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>>captured an image of a witness, a passenger on the stream. investigating the death of two teens on the light rail, why police are searching for this plan. a massive roundup of baltimore's most wanted. ride with baltimore's police as they make the arrest. and terrell suggs is not going anywhere for a while. we have the reaction to his record nfl contract. good morning. it's thursday, july 16th. i'm patrice harris. we are headed toward the weekend. meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell us what we can expect, and you know, i'm thinking about charles suggs, $33 million. he on could buy some good weather from you. >> you're not kidding! he could buy it for all of us. >> that is good money. >> i'm not going to have to worry about him anybody. he is off the list of concerns. probably not severe weather but definitely a in terms of that dry, air we have had. temperatures climb a little bit more. we're at 77 degrees already in baltimore. we're headed to the mid-80s by noon. it's going to be a quick warm up. you can see some the showers that are in line with the cold front to the north and to the west. and charleston, west virginia seeing some showers, south of there into virginia, and north carolina. we're going to get some of that activity especially for the early afternoon, i'm thinking 1:00. look at the computer model, you will see the future scan model seeing more showers. we will see more activity as we get into the afternoon. this showing it to the north and east, anybody can see the showers through the day today especially for the afternoon or early afternoon at that. let's take a look at what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. she is sheer with the traffic edge. good morning, candace. >> reporter: thanks, steve. good morning. we're talking about issues in baltimore city. we do have the road closures due to artscape and there's a complete list at the bottom of your screen. ask there's the resurfacing project at lombard street between president and light street. all three lanes will be re-opened there, but you will find some lane closures during the first phase of the project. just see where it's going to be an issue. detours are in place. just cooperate with the traffic officers, if you're headed out this morning. as far as the main lines of 395 getting into the city, right now we're only looking at a 1-minute commute. and 95 through the tunnels right now the fort mchenry tunnel that will only take 6 minutes. it's building in the northeast corner from mountain road to 6 695, we're only look at a 10-minute trip there. back to you. the search is on this morning for a passenger who was on the light rail train that struck and killed two teens last week. investigators believe that person might have the answers they need. megan gilliland joins us now live with the latest. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. it's the first time baltimore county police have said anything about the case since they took over the investigation. now they believe one person may hold the answers they need, one passenger who may help them solve the mystery into what happened when that light rail train hit two teens walking along the tracks. take a good lack at this man, police think he may have seen the whole collision from his feet. these pictures were taken from a video camera on board. >> it captures the image of a witness, at passenger on the screen, who we believe, through information that the detectives have, has significant information that can help us with this case. we're trying to identify who that person is. >> reporter: police say this witness isn't in any trouble, but they do want his help. they're hoping that he may come barred and hforward and he may n something. >> reporter: gary peterson has been asking questions since that accident. his son and stepson were killed on the light rail train when he walked on the tracks. on that day they were using the alternate line. kyle peterson, and connor wink hell mother were killed that day. >> reporter: the victim's parents still can't believe the driver didn't see the boys. >> the train operator could have been texting or on the phone, not paying attention and something really tragic happened. >> reporter: the driver did not report seeing the boys before or after the accident. the teens weren't found until a fare collector on the next train spotted them and called for help. now if you know the witness, investigators are searching for, or saw something yourself that day, you're asked to call baltimore county police at (410)307-2020. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. police are investigating a double shooting in baltimore county. it happened just after 9:30 last night in middle river. police believe two people were shot near star work court, one victim was flown to shock trauma, the other taken to bayou. there's -- bay view, there's no word on their condition. police are investigating a late night shooting in wood lawn. police say one person was shot in the neck the other in the arm. the widow of slain former raven steve mcnair will oversee her late husband ease''s estate. michelle mcnair said her late husband did not have a will, so a judge granted her to control her assets. michelle listed herself and her two sons as the heirs to his estate. the ravens have made one of their players a very wealthy player. terrell suggs signed a contract making him the highest paid player in history. it is a massive deal worth $63 million, with a $33 million signing bonus. the linebacker has a total of 33 stacks of his career and is coming off of his 3rd pro bowl appearance. >> i didn't want to be the highest paid. i didn't want to be that guy. i just wanted to be fair. >> ravens training camp starts july 28th. a free taxi service is coming to canton, but don't expect pickup at your doorstep. thanks to stimulus money, water taxis are starting off this fall. they fellfells point is where tl be dropping off people. and that is where joel d smith is there. >> reporter: there's a water taxi from here to feeppedz point but they are expanding this to canton. when did we find that the money was coming in. >> the on tuesday we found out that the mon had been approved. >> reporter: we know we're going to expand the coverage area and trying to get out to canton. beside that, what is the money going to be going to. >> before that we are were planning on going out to canton to the expand the coverage. around key highway, back over into tied point as well provide additional boats, replacement boats for the service that we have already got in operation. >> reporter: right now it's about every 15 minutes? >> this service here between tied point and frederick douglas maritime park is only about 3.5 minutes to get across. >> reporter: okay. >> but the headway time is about 10-telephone minutes. >> reporter:10-12 minutes. >> reporter: in the few fur you see it free now, do you see it staying free? n it's free now but we anticipate it's going to stay free especially with the receipt of this grant. this is going to help us immensely to keep it free. >> reporter: $1.9 million to bring in all of the things that he was talking about and free for now is the word. aisle m i'm liv i'm live at fel. joel d smith. how one automaker is hoping to get automakers to reopen thousands of local car dealerships. >> reporter: i'm jessica starr, i'm at the morning hometown hot spot. i'm going to tell you where you can it's the scenic outdoor venue you have been looking for all summer. you can enjoy live music every sunday night while checking out orb mental garden and much, much more. jessica starr is live at the gardens with our hometown hot spot. and you got little dogs behind you, sni i'm a. >> reporter: i'm a dog lover and this place is beautiful and very relaxing as well. you need to come out and not check out the gardens and the beautiful atmosphere that is here at ladue gardens and and check out some music. this morning to tell me more about the concert se series that takes place. good morning. >> tell me about the concert ser either. >> the concert series runs every sunday evening from 6 to 8:00 p.m. we have five more groups joining us and we have smooth kentucky this weekend. the schedule is our web page ledue >> reporter: we have a mix of sun and clouds, a high of 88 degrees with high winds. joining us this morning, we have the band smooth kentucky that will be performing. they are a musical band that do a little bit of bluegrass, so go ahead guys and take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't give up on foolish issues ♪ ♪ go on and get on down ♪ it's the man one more time ♪. ♪ ♪ ♪ they look like they're having a good time. concerts at ladue are at ladue top airy gardens from 6 to 8:00 p.m., you can hear more about that music there. for more information go to i need to remind vees ka to get rid of the goes. it should be a nice day of the week but right now we're talking about showers in the immediate future. when i say immediate, this afternoon a chance of thunderstorms. right now not too much going on on the hd radar. here is what it's coming your way. it's going to be the cold front moving into the warm, moist air are. that is going on allow for a chance of showers, a low pressure center coming and brings a chance for showers tomorrow. all of that nice, comfortable weather we have had over the last tie few days is going to be replaced by some showers. we will get shower chances with thunderstorms, but as far as rain amounts, probably only .10 of an inch at most. as far as when you can expect the showers, this morning, probably later this morning. the computer model showing us around 10:00 a.m. for the northeast part of the state into the delaware. this afternoon a better chance and it's focused to the north and east, i think anywhere in state frankly is fair game for a shower or thunderstorm for especially early afternoon as the front approaches. then the front moves off to the south and east slightly and stalls out. that is what allows it to come to the coast. with it comes a chance of shower activity as you move into friday and especially into the evening and overnight into the early saturday morning hours. then it should dissipate. we should end up with a drive weekend. it's still an end of a shower and that front not moving too far offshore. there's that chance. this is what we're looking at. it's going to steer a lot of the warm moist air our way. as it does, it brings the chance for a storm as we move into the afternoon. here is what we're looking at current conditions. 78 degrees, mostly cloudy skies at the center harbor. 62% relative humidity. 29.88 holding steady on the barometer. that is has changed as we get more moisture coming our way from the southwest. 74 degrees in baltimore the same for d.c. the temperatures don't vary a whole lot off a degree or so as we move off the periphery. the chance of an afternoon shower or thunderstorm. 89 degrees for the central part of the state, again, showers or thunderstorms possible in the early afternoon, because we have had early showers by la later ts morning. right now things are rather dry for the time being, just getting a little more humid out there right now. 85 degrees for the western part of the state with a chance of a shower or thunderstorm, again early afternoon. tonight, 79 degrees, it stays warm overnight tonight and there's a chance for an evening shower and thunderstorm. still, there could be showers overnight that linger a little bit before the skies do clear for the start of the day tomorrow and then it turns cloudier in the afternoon. we get the afternoon evening variety of the showers and thunderstorms with a high of 88 degrees. 82 on saturday, and 81 on sunday as temperatures stay a little cooler, sunday being the dry day we talk about perfect for the concert. 81 degrees on monday as the shower chances return. only a 30% chance, but 82 with a chance on thursday, and 84 on wednesday with the chance of a shower or thunderstorm. i-radar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools let you see when storms and thunderstorms are over your house. for more information go to and click on i-radar. here is candace dold to tell us about the roadways. >> reporter: we have talking about issues in baltimore city that swee have been dealing with all week. we have the road closures due to artscape preparation. you can look at the bottom for all of the information that you need to know. another issue is the resurfacing project on lombard street. it remains between president street and light street. will you find lane closures throughout the day and in fact, the next several months. as for now we're in phase one and that means three lanes will remain open at all times traveling on lombard street. as for the main lines, traveling on the southbound lanes of 95, through the fort mchenry tunnel it's going to be an easy drive. we're only looking at a 6 minute clip there. it's going to be a breeze from 395 heading toward the beltway. on 295, traveling on the southwest corner at 695, a comfortable drive both the northbound and the southbound lanes, and that is pretty much the same deal on 95 in the vicinity. it does pick up a little farther down traveling through howard county. here it is at route 32. you can see a good crowd gathering on the southbound lanes. on 32, there's an incident. in fact, there's a trash truck that is on fire on the westbound lanes of 32. it's right at cedar lane so you just need route 100 as your alternate. that's a look at the morning commute, patrice, back to you. still to come, an end to the nation's unemployment spike may be in sight, find out when we could see some good news for the economy. and later a massive roundup of baltimore's most wanted. ride with the baltimore police as they make those no...i love it! with a new dirt grabbing texture. the all new swiffer sweeper... cleans better or your money back, guaranteed. stocks rallied wednesday on the heels of a better than expected earnings report from intel. the dow surged more than 2 by 20 points, while the nasdaq exprktp posted significant changes. the labor department says that was the biggest increase in 11 months. the increase in consumer prices reflects a surge in gas prices but year over year, prices fell over 1.5%, the biggest drop since 1950. the senate committee voted along party lines to expand health insurance to nearly all americans. the bill includes a govern the run program individuals could select if they're unhappy with their private insurance. the pressure requires businesses with more than 25 employees to provide health coverage. being thbing the new search engr microsoft, has increased the microsoft's market share by half a percentage point last month, 8.4%. data tacker says google remained well in front holding steady at 65% of the search market and yahoo lost .5 of a percentage point. for business brief, i'm matt sherri. still ahead, a full zero tolerance policy leads to the controversial firing of a softball coach. we go inside fox undercover. >> reporter: the confirmation hearings for judge >>judge sonia as t sotomayor confirmation hearing will take an interesting turn today. samantha hayes is in washington to tell us more. good morning, samantha. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, yeah, sotomayor is going to continue to answer questions from senators this morning, but later on she is going to be listening as witnesses who both support and opposite her testify. wednesday, senators pushed supreme court nominee sonya so a sotomayor to disclose her position on issues. >> let's say i'm 38 weeks pregnant and we discover a small zack in the spina bifida, would it be legal in this country to terminate that child's life? >> i can't answer that question on the a abstract. >> reporter: but with her confirmation assured with more than enough democratic votes the white house is breathing easy. even though sonia sotomayor said she differs in empathy. >> it's the law. >> reporter: no offense taken, said press secretary robert gibbs. >> the president isn't in trouble. i think the president believes that he has a nominee of rich and diverse experience, somebody that is going to uphold the law. >> reporter: watching and waiting a group of new haven firefighters who a three-judge panel including sotomayor voted against in a racial discrimination suit, sat in the back of the room. the firefighters are set to testify against her. so scheduled to speak today, new york city mayor michael bloomberg. reporting live outside of the supreme court, i'm samantha hayes, patrice, back to you. samantha, yesterday, the senators were frustrated with judge sotomayor's answers or nonanswers but is that uncommon for a nominee. >> reporter: no, papa tris, it's definitely not. there was a case years ago when a nominee went through some the details and did not pass through the confirmation hearing. she is following suit, both samuel alito and john roberts. said this is case law that is settled or this is a case that may come up when inconfirmed. she elaborated at one point and said, look as a judge, you know, we look at a case different than perhaps citizens, who talk about how they want the law to be applied and the effect that it might have. >> samantha hayes, tutor -- thank you for reporting live from washington. still ahead, i massive roundup of baltimore's most wanted ride with baltimore police as they make the arrest. the search is on this morning for a passenger on board the light rail train that killed two teens last week. i'm megan gilliland. why police believe he knows what went set your sights at save to favorites? yes! . get some excitement while you still can, during the pontiac summer closeout. visit welcome back to fox 45 morning news, 6:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig who has all the news we need to know as we head into a weekend, well, almost head into the weekend. >> close enough. it's going to feel different with the heat and humidity on the way, temperatures climbing into the upper 80s to near 90 today with humidity ahead of the cold front. that could trigger off a shower or thunderstorm this early afternoon, even some showers for the time being on the eastern shore. also moving in again later this morning for the rest of us. temperatures around 74 degrees around here and if you happen to be traveling to the beach this weekend, let's get you an early peek at that. some of you getting out there early. clouds and some sun, and thunderstorms, with the temperature right around 81 degrees. now, let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. she has the traffic edge. candace? >> reporter: thanks steve. good morning. if you're traveling out in the northeast corner on 95 right at 43 there's a live look and just a few cars that are filtering on the northbound lanes and southbound lanes heading toward baltimore county. now on southbound 95 from mountain road, heading toward 695, it just started to pick up there. as for right now we're looking at a an 11 minute clip. there's an accident in the area as well. there's a crash on whitemarsh boulevard that is on the ramp to 95. getting back on 95, traveling through the city and the fort knack henry tunnel, that will only take 6 minutes, and nothing to get in your way if you're going to approach the downtown region on the jfx and 695, so far we're only looking at a 15 minute clip. we still have the road closures around mount royal avenue, due to artscape at the bottom of your screen. and the resurfacing project that is between president andlight street. that's a look at morning travels, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. 6:32 on fox 45 morning news. a new twist in the investigation surrounding the death of two teens found on the light rail tracks last week. this morning, police are searching for someone they believe knows what went wrong. megan gilliland joins us with the details. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, right now police officers are searching for a passenger. take a good look, police believe that this man may have seen the collision right from his seat. they are hoping he will come forward. these pictures were taken from a video camera on board. >> it captured an image of a witness, a passenger on the screen who we believe through information that the detectives have, has significant information that can help us with this case. we're trying to identify who that person is. >> reporter: the victim's connor peterson and kyle wankmiller were hit from behind while walking on the tracks. that day the trains were using the alternate line. the driver did not report seeing the boys before or after the accident. the teens weren't found until a fare collector on the next train spotted them and called for help. if you know the witness investigators are searching for, you're asked to call baltimore county police. that number is (410)307-2020. megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. this morning mta officials are investigating another accident involving a light rail train. a woman was hit by a train while she was trying to cross the tracks at the mount washington light rail track yesterday. the woman was rushed to the hospital. she is expected to survive. other riders say that the tracks at that particular stop are difficult to cross because there's large curves on both sides of the tracks. >> when you're getting off the train, the northbound train, and the southbound train is coming in the bend, sometimes it comes very quick. i have seen quite a few near misses there. >> investigators are questioning other riders to try to figure out exactly what happened. two d.c. metro stations near the site of last month's deadly train crash will be closed today. the national transportation safety board will test the tracks between the takoma and fort totten stations from 10 to 3:00 today, the stations will be closed again on saturday. first on fox, nearly 100 law enforcement officers hit the streets of baltimore to arrest suspected criminals. crime and justice reporter joy lapoll a joined a teach of detectives from the apprehension task force as they went to work.. >> reporter: it's 3:30 and time for roll call. >> we have an exceptionally good day yesterday, we had 42 and 19. so hopefully we will have the same success today. >> reporter: officers gear up for another sweep of the city. this is day two of a 3-day operation. >> good morning. could you come downstairs for a second, please. >> reporter: teams from the storm operation task force are scattered throughout baltimore. they're attempting to a serve a woman with a warrant for domestic violence. after several minutes of talking with adults inside, officers find the woman thereafter. a success as the team makes its first arrest. before leaving, they receive information another person may be in the house who is also wanted. >> the individual being a little vague about the name, three name changes. >> reporter: the call goes out for the van. from the 800 block of lennox, we had head to the southwest, an area detectives describe as once being explosive. >> police department, i need you step downstairs. >> reporter: a woman answers the door but it's not the person detectives are after. >> new tenant, new tenant. >> reporter: as nightfall gives way to morning, detectives know their window of opportunity is slowly closing. >> we like to get an early start. once people get up and moving and they start getting ready for work and what not, then restart to miss our chances getting them home. >> reporter: it's not who they have the warrant for. the decision is made to move on. next, a row home in cherry hill. officers are ready to move on when out from behind the building walks a detective. >> that's why we cover the rear. >> reporter: it's another suspect with a domestic violence warrant. >> as soon as i went to -- >> he is already with her. >> that's why i don't understand what he is talking about. >> reporter: what he does know is he is headed downtown. with morning upon them, officers work quickly, but to no avail. the suspects they're looking for are gone, still they press on and it pays off. >> radio is busy that, is good. >> reporter: over a three-day period it's expected more than 250 warrants will be served as officers with the regional warrant apprehension task force sweep the streets of baltimore for suspects. in east baltimore, joy lapola, fox 45 morning news. more federal stimulus money is coming to baltimore, this time for transportation improvements, but it's not the streets getting an upgrade. it's the waterways. joel d smith is live at fells point. >> reporter: we're talking about water taxi service. we have a taxi service between fells point and tie's point. we are expanding that because of the $1.5 million federal stimulus money going to canton. it's got to be huge, a lot of cities need this. >> there was a pot of stimulus money for a discretionary grant. i'm not sure how many jurisdictions did apply, but we were one of the lucky ones to be selected. >> reporter: tell me about the plans to go to canton, how does that work? >> actually the plan to go to canton was in effect before the stimulus money was given to us, or we were selected for the grant. but this is going to allow us to expand around key highway that area over into tie point or over into maritime park. >> reporter: that's a lot of options. give me a scenario, what type of person who utilize this the best. >> for instance, say you have someone who lives in tie point but lives off of broadway, around hopkins or something, that is a tremendous ride in the morning, particularly when you're fighting the traffic. this will give them an opportunity to catch the charm city circulate or, right down here at the maritime park, catch the water taxi harbor connector, free over to tied point. it will cut their ride down. >> reporter: so a lot of different people could use this. it's intricate, there's a lot of options where this is going to be. we will be explaining that the rest of the morning. water taxi service is expanding and it's free for now. i'm live at fells point, joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. still to come, revving up the local economy. how one auto make certify tryino get thousands of local dealerships open. i will tell you where the could you help me build a sand castle? sure, pal, let's just find a good spot. a big day at the beach. with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice... this looks like a good spot. you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. cool down with a refreshing iced coffee from dunkin' donuts today. welcome back. it's 6:42 on this thursday. yes, we're getting closer to the weekend and things are shaping up okay. we got some changes, we are needing to talk about humidity that is moving into the area and heat, too. with the heat and humidity and frontal approaching we have a chance of thunderstorms. right now seeing early shores moving through the earn shore, tapering off this morning. we do expect activity into the early afternoon and as we put things into motion, you will see where it's coming from. this line of showers in association with the cold front will be moving in our direction, not very cold, but a shift in winds is what it's more. in the dew point a difference as the moisture starts to climb and that is what will create the humidity that you're going to feel. let's take a look at situation with regard to the surface features and here is the cold front that we're talking about. the warm, moist air ahead of it that sets the stage for the showers and thunderstorms. the low pressure center moving up the coast as the front stalls bringing a chance of thundershowers anshowers andthu. and we're going to watch for a chance of showers even later this morning. here in the computer model it's illustrating it's more toward the north and east. as you look at the computer model you can see that it could be anywhere where we will get the shower in the early morning or the afternoon. 1:00 in the afternoon and i think it's more widespread than what it's showing. a chance of showers and thunderstorms for tomorrow as i mentioned especially late in the day as the low comes up the coast. you will see the moisture coming with it, moving in here by the evening and at nighttime, at 10:00 moving into the saturday morning. it looks like a few days of weather that is going to include rainshowers, something that we haven't seen in a little while and thunderstorms, too. we have been spoiled, too. the jet stream is going to help steer all of that moisture. you will watch as it brings in our direction, the moisture is going to bring in the thunderstorms. it is dry right now. winds are calm, 62% relative humidity, 29.88 holding steady on the barometer. the temperatures at 84 degrees give or take a couple. in the eastern shore 84 degrees for the high for a chance of showers and thunderstorms and a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. the central part of the state will be the warmest part of the area. 89 degrees will be the warmest temperature. 85 degrees for the high with the showers and thunderstorms there as well. tonight 71 degrees. it will be warmer under mostly cloudy skies. could have an evening shower, and thunderstorm still before lingering showers push through in the overnight period. 74 starting out. 85, though, by noon, a quick warm up. 88 by 6:00 p.m. and tomorrow 88 degrees, incidentally, if you're headed out to the beach we expect temperatures at 81, clouds with little bit of sunshine and afternoon showers of thunderstorms collecting on saturday and sunday. 82 for saturday around here with partly cloudy skies and a chance of a shower or thunderstorm lingering early. 81 and mostly cloudy on sunday but a drier day. a chance of a shower and afternoon early monday, tuesday and wednesday with temperatures in the low 80s, 81, 82, and 84 respectively. i-radar is available at fox can you use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when the storms are over your house. go to and click over on i-radar. candace dold is back with a look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: thanks, steve. traveling through whitemarsh there's a crash on whitemarsh boulevard, it's right at 95. this takes out the left lane there, near the ramp. now as for the alternate, you can take whitemarsh boulevard and head on route 43 over to 695, to avoid this area altogether. heading on 95 in the same vicinity, that volume is definitely picking up on the southbound lanes heading all the way down toward the beltway. that remains the same traffic pattern through rosedale as well. the city traveling through 95 at the fort mchen retunnel, it eases up a bit, so we're looking at a 6-minute commute. we still have the lombard resurfacing project it's taking place between president street and light street. three lanes will be open, but know that you will find lane closures. there's message boards and traffic officers to assist you. road closures, due to the artscape preparations around mount royal avenue in that vicinity. there's a complete list at the bottom of your screen for more you this this monk, lease are investigating a double shooting in baltimore county. it happened in middle river. police say two people remember shot at star wars court. one victim was taken to shock trauma, and another was taken to bay view. no word on their condition. a police officer is back in the work this morning after being suspended for sending a nude photo to a t.v. station. harris is back on the force and assigned to a midnight shift. an internal investigation is ongoing. as the economy tanks, so did many car dealerships, chrysler and gm closed more than 2,000 dealerships to close as a way to streamline the company's operations and be eligible for federal money. they argue that too many were shutdown, and the process to close were arbitrary. they are lobbying to get back in business. they have introduced legislation that would force the car companies to reinstate the dealerships slated foreclosure. good morning. >> what would happen under your legislation. >> what the legislation would do is allow the dealerships to be reinstated if they could not have been terminated on under france choice law. they terminated them without any good cause. this would require them to reinstate unless they could terminate under the france -- fe laws. the bottom line for the business meant this dealers ships needed to close. >> had a is certainly their argument. we doubt the argument that they're somehow helping chrysler and gm by selling less cars. the second thing is these dealerships don't cross chrysler and gm money. they're not saving any money by closing the dealerships. ultimately this is a matter it of fairness. you had dealerships that were surviving, this difficult economic time. our issue is let the free market control it. if they can survive, let them survive. the jobs that are going to be lost. we are talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs that are going to be lost as a result of closing these dealerships. >> is the problem which ones of the car dealerships that are closed down. >> part of it is a process issue. in maryland as an example you had to demonstrate that they had substantially failed to comply with their franchise agreement to close them down. the argument is that the criteria used wasn't used fairly and wasn't used across the board with all of these dealerships. no one really knows exactly whether it was fair enough because it's been fairly secretive. >> if the legislation does not work to get all of these dealers ships open, is there middle ground? >> i have been negotiate negotig specifically with gm and chrysler over the last several weeks. we have been trying to find middle ground on it. >> that would be what? >> for instance it would allow an appeal process that would go to a 3rd party. if the dealership said this is why we closed you down and they give the criteria why they did, allowing the 3rd par pee to verify that the criteria was applied to that particular dealership, but letting the neutral party not gm and chrysler a popular softball coach leads his team to the state championships. once the school year is over, he decides to celebrate with the teens and their parents. he invites them over to his house for a cook out. some the parents bring beer for the adults but it was enough to get the coach fired. the school has zero tolerance for alcohol. there's nothing criminal in this but it has a lot of people talking about whether or not this coach should have been fired. what do you think, should he have been fired? >> absolutely not. this is getting ridiculous. they don't have any common sense anymore. >> but if they have a zero tolerance policy that says you can't students and alcohol and it was after the school year, but it was a school event, still somewhat? >> is it a school event. he is at his own home with a perfectly legal substance and adults. schools are doing this all over the country. we did a story about a girl who took a birth control pill prescribed by her doctor is the mother knew that she had it. they have a zero tolerance about drugs. you can't have zero tolerance. you have to have common sense. >> should you have the zero tolerance policy. somebody is going to look at it like you are right now and say this is absolutely ridiculous. it gives no meaning to zero tolerance. >> they're throwing kids out of school. the girl got expelled. >> and he got fired. >> a first grader has a no weapons policy. he brought a one inch rubber squirt gun. the little boy was suspended for this. you expect the adults to make good decisions and they're not. >> do you think there's a possibility. he is fighting it, do you think there's a possibility that he will be reinsighted or they are going to stick to their guns and say that zero tolerance is zero tolerance. >> i would rather not work in a place like that with people who make those kinds of decisions. >> you would think that if it's at your own home, you can do whatever you want in your own hope. does the school have a leg to come at -- >> what if he had a stocked liquor cabinet, you happen to have scotch and wine, are you going to fire him for that? it's a perfectly legal substance, they can have in their home. you just don't let the kids drink it? >> you seem to be very adamant on one issue, but he is the coach, he should set an example. if it says no alcohol, he should know better. some people say they don't think it's cut ask dry as it is. it's interesting. >> some people need to get a life. >> let that be last word. ed norris, thank you. >> you can hear ed norris on sports radio the fan investigating the light rail death. how this man could help solve the mystery. shocking video, never before seen footage of when michael jackson's hair caught fire during the taping of a pepsi commercial. a record deal. we will hear from ravens linebacker terrell suggs on his new contract. good morning. you are taking a live look down on the inner harbor as people set sail getting ready to head wherever they're headed. they have a pretty day to do it. it's a pretty shot. almost makes you want to get down there and do it yourself. i'm patrice harris. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig because if you want to get out on the water, it's a better time than ever. >> it's a 30 to 40% chance of a thunderstorm. it's not everybody and we're not expecting heavy downpours. >> okay. >> just a chance of seeing lightning strikes out there and a little bit of rain. it's not going to be a total wash out. >> but enough to water the flowers. >>enough to water the flowers and hopefully not strike the flowers with a lightning strike. certainly the humidity is going to feel a whole lot different than what we have dealt with the dry conditions and nice temperatures getting to 89 today with the humidity. right now it's 79 in baltimore. temperatures around that number, give or take a degree or two. you could see some showers moving off the eastern shore right now. you can see them moving through overnight just light ones to the south. there's more on the way with a line of showers and maybe thunderstorms for early afternoon, thinking of 1:00, maybe for the thunderstorms. 85 by noon, a quick warm up. 88 at 6:00 p.m. after hitting a high today of 89 degrees. again, thunderstorms possibly into the evening. and look at that temperature tonight dropping to 71. a very mild night at well. what about the roadways this morning? how will they be as you head out? candace dold has the traffic edge. >> reporter: good morning. steve. we're looking at a comfortable ride of parts of 95. here is light route at 93, and very light activity on the northbound and southbound end. it does start to pick up from mountain road headed down toward 695, we have moderate congestion. as of right now we are looking at a 10-15-minute commute. there's an accident at the exit ramp at 295, and that takes out one lane. you will want to take whitemarsh in the opposite direction and hop on to 695 instead. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. 7:02 on fox 45 morning news. a new twist in the investigation surrounding the death of two teens found on the light rail tracks last week. this morning, police are searching for someone they believe knows what went wrong. megan gilliland joins us now with the latest, good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. right now baltimore county police are searching for a passenger that was on the light rail train that day. take a good look at this man. police think he may have seen the whole collision right from his seat. police say this witness is not in any trouble, but they do want his help and they're hoping he will come forward. these pictures were taken by a video camera on board. >> it captures an image of a witness, a passenger on the screen who we believe through servicinformation that the detes have, has significant information that can help us with this case. we're trying to identified who this person is. >> reporter: the victims connor peterson and kyle wankmiller were hit from behind while walking on the tracks. that day the train was using the alternate lines. the driver did not report seeing the boys before or after the accident. the teens weren't found until a fare collector on the next train spotted them and called for help. if you know the witness, investigators are searching for, you're asked to call baltimore police. that is (410)307-2020. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. this morning mta officials are investigating another accident involving a light rail train. a woman was hit by a train while she was trying to cross the tracks at the mount washington light rail stop yesterday. the woman was rushed to the hospital. she is expected to survive. investigators are questioning other riders to try to figure out exactly what happened. two marine sergeants from marine maryland are killed in an explosion in afganistan. 22-year-old michael heed of edgewood and david spicer of olney died on monday when an iud exploded in the hellman's province. july is the deadliest month since the war began. 24 americans lost their lives fighting in afganistan this month. a baltimore police spokesperson is back on the job this morning after being suspended for sending a nude photo to a t.v. station. officer troy harris accidentally sent a nude picture instead of a mug sho shot to a news departme. he is back on the force and assigned to a midnight shift. an internal investigation is ongoing. a free taxi service is coming toe canton but don't expect it to pick you up at your doorstep. thanks to stimulus money, water taxis on scheduled to start there this fall. fells point is where joel d smith is live with the details. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, the first water taxi from the city just took off. it's on the way back coming over my shoulder. in the next few minutes you will see that. this is the big day. it's the day that some of these people that are on the water taxis are learning about the expansion it will help you get to places like canton. bringing in barry robertson. this is going to make the difference, between the water taxis that people are seeing on the inner harbor and the ones that the city has. >> that's a paid for service operation. the water taxi harbor connector, operated by the same folks that operate the water taxi is a free service that is sponsor from the city. that provides ping-pong service and from canton to maritime park. with the stimulus money we are going to expand our routes even further. >> reporter: tell me how much time people are saving if they're using this rather than driving? >> this takes 4 minutes to go from here which is maritime park to tied point over to south baltimore peninsula. if you have to drive that, 20 to 25 minutes maybe even longer in the traffic that we're currently experiencing. >> reporter: lombard street. >> you're taking 20 minutes off of your morning commute and afternoon commute if you're coming back the other way. >> reporter: so it's over our shoulder. it's on its way, through the rest of the morning, maybe we will get a close and personal look at the water taxi. it's all because of the federal stimulus money and it's coming your way probably to canton by the fall. we're live at fells point, i'm joel d smith. fox 45 morning news. john hopkins hospital is ranked number one again. news reports annual hospital rankings are out. and john hopkins tops the list of list of the 440 american hospitals. still ahead, a tank burst into a huge fireball and it's all caught on tape. we will show you the explosive video. >> reporter: i'm jessica starr. coming up this morning in the hometown hot spot, i'm going to just a hop, skip, and splash away. busch gardens and water country usa... in williamsburg, virginia. set your sights at save to favorites? yes! today i'm making a classic sweet potato pie... everyone can enjoy, even lactose intolerant folks. while i let my friends enjoy the secret ingredient, lactaid milk. like it? mmmm. that's because delicious lactaid milk... is 100% real milk... that's lactose-free so it's easy on the stomach. which lets you enjoy that great flavor alone... and in your favorite recipes. welcome back to the table. lactaid milk. love it with lactaid. is a folk music concert all you need to have a good time? maybe you prefer sole, blues, or maybe even '70s rock music. pick a night and bring your friends and go out to the ladew top airy gardens. it sounds like they have a lot of musical acts? >> there's going to be plenty different tiepped types of musin sunday. you definitely want to come out to the ladew gardens. and joining me this morning is emily to give me an overview not only on the concert series but tell me about the grounds. they're breathtaking this morning. >> there's 22 acres of gardens, 22 garden rooms. we have a mile 1/2 long nature wash and a historic manner home. information about the gardens is available on the website. we have programs and events all season long including the concert series which is sunday evenings from 6 to 8:00. >> tell me about the different types of bands that will be performing on sunday? >> we have deanna into garret, the bridge is coming, and 5 more groups on sunday evenings on the web page. we are looking forward to smooth kentucky this sunday. >> reporter: you need to come out and the weather for sunday is a mix of sun and clouds, a high temperature of 81 degrees with winds out of the southwest. this morning we're joined by smooth kentucky who will be performing this sunday. let's go a ahead and get a little taste of it this morning. go ahead and take it away. ♪ ♪ highway gone, >> concerts at ladew are at ladew top airy gardens from 6:00 a.m6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for more information log on to and click on morning news. they have pen tapping. >> how could you tell. you were doing your own moves. hd radar not indicating a whole lot right now. we expect later today to see at least parts of the area lit a little bit up on the green indicating some rainshowers and thunderstorms, too for later on in the day. as you put things into motion and look to the eastern shore, you will see that is where we're seeing -- well, this is light activity, not seeing it now, actually. it dissipated back to the west, we're watching as the rain will be moving in from that direction with the cold front that could bring us thunderstorms especially into the early afternoon as far as the timing of that front. the best time 1:00 p.m. or the most likely time i should say. we see activity to the tennessee valley. we are not expecting any rain around here. as far as the surface features, there's the cold front that is moving into the warm moist air that it moving into place. a low pressure center moving up the coast to bringing us along the frontal boundary that stalls out more chances for showers and thunderstorms into the latter part of tomorrow. now the future scan model is going to isolate things mostly to the northeast part of the state, but i think it's going to be anybody that may be able to handle or have to deal with a shower or thunderstorm. you could see this indicating around 10:00 a.m. for the northeast part of the area and 1:00 p.m. i think the timeframe is about right, but i think they could extend further points west, still with the showers and thunderstorms. but around 12, 1:00 this afternoon, that would be the best chance of the showers or thunderstorms, too. as we check out surface features to the north, you will see stationary are or rather a jet stream that is going to steer a lot of the warm, moist air along and bring a chance for thunderstorms for the afternoon. something we haven't seen in a while. we have enjoyed nice weather until today a little bit of a chance. mostly cloudy, the winds are calm. 60% relative humidity. that has increased some and so has the dew point. that is an indication of the soupy air mass that feels more like mid summer. 75 degrees in baltimore, 74 up in hagerstown. temperatures are going to climb quickly, though, today getting up to 78 degrees and that is probably about 2:00 or 3:00. look for the shower chances then and a little bit earlier, southwest wind at 10-15. a little bit earlier for the central part of the state around 1:00 here. 81 degrees with the chances of thunderstorms then. look for the western part of maryland also to have showers and thunderstorms, 85 for the high. tonight 71 degrees, a warm night with a chance of an evening shower and thunderstorm and maybe lingering showers overnight with mainly cloudy skies. as we move through the day tomorrow. look for 88 degrees for the the high compared to a couple of warm days, still humid and a chance for a shower and thunderstorm. heading to the beach this weekend, incidentally, 81 degrees, clouds and some sun. a chance of afternoon and thunderstorms both saturday and sunday. 82 on sunday with a lingering shower early and maybe thunder. on sunday a drier day, mostly cloudy, 81, 82, 84 for monday, tuesday and wednesday without being able to rule out an afternoon shower and thunderstorm then. fox 45 morning weather is at your finger tips. i-radar is available at can use the powerful raid alto track the storms. go to and click on i-radar. now here is candace dold once again with the track edge. >> reporter: thanks, steve. we do have some positive momentum in baltimore county right now. crews are clearing out an accident at whitemarsh boulevard at 95. again that, is in its clearing stages. of course, we do have some residual delays leading up to that. you can always take whitemarsh and head up to 695 instead. on 95, we're already dealing with the heavy ride on the southbound lanes from the same vicinity heading toward 695. so just our usual morning rush there. on 695, it's definitely getting a bit busy and filling up with cars especially on the outer loop lanes from parkville heading toward the jfx. on southbound 83, from 695 into the downtown area, so far so good. it's just that congestion that you have to deal with. that will only take 16 minutes. of course, inside of the city we still have to deal with the road closures due to the artscape preparations. it's along mount royal avenue. there's a complete list at the bottom of our screen at the morning news ticker. you can find all of that information there. the good news is detours are in place. the road resurfacing project along lombard street. it's there this morning. we will have 3 lanes that will remain open between president street and light street. just be aware that you will find lane closures as a result. that is a look at your morning travels. patrice, back to you. coming up next a tanker burst into a huge fireball and it's all caught on tape. we will show you the explosive video. and later this morning, shocking footage of michael jackson resurfaces after 25 years. the video that some say led michael jackson down a path of destruction. and ravens fans will be seeing number 55 in pornle and - purple and black for many years to com new this morning, police are investigating a double shooting in baltimore county. it happened just after 9:30 last night in middle river. police say two people were shot near starwood court. one victim was flown to shock trauma. the other taken to bay view, there's no word on their conditions. two d.c. metro stations near the site of last month's deadly train crash will be closed today. the national transportation safety board will test the tracks between the takoma and fort totten stations this morning. the stations will be closed again on saturday. the cause of the explosion is under investigation this morning. the drivers of the tanker and a semi trailer and a car were all taken to the hospital, but with minorries. an estimated 9,000 gallons of regular unleaded gasoline and 4,000 gallons of dig e diesel fl spilled out of that tanker. good morning, everybody. here is your first look at sports. late tuesday night some 16 hours before the deadline, the ravens ask terrell suggs got their deal done and a big deal it is. suggs gets a contract believed to be the largest ever given a defensive player in nfl history. the deal is massive, 6 years, $63 million. 33 of that guaranteed. he has three career has been given the franchise tag. so the ravens saved in the neighborhood of 3 million under the cap. suggs knows that's a lot of money. he also knows he now has to proof that he is worth it. >> i'm going to be the dominant player that i have always been. you know, with me being 26, that the best years are ahead of me. i look guard to showing them that they didn't make a mistake and that you got the right guy. i consider mime sel myself a plf the fans. i play for them. i love to hear the cheering when i'm running out of the tunnel. i'm glad that we finally got back to football ask they wanted me there. i wanted to be there. both sides compromise. now we come back to the football. >> he loves football. he has a tremendous work ethic. he studies the game along with guys like ed and ray. he is into the preparation part of it. he is a raven. he plays like a raven. to me, he is a core foundation, building block for what we're going to try to do for the next few years. >> meanwhile the derrick mason watch goes on. the veteran receiver has not submitted the paperwork to the nfl that would make his retirement official. for now we have to assume that we have seen him the last of him in a ravens uniform but the coach wants to have the lines of communication open. >> there's a lot to happen between now. derrick mason is a warrior. he is a tremendous family man. he has got good relationships with everybody inside of the building. i know he has gone through a lot, you know, in the last couple of weeks with steve's situation and i'm looking forward to talk with him. >> pedro martinez is back in the leagues. yesterday he signed a one year $3 million contract withle phillies. withle fill -- with the phillies. philadelphia expects him to be ready to pitch in two to 3 weeks. will he make a couple of rehab starts in the minor. the last time he pitched was in the world baseball classic this spring. he says he will give the phillies his best shot with what he has got left. >> i don't expect to be the same pitcher i was when i was 26. i'm not going to say anything. i'm just here to prove it. talking you the win game. i want to get to the white line and see what i can do. i might surprise you! i might not! [ laughter ] but it's going to be fun. it with three days of hearings behind her, supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor so far has held her own. she has dodged tough questions about her past rulings and perceived prejudices and managed to keep her personal views about controversial issues to herself. she is back on the hot seat for today for day four. season and john luber join us to discuss it. the senators are not going to get her to reveal her personal views and they're getting quite frustrated with that. >> number one, of course, she is going to dodge and decline to answer any questions about some the hot button issues like abortion or same-sex marriage or even the second amendment. what i think is intellectually dishonest on the part of the judge is trying to dismiss her stump speech in which she basically said she is a wise latino woman who in the vast richness of her experience. she dismissed that as a rhetorical device that has failed or bad choice of words. she used it on six different occasions. for the senators to accept that is intellectually dishonest. >> if she said she used those in speeches where she is trying to inspire other people. if you want to know how she will rule in cases to look at the 17 years of her court record. could you not weigh the two together? >> you will find today how it weighs together with the new haven firefighters because one of those cases is slapped down by the supreme court. i really believe that the personal views on the part of any supreme court justice should never come into place. in fact, i would go so far as to say that there should never, ever, be any liberal interpretation of the constitution. the constitution is the constitution. and there can only be one way to apply it, and that is a conservative, you know, orthodox way of applying the contusion. it's not a living, breathing document. >> right. >> that you can liberally inject your own personal views. >> all right, gentlemen, we're going to have to send it there. thank you very much. we will check in with you next week. still ahead take the first step toward quitting smoking. an expert will take your calls in our take action thursday. i'm joel d smith in fells point, where you know, you have seen the water taxis in the past. some cost as much as $9 a piece. what if i told you there's someway to get to some places for free. we will tell you next. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig and see what we can expect as we get closer and closer to the weekend. we're all looking forward to that? >> it's going to be a hot and humid change now. we're going to see a little bit more of the humidity producing a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. >> summer weather. >> summer weather, very typical summer weather. with the frontal weather it's going to trigger them off. let's see where we start. it's mild out there at this hour, 75 degrees already in baltimore. temperatures generally in the low to mid-70s throughout the area. ounow the showers you see to the north and west of us dissipating as we speak. we will be moving through in the afternoon and as the warmer and more humid air moves in, we will lend ourselves to the thunderstorm chances this afternoon. to the east shower chances later this morning. but later this morning we will see showers scattered throughout the area and a better chance of thunderstorms around 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. that will continue, not continue -- not be continued with, but continue to have a chance of showers and thunderstorms through the next couple of days, too. we will talk more about that a little bit later. right now candace dold is here with the track edge. candace? >> reporter: thanks, steve. good morning. we do have the lane closures along lombard street and it's due to the road resurfacing project between president street and light street. the good news is that three lanes will be open at all times. the problem is, of course, extra heavy congestion as a result. that is definitely something to be aware of. we do have the road closures due to artscape preparations around mount royal avenue. there's a complete list on the bottom of your screen for more information. on the southbound leans from 695 toward the downtown region, right now that will take 16 minutes. an extremely heavy trip on the outer loop lanes, a lot of congestion from the jfx wrapping toward 70. right now that will take 15 minutes. in the northwest corner, southbound lanes at 795, from westminister pike heading toward 695, it's just the usual rush there. so right now we're looking at a 9 minute clip. that's a look at your morning travels, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. 7:32 now on fox 45 morning news. a new twist in the investigation surrounding the deaths of two teens found on the light rail tracks last week. this morning police are searching for someone they believe knows what went wrong. megan gilliland joins us now with the latest. good morning megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. right now baltimore county police are searching for a passenger that was on that light rail train that day. take a good look at this man. police think he may have seen the whole collision right from his seat. police say this witness is not in any trouble, but they do want his help and they're hoping that he will come forward. these pictures were taken from a video camera on board the train. >> it captures an image of a witness, a passenger on this train who we believe through information that the detectives have has a significant information that can help us with this case. we're trying to identify who that person is. >> reporter: the victims connor peterson and kyle wankmiller were hit 42 behind while walking on the tracks on july 5th. that day, authorities say the train was using the alternate line. the driver did not report seeing the boys before or after the accident. the teens weren't found until a fare collector on the next train spotted them and called for help. that number is (410)307-2020. megan gilliland fox 45 morning news. two d.c. metro stations near the cite of last month's deadly train crash will be closed today. they will test the tractions between the takoma and for the totten stations between 10 and 3:00 p.m. the stations will be closed again on saturday. police are looking for people who installed a card skimming device. annapolis police say four people noticed fraudulent charges on their accounts. officers believer e believe that. skimming device was installed at the bank of america branch around church scirk circle around july 5th. more stimulus money is coming to baltimore for transportation improvement. it's not the street ways getting money, it's the waterways. joel d smith is at fells point, good morning joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, we're talking about the waterways. they are harbor connector and they run every 15 minutes from 7 to 7:00. now they're going to expand because of $9.7 million that is going to go to canton and other locations. we don't know what kind of people use this every day. pete, you say every day you are out here? >> just about. 3 to 4 days a week. >> reporter: how much time do you think this saves you. >> a lot from going around the city and now with the construction at lombard it's going to save a lot of time moving forward as well. >> reporter: they're going to improve the signage and the routes as well. would you use different ones maybe canton. >> perhaps, you know, i sometimes ride my bike down here and oftentimes walk to catch the boat here to go to work. if there were other areas to go and it was convenient, i would certainly consider it. >> reporter: you ride this just about every day. is it ever really busy. there's 90 or 100 people. >> it's never too long of a wait. the maximum i have seen, and it comes back and forth frequently. >> reporter: it does go frequently and that is convenient. what do you think would get more people know to actually use it? >> let people know about it. it's convenient and going back and forth and going to fells, eating lunch, it's pretty convenient. >> reporter: you're going to work. we let you go here. by the fall the extra route to canton and other ones are on the way. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. small business owners aring concerns ever the new health reform bill. >> reporter: here are some the stories we are watching from washington today. small business owner are speaking out about the impact pending healthcare legislation will have on their businesses. they're warning that the economy will suffer under a bill currently being proposed by house democrats. it's one that would drive rates for high income taxpayers to levels not seen since before president reagan's tax reform act of 1986. many small businesses say they are dismayed over the plan and would take a direct hit from the surtaxes being proposed which would force them to cut wages and curtail hiring. we told you before how congress is working to offer some releaf to the car dealerships left in the dust after the government bail out deal with two of the big three. well, now the white house is ripping into those bipartisan efforts to offer aide. an amendment to put dealers back in the driver's seat survived an earlier challenge to be voted on this week stopping short of threatening a veto. the obama admnistration chastised congress saying reversing the closings would quote set a dangerous precedent. and the taliban in afganistan is attempting to plump the surge of an additional which thousand troops with stepped up attacks on citizens. according to u.s. and afghan officials the militant group targeting and assassinating afghans who work with or for the u.s. backed government. three afghan police officers killed in a roadway bomb were among the most recent targets. a wave of intimidation officials say is making it more difficult for the afghan government to recruit citizens willing to speak out. that is just some of what we're following from the washington times. i'm tara walls, now back to you. read more on those stories by logging on to and clicking on washington times. after 25 years shocking video of michael's hair caught on fire has made its way to the internet. the images show michael jackson dancing in front of a crowd at the shrine auditorium in hr l.a. the first take went off without a hitch. but it was on take 6 when it goes on. jackson continues to dance with it, until they rush to warn him. he suffered second and 3rd degree burns to his face and scalp. many blame that to leading the singer to prescription pain medications. you can find a link to that video on our website. just go to and click on news links. still ahead, it takes a first step toward quitting smoking. an expert will take your calls in our take action thursday. we will open the lines later this hour, but you can send any questions you might have to twitter at fox baltimore. 7:40 is the time. you are watching right now not looking too bad on sky watch hd radar. we do expect changes to come your way with a chance of showers. we had the chance earlier but they have dissipated quite a bit. we still have a chance as we get into the warmer part of the day. a frontal boundary starts to move toward us. the southern part of west virginia through the eastern part of tennessee and heading through north carolina now. we're going to see that chance expand and move in our direction. it will be scattered and it won't be heavy rain we will see out of this. nevertheless, a chance of some showers with even thunderstorms possible as we get a lot of moist warm air moving into place. a cold front follows. then the low pressure center moves up the coast as the frontal boundary stalls out over the eastern part of the state. that central part brings more shower chances and even thunderstorms for later tomorrow into the afternoon or evening. here is what we're looking at in terms of the time frame on these showers. the timeframe i like with regard to the models because it's pretty on the money with 10:00 seeing some light showers and into the early afternoon. it's kind of restricted to the north and east. that part i'm not sew much in agreement. anywhere in state we could see scattered showers. at 1:00, would be a he best chance of showers as the front appears then. we will see more chance of a showers tomorrow as we get into the nighttime and early into saturday morning. then it should give away to some drier air for the rest of the saturday and sunday as well. sunday looks like the driest day of the next several. the jet stream to the north is going to help steer a lot of the warm, moist air our way. with it comes a chance of thunderstorms for the afternoon. here is what we're looking at right now. 75 degrees, mostly cloudy skies, not much of a wind. a little bit of humidity. you know that from the humidity value of 60%, compared to yesterday when when he were in e in the 40% chance. an indication that ss going to be more humid in the afternoon especially. 75 degrees for the current temperature in baltimore. not too different as we look toward salisbury, 72 and 74 in baltimore. do expect the temperatures to climb to 80 degrees at the eastern shore with a chance of a shower and thunderstorm. a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. for the central part of the state, getting to 90-degree mark. back to the west, more cloud cover moving in and a chance for a shower or thunderstorm here as well into the early afternoon. 71 tonight and evening shower and thunderstorm kn b can't be d out but they should taper off. 88 degrees for tomorrow's high temperature. headed to the beach this weekend, it looks like 81 degrees for the high temperature with a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. otherwise, more in the way of clouds than sun and then 8088 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow and it drops to 82 as we cool down a little on saturday 81 on sunday with drier afternoon on saturday and also on sunday a dry day. 81 for monday, 82 tuesday, 84 wednesday with afternoon showers possible. sky watch weather is now available at your finger tips. i-radar is available at fox you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. these interactive tools will let you see when storms are over your house. just go to and click on i-radar. we have a new accident in baltimore city that you need to know about. it's a crash that crews are responding to. it's on more o moravia road on minnesota avenue. we do have lane closures on lombard street. that is due to the resurfacing project. three lanes will remain open at all times during this phase and that is between president street and light street. for the morning rush, you can expect extra heavy congestion there. there will be traffic officers on the scene to assist you and there's message boards with detours. at least there's hope for you if you're traveling downtown. the road closures due to artscape preparations. now it's along mount royal avenue in the area. there's a complete list at the bottom of the screen for information. and detours are in place there. as for the main lines along the fort mchenry tunnel, it's getting busy. right now we're looking at a 7 minute clip. you will have company headed toward the belt away. on 295 at the southwest corner at 695, here it is on the southbound lanes and we already have delays forming there heading toward howard county. on the northbound stretch just a few cars traveling up toward baltimore city. that is a look at your morning commute, patrice, back to you. thank you, candace. coming up next, even if you're tried and failed in the past with the right help you can stop smoking for good. an expert joins us to take your phone calls about quitting smoking for today's take action thursday. the phone lines are open right now at (410)481-4545. you can also send us a tweet at fox the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh! are you trying to quit smoking but just can't seem to snuff the habit. well, we could have tips that could help you breathe easier. laura greene from the lung association is here with advice. she will be taking your calls this morning with take action thursday. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> everybody knows that smoking is bad. it's getting to the point that you can stop and put down the cigarette and stop. for some people, say i can put it down, quick cold turkey. can you do that? >> not fairly cold turkey. >> i just want to clarify, smoking isn't bad. smoking is deadly. there's no safe level of exposure to smoking. there's 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes over 60 of which are known to cause cancer. the state of maryland we have over 7,00 70,000 people that die every year. it's not just a smoker's issue, it's a community issue. over $96 billion is spent in maryland on tobacco related healthcare costs. it's everyone's issue. smokers tend to get sick more. so they miss more work. if a child lives if a house with a smoker. say that child has asthma, they're more than likely going to have more asthma attacks. they are going to miss school and have more urgent care visits. it's a big issue. >> you just said a mouthful there, but still people light up every day. >> yeah. >> and you get new people who light up every day even knowing all of those things that you just said. where do you begin to help people like that? >> i want people to know that 70% of smokers would like to quit. it's not their fault. the cigarette companies have done a good job of tricking us. we like to talk about the back of a macaroni and cheese you know what is in there, even dye number 6. in a box of cigarettes, no ingredients. nicotine is addictive, more so than heroin and coke. >> what is the way to brake those addictions. >> a person if they're used to lighting up. you might want to keep candy around. you might want to let your friends and co-workers know that i'm trying to quit so i need your help. the most important thing that the person can do is by joining a step quit smoking program. it's 100% free they can go to www.ffoo,.orgg. >> we want to give smoke answer questions if you need tips to quit smoking. if you have questions for laura, she will take your calls after the break at (410)481-4545. we are back with laura greene with the america lung association. if you have a question about quitting smoking, the phone lines are open now a at (410)481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore. our first caller is eric from wift minister. goowestminister. good morning, eric. >> what is your question. >> i have been smoking for 30 years. i have tried everything under the sun, moon and stars to help me quit smoking. i want a non-cheesy, give me your money scheme out there that will help me quit smoking. >> absolutely. and eric, it's not abnormal to have several quit efforts prior to you kicking the habit. on average it takes 6 times. it can definitely take more. so the lung associations freedom from smoking online program is 100% free. it's not a gimmick. it's an 8 week program that will help you on the steps to. step number one is not take your cigarettes and throw them away. that's not step one because that is not feasible. it's addictive. we take you through an 8 week process so that the end of those 8 weeks, you have the tools to keep quitting. if you go there, it's 100% free and hopefully that will give you the tools that you need. >> we will link your website to our website because i'm sure a lot of people will want that information. >> angie, good morning. >> i'm 39 and unlike the previous caller, i had only been smoking for five years. and i've tried cold turkey, i ie tried the patches and i've tried trantics the stop smoking pills. and the stress of every day life keeps calling me back to smoke a cigarette. i'm wondering, what else is there for me to do? >> that's very common. i mean, smoking is a behavior sort of habit. so when people get stressed, they think i want to go outside and i want to smoke and it gives you time to think. we want you to know that you can supplement that with something else. if you have a place that you work where there's a walking group. if you have co-workers or friends that are trying to quit also, do it together so that you don't feel so alone. when you are stressed pick up the phone, have a candy, suck on a lollie pop. take a walk down the block. it sounds silly, but just giving yourself that 30 seconds to not think about smoking and think about something else to clear your head could be the 30 seconds that you need to get your life back. and within 20 minutes of quitting smoking your heart rate goes down. within 2 to 3 days, you get your sense of smell and taste back and within one year, your risk of a heart attack is cut in half. if you think of the positive benefits that's the inspiration that can keep you going. >> laura thank you for coming in this morning. we will put a link at our website so you can get to all of the programs and services that they offer. the emmys have expanded the number of nominees in 10 major categories. we will bring you the announcement at 8:00. we will talk to maryland's own kaitlyn about you know, it's not the grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. people: oh! it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant. like petite-cut sirloin steak, just $2.99 a pound. this week only, at giant. fresh, fresh, fresh. really fresh! come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables, all at prices you can handle. like blueberries, one-pint carton, 4 for $5.00. this week only, at giant. ♪ [ female announcer ] arthritis targets your body where it's weak. where it's vulnerable. ♪ tylenol arthritis works with your body to block the pain, without interfering with certain high blood pressure medicines like aleve sometimes can. ♪ so you don't just feel better, you feel better knowing doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. ♪ it captures the image of a witness, a passenger on this train. >> investigating the death of two teens on the light rail, why police are searching for this man. and terrell suggs is not going anywhere for a while. we have his reaction to his record nfl contract. and maryland's dancing queen. we will hear from 1 of the local stars of so you think you can dance. good morning. it's thursday, july 16th. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. we're looking forward to the weekend already. we should check in with meteorologist steve fertig and see how today is shaping up and of course into the weekend. good morning, guys. it's going to be hot and humid for the next couple of days. the weekend itself, as we are getting into sunday rgt, coolerd a better chance of a shower and thunderstorm, not too bad. generally we have been spoiled with the comfortable conditions today. it looks like it will be a more hot and humid typical summer day with temperatures climbing well into the 80s. 77 in baltimore, and 72 in salisbury. you can see according to the sky watch regional radar what looks to be showers moving offshore not really having affected us through the day today, but there should be the chance of those showers coming your way as the front pushes in our direction, the cold front from the west not cooling us down a whole lot but triggering the chance of a shower and thunderstorm here and there. hot and humid today and tomorrow. thunderstorms around today, friday and even parts of saturday, but cooler on saturday through wednesday. we will talk more about some other chances of showers and thunderstorms in the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. right now candace dold is here with the traffic edge. thanks, steve. we have been focusing on baltimore city this morning, and of course, we do have the road resurfacing project along lombard street so that is closing some lanes there and obviously causing some headaches. we do have the road closures due to artscape preparations. there's a complete list at the bottom of your screen. now a new incident on the northbound lanes of the northbound lanes of the jfx. it's 28th street. there's accident there and that is causing us to be in the red in both directions. in the northbound lanes leading up toward the scene and in the southbound lanes. from 695 toward east fayette street right now a very lengthy 23-minute commute. on the top end of the beltway it's also in the red there from the jfx dropping all the way around toward 70. it's going to take extra time this morning so that will take 16 minutes. on eastbound 70 traveling from route 29 heading toward 695, just the usual moderate congestion there, we're looking at a 5 minute clip. that's a look at the morning travels, megan, back to you. thank you be candace. time is 8:03 on fox 45 morning news. the search is on today for a passenger on board the light rail train that struck and killed two teens last week. investigators believe that person may have the answers they need. take a good look at this man, baltimore county police think he may have seen the whole collision right from his seat. police say this witness isn't in any trouble, but they do want his help and they're hoping he will come forward. these pictures were taken from a video camera on board. >> it captures an image of a witness. a passenger on this train who we believe through information that the detectives have has significant information that can help us with this case. we're trying identify who that person. >> the victims connor peterson and kyle wankmiller were hit from behind while walking on the tracks. the driver did not report seeing the boys before or after the accident. now investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened. if you know the witness who investigators are compin search, you are asked to call baltimore police. a woman was hit by a train while she was crossing the trains at the mount washington light rail stop yesterday. the woman was rushed to the hospital. she is expected to survive. investigators are now questioning other riders to try and figure out exactly what happened. two d.c. metro strations str the site of last month's deady train crash will be closed today. they will test the tracks between the takoma and fort totten station between 10 and 3:00 p.m. the stations will be closed again on saturday. michelle mcnair says her husband did not have a will so a judge granted her request to control his assets. michelle listed herself and two sons as heirs to his estate. mcnair was murdered earlier this month by his girlfriend who then turned the gun on herself. >> mcnaithe ravens have made one young player a very wealthy player. it is a massive 6 year deal worth $63 million with a 33 million-dollar signing bonus. the 23-year-old linebacker has a total of 53 quarterback stacks in his career and is just coming off of his 3rd pro bowl appearance. >> i never wanted to be the highest paid anything, you know. i'm not that guy. i don't care what the next man is get. i just wanted to be fair. >> ravens training camp starts july 28th. more federal stimulus money is coming to baltimore this time for transportation improvements, but it's not streets that is getting an upgrade. it's the waterways. joel d smith is live at fells point with more. good morning, joel d. >> reporter: good morning, we're talking about water taxis, they go from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and a lot of people use them. one of them is kim who works over across the tied point a quick ride over there. how long does it take you? >> beeabout, less than 5 minute. >> reporter: how long would it take you if you had toe drive? >> probably, 15 to 20 with the construction. >> reporter: at lunch it's full. people commuting back and forth for lunch. in the morning there's usually about a half a dozen on there. >> reporter: so she uses it about every day. the thing is they got federal stimulus money. they are going to make to nicer on the pier and the and they'reo add canton. >> definitely, i have friends in canton who are excited it's going to be there. >> reporter: a lost folks from underarm or over there work at tied point. this goes back and forth all day long. the stimulus money will change this. there was competition for this. baltimore got it. that means they're going to increase the number of routes and keep it for free right now. the water taxi not to be confused with the tourist water taxis that do cost money at the inner harbor. i'm joel d smith. fox 45 morning news. we have liftoff, finally. >> 1, brew butter ignition, and liftoff of endeavour. >> after several attempts the space shuttle endeavour blasted off into space last night. the shuttle is carrying a crew of 7 to the international space station for a 16 day mission. baltimore's golden boy gets top honors at the espn sports award reception. michael phelps won five esp awards last month including male athlete of the year, ending the five year reign of tiger woods. he collected trophies for championship e performance, and best male olympian. still head, she cha-chad her way into the national spotlight. >> maryland's kaitlyn shares her own experience on so you think can you dance. >> reporter: i'm jessica star, coming up this morning, on the hometown hot spot, i'm going to tell you where you can looking for an outdoor concert that is out of aired? check out the mini bands playing on the at the ladew top airy gardens. >> jessica starr is there, good morning, jessica. >> reporter: good morning, guys. this is going to be a live event at ladew gardens. grab your blanket and grab a picnic and come on down. to get a look at the beautiful grounds that are here at ladew gardens but some of the concerts that we will be hearing. good morning, emily emrick. good morning. >> good morning. welcome to ladew. we have concerts every sunday evening. you can buy the tickets at the gate. we have events and programs running throughout the season. all of that information is available at ladew and of course, we're featuring smooth kentucky this sunday evening at the great hall. >> reporter: tell me about the ground. how many acres are there? >> 22 acres alone. 22 garden rooms. and a historic home filled with english antiques. a great place to spend a sunday afternoon. >> reporter: perfect. we also have smooth kentucky this morning. before we get to them real quickly, the weather graphic if you want to come down this sunday and hear smooth kentucky, a temperature of 81 degrees. a beautiful night to come out and check out the beautiful seen airy and -- scenery and hear the beautiful music. guys, take it away this morning. >> 1, 2, 3. ♪ ♪ running low ♪ standing to ♪ ♪ ♪ no looking back ♪ shaking hands with the devil ♪ >> concerts at laare a at ladewe ladew top airy gar en gar begino 8:00 p.m. every sunday. you are not going to find a whole lot for now but with the heat and humidity comes a pretty good promise of a shower here and there with maybe even a thunderstorm, too as we put things into motion. you will see a couple of showers that are trying to move through the eastern shore earlier staying off to the east. back to the west trying to move there with the frontal boundary that will be headed in our direction. some the strongest storms will be down to the south and west even those that have dissipated in the meantime. we're going to see a better chance as we move into the early afternoon of the showers and thunderstorms. it's all because of the frontal boundary that will be moving into the warm moist air ahead of it. a coastal low moves up the i-95 corridor for tomorrow. it looks like brining a chance of showers and thunderstorms tomorrow night and into the overnight period, saturday early in the morning, i think before we dry out for the rest of the weekend. it will be a little bit humid but not as humid as we get into the weekend. let's take a look then at the timeframe for some of these showers. now, i like the timeframe on this feeling pretty comfortable with the timeframe this commuter model is indicating, at 10:00 a chance of a shower here and there. a better chance of a shower around 10 to 1:00 p.m. the 1 thin one thing i'm instany about is the showers. we take a look at computer model. that is what it's indicating any way. the showers for the early afternoon. another chance for showers and thunderstorms for later tomorrow as they move into the western part of the area by the nighttime hours, actually 10:00 and moving in overnight friday night into saturday morning as you can see plainly here around 2:00 a.m. through most of the area and drying out by later in the morning. that is what we are hopeful for, because it means a nicer weekend if it moves through that quickly. the jet stream will be stirring some warm air. it will move through the afternoon hours. 77 degrees at the inner harbor, mostly cloudy skies, should be peaks of sunshine early on those. 62 at the dew point number an indication of the humidity values climbing and that is less than comfortable air mass with that stickiness that you feel in the middle of the center typically. 73 degrees in salisbury, 76 degrees in hagerstown, and we're looking for the temperatures to climb a little bit quicker today getting into the mid-80s by noontime. the chance for a thunderstorm. a 10 to 30% chance and better chance in the central part of the state. 88 degrees for the high. southwest wind 5-10 miles per hour and back to the west we go. temperatures here getting up to 85 degrees, also can't rule showers or thunderstorms. this evening, spotty shower and thunderstorm more isolated in nature. 85 degrees for the overnight low so rather warm for the overnight temperature. look for the temperatures to climb to 85, well into the 80s by noontime. 88 at 6:00 p.m. with temperatures backing off from the 89 a little bit. 88 degrees for tomorrow's high temperature and a chance for the showers later in the day in terms of evening or nighttime. if you're headed to the beach this weekend, 81 degrees for an average high temperature between saturday and sunday and the chance for afternoon showers and thunderstorms, though, they will be more cloud cover than sun, generally speaking and again, it will be cooler then. 82 degrees on sunday, 81 on sunday, looking like a dry period later on sunday into your sunday, though. 81 degrees on monday. can't rule out a thunderstorm later on monday. 82 on tuesday, and 84 on wednesday. also in the afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms possible. fox 45 sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. i radar is available at fox you can use fox 45 powerful radar to track incoming storms. the ente interactive tools let u see when thunderstorms are over your house. go to and click on i-radar. now candace dold has a look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: thanks, steve. we do have new trouble on 95 at the northeast corner and it's big time trouble. there's an accident that shuts down all northbound lanes. it's right between northeast road and route 279. now as for the alternate, you will definitely want to use route 40 instead. now on 95, a little bit farther down, traveling at route 143, there's nothing to complain about. very light activity on the northbound lanes and the southbound stretch headed from howard county, harford county down toward baltimore. traveling along in whitemarsh. it's going to be an extra heavy ride on the southbound lanes. on the beltway, it's a slow go as usual on the outer loop lanes from parkville heading toward towson. the jfx, there's a surprise there. a crash on the northbound lanes, it's right at 28th street. you will want to stick with charles street instead. a very lengthy commute in both direction 695 heading downtown a very hectic, 23-minute ride. of course, we do have the lane and road closures due to artscape festivities. those preparation right side shutting down of mount royal avenue. there's a complete list at the bottom of your screen. ask that preparation is taking place between president and light street. that's a look at morning commute. back to you. still ahead, you don't have to go far to feel like you're a vacation. we have another great get away. next she cha-chad her way into the national spot line. brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. and you should pick me to come to california to be the next happy cow. gimme a c. gimme an a. gimme an l. gimme an i. gimme an f. gimme an, um, o. gimme a, uh, whatever! let's go to california! how do you spell california? announcer: great milk comes from happy cows. happy cows come from california. look for dairy brands with the real california seals. lisa: vote for lisa! look for dairy brands with the real california seals. kaitlyn kenny is the maryland dancing queen. she made it all the way to the top 12 fox's so you think you can dance. kaitlyn was eliminated from the competition last week, but she joins us instudio to talk about her experience. welcome home. >> hi, thank you. >> we are so proud of you around here. do you feel that great sense of pride now that you can breathe? >> it's so funny, because we have been in such a bubble. we have been working so hard. it's such long hours and long days. coming home you forget that it's national t.v. and oh my gosh people see it! >> all of a sudden you're walking through the mall and someone is like -- are you the -- >>that's her. >> so you made it to the top 12, but your tai talent impressed te judges so much that the producers are allowing you to go on the top 10 tour, are you surprised? >> really surprised tallly. they have never done that on the show. they have never a allowed top of the dancers going on the top 10 tour. we were really surprised. that night it's more of a celebration, we're going as a community as the top 12 not just as the top 10. >> let's talk about life on the show during all of these episodes. you're paired with different choreographers and different routine genre. do you think that has a direct impact on the results? >> yes, absolutely. we don't choose what we're given. we don't choose what we dance to or what we wear. we're at their mercy to some degree. you do the best of whatever choreography you're given. it's luck of the draw. i wouldn't have lied i would have loved to see the p -- i went on the show and new style, something out of my comfort zone, you grow more. >> do you have a favorite routine? >> hum, honestly, i think the fox trot. it's funny because it's the fox trot, we called it the fun trot. it's just -- and they had to bribe me to get that dress off. >> it was gorgeous. >> i loved that dress, yeah. >> so there's a lot that we see on camera and obviously the routines, we see those. there's a lot that goes behind the scenes. can you give us a little bit about the inside scoop? >> not too much because it's a closed circuit. i think the one thing that people don't realize about the show is we really do have six hours to learn two pieces. >> wow! >> they think they probably show. but it is 6 hours with the choreographer that we get and that is nothing, especially when it's something out of your style. we would be up, you know all through the night. i remember jay up through the baliwood at 1 or 2:00 in the morning trying to figure out our hands. >> that was so crazy and it was intricate. you made it through that and made it this far. congratulations for everything. small town girl from maryland, hip surgery and she made it to the top 12. congratulation. >>thank you very much. >> so you will see the 10 finalist on so you think you can dance here on fox 45. you ar discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! julia tolbert, tell me your story. well, my irregularity was only occasional. i honestly thought it was just a part of life. what made you first try activia? i saw this ad, and i said, ok, i love yogurt. and it worked. ♪ activia we are just one day away from america's largest free art festival. tomorrow artscape will take over charm city. let's take a look at some the artwork you're going to be seeing. we are joined by angie rubin. i think that the one you brought here is one of the most fabulous pieces. >> this is a nice piece. it's 22 or so inches across. >> it's so pretty. you said there's pieces like this all over the country that you have sold. >> bewe sell to normal people here in baltimore. >> normal people. >> but we also do work for hotels and clients like that. there's 18 of these at the big hotel on the water in florida. >> and they use it as decoration. >> and when you walk in the lobby, there's 18 of these on the wall. >> we're going to put that down. i'm not going to touch it, because i would be the one to drop it? >> we will make more if you did. >> all of these art pieces will be at the sale. >> we have a booth at the artscape and our art gallery. there's other glass artists. >> it's amazing how much time goes into this? >> that's a half hour and 45 minutes. >> for somebody like me. >> it's team work, so it's you and me and maybe. >> i want to ask you. i he no you have been at artscape, is it a good place to be. >> it's fantastic. baltimore has the best art festival in the country. i mean, it's three days, it's free. there's no other place like it in the world and there's a lot of artists out there and everybody should come and see it and buy a lot of art. >> andy, thank you. have fun this weekend. >> artscape is in the bolton hill neighborhood in the arts and entertainment district. on friday and saturday it goes from > welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 8:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. i'm many good morning, i'm megan gilliland. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig to find out how the day is going to be shaping today. >> a little extra press per ant. >> it's good to for them to know that. >> temperatures are going to get into the upper 80s and niz and s and it's going to be warm and sticky especially there. a chance of showers with thunderstorms, too. we have been talking about that through the morning. the thunderstorms best chance 1 or 2:00 as the frofn front pushs through in our direction. 88 degrees for the 6:00 p.m. temperature after hitting the high of 89 or 90 in some places. 77 degrees for the current temperatures so it's already pretty warm out there and more humid certainly with more moi's moisture coming from the south and west and there's the showers right now on the sky hd radar to the north of us and to the south of us and at least not over us. the best chance comes in the afternoon for the showers and maybe even thunderstorms, too. what about what is happening on the roadways now? candace dold knows. she has the traffic edge to let you know. >> reporter: thanks, steve. and good morning. it's going to be a very hectic ride on parts of 95. there's a four car pile up on the northbound lanes. it's right near route 279. and as a result only the left shoulder is getting by. that means you want to use route 40 instead as your alternate. on 95, farther down, it's a pretty heavy ride from mountain road to 695. that's the usual deal on the morning rush. right now we're looking at a lengthy 14-minute commute. 95 through the city at the fort mchenry tunnel, it's congested there, we're looking at a 4-minute ride. and it's pretty slow around northern parkway. the entire stretch from 695 toward the downtown region, a very hectic 23-minute ride there. and we do have an accident on the northbound lanes. it's right at 28 street. that's a look at the morning commute. megan and patrice, back to you. here are the stories we're following this morning. police are investigating a double shooting in baltimore county. it happened just after 9:30 last night in middle river. police say two people were shot near starwood court one of the victims was flown to shock trauma, the other taken to bay view. there's no word on their conditions. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith in fells point this morning whereon weekday mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., dozens of people come here and take water taxis. it's a good program that the city is doing for free but they want to expand it. now they can with $1.9 million of stimulus money. the route is going to expand going to places like canton and trying to sign up people to get them to try it out. water taxis and tourists ones will stay at their normal price, but these are free. they think with the stimulus money, they will get more people to try it. a baltimore police spokesman is back on the job this morning after being suspended for sending a nude photo to a t.v. station. officer troy harris accidentally sent a nude picture from his computer instead of a mug shot. he is back on the force and assigned to a midnight shift. an internal investigation is ongoing. bring your vacation on the golf course, as the spa, dancing to great music and eating delicious food. turf valley resort offers all of that. regina from turf valley resort joins us with all of that. >> getting away to turf valley isn't a -- you do other things, business meetings. >> oh, my goodness. our business meetings are fabulous and we have 40,000 sq. ft. of space. companies use us for board meetings, and retreats, training meetings. >> okay. >> religious conferences and family reunions and you know, they come to meet, but then they stay to play. and they play and play some more on two championship golf courses. >> all right. let's talk about the playing part, because a lot of people want to focus on play. >> let's just relax. >> the golf courses that is definitely one of the big draws at turf valley. >> it is, and we have two beautiful courses, the hialeah and the original. i think the original is a little more forgiving. it's open and wide and the hialeah holes are more narrow. both beautiful courses, it's extremely well-maintained. you can see from the footage that we have here today that it really is just gorgeous. we have golf villas available, 2 and 3 bedroom villas that are extended stay or you can lease them for a month or just a day. the prices are really affordable. >> if you're not necessarily a golfer, that wouldn't be what i would come for. the spas, on the other hand, that i would come for? >> me, too. [ laughter ] >> i tell you more and more, people assume it's the women that come but not anymore. >> right. >> men love an it and are being educated. if you walk in there, i know as the guys were filming, the candles are going and everybody is like, oh, we want to be on that table. you know, it really is and that is booked heavily. so you want to get away for a romantic package, you know, call ahead, make sure you can get that room, or we have many treatment rooms for facials and spa treatments. >> you have that and the restaurant. one of the other good things will turf valley is the location. >> we are located centrally in howard county, 20 minutes from baltimore, 60 minutes from d.c. we're accessible in the tri-state area, probably then, you know, between a half an hour and 2 hours away. when you come down turf valley road, you can leave your cares behind, because it's absolutely -- you can just feel, you know, the serenity. >> we're going to make somebody very happy right now, because you can win a turf valley resort vacation package if you're the 10th caller at (410)481-4545. for more information on our great get getaways log on to a little bird told us where you can get a great meal for half the price. see what the rumor mill is cooking up for this week's dining deals. who will get the nod and who will get overlooked? we will bring you this year's emmy nominations live in just a few minutes. 8:37 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. it is the most prestigious awar in television. we're moments away 61st prime time emmy awards nomination. jim parsons from the gm series and sandra from gray's anatomy is going to present the nominations. it's different this year because in some of the categories they have added an extra person. more people get a chance to get those awards. let's listen to what is going on. [applause]. >> good morning. i'm john shafner chairman of the board of academy of arts and sciences. it's my pleasure to welcome it you to the 62 emmy award announcements. joining me to present the emmy nominations is cha chandra wilsn and jim parsons who stars in the big bang theory. chandra, jim, thank you [ laughter ] >> for joining us. you know, i understand that both of your careers started in houston, texas. is that true. >> yes, absolutely. >> we are really glad that you're here in hollywood, thank you, continue. >> very good. >> all right, thank you john. >> and good morning, everybody. >> chandra, ladies first, please. >> thank you very much, jim. >> the nomination inside the drama series category are "big love," breaking bad, damages, dexter, house, lost, and mad man. the nominations for lead actress in a drama series are sally field, brothers and sisters. kiera sedgwick the closer. and "law and order special victims unit." elizabeth moss, mad man, and hollie hunter, saving grace. >> the nominees for a lead actor in a drama series. are brian cranston, breaking bad. michael c hall, dexter. hugh laurie, house. john hand, man man, and the -- mad man, and simon the mentalist. and the made for television, are could could channel, gray garden, into the storm, prayers for bobby and taking chance. >> okay. the nominees for the miniseries category are "general kill. >> and the nominees for lead actress in a miniseries or movie are, shirley mcclain, could coul--cocochannel. and prayers for bobby. and sandra goremon, accident. >> hello. >> that wasn't on there. that was new. going to the party. [ laughter ] >> the nominees for lead actor in a miniseries or a movie are, kevin kline, brandon gleeson, into the storm. and sir mcclalan. and ke. >> here is the nominees for the lealt competition program. american idol, project runway and top chef. and here are the categories that haven't been announced in this broadcast before. outstanding variety or music comedy series. the nominees are the the coal bare report. the late show with david letterman. realtime with bill marr, and saturday night live. the nominees for lead actress in a comedy series are, julia louie dry fuss, the new adventures. christina applegate, samantha who. and ti tina, faye, and mary lou which is parker, weeds. >> for lead actor in a comedy series the nominees are, jermaine plymouth, and tony chalup, monk, steve correll the office. and alec baldwin, 30 rock. and the jim hudson. >> that was not on there, either. >> i know, they're messing with us. >> well, chandra back to the prompter. that completes the emmy announcements to bring back shawn. >> look at our hands. the nome nations i nominatie entourage, family guy, flight of the concourse, how i met your mother, the office, 30 rock and weeds. >> chandra, jim, you have been great hosts this morning. >> wow! >> a lot of fact. >> we are making the list here. we have five going. house, lost, 24. >>idol and family guy. >> family guy is the only one in that animated category. that would be great if they won that in the comedy series. >> a lot of comedies. >>we will have to see, the emmys are on september 20th. i'm sure we will be following that. right now we need to follow meteorologist steve fertig as geez fogoes footer award when i. things are about to change this afternoon we could have showers and even thunder, too. taking a look at things in motion, you will see more activity moving offshore for the time being. we do have a chance of the showers as a line of showers starts to move in our direction with the cold front that is going to be headed in our direction. you will see it right here. there's the cold front that moves in. the warm air ahead of it sets the stage for a shower and thunderstorm. a coastal low moves up the corridor for tomorrow with a chance of showers and maybe thunderstorms once again. later in the day tomorrow. today could be an earlier event looking at maybe the late morning for a couple of light showers in the northeast. i think for this afternoon, a better chance of seeing showers with thunderstorms here indicating just the northeast, but i think it could be really to be fair, it could be anywhere across state in the afternoon and into the evening as well. it then tapers off a little bit, the coastal low comes up with the north and east, it moves with it showers and thunderstorms into our area by tomorrow night and into the overnight period friday night into saturday it looks like. we do have the jet stream toward the north. it's going to steer a lot of the warm moist way and bring the thunderstorm chances into the afternoon. 77 degrees at the inner harbor. mostly cloudy skies with a southwest wind at 5 miles per hour. the dew point and humidity and that means it's definitely more humid. 77 in baltimore and the same throughout the area. look for the temperatures to climb quickly to the mid-80s by noon. and the mid-80s with the high temperature with the thunderstorm chance. central part of the state getting up to 89 may even hit 90 with the thunderstorm chances for the afternoon. the western part of maryland seeing a chance of a thunderstorm later as the temperatures climb to 89 degrees. tonight, 71, it will be a warm one with a northwest wind at 5-10. the showers tapering off but lingering a little bit. tomorrow a chance of a shower or thunderstorm later at night. a chance of a shower or thunderstorm early on saturday. and drier later in the day saturday. sunday dry, 81 for the high. mostly cloudy. 81, 82, 84 for the monday, tuesday and wednesday for the afternoon and evening thunderstorm chances. fox 45 sky watch radar is at your finger tips. you can use power the powerful radar to see the incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when the showers or thunderstorms are over your house. go to and click on i-radar. now candace dold is back with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thanks, steve. a very hectic ride on northeast corner of 95. it's a northeast road and 279. this is shutdown down all but one lane so you definitely want to use route 40 instead. traveling on 95, farther down, right at route 543, that's a different story, relight activity on the northbound and southbound lanes heading toward baltimore county. it starts to get jammed though, from whitemarsh boulevard heading toward 695, but nothing out of the unusual. you know how the deal is. on the top side of the beltway, it's going to be packed from parkville heading all the way toward towson and the jfx. the southbound side of the jfx is extremely heavy and so is the northbound side that is because of an accident on the northbound lanes that is right at 28 street. that is a look at your morning commute, stay tuned. there's more coming up on fox 45 morning news. sink your teeth into the taste and textures from around the world. it's dining deals day. for $25 you can get a certificate to the rumor mill. we are joined this morning bit chef. good morning to the both of you. we have stuff already going. first tell me what you got cooking here and tell me what is going on at the restaurant. >> absolutely. we have two dishes. one is brine cherries and the new subi duck. and john is going to demo a little stir fry. we have shrimp curry and we're going to finish this with a curry and a nice stir fry thing here. >> that looks really healthy. that is one of the things that your restaurant is known for. >> we are one the healthiest and cleanest restaurants. we have a healthy howard with great flavors, obviously. >> a lot of thing of being healthy is that you use a lot of produce and you get them from this area. >> we have a great time picking stuff and talking to farmers. we have a market menu coming out this saturday and every week we will change that with fresh local ingredients up until end of october. look for that coming out. >> i know my way around the kitchen, but whatever you're talking about, with this dish, this is new to me. talk a little bit, what did you say the name was. >> it's suvi. it's vacuum packed. we took a duck breast and we seasoned it with pepper and cardomon. a lot of chefs say you have expensive ingredients and equipment. you use a bucket of water. what you make your pasta in and we're going to marinade cherries in a brine. we have salt, cherry vinegar and olive oil. we have it over the pot and t going to bring the flavors together and plump the dry cherries. >> they are very -- >> we bring it down and put the cherries across the top. this would be the ducks and cherry dishes. we finish this with olive oil and the pomegranate juice mixed altogether. >> i want to finish this dish. what are you going to do with that dish. that looks very pretty, by the way. >> this is green curry and he is putting sakkei. and green curry, and he is going to put the noodles in there. he is going to toss that together and put it in a great bowl here. this is something we're going to feature during restaurant week in howard county, it's january 27th. >> you mean july. >> july 27th. restaurant week that would be. >> you have so many more things to talk about, but for people to find it out, they have to come to the restaurant. we can't get to everything you possibly have. make sure you get your half off gift card to the rumor mill. for information on how to very nice shot of downtown. we won't look that way later when the rain is coming down. we will see more cloud cover today, you will feel the heat and humidity and a chance of thundershowers. nice and severe weather, comfortable. 88 tomorrow and a liter day thunderstorm possibility, 82 on your saturday and maybe some early showers. then we should dry out 81 for sunday and temperatures stay in the low 80s for monday, tuesday and wednesday, 81, 82 and 84 respectively. can't rule out a shower or storm. it's not going to be an all day event for any of those days. >> warm temperatures, hot, hot. >> hot and humid today and tomorrow. >> sticky absolutely, so get used to it for a couple days. >> we will see you back here tomorrow morning. >> see you. real-time closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning company

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