Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20111123 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20111123

stage collappe nats natsthe surrrising eople being sued... aa a result of thissdeadly stage collapse. and... justin bieber.. takes a paternity test to find out.. if he's the father!but find out the one thing.. that's 3olding up the d-n-a results..- 3 wednesday, november 23rd 3 3 heading to grannma's house today.... get readd... it's one of the busiest travel days of the year.aad with the rain and fog we're sseiig this morning... the race tooget home for the holidays could be a slow one. one.megan gilliland is streaming live from the maryland house where some people are trying to get an early start. start.good morning patrice, more people are expected to be traveling this holiday thhn last yeer...and it's the roadways that are expected to see the most ravelers..and unfortunately the most this morning... we're seeing... ad l. lib... morning news.gilliland, fox45 county, megan live in harrord county, meggn gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 baltimore county police are askinggfor you help... finding a missing adult with beginning stages of dementia. dementia.ttey're looking for 72-year melvin johnson, senior.he was last seen tuesddy afternoon... on alberge lann in eesex.he has a tattoo of a cross on his left pand... and othhr on his inffrmation is asked to call two balttmore county women fight to change federal law... folllwing the &pdisappearance of their sister. sister. kelly rothwell... who was a policeecadettin florida... vanished in maach. she lived here in baltimore.... before moving to tampa. her sisters beleive rothwell's case could've had a different outcome iffshe'' been aadee to a federal database of missing people. they're now peeitioning for a new federal law... that will require police to add missing adults to an fbi database within 12 hours of their reported disappearance. 10:35:23 the petition won't bring kelly back and it may not do invessigation it could heep innthe future with someone elses. it could save someone's life :35 :35 currenn law only coverr people 20 nd younger.lauren rothwell elieves her sister's case could've had a different outcome under this ppoposed law. what is it liie to learn from the best? students aa windsor mill middle school in baltimore county know. their teacher has been named the state teacher of the year yeaaand this mmrning, joel d. smiih is live in the classroom for a lesson in what it will take to win heenatiinal competition. good morning joelld. 3 on the x factor aae froo tants 3 maryllnd.. and from the sounds hopefully it'll stay that way. way.ssng nats nats marylaad's own paige elizabeth ogle and her group lakoda rayne took on tayyor swift's "you beling withhme"... and especially simmn.ges.. - this is by far your best performance im not gonna say perfect but in terms of group you should be record youu should be makinn i think the more you stay in the more four sweet girls i wish you tmwwe show you how maryland's othhr x factor contestant marcus canty did... coming up in our 7 o'clock hour. hour. find out if booh offmaryland's contestantssstay ... during a double elimination ... when the x 3commng up... it's the last 8 known recording... f the late amyywinehouse. nats nats we're giviig awaa copies of an album thht contains the last song she ever recorded... next. but first... here's what school student shataya is - thaakful for this thanksgiving... 3 3 3 3 map fiber mappold couur map 175 map 3 --treasures of the heart at the manor at gunpowder falls at our lady of gracey parish --mary miller is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot-- an uplifting musical portraying true stories of baltimore's homeless at --all audience asked to bring a non-perishable ffod item to food banks--about teens unhappy with their servicc local homeless shelter. --the teens are traasformeddas they learn the treasures they old in their hearts are mooe those they hold in theirrhands hands treasures of the manor at gunpowder falls grace parish december 1st through sunday december 4th.information, log while you'rr there, get the latest headlines, weather, and latest headlines, theree get the while you're slash morning. baatimore dot com on to fox december 4th.through sunddy decembee 1st thursday grace parish at our lady of gunpowder falls manor at heart is at the treasures of the 3 3 treasurrs of tte heart is at the manor at gunpowder falls at our lady of grace parish thursday ddcember pst through sunday december 4th.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning.while you're there, ggt the latest headlines, weather, and traffic...and it's all for free. it's the last knoon recording... of the late amy wi. nats nats winehouse coveree "body and soul" with tony benneet in her final recording sessiin before her death in can heaa it on bennet's new c-d... "duets 2."american idol alum carrie underwood.. lady gaga and mariah carey also appear on the c-d. c-d.the 4th and 5th caalers at 410-481-4545 riiht now win a copy of "tony bennett duets 2." if you hink you're innthe driver's seat when it comes to holiday shooping... you might be surprised to hear áttis.á áthis.ááalls are using your cell phone... to track your every movv.whht informaaionn.. ps being gathered. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all &pmorning. ((break 2)) morring... hhgh winds could put tomorrow's macy's thanksgiving day parade in jeopardy.forecasters say a big storm... rrlling through new york today... could pack wwnd guuts of up to 37 miles-an- hour.parade ruuee ban balloons over 4 miles-an-hour.sts are two malls ii the u-s will be tracking your movementt... by monitoring signals from your cell phone. one of them.. ii short pump town center in richmond, will follow shoppers to see what stores they don't. mall at management says no peesonal information is being gathered. their phones. justin bieber is continuing to fight backkagainst allegations he fathered a child.people and 17-year old took a paternity test last week.a 20-year old woman ccaims the pop star is now... the baby's mmther has to provide her child's dna. coming up... republican candidates squared off last night... ii a presdiential debbte.tte one topic theyydiscussed... that or break their - chopper crashing nnts and terrifying crash... caught on ape. what went wrong... to cause thissto're watching fox 45 mmrning news.. all locca.. all morning. ((break 3)) -33 3q spots again. detergent alone doesn't fully dry your dishes. it leaves spots and residue behind. add finish jet-dry and they dry two times better. and they're shiny. that is shiny. the ggo-p presidential contenders gathered in the ation's capitol tuesday... for their 11th debate. the topics?... national security and foreign explains... the focus was on one candidate in particular. particular. ffom theestart of tuesday night's republican debate in the nation's capitol...all eyes were on newt gingrich.. the former house peaker just recently emerged as the front- runner in the polll... edging out former massachuseets governor mitt romney. from the first quession.. the candidates' stance on the &ppatriot act...gingrich beecme the candidate to beat..the government should be frankly on defense and you're innocent until proven guilty. national security, tte government order to save our lives. s in congressman paul, i suspect youudisagree. i do. tell us why. i think the patriot act is unpatriotic because it undermines our liberty.when asked about tsa patdowns.. herman cain didn't mince words..the terrorists have one obbective - they want to the terrorists have one mince words..herman cain didn't &pmince words..the terroristss to kill all of uu - we should kill them first as a final question- they perceive as the biggest threat to u.s. leadership - how can we have - effect internationally- we have to get hhr domestically we need to emember, we won the peace in iraq. noo &ppresident obama is intenttonalll choosing to give that peace away. this is a significant issue hezbollah which is significant issue peace away. this ii a choosing to give that obama is inteetionally choosing to give that peace awwy. this is a significanttissue hezbollah phichhis working throughout latin ameriia, venezuela, in mexicc, throughout latin significant and imminenn rr threat to the united statts of america.many topics were discusseddin this substantive deeate.... but one thing is beyond our borders are sure to impact the 2012 presidential election.i'm edgar treiguts reporting. 3coming up... a schhol bus... left dangling learninn... abouu theedriver who caused this accident. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ discriminatiin. he treatment of a blind victim that's led to a federal omplaint ... n ffx45 news at 5-thirty. 3 3 3 3 p 3 map fiber map 175 map pt's one of the busiest travee days of the year... and ll the rain and fog are not polidays an easy one. one.megan illiland is streaming live ffom thee maryland house where some people are hitting theerrads ea. early. 3 ,3 we are getting our firss look at a school bus accident that injured moree than a dozen marylaad students last night. niggt.the bus was headed home from aabasketball game.... but enddd up dangling hhadfirst doww an incline in chaptico. police say the bus crashed after a truck failed to yield 15 of the 22 students on board were hurt... though... not seriously.the truck driver was charged with driving under the influence. 3 debate heatt up over how much longer protestors will occupy the inner harbor. harbor.mayor stephanie rawlings-blake pent time at &pthe project success building tuesday night for a thanksgiving community project... but allo on tte menu... occupy baltimore. protestors have been at pckeldin square for more than two months now. the mayor could simply ooder demonstraaors to leave... but the mayor's indulgencc. (rawlings-blake) "mm iinerrst is preserving their right of free speech while also preservvng the rule of law in the city. and i'm trying to be patienn to work out a way ttat we can do both of those things...."(esty) "the fact off the matter is these are peaceful protesters with an important messaae. and this is the us of america, a placee where protest is imbedded in &pour american spirit." spirit."according to the movement's message board tuesday..... a planned action to remove demonstrattrs at the encampment was called off. marylann's state teacher of the year for the firstttime county. joel d. smith is live with josh paaker now, at windsor mill middle school. good morning joel d. 3 free... tt a good home.a utah woman tries to give away hee husband for playing too many video games. got hhs hands on modern warfare 3" and is wife straight.that's when alyse and her mother-in-law decided to post an ad on craigslistt.. putting her usband up for sale. it wws all to get his attention.. but alyse says she was surpised... when coming up... a terrifying crash... caught on tape. chopper craahing ats nats whht uthorities.. think happened. p 9ç3 meteorologist))) 3 3 3 map ffber map old court map fiber map old ourt map 95 at 175 3 3 3 3 christmas comes early... for our foxx5 iewers. we'veegot yourrnext chance to pin tickets... to see anthony hamilton in''e watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morningg ((break 6)) y are iling a lawsuit against the country music band "sugarland"... following tte indiann state fair collappe last auggss.the band was about to perform....when a severe storm tore down the stage. attorneys blame the band for lack of an emergency response plan.7 people died... and ore than 40 were hurt in the collapse. chopper crashing natt nats some terrifying moments... for a helicopter pilot in nnw zealand.the pilot was etting the stage for the annual harbor event... when the main rottr hit a cable... causing the chopper to flip... and slam on the ground.the crash snapped the helicopter's tail in half... and severely damageddthe air craft. amazingly... no one was hurt. a close call... for crew aboard the international space station.nasa is reporting that p piece of space junk came close to hitting the i-s-s. while the debris... which was a small chunk of a destroyed diameter... it was traveling fast enough to make a big impact.crew took emergency shelter... as the debris passed by. thousandd offyou are heading to b-w-i.. or expecting lovedd ones to fly into baltimore today just in time for's one of the busiest travel days of tte year. year.orritz is maaing chris hills available to talk with information on airport delays happening right now.-- it's a baltimore.. is that morning here in baltimore.. is that affecting flights yet?-- how can you save time and aaoid 3 3 3 check your flight on our webbite.go to fox baltimore coming up... it's the gift that keeps on givvng. giving."tteir slogan is, 'we don'' hire people to bake brownies. we bake brownies to hire people." people."a look at his year's most popular... feel good're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. ((break 7)) chances are you've got at least one person on your holiday list who's virtually impossible to shop for. consumer reports shopsmart just might be able to help get you out of a pinch. its editors shopped at more than 25 sites to come up with great gifts that give back. 3 ((v/o))many of us have at to shop for a(mos #1)"my ugh daughter."(mos #2) "my brotter."(mos #3)"my stepfather, who very much expresses his opinion." (v/o) instead of fighting the croods at the mall, oosumer reports shopsmart says consider giving teams scoured the web to find sites that that sell unique, affordable gifts or everyone on youurlist." (v/o)one nonprooit site to consider is from recycled paper. hese e - bracelets cost five dollars each. (sot: jody rohlena)"we found a lot f sites that use pecyyled or repurposed materials and also ggve back to the environment. (v/o) ecoist-dot-com sells everything from handbags tt pome goods. and e-conscious- market is filled with great eco-friendly gifts including this iphone alarm clock dock artists these ffngerprint art sets go for just 10 dollars at piggle-dot-com. (sot: jody rohlena)"this site lets you round your purchase uu to the nearest dollar, and the extra goes to a children's charity." taste buds with this 18-dollar gift set from greyston bakery. (sot: jody rohlena)"this &pbakery's mission issto give jobs o hard-to-employ people. ii fact, their slogan is, 'we don't hire people to bake brownies. we bake brownies to hire people.' and the brownies are really deliccous." (v/ooso this holiday season consider a gift that keeps on giving for those tough-to-buy-for familyy and frieeds. help make the holidays this year.or families in need - year.our toys for tots roll call is friday december 2nd from 6 to 10 a-m.just stop by our studios at 2000 west 41st new, unwrapped'll get - to help every child in baltimore have a merry christmas.. aad meet the morning crew too! still ahead in our 7 o'clock hour... we're giving away tickets... to see anthony hammlton in concert.your chance to score tickets... is coming up. ((megan live morning news.. all local.. 45 3  poññ/ ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ it is one of the busiest travel days offthe year.. 95 this morning.i'll show you the other routes you should grandmas house right now to - more than a dozen maryland children are injured.. in this bus crrsh.the mistake that lead to the accident and how the children are doing thhs morning. song nats nats and.. see anthony hamilton live in connerr.. for free! we're giving away a pair of someeime in tteenext 60 find out when you can win a v-i-p experience! 3 3 today ii wednesday, ovember 23rd. 3 33 3 & map old court mapp175 mapp fiber 3 & heading to grandma'sshouse today.... get ready... it's one oo today.... get grandma's house heading to grandma's house today.... get ready... itts one of thh bussest travel days of the year.and with theerain ann fog the race to get home for the hooidays could be a slow onee one.meggn gilliland is ssreaminn live from the maryland house where some people are trying to get an sttat.good morning atrice, more people are expected to be traveling this holiday than last yeer...and it's the roadways that are expected to see the most travelers..and unfortunately the most headachhs... here this morning... e're lib...if today shapes up like yesterday... it could be a very slow ride home.the roadways ere jammed as thousands of rivers got an early start.triple a expects 3- and-a-halffpercent more marylanders will hit the road this holiday ssason... despite higher prices at the ppmps. if you want to stay ahead of dellys... remember our traffic app delays... remember stay ahead of if you want to stay ahead of delays... going this thanksgiving.and -3 again, it ddes update live... could be a great tooo for yyu. county, megan gilliland, foo45 morning news. 3 might waat toocheck the status of your flight before heading mentioned... it's one of the busiest travel days of the year. status of flights heading out of b-w-i... at ttis ad-libtoocheck the statussof your to check the status of your flight... you can go to our website... fox-baltimore dot com... slash newslinks. chief meteorologist vytas reid joins us live on the phone right now.he just drove up north to ohioo.. and says he's been through some of the weather ttat's heading our way. way. baltimore county police are asking for your help... finding a missing aduut with dementia..hey're looking for 72--ear melvin johnnon, senior.he was last seen alberge lane in essex.he has a tattoo of a cross on his left hhnd... anddanotter onnhis forearm.anyone with information is asked to call police. recovering this morning,after he was beaten withhhis wn appened friday in annapoliss at the victim's aparrment buildinggon washington avenne.neil godden says he was etting off the elevator ,,when a man demanded all his money. godden says the suspect wrrstled him to the ground...grabbed his cane and beat him with it.two of hii fingers wwre broken in the scuffle.the thief got away... with less than 20 dollars. from the best?? students n at windsoo mill middle school in baltimore counny know. their teacher has been named the state teacher of the yeaa yearand this morninn, joel d. smith is live in the classroom for a lesson in what it will compeeitton. good morning joel d. 3 3 coming up... in your hometoww hotspot. lending a helpfullhand this holiday season.the unusual way these kids are bringing awareness to homelessness in baltimore...and how you can hel. help. you're watching should have a christmas. christmas.our toys for tots poll call is friday december 2nd from 6 to 10 a-m.just stop by our studios t 2000 west 41st street,,baltimore 21211 with a new, unwrapped gift. you'll get to help every child in baltimore ave a merry christmas.. and meet the morning crew too! 3 3 3 3 3 court map 3 coort mapmap fiber map old still aheaa.. terrifying moments for a helicopter pilot in nee zealand zeaaandnats of crash. crash..ffid out what he was doing right before the hellcopter crashed innthis violent way. way.and remembering otters less fortunate this thanksgiving you can help out.. and the performances you'll hear at "treasures of the hhart" in your hometown hotspot. news.. all local.. all morning - morning. here's what baltimore city cierra.. is thankful for this thanksgiving. new this morning...more are homeless.that's according to new research by the department of eeucation. 66 percent rise over the last education departmmnt says 14 counties have received grants to help those childrend... through a federal program attorneys are filing a lawsuit "sugarland"... following the last august.the band was aboutt to perform... when a severe storm tore down he stage. attorneys blame the bann fo

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New York , United States , Tampa , Florida , Windsor Mill , Maryland , Baltimore County , Turkey , Virginia , New Zealand , Sugarland , Maale , Maldives , Washington , District Of Columbia , Richmond , Iraq , Hollywood , California , Ohio , Poland , France , Venezuela , Utah , Anne Arundel County , Essex , Polish , Marylanders , America , French , American , Melvin Johnson , Marcus Canty , Nats , Mary Miller , Kelly Rothwell , Megan Gilliland , Andrew Jonson , Angie Barnett , Justin Bieber , Cornelius Johnson , Paige Elizabeth Ogle , Carrie Underwood , Herman Cain , Josh Parker , Newt Gingrich , Naas Nats , Tony Bennett , Elizabeth Ogle , Neil Godden , Perry Hall , Lauren Rothwell , Joel D Smith , Kaitlyn Jones , Osh Parker , Glenn Burnie , Bob Ehrlich , Miit Romney , Paige Elizabeth , Mariah Carey , Fox Baltimore , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Natt Nats ,

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