Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120719 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120719

tonight...even though strong storms did hit some areas.. areas.. let's go to karen parks streaming live from pikesville where people were a little nervous earlier tonight. 3 3 3 3 3 3 .lighting hits a house..on clifton avenue......just off of college parkway in arnold. it started just after 5-30 this evening...after lightning apparently struck the house. smoke was coming from the roof when firefighters one was hurt the storms also threatened drivers.... this... is.. .a... look at... route 50.. . near... the... bay bridge... this afternoon....//ook... at... that backup.../. the... bridge was ...shut-down... while... the storms passed.../causing... cars... to... stack up.../ and... go... no-where 3 strong storms are still churning tonight. tonight. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid. reid. more than 3000kids... at... the ripken... experience... baseball camp... continue to brave the heat. heat.temperatures ... on the field... in aberdeen... reachee well over 110 degrees today..../the ... rookie campers ...had... mandatory water breaks... between drills.../. they... say... the heat is draining.../, but... was not ...going to keep them away.. from camp. gavin leinenbach: 1.37.41 "103 degrees!" reporter: "does it make you tired?" gavin: "yes." (drinks water)hari lymon, father: 1.41.43 "they really know how to hydrate the kids and give them water, make sure they look for signs off dehydration, so, i had no conce" concerns."this week's... ripken experience... runs through friday,.../ where culminates... ith a tournment in aberdeen. ...anger... and frustration.../ in... wake... of the... massive... power problems ... from... that june... storm...///. one... lawmaker says ... the problem ... is.,.. not just ... with... b-g-e... and pepco.../...but ... people... who are supposed to be... watching them ... in... áyourá... interest.../.janice... park ...joins us.. ...with ... that... lawmaker's solution... janice janice jeff, the state agency is caaled the maryland public service ommission or the p-s-c...we spoke today with the montgomery county councilman, who started the petition you see here. his goal is to fire every member of the p-s-c. from storms of the the recent mass outages n june.councilman hans riemer says residents in md are fed up.he says utility companies are monopolies...only because they're regulated by the p-s-c. riemer says that slow response failing of the p-s-c...the state aggncy who should be protecting the average citizen. so far, the online petition has been signed by 34 hundred people. it calls for the governor to start over, and replace everyone in the state agency with people who will work for the consumer: "the regulators are responsible and we who sign this petition know it's their job to protect us" we contacted the maryland public service commision...and this was their response:"the governor may only removeea commissioner during his or her term for incompetence or miscon" misconduct"you can check out the petition yourself just go to our web site fox newslinks. janice park...fox45 news late edition. shops... near... the water main break... downtown ... are ...suffering significantly. some nearby restaurants ... are offeeing ...'water main specials'... to entice customers..../but... with only ...foot traffic... allowed on two blocks of light street.../ business... has been reduced. (ann pascale-victor pascale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here." here." (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be back on tra" track" by tomorrow, ... water.. is expected be restored the rest of the shops... on the block.../.however,... the road ...will not... re-open for three weeks. meantime.../ baltimore's... mmyor doesn't think... the... water main break... will... pose... any problems... preparing... for... the grandprix.../ which... takes place... labor day.. weekend. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with our aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced ttat we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any impact." impact."one year ago...there weremajor repairs to pratt preparation forthe race. the... mayor of baltimore... announces funding... "citi-watch"... program.... a... grant... from the abell foundation... will... help create .... database ... of... public and private... security cameras, .../ llowing... police... to quickly identify cameras ... close crime scenes...///.cctizens... and... business owners ... can... register... their... seeurity camera systems ... with... a... web application,.../// giving... police... access... when... there's trouble...// right... now,... the... citiwatch network ...includes ... 600-cameras ... city--wide. police... continue... investigating ... a... domestic shooting... in waldorf .../ that... left... one dead. dead.they... say... 33- year-old.... áshea proctorá... shot... his mother... and father... before... killing himself...//. police... were... called to the home... on... sea--grape court... around ... 5-am.... by... a woman ... who... saad her son... was arguing ... with... his step father..... the... mother... and step father ... were... found,... outside the home.... wwth... gunshot wounds.../.shea... was... found... in... the home... dead...// after shooting himself the... is... getting support... from leaders ... in... education and religion. religion. the... measure... is now being backed... by... freeman ... hra--bowksi... the... president of the university of maryland, ... baltimore county.../. he... was... joined today... by... catholic bishop... denis madden ..../ as... thhy... spoke... in support of the law.../ giving... in state tuition... to... illegal immigrants...///the... two... are launching a campaign... to protect the dream act ... as... it faces... a... ballot referendum in november. "the dream act does not give special favors to children of undocumented immigrrnts, it gives them a level playing field, a fair chance" chance" "children need to know that adults believe in them and that they appreciate the power of education to transform lives" lives." critics say the dream act will cost taxpayers millions. a petition drive collected more than enough pignatures to put the measure to a vote. a... baltimore county man ... is... getting... a new kidney tomorrow... / thanks... to.. .a....former thankk... to.. .a... former marine.../ marine.../ nathaniel holland ... waited... three years... for a kidney.../ after... he... heard ...about a ebsite ... called - matching donors dot come - / it... took only... a... couple weeks... to find a match.../. the... living donor jessica straehle -/ who agreed give him... one of hers.../ . the... two... recently met for lunch. < "she is a beautiful and exciting woman and one thing about jessica - she loves the lord. she loves the lord. it's awesome. she's an awesome > woman.">the donor ... says... it's just... another way... she can serve her country..////. the... surgery... takes... place tomorrow the university of maryland medical center... in baltimore. imagine... being out the ocean... with... your friends, .../ ...the water ...with your ... underwater camera..../ and... seeing this. this.the... group of guys... woke up early,.../ spearfishing... 12... miles out.../.one... of... them ...jumps in.../ and... the... first thing... he sees .../ is... a shark ...staring back ... at him.../.as... you can guess... they... all immediately... climbed back... on... the boat. 37-43"the shark kept circling several times around the bbat. i could see the silhouette clearly. i mean, the water was crystal clear." clear."1:22-1:30"just reminder to all the divers and swimmers and people that are in the water, they are out there. so just try to be aware of your surroundings." surroundings."mal-donado... says the shark... followed them... for about 20 minutes... back to land.../. they're... not sure ...of the shark species.../ but... think... it was... a great white. 3 is another casino coming to the national harbor? what the governor was doing in session. if you steal a police car, you're going to have a bad time. the lack of common sense that almost got one suspect killed. and this one you have to see to believe. how a luxury suv wound up at the bottom of an elevaaor haft. 3 another meeting todayon the propsects of a special session this summer on john rydell tells us....some city legislators are seekinn assurances that a future casino in baltimore...won't be a new casino... in he d.c. area... area... ((nats))the numbers are in... and maryyand live atarundel a huge hit. plans for another casinoon baltimore city...could beapproved within two weeks. but will gamblers flock to the d.c. area...if a new casino the national harbor? those concerns...were voiced today in a private meeting with governor o'malley,mayor stephanie rawlings-blake...and ten city delegates. (governor) "the big issue affecting baltimore city is making sure that if in fact the voters were to approve a sixth site that that would be to the detriment of baltimore city." (mayor) "i'm confident that we'll have a top quality facility that will rival national harbor, atlantic city and i don't think they'll be any impact."but city delegate curt anderson remains skeptical. (anderson) "we're supporting more gaming, we're supporting more gaming, all we're saying is that why does there have tt be more gaming and a sixth site? well, that's because mike miller wants a sixth site."delegate anderson blamessenate prrsident mike miller...for tying expanded another casino at national harbor. (rrdell) "some lawmakers say when they adjourned the regular session back in april, therer were only 41 delegates who were committed to supporting expanded gambling and a new casino, which means that they'll have to round up at least 30 more votes to get that bill enacted in the house if there's a special session." but as of today...that's still...a big..."if."in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news late edition. governor o'malley is expected to decide whetherto call a special sessionwithin sevvn to ten days. 3 going down? how a complete lack of common sense landed this luxury suv at the bottom of an elevator shaft. the police really hate it when you do this. how a mad &pdash for freedom almost cost one suspect his life. çç more than .. a... decade... after 9/11.../ still vulnerable.. are vulnerable. the government accoutability office.. found that terrorists... could still get flight training... at... american schools...//. the safeguards... that are supposed to track... suspects ... don't extend... to... flight training../. which... has... a lot of lawmakers furious. rogers: "based on your report, the transportation securrty administration cannot assure the american people that foreign terrorists are not in ttis country learning how to fly airplanes. yes or no?lord: "at this time, ugh, at this time, no." 3 no."the g-a-o found that some of the foreign students who had received training had not been checked out by the t-s-a. a... burglary ohio... tries... getting away... from police... by... stealing of their cruisers... / and... its ... caught on camera..../ whhn... police... approach the scene... shots are fired... and... a... 21-year-old man... is killed..../ that's... when ...the suspect ...hops... in... a cruiser... and... takks off... with police... firing shots the car..../ police... arrest him... after... he crashes ... into... an... apartment building...//. they're... now... looking for... a second suspect. all... anyone could do... is watch &phelplessly... as a stranded car... is demolished... by a freight train.../. ohio police... arrested ...25-yeaa old... antonio tillison of akron... and... charged him ...with d--u--i...// someone called... tillison... .to... pick him up.../ the... driver... showed up drunk ... and... thought the train tracks ...were a road.../.by... the time... police called... the ...railroad company... about the car... stuck on the tracks.../ it was too late. a... new york city garage attendant... drives... a... luxury s-u-v... into an elevator shaft...///. when... the elevator....wasn't there! there!emergency officials... say... this lexus... plunged nearly.. 40 feet.../ down ... an... elevator shaft this morning the...attendant... was behind the wheel.../ it.... happened... just before... 10 o'clock... at... the parking garage... on... 76th street ... and... first avenue..../ another ... worker -- on the ground floor... was also hurt.../ the ... airbags deployed... possibly lessening the impact. 1:18-126"once we secured the car.. made access. jaws of life... packaged the patient up" up."100-106"one of the attendants.. shooken up. he didn't seem too badll injured t" though."both workers ...were transported... to nearby hospitals -/ their injuries are considered ...non-life threatening..../ 3 triplets that were delivered four years apart. how this medical miracle is changing the definition of family. wheeeeeeeeeeeee! whee! whee! wheeeeeeeee! ah heads up. wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today. 3--siblings... in texas... are... triplets ../ . even though ...two of them ... were born ...four years apart. andrew ... grac-in... is... the third... of... chris and joyce mallon's... children.../. andrew.../ four-year- old... julianna ... and... two-year-old... anna sophia.../ were all conceived... in... a... medical lab... in 2007.../. julianna... was... born... nine months later ... thru... in- vitro... fertilization.../. her... brother and sister... waited their turns frozen limbo... / and ... finally... born. ((sometimes when you pray for a miracle, you get three. and so that's what we have. ) ))joyce mallon.... calls them "triplings,".../ since... they are triplets by conception.../ but siblings... by their dates of birth.../. are there more storms in our future? future? let's go to vytas for your extended forecast. it's... not the interview... you need to be watching../. it's... what's....going on... in the background..../ that's next... in sports unlimited. 3 [ male announcer ] want the most enjoyment from your home entertainment? here's the perfect solution. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiberoptic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router, plus a new multi room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. hurry. switching has never been easier with the fios whole home solution. upgrade your home with one easy package. call 1.888.get.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to life on fios. call 1.888.get.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's all for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. let's give it to morgan adsit for sports unlimited. in order to follow ed reed's comments this off need a interview it's this...the next it doesn't make any sense.then in another interview, he's actually making some strong's confusing...'s the latest...ed reed told comcast sportsnet during his charity golf outting he will play in 20-12.this just days after he said his ind was far away from football..reee told comcast he spent this off season reflecting... on life and football.but he plans to suit up for his 11th season... saying he always did... and wants to play four to five more years..reed didn't say if he will report to next week's training camp on time.or holdout for a contract extension. after missing two days of rookie camp...the redskins got to work and signed their number wo overall draft pick, robert griffin the third.. r-g-3's getting 4 years...'s not a surprrse the q-b wasn't signed until this point... colt's number one pick andrew luck still hasn't inked.nor was it an official holdout because camp doesn't start until next week. the bottom is cracked for the orioles...if they don't move's going to fall out. baltimore now third in the a-l east...behind new york and tampa bay.and only a half game ahead of boston. boston.orioles in minnesota... j.j. hardy in a big slump... only 2 hits in his last 40 at bats.... changes that in the first... sneaks it over francisco liriano's glove... and into center... base hit.. hardy not on first for long... adam jones sending him all the way home and then some... jones' 22nd homerun in the second deck... 2-0 o's..tommy hunter helping himself in the 3rd... flashing the leather with two on... snatches ben reveres' ball... and starts the 1-6-3 double play to end the inning.liriano has an e-r-a over 4... not showing it... strikeouts the 8th oriole... tayor teagarden swinging..well if you're going to give up long ball... best to do it solo... josh for a ride... way back into pen... his 23rd of the season.. splitting the difference... score sticks... 2-1 o's... hunter went 7- and-a-third. toronto in the bronx with the york getting up early...bottom of 1... up 1... mark teixeria... jack to left center... nick swisher on... 3-0 the 3rd... teixeria popping up in foul territory... brett lorie trying to make a highlight reel... leaps... and lays out over the camera well... doesn't make the grab, but crashes nearly six feet... lorie left the game... x-ray negative...the yankees conninue their dominance in the east... sweeping he jays... 6-0. oos aren't the only a-l east team affected by injuries... boston sends its d-h david ortiz to the 15-day disabled list....with an achilles strain..odd injury... it happened when big papi was circling the bases monday after an adrian gonzalez homeruu.bad timing... carl crawford and jacoby ellsbury just got back from the d-l.. ortiz leads the red sox in batting average, homers, r-b-i's and runss check this out... this is an interview during fox 45 reporter paul gessler's story at the ripken experience.... watch the background we'vee spot shadowed for you.the 2nd baseman... not even 20 feet away from first... windd up... and drills his first baseman.. good news... he's okay.... it was a softer baseball... and thh poor little guy eventually poos up. that's all for sports unlimited.thanks for watching, i'm morgan fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. the new santa fe steak melts. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left.

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Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120719 :

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 Late Edition 20120719

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tonight...even though strong storms did hit some areas.. areas.. let's go to karen parks streaming live from pikesville where people were a little nervous earlier tonight. 3 3 3 3 3 3 .lighting hits a house..on clifton avenue......just off of college parkway in arnold. it started just after 5-30 this evening...after lightning apparently struck the house. smoke was coming from the roof when firefighters one was hurt the storms also threatened drivers.... this... is.. .a... look at... route 50.. . near... the... bay bridge... this afternoon....//ook... at... that backup.../. the... bridge was ...shut-down... while... the storms passed.../causing... cars... to... stack up.../ and... go... no-where 3 strong storms are still churning tonight. tonight. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid. reid. more than 3000kids... at... the ripken... experience... baseball camp... continue to brave the heat. heat.temperatures ... on the field... in aberdeen... reachee well over 110 degrees today..../the ... rookie campers ...had... mandatory water breaks... between drills.../. they... say... the heat is draining.../, but... was not ...going to keep them away.. from camp. gavin leinenbach: 1.37.41 "103 degrees!" reporter: "does it make you tired?" gavin: "yes." (drinks water)hari lymon, father: 1.41.43 "they really know how to hydrate the kids and give them water, make sure they look for signs off dehydration, so, i had no conce" concerns."this week's... ripken experience... runs through friday,.../ where culminates... ith a tournment in aberdeen. ...anger... and frustration.../ in... wake... of the... massive... power problems ... from... that june... storm...///. one... lawmaker says ... the problem ... is.,.. not just ... with... b-g-e... and pepco.../...but ... people... who are supposed to be... watching them ... in... áyourá... interest.../.janice... park ...joins us.. ...with ... that... lawmaker's solution... janice janice jeff, the state agency is caaled the maryland public service ommission or the p-s-c...we spoke today with the montgomery county councilman, who started the petition you see here. his goal is to fire every member of the p-s-c. from storms of the the recent mass outages n june.councilman hans riemer says residents in md are fed up.he says utility companies are monopolies...only because they're regulated by the p-s-c. riemer says that slow response failing of the p-s-c...the state aggncy who should be protecting the average citizen. so far, the online petition has been signed by 34 hundred people. it calls for the governor to start over, and replace everyone in the state agency with people who will work for the consumer: "the regulators are responsible and we who sign this petition know it's their job to protect us" we contacted the maryland public service commision...and this was their response:"the governor may only removeea commissioner during his or her term for incompetence or miscon" misconduct"you can check out the petition yourself just go to our web site fox newslinks. janice park...fox45 news late edition. shops... near... the water main break... downtown ... are ...suffering significantly. some nearby restaurants ... are offeeing ...'water main specials'... to entice customers..../but... with only ...foot traffic... allowed on two blocks of light street.../ business... has been reduced. (ann pascale-victor pascale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here." here." (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be back on tra" track" by tomorrow, ... water.. is expected be restored the rest of the shops... on the block.../.however,... the road ...will not... re-open for three weeks. meantime.../ baltimore's... mmyor doesn't think... the... water main break... will... pose... any problems... preparing... for... the grandprix.../ which... takes place... labor day.. weekend. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with our aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced ttat we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any impact." impact."one year ago...there weremajor repairs to pratt preparation forthe race. the... mayor of baltimore... announces funding... "citi-watch"... program.... a... grant... from the abell foundation... will... help create .... database ... of... public and private... security cameras, .../ llowing... police... to quickly identify cameras ... close crime scenes...///.cctizens... and... business owners ... can... register... their... seeurity camera systems ... with... a... web application,.../// giving... police... access... when... there's trouble...// right... now,... the... citiwatch network ...includes ... 600-cameras ... city--wide. police... continue... investigating ... a... domestic shooting... in waldorf .../ that... left... one dead. dead.they... say... 33- year-old.... áshea proctorá... shot... his mother... and father... before... killing himself...//. police... were... called to the home... on... sea--grape court... around ... 5-am.... by... a woman ... who... saad her son... was arguing ... with... his step father..... the... mother... and step father ... were... found,... outside the home.... wwth... gunshot wounds.../.shea... was... found... in... the home... dead...// after shooting himself the... is... getting support... from leaders ... in... education and religion. religion. the... measure... is now being backed... by... freeman ... hra--bowksi... the... president of the university of maryland, ... baltimore county.../. he... was... joined today... by... catholic bishop... denis madden ..../ as... thhy... spoke... in support of the law.../ giving... in state tuition... to... illegal immigrants...///the... two... are launching a campaign... to protect the dream act ... as... it faces... a... ballot referendum in november. "the dream act does not give special favors to children of undocumented immigrrnts, it gives them a level playing field, a fair chance" chance" "children need to know that adults believe in them and that they appreciate the power of education to transform lives" lives." critics say the dream act will cost taxpayers millions. a petition drive collected more than enough pignatures to put the measure to a vote. a... baltimore county man ... is... getting... a new kidney tomorrow... / thanks... to.. .a....former thankk... to.. .a... former marine.../ marine.../ nathaniel holland ... waited... three years... for a kidney.../ after... he... heard ...about a ebsite ... called - matching donors dot come - / it... took only... a... couple weeks... to find a match.../. the... living donor jessica straehle -/ who agreed give him... one of hers.../ . the... two... recently met for lunch. < "she is a beautiful and exciting woman and one thing about jessica - she loves the lord. she loves the lord. it's awesome. she's an awesome > woman.">the donor ... says... it's just... another way... she can serve her country..////. the... surgery... takes... place tomorrow the university of maryland medical center... in baltimore. imagine... being out the ocean... with... your friends, .../ ...the water ...with your ... underwater camera..../ and... seeing this. this.the... group of guys... woke up early,.../ spearfishing... 12... miles out.../.one... of... them ...jumps in.../ and... the... first thing... he sees .../ is... a shark ...staring back ... at him.../.as... you can guess... they... all immediately... climbed back... on... the boat. 37-43"the shark kept circling several times around the bbat. i could see the silhouette clearly. i mean, the water was crystal clear." clear."1:22-1:30"just reminder to all the divers and swimmers and people that are in the water, they are out there. so just try to be aware of your surroundings." surroundings."mal-donado... says the shark... followed them... for about 20 minutes... back to land.../. they're... not sure ...of the shark species.../ but... think... it was... a great white. 3 is another casino coming to the national harbor? what the governor was doing in session. if you steal a police car, you're going to have a bad time. the lack of common sense that almost got one suspect killed. and this one you have to see to believe. how a luxury suv wound up at the bottom of an elevaaor haft. 3 another meeting todayon the propsects of a special session this summer on john rydell tells us....some city legislators are seekinn assurances that a future casino in baltimore...won't be a new casino... in he d.c. area... area... ((nats))the numbers are in... and maryyand live atarundel a huge hit. plans for another casinoon baltimore city...could beapproved within two weeks. but will gamblers flock to the d.c. area...if a new casino the national harbor? those concerns...were voiced today in a private meeting with governor o'malley,mayor stephanie rawlings-blake...and ten city delegates. (governor) "the big issue affecting baltimore city is making sure that if in fact the voters were to approve a sixth site that that would be to the detriment of baltimore city." (mayor) "i'm confident that we'll have a top quality facility that will rival national harbor, atlantic city and i don't think they'll be any impact."but city delegate curt anderson remains skeptical. (anderson) "we're supporting more gaming, we're supporting more gaming, all we're saying is that why does there have tt be more gaming and a sixth site? well, that's because mike miller wants a sixth site."delegate anderson blamessenate prrsident mike miller...for tying expanded another casino at national harbor. (rrdell) "some lawmakers say when they adjourned the regular session back in april, therer were only 41 delegates who were committed to supporting expanded gambling and a new casino, which means that they'll have to round up at least 30 more votes to get that bill enacted in the house if there's a special session." but as of today...that's still...a big..."if."in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news late edition. governor o'malley is expected to decide whetherto call a special sessionwithin sevvn to ten days. 3 going down? how a complete lack of common sense landed this luxury suv at the bottom of an elevator shaft. the police really hate it when you do this. how a mad &pdash for freedom almost cost one suspect his life. çç more than .. a... decade... after 9/11.../ still vulnerable.. are vulnerable. the government accoutability office.. found that terrorists... could still get flight training... at... american schools...//. the safeguards... that are supposed to track... suspects ... don't extend... to... flight training../. which... has... a lot of lawmakers furious. rogers: "based on your report, the transportation securrty administration cannot assure the american people that foreign terrorists are not in ttis country learning how to fly airplanes. yes or no?lord: "at this time, ugh, at this time, no." 3 no."the g-a-o found that some of the foreign students who had received training had not been checked out by the t-s-a. a... burglary ohio... tries... getting away... from police... by... stealing of their cruisers... / and... its ... caught on camera..../ whhn... police... approach the scene... shots are fired... and... a... 21-year-old man... is killed..../ that's... when ...the suspect ...hops... in... a cruiser... and... takks off... with police... firing shots the car..../ police... arrest him... after... he crashes ... into... an... apartment building...//. they're... now... looking for... a second suspect. all... anyone could do... is watch &phelplessly... as a stranded car... is demolished... by a freight train.../. ohio police... arrested ...25-yeaa old... antonio tillison of akron... and... charged him ...with d--u--i...// someone called... tillison... .to... pick him up.../ the... driver... showed up drunk ... and... thought the train tracks ...were a road.../.by... the time... police called... the ...railroad company... about the car... stuck on the tracks.../ it was too late. a... new york city garage attendant... drives... a... luxury s-u-v... into an elevator shaft...///. when... the elevator....wasn't there! there!emergency officials... say... this lexus... plunged nearly.. 40 feet.../ down ... an... elevator shaft this morning the...attendant... was behind the wheel.../ it.... happened... just before... 10 o'clock... at... the parking garage... on... 76th street ... and... first avenue..../ another ... worker -- on the ground floor... was also hurt.../ the ... airbags deployed... possibly lessening the impact. 1:18-126"once we secured the car.. made access. jaws of life... packaged the patient up" up."100-106"one of the attendants.. shooken up. he didn't seem too badll injured t" though."both workers ...were transported... to nearby hospitals -/ their injuries are considered ...non-life threatening..../ 3 triplets that were delivered four years apart. how this medical miracle is changing the definition of family. wheeeeeeeeeeeee! whee! whee! wheeeeeeeee! ah heads up. wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today. 3--siblings... in texas... are... triplets ../ . even though ...two of them ... were born ...four years apart. andrew ... grac-in... is... the third... of... chris and joyce mallon's... children.../. andrew.../ four-year- old... julianna ... and... two-year-old... anna sophia.../ were all conceived... in... a... medical lab... in 2007.../. julianna... was... born... nine months later ... thru... in- vitro... fertilization.../. her... brother and sister... waited their turns frozen limbo... / and ... finally... born. ((sometimes when you pray for a miracle, you get three. and so that's what we have. ) ))joyce mallon.... calls them "triplings,".../ since... they are triplets by conception.../ but siblings... by their dates of birth.../. are there more storms in our future? future? let's go to vytas for your extended forecast. it's... not the interview... you need to be watching../. it's... what's....going on... in the background..../ that's next... in sports unlimited. 3 [ male announcer ] want the most enjoyment from your home entertainment? here's the perfect solution. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiberoptic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router, plus a new multi room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. hurry. switching has never been easier with the fios whole home solution. upgrade your home with one easy package. call 1.888.get.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to life on fios. call 1.888.get.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's all for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. let's give it to morgan adsit for sports unlimited. in order to follow ed reed's comments this off need a interview it's this...the next it doesn't make any sense.then in another interview, he's actually making some strong's confusing...'s the latest...ed reed told comcast sportsnet during his charity golf outting he will play in 20-12.this just days after he said his ind was far away from football..reee told comcast he spent this off season reflecting... on life and football.but he plans to suit up for his 11th season... saying he always did... and wants to play four to five more years..reed didn't say if he will report to next week's training camp on time.or holdout for a contract extension. after missing two days of rookie camp...the redskins got to work and signed their number wo overall draft pick, robert griffin the third.. r-g-3's getting 4 years...'s not a surprrse the q-b wasn't signed until this point... colt's number one pick andrew luck still hasn't inked.nor was it an official holdout because camp doesn't start until next week. the bottom is cracked for the orioles...if they don't move's going to fall out. baltimore now third in the a-l east...behind new york and tampa bay.and only a half game ahead of boston. boston.orioles in minnesota... j.j. hardy in a big slump... only 2 hits in his last 40 at bats.... changes that in the first... sneaks it over francisco liriano's glove... and into center... base hit.. hardy not on first for long... adam jones sending him all the way home and then some... jones' 22nd homerun in the second deck... 2-0 o's..tommy hunter helping himself in the 3rd... flashing the leather with two on... snatches ben reveres' ball... and starts the 1-6-3 double play to end the inning.liriano has an e-r-a over 4... not showing it... strikeouts the 8th oriole... tayor teagarden swinging..well if you're going to give up long ball... best to do it solo... josh for a ride... way back into pen... his 23rd of the season.. splitting the difference... score sticks... 2-1 o's... hunter went 7- and-a-third. toronto in the bronx with the york getting up early...bottom of 1... up 1... mark teixeria... jack to left center... nick swisher on... 3-0 the 3rd... teixeria popping up in foul territory... brett lorie trying to make a highlight reel... leaps... and lays out over the camera well... doesn't make the grab, but crashes nearly six feet... lorie left the game... x-ray negative...the yankees conninue their dominance in the east... sweeping he jays... 6-0. oos aren't the only a-l east team affected by injuries... boston sends its d-h david ortiz to the 15-day disabled list....with an achilles strain..odd injury... it happened when big papi was circling the bases monday after an adrian gonzalez homeruu.bad timing... carl crawford and jacoby ellsbury just got back from the d-l.. ortiz leads the red sox in batting average, homers, r-b-i's and runss check this out... this is an interview during fox 45 reporter paul gessler's story at the ripken experience.... watch the background we'vee spot shadowed for you.the 2nd baseman... not even 20 feet away from first... windd up... and drills his first baseman.. good news... he's okay.... it was a softer baseball... and thh poor little guy eventually poos up. that's all for sports unlimited.thanks for watching, i'm morgan fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. the new santa fe steak melts. 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