Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120808 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120808

but now her office is taking heat for the tickkts and how she hands them out.. out..this huge stack of papers, hundreds f pages of coded logs with tickets and times shows juss how many tickets the mayor's office is getting and we're not talking about cheap seats! ost of thhm are rime seats for major events - even sold-out showw.and this is just what she gets from first mariner arena. the tickets toocolleagues - like city council meebers. many times - they go to charity - or city schoolss but the mayor also takes care of her friends and family --- staff members. and sometimes she doesn't ive the tickets to anyone. there's nothng illegal about it but some of her critics have raised ethical questions about these ticket giieaways.the mayor came under scrutiny months ago about her use of ravens tickets too.we tried to ask the mayor today about her tickets - ann if she had a clear policy for them.she made it clear she didn't want to taak about it. things."> 3&pthe mayor thinkssit's a trivial ssue.but we wanted to knowwwhat you think. do you think the mayor's friends and family should get free tickets? tickets?mary writes on facebook..."she should give citizens of baltimore city." city." ut spirit dixon got her fair share of per" perks." and a big response to this question...and a lot of strong opnions. go too &pfacebboo and search fox baltimore... to tell us what 3 a randallstown woman is demanding justice for her teenage son. son. 17-year old christopher brown died of asphyxiation two months ago pfter, investigators say he was chased by an off-duty police offiver and killed. the incident happened after officers home. laas month, a grand jury indicted county police officer james laboard &pof manslaughttr..... but at a rally tonight, ffiends of the victims family insisted manslaughter is not good enough. (14:56:03) "the officer needs to be charred witt mmrder, he murdered my son and needs to be immediately arrested. that's wwat the rally is all about as well as make sure this doesn't happen tooanother child. because we're seeing too many murders. we're seeing careeessness pngoing all across the board." 3 the officer has been suspended until the outcome of the case. humannremains are found behind pasadena. a human kull was - yesterday afternoon by a person walking in the woods behind the ollie's bargain outlet alonggritchie highway.a short time later... a body was . discovered. 3 at this point we don't have an identity we'rr going to work with the meddcal examiner in terms of identity.....race.....genddrr -3 if you have any information you are asked to call anne arundel county police immediately... &ppolice arrest 81 people in a major prostitution sting in priiceegeorge's part of the operation, female officers posed as prostitutes.... placing fake ads online.they targeted five differrnt college park hotelss arresting both prootitutes and men soliticing them. two men are arrested after pollce ay they tried smuggling drugs.... in ádrink boxesá through dulles airport. customs ageets searched the luggage of two men arrving from el &psalvador... and found aamost inssde chocolate drink boxxs and a spice bottle.both men are froo guatemala. they've been turned over to the airpprt authority police to face charges. a two-month-old baby boy is found abandoned outside a churcc.janice park is live in severn tonight...and tells uu, sweltering heat, bbt found by a pastor just in time. janice? janice?jennifer, i'm here at the grace point church where the pastor says he pulled up in thii parking lot have missed the baby beeause of ttese flowers...but crying lead him to the infant here.a baby who will be okay tonight. "here, right here, yea my parental instinct was go fix it ya know" know" pastor joshua sillaman says what appened monday waa divine intervention...beca useenormally on one is at this church.he came to prepare for a sermon.but pbandoned, next to a broom and trash.the baby who as crying with a little bottle of milk and blanket.police say the baby's mothee was found all the way in a fredricksburg, virginia hotel...pettricia finch-miller has since been charged with neglect. finch-miller has two older daughters, and it's still unclear why she left the baby: "so grateful, to come and find a child died because it wass exposed would have been so horrible, and i'm so glad he's sad ending" 3police say all the suspects ttree hildren toniggt are safe ith family members.and they say the woman may not have charged with a crime if she followed the aryyand safe haven law which requires the baby to only be 10 days old...and to go to a church, hospital, and say this is my safe haven baby..ive in severn, janice park fox45 news late edition. a former university of marylaaddhonor student pleads guilty after threatening to go campus. 19-year-old alexander - song left court avoiding any jailtime. instead the state is closely monitorinn his mental state. it's beleived song suffered some sort of episode back in march when he made threats online to kill enough people on campus to mmke national news. 3 9:01;33 i think this behavior was the beginning perhaps the beginning of behavior that would have escalated we take all threats very seriously 39 and whether he had the abilitt at the time to carry out the threat or noo we regard him as a dangerous person because of those threats :45 ps a rrsult of song's guilty plea to teleppone misuse, the howard county native ill never be allowed to own a firearm legally. in two days...statelawmakers return toannapolii for a specialseesion to consider their squabbles almost 20-years.back in 2005...both thehouss and senate passedseparate bills to legalizeslots... without voter approvvl.but house aad senate leaders never eached a compromise...and the bill failed. (frank) "and the democrats played politics for fourrlong years, they did not want that republican governor to get a leeislative victory so we're when it comes to our ht ball - neighboring states." states." republican boobehrlich was governor at the time. but some democrats...blamethe slots bill ailure on a clashoo egos pnvolving house speaker michhal busch...and senate a warning tonight: the swine plu has been blamed on visits to county airs across the u.s. no cases have been reported ii maryland.... so it hasn't stopped the crowds from visiting the howard county fair. there are lenty of hand washing stations set up around the groundss (dr beilenson)"the only way to get this swine flu is touch a pig and touch the secretions and touch yourrmouth or nose." nose." (casey-closee)"i let em pet my pigs.. theyre really nice pigs.. i just remind people to &pwash their hands afterwards." afterwards." health officials have this reminder,,you cannot get swine flu from eating pork products... the only way to catch it is through direct contact with a ssck pig. 3 a bad day for sppeders in baltimore county. they've added 5 new speed cameraa that will start working tomorrow. tomorrow.they are on academy.cromwell bridge road near loch raven high school. regester avenue near stoneleigh elementary.wise avenue ear patapsco high school....and reisterstown road near owiigs mills elementary school. a great day as baltimore's patman has a new--well, make that old-- way to get around. aroond.lenny robinson is best children in hospitals dressed as batman.he just bought a custom- built 1966 batmobile, equipped with all the lights and gadgets.robinson says some colorado, but hospitals are n lenny robinson, 'batman': "it rrminded me of 9/11, and my heart goes out to them, just a went out to all those touched by it, the viittmm, their fammlies, their ffrends, everyo" everyone." we were irsttintroduced to robinson back in march... hen heegot pulled over by montgomery county police.... forrnot haaing proper tags on his áold batmobile, his batmobill is registered and legal. a good day for justice as employees fight back during a roobery at a popeyes in philadelphia. they had a little help from hysscs. surveillance cameras show the workers wrestlinggwith an armmd robber...... slipping and sliding on the wet floor.... the suspect came in through an open kitchen &pdoor... catching the employee off guard while they were cleaning up.he leads employees to the safe, but beforeethey can opennit.... one worker makes a bold move. mos says: "all i fell was &psomebody put a gunnright in the back of my neek."mos says: "he was like put the monee n the bag, put all the money in the plastic bag, thennwhen he kept pointing wiit the gun that's whhn reached for the gun, his hand and twisted it." it." &pthe workers are able to get hold of the gun, then beat the guy with anything they can get their hands on... including a broomstick. the robber fights his way to the back door, you can see herr, losing his shirt and bandana.he got away with a few bruises anddno mooey. 3& some more storms to deal with around the area, but baltimore was safe for tte most parr today. today. let's go to meteorologiit emily gracey to see if we're going to be dodging rain tomorr. tomorrow. 3 president obama sues american soldiers in ohio. why republiians say he's trying to silence their votes this november. common sense says pay attention. how texting and driving left one teen with a splitting headache. and a 911 beer run. why emergency responders showed up with red solo cups and handcuffs for one out of control party. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida, for just 99 dollars one-way. book all of our destinations online only at book all of our destinations online vote 2012 takes an ugly turn as the american soldier becomes the center of a &ppeople ii the critical swing - state of ooio, early voting will end 3 days before the eleetton.but active duty soldiers can vote early until the day before the polls actually open. as dana jjy reports, the obama campaign is suing because they think that's unfair. ((take vo))soldiers are at the debate in started with this lawsuit... to "restore in-person voting for all ohioans during the three days prior to eleccion day."that's after the ohio legislature passed a law-- limiting early voting ffr everyone but on- duty militaay. ((take sot mmke dewine r-ohio attorney general))"ohio has very expansive opportunities to vote for the average citizen." ((take vo))ohio attorney general mike dewine-- a republican-- represents the militarr groups have askkd to intervene in the case. ((take sot))"that has been history in our country going back to the civil war. we makk special provisions for people wh are serving in the military so that have an opportunity to vote." ((take sot john boccieri/iraa and aaghanistan war veteran))""t's my opinioo that the gop has used vets groups s a cover for thei real mission. to make a razor thin electione ven closer." supports the president.the former ohio congressman currently is ccrrently on active duty. ((take sot))"what we're asking for and the that alllohioans enjoyythe saae rights military members have." ((take vo))the suit has ppovided fodder for the campaigns--with the obama camp claiming republicans are trying to disenfranchise voters.and the romney camppign accusing the president of slighting columbus, dana jay, meantime president obama's team continues speak out on voter i-d laws. republicans say they are designed to prevent fraud, but democrats ay they arr really designed to stop liberal voters. 3 you don't understand, ttii is a beer emergency. how one guy got a cocktail and cuffs after calling police for a beer run. 3 common sense says this kid has the smarts of a two by four. hhw a cell phone almost turned one [ male announcer ] good paying jobs. better schools. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't happen if the special interests get their way. with thousands of local jobs and millions for maryland's schools on the line. we need to fight back. call your lawmakers and tell them to put national harbor on the ballot this november. because it's not up to the special interests, it's up to you. because it's not up to the special interests, a close call for a washington state teen ... ... take a look at this.... a fence post came crashing througg his windshield.... narrowly missing it turns out... the teen was átext messagingá just before the crash.witnesses say he was cutting off drivers and made a wild u-turn... that nearly caused an accident before he went off the road.amazzngly, the teen suffered only minor injuries and cuts on his face. calling 911 for a beer ruu shows a serious lack of common . pense.dispatcher says: "maury 911 what is you emergency? ok what's going on sir?"caller says: "the store to get me a beer. i'll pay you."dispatcher says: ok sir i can't take you to the store and get you a beer" beer." allen brooks of columbia, tennessee offered to pay the dispatcher ffr the ride.brooks called the columbia police station twice, asking for a ride for beer.the cops weren't laughing.they tracked down brooks and arrested him. mos says: "he was asking i believe for a ride to get some beer."mos says: "(it's not a service you guys offer?) no it's not. the only ride that you get whenever we send a police officer is to jail."mos says: "(did he know he had done anything wrong?) no. that's why he looked like he had a heart attaak and was surprised he got arrested." arrested." brook's brother claims that brooks is deaf and he thought he was dialing 4-1-1 instead of 911. 3 always remember, age is grandmother took a leap of faith that made america proud. â?>arouog you keep hearing amazing things about verizon fios. blazing fast internet. the best tv picture quality. but you're still sitting on the fence. so they're making it as easy as possible. now, you can switch to fios without an annual contract. they'll even set up your whole home and give you upgraded equipment, free for six months so call or go online today. this is way better than sitting on a fence. [ male announcer ] get the fios triple play now with no annual contract and get everything you need to set up your whole home free for 6 months. now's the best time to switch to life on fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. free for 6 months. now's the best time to switch to life on fios. get this.... a ninety year old great grandmother proves she's young at heart after she goes minnesota!"we are going to take you 2 miles high, and raae you back down at 120 mph, how do you feel abbot that." that." angela jangula was in forest lake for a family reunion, when she decided to go sky divinggand invited cameras experience. --cheering---"you want o go again.... not today."jangula says: "i wish some offthe boys would have did it. they alll phicken out." out." the boys may haveebacked out... but two of angela's daughters and three of her great granddaughters joined her. hot and cloudy for the rest of the week. but can we sneak a peak at our weekend? weekend? let's go to emily for the extended forecast. ravens and orioles overlapping in october....we haven't been able to sayythat in 14 years. how close are the o's to making this happen... next in sports unlimited. "looking for a soul mate is a big mistake. because i think soul mates are developed over time. a lot of times, sexual attraction will feel like it's soul mate-to-soul mate attraction. "knowing that the person is 'the one' is more than a feeling." it's time to re-think everything you thought you knew about relationships with dating 101... 3 that's all for the late edition, i'm jennifer gilbert. here's morgan adsit with sports unlimited. tte ravens have a walk through tomorrow.then it's on the road to the a-t-l.ravens have the falcons thursday night for their first preseason game.'s preseason... so take it with a grain of salt.john harbaugh saii today he will conduct the game the same way he always has...starters will play a quarter... some less than that.bigger name vets mighh not even play..and any injured player who missed today's practice will not suit up...that includes jimmy smith and arthur jones.linebacker courtney upshaw did return to practice today... ut harbs hinted he probably won't play.. those are his rules... joe flacco says he would like more snaps, but know it's a light scrimmage. sometimes you only play a handful of games and it doesn't give you an accurate reading of where you are. i'm excited to ggt backkon he field and play a football game. it's been a while. it's what we love to do o i'm excited, but as far as where we stack up, we are getting pretty good and making our way. this game will not affect how we will play this season. joe you're only as good as your line.majoo o-line question marks in camp... but the ravens have the bodies to find the best 5.right now ii's been competition at right tackle, marshal yanda at guard, matt birk center, competition at left tackle d between michael oher and bryant mckinnie..mckinnie started every game at left tackle last season...but put himself back in the offssason with an injury... and weight issues.that's why oher has once again jumped back and forth between right and left.. not an ideal situation, john harbaugh says. you lways want toobe set at all your positions, but that'ss not always realistic. it's training camp, it's football, guys compete for spots. we have guys who looe to compete and want toobe on the field and those tackles at no less. so it's our obligation tt our team and those guys to let them go out there and compete. reality check's august 7th...there's 2 months the o's are in the poss season - the start of baseball tonight...just 5-and-a-half back from new yorr for the a-l &pthe wildcard lead. lead.can the o's keep this going... well not ith zach britton on the mound.... against seattle tonight.o's defense keeps this inning longer... and then britton serves it up... a three run homer... kyle seager finds thh fence in rightcenter... 3-0 seattle..matt wieters starting the comeback... homered in the 2nd... here's number two on the night... both shots solo to dead center... and it's 7- 3 in the 66h..the fifthh homerun of the night... evens up the sccreboard... j.j. hardy's 16th of the year... scores omar keen-ta-knee-ah... and nick markakis... we're knotted up at the 7th.. same score in extras... 7-7 in the 13th. the olympic games in london end this weekend.with swimming starting to heat up.u-s-a men's and women's basketball teams are still in it for for it thursday against japan.. .here's a quick medal cheek... pt's been between the u-s and china.china leads with 73 medaas... 34 gold.the red, white and blue... 70 medals, 30 gold. a local london update... broadneck grad... matt center-witts finished 4th in the men's 15-hundred meter final... and did noo medal.. the former prep player missed a medal by 4-hundreths of a second.u-s-a took silver... with leoomanzano's run.the expelled from the games... after officials said he didn't try hard enough in another event's heat..but was reinstated with a knee injury exccse... and good enough for gold in the 15-hundred. 3that's all for sports unlimited.thanks for watching, i'm morgan adsit.have a great n. night. 3

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