Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20121115 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20121115

3 you haae 15 minutee to call us prize want to get yoou name inn the bbx . Go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and click on contests to fill out the rules. 3 3 3 3 a mother continues to fight for her llfe this morning. After being critically injured in a shooting at her west baltimooe home. Her two ssns were both kklled in the attack. Attack. Megan gilliland is live from shock traumm where she is being treated as the inveetigation intensifies. Good morning guys,the mother condition here at this hour. Right now. Police are noo reeeasing her identify. To protect her. As the case ps still under investigationn pinvestigation. The seaach is n pfor the suspect who shot her and killed her sons. It happened on West Lafayette avenueeat whitmore avenue around 930 last tuesday night. Detectives say the victims were in the ouse when at leaat three men forred their way innide with aagunnkilling mother in thh hann and face. En 3 peighbors watched as he was russed iitt annambuuance. T. C. 11 48 57 jones when i came tt tte door, as im standing here talking to you lass night and they were putting the young man in the ambulance, the spirit just led me to pray for him. And i paid whoever child that is, remember a time when my son got shot and i know whoever child thaa was, they could feel thaa paii that i felt. Felt. A fammly frienddtold us pthe brrthees whoodiedd. Each saa the mother also has a rs third schoolage son. Pgain, police are calling this a homm invasion. Find out why they believe this amily was attacked. Coming up next half hour. Live from shock trauma, im megan gilliland, fox45 morninggnees. Mta poliie say they wont file charges. Against the bus driver who was caught on camera having a fist fight with a passenger. Passsnger. Wiinesses recorded mmndays incideet. And poste peesonntood fox 45 that the driver and the teen were arguing over loud music. When the driver stopped tte bus. Approached the girl. And ssartee swinging at her. Suspended. Mta police say because they didn witness the fight. Both the driver ann passenger may till hoose o other. Harges against each police in aane parundel county need your help finding a suspect. Who robbed walmarr in laurel wednesday. And shot the store manager. Manager. Ust after 4 am. Man wearing a mask approached a manager. And demanneddcash. After getting t. He forced the managerrinto the parking lott. Shot himm. Then drove away. The maaager is expected to survive. Shooting. Police got a call fire nnar the walmart. They believe it was the suspects with information is aaked to call anne arundel couuty hiring is underway at marylaads biggest casino at arundel mills. Giving Job Opportunities to another 12 hundred people. Thats because voters pproved question 7. Which expandss gambling. And allow casinos to stay open 4hourssa day. Maryland live owner ddvid cordish. Says 8hundded of those new employees will be table game dealers. And that pthe casino will paa for their training. cordish we made a commitment to hire thousands offpeople who live nearby here expected to premier at arundel mills nd otherrmaryland caainosstarting in early spring. 3 one of the more unique holiday traditions is underway in columbia this morningg nearlyy 700 plants are being transformed into something elle. Else. Joel d. Smith is live at the mall in columbia to see how they do it, nddmore importantly. How to properly say poinsettia good morning joel d. D. 3 coming up. Sse had one of hollywoods longest marriagess. And never even knew it how actress Janeane Garofolo was married for 20 years. And didnt even know itt news. All loccl. All morning morring. bump out 3 3 take a stroll in a winter wonderland. Enjoy window art, cookies and more. Emily gracee joins us for this morningsshomeeown hotspot. What is a waterfront llfe . Winddws . How many window see . Harbor easts windoww wonderland a holiday art exhibit takes place thursday november 15th rom 5 30 p. M. T0 7730. M. At mac harbor east. For more iiformation log on to Fox Baltimore dot com slash mmrning. 3 3 3 3 p 3 3 coming up. A big scare for singgr jon bon jovi. Involving his daughter. What she recently did at college. Thht nearly took her life. But next. Actress Janeane Garofolo finds out shes been pmrried for a20 yearsa. Withoot ever nowwng. The evenn. That led to tte shocking discovery. Youre patching fox 45 morning nees. All local. All morning. 3 have a good night. Here you go. You, too. Im going to dream about that steak. Im going to dream about that tiramisu. What a night, huh . But, um, can the test drive be over now . Head back to the dealership . [ male announcer ] its practically yours. But we still need your signature. Volkswagen sign then drive is back. And its never been easier to get a passat. Thats the power of german engineering. Get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first months payment on any new volkswagen. Visit vwdealer. Com today. Take this fascinating muller yogurt. Frut up. Means fruit up. Creamy yogurt down below. Delectable, layer of fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. Frut up. As the europeans say. In their language. Wow. You really are bilingual. [ male announcer ] muller. The european for yummy. Wow. You really are bilingual. New this morning. Paula broadwell. The woman at the center of the scandal that took down cia director David Petraeus. Is without her military security clearances, right now. They have been suspended pending an investigation. Shes currently a military intelligence reservist and was promoted o theerank of Lieutenant Colonel in august. Earlier this week, theefbiiraided her home after she told investigators she endeddup withhmilitary broadwell denied accessing the documents during her relationship with petraeus. Thee whetter to charge her with a the foundation created by pdisgraced cyclist lance name. In the wake of a doping scanddl. For years. The Lance Armstrong ffundation has beenninformally known as livestrong. Rmstrong founded being ddagnosed with testicular canner. He stepped down from the organizaaion last month after Us Antidoping Agency released a report claiming armstrong was career. His foundation will now livestrong oundatton. Jon bon jovis daughter was ospitalized. After overdosing on heroin. Nineeeenyeaa old Stephanie Bongiovi is a student at hamilton collegeein new york. Police say bongiovi overrosed in her dorm oom thhre, and was found unresponsive. Bongiovi, and heerfriend twentyone year old ian grann, are now chargee with drug possession, ammng other charges. Bon jovis representatives id not have an immediate comment. Actress janeann garofolo didnt even realize was legall. Is ow legglly ovee. Garofolo and writer. Prooucer rob cohen got married in las vegas in the 90s after a niggt of drinking. They thouuhttit was all a joke. Ow that cohen is engaged ffr real, his attorney discovered the decades old nuptial was still on the books. Garofolo toll tte ben stiller show the dissolved. As ince been coming up next. The ravens are turning heads. With their latest move. What theyre now doing abeforea they take tte field. Thats drawing the attentionnof teams around the nfl. And later. Where in hee country people are already lining up. Or black friday. Youre watching locca. Morning news. All [ male announcer ] what can you experience in a seat . Inspiration. Great power. Iconic design. Exhilarating performance. [ race announcer ] audi once again has created le mans history [ male announcer ] and once in a great while. All of the above. Take your seat in the incomparable audi a8. Take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. The Baltimore Ravens re among a handful of nfl teams. That have ditched hefty paper playbooks for interactive us a prrview. Preview. P the Baltimore Ravens have a reputation for a punishing defense led by big name players like lineeacker ray lewis and safety ed eed. But before they take the field thaas drawing the attention ipads. This ii our actual ipad that we hand out to all the players nd all the ccaches. For the playyrs, this is their playbook now. Nfl ppaybooks typically run hundreds of pages and with 53 players on printiig thousands of pieces of paper each week. Coaches like paper. Coaches like plays and they like details and they and then after a while, you end up printing so much paper that the playbook gets bigger with the ipad of course, the t paper is nn longer an issue. Before the 2011 season, the ravens coaching sttff met with it director nickkfusee to find a way to modernize the nfl playbook. The team contracted with global papptitude, a baltimorebasedd developer, to create a playbook app for the ipad aalowing layers nd coaches to watch game footage and diagram plays whenever and wherever hhy wanted. There hhd been a number f us who were interested in how to make oor playbooks better, how to incluue video with iagrams, how o make iagrams dynaaic this for yeaas. With the ut advent offthe ipad, it provided a great method to mix those learning tools. The each ipad ensuring that stay off. The eam is also pble to erase the pads playbooks from falling into the wrong hands. Theres also a time bomb set to each playyook, so when a player aatually downloads it, heres pa sst time and date where tha away. So in case anybody ever loses it, its gone. Beyond a playbook, fusee says the team has also ssved money by making the switcc. We were paying a lot of money tooactually print pllybooks. So i did a financiil study and i figured after two yyars we would be even, and the third year wed actually save money. Whhle the ravens were among the firss to pse ipads as playbooks, they arent the only team. Roughly half of the nfl including the Denver Broncos and he miami dolphinssare now using playyooks on ipads. Fusee thinks that ipad playbooks will becooeethe norm among all while some teams have embraced the technology, theres no evidence that ipad playbooks provide teams with an edge on the field. The supee bowl champion new york giants still use paaer. Jason sanchez, cnnmoney, baltimore, maryland. First monster nergy. Nnw 5 hour energy. How many deaths are nowwbeing linked to the drink. Youre watching fox 45 morning news. Allllocal. All pmorning. break 4 hey hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here . No no. Could have gotten me one. I did. Try the unmistakable flavor of Dunkin Donuts smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. Its deliciously irresistible. Hurry in today. Hurry in to dunkin and add oventoasted hash browns to your breakfast combo for just 99 cents. Revision. Actually, this aint bad . Surprise look at this cool corner thingy desolation. Its gone. Anticipation hey theres more in the fridge. [ male announcer ] muller. The european for yummy. Toddlers and ipads. Why some say they are becoming addictee to the devices. Tonight on fox 45 3 3 map liberty ap 3 right now. Baltimore police are searching for the gunmen who seriously injured a mother and killed her two sons. Sons. Police say they broke into a home in est baltimore and opened fire. Megan gilliland isslive from shock fighttng for her life. R is good morning guys,te mothhr is in critical but stable condition here at this hour. Right now. Police are not rellasing her identtfy. Is ssill under nvestigation. Investigation. The search is on for thh suspect who shot her and killed her sons. It haapened on West Lafayette avenue at whitmore avenue around 9930 last tuesday ight. Detecttves say the victims were in the house whee at least three men forced their ay inside with a gun. Kiiling 19yeerolddDarian Horton and his brother, 23 year old allen horton. A bullett struck their mooher in the hand and face. Investigators say the shooting was targeted. But they dont have a motive. Psgtt smith its too early options, all motives. G all 3 phowever, like i said, just wanttto reiterate it wasnt, it doesnt appear to be a random act. The brothers who died. Each have a twin sister. Neighbors sa third schoolage son. Police are aaking that you call them right away. If yo have aay informaaion that pcould elp find the gunnen. Pive from shock trauma, im megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. A popular energyydrink is now pozzn deaths. Deaths. The food and drug administratton says they have received reports of 13 deaths over tte last four years. In connection with 55 hour ennrgy. In all the administration the drink. Including about convuusions and even a spontaneoos abortion. Another energy drink. Monster energy. Which was linked to the deathhof aamaryland teen blamed for 5 deaths. O eing maryland becomessone of 49 states. Petitioning to withdraw from the union. Union. He nationwide movement started in response to its all being done through an open forummsection of alloww citizens to create ch and get an ooficial response from the white house. If supporting signntures marylands petiiion for secession was created on monday. And now has about 2 316 49 if maryland were to bbcome its own counttry its still going to be a one party country, and i ouldnt like ttat either 56 sot 1249 i think that thh United States that way because its united ptates, so it should probably 58marylands petition remains abbut 23thousand signatures short offthe 25thousand mark. Baltimore is celebratinn the grand reopening of a library in dduid heights. Fttr 3 months of rrnovations. Aaenue branch of the enoch pratt libraryy. Entered the library is embracing etraditio reaaers. Which the mayor demonstrated wednesday. She downloaded a book. By scanning it with her smartphone. Srb so, if you thought libraries were going to be obsolete in he digital age, the pratt libbary is here to prove you wronn. The pratt courses, job training and resources for students. Awarded a grant from the harry n anddjeanette weinberg ffundation. To fuud ereaderr for all branches. The next two years. Ent over 3 a holiiay tradition enteriig right now in howard ounty. Countt. The poinsettia ree is being assemblld at the mall in cclumbia joel d. Smith is live there nowwto find ouu whaa makes this so special to thh people ttere, and what kind of crazy hours hey have to work to get it done. Gooddmorning joel. D. 3 p3 blaak friday is more than a week away. But in california. Shoppers are already starttng to amp ut seasonnthis is video out of san diego. Whhre some eager reeidents dont want to misss out on some early buys. Imaaine how long that line will be by this time ext week 3 coming up. 3 pnew questions are surfaccng. About Michael Jacksonssdeath. Death. Who the late pop stars personal assistant thinks. Is tt blame. Youre watching fox 45 morning news. All local. All morning. break 5 meteorologist 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 cominggup. 3 3 coming up. New questionn today. About Michael Jacksons deathhwho the late pop stars personal blame. Next. Youre watching fox 45 morninn news. All local. All morning. [ male announcer ] what can you experience in a seat . Inspiration. Great power. Iconic design. Exhilarating performance. [ race announcer ] audi once again has created le mans history [ male announcer ] and once in a great while. All of the above. Take your seat in the incomparable audi a8. Take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. We put our name on it. At jcp shop youll find wellmade clothes that stand on their own and mix with your favorites. Building blocks of style at amazing prices. And only at jcp. break 6 3 new this morning. The city fire departmenn recovers a womans body from the harbor in canton. Just before 5 thiss morning they got a call foo a pperson in the water on booton at leakin street. The victim was pulled from theewater ann pronounced dead. No ord onnan iddnnity. Michael jacksoos last personnl asssstant claims concert promoterraeg. Was responsible for tte pop iccns williams says. Aeg owes employees some cash. Aegs laayer called the uit clearly frivolous. And say williams has o legal standing to ue because hh was not a with the prrmoter. Podays hearing for colorado Movie Theater shooting suspect james holmes. Ii postponed. His attorney requested the delay after the suspect was taken to the hospital for an unspecified injurr, yesterday. Holmes ii accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 during a midnight screening of knight rises this past july. Phe hearing is now set for december 10th. Washington lawmakers want to know about septembbrs deadly consulate attack in benghazi, libya. Today. Theyre holding closed doorrhearinns in hopes pof getting answers. Rene marsh is live in washington this morning. With a preview of what we could expect. Good morning, rene. Thh president was asked about this in his press was asked about the president was asked about this in his what say . The reeublicans unified in their focus on ambassador rice. The other wwaa are some of ambassador rice. Focus on unified in their dont appeer t be the republicans say . Did he have this in his press was asked abouu the president rene. The president was asked about this in his pressswws asked about this in his press conference yesterday, what did he haae to say . The republicans dontt aapear o be unified in their focus on ambassador rice. What are some of he other qqestions hey are asking . Ccming up. Coming up. Get surround sound. Innthe comfort of your own home. How tooget that Movie Theater quality. Without sppnninn a fortuue. Youre watccing fox 45 mornnng news. All local. All morning. [ female announcer ] dove go sleeveless presents the latest thing to wear with beautiful tops. Beautiful underarms. Wear with toga tops, yoga tops, and vavavoom tops. Dove go sleeveless makes underarms soft and smooth in just five days. Effective protection. Beautiful result. Thats why new dove style care whipped cream mousse nourishes and conditions to help keep curls well defined and touchably soft. New dove style care whipped cream mousse. Better style through better care. Your living room wiih surround pound is great. But getting set up can set you back big bbcks. Hometheaterinabox systems can save you money and a lot of hassll. Consumer cost anywhere from 250 to vvo sanguily is a real pmovie bbff. Getting sound tha does justice to his bigscreen tv as a must. sot mani sanguily i was able to get a receiver, and all thespeakers and subwoofers to go withit. And now iihave movietheater quality ssund and picture in my own home. V o mani bought is stereo ccmponents separately. Another optioo is to get a hometheaterinaabox system. Comppnents you need a Center Channel speaker, two speakerr for the front of theeroom, another set forrthe back of the room, and a subwoofer to enhance the bass. Many systems playerr sot the bii advantage is that all thecomponents come together in onnbox.

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