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next on fox 45 morning news. tragedy strikes the ports world as a former raven is found shot to death. latest developments on the case. why police say the cost on marion barry again. it's not just annoying. why snoring can lead to a symptom of a much bigger problem. we are taking a live look over 95 and whitemarsh where the sun is just rising. many of you getting up for the first day back to work after a very long holiday weekend. hopefully we will see more of that sun as the day continues. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. welcome to fox 45 morning news. patrice harris has the morning off, but meteorologist jessica starr is here to let us know how the morning is going to be shaping up. good morning, jessica. >> it looks pretty good out there, the sun is out. >> it's going to stay that way and for the rest of the week. it's going to be summer-like out there today. although there's showers to the south. if you are traveling to the virginia, there's going to be showers. across maryland and further north into fill and new york, dry and sunny, but to the south they're going to be dealing with an area of pressure center with rain showers and scattered thunderstorms. for us we do have a dense fog advisory for carroll county, and portion into virginia as the area is s sa saturated, if you'e going to travel along i-70 or to the west it's going to be running into fog. take caution. 66 degrees is the current temperature. the kinds are currently varyial and the humidity is up at 66%. the day cast is looking picture perfect as we head out there. some patchy fog and lunchtime for noon, 81 degrees, mostly sunny clouds and a couple of cumulus clouds. and 85 degrees at 6:00 p.m. there's 90s in our forecast. i will have that coming up in a few minutes. first let's check in with candace to see how the roads are doing this morning, candace. >> reporter: wow, jessica. 90s? we're dead in the middle of center. if you're heading out and hitting the roads it's not going to be a busy morning rush, on i-95. we had a disabled car but the good news it's cleared out. here is 95 at whitemarsh boulevard, it's going to be an easy drive. it's just a good crowd headed down toward beltway. as for the entire northeast stretch on mountain road, headed toward the beltways, we're looking at a 20 minute clip. wrapping all the way around 70, that will take 20 minutes. on not southbound lanes from 695 on the jfx nothing to get on your way on the entire main corridor, right now we're looking at a 15-minute commute. that's a look at the morning travels, megan, back to you. we are following breaking news this morning. a confirmed meeti meteor passedr maryland overnight, according to police it crossed harford county. they have not co confirmed whert landed but think the meteor headed into pennsylvania. we are learning new details this morning about the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair and the woman was who found dead alongside him. for now police are calling his death a homicide. joel d smith is here latest and the key word there is his death. >> reporter: that's right. megan. steve mcnair was the father of 4, and he had been dating the woman for months. they met while she was waitressing at dave and busters at gnash wile lville. the two were talking about getting married. they are looking at the possibility that she killed mcnair and then herself. mcnair was shot twice in the head and two more times in the head. she had a fatal gunshot wound on the head and the gun was found under her body. people who knew him in baltimore said he made a positive impact going to many community events. the effect is being felt at tennessee. mcnair's family says it's getting immense support from that community while trying to get over the shock of the news. >> i couldn't believe it. right now i'm still in disbelief a little bit, but h you know, jt the idea, of knowing that he is gone. i mean, i'm in a state of shock. i thank the whole commune theand everybody is in disbelief right now. >> reporter: that was steve mcnair's brother you saw there. mcnair's best years came at tennessee with the super bowl was led to the titans. the mcnair was known as a tough player and played through injuries and found a way to win. right now everybody wants to know how and why his life came to an end. a 5-year-old girl shot last week in southwest baltimore remains in critical condition this morning. raven wyatt was shot. this weekend they arrested lamont davis in connection with the shooting. davis was aiming for another teen but shot the little girl instead. >> i'm happy for her niece and i'm happy for her mother that they did catch the guy. these were sisters. >> davis will be charged as an adult. david fedder beat andy roderick in the title a marathon that lasted more than four hours. at spheive games it was the longest men's final. he broke the record of the final with the 16th win. it allowed him to reclaim the prize from rafael who sat out the turny with a bad knee. find out where you can take a stroll down the yellow brick road coming up in follow the yellow brick road and you end up at a museum in downtown baltimore. geppi's entertainment museum is about to open the yellow road museum. you can check out the tigers and lions there. good morning around at the morning's hot spot. tell us about the exhibit behind you. >> we are going to be launching yellow bricks. >> what are some the things that we could see there? >> well, you're going to see copies, press teen editions of the 4 41s 41 oz novel. and the entire room is decorated from the micah program. some the folks that you see here worked on it. >> we see the students there. how long did it take them to make that? that looks beautiful. >> shorter than you think, but it was an intensive program. they're earning internship credit for it. there's a few things to add in the room as we go, but it's been a spectacular effort for everybody concerned. >> this is something that is going to stay up quite a while here? >> that's right. the exhibit is going to run through 2010 there's time for people to come and check it out. it's a ticketed event. it's an amazing collection of carl bark's painting. carl bark is the man who created scrooge mcduck. the yellow brick at emerald city, is at geppi's me museum. for more information log on to and click on morning news. let's go ahead and follow the yellow brick road over to meteorologist ye jessica starr. >> reporter: we are going to follow the yellow brick road. i always liked the wizard of oz that had the great tornado. let's take a look at the hd radar, and there's showers and thunderstorm activities and clouds to the south. if you have travel plans into southern virginia and into the carolinas, you will be running to rainshowers and thunderstorm activities. back home here, for carroll kaine, and frederick county, and further points west, and south you will have a thunderstorm advisory that will be traveling further west. if you will be traveling further west you will be running into the fog and activity, so you definitely want to travel if you're traveling toward the western portions. we're waking up to a beautiful morning out there. 66 degrees is the current temperature under partly cloudy skies. the humidity is up. the temperatures across the state of maryland on the cool side for july temperatures, 66 degrees for d.c. 66 degrees in baltimore. 65 degrees in dover. a little bit cooler, 55 degrees in maryland this morning. on the future scan model we do have the area of low pressure that was over our area, that brought us the ominous looking clouds to the area. it's going to keep the cloud and rainshowers to the south. further north into pennsylvania we will be dealing with sunny conditions outside for the conditions. all of this thanks to the high pressure system that is going to be dominating our weather. we are going to be dealing with sunny and dry and tranquil weather, get outside and enjoy all of the fabulous weather that you're going to have this week. there's an area of low pressure system that is organizing itself. it will be a weather maker at the end of the weekend. we will watch the system as it starts to organize itself. we will see conditions outside for the daytime. eastern shore forecast, take a day trip to ocean city, a high temperature of 85 degrees with mostly sunny skies and the winds will currently be calm out there for the daytime. central maryland toward baltimore and annapolis, and frederick 86 degrees, mostly sunny skies and the winds out of the north at 5 miles an hour. in the western portions of maryland toward oakland and cumberland, a high temperature of 85 degrees with the winds stronger out of the northwest at 5-10 miles an hour. tonight, 62 degrees, calm conditions and partly cloudy skies, and the winds outs the northwest at 5-mile peer-mile-a. 86 degrees on thursday, for tomorrow partly sunny skies. on wednesday 84 degrees, cooler we will have a couple of more clouds around. we will be back with the cold front that we will watch. look how we warm up toward the end of the workweek. by friday, 87 degrees, partly cloudy skies. close to 87 degrees by friday and sunday. that's a look at the 7 forecast. also remember, fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips. i radar is available at fox you can use the powerful radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow is over your house. go to and check out i-radar. let's go check on the roads with candace. >> reporter: thanks, jessica. if you do have to go back to work, it's not going to be a bad drive o the beltway, just watch out for drey brie. o-- debris. it's on wilkens avenue, not causing a slow go. you will have to use extra caution traveling through the southwest portion. on 695, at 295, it's going to be a pleasant drive, with a lot of room on the cars, with the inner loop lanes and the outer loop stretch heading toward 97. 95 is the breeze on from 695 heading toward 395 and making the push through the tunnels as well. the northbound stretch to the fort mchenry tunnel, right now we're in the greens, we're looking at a quick and easy 6-minute commute. nothing to annoy you on 95, moving through rosedale, heading toward 695, we had an earlier disabled car on the southbound lanes that was right before the beltway and the rosedale region, but here it is at the whitemarsh boulevard, the disabled has been cleared out and now we're seeing the activity picking up, but pretty much so far, we're going in with positive momentum. that's a look at morning travels, megan, back to you. topping this morning's health check, snoring it is not just annoying on you or your significant other. it can be bad for your health. dr. sanjay gup that janes what causes it. >> reporter: when curtis began snoring in his early 50s, kim had to retreat to the couch. >> he would just take a breath in and it would take his breath away. >> reporter: at first curtis thought the snoring would stop. but when he started nodding off at traffic lights for lack of sleep, he knew something was wrong. >> it was later on that i became more aware of the choking and waking up feeling. >> reporter: as you get into the mid-30s, the muscles in the back of our throat begin to weaken losing tone and causing them to fluff to cause snoring. as we get older that area begins to flob further and we have for more of a disposition of the it to bang further. combine that anallin aging and g gets worse. as the muscles begin to get lax, in the 40s and, medication that we begin to take can cause snoring. >> sedatives can cause snoring. so there's narcotics in particular that selectively make that back of your throat floppy. >> reporter: some some cases sleep apnea can occur. many think that snoring is a part of a busy lifestyle, but when snoring begins to affect your sleeping habits, you may have apnea. >> in the daytime symptoms typically are sleepiness, problems with concentration, patients may have trouble waking up in the morning. >> reporter: because sleep apnea periodically deprives your brain of oxygen many patients can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, memory problems, weight gain and depression. it's a good idea to get your self checked out. curtis christian son who had sleep apnea, had high blood pressure. since he got to checked, he has it under control. still ahead get your fix of thrillers at the video store. are you sure. >> we have a sneak peek at the scary dvds hitting store shelves this week coming up in the low down. i am sandra endo in encino, california where the jackson family michael jackson's fans now know if they will get the chance to attend the pop singer's final farewell. as many of them head to california for the big even, los angeles officials brace for what is expected to be a very star studded andy motionnastudded an. good morning, s sandra. >> reporter: good morning, megan. today is the big rush for fans to make the rush for the coveted seats. final preparations are underway at the staples center for a farewell that is expected to attract massive clouds. but the public memorials for michael jackson is for ticketed participants only. out of the 1.6 million who entered online for a lottery event. only a few were notified that they were selected. >> we never thought we would be picked. >> reporter: details of the farewell program had not been released but supporters of the pop icon says that the memorial should be a tribute to the singer's accomplishments, not his troubles or the mysterious cause of death. >> we want people to know what they already know is that michael jackson was a star. we don't want that to cloud it. >> reporter: whether they have a ticket to the event or a seat to watch it on the worldwide feed. >> i want people to know that michael jackson was a great influence and i want to mourn with them. >> i hope to see a great tribute. >> reporter: and security is going to be extremely tight around the staples center. law enforcement officials say if you don't have a ticket or a wristband, stay away from the staples center from downtown los angeles. the jackson family is working with the officials from the fort lawn cemetery, here in los angeles for a private memorial said to take place before the public farewell. live in encino, california, sandra endo. back to you. for those thousands of fans who may not get a ticket and may not be able to attend the memorial, is there a place for them to go to be a part of this. >> reporter: we are hearing that some locations across the los angeles are going to be holding viewing parties, especially an african-american church will be showing the memorial on a big jumbo tron and areas throughout the country will have their own little watch parties as well. organizers say if you don't have a ticket or ri served seat, make sure you stay online, or watch it later after you get home from work, because security here will be very, very tight. >> sandra, thank you so much. still ahead, it's back to work on wall street after a long holliday weekend. what is on the agenda for investors this week? >> he was a very nice guy. and steve mcnair's death is ruled a bank failures have more than doubled over the past year and it's costing the government a lot to insure your deposits. stan case has more in today's business breevment. >> reporter: wall street took the day off celebrating the 4th of july a day in advance, but six regional banks in illinois and one in texas have no reason to celebrate. the federal deposit insurance shut them down late thursday. the closure will cost the government more than $14 million. you're looking a branch of founders bank, 52 banks total have failed this year. more than double the number of all of 2008. the dollar has had a roller coaster ride during this recession, causing some people to question the dollar as the longstanding as the reserve currency. now the dollar is getting crucial support. a top japanese economic official says the top country should continue to support the dollar. the group of five will meet with a group of the powers. diversifying the world's money system could be a topic. a child dies after being left in a hot car. how long does it take for the temperatures in your hot car to reach dea - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh! good morning. welcome back to fox 45 morning news. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the morning off. for many of you, though, it's back to work after the long holiday workweek. before you hit the snooze snooze button, we have good news for you. and meteorologist jessica starr has a look at the good news you you may need more light in your bedroom to get you outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. it's going to stick around for most of the workweek. hd radar is dry right now but there's showers and thunderstorms to the south. if you do have travel plans for southern virginia and into the carolinas, will you run into clouds and rainshowers. back home, we're going to be dealing with clear skies. there's a dense fog advisory for carroll county, and western portions of south into virginia. if you have travels out toward the west or i-70, take it easy, because the visibility will be low this morning. 66 degrees, partly cloudy skies. the humidity is up a little bit at 73%. the day cast is looking beautiful outside today. low humidity and a lost sunshine, we saw beautiful sunrise at 5:46 this morning. lunchtime get out spend joy it, 81 degrees. and cumulus colludes will develop, partly cloudy skies at 6:00 p.m. there's 90s by the end of the workweek. i will have that but first let's check in with candace to see how the roads are doing this morning. candace. >> reporter: thanks, it's going to be a pretty picture. if you head back to work, that is going to be good news for you. starting out on the main lines, coming out the of northwest corner, taking it from westminister pike heading toward 695, right now we're looking at is 6-minute commute. toward wilkens avenue, nothing to get in your way there, we're looking at an 8-minute ride there. traveling on howard county, from route 99, making the trek toward 495, so far, we're in the green. we're looking at a 29-minute ride. that's a look at your morning travels. megan, back to you. we are learning new details this morning about the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair. police are now saying it's a homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend alongside a 20-year-old woman both shot to death. many are calling the woman his girlfriend. now we're finding out from the woman's sister she thought the two had a future together. joel d smith is here. what a strange situation, steve mcnair was the married father of four, but had been dating kazemi for months. they had met while she was waitressing at david busters in nashville of the the two were talking about getting married, soon. they are looking into the possibility that she killed mcnair and then herself. mcnair was shot twice in the head, twor more times in the head with kazemi's body at her feet. she had gunshot wound to the head and the gun was found under her body. while mcnair spent the bulk of his career in tennessee, ravens officials say that fans here got to know him, too. >> i think the community saw that he was a regular guy, a good guy. they had a chance to meet him. because he would go to the high school, the hospital and the community event. in a short two years with us, he met a lot of people in the area and they got a sense of who he was beyond the football field. >> reporter: mcnair's best years as a pro came in tennessee where he led the titans to a super bowl in 2000. his best season was in 2006 where the ravens had a record of 2-3. mcnair had a gun registered with police but they are not saying if that was the one found underneath kazemi. they say there's no other suspects right now. two people are dead after a stab in downtown baltimore. it happened around 2:00 at lombard at president street. one of the victims is in critical condition, two people have been arrested. a deadly light rail accident is under investigation this morning after the bodies of two teens were found on the tracks yesterday. one teen died, the other was flown to shock trauma with serious injuries. they're bodies were spotted near the lutherville station yesterday afternoon. today the mta is inspecting every one of its trains looking for damage. they asking any of the passengers who may have seen something. we just don't know what circumstances led them to being on the tracks. none of our operators report any incidents. >> police have not released the identities of the victims. well, horror in what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth. two monorail trains collide in disney world, killing one disney world and sending another to the hospital. tracy jothan reports. >> reporter: all you have to do is take a look at monorail trains mangled into one and the driver of the second one is dead is no surprise. this picture taken by a disney guest, a guest who said he road that monorail earlier in the day. he described what he saw when he walked up to the platform on 2:00 a.m. to get on a monorail train to his car. >> there was an emergency crew driving up to the scene at the same time. and they were trying to get the guy out who was in the driver of the train, the one that -- the purple one hit the pink one. either ones wasn't moving at all and was going very slowly. >> reporter: the other one must have been coming from where to where. >> it was coming from epcot. >> reporter: the platform, debris, shock and remnants of something that had never happened before. another employee jumps on top of the train, desperate to get the employee out. >> there were no way of getting him out without cutting the trains apart because they were fused together from the accident. >> reporter: a disme bus driver event actually drove him and his friend to the car. there's a safety feature along the mon rail that prevents two trains from getting that close to each other unless one over rides the system. we asked the president and he says that he could not answer. the investigation continues, but he did make a statement. >> you know, hour hearts go out to austin and austin's family and the co-workers who worked with him and liked him. you know, it's a bad day. >> reporter: the monorail was shutdown indefinitely until all the hows and whys are answered. at disney tracy dratum fox news. >> marchion barry is in trouble again. he was arrested after a woman flagged down police and told them that barry was stalking her. barry says he is a victim of trying to help someone and then having it used against him. >> mr. barr rehas over a period of time, lended his friendship and his support to at accuser. >> this is not -- >> to many stages of instability. >> and it's not the first time barry has been in trouble with the law. in 1990 he was videotaped smoking crack cocaine and spent six months in jail for that. barry served four terms as mayor and is a d.c. councilman now. still to come, get your fix of thrill earers at the video s. we have a sneak peek at the scary dvds hitting store shelves this week coming up in the low down. it's never easy to head back to work after a long holiday weekend. but we have good news out on the roadways. check out 295, at 695, welcome back. 6:40 is the time. on this monday sunny morning. outside today we are going to be dealing with beautiful weather and temperatures in the mid-80s. just a picture perfect, light day outside today. on sky hd regional radar, you can see we're dry and that is the way we're going to stay. if you have travel plans down to south and virginia and the carl carolinas, you're going to run into showers. that activity is going to stay to the south. we do have a dense fog advisory earlier this morning for the western portions of maryland and down toward the southern portions and northern portions of virginia as well. if you're traveling along i-70 this morning, definitely take it easy, because the visit acts wilvisibilitieswill be limited . the kinds are currently calm and the wind is up at 73%. the temperatures are july like temperatures out there, feeling more like late spring temperatures out there. 66 degrees in baltimore, 63 degrees in d.c. 60 degrees in hagerstown, and 60 degrees over toward dill bert. on the future scan model. there's ominous clouds for sunday and that activity has pushed toward the south. that is going to stay to the south. for 1:00 today for the lunch hour, we're going to be dealing with widespread sunshine. take a look outside if you can today. even by 8:00 p.m. we leb dealine dealing with beautiful sunset for today. most of the workweek we will be dealing with dry and tranquil weather and a lot of sunshine for the work. there's an area of high pressure system that will be coming out of pacific north west that we will watch the system. by the time the system makes its way all the way to the east coast it will be this weekend. it will give us a chance for rainshowers by friday and the weekend for saturday. otherwise the workweek is looking very nice, very dry and very funny as well. if you have taken a day trip for ocean city, a high temperature of 85 degrees. mostly sunny skies and the winds will be calm out there for the daytime today. into central maryland 86 degrees, widespread sunshine, with the winds light out of the north at 5 miles an hour. in central maryland toward oakland and cumberland, 85 degrees, mostly sunny skies, an easy forecast for out there today with the winds out of the northwest at the 5-10 miles per hour. overnight tonight, partly cloudy skies and over night temperature at 62 degrees with the winds out of the west at 5 miles an hour. the seven-day forecast looking very summer-like, but on the cool side. we will warm up but we're going to stay dry throughout the workweek. 86 for today and tomorrow. a couple of more clouds for wednesday and thursday, that is going to allow the temperatures to stay in the low 80s. as we look toward friday, 86 degrees for the high temperature. we're going to have warm air moving in here and humidity id conditions. that will allow for a chance of thunderstorms to pop up on both in the afternoon on saturday as well as sunday. the weekend is going to be decent, not going to be a complete wash out as well. i-radar is available at fox interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. just go over to and click on i-radar. let's go to candace and see how the roads are. thanks, jessica. we have nice weather for us on monday morning. we have an easy commute to the roadways starting out on the main lines we're in the clear. on 695 at 295 in the southwest corner, a tranquil ride both the center looinner loop and outer s heading toward 97. all the way toward the entire west side stretch. the beltway at liberty road, nothing to complain about on the inner loop and outer loop there. the cars are traveling at posted speeds there. on the top end it remains in the green from greenspring avenue, make the push toward the jfx. right now we're looking at a quick and easy 4-minute ride. from to yo to towson toward parn 95, we had a disabled car the northeast corner before the beltway. here it is now, and we have the building conditions but no major slowing on either the northbound or the southbound lanes heading toward the 695 exit. that's a look at [ sizzling ] i don't know... i feel pretty good! let's try to finish it off. working in the hot sun. with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice, you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. liven up your afternoon with a small coolatta for only $1.99 today. new morning, police are ruling the death of ravens quarterback steve mcnair as a homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend along a 20-year-old woman. both were shot to death. two he people are in the hospital this often after a stabbing around downtown baltimore. it happened at 2:00, at lombard and president street. one of the victims is in critical condition. two people have been arrest. a short trip to the grocery store a trip here and there, can turn deadly for kids and pets left inside of a car. just last week in ellicott city, a toddler was tuned dead. she was left in the driveway for 9 hours while her mother was in the home. parents claim that their daily routine changed and that is what caused them to leave the child alone. officials are speaking out after this tragedy reminding people of that extreme danger. dr. beale son is here to talk about this danger. it really is. you don't think of how hot it can get n that this case, the car got up to 120 degrees. >> an external temperatures can turn into an internal oven of 130 to 170 degrees. even cracking the window a couple of inches in the low 80s outdoors that car will get to 110 degrees in less than 15 minutes. it's very, very dangerous. >> just shorter randz goin shord it's never good to leave a pet inside of that car. >> in terms of preventing this from happening is never leave a child unattended in a car. there's a few things to avert to do this as well. because kids are getting good at computer and other kinds of devices, keep keys and remote away from children. keep the cars door locked. the 3-year-old, could very easily, my 3-year-old could very easily know how to open the door by clicking the electronic key. keep that out of reach. teach your kids not to play in or around cars. and most importantly do not leave children, pets or the very elderly alone in the car for any period of time. >> if you are walking through a parking lot and you look into a car and you see a young child in there, what are the signs of heatstroke. how do you know if they're okay? >> you're got going to see the signs of heatstroke which is confusing. the child's system is not going to be able to regulate their heat how should he pond to heat. you immediately call 911. 911 can get there immediately, i would recommend potentially breaking a window it's that dangerous. >> a lot of people think maybe they shouldn't, they don't want to intrude, but this is life or death. >> it is life or death. this happens all the time, particularly in the hot weather months, but even in the spring and the fall. rolling down the window two inches it can get 110 to inches in that car in 15 minutes. >> would that be in the shade. >> if it's in the shade, it's less dangerous, but the most important thing is don't leave a child unattended in a car. >> that's the key thing. a lot of people think if they leave the car running with the air on. i think that is what you were stressing with unlocking the doors, it's not save under any conditions. >> absolutely. one very useful tid bid, although i have five kids and i have never left a kid in car, people have very busy lives and i guess, can forget that the child is in the car. so to keep you reminded that the child is there, put a purse, a gym bag, whatever is needed at your next stop in the back seat by your child so that would preclude you from forgetting that your child is back there. most importantly don't leave a child unattended in the car. >> bottom line is this illegal. >> yes. there's laws in the state of law to leaving not only children, but pets unattended in the a car and they can result in imprisonment. the worst punishment to a parent can if they leave a child in car. we wasn't to avoid that at any cost. dr. bealeson, thank you for coming in. a record-breaking final at will beawill bellwimbledon. you know, deer, you know what i think it is, jim, i think somebody got stabbed in the back. i don't want to jump to conclusion. >>next it's a case of a good cop gone hilarious. we have a sneak peek at the re , to get aood nighs sleeay try 2-layeambienr. first yer dives ic.. to help yofall asleep. first yer and ke dives ic.. other sleep aids, , don't drive or opete machinery. sleepwalking, and ng odrivin.. while not fully awake memo losfothe en.. asorl haors. as wl such as beg more outing or aggssthanorl, as it may increase these behaviors. allergiceaions chs ortness of bath, ellingf yo tongu throat y occu.. diins,nd heache. inatnts with dreion, worsen depression, ou experiee any the behaviors or reactions... contyour docto immediel wake up ady for youray-- in the mood for some mind-boggling movies? we suggest check out the latest dvd releases. candace dold can tell us what is new in the low down. good morning, candace. >> reporter: good morning, megan. every type of paranormal activity will be making its way into your living room. we begin with the movie "push." what could be more frightening than having the power to move things with your mind. people use that powerful for evil. that is the concept behind the action flick "push." nick is a second generation mover. he decides to use his abilities for good and take down the agencies which uses the tactics to remove that organization. even though 9 nicholas chane doesn't have the paranormal skills, he stumbles into a message hidden in a 50-year-old time capsule. as he realized the pinpoint of the message. >> i have matched the dates to every mange desaster in perfect sequence. >> reporter: it could cause worldwide destruction. >> is everything okay? >> i'm sorry, sir, but you need to get back to your car. >> anybody hurt. >> a couple of injuries, but nothing serious. >> get down. get away. >> i need an exorism performed. if you want thrills mixed with chills, look up the unborn. she is haunted by spirits who are trying to take over her body. what sets this movie across from the horror films. if you have had enough of the scary movies, how about watching cops behaving badly. >> 1, 2. >> they are back. season back of reno911 is available on dvd. plus the forest fight crime on their own style. >> you're going to end up -- >> after much anticipation, funny man, sasha bar re. we got rob bots robots and . what else is going on? >> they're the big story. as for now, the result was a draw. based on the estimates, ice age, dawn of the dinosaurs, and transformers weighed in with an estimated 42.5 million. you have take into account that is from friday and saturday. we have to see what exactly sunday did. historhistorically, sunday doest rock the boat too much. they were both sequels, and ice age within the first five days did not do as well as the former one, the melt down. whereas transformers skyrocketed within the first day alone. we will have to wait and see what the sunday numbers bring, but it might be closed. roger federer was looking to make history in the wimbledon final, but could the american andy roddick stand in his site? they say that the woman you got a lot of kids across the track all the time. >> a deadly accident on the light rail tracks, why officials aren't sure if two teens were actually hit by a train. he was a genuinely nice guy, down to earth. >> steve mcnair is ruled a homicide. his connection to the woman he was found dead with. the players who are going to represent baltimore the american league all-star team. good morning. welcome to fox 45 morning news. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the morning off. and we're beginning to morning with breaking newsment a confirmed meteor passed over maryland overnight. according to police it crossed harford county, headed north around 1:00 a.m. they have not confirmed where it landed or even if it did, but they think that the meteor was headed toward pennsylvania. the fact that it was clear had something to do with how people saw this. the skies were clear, if you were up late last night or early this morning, you definitely would have been able to see the meteor and the light that it had. it moved so fast through the earth's atmosphere. it makes the meteor burn. >> it will be interesting if they find any signs of this, if anything hit or anyone has some pictures. i'm sure those will be developing. >> reporter: it makes you think how small we really are, when you think of the universe and the earth and the big size. for us weather wise, we're dealing with clear skies. we're waking up to a sunny day across the state of maryland. there's showers travel plans toward virginia and the carolinas, you will run into rainshowers. for us, we do have a dense fog advisory for carroll county, and portions into virginia as well. if you're traveling along i-70, take it easy, because visibility will be small this morning. 68 degrees at the inner harbor, winds are currently calm, humidity is at 65% out there. it's a little bit muggy out there this morning, but by lunchtime warming up to 88 degrees, partly cloudy skies at 6:00 p.m. with the temperature at 85 degrees. there are some hot and muggy conditions that will be headed our way. i will tell you when that is coming up in a few minutes. first let's check in with candace to see how the roads are this morning. candace. >> reporter: thanks, jessica. it's head back to work on monday after the long weekend. if you're heading out on the main lines, not too much to complain about. we do have one new incident. it's actually some debris and it's a tire tread, in fact. it's on the northbound lanes of route 29. that is right at route 100, but we don't have any significant delays as a result of that. on the southbound side, it's just build with the volume there from route 9 heading toward 495, right now we're looking at a 34-minute commute. around 5:30 this morning, that was about 27 minutes, it's definitely starting to pick up a bit. heading on the eastbound lanes at 70, through howard county on route 29, taking it toward 695, we're looking at a 5-minute commute. the entire west side stretch of the beltway, so far no stretch of cars yet. from liberty road down to wilkens avenue that, is will only take 5 minutes. that's a look at morning thrastles. travels. megan, back to you. we're learning new details this morning about the death of former ravens quarterback steve macmcnair, police are saying ita homicide. mcnair was found alongside of a 20-year-old woman, both of them shot to death. many are calling the woman his girlfriend. now we're learning from the woman's family she thought they had a future together worse relearned a memorial service will be held on thursday in tennessee. his funeral will be happening in the state of mississippi probably on saturday. steve mcnair was a married father of 4 but police say he had been dating this woman kazemi for months. pictures from tmz shows the pair. they had been dating and they had met. police are saying they are checking into the possibility that she killed mcnair and shot herself. mcnair was shot twice in the chest and kazemi's body had a fatal gunshot wound to the head. the ka kazemi's sister said that they were talking and were talking about getting married soon. >> theshe was very young, and vy pretty, very loving. she would never hurt a person, outgoing. really, very independent, very strong. >> reporter: of course, steve mcnair went to alcorn state university and played most of the his seasons with the titans. the last two seasons he played are the ravens. back to the case, steve mcnair had a gun registered with police but they're not saying if that was the one found underneath kazemi, they're saying there's no other suspects they're following. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. a deadly light rail accident is under investigation after the bodies of two teens were found on the tracks yesterday. one of those teens died, the other was flown to shock trauma with serious injuries. they'rthey're bodies were spottd along the lutherville station. the maryland transportation, says it's unclear what happened to the boys. today the mta is inspecting every one of their trains looking for damage on the trains. they're looking for the passengers who may have seen something. >> we don't know what circumstances led them to being on the tracks. police have not released the identities of the victims police are searching for the suspect in a violent weekend robbery in federal hill. police say the victim was attacked about 5:00 on saturday and the 200 block of sea highway. he was treated and released from the hospital. police are also looking for two men involved in a deadly shooting in aberdeen. it happened around 3:00 on sunday at an apartment complex on preach aired avenue. eyewitnesses say two men drove away in a black audi, the victim has not been identified. another person has been sickened by carbon monoxide. one resident was taken to the hospital for tram treatment. a number of people who live there, have gotten sick from co, many in the last few weeks. in 2005, many people died from it at the apartment complex. they are asking the library system to change the hours to the location. the central library has shorter weekday hours. the hamilton herring run and light straight branches are closed on fridays. and the southeast library is closed on the sunday. the telephone service doesn't offer late night hours for answering questions including homework help. we will go to where you can see memories from the wizard announcer: what if you could rewrite your hair's past and give it a whole new life? introducing a transformation in hair care. new aveeno nourish plus. only aveeno has harnessed the power of active naturals' wheat complex in formulas that target and fortify the weakest parts of hair, proven to help visibly repair damage in just three washes. - for stronger, shinier-- - hair with life. announcer: write a new story for your hair. the new aveeno nourish plus collection. that's the beauty of nature and science. the new aveeno nourish plus collection. there's no place like home and pretty soon you won't even have to click your heels three times to get to oz. that's because it's coming here to baltimore. jeegeppi's entertain museum is opening to the yellow brick road. good morning, chris. >> good morning, how are you? >> good and you're one of the artists behind the artwork behind you. >> hum, yeah, actually, it's right over there. that's my piece over there. this is a piece by maggie and she is over here, too. >> that is the tin man, we're looking at right there? >> yep, that is my piece right there. i'm sorry, go ahead. >> i was going to ask you, all of the artwork behind you, you guys are all students from micah, right. >> yes, we're all rising senior illustration majors and we are have the chair illustration department. we all kind of designed a piece here and all the pieces here at the exhibit. we each did a character from the story. >> uh-huh. >> and a flying monkey and we also did, these window pieces here, too. >> well, i'm still looking at your tin man exhibit right there. why did you pick him? >> i always kind of liked that character. i liked that he was kind of one of the earlier robots of our culture. i thought it was pretty interesting, too. >> it's amazing how many people know about the wizard of oz and how it has impacted american culture. you guys learned about that in your research and artistic work? >> yes, we did a lot of research in coming up with designs for the characters. we saw a spin on the characters crying to give it a unique interpretation as that hasn't been seen before. >> you are very tail inned taleo are your classmates, as well. thank you for sharing that with us this morning. >> no problem. it's at geppi's museum from july 17th through 2010. so many good characters, i can't decide which one is my favorite. i do like the flying monkeys, but i'm a dog lover. i loved totto as well. most of the conditions right now are dry. we had a lot of clouds around yesterday for sunday and we were cool. this system has spushe pushed ie south into the carolinas. for us we will be deal withing h mostly clear skies. there's a fog advisory for portions into virginia as well. if you're traveling along i-70 toward westminister, you will run into fog, limited visibility, so definitely take it easy and give yourself plenty of room the car from front of you. the winds are currently calm at this hour and humidity is up a little bit at 65%. state temperatures across the state of maryland a little bit on the cool side unlike temperatures for july. 66 degrees in baltimore. 64 degrees at d.c. 59 degrees at hagerstown and 59 degrees at oakland, maryland. temperatures will rebound nicely with all of the sunshine that we're going to get today. there's the area of low pressure system that was hanging around that area yesterday. that's now down to the south. around 1:00 today, we will be dealing with bright sunshine for most of the daytime for today all thanks to the area of high pressure system that is going to fill in here and dominate our weather for the next 36 to 48 hours around here. it's going to build very nicely, dry and sunny weather for today and for tuesday. there will be another system that will be coming out of the pacific northwest organizing its self. this is the system that we are going to watch because it could bring severe weather toward our area, toward the end of the workweek. that's a couple of weekends away and organizing itself. in the meantime we're going to be dealing with a driver condition temperatures out there as well. eastern maryland toward baltimore in columbia. mostly sunny skies, get out and enjoy with the winds to the north at 5 miles an hour. take a trip toward the western portions of maryland, cumberland, a very nice summer-like day today outside. the winds out of the west, very calm and light right around 5 miles an hour. the seven-day forecast looking very summer-like as well. as we look toward tuesday, 86, mostly sunny skies, a couple of more clouds around for wednesday and thursday. that will keep our temperatures down just a little bit. as we look toward friday, yech degrees for the high temperature, and look at saturday, pushing close to 90 degrees by saturday. 88 degrees by sunday, just a slight chance of storms that pop up with the heat and humidity that will be returning by the end of the workweek. now remember, fox 45 sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. i radar is available at you can use doppler radar to track incoming storms. go to and click on i radar. let's check in with candace to she how the roads are. >> reporter: thanks, jessica. it's going to be a pretty picture on many of the main lines, but we do have one incident to talk about on route 29. there's some debris. in fact, there's a tire tread on the northbound lanes of 29. it's right at route 100. we don't have any significant delays as a result of it. so need to take an alternate route. be aware that will be through that corridor. as far as the commute on 29, heading toward 70, it's going to be a pretty picture there and the same case on the route 70 on the southbound lanes. of course, jessica was talking about the fog headed toward the west. be aware of that, but we don't have any incidents as a result. just moderate congestion on the eastbound lanes heading from 29 all the way toward 695. once on the beltway, at liberty road, we then are doin pretty wl this morning, check it out, on the inner and outer loop lanes heading toward 795. there's one accident in the area, it's on the secondary road, duman road at richwood avenue. now zipping back on to the beltway headed through catonsville, things are picking up but no delays through the route 40 area, heading toward 295. at the beltway at 295, cars are zipping along both the inner is outer loop stretch. there's a new incident, there's a new one in fact. the westbound cars of 695. and again, no need to seek an alternate there. things are just fine, just be aware that that could garner your attention. that's a look at the morning travels. megan, back to you. coming up a very violent earl either morning here in baltimore. -- early on morning here in baltimore. the latest into the new this morning, police are ruling the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair a homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend alongside a 20-year-old woman, both were shot to death. a federal bankruptcy judge says general motors can sell the bulk of its assets to a new company potentially clearing the way for the auto mak automaker e from braps. bankruptcy. the sale is needed to avoid iroperable harm to gm. the retrieval of the bankruptcy protection, hinges on of leaving many of its costs and liabilities. two people are in the hospital after a stabbing in downtown baltimore. it happened around 2:00 at lombard at president's street. one of the victim's is in critical condition. two people have been arrested. senate democrats secure the 60 vote majority. will it give them an edge over the republicans? and governor sarah palin calls it quits. what is behind her resignation. john did di to shed some light on these resignations. when she announced this, she used the analogy of a point guard. what is she talking about here. what is her goal here? >> it sounds like rambling nonsense because kobe bryant shoots the ball in the 4th quarter. i think what she has made is a political mistake by doing this, because she has fallen in love with herself and the popularity she has in the lower 4 48 state. hillary clinton has suffered far more arrows, and her fa family s suffered more ridicule than she has suffered. the excuse she is using makes no sense. she may run in 2012, but she hit the peak of her political power. >> she not saying whether it's family or political. she is saying that she is a lame duck governor. whatever the reason s that okay to stop the term. >> it's not okay to quit when the job isn't done. there's still a lot of financial problems in alaska regarding the budget and everything else. she is not done with her job. mark sanford, yes, he should quit. sarah palin should stick it out. >> is this the end of sarah palin. >> i think she is going to try to run for president, but i don't think she is going to get as far as she thinks she will. >> let's move on to the senate democrat. they ruled that it will go to the 60 democrats. it will be a magic number to lead the gop filibuster. >> it gives them an edge as far as breaking filbusters. but the problem is senator byrd and senator kennedy is very sick and old. if have you a crisis, you have to get them in just to do the vote. republicans are going to try to make as much trouble as possible in order to make it more difficult. economy is having problems. republicans want to stop, may may be able to because of that. >> even if byrd and kennedy would be healthy and they would be able to vote, that doesn't mean that they all would be voting democrat. >> that's correct. this could give nine democrats to cover a vote that stops the filbuster, but a measure against the that the president is proposing. we want to know what you think about sarah palin's resignation. it's the question of the day. do you think is the end of sarah palin's political career? we will take your calls later, or you can send us a tweet at paying tribute to the king of pop. details of >>more than 30,000 people are currently on the waiting list for federal housing assistance and some advocates say the city is not doing enough to help them. we are here with the investigative is joining us with more this morning. >> good morning to you. >> what does this all mean? >> in the last years, the housing authority has been demonthlyishing housing without replace them. >> they're saying that the city is not helping to replace the houses. >> they need to stop demolishing housing are. for every public unit of housing that it takes down it needs to replace it some. >> do you think that it will happen. >> at this point, the housing commissioner says that it's not a realistic plan, for various reasons. but the public housing advocates have called for this before. it's not a new call. will this time be different? it's hard to say. >> there's a nibbed ha neighbort is involved in all of this? >> it's an example of the tensions that have taken in public housing. >> why is there tension. why are they so concerned. had is everywhere in the city? >> right. well, everywhere in the city, public housing is mixed economic communities, mixing public housing, homeowners and renters. this this particular community, tension between the homeowners, and public housing people have led management to put very stringent rules. >> rules like that? >> you can't be out on your front stoop. you need to have your door closed. >> do you they see a resolution coming out of this? what are they hoping to come out of this? >> they are hoping to have the rules overturned and have more freedom in their neighborhoods. >> very interesting, ben, thank you very much. coming up roger federer was looking to make history good morning and welcome back to fox 45 morning news. the time now is 7:30. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the morning off today. the talk of our newsroom is a confirmed meteor that has passed over maryland overnight. according to police it crossed over harford county. they have not confirmed or even if it landed but they think that the meteor headed into pennsylvania. it's been causing a lot of talk. and we have been talking to meteorologist jessica starr to use her weather knowledge to see how they spotted this. >> we had clear skies, and mother nature decided to give us her own fir fireworks. the heat puts off a light and that is what people saw. i'm curious to see if there's any remnants of it. most of them fall and they're in the size of rocks. depending on how big it is, i hope we followed the story. >> outer space, saw our fireworks and wanted in on it. >> the aliens saw the fireworks and wanted one on us. we did see some clouds yesterday and that system is pushing down to the south to the sky watch regional radar. there's rainshowers to the south. those are going to stay to the south. we do have a fog advisory that is for portions of western maryland and northern portions of virginia as well. if you're traveling along i-70 this morning, toward westminister, will you come into contact with limited visibility. definitely take it easy and give yourself some space in front of the car in front of you. otherwise, we will be dealing with a lot of shine, out there -- sunshine, comfortable temperatures. the humidity is at 65%. and the day cast for today if you're planning out your day today, at noon lunch hour 81 degrees, mostly sunny skies, take the lunch outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. we will have a couple of cumulous clouds and partly cloudy skies by 6:00 p.m. 85 degrees, but there's hot and muggy conditions that will be making their way into the mid-atlantic by the end of the workweek. i will have that coming up in a few minutes. first, let's check in with candace and the traffic edge record. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. if you're headed back to work this morning, it's not going to be a bad of a ride out there. we have one incident to talk about a disabled on the northbound lanes of 97 it's right before 695. we don't have any major delays as a result of t you don't need to take an alternate route, but be aware that it's going to be there. headed on 695 at 295, in the southwest corner, here it is, a pretty picture, both the inner and outer loop lanes headed toward the 97 exit. as far as the entire west side stretch, the moderate congestion that it's building. here is looking at commute. that will take 4 minutes and veering off on the southbound lanes of 83, making the trek into the downtown region from 695 so far so good, we're only looking at a 15-minute ride. that's a look at the morning travels, megan, back to you. we are learning new details this morning about the death of former raven quarterback steve mcnair. police are now saying it's a homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend alongside a 20-year-old woman, both of them shot to death. and now police say she is the prime suspect. joel d smith is here with the latest. good morning, joel. police are calling that woman his girlfriend. we learned a memorial service for mcnair will be held on tuesday athursday at tennessee s funeral is scheduled for saturday at mississippi. he was the father of four but had he been dating this woman kazemi for months. they met while she was waitressing at david busters at nashville. kazemi's sister says they were talking about getting married soon. police are looking at the possibility that she killed mcnair and then shot herself. mcnair was shot dwight i twice d two more times in the chest. a fatal gunshot wound was found on her head and the gun was found under her body. people who knew him in baltimore, said that mcnair was known here. but the real loss is being felt in tennessee. mcnair's family is getting a lot of support from that community while trying to get over the shock of news. >> right now i'm still in disbelief a little bit. it's just idea, you know, of knowing that he is gone and i mean, it's just, i'm just in a state of shock. to think that the whole community and everybody is in disbelief right now. >> reporter: mcnair's best years as a pro came in tennessee where he led the titans to the super bowl in 2000. steve mcnair had a gun registered with police but they're not saying if that was the one found underneath ka kaz. three sayinthey're saying rights no other suspects they're following. joel d smith. fox 45 morning news. the 5-year-old girl shot last week in southwest baltimore remains in critical condition. raven white was shot thursday afternoon. this weekend police arrested 17-year-old lamont davis in connection with that shooting. investigators say davis was aiming for another teen, but shot the little girl instead. >> i'm just happy for my niece and i'm happy for her mother that they did catch the guy. this was senseless. >> davis is charged with attempted murder. he will be charged as an adult. two people are in the hospital this morning after a stabbing in downtown baltimore. it happened around 2:00 this morning at lombard and president street. one of the victims is in critical condition. this morning, two people have been arrested. former dc mayor marion barry is in trouble with the law. he was rested on saturday at the d.c. park after a woman flagged down police and told them barry was stocking her. he was charged with a misdemeanor approximate -- and released. barry says that he is the victim of trying to help them and then having it turned against him. >> he has lent his friendship and the support for the accuser through her many stages of instability. >> it's not the first time barry has been in trouble with the law. in 1990 he was videotaped smoking crack cocaine and spent six months in jail for that. marion served as governor and is now a d.c. councilman. read the story and more on the washington times. tara walls has this morning's briefing. >> reporter: good morning, here is some the stories we are watching from washington today. despite calling for an end to the cold war mentality, when president obama sits down with russian president today it may seem like the cold war is still raging. the two leaders far a port on nuclear -- apart on nuclear arms reduction are expected to face-off over plans for missile defense. both governments expect an announcement will be made to produce some sort of brain work agreement setting the stage for an eventual treaty to redoes the number of nuclear war heads and delivery systems in each con coy as arsenal. a washington times reporter cap inurecaptured in iran has been released. he traveled to the country to cover the presidential election was arrested at tehran's airport on june 17th, while preparing to leave in the vote aftermath iranian government let him go on sunday with no charges filed. greek diplomats are credited with securing his release. and sarah palin is firing back at cri critics after her at decision to resign as governor of alaska. he says hang in there as they feed false input as i enter into the decision not to run again, end quote. palin who made th the the annout over the holiday weekend with hill explanation depunked speculation that her resignation was linked to a rumored fbi investigation. that is some of what we are following at washington times. i'm tara walls. back to you. read more on those stories, by logging on to and clicking on washington times. a public memorial for michael jackson will take place tomorrow at staples center at los angeles. this morning fans are finding out if they're one of the 8700 people who win a pair of tickets. 1.6 million people registered on line for those tickets. many fans say even if they're not chosen, they still plan to participate in the tribute how far they can. jennifer hudson is said to be performing but details are still being worked out. sarah palin is calling it quits, but there's still no word on what she plans to do in the future. we want to know what you think? that's the question of the day. do you think is the end of sarah palin's political career? we are taking your welcome back. 7:40 is the time on this sunny july morning. across the state of maryland we're dealing with widespread sunshine but there's showers down into the lower portions of virginia and the carolinas. that's the system that brought us the clouds but today, we're not going to be dealing with a lot of clouds out there as well. today we have a dense fog advisory for carroll county. and portions of western maryland and portions of northern virginia. if you're traveling along westminister along i-70. you will have limited visibility. definitely give yourself sometime for the car lengths in front of because we will be running into fog. temperatures out there at the inner harbor, a beautiful morning, 68 degrees the winds are calm. the humidity is right around 65% and that will be lowering as we -- and decreasing throughout the daytime for today. state temperatures across the state of maryland are fairly comfortable morning for july temperatures across the state of maryland. 64 degrees in d.c. 68 degrees in baltimore. a little bit cooler, 57 degrees in the higher elevations of maryland toward oakland, maryland as well. the area of lower pressure system that was hanging over our area yesterday, that system is going to be pushing toward the south. dry weather and tranquil weather around 1:00 today for your lunch hour. we will be dealing with widespread sunshine so take the lunch break outside. by 8:00 tonight, we will have beautiful sunshine thanks to the area of high pressure system that is going to bring nice weather that is going to be moving nicely into our area for today and most of the workweek as well. there will be another system that will be organizing itself in the pacific northwest. watch this system, but that is going to be a couple of days away, more or less toward the end of the workweek. in the workweek we will see rainshowers and hot and humid conditions as well. for today we will be dealing with a lot sunshine for today. if you have a time to take a day trip on ocean city, a beautiful day, 85 degrees with the wind calm and a lot of sunshine out there. pretty much the same story over the state of maryland, central maryland 85 degrees, and an ample amount of sunshine, toward oakland and cumberland, 85 degrees for a high temperature, a very comfortable 62 degrees overnight tonight with the winds out of the west at 5 miles an hour. and the seven-day forecast, we're headed for a dry stretch. you're going to have to put the water on if you're going to water the sprinkles. we're not going to see any precipitation. 86 on tuesday, a couple of more clouds on wednesday and thursday, keeping the temperatures down into the low 80s. 84 degrees on wednesday, and back into the upper 80s toward the end of the workweek. 87 degrees by friday, and saturday and sunday hot and humid conditions, close to 90 degrees and 88 degrees with a high temperature on sunday with a slight chance of showers to pop up in the hot and humid mass that is moving in. i radar is available at and you can use the powerful radar to track incoming storms. you can see when the rain or snow will be over your house. to check on the tooz go to we're smack in the middle of the morning rush and now we have activity at the fort mchenry tunnel. it's an accident on the southbound lanes. this crash is on the exit of the left tube. you will definitely want to stick with 895 or 695 and scoot around the key bridge as your alternate route. crews are responding to the scene. we're definitely going to see the cars pick up quickly. they're headed all the way down with the flashing lights. as far as the bel beltway is concerned headed on 695 and 295, there it is on the inner and outer loop lanes. there's nothing to get in the way on both directions. it's going to be the same case moderate congestion to get to catonsville. it's on edmond son avenue. but that is on the secondary roadways. things aren't doing too bad as far as the beltway is concerned which is a bit of relief if you're headed back to work on the early monday morning. so 695, at liberty road, look at this scene it's going to be light activity oner loop lanes and the inner loop direction heading toward 795. inside of the beltway, we do have one dent as to tal -- accio talk about on dumond road at bridge avenue. back to you. alaskan governor sarah palin hands in her resignation, but there's no word what she plans to do in the future. we want to know what you think about that? do you think this is the end of sarah palin's political career. call us right now at (410)481-4545 or send us a tweet at fox baltimore. 7:45 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. çñçñçñ stepping down as governor of alaska, the former vp candidate made announcement on friday. details of her future plans are under wraps. lieutenant governor shawn parnel listen worn in later this month. we want to know what you think of this? is this the end of sarah palin's political pa career? right now we have carolyn on the phone. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> i am fine. >> what did you think about sarah palin. >> i think it's the end. there's a reason for her stepping down and it's going to come out soon. >> what do you think is the reason? >> one i don't want to say. it's the end of her career. it will be in the front news. >> a lot of people say it may have to thin be with her family. >> that may a part of it and something to do with a couple of kids, too. >> another person is on the line, sharon, good morning. >> this is your mother from pittsburgh watching you live in fox 45 baltimore. >> this is my mother. what do you think about sarah a pin l palin. >> i think it's the beginning of the end. i think it's important to finish what you start before moving on in the horizon. >> she is a lame duck. she is on to bigger and better. do you think she needs to focus on the bigger and better. do you finish her job here? >> i think you take care of what you started. you don't move on to bigger and better. >> thank you, mom for calling in? >> great job,meg. >> louise is calling in. what do you think about sarah palin. is this the end for her? >> i saw her when she was on cnn. she talks in riddles and she is an airhead. >> what i do dow think sh do yos an airhead. >> she doesn't make any sense when she was running for vice president. >> we did get a tweet. we want to go to our twitter page. we have the response from michael andrew. whatever is sarah palin's future we wish her and her family much luck. we love and respect her. >> we will be taking the tweets throughout the day. keep sending them to the player had a is going to replace baltimore in the all-star team. and roger federer was looking to make many surfaces that seem smooth and strong... ...are actually susceptible to irreversible damage. your teeth are no different. everyday acids can cause irreversible loss of enamel. new crest pro-health enamel shield protects against... ...enamel loss by forming a micro-thin shield against acid attack. only crest pro-health toothpastes... ...protect all these areas dentists check most. save your enamel. once it's gone, it can be gone for good. new crest pro-health enamel shield. also shield with the rinse. >>a record-breaking 15 grand slam title. the swiss master beat andy rock roddick in an that lasted more than 4 hours. it was the longest grand final, federer broke pete san prase of the all and the victory allowed federer to claim the prize from rafael nadal who set out this time with a bad knee. good morning, everybody. here is your first look at sports. steve mcnair's death has officially been ruled a homicide. they have not yet classified the death of his female companion. there's rising speculation that there was a murder-suicide. police found a semiautomatic pistol under the woma woman's b. a national spokesman was asked about the homicide and his response, quote we're ruling nothing out. he played here in 2007 and has strong friendships with many of his former teammates. the news of his death has rocked the franchise. >> it's stunning news. you think in our business he was an older player, but when you see a 36 years old, a young man, one of whom is going to be a senior in high school being recruited by the some of the schools that recruited steve. everybody knows him as the warrior player who played with injuries and all of that toughness. we saw a guy with a great smile. a guy who fit in right away, because he came to a team that was established. he gets us to a game against the colts. unfortunately we lost. i think the one thing he gave his team more than anything else is a sense of calm. along with that confidence that he can do and carry them to a higher level and he did. >> not a base -- now to dais ball. the angels are a better team in the game. it's tough to beat them in their place, too. it's tougher when you blow a lead. the orioles did it on saturday and yesterday they did it again. blew another 4-run lead and dropped the series. roberts sends one high to the left center. the lead off solo home run, the 8th of the year, and the orioles yusm out t jump out to . they beat one to the center, he will come into score, robert andino being raved home as well. dino is safe, bye, roberts many bottom of the 3rd, la bottom to the nothing. deep center field and so is the head of adam jones and billy bar stools. here is the lay pro, big and somehow avoided the tag from wheaters. the angels trail. not anymore, guerero, with the two deep run homer. second straight game with one as well. game tied at 5. the top of the 6th, the birds answer as the rookie leaders, and check out the bauet ball carrier. and the game tied at 6 and the wheels fall off of the o's, with the bases loaded. that forces a brhu home with the run. angels up 7-6. napoli forces another run. anaheim, top of the 8th, those trying to get a rally going, mora, and but hunt they leave robbing mora of a hit. it was that kind of day for the birds. they lose to the angels 9-6 dropping the 4 game series. the word was that adam jones was a superstar in the making. yesterday some affirmation. jones was selected to the american league all-star game. the only oriole selected. he is only 23 years old and he is hitting 307. 4-6 runs batted in. joe madden sees a lot of that on of jones and that makes it more special with the fields center fielder. >> i'm happy that you are selected among our peers. but still a lot of work to be done. i'm happy up to this point especially with a man in our division. someone that is seeing last year and this year seeing the growth and progress that we made. it's pretty cool. >> the all-star game, tuesday, july 14th, you will se ( chirping, music ) ♪ pop-tarts®! i'll have a frosted strawberry... as an ice cream . ♪ chocolate fudge... on a stick please! ( crunch ) with the endless possibilities of kellogg's® pop-tarts, it's sure to be a picture perfect summer. pop-tarts®. made for fun™. my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia >>next to fox 45 morning news, tragedy strikes the sports world as a former raven is found shot to death. latest developments on the case. why police clamps the cuffs on marion barry again. she stars in the new movie "away we go," maggie miden hall joins us good morning and welcome to fox 45 morning news. today is monday, july sifnlgt many o6th.many of you getting uo work after a long holiday. luckily the weather panned out for us. we should check with meteorologist jessica starr to see how the weather is panning for us right now. it's not that bad. it's going to stay that way for most of the workweek. that is good news it will make it easier as you head out driving. >> a little bit easier. >> the sunshine will be out there for most of the time today. we had clouds yesterday. they have pushed down toward the south as we are showing you regional radar. they're dealing with rainshowers, but for baltimore we're dealing with clear skies for most of the day and the remainder of the workweek as well. we will see a couple of clouds, but this morning, we do have a dense fog advisory in effect, toward maryland county, and portions of northern virginia as well. if you are traveling along i-70 as well this morning, toward westminister, you will have limited visibility. this dense fog advisory is in effect for another hour or so until 9:00 a.m. the temperatures are warming up quite nicely. winds are currently calm and the humidity will decreasing throughout the day today. 55% is the current humidity percentage rate and the day cast for today at noon, 81 degrees, mostly sunny skies. at lunch hour by noon, we will be dealing with more sunshine around, 85 degrees. we will be warming up quite nice for the workweek. i will tell you when the 90s reappear in the seven-day forecast but first let's check with kass dan with th candace wc edge report. >> reporter: 90s. we now are dealing with a new accident at the fort knac fort y tunnel. you could use 695 and wraparound the key bridge. both of those corridors are incident free. heading on 95, the entire northeast stretch from mountain road down toward 695, we are running pretty heavy right now. we're looking at a lengthy 4-minute commute. on the beltway the outer loop lanes from route 7:02 in the same vicinity wrapping toward 70 in the outer loop direction that, will take 28 minutes. moderate congestion not as bad usual but it's definitely a gruegoodcrude there. heading toward the east fayette street, so far so good, we're only looking at a 15-minute ride. that's a look at the morning travels. megan, back to you. we're learning new details this morning about the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair. police are now saying it's a homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend alongside a 20-year-old woman, both of them found shot to death. many are calling the woman his girlfriend. now we're learning from the woman's girlfriend, she thought the two had a future together. here is joel d smith. we just learned memorial service for mcnair will be held on tuesday. the funeral will be followed on saturday at mississippi his home state. he had been dating this woman, kazemi for months in. they met while she was waitressing at dave and busters in nashville. kazemi's death has not been classified. they're looking into the possibility that she killed mcnair and then herself. mcnair was shot in the head and two more times in the chest with kazemi's body at his feet. she had a fatal gunshot wound to the head, and the gun found under her body. they can't imagine kazemi as the murderer. >> she was very young and very loving. she would never a person, outgoing, really very independent, very strong. >> mcnair went to alcorn state university and played 15 seasons with the nfl. most with the tennessee titans, but the last two with the baltimore ravens. he led the ravens to a 13-2 record in 2006. mcnair had a gun registered with police, but they are not saying if that was the one found under kazemi. they are also not saying if there's other suspects they're following. joel d smith. a light rail accident is under investigation this afternoon after the bodies of two teens were found under the tracks yesterday. one of those teens died, the other was flown to shock trauma with serious injuries. their bodies were spotted around west richly road yesterday afternoon. joe greene says it's unclear what happened to the boys. today the mta is inspecting one of those trains looking for damage. they're also asking for help for any chajer passengers who may hn something. >> we don't know what circumstances led them to being on the tracks. none of our operators report any incidents. >> police have not released the identities of those victims. two people are in the hospital this morning after a stabbing in downtown baltimore. it happened around 2:00 this morning at lombard and president's street. one of the victims is in critical condition. this morning, two people have been arrested. former d.c. mayor marion barry is in trouble with the law. marion was arrested on saturday at a d.c. park after a woman flagged down police and told them that barry was stalking him. they say that he is a victim of trying to help somebody and having it used against him. >> mr. barr rehas over a period of time lended his friendship and his support to the accuser through her many stages of instability. >> it's not the first time barry has been in trouble with the law. back in 1990 he was videotaped smoking crack cocaine and spent six months in jail. he served four terms in yale and righ-- in jail and now he-- and. councilman. the light straight branches are closed on friday. and the southeast anchor library is closed on sunday. the telephone reference no long every officers late night hours for all kinds of questions including homework help. roger federer won the title. he beat andy roddick in an epic 5 set marathon that lasted for more than five hours. at 77 games it was the longest final and grand slam history. he broke the record of sampra. is also a allowed federer to claim the world ranking from rafael nadal who watt dow sat oe title with a knee injury. temperatures will be getting warmer straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. show us what we're going to see at the exhibit. >> we celebrate the history of the oz legacy. we are here with one of the students who made the artwork. the scare crow is his work. from alfrank and some the authors that followed him as well as items related to the namfamous 1939 movie which is hw many people still remember oz today. >> it's amazing how many people remember the wizard of oz and it's amazing of how much it has impacted american culture. >> it's undeniable. for generation after generations of children, wizard of oz is a powerful story and a great testament of the manage nation. -- manag imagination. we're happy at the museum to pay tribute to that. >> and we are looking behind you and it's a beautiful artwork. >> they have dedicated a blog where they are chronicled all of the work they have done at the exhibit. our website is the scwep jeep pegeppi' we're going to have to follow the yellow brick road right to you. >> thank you for all the work showing us this morning no problem. it's going to be running through january of 2002010. for more information, log on to and click on morning news. for today, we are going to be dealing with warm temperature. we're dealing with clear skies right now. there's rainshowers to the south. this the system that brought us the ominous looking clouds yesterday for sunday, that system is well to the bringing the carolinas rainshowers and clouds this morning. we do have a dense fog advisory in effect for carroll county toward the western portions of maryland and the northern portions of virginia. if you're traveling along i-70 toward westminister, you will come in contact with dense fog and visibility as well. take it easy a if you're on the roadways, and only 45 minutes and that will be lifted out of our area. current temperatures at the inner harbor, 73 degrees at and the humidity is at 55%. the temperatures across state of maryland, fairly comfortable temperatures out there. continue degrees at hagerstown, an68 degrees at dover over the l mar peninsula. for today for maryland and most of the northeast we will be dealing with widespread sunshine. at lunchtime at 1:00, get outside and enjoy ample amp of t of sunshine. as the area of high pressure system is going to be overcontrol dominating our weather bringing in quiet weather to our area. there's an area that is organizing itself in the pacific northwest. this system will be moving into our area, but not until the end of the work. we will watch the system organize itself, because it could bring us severe weather by the end of the workweek. temperatures will be getting close to 90 degrees by the end of the workweek. 85 degrees for the high temperature under mostly sunny skies. the winds will be calm out there for most of the day for today. central maryland a beautiful summer day today. if you have a chance to go to a pool or a long walk, today is a nice day to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. if you are headed toward western portions of maryland a nice day, and cumberland, and a pretty easy forecast for the next couple of days. winds will be calm. 7 day forecast we're headed for a dry stretch. you want to turn the sprinklers on and give water to the grass out there. 84 degrees by wednesday, 82 degrees on thursday, a little bit cooler will be dealing with a couple of clouds for thursday. 84 degrees by friday. and hot and humid conditions by the weekend, close to 90 degrees by saturday and 88 degrees by sunday. we will see pop up thundershowers, friday and saturday. i-radar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful radar to track incoming storms and interactive tools to see when rain and/or snow will be over your house. go to and click on i-radar. let's go to candace and see how the roads are doing this morning. >> reporter: thanks, jessica. as we head into the 8:00 hour, we are starting to pick up problems out there. it's at the fort mack henry tunnel. it's going to slow things at the exit of the left 2. as a result you will want to stick with 895 or across 695 and head on the key bridge as an alternate. once we get past that accident scene, headed from 395 toward the beltway on the southbound lanes, we're in the clear. we will definitely take that. that is going to be a bit of relief after all of the flashing lights. on the beltway here it is at 295, a tranquil ride on the outer loop lanes on 695 and the inner loop stretch heading toward wilkens avenue. now there's a crash on the inner loop lanes, that is right between wilkens after and frederick road. that is where we're starting to see the activity starting to con greet ocongregate on the inner p direction. here it is on 695 at liberty road, check this out, light activity on the outer loop and inner loop lanes heading toward 795. that's a look at your morning travels. megan, let's turn it over to you. thank you, candace. all, morning we have been taking your tweets and comments regarding sarah palin and her he is significanresignation as govf alaska >> sarah palin should quit. the reason why she stepped will come eventually. >> we got one prosecut from ran. i think her political career is over. she should go into modeling. >> very interesting comments. keep them coming. we will read your responses live on the air. >> still ahead saying goodbye to the king of pop. the final memorial plans for michael jackson and the star-studded lineup at the service. next from batman to the dark night, maggie dillon takes us to the scenes of the new comedy "away we go" ( chirping, music ) ♪ as an iccream sandwi. ♪ chocolate fudge... on a stick pleas ( crunch ) with the endless psibilities of kellogg's® pop-tarts, it se to be a picture perfect summer. pop-tarts®. made for fun™. are in the mood for something different. action! no, cartoon! i like to make it a bit more relaxing with an air aromatherapy fragrance. i love how air wick aromatherapy uses fruit and flower essential oils to inspire the right kind of mood. mmm... lavender and chamomile. aaah. and when they're relaxed, i'm relaxed. choose the mood that's right for your home. air wick. it's good to be home. >>tell us a little bit about what this movie is about? >> it's about two people who are going to have a baby and wander through a few cities, most of them in america, but also montreal trying to figure out where they want their home to be and how they want to raise their kid. >> and they're basing how they want to raise their kids on some of the other families that they come across. are you one of those families. >> i am. they come to visit me and i play a kind of a real hippie mom who -- is way over on the spectrum of kind of hippie parenting. >> i haven't seen the film, but i have seen the preview. and the preview of talking about how you don't want the stroller because you don't want to push your baby away. that made me laugh out loud. >> i think everybody knows people like that. i have a little of that in me. i definitely have a stroller, but everyone these days have a little bit of that around everywhere. she is extreme with that. i thought it was really funny, too. >> the movie opened in just limited release. what was it about it that you think just connected with people, that they said, let's do this much bigger? >> i just think it's a -- i mean when i saw it, it's interesting. when i see a movie i'm in, i don't have the objectivity to be moved by it, usually. this one, i have such a tiny little part in it. i'm just a cameo. when i saw it, it had the same kind of impact that it might have on any kind of audience member. i felt like the people in the movie we're dealing with, are dealing with similar things that i'm dealing with. i have a young daughter. i'm trying to make a family and a home and failing at it some times. and succeeding at other times. that's what the movie is about, kind of struggling through this part in this our lives struggling through living. i found it very compassionate and i felt like -- i don't know -- it made me think, oh, other people are sort of thinking about the say things isle thinking about? >> i got that, too. i'm jrchg shoe anxious to see i. i wish you continued success and thank you for joining us this morning. >> "away we çñçñçñ chael jackson fans now know if they will get to attend the pop singer's final farewell. as many head to the california for the big event. officials brace for what is expected to be a very starred studded event. sandra. >> reporter: good morning, megan, today is the big rush to 9,000 lucky fans to claim their tickets to a coveted seat and say goodbye to the king of pop. final preparations are underway at the staples center for an event expected to attract massive crowds. but the memorial is for ticketed people only. only 8,750 were notified by e-mail yesterday that they were selected. to get into the memorial, they will need to first pick up their tickets and wrist bands at dodgers stadium. >> we never thought that we would be picked. >> reporter: details of the farewell program had not been released but supporters of the pop icon say that the memorial should be a tribute to the singer's accomplishments and not his troubles or the mysterious cause of death. >> we want people to know that michael jackson was a historic figure. we don't want that to cloud it. do we want to cover it up, absolutely not. >> reporter: whether they have a ticket to the event or plan to watch it on a video wide feed. fans look forward to the farewell. >> i want to be with people who feel that michael jackson was a great influence and i want to mourn with them. >> i hope to see a good tribute. >> reporter: security is going to be extremely tight around the staples center. law enforcement officials say if you don't have a ticket and the wristband stay away from downtown los angeles. watch it at home, on t.v. or even online. now the jackson family is working with officials from the fort lawn cemetery. they're planning a private memorial exented to be held expd before the private farewell. >> we're getting rumors that singer jennifer hudson may be singing there. is there anything we know about the memorial. >> reporter: amazing after all of this talk about his death and the rumor flying around about what possibly caused his death as well. officialers and organizers are tight-lipped about the program itself. there's very little leagues in terms of who will be performing. they're expecting a star-studded event, a very emotional tribute to the king of pop. jennifer hudson is a confirmed singer that will be performing, but not yet sure who else will be in the line up. >> sandra, thank you so much. still to come a food network star right here in baltimore. blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. good morning and welcome back to fox 45 morning news. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the morning off. you may be a little upset it's back to work, but it's a beautiful, sunny morning. not too bad. don't hit the snooze button so quick. jessica starr is here to tell us why you should get out of bed. >> it's going to be sunny. >> gorgeous and not just today. >> not just today, most of the workweek should be sunny and pretty as well. we had a pretty 4th of july. we got the fireworks off at the inner harbor. it's all good. you will definitely want to wake-up with us as well. there are rainshowers to the south and had a is the system that brought us the ominous looking clouds yesterday. we're going to stay dry for the daytime throughout today. if are headed ward the western portions of frederick and portions of virginia have a fog advisory. about another half hour or so. if you have travel plans to travel on i-70, you will come in contact with limited visibility. 73 degrees at the inner harbor, partly cloudy skies. the winds are currently calm and the humidity is at bie 55%. at noon today, 81 degrees, moste sunny skies, a beautiful lunch hour and a couple of counci cums clouds will be developing. partly cloudy skies but there's hot and humid conditions and thunderstorms headed our way. i will tell you when that is, coming up in just a few minutes. firsts let's thifirst let's cheh candace and the traffic edge report. >> reporter: we do have some relief and cleared out on the 795, it's right at the fort mchenry tunnel, so that is good news for us. it's heavy, we have periods of on and heavy spots. we're looking at a 10-minute commute. traveling outer loop lanes of the beltway from route 702 all the way round to 70, that outer loop stretch not doing too bad. a lot lighter than usual. we will take that, we're looking at a 30-minute commute. on the southbound lanes of the jfx taking from the 695 down toward east fayette street, nothing to get in the way there, we're only looking at a 15-minute ride. that's a look at the morning travels, megan, back to you. here are the stories we are following this morning. police are ruling the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair say homicide. mcnair was found over the weekend alongside of a 20-year-old woman, both found shot to death. two people are in hospital this morning after a stabbing in downtown baltimore. it happened at 2:00 in baltimore, at lombard and president street. two people have been arrested. a federal bankruptcy judge says that the general motors can sell the bum bein bulk of its aa new company. the judge ruled late last night that the sale is needed to avoid immediate and iroperable harm to irreparable ham gif harm to gm. it will allow the automaker to leave behind much of its debt. duff goldman and his crew have gone the hearts of the nation. they consider themselves a quaint but not quite ordinary cake shop. jennifer gives us a look at the cake business. >> reporter: if you watch the food network, you will recognize the atmosphere, the bases and that significant laugh [ laughter ] >> reporter: the charming cakes made here are featured in the hit show ace of cakes. >> make it bigger, fatter and make it awesome. >> now the show is on all over the europe. it's all over south america. i really want to make the guy who dubbed my voice. >> reporter: not bad for a guy who calls himself a red neck from massachusetts. >> small town, 3 stop lights and nine cops. i came to baltimore for under grad. there was something about baltimore that i loved it. >> reporter: with the new backdrop came a new culinary style. >> i did my first competition. i came in there and i had a bunch of tools. why do you have a belt sander? i was why don't you have one. >> reporter: duff decided to begin his business on the same way he decorates his cake on his own terms. >> i wanted to play music and i wanted to be able to go on tour. i would block out dates. that would be when i would go on tour. still to this day, we are still operating on that. >> reporter: now we balances a wig being with a bass guitar and can be gone for weeks at a time leaving the product up to a staff that shares his unique enus that amp. >> everybody who works here, i went to college with. i have known for a long time or they're like a friend of a friend. >> reporter: working for duff is exactly what it looks like on television. >> i maybe started with an idea of, hey, let's make these cakes sort of twisted, a little bit different but they have taken a their own effect. >> blinking lights on it and the lights spun around. there's plenty of places to get a sheet cake with your kid's picture photo shopped on top of it, we don't do that. >> reporter: once ace of cakes began airing, audiences were stuck to duff and his crew like fondant to butter cream. >> it's definitely weird. i started the bakery thinking that i will be able to pay my bills and be in a band, right? now we get stopped all the time for autographs. >> it's been a great thing to do, because we are not performers. it's not like i loved you in this movie or i love you on this album. it's like we love you. >> i'm a big fan. no, i don't get sick of hearing that. i love hearing that. say it again. hit me one more time. >> reporter: the bakery's reputation is rubbing off on the city that can calls home. >> one of the biggest joys that the show has brought to us is that baltimore is known for something fun. >> baltimore gets a bad rap. i travel all over the place. people are like, you are from baltimore. >> people say oh the wire, and the homicide. that's a true side of the city, but it's not all of the city. >> it's also music and art and food and culture and a you this other things. >> reporter: t the -- a thousand other things. >> reporter: it's the passion for the city that keeps duff grounded here despite his growing fame. >> i feel like we won the lottery. >> reporter: bought when it comes to it, he runs a bakery, not a reality show. >> there's plenty of other people that ar are may be bette. but the fact that the food network show us gives us a sense of gratitude. but we could still kick martha stewart's. if your mouth is watering like mine is. if you are interested in ordering a cake, they do not come cheap. duff is in high demand. they start at $1,000. but you can get more information on the bake decree b bakery by o why dozens of pianos are popping up on street all over london. hi, everyone. we're the we hear a lot about green trends and companies who say they're serious about the environment, but who is actually matching their actions with their promises. with record oil prices raising the cost of importing goods, some companies are changing the way their products are being made. you might see that detergents are being made in more concentrated versions. that means that they are using containers that require less petroleum to manufacturing. fewer shipping cartons with reduce the amount of trips needed to get the units from the pacfactory to retail stores. googles has committed to helping technologies on plugging hybrids on a large scale and to accelerate the technology through direct investment. wal-mart has highlighted t-shirts made from recycles bottles. go to and for more on how these companies are going green. i'm jill cortis. to learn more about brighter living, go to we're waking up to a bright morning and what looks to be a bright week. meteorologist jessica starr is here to tell us more. yes, a beautiful morning out there. a lot of sunshine. temperatures are cool, but they're going to warm up nicely with a lot of sunshine out there today. taking a look at the inner harbor, a lot of sunshine. a couple of boats out there. water taxis will be busy throughout the daytime. partly cloudy skies and the winds are calm and the humidity is high at 73% we're dry, and there's a system down to the south that is bringing rainshowers as well as thunderstorms, but this system will stay well to the south. we will be dealing with clear skies today and a lot of sunshine out there as well. we do still have the dense fog advisory in effect for another 20 minutes for carroll county, frederick county and portions toward the western portions of maryland, there's northern portions of virginia as well with limited visibility. give yourself extra time if you are traveling toward the western portions of maryland. 73 degrees, partly cloudy skies, the winds are currently calm and the humidity is at 55%. state temperatures around the state of maryland, 73 degrees is the current temperature at baltimore, 68 degrees in d.c. the lower portion of the delmarva anyone 9 cul peninsul. and we have the ominous looking clouds yesterday, that system is going to stay well to the south is we're doing to be dealing with a lot of sunshine. the system is going to be building and bringing us dryny weather and most of the workweek as well. watch the system, it will take sometime to make its way toward the eastern united states. it will bring in hot and humid air toward our region, toward the end of the workweek and into the weekend, we're talking close to 90s by saturday. for today, for monday, a beautiful day in store. high temperature of 85 degrees. mostmostly sunny skies and the s will be calm out there. get outside to enjoy the weather. and those winds very light out of the north at 5 miles per hour. central maryland pretty much the same story across most of maryland as well. cumberland and oakland, 45 degrees and an ample amount of sunshine, a beautiful comfortable day in store for us. the winds out of the west at 5 miles an hour. 5 day forecast, 86 degrees for tomorrow. a couple of more clouds for wednesday and thursday keeping our temperatures down a little bit. if you look toward friday, 87 degrees, partly cloudy skies with a look of saturday and sunday, temperatures getting close to 90 degrees. the hot and humid air mass and the temperatures developing for the afternoon hours both for saturday and sunday. the sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. i-radar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar for the incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow is over your house. go to and click on i-radar. let's go to candace on the roads. >> reporter: the map is starting to fill up with a lot of graphics and that means a lot of accidents out there, especially on the main lines. in fact, on the beltway, we have a crash on the inner loop lanes, it shuts down all inner loop lanes of 695. it's right at frederick road. and if that isn't bad enough, we still have a crash at the same direction at wilkens avenue. this southwest portion of the beltway is going to be a pretty hectic ride out there. now, here it is on the beltway at 295, and we don't have many delays as a result. in fact, a very pretty picture. this is definitely some relief. be aware that going further up is where you will encounter problems. on 95, a new problem to talk about, is a new crash on the southbound lanes between kay ton avenue, and 695. crews are responding to the scene as we speak. we will continue to keep you updated on this one. as for now. flashing lights will grab your attention. we did just clear accident on the southbound side at the fort mchenry tunnel. you still want to use 895 and wraparound the harbor tunnel or 695 and scoot around the key bridge. that's because we have residual delays as a result. traveling up on the northeast corner, here it is at whitemarsh boulevard and we're loving this right now. definitely a lot lighter tharn normathannormal on the southboud headed toward 695. these conditions are changing, but you can keep up with them round the clock with personalized traffic reports for your travels. just log on it and click on traffic efnlgd. that'edge. that's a look at the morning commute. megan, back to you. still head, tick the ivory. ♪ >> why dozens of pianist are popping up on streets all over london. hi everyone, we're the clever cleaver i never thought it could happen n to me... a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor. joy fresh seafood in the sunshine this summer. the clever cleaver brothers are here to show us how to make salad with grilled shrimp. >> good morning. >> good to see you, steve. >> i'm lee and i'm city and together we are the clever cleaver brothers! we have a salad. >> you start with a half a pound of shrimp. go with any size you want. >> those are shrimp. >> i like the big july g jumbo . >> you can go jumbo. >> we're going to coat our shrimp with half of the cup of the cholula hot sauce. it's not going to overwhelm the recipe with heat. it's called the favorable fire. >> how long is that going to stay on there. >> about a half an hour. >> we are going to throw them on the grill. you can put them on the container and when it's time to cook them up, can you do it ahead of time. >> now we are going to make our salad. i'm going to go with cucumber. we're going to go with one cucumber that is peeled and chopped. >> how about a half of pepper. >> red, on. >> one can of pineapple. >> and mandarin oranges, one can, steve as well. drained. >> how about pecans. >> how about it? >> you guys throw so much in there, but it all works. >> it's good for you. you put in race sinns. rais, ins,. >>can he go with cur rants. >> and the shrimp that steve is grill over here. we grilled some ahead of time. that is what we got here. that is going to go in the grilled shrimp. we give it a pretoss. and then we're going to top it off. we're going to go with the seasoned rice vinegar, a roasted pepper, and we're eg going to splash it on. it's half a cup. it's great because it's made with whole grain rice. they have been brewing it traditional for 200 years. i think they got the recipe down. >> we were friends. >> steve, you do look great, though? >> this is low calorie, it's low in sodium. it's just plain good for you. >> you know what i like about it, it has some real garlic floating in there. it's beautiful. >> this recipe is good for you, and inexpensive like all of the recipes that are in our new cook book. >> this is two good-looking guys. >> that is our new book, the great recession recipe book. >> 38 color recipes. >> where do you find that. >> on that is easy to find. for more information on the clever cleaver brothers, now we're even. log on to and click on morning news. steve best wishes and great compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. musicians are coming out of the woodwork in london. it's a project called me. it started by an artist who started musicians. >> play me, i'm yours. >> it started by anist wh artist pianos in major cities. he scattered the pianos across the city. >> i have been going around, basically trying to play them all, about 28 throughout london. >> get them fit ♪ ♪ for soon ♪ flrk there's something about c that opens people up. you don't get to see a person playing a piano in the middle of the street. it makes you out of your own element, i think ♪ ♪ all i need for my >> people you wouldn't expect, the amazing piano players will sit down and all of a sudden, you know, lay it out. it definitely gives me a run for my money. it amazing when you see people come up, you know, guys in running shorts, they will sit there and play a sonata. ♪ >> you definitely can feel sort of the happiness. you can feel -- you know people being excited about music. >> it fills me. >> i can't believe i couldn't see ♪ >> okay, we need one in baltimore. >> that is neat. >> can you play? >> i can, actually. when i was growing up. i took a few lessons here and there. it was one of those things, you get the song and you're all excited about it. the next week i'm like on to the next song, but yeah, ki play. -- i can play. >> it's a great way to meet people, too. >> very social. weather wise it's going to be very social. enjoy the weather today. more clouds tomorrow and wednesday, cooler temperatures, but by the weekend we are warming up close to 90 degrees by saturday. 90 degrees on sunday with a good chance of isolated thunderstorms to pop up on saturday and sunday with the warm weather conditions that are going to be moving in. >> if you need a movie to watch this weekend when it may be raining a little bit. we got a little scary one to help you out. we have copies of th of" the un" if you call right now, you can be the 4th or 5th caller to win. call at (410)481-4545. good luck. thanks for joining us today. we will see you back here tomorrow. real-time closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning company .

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