we have some school delays and closings to pass along to you this morning... closings... anne arundel countybaltimore city baltimore countycarroll countycecil countycharles countyfrederick countykent county (new)harford county howard countymontgomery county 2 hours late.. allegany county.. calveet.. prince george's ounty... and st. mary's county. county. 90 minutes late... queen anne's county. we will have all the school delays or cancellations as they come in. you can see them update automatically on the news ticker. it runs all morning long.. even during commercials. we are bringing you live team coverage of the ice.. and how it's affecting your commute.. all morning loog. long.emily gracy is live ii north baltimore staying on top of conditions there.megan gilliland is in canton with the side streets there. there. joel d. smith is also live in baltimoree county. we will check in with all of them shortly.. but first the latest on the freezing rain with meteorologist steve fertig. 3 map emily map fiber map 3 map mw emily map fiier map 3 if you're heading into the city this morning, take it slow.streets, parking lots, driveways... they're all covered in ice. ice.meggn gilliland is live in canton with a look at how the conditions are now. now. ad lib... let's go now to baltimore county to see how the crews are handling the roads there. there. joel d. smith is live in overlea where folkk are waking up to the crusty mix of ice nd snow. good morning all this ice can cause havoc with flights in and out of b-w-i thurgood marshal airport. if you're catching a flight you can see if it's been delayed by going to our website.. fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. students across the atlanta metro area will go back to school today.. a week after snow and ice storms crippled the southh there are still roads that are covered in ice. there aren't enough plows to get to all of the streets. a maryland man... trusted to help "at risk" children... is now at the center of a rape investigation. 48 year old douglas hicks-bey is the chief executive of "b- baltimore.he makes a living helping adolescents from dysfunctional families. police say hicks-bey is accused of raping a 15 year- old he was mentoring.and this isn't the first time he's faced these kinds of accusations. (mayor) 18:56:44 it certainly sends up red flags that someone with that type of background was in a mentoring reeationship or capacity. iim social services is going to - take a look at it :55 :55a family member describes hicks-bey as a good man... who's been unffirly accused.he is now out on bail... as the case is investigated .... and is expected to appear in court next month maryland's minimum wage shold be increased to 10- dollars per hour. hhur. that's the message to be given to lawmakers today by the groupp"progressive maryland." maryland." a report from the tax policy institute shows that percent over the last ten years.. but the cost of living has risen even faster. faster. right now.. maryland's minimum wage is 7-dollars and 25 cents per hour. that brings us to our question of the day: do you think maryland's mmnimum wage should be raised to 10-dollars per hour? we will o-clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... or sound off through ffcebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a for yes.. or fox45b for no. coming up... sarah palin fights back... after critics argue her political rhetoric may have contributed to the tucson shooting rampage. what she has to ssy in response. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all 3 local.. all morning. (( 3 take it slow this morning as you drive into work.. the roads have become pncreasingly icy. icy.meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltiomre with the latest conditions. conditions. ((emily toss to weather)) 3 3 3 3 3 weather))((emily toss to 3 ((emily toss to weather)) 3 3 3 take it slow this morning as you drive into work.. the roads have become increasingly icy. icy.meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltiomre with the latest conddtions. conditions. 3 map meg map fiber map 195 map coming up... need a jump start to get you going in the morning?starbucks has you covered.what new size they'll soon be offering... for their cup of joe. but next... fighting words from sarah palin.what she has to say to critics... comments against her. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3&((break 2)) ((bump in)) sarah palin is ! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. sarah palin is fighting back... after being skewered by critics in the aftermath of the tucson shootings. some have suggested that her charged political rhetoric may have contributed to the shooter's motivations. the candidate appeareddon fox news monday night... to clear the air with sean hannity.andy rose has the story. 3 in her first television appearance since the tucson shootings, sarah palin explained on fox news why she used this controversiil map-- now removed from her political action ccmmittee website.on it-- the crosshairs of a gun districts of 20 democratic candidates...including that of gabrielle giffords. that map wasn't an original graphic and in fact for many many years maps in political races have been useddto target certain districts that peoppe feel they can get nto those districts and find someone that they believe can represent the constituents' will better than an incumbent. palin addressed the criticism she's faced for her video response to the shootings posted on 'faccbook' last week. in it, she used the phrase "blood libel."journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel, that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence that they purport to condemn.some jewish groups said using those words was anti-semitic.monday night, she told fox's sean hannity what she meant.blood libel obviously means being falsely accused of having blood on yourrhands. in this case, that's exactly what was going on.despite palin's explanation, critics continue to question her motives.i can't let her off the hook that easily, i got o think that strategically she knew what she was doong, i mean she comes in with her rievance politics and then she plays the victim. and then she wraps it all up and(she was defending the victims) what we know is an anti-- semitic slur.palin says she believes critics focused on that specific phrase to derail her overall message.i'm andy rose reporting. coming up... one man's car is totaled... after it hydroplanes out of control. control."the next thing i know i was upside-down in a ditch, coughing and choking from pnderwater."consumer reports shows us which tires could like this. 3& and if you''e and if you're getting ready to step out the front door this morning... you need to waat to keep any eye ouu for ice.we'll tell you where conditions are the worrt. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all orning. ((break 3)) [ male announcer ] what happens when you channel the speed, power, and clarity of light into pure 100% fiber optics and bring them straight to the home? ♪ you get a network that's light-years ahead of anything else. verizon fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. [ malbig. hot. pastrami.n out. to the big hot pastrami. don't dare call it a cover band -- unless you're talking about covering freshly baked bread with layer upon layer of flavor-packed pastrami. this sub lays down power cords of tasteocity with pickles, mean licks of mustard and riffs of melty, bubbly cheese. catch 'em before the fresh toasted tour leaves town. subway big hot pastrami. crank up the flavor at subway. breather on martin luther king a flood of earnings reports on - from about 50 major companies due this week.that includes apple, which reports after tuesday's closing bell. but its results are likely to be overshadowed by concerns about sseve jobs.the apple c-e-o is taking another medical leave of abbence.this comes two years after jobs took 6 months off to undergo a liverr trannplant.and in 2004, jobs was diagnosed with pancreetic's chief operating officer tim cook will oversee the compaay's day-to-day didn't give specifics oo a timetable for his the u-s dollar on its way out as the global currency?according to china's &ppresident hu jintao, it is.on the eve of his u-s visit, jintao said the yuan will emerge as the standard, while the dollar-dominated internntional currency ystem is a "product of the past."his commenttwas in response to criticism china artificially undervalues the yuan.move over "venti,, there's a taller super size in starbuck town. it's called the "trenta" -- specifically for iced drinks. we're talking 31-ounces -- just one ounce shy of a quart. starbucks rolls out the neww mega-size in 14 states starting tuesday.the rest of the u-s will have to wait until early may.for bussness brief, i'm stan case. comiig up... bigger classe sizes coull soon be coming to baltimore county... a move that has many on edge.where parents can go to express their oncerns. ((megan live tease)) 3 ((joel live teaae))you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 3 3 we have some sccool delays and closings to pass along to you this morning... closings... anne arundel countybaltimore city (new)baltimore countycarroll countycecil county (new) charles countyfrederick county harford county howard county montgomery county allegany county.. calvert.. prince george's county... and st. mary's county schools are operating under a 2-hour delay. delay. queen nne's county.. 90 minutes late. ((wipe fsss)) we will cancellations as they come in. - update automatically on the news ticker. it runs all morning long.. even during commercials. we are bringing you live team coverage of the ice.. and how it's affecting your commute.. &pall morning long. long.joel dd smith is live in baltimore county.. staying on top of conditions there.megan gilliland is in canton with the side streets there. there. meteorologist emily gracey is also out.. n north baltimore. we will check in with all of them shortly.. but first the latest on the freezing rain with meteorologist steve fertig. 3 map emily map fiber map 3 &pit's going to be a difficult morning commutt for everyone. city... you're going to find slick conditions on just about every road. road.megan gilliland is live in canton with a look at how the conditions are now. ad lib... let's go now to baltimore county to see how the crews are handling the roads there. there. joel d. smith is live in overlea where folks are waking up to the crusty mix of ice and snow. good morning patrice, (ad lib) all this ice can cause havoc with flights in and out of b-w-i thurgood marshal airport. if you're &pcatching a flight you can see if it's been delayed by going to our website.. fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. friends and family will begin sayyng goodbye to a baltimore police officer shot and killed outside a downtown nightclub more than a week ago. ago. a viewing will be held today for officer william torbit. torbit was in plainclothes when he responded to a fight at the nightclub. officer torbit was shot and killed by other officers during the incident. today's viewing will be at the wylie funerrl home in reisterstown. officer torbit's funeral is tomorrow. parents will get the chance to express their concerns over a school budget plan that could increase class siie in baltimore county. county. county superintendent joe hairston's budget would cut funding to the central office by 5-percent.. and would put a freeze on filling about 2-hundred vacant ttaching positions. baltimore county enrollment increased by 5--undred students this year. another 9-hundred are expected next year. toniggt's meeting will be at ridge ruxton school in towson.. it starts at seven. coming up... when you drive through pouring rain... hydroplaning becomes a serious &prisk. "your tires physically lose road."how to avoid getting into an accident. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 the conditions on the road have deteriorated as the morning is progressing. progressing.meteorologist emily gracey is live along palls road and northern parkway this morning. morning. ((ad lib meteorologist))) 3 3 3 map emily map fiber map 195 map coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... house republiccns work to repeal the president's health care plan.what steps they're taking today. but next... think your company's dress code is bad? wait until you hear what rules are listed in one company's p4-page style're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morningg ((break 6)) ♪ [ pop ] right now at h&r block, you could get money. and you could get it fast. just bring in your tax information... and get a refund anticipation check for up to $9,999. you pay nothing out of pocket... to get the maximum refund guaranteed. never settle for less than fast. call 1-800-hrblock... or visit to make an appointment. h&r block. never settle for less. ♪ [ continues ] new thhs morning... police arrest a man they believe is the philadelphia strangler. authorities say d-n-a evidence sexual assault and murder of at least three woman.police describe the suspeet as homeless... and recently released from prison.he's currently in police custodd. one of america's highest crime-rate cities... slashes nearly half of its police force.camden, new jersey... the city with second highest crime rate in the country... now has 1-hundred-63 áfewerá officers... patrolling its streets.that accounts for 44-percent of its police force. officials say he cuts are part of an effort to close the 26-million-dollar budget gap. think your company has a tough dress code?employees at swiss bank u-s-b might you have you beat.the company recently released a 44-page corporate style guide... that includes rules like telling women how to apply makeup... how much facial hair a man can have... and which colors are appropriate to wear.the mmnual has received criticism since its release last month. u-s-b says it now plans to slim down the number of pagees iffyou haven't stepped outside yet this morning... you probably don't not know there.freezing rain has left a layer of ice along several roadways.tim burgess with baltimore county roads joins us on the phone this morning. coming up... hen severe wwather strikes... driving can be dangerous. dangerous. "the next thing i know i was upside-down in a ditch, coughing and choking from being underwater.. underwater."the best tires to help afeguard against're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) 3 ♪ it's a new day i'm loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it's giving me. ♪ and i'm feeling good go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. ((bump in)) when you're driving in pouring rain or even after the rain has stopped... hydroplaning is a serious risk. but consumer reports' auto experts say there are a number of things you can do to avoid getting into an accident. 3 this is what's left of carle hall's suv. he lost control of it when he hydroplaned on an arkansas highway two years ago. (sot: carle hall) "when i lost control, i was floating on a skim of water. and then i was backwards, and the next thing i know i was upside-down in a ditch, coughing and choking from being underwater." (v/o) this amateur video captured the accident as it was happening. aftee hydroplaning, carle's suv went into a slide and careened off the road, landing upside down in rushing water.chyron:jennifer stockburgerconsumer reports (sot) "your tires physically lose contact with the road. they come in to some depth of water, and a wedge of water builds up in front ffthem. and they lift up, so there's actually tire, water, and then road." (v/o)consumer reports' experts say the faster you drive through standing watee, the greater your risk of hydroplaning. so it's critical to slow down! tte tires you buy can also make a big difference. that's what consumer reports' tests show. to simulate hydroplaning conditions, testers flood a portion of the track witt three-eighths inch of water. they then driveeat increasing speed until the tires lose touch with the pavement. in tire tests, many safely reached 55 m-p-h. but with some, the vehicle hydroplanes at only 47 miles per hour. and not only do you have to buy good tires for your vehicles, you have o be sure to replace them before the tread is too worn. all you need is a quarter o check them. (sot: jennifer stockburger)"if you insert it in the tread groove and can see the top of george's head, it's probably &ptime to start considering shopping at least for new tires." (v/o)so slowing down on roads with puddled water and making sure you have good, well-maintained tires can spare you from having a serious accident. this is james andrews. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour. hour...repuulicans work to repeal the president's health care plan.what steps they're taking today. ((megan live tease)) [ male announcer ] rockin out to the big hot pastrami. only thing this monster band covers is freshly baked bread with flavor packed pastrami -- laying down power cords of tasteocity with pickles, mustard and bubbly cheese. crank up the flavor at subway. ttesday january 18th we have some school delays and closings to pass along to you this morning... closings... anne arundel countybaltimore city baltimore countycarroll countycecil countycharles countyfrederick countykent countyharford county howard countymontgomery county queen anne's county (was 90 mins) mins)2 hours late... allegany county.. calvert.. prince george's county... and st. mary's county. we will have aal the school delays or cancellations as they come in. you can see them update automatically on the news ticker. it runn all morning long.. even during commercials. we are bringing you live team coverage of the ice.. and how it's affecting your commute.. all morning long. long.joel d. smith is live in north baltimore staying on top of conditions there.megan gilliland is in canton with the side streets there. there. and meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltimore. we wiil check in with all of them shortly.. but first the latest on the freezing rain with meteorologist steve fertig. 3 3 map emily map fiber map 3 3 3 if you're heading into the city this morning, take it slow.streets, parking lots, driveways... they're all covered in ice. ice.megan gillilaad is live in canton with a look at how the conditions are now. now. ad lib... et's go now to baltimore county to see how the crews are handling the roads there. there. joel d. smith is live in overlea where folks are waking up to the crusty mix of ice and snow. 3 all this ice can cause havoc with flights in and out of b-w-i thurgood marshal airport. if you're catching a flight you can see if it's been delayed by going dot com slash newslinks. a major arrest in philadelphia. coming up.. the man police think is the "philadelphia stra. strangler". 3 3 ((break 1)) ttke it slow this morning as you drive into work.. the roads have become increasingly icy. icy.meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltiomre with the latest conditions. conditions. 3 3 map meg map fiber map ((pat)) class sizes in baltimore county could increase.((vo)) the budget decision that could mean a more hectic classroom for your child. and cleaning up and oving out. the mood in the ravens locker room after the playoff llss to the steelers... and the players final thoughts on the season. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. ♪ [ pop ] right now at h&r block, and you could get it fast. just bring in your tax information... and get a refund anticipation check for up to $9,999. you pay nothing out of pocket... to get the maximum refund guaranteed. never settle for less than fast. call 1-800-hrblock... or visit to make an appointment. h&r block. never settle for less. ♪ [ continues ] new this morning.. six people are forced from their home after a fire breaks out in overlea. it happened on linden avenue near kenwood avenue at about 3- thirty this morning. the fire started in the basement. everyone got out safely. friends and family will begin saying goodbye to a baltimore police officer shot and killed outside a downtown nightclub more than a week ago. a viewing will be held today for officer william torbit. torbit was in plainclothes when he responded to a fight at the nightclub. officer torbit was shot and killed by other officers during the incident. parents will get the chance to express their concerns over a school budget plan that could increase class size in baltimore county. county superintendent joe hairston's budget would cut funding to the central office by 5-percent.. and wouud put a freeze on filling about 2-hundred vacant teaching positions. tonight's meeting will be at ridge ruxton school in towson.. it starts at seven. treacherous conditions continue for drivers all over maryland this morning. anne arundel county executive john leopold joins us on tte phone for the lattet on conditions there. the ravens are packing up.. after their season came to an early end. ((vo)) what ray lewis says aaout the ravenssloss to the steelers.. coming up. ((wipe mw)) áámegan adlibsáá morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) sarah palin.. speaks ou. out. what she says about accusations that her rhetoric contributed to the shootings in tucson. tucson.áájoel adlibsáá you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) 3 tuesday january 18th 3 we have some school delays and closings to pass alonn to you this morning... closings... anne arundel countybaltimore city baltimore countycarroll countycecil countycharles countyfrederick countykent countyharford county howard countymontgomery countyprince george's county (was 2 hrs late) queen anne's county county2 hours late.. allegany county.. calvert.. ... and st. mary's county. ww will have all the school delays r cancellations as they come in. you can see them update automatically on the news ticker. it runs all morning long.. even during commercials. we are bringing you live team coverage of thh ice.. and how it's affecting your commute.. all morning long. long.joel d. smith is live in north baltimore staying on top of conditions there.megan gilliland is in canton with the side streets there. there. and meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltimore. we will check in with all of them shortly.. but first the latest on the freezing rain with meteorologist steve fertig. 3 3 map emily map fiber map 3 it's going to be aadifficult morning commute for everyone. &pif you're heading into the city... you'rr going to find slick conditions on just about every road. road.megan gilliland is live in canton with a look at how the conditions are now. ad lib... let's go now to baltimore county to see hoo the crews are handling the roads there. there. joel d. smith is live in overlea where folks are waking up to the crusty mix of ice and snoww yyu can bring fox45 news you can bring fox45 news with you wherever you go. the fox45 mobile news app is now available for i-phones and droids. get the latest traffic and weather conditions.. and fox45 newscasts are streamed live.. directly to your phone. maryland's minimum wage should be increased to 10- dollars per hour. hour. that's the message to be given to lawmakers today by the group "progressive maryland." maryland." a report from the tax policy institute shows that marylanders income has rrsen 6- percent over the last ten years.. but the cost of living has risen even faster. &pfaster. right now.. maryland's minimum wage is 7-dollars and 255cents per hour. o you think maryland's minimum wage should be raised to 10-dollars per hour? it's our question of the day. the lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. you can go to foxbaltimoreedot com to give us your opinion. you can also sound off on our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. sarah palin speaks out after being skewwred by critics in the aftermath of the tucson shootings. some people suggested that her charged political rhetoric might have contributed to the shooter's motivationn. the former vice presidential candidate appeared on fox news monday night. she explained why she used this controversial map on her political action committee website. on it-- the crosshairs of a gun cover the congressional districts of 20 democratic candiiates... including that of gabrielle giffords. that map wasn't an original graphic and in fact for many many years maps in political races have been used to target certain districts that people feel they can get into those districts and find someone that they believe can represent the constituents' will better than an incumbent. incumbent. there is no evidence the shooting suspect.. jared loughner.. was politically motivated. maryland's senate president.. wants the death penalty to return. the chances that the state will lift its moratorium.. coming up. up. 3 3 3 the conditionn on the road have deteriorated as the morning is progressing. progressing.meteorologist emily gracey is live along falls road and northern parkway this morning. morning. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 should maryland's minimum wage be increased to 10-dollars per hour? hour? it's our question of the day.. the lines are open now.. 410-481- 4545. we'll take your comments next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. doesn't dry dishes completely, leaving spots. finish jet-dry dries dishes better than detergent alone. two times better ! for a brilliant shine, finish jet-dry rinse agent. finish. the diamond standard. maryland's minimum wage shold be increased to 10- dollars per hour. that's the message to be given to lawmakers today by the group "prrgressive maryland." a report from the tax policy institute shows that marylanders income has risen 6- percent over the last ten years.. but the cost of living has risen even faster. right now.. maryland's minimum wage is 7-dollars and 25 cents per hour. hour. do you think maryland's minimum wage should be raised to 10-dollars per hour? it's our question of the day. the lines are ooen now.. 410-481-4545. on the phone: jane - baltimore tia - facebook: it would be nice tia - facebook:4545. open now.. 410-481-4545. tia - facebook:it would be nice but then its going to be extra hard for the unemployed to get a job now.latonya - facebooki really think that it would help out a lot, its hard right now to find a job paying $10.00 would benifit us all the way around. caller-location ((wipe fsss))) you can always give us your thouggts on the question of the day byygoing tt fox-baltimore dot com. you can also sound off through &pfacebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a for yes.. oo fox45b for no. coming p in our eight o-clock hour... a pooular treatment for stroke is banned bb the f-d-a. the natural way to avoid the illness. illness. and the death penalty.. could return to the state of maryland. the senate president wants a moratorium to end. if his fellow lawmakers will go along with the proposal. you're watching fox 45 could the death penalty be coming back to maryland? there's been a moratorium on executions since december 2006... when questions were raised about the use of lethal injection and whether it was humane and properly administered. a committee was assigned to look into the mmtter ... but now senate president mike miller wants to bring it back.(((pat))) democrat delegate curt anderson, and republican delegate pat week's statehouse spotlight. -should the death penalty be reinstated -but even if the death penalty becomes an option again.. governor o'malley still has clemency power.. and says he will decide whether to commute death - coming up in our 8 o'clock hour... the freezing rain is moving out. the next winter blast is on its way. when we could see signifiiant snow. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ [ pop ] right now at h&r block, you could get money. and you could get it fast. just bring in your tax information... and get a refund anticipation check for up to $9,999. you pay nothing out of pocket... to get the maximum refund guaranteed. never settle for less than fast. call 1-800-hrblock... or visit to make an appointment. h&r block. never settle for less. ♪ [ continues ] fact for many many years maps in political races have been used to target certtin districts that people feel they can get iito those districts and find someone that they believe can repressnt the constituents' will betttr than an incumbent. incumbent. there is no evidence the shooting suspect.. jared loughner.. was polittcally motivated. coming up... fans just didn't waat to hear it.what made usher's performance so bad... fans you're watching fox 45 morning 3 3 take it slow this morning as you drive into work.. the roads have become increasingly icy. icy.meteorologist emily gracey is live in north baltiomre with the latest conditions. conditions. 3 3 map meg map fiber map 3 fox45 is stepping up to keep you better . informed. we are expanding our mornnng news coverage. starting monday, january 24th.. fox45 news will be on from 5 a-m to 10 a-m. we're calling the new 9 a-m hour.. good day b! baltimore! and to celebrate good day baltimore.. we're giving away an i-pad. &p all next week.. go to our facebook page.. to find out the phrase of the day. then at some point between 9 and 10.. we'll open the phone lines. the first person to give us the correct phrase will win a best buy gift card.. and qualify for the i-pad. coming up... he's singing for a cause. cause.mario singing singingwwat baltimore native and "r" and "b" superstar "mario" is doing to help children in our area. but next... usher gets booed off stage.what may have been to're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. a clueless star gets ready for motherhooo... surprise surprise a kardashian stirs controversy...and a shocking career path for a tuesday...brandi proctor has mo. more... kate hudson confirms it..she's expecting again...she and rocker boyfriend matthew bellamy have been dating for around 9 months...the relltionship is still rpetty new...she said over the summer they were just gettign to know each other.. we're guessing that went they're having a baby.. kate has a 7 yr old son with her ex husband... but says she has been looking forward to having another child.. sources say the two are elated. no word on wwen she's due.. as ifff....a baby is also in the oven for alicia silverstonethe clueless star is expecting ehr first child with husband chris jarecki...they married inn 2005...but wanted to wait untilt he time was right to have kids...silverstone says she's destined to be a mom and has been wanting to have a baby since she was 2 years old... no word if it's a boy or a girl.. if it's a girl we hope sse sticks to her clueless character and names her cher... a boy... maybe christian.starlet kim kardashian had twitter buzzing over the weekend when she twitpiced herslef in a skimpp bikini...the response boards lit up... her fans of course were congratulating her for looking so fab... some of her critics were saying these we can't really repeat. we're not sure where she was or what he was trying to prove... she does look gorgeous but that was a little more revealing outfit than the alleged conservative star likes to wear.there was nooformal response from kim... or reggie busch... it was a bad day for usher raamond... he got booed off the stage.. in berlinhe has some kind of respiraory infection.. so he already pushed theeshow back a day... but he couldnt get it together. he lipsynced the first two songs and was off step with his dancing.. well his fans noticed and started booing.. the pop singer droppe dhisshead... and attempted to get it together before throwing the microphone and walking off the stage...stage lights came on and fans were told he was too sick to go on... he is recsheduling...agai n.. to give the fans the show they deserve... if arnold schwarzenneger can do it... so can uncle luke!!!!the 2 live crew star says he wants to run forrmayor...he lives in miami and says he has a vision for the city.. the banned in the usa star says he can relate to people from haiti...nicaragua...cuba and evennisrael.luke says if he wins his office be run like a reality show... for the sake of transparency. on a serious note he wants to do something about the high foreclosure word on how he would solicit votes...or audition campaign workers... it's time for the faux pas... johnny weer may be a world renowned figure skater... his book may be climbing the best sellers list.. .but his lady gaga outfits have him the fashion police looking for him...first this fur jacket and leggings are fine... coat is gouugeous actually... for a woman...and later that same he hit the red carpet ...he changed..but it went from bad to worse... i gasped when i saw this... what the heckkis that??? the coat.. the shoes... the hair and makeup... those extrvagant outfits are better left on the ice johnny... coming up... an r and b sensation is back in back.mario singing singingwhat baltimore native "mario" is doing to help children in our area. and condiiions are icy out there this morning...what to expect when you waak out the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)))- with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record a show in one room. watch it in up to six other rooms. [ mrs. baltin ] fios dvr is very easy. even i can do it. even he can do it. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] don't wait. get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.888.818.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.888.818.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. dangerous driving conditions for drivers across maryland this morning... after overnight rain froze into layers of ice. adrienne barnes from the baltimore city department of transportation joins us onnthe phone right now wwth the latest on conditiins. coming up... he's making baltimore a little better for our kids. kids.mario singing singing how r and b star "mario" is giving back to children in our you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 3 3 3 we have some school delays and closings to pass along to you this morning... closings... anne arundel countybaltimore city baltimore countycarroll countycecil countycharles countyfrederick countykent countyharford county howard countymontgomery ccuntyprince george's county (was 2 hrs late) queen anne's county county2 hours late.. allegany county.. calvert.. ... and st. mary's county. we will have all the school delays or cancellations as they come in. you can see them update automatically on the news morning long.. even during ll - we are bringing you live team coverage of tte ice.. and how it's affecting your commute.. all morning long. long.joel d. smiih is live in north baltimore staying on top of conditions there.megan gilliland is in canton with the side streets there. we will check in with them shortly.. but first the latest on the reezing rain with meteorologist steve fertig. 3 3 map fiber map 3 it's going to be a difficult morning commute for everyone. ii you're heading into the city... you're going to find slick conditions on just aboutt every road. road.megan gilliland is live in canton with a look at how the conditions are now. ad lib... let's go now to baltimore county to see how the crews are handling the roads there. there. joel d. smith is live in overlea whhre folks are waking up to the crusty mix of ice and snow. good morning patrice, (ad lib) when severe when severe weahtee hits ---- see it.. shoot it.. send it. upload phooos and videos to our website. or send them directly from your cell phone to "pics at foxbaltimore ddt com." coming up... he's singing for the greater good. good.mario singing singingmario joins us live in studio... to talk about his upcoming concerr... that benefits children right here in baltimore. and later... tips for managing your diabetes.small lifestyle changes that can make a big're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. you can't cook that sea bass in a greasy oven! why not? you'd never cook with pots and pans that dirty, would you? no! (chef) easy-off fume free oven cleaner cuts through up to five times more grease than the leading all-purpose cleaner. wow. (chef) easy-off. good food deserves a clean oven. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiber map liberty 3 we're making one couple's dream come true. its our "weddiig in a week"! week"! we will give away a 36-thhusand dollar wedding to one lucky couple... who will get married.. live on fox45 morning news. enter.. and to read the official rules. rules. and you can do all of our wedding planning at one place.. the baltimore briddl show. it will be february 5th and 6th a the baltimore convention center. go to foxbaltimore dot com slash newslinks to go to the bridal show webbite. coming up... simple steps for managing your diabetes.some small lifestyle changes that can make a big difference. mario singing singing but next... he's singing for a causeebaltimore native... and r and b star "mario" joins us live in studio... to talk about his upcoming charity're watchiig fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. baltimore native and "r" and "b" sensation mario is making baltimorr a better place for our youth. he is hosting "a benefit for paltimore's children concert". he joins us live in our studio this morning.--what is going on at "a benefit for baltimore's children concert"?--your foundation is called "the mario do right foundation"...what is it?--how is your foundation involved in this concert?--perform --performa bennfit for baltimore's a benefit forr--perform --perrormbaltimore's children benefit for ltimore's a - 3 slash morning.information, log 7:30pm.january 26th at hippodrome baltimore's a benefit for ((break 7))((break 7)) a benefit for baltimore's children is at the hippodrome 7:30pm.for more information, com slash morning.imore dot - the food and drug administration recently restricted ccess to the popular diabetes drug "avandia"... after reports it increased the risk of heart aatack and stroke. as dr. mallika marshall explains... when it comes to treatment... lifestyle might be the best bet. bet. 1:00:16;23lower third (fade in): "dr mallika marshall" drastic lifestyle changes best treatment for diabeteslower third (fade out)mallika: when diabetes, evidence suggests - that lifestyle changes, not just medication can make a big difference. 1:00:18;16 to 1:00:19;17dr mallikaamarshall transition 1:00:19;15 1:00:24;031:00:25;091:00:31;10 americans have diabeteslower third (cut out)lower third (fade in): eating and exercise changes maydiseaselower third (cut out)almost 8 percent of americans have diabetes. it's the seventh leading cause of diabetes who radically changed their eating and exercise of heart disease.1:00:33;04 1:00:41;191:00:44;261:00:49;29 1:00:50;151:00:54;18lower third (fade in): group 1: lifestyle counselinglower third (cut out)lower third (fade in): group 2::group support and educationlower third (cut out)lower third (fade in): lifestyle counseling group lost 662%of body weightsupport and education group lostonly 1% of body weightdivided more than 5,000 diabetics into two with a lifestyle counselor consumption and exercise goals. they diet journals. the other group received diabetes support and education. both groups showed positive results, but the patients with lifestyle of their body weight. education group only lost 1:00:57;211:00:58;22 transition 1:00:58;23mallikaa the study is ongoing and the scientists hope to prove that in the long-term intensive lifestyle changes can save lives.i'm dr. mallika marshhll conditions out there this conditions out dangerous coming up... up... i'm dr. mallika marshall changes can save lives.i'm dr. mallika marshall 3 coming up... up... have mmdeefor some slick ns - driving conditions all morning. how soon the ice could melt. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. without the fumes. wow. you learn something new every day! (chef) easy-off. good food deserves a clean oven. try new easy-off cooktop cleaner, unbeatable on tough grease. 3 ((break 8)) 3

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