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You know i be asleep. She call me when she go to bed at night . Kirk so, you feel that he still likes youecause he is texting you. I know he loves me he texts me how he loves me. Kirk are you friends with his current girlfriend . I know of it. I dont like that woman kirk why . Why . Because she know we was together and we got back together he was messing with her and tried to act that that was just his friend. I mean what . [laughter] kirk were you pretending she was just a friend . Yeah. Kirk did you know that fallon is pregnant as well . She says she is. She says she is. Kirk do you think how could i ask you . I mean for me to say do you think fallon might be pregnant of course she might be. I wouldnt put it past him. He probably did got her pregnant. This is the thing with fall 9 fallon. She sees how i treat her she is calling me i need this and i want that. I jump out the bed and attend to her needs. Fallon dont like that. You know. She kirk do you understand why she might not like it if you jump out of bed and go to another woman. That is my baby mama i got to do that. If she calls me and say my son or daughter needs whatever i dont care who i with. Kirk i got your back. Do you think fallon this is exciting. This is exciting. Do you think fallon might be pretending she is pregnant just to keep you in bed . I think, yeah. I am not going to lie she told me she was pregnant i brought her a pregnancy test and she wasnt pregnant. You feel me . So then kirk you could probably get sponsored by some pregnancy tests. Make it happen, man. Kirk put your faith on the side of condoms. Make it happen. Kirk i will look into it. Can you not have an exgirlfriend on the show without bringing the current girlfriend, too. She thinks the baby that kanesha is carrying is jimmys. Because he is a cheating liar. Welcome fallon to the show. Hi fallon. Hi, baby. Kirk fallon what is going on today . What is on your mind . Well, me and jimmy was friends for two years and we started dating this year in february. I was telling you that we wasnt doing nothing. You assumed it. I dont know her i know this is the baby mama but she was accusing him of cheating with me which he wasnt. We was friends and i gave him a chance. The whole time you know me we were just friends. But you gave him a chance but you knew he was with me. He said he wasnt with you. They have been together you know we together right or wrong. You wasnt with him. This year. This year. Not two years ago, this year. I dont care what he say about how he treat her i dont care. I was his friend. I didnt want to be in a relationship with him anyway. Kirk i feel the passion. Here is what i will say. You are with both these women at the same time that is the bottom line. No, he wasnt. He wasnt. No he wasnt. [applause] kirk were you with these women at the same time . Yes. I was. Kirk that is why we are here. Right. Really . Kirk so fallon he is admitting it. Whatever, man kirk he is admitting it. You you might have to admit it. No, i dont have to lie. What do i have to prove, you . Who lies about being pregnant i had two kids before i got pregnant i know what it feels like to be pregnant. If you pregnant why dont you get no bigger . Im supposed to get like a whale in a month . She did. Im not her. Im not her kirk jimmy what do you have to say . Look, this is what i got to say really, though. Fallon. I love her. My new girlfriend. You love her but you texting me. Do you text her. He text me at night. He calls me when he gone from the house. He calls me everyday. The other girls, too. Do you think he is cheating on you . Yes. Kirk i mean jimmy we are giving you a lie detector also. We will find out. Yeah. Im ready for it. Kirk man i hope our polygraph machine doesnt get pregnant. [laughter] listen weve gone through a lot of the story and we have not gotten to the test. After the break we will find out if fallon truly is expecting and lar we will clear up the lies and revealing if jimmy is the dad of his exs baby. [applause] coming up on the test. If you say this aint your son why do you let him call you dad . Me and you its bumping heads kirk and later. Lindsey thinks her sister monica is not only a drug addict who steals from her family. I did steal moms gold and buying cocaine. I liked him back off. You never told me yes, i [ superfan ] were hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. Youve got to try this sweet sour chicken helper. I didnt know they made chicken. Crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna . Can i get another one of those actually . [ superfan ] hey, america, were here to help. [ male announcer ] you say tomato. Old el paso says diced tomato stand n stuff chicken tacos. You say whats for dinner . Old el paso says start somewhere fresh. Are you worried your daughter is having sex for money . Does she have unexplained cash . If you want to confront your daughter and get to the truth with a lie detector, call. Pplause] kirk welcome back to the the tt. Im here with jimmy, kanesha and fallon. You are the man in the middle. Jimmy has six children that he claims. He got more than six kids. He will be back on the show. [laughter] this is because outbursts that i am not with you anymore. He got more kids. Kirk do you have a child in there we did a dna test on the threeyearold to see if you are the father and fallon might be carrying your child as well. Lets find out if you are going to be lucky number seven. Ok. Kirk well, fallon. I am not the dad. [laughter] kirk be careful. When you jump up your sperm falls out and you become a daddy. [laughter] the pregnancy test, fallon. Was positive. You are pregnant. Yep. All right. [applause] kirk now, how do you feel . Ok. Fallon, i apologize. I apologize. I real i could not tell. I apologize about that kirk fallon is he the only one you are sleeping with. I apologize. Not accepted. Not accepted . Whatever. Kirk all right. Lets move on to the dna here. Lets talk about jabari. Beautiful child. Yes. Cool. Cool dude. He is cool. Kirk but not cool enough to be yours. No, its just how he looks. You say it aint your son why do you let him call you dad and say this is my son to everybody. Fallon, do i do i look like. Kanesha, the boy is living with you. [all talking at once]. When we aint together you say its your son you want to see your kids. Your kids. But you act like i never told you that jabari was not mine. You act like i never told you that. How are you going to say its your child one minute and next this is my son kirk you say that once he got with fallon he became less of a father a death beat . What . You serious, me . A deadbeat yes, you. I drop two. You dropped two . Come on now, you know the whole ti a couple weeks ago you aint show up. You had my kids and you never showed. Really . Because you was over there i did not want to argue with you. What me and you have to do with doing stuff for your kids. All you had to do was drop them off. You wanted me to come and get you. I sent them stuff. How . Did i not send their stuff. I told the kids your daddy is coming to see you. And you aint never come. I am the one who got to say why daddy ants never show up. Did i not give it to you . Aint no but. I had somebody drop it off i was busy. The kids wanted to see you. I was busy. If you would have been there i wouldnt have been busy. Me and you is bumping heads. I didnt want to argue with you. Kirk we are not done yet after the break well find out if jimmy is the biological father of jabari. We will be right back. [applause] [777] coming up on the test. Think i would do Something Like that and put a child on you. The dna results showed that. And later. Dont turn this im a big horrible sister. Dont do it because i have come so far. So far to fix this. Coming up tomorrow. She was the original fall vampire hunter in the vandal pir slayer. Christie is here to slay demons in her family. Are you using heroin everyday sphivment yes. Af been through a lot and never got help for it. Can the test help this family in heroin hell . The next step is death. Well turn you in for dealing we will do whatever it takes to get you better. That is tomorrow on the test [applause] kirk welme back to the the test. Before the break we learned that fallon is in fact pregnant. And your sperm still working strong working overtime. Were about to find out if you are the father of jabari. And what if he is not . Aint no possibility. He is the father. Ok. Kirk this is the only man that you sleep with . The only man ive been sleeping with for seven years. Kirk she must love you. Are you aware of that . I know she love me. Kirk do you love her . Yeah. She is the mother of my child of course i love her kirk do you still have feelings for her . I dont want to be with her or nothing like that kirk what do you think . Do you think he still sneaks over there . No, i know he texts her and calls her. Kirk we will find out in a minute. The dna results show that jimmy you are the father of threeyearold jabari. Thank you. Told you. I apologize. [applause] i apologize. What can i say . Id rather be safe than sorry. That is seven, that is 8. I would rather be safe than sorry. You had a lot of nerve from the start. The only one im messing with you for seven years. Do you think i would put a child on you . Really . Yes. Im from chicago, illinois man. Females play games like that. Kirk im from San Diego California there the girls just play tennis. A whole year and he knew it. Like i said when i found out i was pregnant my last baby, i already told him before we got back together im pregnant by this man kirk ok. [laughter] ok. Kirk jimmy are you laughing but this is no joke to either of these women you are break hearts and throwing jimmy around. Im done he can break her heart im done i dont want him no more. He got a baby on the way it aint my feeling is gone kirk but you are carrying his child. Hats it. Ok. Hey im not mad at you for it. Not losing nothing. Well, stop texting me then. Stop calling me. I dont call you. Come on now. How come i know everytime i should know yalls business. What are you talking about . Everytime you get into it with her you call me. Who texts somebody at 2 or 3 in the morning . Kirk what does he say . I cannot talk about it on the air kirk its just between us. He showed me everything. She do it. Kirk you say she is sending him texts . He show me everything. Kirk he doesnt show you everything. I do. He dont. My other friends i dont show her. Kirk all right. Dont go away after the break well clear up the cheating claims when it comes to this love triangle. Stay with us. [applause] coming up on the test. Besides the time you were on a break have you had sexual intercourse with kanesha during your relationship with fallon . And later. And you had sex with the Football Team including the kicker . [laughter] [ woman ] i wish my allergies would let me take you home. [ male announcer ] the power of allegra relieves your toughest indoor and outdoor symptoms. Only allegra is fast and nondrowsy. Stop suffering. Start living. Only allegra is fast and nondrowsy. With rich moisturizers. And a revitalizing lather youre not fully clean. Unless youre zestfully clean allegrad dcongests, dpressurizes so you can breathe. A fast, nondrowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. Allegrad. Dfense against allergy congestion. Does your child have more than two potential fathers . Are you desperate to get to the truth with dna . Call. Were back with jimmy and present leading ladies. Babies are not the only things in question today there are cheating claims on all sides. And why wouldnt there be . Jimmy. Are you out there cheating . No. Kirk i mean you found out fallon is pregnant and found out you are a father and you might have how are you feeling . Top of your game . No, i feel happy to find out that jabari is mine. That say weight off my shoulder and that fallon is pregnant. Fallon is so happy to be here with you. [laughter] listen you are pregnant with his child. A child that he thought was makebelieve to keep him at home. What if you find out he is cheating . I wontant to be with him. Kirk how do you feel about that . Its ok. She aint the only girl in chicago. She already know. Please dont try to get back with me kirk at this rate are you running out of girls in chicago . No, im not. They going to see and learn kirk what is good is they have tvs in chicago so they can see how good of a lover you are. [applause] what can i say . Jimmy fallon thinks that you have been mosquitoing around with kanesha. The lie detector administrator asked jimmy the following question. How was the test it was smooth and you were relaxed . It was a nice professional atmosphere but i was nervous. Kirk why would you be nervous . I aint never took a Lie Detector Test kirk i find that hard to believe. Look if i am cheating on you i apologize. Oh, wow. Kirk jimmy. All right. Lets find out besides the time you were on a break have you had sexual intercourse with kanesha during your relationship with fallon . You have been telling fallon that you have not had sexual intercourse with kanesha since you have been in a relationship. But you lied. Wait you confessed to our administrator something maybe its time to confess to her what you confessed to a stranger. I. I know you knew. You slow. Ok. Kirk he had sexual intercourse with kanesha multiple times just last month. Ok. Kirk we asked you another question. Ok. Kirk besides the time you were on a break have you had sexual intercourse with anybody else during your relationship with fallon . Now you have been telling fallon that you had not had sexual intercourse with anybody else since you have been in the relationship. But you lied again. [laughter] i know. Kirk you sexual intercourse with three other women besides. Four. Kirk four. Did you have sex with one since you confessed to the polygraph administrator . That was an hour ago. You confessed three to him but you are telling her four. Fallon how do you feel about that . Im relieved. Kirk are you going to leave . Yes, he knew that. [applause] kirk listen, he has nine possible children with seven baby mothers. Or more kirk and im sure there has to be more. That is such a low number for someone as cocky as you. Yall get used to his face you yall will see him again. Sorry. Kirk how many other women are pregnant by you right now . He dont know. Two. Kirk just two. Are there more . Just two more women pregnant. Really . Besides them two. So you have four . Are you done having children . Kirk you just want to keep having children forever . He want to have a Football Team. Kirk are you trying to make a Football Team . Be honest with me. No, a baseball kirk what im thinking i might chip in and get you know what a vasectomy is . That is what he needs to get. [cheering] get clipped. Kirk i tell you you dont do you do clipping and you clip wires down here. No. No. Kirk or we tie it in a knot. No. Kirk but i would make sure it was a sair that did it something that would never slip out. Listen good luck with all of you. All right. And good luck with your team. I do think you will need a new manager. All right. Stay with us. More of the test is next. We will be right back. [applause] [cheering] [777] next on the test. We were at a party and they went into the room next to me. I think as a girl that hurt a lot. She lies all the time. Do you like action . Do you want to witness shocking results . If are y in the la area and would like to be in the studio audience for a taping of the test go to thetesttv. Com. The following program contains mature subject matter viewers discretion is advised. Welcome to the the test i am kirk fox. Sex, lies and addiction sounds like the name of a movie. Its not. Its what my next guest is accusing her sister of today. Lindsey thinks monica is not only a drug addict who steals from her family but she accuses her of sleeping with her crush a few years ago which crushed her. Is monica a lying drugging thieving ho without a heart . Well find out today when monica takes the test. Lets talk to lindsey first. Hi lindsey. Hi. Kirk tell me about monica. My sister monica. She tore apart our family. Drugs, lying, i think she slept with my crush. And as a girl like that hurt a lot. She lies all the time. Um kirk tell me a little bit about the crush. We were at a party and they went into the room next to me. And he they were in there for two hours. But she was defending me like you are not in the bedroom for a guy with two hours defending me im not stupid kirk did she ever admit to it . No. She hasnt but i wasnt born yesterday im sure she did kirk did you confront him . No, after that i did not talk to him. I dont think she did either but that is not the point. You know and then she stole money from my parents. She pawned my moms jewelry. Ran away with a guy and pawned it for drug money. And your parents lost their house. Yep. They did. They paid so much of her debts because she was out partying and drugs and alcohol. Kirk how did they lose the house . From paying she couldnt pay her rent she is out spending money on drugs and alcohol they would pay rent and this bill tonight got too much that they had to sell our house kirk do you think she has stolen from you recently as well . To be honest im not sure. Thats why i want to know. Kirk and why are you here today . I want answers. She says im stuck in the past. Kirk are you . I just cant move forward until i get answers. I want to know are you doing drugs now . Have you stolen from me . Did you sleep with my crush . I cannot move forward until i have the answers kirk why do you think she is back on drugs now . She just last week she had a big blowup and that is how she acted when she was on drugs kirk but she has been clean for a while you think . Yes. Kirk supposedly. Yes, kirk monica admits she had a drug problem and stole from her parents and was a big whore. Her words not mine. But she says those days are over and her sister lindsey needs to get over it. Welcome monica to the stage. [applause] clear up. A little bit to clear up. I still love my sister. Kirk all right. [applause] you still love her theres nothing not to lovement she loves you that is why we are here. What is going on . Well, i feel like theres always an elephant in the room. And the past right. [laughter] the past is the past. Kirk and is the elephant the crush or the drugs . Everything. Everything. I mean kirk it is a zoo yes, i have elephant and a giraffe and a pink flamingo. Kirk lets address the elephant. I just think that theres a lot. There is a lot. It hurt to hear what she said. Im sure its dont cry. Stop. You are going to make me cry kirk she can feel. But its jus really hard right now for the simple fact that you know, i was somebody that i did not want to be. You know. Kirk example . Just using constantly using kirk stealing as well . Yeah, stealing i will admit to that. And kirk very promiscuous as well . Yes. And i admit to that. But you know, its just hard to like defend yourself when constantly people are constantly comparin you to the old person when i feel like ive done so much and come so far and you know i have lindsey. You know i have done a lot. And you constantly are just you can never let go of it. I dont talk to you about the past kirk how bad was it . I mean like yeah, i did steal moms gold and i did pawn it for cocaine but that is the act of a user. I am not a use are anymore. Im going to school to get my rn. [applause] kirk you say were you a whore during your college days . And you said you had sex with the whole Football Team. Well, like, yeah kirk including the kicker . I dont know, i dont remember their names. Kirk im kidding. I wouldnt say the whole Football Team and like yes, it is comical. But you know im clean as a whistle so dont worry. You know. I did get tested right away. So i am clean. Kirk what happened with your sisters crush was he on the Football Team . No, he is the ugliest thing ive ever seen kirk did you sleep with him . I did not. They have been flirting. I dont remember that. Mind you i know that sounds dumb but when this happened i was 18, 19 im 25. I was 21 when it happened and i can remember. Im sure because it really affected you and bothered you. No. You should know i would not do anything to hurt you. I was up the whole night and i told you i like him back off. You never told told me that you told me about the goon any goober sitting at the end of the table the one with the glasses yes, you did. Dont turn this like i am a big horrible sister. Dont do it because i have come so far to fix this. Everyday mom and dad tell me how they wished that we would talk like easter we were at easter and we hardly talked. I said hi to you three times. No, you did not yes, i did. Later on you did not talk to me then you call our cousin telling her that i didnt thank you for the easter basket. You didnt. Lindsey i did. Really yes, i did. You know what. Thank you. Youre welcome. Kirk monica are you still stealing . What about drugs . No im clean as a whistle. And you all wait until that comes out. I will go it will be white on white. Let me tell you. I swear to god that is one thing that. Me off so bad is because i have a big blowout that im using . Im sorry im human. Kirk we got to go to break. Is monica still stealing and drugging . Did she do the unthinkable and sleep with her sisters crush. Find out next when we reveal the results of the test. [applause] we tested monica for the following drugs. Have you ever stolen of the from your sister . Did you have sexual contact with lh [applause] [777] kirk welcome back to the the test. Before the break, we met monica and lindsey, two feuding sisters. Lindsey wants to know if her sister has stolen from her and got down with her crush behind her back. Lets talk a little bit about your drug use. What drugs were you on . I was addicted to marijuana, cocaine, battle salts and ritalin. It was a lot. It was a lot. Did you know it was to that extent . I didnt know the bath salts. Kirk how long have you been clean . I was clean two years april 16th. [applause] kirk now if you find out that she passes these is there going to be closure and you can move on . Either way. Yes. Kirk because you love her. I love my sister. Kirk you are great. All right. Lets do the drug tests first. We tested monica for the following drugs marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates which includes heroin, pcp, bar bitiats, methadone and oxycondone. Monica tested negative for all the drugs. [applause] [cheering] kirk hang on. So monica, is clean of all drugs. Thank you. Kirk all right. Our lie detector administrator asked monica the following questions. The first one other than cigarettes have you stolen anything from your sister . Your answer was no. Monica passed. [applause] so everything was good with the test . Yes. Kirk question two with regards to your crush. Did you have sexual contact with your sisters crush . Your answer was no. You failed that. I dont remember. Im sorry. I dont care. I dont care. I did not remember. How could you do that to me . Lindsey i dont remember im sorriment im sorry. I dont know what else you want me to say. I will not say its lying because its not kirk you showed. Well it must not have been thatood because i dont remember it. So look at it like that you are not missing much. I saved you. Kirk where do we go from here . She is clean of drugs and doesnt remember sleeping with your crush because it was so uneventful. Well, then that is fine. I appreciate that. You know i love you. And we cant do this anymore. You know we cant liveike this and im moving farther away now and we need to like move on and be sisters kirk the past was the past and she is clean now you should help her with her sobriety. Can we make a fresh start today and build this sisterhood . I think we can handle it kirk give her a hug. Lets see that. We are not done yet we will be right back with more from the people across america are experiencing the amazing shine of finish quantum, voting it product of the year, better homes and gardens best new dishwasher detergent, and now it has the Good Housekeeping seal, giving finish quantum more honors than ever before. Finish quantum delivers amazing clean and shine, which cascade actionpacs just cant do. Take the finish shine challenge and for a limited time, try it free [applause] [777] kirk sometimes on the test you dont always get the answer that you want. You found out that the crush was with her. But even with that truth you seem to have realized that love is important and as sisters you have to bond and whatever happened in the past that is the past. Yep. Kirk i mean this information is a beginning. Doesnt have to be an end. So now its over. Lets start fresh and think about her sobriety and quit sleeping with her friends. [applause] coming up tomorrow. She was the original buffy the vampire slayer. Chrissy swanson is here. Are you using heroin everyday . Yes. The next step is death. All new the test. That is tomorrow. Kirk that is all for today, guys, thanks for watching. And remember if you need to put someone to the test, go to thetesttv. Com. And tell us your story. See you next time. Goodbye. [applause] [777] shock revelation about chris brown. All the latest. Heres wendy. [ applause ] thank you studio audience for being here. Thank you so much. Thanks for choosing us. Im doing great. Okay. So weve got a greathow for you. Couple of things to talk to you about. Usher and his babys mother tameka continue to battle. Its not good. Scarlett johansson is she really the sexiest woman alive . And im going to break down last nights dancing with the stars. Lets get started. Its time for hot topics. That never gets old to me. So did you watch dancing with the stars last night . Susan, if they didnt really watch, dont encourage them to clap. Did you watch . Do you see the difference in the claps . Not as many as when you encourage the clap. This is a say it like you mean it shout it out show. If youre not feeling it, please dont react no matter what she says. Stop suzanne. Last night derek huff and his partner amber riley were in a three way tie for the highest score, 27 points. Look at her being drag add cross the floor. Derrick, youve got a good back. Aamber, you are so incredibly graceful out there. Derricks sister, julie anne fills in for goodman at the judges table. They didnt let lynne go. He was over in australia doing dancing with the stars. Hes the host or Something Like that. Hell be back. Julie anne was there. I didnt find it a problem she judged her brother. Sometimes siblings can be harder on each other than strangers. Thats a good looking family, right . Any way, she judged accordingly. She was looking for a flaw and couldnt find one. And a really good night last night. She channelled cheer leading roots. I dont know what kind of ballroom dancing this is. Its good to see snooky dancing around. Look at her go. She says its difficult for her on dancing with the stars because shes back and forth to jersey. I never used this an excuse. I went about it. She flies out to la sunday nights and returns after tuesday night elimination. Today is wednesday monday night elimination. I was doing the the same thing. What shes saying is that shes coming back and forth. I was coming barack and forth doing the the talk

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