somebody sometime, take my word for it, it's true. i got laid off, never saw it coming, fell behind on my bills, pretty much screwed up my credit. i'm working fa at a new job and can afford a new car. but i don't get automotive financing before till i came to liberty ford. my monthly payment was very affordable. it's easy and i was treated with respect. if you have past credit problems, believe me, they can help. i tell all my friends, come to liberty ford. >> all she had to do is make one simple call to 1-800-848-1000 and he she was approved for financing at liberty ford. you can be approved here, too. >> jerry springer here. every day i talk to people with problems. if you have problems buying a new or pre-owned vehicle, don't call me. call the folks at liberty ford. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit. at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade. plus, liberty for life savings, all free for life. got a problem getting a vehicle in call liberty ford randallstown now. >> excuse me, sir. what brought you here to liberty ford? >> the savings, of course. i shopped many other dealers around the beltway. dealer after dealer kept telling me i was upside down, i owed more than the car was worth. i got here, lerty ford paid you have my trade in full, even though i owed a lot, and put me in a new ford for less than i was paying. don't make one more payment on a car you hate. tell them to give you the same deal they gave birdie, and you will be very happy, believe you me. >> i encourage you to think big, big as in $95 million to lend, big as in rebate and discounts up to $14,000, which means you can drive away with no money down. big as in zero percent financing. that, over the course of your loan, could save you more than $11,000. big, as in ford dealer authorized liquidation. some vehics will be sold at below-dealer cost, and when you buy any new or pre-owned vehicle, you will automatically be enrolled in our liberty for life program, which entitles you to a lifetime warranty at no extra cost and guaranteed automotive credit. understand this, with liberty for life, when your factory warranty runs out, you will still be covered for as long as you own your vehicle. liberty ford in lain dalestown is -- in randallstown is one of the mid atlantic's fastest growing ford dealerships because they stock more new fords in the area and sell everyone of them for much less. we'll beat any competitor's price by $500 or we'll give you the car free during this dealer authorized liquidation event, you will save even more. when you call to register, you can get guaranteed automotive credit even if you've been turned down by other dealers. 1-800-848-1000. pick up the phone and call. you will get a $10 gas card with your credit approval. just announced, consumer reports rated four vehicles ahead of toy owed, lexus and mercedes benz as some of the best built cars in the world. no longer do you have to pay luxury car prices for world class cars and trucks made right here in america. american' built cars and trucks now compete favorably with the best of the best. during this liquidation event, you can drive one with no money down. just sign and drive. it's that simple. if you want a new car or truck and want to save big money, call 1-800-848-1000. it will be one of the single most important calls i've ever made. you have my word on it. this event is about price and selection, the vehicle you want at a price you can aford. don't make one more payment on that car you're driving now. push it in, pull it in, tow i in, get it into liberty ford and get a $5,000 guaranteed trade alallowance even if it doesn't run, for almost any car or any truck. just get it in, incredible but true. i ask you, do you know any other dealer anywhere who can deliver what liberty ford delivers, including liberty for life? simply put, liberty ford gives you more. >> i got lucky. i turned on the tv the other day and started watching this program. i had been out of work or a while and got behind on payments. i didn't think it was a big deal, but apparently it was. i needed a new truck for work, but when the dealers looked at my credit report, they shook their heads. not here, i made one call, got $5,000 for my truck that had more than 200,000 miles, i was approved for credit on the spot. but i got more. i got liberty for life. now i drive worry free for as long as i own my truck, and that's going to be for a long, long time. i can't believe all my oil changes are free, and i can't believe my tires ae covered from any road hazard. >> if you have been turned down for automotive credit by other dealers or offered you credit with a high finance rate of 19%, 20%, 23%, make the phone call nowvment you see, we have more than $95 million to lend and that's a lot of money. come on, get your share of our very low rate, a low as 0%. at liberty ford, we stock the area's largest inventory of ford, an outstanding selection of pre-owned cars, trucks and suv. >> jerry springer for lirty ford randallstown. liberty ford wants you as a lifetime customer so they're giving you liberty for life. you get engine warranty, tire protection, oil changes, tyrotakes, safety tire rotations, safety inspections, all at no cost and guaranteed credit. call now, liberty ford, randallstown. >> the big difference between liberty ford an other dealers is here you get the liberty for lifearranty at no additional cost, plus, with our low liquidation price and highest trade-in alallowance, imagine, a full factory warranty and liberty for life both at no additional cost. drive for as many miles as you want, you' covered. if you're a contractor, plumber, farmer, landscaper or electrician, during this ford dealer authorized liquidation at liberty ford, you will choose from hundreds and hundreds of tough, dependable ford trucks and vans, all at low, low liquidation prices and every one comes with a full factory warranty and the liberty for life warranty. imagine how much you will save with our low liquidation pricing and our long-term engine warranty and no extra cost for oil changes. it could be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. come see for yourself while savvy truck buyers buy only from us. >> before you buy anywhere else, ask another dealer if their cars come with lifetime engine warranty, oil changes for life, safety inspections for life, tire rotations for life and car washes for life, and a lifetime tire protection program. ask if they guarantee you automotive credit, then ask for a low liquidation price. i know what you will here -- no, no, and no. but during this special event at liberty ford, we'll say yes, yes and yes. >> the only thing that's stopping you from sitting behind the wheel of a car like this is a phone call. so 1-800-848-1000. credit specialists are standing by waiting for your call. >> the call is free and confidential. you will be treated with the utmost respect and can be approved for automotive credit. go ahead, pick up the phone and call, 1-800-848-1000. >> i assure you, this will be the single best call you will ever make because at liberty ford, we finance your future, not your past. air credit approval center is open 24-7, so if you call today, you ride today. the single goal of this telecast is to inform the buying public of the easiest way to obtain a car or truck and the lowest financing available. truck, meaning you drive free for the first two month. >> jerry springer, you've heard what we have been saying. liberty ford can get the job done for you. give them the call. doesn't matter if you want new, pre-owned, good or bad credit, liberty ford is waiting for yo call. here's more. >> i just finished school and starting my first job, so reliable transportation is pretty important to me. i came to the sport event looking for a late model, low mileage, pre-owned vehicle i could afford. at liberty ford i saw pre-owned cars for under $5,000, everyone else wanted $15,000 to $20,000 for cars i liked. i found less than i was looking for and paid $5,000 a day. the low-cost liberty for life warranty means i will be driving worry free forever. this is my first car. i'm excited about it. they took good care of me here. i think i'll get my next car here, too. >> this is a dealer authorized liquidation of new ford cars, trucks, suv's as well as hundreds of pre-owned lexus, toyotas, mercedes, even jaguars. all must be liquidated immediately. all comes with a full factory warranty and every used vehicle comes with the liberty for life warranty at no extra charge. we have 0 pi financing -- financing available which could save you thousands and you the customer get a rebate. we offer a $5,000 guarantee trade allowance even if your trade doesn't run and automatic guaranteed credit. during this event, no credit rejection. starts with a free phone call and your new or pre-owned vehicle comes with a liberty for life warranty at no extra charge including an engine warranty for life, oil change force life, tire rotation force life, safety inspections and car washes for life and a lifetime tire protection program included and guaranteed credit. we'll pay off your trade,mo matter what you owe. come in and all our tow toll free credit approval hot line at 1-800-848-1000 right now. currently, we're experiencing a strong demand for quality late-model cars. we need your trade, so we're willing to offer you up to 125% of kellie blue book value for your trade. we'll give you cash on the spot for your car even if you don't buy one of ours. here's what you should expect 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>> well, if a dealership thinks you may have bad credit, they will spend very little time with you, am i right? it wasn't that way at liberty ford. i was treated with respect, approved for automotive credit, a low payment, liberty for life warranty with no mileage limitation. i ask you, why would you buy anywhere else? if you want to save big money, make the call like i did, you won't be sorry. nobody treats you like liberty ford and no one saves you more. >> jerry springer for liberty ford randallstown. if you need a car, call liberty ford now. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit. at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade, instant credit approval and liberty for life savings including engine warrany, oil changes, tire protection and more. all free for life. that's a deal you can't beat. 1-800-848-1000 now, liberty ford, ran -- randallstown. >> that pretty much says it all. the liberty ford philosophy is simple, more for less every day. better prices, better service, never any gimmicks. special discounts for state and federal workers, military personnel, firemen, police, teachers, senior citizens and all union workers. show us proof of i.d. and we deliver what we promised. the lowest price. with truckloads of fords coming in, we have to make room. we're under ford authorization to liquidate immediately with little regard for profit or loss. we have been instructed to accept all reasonable offers without exception. you've never bought this way before. to accommodate an expected buyer demand, we'll be open late every night. an unprecedented event, your credit is garn teevmentd zero turndown. past credit problems are in the past -- bankruptcy, divorce, chargebacks, late payments, medical bills and first-time buyers, doesn't matter to us. a you will get a lifetime warranty with the purchase of any new ford or pre-owned vehicle. it covers your engine life, lifetime oil changes, safety inspection, tire rotati, even free car 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they come here to get guaranteed credit, where all you need is a job, pay stub or proof of income. it's that simple. >> zero down, zero interest, and virtually zero turndown. it's really just that simple. the dealer has specifically authorized the liquidation. you will save money. the goal, to sell our entire new and pre-owned inventory immediately. these new and pre-owned vehicles are available to the general public, some below dealer cost, some up to 60% off. register by phone for this special automotive savings ent by calling 1-800-848-1000. the over the phone application takes only a few short minutes. you will talk to a knowledgeable and friendly loan officer on site. their sole mission is to get you approved, get you the financing you need, that you deserve. the only thing keeping you from the drivers seat is the phone call to 1-800-848-1000. some cars will be sold under $5,000. choose from ford, lexus, bmws, mercedes, cadillacs, hondas, toyotas, nissans and jaguars. we have $90 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are late model, low mileage vehicles that are almost impossible to tell from new. imagine with this new pricing philosophy, how much more car you can drive for so little money. almost wholesale prices to the public are another example of getting more or less now at liberty ford. >> thanks for watching. >> say it with us. >> give me liberty or give me debt! >> we open early and close late monday through saturday. call 1-800-848-1000 for guaraned automotive credit. pick up the phone and call now. >> tell them rich and megan sent you. >> that's our hoe shore food. thanks for your calls. what about you? you haven't called yet. you've seen the information, have the number and you're this close? do it. make the call that will get you a vehicle today. call liberty ford. i'm jerry springer. tell your friends the great liberty ford news, nd thanks for watching. (announcer) coming up, when groomzilla, carlos... let's go! do that, again. let's go! (announcer) takes his show on the road... this is crap! (announcer) it's a vegas wedding, sure to implode. are you gonna be there, tomorrow? i need some time, alone, please? i just really hope that you're there. (announcer) plus, when this bridezilla battles with her dressmaker... this is not better-- this is not me. this is nothing i like! (announcer) she just might wind up with a criminal record. i'm going to jail, today, for real. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!" ♪ ♪ (announcer) meet california girl and bride-to-be, misty. my name is misty maxwell. i am 28-years-old. i am a mental health therapist, and i live in fresno, california. (announcer) and her full-time patient, carlos. my name is carlos maldanado. i'm 33 years old, and i work for the county of fresno, for the probation department. the first thing i noticed about carlos, was that he was very well groomed. he was very handsome. just... very groomed. how do i look? i don't like being dirty. if i have a stained shirt, or if i'm going out somewhere, i'll go home and change my shirt, before we go anywhere. (announcer) despite carlos' clean-cut image, in just one week, the pair is planning to marry in sin city. how's it go? whatever happens in vegas, stays in vegas? don't forget your wife will be in vegas with you. damn it! i'm getting married in las vegas, nevada, march 29th, (laughing) we're gonna put all our cards on the table, go to las vegas, have fun, gamble, drink. just make it a big party. (announcer) but, as the big day nears, misty is butting heads with one particularly, particular member of the wedding party. it's not secluded, there's no-- you're in vegas. what'd you think, you were going to be out in the middle of the country? the most stressful part of planning this wedding, is trying to get carlos to agree on the littlest details of the wedding. he wants to pick colors. he wants to be involved in the dresses. you need to tell them to get all their (deleted) straight, make sure their dress fits, so we can get this thing going. this is bull (deleted)! carlos is definitely a groomzilla! hush, woman-- let me drive. that's bull (deleted)! let's go. this is crap! it's not misty's special day-- it's my special day. i plan on getting married, once, so, i wanna do this right. and so, i will go out of my way to make sure this works out, right, for both of us. what else cod go wrong? is this where we're gonna get married? this is it (announcer) so, will carlos get his way and make the wedding day all about him, without leaving his bride in the dust? no touching, poking, prodding sucking (deleted). i'm done with this (deleted). this is freakin' small. if you call that fun, knock yourself out. (announcer) or, will he become a primping and preening... oww! (announcer) whining and screaming... oh, god! (announcer) thoroughly vain... i'm a man. (announcer) a big, royal pain... they look crooked. (announcer) over the top, groomzilla! awww, (deleted)! you need to act like a lady and act, accordingly. this is stupid. oh, my god! (announcer) a day before their departure for vegas, misty and carlos are off to run some last-minute errands, when a last-minute crisis crops up. what do you mean, "it doesn't fit?" so, what are you gonna do about it? oh, my god! (carlos) what doesn't fit? yeah, lida's dress does not fit her, anymore. she's not gonna make it to get her manicure and pedicure, because-- oh, hell no! she has to take it to go get it loosened up. why? because she gained weight, i guess. why would she get such a small size, if she knew... that's stupid. (misty) okay. oh, my god! tell her, she's fired. she's trying to fit into si that's way too small. that's ridiculous! why would she do such thing? (announcer) to make matters worse, moments lat, misty gets a call from another brideaid having issues with her dress. (cell phe ringing) are you kidding me? alina's having the same issue and she's there, right now, getting hers altered. having what-what? it don't fit her, either? (misty) yeah, like, they need to have it altered. oh, my god! what is wrong with them? oh, i'm not happ amot h you better get in their ass and tell 'em something. misty. what do you want me to tell 'em? their dress doesn't fit. what do you want me to do to? make-- wave a wand and have it fit? tell 'em something. make it fit. tell them they better freakin' not be pulling this (deleted) the day of our wedding. "oh, i can't-- i forgot this, and i can't go. "i need to go run over here at the last minute "and get something." uh-uh, we're not gonna play that (deleted). you tell them to get all their (deleted) straight, make sure their dress fits, so we can get this thing going. this is bull (deleted)! (announcer) coming up... groomzilla carlos leaves misty in a lurch. i'm getting really nervous. (announcer) but, will he also leave her in the dust? this is crap! (announcer) plus... when bridezilla jennifer tries to micro-manage her dj... okay, it's that time. it's travis and jennifer's first dance. (announcer) will sheind up having to play her own emcee? next, on "bridezillas." ♪ (announcer) meet 26-year-old bride-to-be, jennifer. (jennifer) my name is jennifer spates. i'm from orlando, florida. i'm 26-years-old. i'm an event coordinator, but, i specialize in weddings. (announcer) and her 27-year-old fiancé, travis. my name is travis dickens. i'm 27 years old, and i'm an i.t. professional. (announcer) the couple first connected on the internet, but, the real sparks began to fly, once the pair met in person. and only six months into the relationship, travis popped the question. we was lying in bed and he asked me, "will you marry me?" but, i wasn't sure, if he actually asked me, or was joking. then he said it, again, like, "will you marry me?" but, i still wasn't sure, because it was in the middle of a conversation. then the third time he asked me, it was, like, "will you marry me?" and i was like, "for real?" (travis) she was crying, you know, tears. she had fell out on the floor, i think-- are you insane? (laughing) you lying! i usually do things more special, than that, but, she doesn't like surprises. i might have shed one or two tears, but, i ain't fall on no floor. (announcer) while jennifer may deny that she fell on the floor, she can't deny that she fell for travis. and in less than a week, these two are getting married. we're getting married on march 15th, uh, at the "fountains of living water ministries." our families are really excited about the wedding. they wanna see what i can pull off, me being a wedding planner. (announcer) but, as the wedding draws near, jennifer has being forced to admit she can't do it all alone, even if she's having trouble communicating her needs. i kinda liked that-- you calling me... (indistinct dialogue) what i just said, you just brushed it off! (indistinct dialogue) (announcer) while it may not always be possible to understand the words coming out of her mouth, one thing is clear-- this bride isn't afraid to tell it, like it is. (travis) she's controlling, she has to have it her way, and she'll push anybody over to get it. anybody that i kicked out, pushed out, or stepped on, needed it. bridezilla. oh, no, bridezillas are crazy-- i'm not crazy. all this up here is just... garbage. (crying) i'm calm. (announcer) so, will jennifer be able to clearly communicate every last detail, in order to perfectly coordinate her own wedding? how'm i supposed to chill out, when i may not have a wedding? jesus! i'll get somebody else who can do it from out the picture. and not get smarat me and tell me that "it's in the picture-- go buy it." (announcer) or, will she become incomprehensible... i don't need that mess. (announcer) far from defensible... i don't know! (announcer) bringin' down the hammer... it's ugly. (announcer) might wind up in the slammer... call the cops. (announcer) out of control, bridezilla! just shut up-- shut up! what ya'll don't realize, is that, if i don't have no dress, all this is in vain, 'cause i'm calling off the wedding. i'm going to jail, today, for real. so, let's just go. (announcer) there's only five days left till the wedding, and a micro-managing jennifer is meeting with the dj to go over the receptn song list. i'm sitting here waiting for the dj to come, so, i can go over the play list with her. (laughing) hey! (announcer) jennifer not only typed out all the songs, she wants, and in the order she wants them played, but, she's also written a script, where she's cast the dj as a hype man-- a kind of high energy emcee. this is the play list, right here, for the wedding. a play list-- what songs that will be playing. oh, goody. i wasn't expecting a script. i figured i'd just be pressing "play," and maybe, saying a few intro words. not doing a whole lot of talking. (announcer) the dj takes jennifer's script, ready to do her best, but, she may be lacking a necessary pulse. (unenthusiastically) okay, ladies, 18 and over-- out on the dance floor. you know what time it is. (crickets chirping) try another one, with energy. (in monotone) it's money time-- kids and adults get some... get some money in your hands and get to the dance floor and dance the night away with the jennifer and travis. sound like you were just reading out loud. i was just reading it out loud. okay, can we do it with energy? know what i'm saying, like... i'm concerned that she might not have enougenergy. because if her energy level is down, then the whole crowd energy lel will be down. just try reading, one more. this time, stand up, and maybe, that will give you more energy. okay, it's that time. it's travis and jennifer's first dance. can you do the next one with a little more energy? (more excited tone) all right, ya'll, it's cake-cutting time. jen, make sure you get that all in his face. it's all up in there like that. that's about as much energy, as you got? about as much energy, as i got, right now. (announcer) realizing her dj is not at all the show woman, jennifer skillfully comes up with a solution: get someone else to do the talking. i can find another emcee and you can just make sure all the equipment go right. you wanna get me a hype man? do you want a hype man? yeah. i wasn't expecting to have a whole script. so, when she recommended the hype man, i'm like, "yes, please. "please, get someone else to talk." (announcer) it's two days before the wedding, and the time has come for carlos and misty to hit the road to vegas. and while misty's ready to go, carlos is, once again, late. today, we are leaving for vegas, as soon as my fiancé, who is late, as usual, gets here. (sighing) can't believe he's late. i'm sure he's still looking in front of the mirror, trying to making sure everything's perfect. i really don't know how he expects us to make it there to meet with the wedding coordinator, on time, to see the venue, which we've never seen, before. so, i'm getting rely nervous. (announcer) with an m.i.a. fiancé, misty does a last minute check to make sure she doesn't forget anything. i'm trying to think. make sure i have everything. the stuff in the box are my favors that are not done, yet. i'm gonna take them with me and finish them, while i'm driving. i'm so afraid of forgetting something here. something important that i'm supposed to have in vegas. (announcer) thirty minutes late, carlos shows up. well rested and in no hurry. (carlos) i figured we weren't gonna leave on time, like we had scheduled. so, i was like, "what's the rush?" you know? we'll leave, when we leave. besides, i needed my beauty sleep. hello? (misty) you're late. okay. what do you mean, "okay?" we had to meet with the wedding coordinator. we'll be there-- don't worry! all my stuff's right there by the door. i need you to start loading it, now. uh, why haven't you loaded your own stuff? the van-- the car's here. um, it's too heavy for me. what do you think? you're a woman and you can do just as much, as i can. oh, you need to get your butt over there and just freakin' load it up. oh, god! you wanna hold this door, so, i don't-- (misty) you can open it-- you're a big boy. (announcer) just when misty thought the waiting was over, carlos takes his sweet time getting the journey started. you know how to start going-- go. let's go! do that, again. let's go! (misty) bye, fresno-- it's been fun. (announcer) six hours into the drive, carlos suddenly gets the bright idea to go over the wedding checklist. can you go over that checklist of the things we're supposed to have, right now, please? we have my dress. dress. i have my shoes. shoes. i have the guest book, so that way they can sign in. um, the favors... if you didn't put 'em in the back, i might have left them on the table. oh, (deleted)! so, you mean to tell me you left the wedding favors at home? i don't know! did you bring that brown box that i told you to bring? what brown box? the big brown box! you didn't tell me to bring no big, brown box. yes, i did! it had the favors in it. it had the cameras for the tables! i was busy loading up the truck with all our baggage and luggage-- well, that was one of the things you were supposed to load up. you didn't show it to me-- you didn't tell me. you didn't point it out and say, "hey, pick this up-- this needs to go." i just assumed you knew. uh, we need to pull over and find that damn box, like, yesterday. (tires screeching) damn it, misty! we better have this damn box in the damn... this is stupid. that box is not in here! you didn't get it. did you take it off the table? it was on the table. i didn't see no damn box! oh, my god! it had all the stuff in it! why didn't you just pick it up? you didn't tell me! it's not that hard! it was right there with all the stuff! you didn't tell me, where the box was. you didn't show me! (misty) it was with all the stuff! what-what-- that means nothing to me. all the (deleted) wedding stuff! it goes in one ear and out the other. "that stuff?" what is "that stuff" mean? (misty) that's what usually happens with you! that's stupid. i don't-- if you wouldn't have been late this morning, if you would have been on time, we would have had all this (deleted) done! but, no-- i had to spend all the morning waiting for you! (announcer) realizing that a shout fest will solve nothing, misty makes a call to one of her bridesmaids to see, if she can grab the favors for them. i'm just getting her voicemail. i'm calling marcie, my maid of honor. she's driving, tomorrow. (carlos) well, leave her a message and have her call us back. (announcer) in an attempt to deflect the blame, carlos actually tries to throw misty's bridesmaids under the bus. (carlos) what about your other freakin' six bridesmaids-- five bridesmaids that can't do (deleted) right? (carlos) first of all, their frickin' dresses don't fit. hey marcie-- it's me. i left the favors and all the (deleted) that we're supposed to bring to vegas. can you please stop by my house, before you leave, and pick them up? (airplane engine roaring) give me a call back, when you get this message. it's really important that we have those for tomorrow. carlos went off and didn't (deleted) put 'em in the truck. thank you-- bye. (carlos) this sucks. i left her a message. this sucks. hopefully, she'll call us back. well, there's nothing else we can do. we gotta keep going. and if they don't bring 'em, then what? we need to go-- we need to go. we're already behind schedule. it's ridiculous! we're behind schedule, 'cause of you, because you were late! you were just oblivious. you were worried about you, as usual. i'm done. you were worried about your stuff. you didn't care about anything else. in the famous words of misty, "i'm done." let's go. this is crap! (announcer) coming up... carlos' good mood continues to improve... this is ugly. (whispering) is this where we're gonna get married? this is it? (sighing) (announcer) and then... jennifer's got a mean case of the wedding dress blues. it's ugly. (announcer) and this brazen bridezilla's breaking all the rules. i'm not gonna pay for nothin'! i'm gonna jail today, for real. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!" mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. 90% reported reduced aches and pains. 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. but the sleep number bed contours to your body. imagine how good you'll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep! i'm not just a back surgeon, i'm also a back patient. i sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. need another reason to call? the sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 100-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now! (announcer) running late for their meeting with the vegas wedding coordinator, misty and carlos speed through the nevada desert. what are you doing? i'm texting raquel, the wedding coordinator. i put, "we are on our way. "i will see you at 4:00." i'll see her at 4:00. i'm gonna go "groom-zilla" on her ass. you appreciate this wedding coordinator too much. i'm not having a lot of faith in her. she's, uh, kind of cocky-cocky and arrogant. not willing to bend on some of the things we wanted. and i think, as a wedding coordinator, i think she should be there to help us and, you know, do what's best for us. yet, it kinda feels like she has her own agenda. (announcer) after a grueling seven hour drive, misty and carlos finally reach las vegas, and their moods instantly brighten. oh, my gosh-- we're in vegas! ♪ (announcer) carlos and misty finally make it to the wedding venue, and for the first time, they get a peek at exactly what they've gotten themselves into. hi. hello. we just got here, right now, so... all right-- come over here. (announcer) when carlos gets his first look at the chapel, he is a bit underwhelmed. uh... this is ugly. that's great. that's just the reaction i want. is this where we're gonna get married? yes. this is it? this is freakin' small. it is not that small! looks like it fits... ten people. (carlos) cheesy blue sky? i told you that i didn't like the clouds, in the beginning. i said that, too. the reception ea better not be as small, as this. (deleted)! (sighing) (announcer) just as carlos thinks things couldn't get any worse, our groomzilla discovers he'll have to share the venue with another wedding. (raquel) there will be, um, a ceremony that's gonna be out here. so, for like, one hour, they can't come out this way. oh, so there's going to be another ceremony goin' on, what time's the other ceremony at? while ours is on? there's gonna-- for the first hour of your reception, there'll be a ceremony out here. but, it's only gonna be for 20 minutes. (announcer) the last stop of the tour is the reception hall. and when our grumbling groomzilla sees the placement of the bathrooms, his mood goes right into the toilet. is there any other bathrooms, besides these? no, these are the ones, individually, for in here. are they just single? yeah. mmm-hmm. the bathroom is a major issue of concern with me. i mean, people wanna go to the bathroom. people go to the bathroom to escape, you know, to freshen up. and it's, like, it's very intrusive. the bathroom, as soon as you open the door, you know, you're there. it's like, "oh, wow!" five feet away from the crapper. someone's gonna be using the restroom, stinking it up, and we're gonna have food out here. you know, in eight years, you're probably only the second person i heard that from and it kind of cracks me up. why-- are you planning on stinking it up, or what? you know, if you do, i'll take you over to my office and let you use my own bathroom. that sounds good. how's that? sounds good. i will. (misty) we just met with our wedding coordinator, raquel. i was kind of surprised by the whole thing. it kinda, in my opinion, looked small. i was like, "how are we gonna fit 90 people?" it can't fit anybody else, which is ridiculous. i don't know that it's my dream venue, um-- maybe, my nightmare venue. it's all about you, you, you. (misty) that's right. and a little bit about him. (announcer) there's only four days left to the wedding, and jennifer's been running into a bit of a snag, when it comes to her custom-made bridal gown. my biggest fear is that my wedding dress-- that i won't have it. the lady who's supposed to hand-make it for me-- the dress that i always dreamed about. my beautiful blue dress that i won't have, because she's not returning my phone calls. she's not being professional, at all. (announcer) fearing the worst, jennifer and her good friend, andrea, head over to the seamstss, to see, if the dress is ready to be fitted. i'm just trying to stay calm. if it's a dress, thank god. if it ain't a dress, then, at least, i got my material. if she messed up my dress, she may just get a beat down. hey, ms. marcie, how you doing, today? i'm good-- how about you, baby? i'm doing fine. good-- good. hello-- andrea. jennifer's been very hectic. she's been stressing. she's been crying and worried about the dress. is the dress gonna look right? is it gonna be right? she's just really stressed, right now, about the dress. so, hopefully, she'll come out of there and everything will be okay. (announcer) but, when jennifer emerges in her dress, it's painfully clear that she's not at all happy with what the seamstress has de. (andrea) do you like it? no. no, why? this. (andrea) you don't like this piece? well, just tell her. you don't like the trimming. no, i don't like this part, how it-- oh, it's cuffed out. well, just, you have to let her know, before you leave, to just... to tighten tt. jennifer, you have to really, like i said, really, really, really control jennifer, because she will jump. (laughing) we just gotta wait and pray. cross our fingers that she don't jump on the lady, because she's one of them kinds, so... don't get upset, just-- we're gonna deal with this. just tell her. if you don't like the dress, just be straight up with her. what it is about-- outside of this, what else do you not like about the dress? is it the dress, period? or, is it just this area, right here? (announcer) while crying might win our bridezilla some attention, it does nothing to solve her issues with the dress. a fact not lost on an already exasperated seamstress. straighten up and talk to me. exactly. talk to me-- this is your last chance. just tell her you don't like the dress. (jennifer) this whole top is just frustrating me! i just don't feel this whole top, at all. it's just ugly. well, you picked it. yeah, but it's not what i wanted. it's, like, these lines is not right. (announcer) the baffled dressmaker turns the tables back on our bridezilla, by politely pointing out, that what she made, is exactly like the example jennifer gave her. it was supposed to be here. i didn't tell you, i was the person who made this dress. i told you-- (jennifer) but, you said you could do it. i told you it would come close. now, if that dress ain't close-- girl, please. (sighing) (announcer) but, close is not good enough for our bridezilla. and jennifer takes a moment to rev herself up for a seamstress smack down. no, you didn't say "close." you said, "you could do any dress you showed me "and i could even do it, better. "i put my own thing on." this is not better. this is not better-- this is not me. this is nothing i like! all this up here is just garbage. (announcer) clearlcommitted to customer service, the seamstress gives jennifer her final word on the matter. what else you need? i'm done. (marcie) i am, too. (marcie) you don't want me to finish it? no, i'll get somebody else to do it, who gonna-- i'll get somebody else who can do it from out the picture. and not get smart at me and tell me it's in the picture, go buy it. that's just-- i mean, that's nasty! jennifer, what's wrong with that dress? i don't like it! i don't like it-- i got to wear it! over here. (announcer) our bridezilla is through with this seamstress, and decides to have her dress finished by someone with less of a backbone. (laughing) that's what i said. six hundred dollars for that dress? if she's gonna take it with her? (announcer) the threat of a $600 bill means nothing to our brazen bridezilla, and she's made up her mind that the dress is coming with her. it's my dress. i give her what she told me she could have, but, i ain't giving her no $600 for my dress. that's it and that's real. if you take that dress, today, i'll call the police department and tell them you just stole it, because that's what you have done, right now, if you walk out that door. call the cops. i'm gonna go home, with my dress. you can call whoever you want to. (announcer) jennifer storms out with the dress in hand and proceeds to, completely, meltdown in the driveway. (crying) i ain't playing with that stupid ass lady, no more! so, you taking-- i'm taking my dress and she can call who the (deleted), she wna call. she can (deleted) out my behind! i'm not gonna pay for nothing. i don't wanna deal with her no more, 'cause, if she say something snippy, again, i'm gonna punch her in the mouth. well, let's-- and then she gonna be calling the police, for real. let's just calm down, though-- let's just calm down. you got a bridal shower to go to. you don't need to go all upset. just calm down and enjoy yourself. (sniffling) i'm calm. just-just get me away from her house, 'cause i swear, if she come out there and say something stupid, i'm gonna go off on her. i'm goin' to jail, today, for real. so, just-- let's just go! ♪ (announcer) it's the day before the wedding, and misty's friend, yvette, arrives in the nick of time, with the forgotten box of wedding favors. oh, my gosh! we need to take this over and give it to my wedding coordinator, raquel, at (deleted). the wedding coordinator's like, "you have to have these favors here "before 4 o'clock." she's being all stupid about it. you'll meet her, right now-- she's something else. hi. hi. hey, how are you? good-- i have our favors. okay, favors. they go one per person, right? actually, one per couple, and then-- all right. (announcer) with the wedding coordinator in such good spirits, it's the perfect time for misty to try to settle carlos' issue with the bathroom's proximity to the dining area. carlos was just not happy about the whole bathroom situation. he thought that it was very (deleted) to have the bathrooms inside of the building. so, we need to do something different, because he's just not gonna be happy with that. okay, well-- i talked to my general manager a little bit about it. the fact that-- (misty) a littleit? yeah. like, this is really a big issue for us. (raquel) okay, well, this is what we're gonna do. we're gonna shut off the bathrooms, just for a little while. we will shut them off for an hour and we will work on trying to figure out if there's ather place for them to use the restroom. like, the other place has to be somewhere close. like, they can't be walking all around. how's that gonna happen, when there's a party there, there's a party here? i really don't give a (deleted) about the other party. i need you to make sure that there's bathrooms that are within walking distance, that are close enough for my guests to be able to use. we are going to work on accommodating something that you're asking for, after the fact. after the fact. that was never disclosed to me that there was restrooms, right there, while everybody's eating. i definitely need something to happen, because carlos is not going to be happy if those bathrooms are open, during the time that food is served. i'm sure he's been totally groomzilla and wanting everything to be perfect. (announcer) the wedding coordinator may be having trouble swallowing misty's sudden bridezilla behavior, but, she does nothing to improve the situation. (raquel) i have other weddings that day, too. i mean, seriously, i have three or four weddings and receptions, that are mine. i just really don't give a (deleted) about what the other weddings are going on! i care about my wedding. i care about what i'm doing. i care about my $7,000 that i paid for my wedding to be a perfect day. i don't give a (deleted) about those other people. i want my day to be what i want it to be and i need you to make that happen. (laughing) sorry, i'm not laughing at you, but-- (sighing with disgust) (misty) i'm just getting totally frustrated at this wedding coordinator. i really wish carlos was here to deal with this. it's bothering him the most, and he's not here to take care of it. i gotta cool off. (announcer) after a few deep breaths, misty is able to go back inside to finish doing carlos' dirty work. i just need to know that this is taken care of. it's done! all right, then, i will see you, tomorrow. good lord-- i need a drink! (announcer) coming up... jennifer turns her bridal shower... shut up! (announcer) into a big bridezilla downer. it's not a joke to me. i don't have a dress. (announcer) and then, when carlos catches misty getting it on, will groomzilla call the whole thing off? that was very disrespectful! (misty) you gonna be there, tomorrow? (announcer) find out, next, on "bridezillas." (announcer) having fled the scene, after stealing her own wedding dress, jennifer arrives at her bridal shower ready to put the drama hi her, or else. oh, yeah, the key word for today-- we cannot say, "dress." if you say "dress," these things will get taken away from you, okay? (announcer) after threatening to withhold food from her guests, at the mere mention of her wedding dress, jennifer glides over the buffet to approve the grocery store prepared fare. what ya'll got going? that's a (deleted) cake, right? yeah, of course. okay. and salad, breadsticks, and baguettes. and there's finger sandwiches. and (deleted) drinks. yeah, um, too bad you didn't think about me, when ya'll bought the tea, 'cause i don't drink iced tea. but, you know. (announcer the tea isn't the only thing jennifer disapproves of. so, our bridezilla hides in the kitchen, to petulantly pick at her, apparently, sub-par salad. it's nasty. this is not what i wanted. but, the whole thing is nasty. the whole thing. (announcer) though jennifer has shunned her own party-- when nobody bothers to hunt our bridezilla down, she begins to fume. hey, look-- i'm in the kitchen, wh you. it's supposed to be my shower, and still nobody recognize it, yet. i'm supposed to be the center of attention. i really wasn't there, so, i don't know. it's supposed to be my shower! i'm supposed to be, like, the center of attention. (announcer) jennifer's had enough of being ignored. so, she ropes in her best friend, andrew, to remind the guests who this party is supposed to be about. (jennifer) i want you to go out there and tell them all to shut up. that the bride is coming... and they cannot talk. hey, i feel like ya'll need to shut up, because jennifer feels that nobody's paying attention to her. ya'll are talking about all kind of stuff and ain't nobody call for jennifer. (announcer) with the party guests primed to pay our bridezilla some attention, jennifer finally comes out of her hiding place. (talking over women) none of ya'll even, like, ied to even consider asking me how was my day going. or-or, "jen, why you been distant?" i've been in that kitchen for a while. whatever, if you would have called me back, earlier, i would have asked you, how your day was! you called me? i sure did. (announcer) just when jennifer's mood is starting to improve, her friends make the monumental mistake of mentioning the dreaded wedding dress. (woman #1) anybody know how to sew? anybody know somebody that sew? i do. i know people that sew. shut up! a needle and thread is all it takes, right? see, i'm gonna go back in the kitchen and when ya'll are getting together and not talking about my dress! see, what-what ya'll don't realize is that if i don't have no dress, all this is in vain, 'cause i'm calling off the wedding. and so, it's not a joke to me. i don't have a dress. (announcer) and just like that, our bridezilla is back in the kitchen. (sniffling) if you're stressed, we will call this off and clean up. i don't want them to do nothing about the dress. i didn't ask them. i ain't ask them to joke about the dress. i ain't asking them nothing. i'm just saying, "look, i'm stressed. "take my mind off of it." i ain't asking them to help me with it. i don't need them asking me about no dress. i don't need them telling me, "well, i got some needle and thread." i don't need that mess. (crying) this isn't a joke to me! this is my whole wedding banking on this! oh, jesus! (announcer) with the party coming to a close, jennifer somehow manages to pull it together for presents, all two of them. (jennifer) out of all those people, i only got two gifts. (woman) all right, girl! oh, that's cute, girl! (jennifer) and one card. so, guess you find out who really do love you-- who really do have your heart. all right-- now, ya'll go. peace. it wasn't quite what i expected, but... i n't know. (announcer) it's the night before the wedding, and misty and her bridesmaids glam up for a wild night on the strip. welcome to my bachelorette party. (all) whoo! (all) whoo! (woman #1) good job! (woman #2) open up-- head back. (all) whoo! (announcer) meanwhile, carlos and crew are getting crazy-- more on the inside. at least, drink one or two more beers, before we start heading off. because he needs to be on the top of his game, when we get to this place. (all) whoo! all right, guys-- me on, let's go! all right! (all) whoo! whoo-- let's go! (announcer) already halfway to hammered, misty and her masquerading maidens meet up with carlos and his crickets. oh, there they come. whoo! all right, my bridesmaids-- come on! (announcer) the party heads out to a two-level strip club, where there's a floor with male strippers and a separate floor with female strippers. whoo-- we're here! (announcer) with misty ready to go wild, carlos, the killjoy, has agreed to this, only after setting down a few ground rules. no touching, poking, prodding, sucking (deleted). (announcer) but, once misty gets inside, all those rules are thrown out the window. whoo, let's party, girls-- let's party! (women cheering) ♪ (mellow trumpet playing) (upbeat dance music) (announcer) misty may have wished she hadn't spoken, because, right at that moment, carlos pops in and is shocked to find that his bride-to-be is defying his rules. (voice echoing) no touching, poking, prodding, sucking, (deleted). ♪ he has to know it's my bachelorette party. he should never have come up there. (misty) why'd you go up there? oh, you' yelling at me? yeah. you're yelling at me-- why i went up there? yeah. i went to check on you. that was very disrespectful! you got dollars all over the place. that's stupid. is this something that-that i'm gonna have to dealith in the future? no, this is-- you're not acting very lady-like. and i really don't appreciate that. this is my bachelorette party. this is wh we're supposed to do. i don't appreciate that. no, you need to act like a lady and act, accordingly. you don't see me acting like some type of-- i didn't go down there and check on you. (misty) i'm not disrespecting anything. (carlos) i go up there, and you're not even looking at me. you see me and you smile and your eyes go right back to him-- touching all over his body. that's bull (deleted)! we're having fun, -- that's it. you call that "fun?" knock yourself out. go have fun. i'm okay-- i'll be okay. what does that mean? i'm a man. we came to the strip club together, and i don't understand why he's so upset. like, what do you think happens at a strip club? i trust him-- i didn't have to go check on him. i was doing my own thing with my girls, having fun with my girls, and then he comes and checks on me, like i'm a little kid? i'm not his daughter-- i'm his wife i don't want you to be mad at me. should've thought of that, before. we're one day away from getting married. exactly-- one day away. you can go, now-- i need some time, alone, please? will you respect that, if anything? i wanna know that we're okay. are we okay-- are you gonna be there tomorrow? they're waiting for you. (announcer) coming up... the wedding day is here... carlos, you need to answer your (deleted) phone! (announcer) but, will carlos appear? i don't know, if he's gonna show up. i don't know anything. (announcer) find out, next, on "bridezillas!" (lightning crackling) ♪ (announcer) it's the morning of the wedding, and misty hasn't seen or heard from carlos, since their bachelor party fight, the night before. what are you doing? i'm trying to get a hold of carlos. i haven't talked to him, at all, today. he hasn't called me, he hasn't texted me-- nothing. like, i don't know, if he made it back, last night. nothing. i'm really confused. i'm upset-- i'm mad at him. i don't know what's going on-- what's gonna happen. if he's gonna make it-- if he's not gonna make it. and we're only a few hours away. he's still not (deleted) answering. (phone beeping) carlos, you need to answer your (deleted) phone! i have stuff to tell you, today. it's the most important day of our lives, and you're not answering your damn phone. where the hell are you? you need to call me, now. (sighing) (announcer) while misty is on the verge of a meltdown, carlos is happily loafing through his own little universe. my cell phone died, and that's probably a good thing, 'cause it let me relax and sleep. i got a lot of things to do. i need to eat. are you okay? i'm so mad at him. don't even worry about it. this is your day. don't let what happened last night-- it's only going to be my day, if he (deleted) shows up. so now, i'm just gonna go ahead and get ready, just like i normally would-- it's my wedding day. i need to get my hair and my makeup done. i'm gonna show up there, and i'm gonna hope that he shows up. marcie, can you call carlos, again? (marcie) what do you want me to tell him? ask him where he's at and ask him how come he freakin' hasn't answered his damn phone. did you find him? (marcie) he still didn't answer. oh, my god! (announcer) in the final hour, misty's worry tuto panic, and she starts calling anyone and everyone, trying to find her missing groomzilla. you guys need to call me. are you guys alive-- are you okay? well, you need to call me, now. yvette? (yvette) yeah? have you seen or heard from any of the guys? (yvette) uh, i have not seen them, but, they should be in michael's room. i don't know, if carlos is still mad at me from last night or what, but, i haven't heard from him. i don't know, if he's gonna show up. i don't know anything. (announcer) carlos, meanwhile, has every intention of going through with the wedding. it just never crosses his mind to clue in his bride-to-be. i think she's having breakfast or lunch or something, with all her bridesmaids. breakfast-- sounds good. (laughing) (announcer) misty heads off to the wedding and tries one last time to get in touch with her elusive groom. carlos, i am in the limo, right now, on my way over to the chapel. i really hope that you are there. i hope that you have the rings. that you know what you're supposed to do. you have the money for the minister. (sighing) i just really hope that you're there. oh, god-- i want this day to be over. (announcer) as misty sweats it out in her bridal room, wondering, if the wedding is going to have a groom, carlos arrives looking all clean and crisp, with no sign of a groomzilla, not even a wisp. ♪ (cameras snapping) carlos and misty, tonight you stand on the threshold of an amazing adventure. carlos, looking very deeply into misty's eyes-- repeat these words to her. i, carlos, take you, misty... i, carlos, take you, misty... (minister) to be my wife. to be my wife. (minister) i will stand by your side... i will stand by your side... (minister) in the good and the bad... in the good and the bad... (minister) the happy and the sad... the happy and the sad... (minister) i commit myself to you. i commit myself to you. i, misty, take you, carlos... (minister) to be my husband. to be my husband. (minister) i will trust and respect you. i will trust and respect you. (minister) i will stand by your side... i will stand by your side... (minister) in the good and the bad... in the good and the bad... (minister) the happy and the sad. the happy and the sa (minister) i commit myself to you. i commit myself to you. (minister) beautiful. because of that, it makes me very happy to pronounce you, husband and wife. i also believe, carlos, you know what to do, next. kiss the bride. kiss the bride. (clapping, cheering) (minister) ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, for the very first time, mr. and mrs. carlos and misty maldanado. (hooting, applauding) i'm glad this is all over-- it's done. i'm ready to start my life, with my wife. and just excited. grooms gotta, uh, fight for everything you want. uh, don't hesitate. throw your two cents in, you know? give-give advice-- be a groomzilla. it's your special day, too, you know? you want to remember this. don't just take a backseat and let the-your future bride handle everything. you need to be an active participant and just get it done. all in all, it turned out great-- it turned out good. it did turn out good. (announcer) on the next episode, of "bridezillas," when this so-called "wedding coordinator"... hello, today-- i'm sick of it. (announcer) turned full-fledged bridezilla... (jennifer) i'm sick of this mess-- i don't even wanna get married no more. (announcer) can't seem to keep it together.... i'm not superwoman-- i messed up. (announcer) will her day go down in flames? i just wanna call it off. (announcer) pl, it's bridezilla vanessa.... can you even believe that bitch? (announcer) versus her fiancé's entire family. no, you're not invited to my wedding, and you will never, ever, ever see johnny, again. (announcer) on the next episode, of "bridezillas!" >> today on "the test"... >> you are already know that these are yours. yo already know. >> trust issues are tearing them apart >> i never said nothing about him >> you tell me you d. >> and their families are taking sides >> i got it here. i got it here. >> only "the test" can prove if he is the father >> if they are not my babies i'm going to be upset. >> the dna results show that eric... >> today on "the test." [applause] [♪] [cheering] >> kirk: hello and wel welcome k come to the "the test" i'm kirk fox. this show is about a decade relationship and a decade filled with drama. eric wants to know if he is the father of their oldest child. he is having doubts about their second child together as well. donna is tired of his cheating accusations and wants to shut eric up once and for all with "the test" >> the first child is a 50/50 baby but the second child is 100% his >> my girlfriend lies 50% of the time how can i be 100% sure i am the father? >> kirk: i am 100% sure we are going to find out the truth today. welcome donna to the show. [applause] donna what is going on. tell me why you are here today? >> well, i'm here today because we have a paternity issue. my daughter she is -- has been a question since she was conceived. i had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend and we were cheating on them together. my daughter was conceived. i didn't know she was conceived until i was three months pregnant. i contacted him and told him i am pregnant >> kirk: you are sure it was him not the new guy? >> no i was not positive but that was the next thing butdy not get a chance to say that because he was like oh, no, i'm -- i don't know how i will tell my girlfriend and i was like ok. you know what? don't worry about it and i hung up and i went my way and i relocated. he ended up finding me two months after my daughter was born cared enough to lookgood sign he >> and he wanted to be in our lives. that has been up in the air. my second child my son i have no clue why he would think that th was not his baby. >> kirk: he thinks you are a cheater >> what happened was he went to jail and everything. once he went in he was in for seven months. he came out and i told him i cheated. i told him that what happened it was like two days after he got out. that was way after our son was conceived. so i don't understand why he would think that. he kept bringing it up the fact that i cheated and i told you about it. u didn't find out through anybody else. i told you about t you got home. i sat you down and said, hey this is what happened. and we went going back and forth and i've never cheated on him other than the time that i told him. >> kirk: listen, donna your exboyfriend eric h been watching backstage and let's hear what he has to say. come on out, eric. [applause] >> donna you a cheater >> you know these are yours. why would you think he is not yours? but you know that is h is yours >> call you guys >> kirk: back it up. we'll backup. what is going on? you can stay standing or we can sit it is ok. all right. why do you think it's not your child? >> because i got letters wrote before and when she wrote the letter it was during the same time that the letters was during the same time -- >> kirk: what letters >> a letter that a guy wrote her so it gave me doubt >> why you ain't never told me? >> i told you the first time >> you never told me. nothing about you didn't think he was yours >> i did tell

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