of caady these disgusting 3 33 thursday, march 1st -3 3 - maps-695at295-back to maps 3 today... governor martii oomalley is expected to make marylann the 8th state to leealize gay marriageebut opponents say thh fight isn't over yet.megan gilliland is here with more on how they're good morning pattice,o'malley is expected to sign the legislation,,whichhhe sponsored, intt law today.that means, samm sex ceremonies could be peeformed starting at year.while many aae pelebrating their win... gay marriagg supporters say they jump.the law is expected to be petitioned to referendum in november.right nnw, opponents have approval to officially opponents say they want votees to decide this issse. (glenn) "i believe that the people f maryland are intelliggnt enough to elect us the opportunity to have their voices heard on thhs very importanttissue." opppnents will need morr than 55-thousand ignatures fromm maryyand vottrs to ggt that question on thh ballot this but organizers say they're hhping tt colleet early pouble that umber to ensure they have enough ávalidá gilliland, fox45 morning news. &p3 an updaae nowwto a story you 5-year-old daughter's death. pollce now say the father beet her to death, afterra bathroom caar faces several charges, including first-deeree murder and chiid abuse. investigators ssy he called police and paramedics to his home on callaway avenue at about 10-30 monday night. according to charring documents, he told poliie he found his daughterrnot breathing in an upstairs bathtub. but once aa mya diid... medical pttendants said it was obvioius the child had sufferrd severe blunt trauma, face and ribs. that's when hey alerteedhomicide dettctives.. who questioned carr extensively. (det. moses) "ultimatelyy they got from him that he got angry with the little girl becauue she had a bowellmovement n her pants.. anddheedisciplined her. he really didn't confess did discipline her.."a, but he her.."reports allo iidicate deeectivessssy it appears he had been drinking. carr is now in jail being held jurors in anne arundel county spareea 2-time convicted killer... his life.oo against giving lee edward stephens the death penally. penaltt. the inmate was ccnvicted of killing &pcorrectional officer david mcquinn... in 2006. jurors placed part of the blame on thh state... for not proviiing a safe and secure environment. instead... juuors agreee stephens' should spend the rest of life in priion without (prosecutor) 12:04:45 certainly we consider today to justice for cpl david ward towa mcguinn.5112:07:17 and my brother was a very kind and gentle soul. ss i think he would have respected their decision as well. well. prosecutors believe the reason mcguinnnwas targeted... ruues and didn't allow inmates to break them. following ptabbee in 2007. even though he surrived.... the state closed doow the prison. a dedication ceremony is being held today... for the new herman and walter at sinai. hildren's hospital - sinai.the 23-thousand square -rrvatt rooms.a ribbon-cutting m.it will take place on the a-- sinni hospital.hallway of some important decisions on the fuuure of theebaltimore ravens are happening this joel d. ssith is live att share with us how many positions are available to be on the field this easonn.... as a cheerleeder. good morninggjjel d. good morning patrice. 3 d-c is getting ready to celebrate one hundred years with its fammus cherry blossom trees.. and peak bloom season ii just around the corner. the national parr service is expected to aanounce ater this morninn the peak datessfor the rees. organizers wwll also announce pllns for a á5-weeká festival tt celebbate the rees... in 1912. the festival apan - usuully runn for 16 days. coming up... mourning the loss... of a 60's icon. natsthe recognition being s "monkees" star, davy jones. news.. all ocal.. all morning - morning. 3 - women of the world .. baltimore symphony orchestra- women- panel discussions,,wwrrshops and performances by mary chapin carpenter, rain pryor, dance troupes- meteorologist emily gracey is liveein mount vernon with more.>> 6:10am solo peace, on healer. story of the bleeding woman woman friday, march 2 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. saturday, march 3 from 10 a.m. to 5:33 p.m. and sunday, march 4 rom 10 a.m. po 1:30 p.m. at the joseph meyerhoff symphony hall 3 3 maps-695at295-back to maps-fiber-back to maps maps-695at295-back to mapss695at295-back to maps-fiber-back to maps pls coming up... wall street bonuses... take a hhttbut working there... still &ppays ff.thh hopping amount workerr reeled in....that's considered a downgrade. and our baltimore idol hits the stage... for her first áliveá performance.what jennifer lopez had to say... abbut hallie day's voice... onn "american idol."you're waachhnn fox 45 morning news.. &pall local.. alllmorring. ((break 2)) 3 new this morning... the senate is set to vote n the ps-called "blunt amendment."it would let employers opt out of covering health treatments they object to on moral grounds.that includes the pequiremmnt to cover the cost of birth contrrl. republiccns say it's needed to protect religious freedom.democrats say the amendment is an attack on women's access to health care. you'll no longer see graphic anti-smoking images and messages on cigarette cartons. a federal judge has thrown outt a mandate... requiring tobacco and words on their products. it was all part f the "family smoking preventioo and tobacco control act"... passed in act is a violation of free speech. if you didn't know it &palready... it pays to work on wall street.the average wall street bonus last year... was 121-thousand dollars.and get this... that number fell froo previous yyars... due to lower profits nd layoffs.ii fact the 008 financial riiis.e - 3 bbltimore's own hallii day... rrcks the stage on americaa ido. natsol.siiging natss- hallie got off to a dramatic, slow start... and thennvamped version of ""eeling good" by nina simone.the judges were you look like a star.. love &pplow start a few mmoments you lost conttol but got it back pnd did abeautiful job jobamerican idol continues tonight t 8 right here on fox45. coming up... is she... or isn't she?reality star snooki claims she isn't pregnant.but one newspaaer... is calling her bluff.ww'll tell you whh. dispatcher: 911, where's your eeergency?caller: "we just had a shooting t our school. we peed to get ut of here." here." and school deadly shooting inside an ohio high school.but some students are returning to the scene today.we'll tell you why. you're watching fox 45 morning &pnews.. all local.. all morning. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal -- to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. book all of our destinations only at southwest.com. let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza®. ♪ experience love that lasts. ((bump in)) plasses at hio's chardon high tomorrow.but as tommy andres explains... manyystudents are planning to return to the pchool thissmorning... for the first time since monday's shooting.ootingg juss four days ago, students at ohio's chardon high school fled from their school in fear...dispatcher: 911, where's your emergency?caller: "we just had a hooting at our school. we need to get out of here."since then, they've been in mourning for the three victims ho dieddbut todayy many students are eturning to &pthe school for the fiist time since the shooting forrgrief needs to heal. the school did what they were supposed to do. were supposed to do. they need to get back o schooo and realize that justice is going to bb one." nearly 13 years pgo another high school, columminn, was rocked by a deedly shooting.the principal there says the chardon community has a loog road &pahead of it."what i have told people on numerous occasions, what happened at columbine pigh school, what has happened in charron, you will not have pormal again. you'll have to redefine what noomal is." the p7-year-old student accused in tte shootiig, t-j lane, is charged today.prosecutors say he confessed to the shootings and says he pickeedhis victims randomly.a lawyee for lane'ss family says they are in of the community.i'm tommy andres reportingg lane's charges will liiely include threeecounts of say they want him tried as an adult. ccming up... a warring for parents... the 3 dangerous materials... beiig found n certain easter candy. &p((megan live tease))ttday... governor 'malley is expecttd laa.i'm megan gilliland, how o - opponents are already planning &pto block it and why? you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. ((break 44) &&p good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. it's bring your happiness to work day. campbell's microwavable soups. in three minutes -- the deliciousness that brings a smile to any monday. campbell's -- it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for excellent fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. could've had a v8. v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. çia÷ marriage....ssgned into law. the upcoming legal battle.. on &pfox 455news at 5:30. 3 -live look 95 aa 112 in harford county 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps pls 3&maps-fiber-bacc to maps pls govenor martin o'malley is expected to sign a bill legalizing same sex marriage today... and already... overturned.meean gilliland it joins us now with more on how legislation.ning to block this - good morning pptrice,later o'malley is xpected to make maryland ttee8th state to legalize gay marriage.that could be performed starting at the beginning of next yearr year.while many are celebrating their win... gay still aae anotter hurdle to - jump.the law is expected to bb petiiioned to refeeendum in nnvember.right now, opponents have approval to officiallyy launch their petition drive. something we'rr seeing mmre of lately.some political unpopulaa llgislation to - voters... is a rooing trend. (crenson) "under the state constitution you have to et 3% of registered voters to sign the petitions. if you can use facebook, email and a number of other social media to gettthoss signatures, it's p lot easier than goinngdoor to door." dooo."opponents will need more than 55-thousand ávalidá signatures from maryland vvterssto get that question on the ballot this fall. they're expecteddto rely heavily oo churchggers who oppose saae sex marriage... as a matter of faith... to rrach &pgilliland, fox45 morning news. 3a man is shot aad killed on windsor mill road... in southwest altimoree police got the call late laat night... when someone founn the body in the middle of leakin park. evidence and wittesses. g for a new government report ranks maryland third in the nntion when it comes to fraud and othhr consumer complaints. complaints.a survey from the federal trade coomission says debt collection is the number one problem arylanders commlained about.... making up 133percent of all omplaints lodged by residents.fake prizes..... sweepstakes.... and lotteries came in seeond... and maryland came in pth for identity theft complaints.last year nearly five thousand complaints of pdentitt theft were filed. (57:28) good solid passwords don't let peoole ccess that information be careful of what flags making you a marker for someone to take your informaaio. marylanders reporttd nearly thirty million dollars in fraudulent schemes. aawarning for parents planning easter ceeebrations... be careful what you put in your childdssbaskets. basketsslook at his ... just some of the junk our sister station w-s-y-x found in candy eggs.dirt... wood slivers... even something that looks like a thornn "if you're asking if somebody's faking it who put it in there. no." "makes yyu wonder about the cleanliness of the you've got to wonder about." the f-d-a plaaed an áimportá &paleet on the company that mad this candy in 2009. it's a classic scenerio in the nfl..... some veterans are trying to ake a comeback onto the team, while the younger athletes want to hold on to their spots. but for this ravens squad..... you don't have to wwit until the summer to see who akes ii. it. oel d. smith is live at he ravens cheerleader tryouts to ee what it really field this year. good morning joel d. good morninn patrrce. 3 3 today.... aby boomers are mourning the death of 60's icoo, davy ones. davy jones performance nats nats this iss ideo of his last tellvissd perrormance... from pinger, a member of "the monkees," died wednesday... of an apparent heart attack. fellow "monkee" micky dolenz says he thought of jonee as a brother... and thaa word of his death left him speechless. "yeah it's a shock right out suspected you know, you know what can you say, total shock numbed by it all." all."the hollywood chamber of commerce says flowers will be placed on the monkees' star today... in his honor. 3&ps he or isn't she?reality ssar nicole polizzi... also known as "snooki" from "jersey shore"... is reportedly pregnant.snooki denied repprts earlier this month... that &pshe's expecting.but the new york osts claims... sheeisn't telling the truth.snooki's rep isn't commenting on the matter. coming up... your grocery store meet couuter will lok a little different... starting today. the channe you'll notice... and how it could affect the products you buy. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. sot to break ((break 5)) q@q@ ((bump in)) ((ad lib mteorologist)) 3 mapss-iber-back oomaps- 695at2955back to maps 3 3 3 coming up... japan's deadly sunami... are floating toward the u-s.when they're expected to reach land. and you'll soon notice a change... toothe meat prrducts ou buy.what grocery storrs will be required to do... starting today.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. aal local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... 12 people are dead afterrtornadoes rip through the midwest and sooth on wwdnesday.cleanup is underway in harrisburg, illinois where 6 people were killed.the medical center was ravaged by a tornado with wwnds of up to 170 peetucky, indiana, tennessee - and kansas. lumber... boats... and other &pdebris ripped from japanese coastal towns by tsunamis last year could wash ashhre on the west coast of the u-s as early as a ááeará from now.the debris has already spread across some 3-thousand miles &pnational oceanic and .tte atmmspheric administratioo estimated the first bits of psunami debris will make landfall soon on small islands northwest of hawaii. other pieces are expected to reach the coastt of oregon.. washington state... alaska and canada between march 2013 and march 2014. the grocery store meat counter wwll look a little shoppstarting today... it will - nutritioo labels on raw meat. the new rule affects aal ground meat and poultry... as breasts, pork chops, steaks - and lamb.the labels will include calories, protein, cholesterol and sodium. (((pat))) a prince georges county councilwoman got out of a big tickett... that anyone else áwouldá have gotten. she was onn the beltway going 115-miles per hour in a 55-mile zone. the officer gave her a warning for speeding and a ticket for unsafe aae change. lots of drivers are crying fful. talk show host and former policeecommissioner ed norris joins us, for this weeks fox undercover.-lotssof people talking about his ... why should she get a 3 warning instead of a ticket -the department defended the officer saying he has descretion ... what dooyou take into consideration p//ess/////, you can hhar ed norris monday through friday on sports radio 105-seven 'the fan' from 5 to 10 a-m. coming up... one couple's terrifying encounter... with a grizzly bear.where they were quick-thinking tactic they used... to stay safe.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. ((break 7)).all orning. - &p chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. wow, thanks! beep. beep. activate your 5% cash back at chase.com/freedom. "how much do we spend on incarceration? are we getting our money's worth? "we have to do something about these persons who need help as opposed to being locked." ((bump in)) with the average price of a new ar now close to 30- thousand dollars... it pays to start is with automakers that are producing quality cars. consumer reports is just out with its annual report card on the 3 major automakers. (v/o)walking into a subaruu dealership... you ddfinitely have some good carr to choose from. subaru now tops consumer peports' list of "who makes the best cars" - replacing honda. (sot: rik paull "subaru's imprezaais our top pick in small cars. and we now recommend all of the ssbaruss we've tested." (v/o)that includes the outbaak, forester, aad legacy.each year consumer reports ives grading them on reliability and performance. (sot: rik paul)"for performance, we conduct more than 50 tests on including braking and -emergeno consumer reports named mazda dramatic improoement. its reliability has gotten better. and the mazda 3, along with drive. toyota maintains itt third place spot, with quality cars like the redesigned camry. honda has slipped too fourth placc. its redesigned civic ann odyssey are disappointtents. (sot)"honda has cut costs onnsome recently redesigned models, sometimes getting rid of handy features and usinggcheaper materials.. sometimes theer braking and still in last placc but salso scoring higher than before. (sot: rik paul)"we've seen big pmprovements in many of chrysler's redesigned models, including the jeep grand cherokee and chrrsler 330. chrysler's core could go up even further as it revamps itt cars." commng up in our 7 o'clock thinkksoda is the biggest problem... when it comes to sugar?the other surprising ssurce of sugar... in your ((joel live tease)) tease)) [ female announcer ] this is not a prescription. this is mary. who thinks it might be time to listen to her heart. so she talked to her walgreens pharmacist who gave her a free blood pressure test and showed her how easy it is to do it herself at home. get a free blood pressure test any day in february at any walgreens pharmacy or take care clinic location. and we'll donate $1 to the american heart association as part of the walgreens way to well commitment. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. as part of the walgreens way to well commitment. in just a few hours... governor o'maaley is expected to sign same sex marriageeinto law.how opponents are already planning to block it and why. beat chase nats of tourists... and it's all p caught on camera.the surprising thing they did.. tt save their lives.. and gee the bear to go away. and... get a college education.. for free.the five ways you can do it. 3 today is thursday, maach ffrst. 3- &p mapssfiber-back to maps 3 3 today... governor martin o'malley is expected toomake maryland the 8th state to legalize gayymarriage.but opponents say the fight isn't over yet.megan gilliland is here with more on how they're planning to blockkit now. good morning patrice,o'maaley is expected to sign the legislation, which he sponsored, into law today.that means, same sex ceremonies could be performed starting at the beginning of next year. year.while many are celebrating their win... gay still have another hurdle to - jump.the law is eepected to be petitioned to referendum in novemberr