Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20131011 : co

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20131011

time -- his friends would not tell me if he cheated. guy code. >> kirk: there is a guy code. i'm learning so much today. >> is there a guy code, right? [applause] >> kirk: angelina i'm not going to doubt you. you know there is. but there is a guy code if you love your girl you can go out with your friends and it doesn't mean you have to cheat. sometimes you just want to go out and have a beer. [applause] especially if you are out at an event and you are a beautiful girl and i'm sure everyone is hitting on you. he has to deal with that as well. >> that is another story in itself. >> kirk: it's tough being us. look at me you think this is easy? angelina's boyfriend anthony is here and he says he has had enough of the accusations. come out anthony. [applause] >> i'm sick of it. >> i don't care. >> i'm tired of you going out with your friends. >> i don't care you knew who i was when you started dating me. i don't trust you. >> i'm not going to deal with you anymore. that's it. if you do not believe me after today. >> if you don't like my personality. >> then you are not going to see me anymore. i'm not going to deal with this anymore. nice meeting you, kirk. >> kirk: anthony you say you are a prisoner. are you a big guy can't you bust out? >> kirk i'm like a rat trapped in a cag literally. it's ridiculous. i cannot deal with it. >> kirk: and she travels so mu 9 much. >> geez forget about t not only that whether she is traveling or not going out with her friends i have to sit home and wait for her to come home. and i'm sitting in my apartment twiddling my thumbs or playing video games >> kirk: this has been going on for a year? >> close to a year now. >> i mean, you know, it's just i don't trust men. i don't know. >> she joined the gym >> kirk: and she made you delete facebook. >> forget about that and go to the gym because she doesn't trust me. meanwhile she will talk to a million people and they tell her he is nice he don't talk to anybody. >> guys are telling me that. those are your friends telling me that. i don't know >> kirk: listen at some point if you really love this guy you are going to have to back off or you will lose him. [applause] anthony, she goes out at night and partying. how do youeel about that when you are stuck at home playing video games? you probably got high scores? >> definitely good at call of duty it's my gamement i will give you a perfect example. a month ago she went to a concert and my friend who goes to the gym with me asked me to go out to eat at the diner. and the minute i told her that she is like that is it you are immature i'm going to dump you you cannot go out to eat you s it will be dinner but it will turn to something else. >> it was because -. >> it was a diner. >> wait a second it was my birthday that my friend bought me tickets. >> kirk: if it's your birthday shouldn't you be taking your man to the concert with you? >> no. no. you want to know why? it is -- you want to go to boys to men and new kids on the block? >> yes, i do. the fact of the matter is i cannot go to the diner and eat with my friends she threatens to break up with me. how can i live the rest of my life like that? >> i was coming home and you knew i wanted to spend time with you and you had to go to work and why would you go out when i'm coming home? >> i disagree. i could not eat with my friends. >> and your friends are players and hook up with different girls. >> does that mean i'm going to do it? >> your friends would not tell me if you did it. it's guy code >> kirk: listen it's not really about what his friends say. all that matters is what he says. i mean at the end of the day, why do you put up with this? is she the one? >> i love her to death. i think she is the one how can i marry someone if i cannot eat with my friend? it's always going to be someing. if it's not one thing it's something else. >> how can i marry you if you do not like my lifestyle? football player is tweeting me if a baseball player a new york yankee is why is he talking to you. this is my lifestyle i will be around celebrities and guys that are like known and everything and that is what it is. >> kirk: can i tell you one thing? i will make you think. so you are out there on the town and you are doing your parties. and you are hanging out with actors and athletes. guys that are hitting on you. why can't he go out with his friends and if there's girls around that are hitting on him? because [applause] i'm saying because at the end of the day, he is coming home to you. >> at the end of the day i'm coming home to him. he has to understand that too, it works both ways. >> can i tell you something else another example. couple weeks ago she went to a baseball game with her friends and i called her and i said who are you with? people are looking at me like i have three heads. she didn't want to tell me who she was with? >> no because my friend. >> she threatens to break up with me because i was annoying because i asked her who she is with? >> why is your boyfriend so far up your... why doesn't he leave you alone? >> i cannot ask that question? >> i'm with you. listen. >> you do that because you get all who are you with what are you doing and you get nervous. >> angelina you know when he would not about so far up you your... is if he was out with his friends having a few drinks. >> this is all about me right now. i don't know. >> kirk: i mean it is. >> he is not an angel. ok. >> kirk: you got naked photos on your phone, right? >> you are not anthony you are not an angel. no one is here i'm not saying i'm perfect. you know what i'm saying? >> you knit pick on anything that annoys her i get threatened with a break up. >> kirk: do you want him to leave? >> no. >> kirk: do you realize that you are pushing him away? >> yes. but he has to realize he pushes me away, too. because we both do things to each other that bother each other. >> kirk: if you have a guy at home who is having to play video games and see on tv or hear about that you are at parties or concerts he is going to go stir crazy and get curious. >> maybe if you let me go out with my friends. >> i will start by letting you go out a little bit. not every night. i'm kidding. >> maybe if she let me go out with my friends, i wouldn't call her up and maybe she wouldn't think i am annoying >> kirk: i agree. >> and my friends they don't bother asking me to go out because you will not let me >> kirk: anthony what is today about to you? if you pass this test and prove that you are not out cheating what is today? >> accusation of me cheating and all the excuses all an excuse for me not to go out. it has to end today. i will start going out with my friends and hanging out with different people i will not stay a prisoner because she doesn't want me to go out >> kirk: this is america and no one should have to be a prisoner. >> and god you have to stop asking me who is tweeting you who is this and that. it's annoying. >> kirk: up next we'll find out if angelina's suspicions are right and if all men including anthony are cheating dogs. we will have the test results when we come back. [applause] >> coming up on "the test"... >> angelina are you ready to find out whether anthony is cheating. >> what are you doing? really? [laughter] [applause] >> what the hell? >> kirk: and later... >> she is sick of having to spy on her man at the strip club. are you caught in a love triangle. does your partner leave you for their ex everytime you fight? if you want to put your partner to the test call... [applause] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". angelina came from the jersey shore to put her boyfriend anthony to the test. she says she has every right to believe he is cheating because all men are cheaters and liars except for kirk fox, of course. [laughter] [applause] [cheering] >> you are so funny. >> kirk: angelina are you ready to find out whether anthony is cheating? >> yes. >> kirk: our lie detector administrator asked anthony the following questions. i need you here. >> what are you doing? really? really? >> kirk: this is his go to move like a puppy hiding. >> i'm staying right here. >> kirk: if he passes he passes and if he fails he fails. >> you better pass. [laughter] >> what the hell? [applause] [laughter] really? really? >> kirk: anthony since you have been in a relationship with angelina, have you had sexual contact with anybody else? your answer? >> was no. >> kirk: he passed. [applause] >> thank you! thank you! [applause] i'm taking him home. >> kirk: bacp. >> i'm taking kirk home. >> kirk: listen, angelina. >> i wanted to hug you because i feel bad now >> kirk: you should feel bad because you almost lost the best trainer i've had. >> you scared the... out of me right now. i'm not kidding. >> kirk: of course we did that is what we do we are men we scare women. >> you deserved that. all the... you put me through you deserve that. >> i'm sweating. >> kirk: you should be sweating because you will lose this guy if you don't let him get out and have fun with the guys. [applause] [cheering] >> i guess you are right. >> kirk: can you back it up a little and give him. >> now that i know he did not cheat >> kirk: give him work furloughs. let him go out and have beers with his friends or go to a diner, a man needs food. >> especially him. he loves to eat this one. >> kirk: listen is there marriage in the future? >> i think so but it -- >> kirk: not us. >> i was hoping me and you. >> you are take him away from me. what the hell? >> getting back to your question, between me and her, yes, i do. but this has to end today. i hope by me taking this lie detector test it proves that i am not a cheater and will never be a cheater and i hope that satisfies you. >> it does. >> kirk: does this satisfy you? >> it does, of course. of course it does >> kirk: if i'm ever at the jersey shore and i need to stay can i crash with you guys? >> you can play video games with me. >> that would be cute. >> kirk: all right. coming up more drama and shocking results on "the test." [applause] [777] coming up on "the test"... sean wants to know if his wife nicole has another man. >> my wife is anym for if i don't give it to her she go monday on "the test". >> she was the original vampire in the original movie buffy the vampire slayer. here real-life battle to save her niece. >> are you using heroin everyday? >> yes. i've been through a lot and never got help for it. >> can "the test" help this family in heroin hell? >> we'll turn you in for dealin we'll do whatever it takes to get you better. >> that is monday on "the test." [applaus >> kirk: welcome back to "the test." up next sean wants to know if his wife nicole has another man. he is clawing mad after discovering scratch marks on his lady's back and he told her no more nooky until she takes a lie detector test. >> my wife come home smelling like a man with scratches on her back. and she is tling me she ain't cheating. she is cheating 100%. >> my back was itchy but i never cheated >> kirk: let's welcome sean first and hear what he has to say about the evidence that has him convinced nicole is cheating. [applause] so scratches on her back? >> yes, not only that she came home smelling like a man twice. and i -- >> kirk: what does a man smell like? i do not smell. what does a man smell like. >> you know, i box and wrestle and she smell like a man sweaty and came home fro work and tried to kiss me. >> kirk: she was smelling like a man. with scratch marks on her back. >> right. by a bear?aybe she got attacked and that was her own smell because she was fighting off an animal. [laughter] all right. i'm sorry. what did she say the scratch >> he work at wal-mart and said her back was itching at work and took a fork and scratched her back. >> kirk: all right. she is using the fork as an excuse? >> yes. >> kirk: and what you did which is rare, you said no more sex. >> until you take a lie detector test. >> that might be a first. >> but i broke it gave in the other day. [laughter] [applause] >> kirk: so basically, you did great with you held sex until you wanted some. >> nine days. >> kirk: nine days. that is admirable. >> this is what it is. i like a woman on top of their game you know. and she just -- >> kirk: she is not on top of her game? >> she only get on top of the game when she wants. but like you know -- so -- >> kirk: you got to be careful if she doesn't have a fork and stabs that anna con da. sean's wife nicole says sean constantly suspects her of cheating and he has brought it up over 3,000 times this year alone. come out nicole. [applause] >> i told you i was going to -- sit on down we have to take the lie detector test. >> first of all i have never cheated on him, ever. >> kirk: let's back it up to wal-mart for a minute. how did you get the scratches on your back? >> i scratched my back with a fork. >> kirk: ok. why do you not believe that? >> because i called her -- caught her in so many lies. i hate the lies. she lies a lot and i caught her in so many lies in the past >> kirk: let's back it up. you have a serious history of cheating in the past? >> that is why he aexcuses me because he cheated on me >> kirk: that might be why you are accusing her. >> i like this part. the reason i cheated on her is because i am a guy with a good personality, i like a woman with her hair and nails did and she doesn't like to have fun and we just got together. i cheated on her four or five women. but i admitted to it i admit to do to her, though. >> kirk: how long has it been since you have cheated? >> two-and-a-half years. >> kirk: after your child was born? >> my son is three but she told me please, stay. certain stuff you got to live up to. right now she doesn't want me to work around no women. >> you have a history of cheating. >> that was a longtime ago. >> kirk: do you believe he is still cheating? >> yes. >> with who? a blowup doll? i ain't cheating with nobody. >> kirk: have you ever cheated with a blowup doll? >> no. >> i feel that is why he accuses me. >> kirk: i have to ask. >> my wife is a nympho if i don't give it to her she go crazy. >> kirk: so when you withheld it for nine days it probably almost killed her nicole are you a nympho maniac. >> i like having sex with my husband. that does not make me a nympho. look at him. >> kirk: listen. i mean, you claim to be packing such a punch can you blame her for wanting to have sex with you all the time? when we come back nik kel and sean's lie detector test results are in. no more scratching the surface. we are digging deep. [applause] coming up on "the test"... >> i want it to end today. >> if she cheating on me i'm getting -- >> kirk: have you had sexual contact with anybody else? [applause] [cheering] [ male announcer ] itchy scalp, meet selsun science. you're history. selsun blue itchy dry scalp. gets to the root of dandruff and hydrates the scalp. selsun blue itchy dry scalp. gets to the root of dandruff and hydrates the scalp. with rich moisturizers... and a revitalizing lather ♪you're not fully clean... unless you're zestfully clean!♪ [ male announcer ] the power of allegra relieves your toughest indoor and outdoor symptoms. only allegra is fast and non-drowsy. stop suffering. start living. [applause] >> kirk: welcome back. it's the old case of you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours. maybe not. sean thinks his wife nicole is cheating on him after finding scratch mark on her back. nicole thinks sean is stepping out on her. we sliced the story open with the good old-fashioned lie detector test. nicole are you ready to hear the results? >> absolutely. i want this to end today. if my lie detector test comes back i want you to kiss my feet. >> if it comes back and she is cheating i will get an 8 foot russian broad and i'm leaving >> kirk: a 5 foot russian broad is dangerous enough. all right. we are going to do yours first. our lie detector administrator asked sean the following question. sean, mr. anna con da... i've been up the amazon and some are small to begin with. [laughter] [applause] but they are still deadly. seann the past two-and-a-half years, have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else besides nicole? your answer, sir? >> no. nah. >> kirk: well, you passed. >> i know i did. [applause] [cheering] [laughter] >> kirk: you're lucky i did not have if you had sex with a blowup doll. those things pop easy. [laughter] all right. nicole. our lie detector administrator asked nicole the following question: did you get the scratches on your back while cheating on your husband? your answer? >> no. >> kirk: she passed. [applause] all right. second question: since being married to sean, have you had sexual contact with anybody else? >> no. >> kirk: you passed that as well. [applause] >> take your shoe off. take your shoe off. [cheering] [laughter] >> kirk: listen, i just want you to know that i don't think that i will ever get that sight out of my mind. we'll be right back. [applause] coming up on "the test"... >> has h been getting more than just lap dances at t strip club. >> where did you get the hi. i'm henry winkler. and i know there are many myths out there about a reverse mortgage, so i want you to know the facts. there are currently no credit score or income requirements to qualify. you can get tax-free money from the equity in your home. you can use the money to pay off your current mortgage if you have one. the remaining money can be used for anything. there's no monthly mortgage payments. and you still own your home! call today to get your free guide and dvd. it explains how a government-insured reverse mortgage works. there's no obligation. one reverse mortgage is a quicken loans company. their licensed experts can answer all your questions. call to find out what a great solution this can be. don't wait, call now! [applause] >> kirk: do you like action? do you want to witness shocking results? if you are in the la area and would like to be in the studio audience for a taping of "the test" go to >> kirk: the following program contain [applause] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". my next guest kelvin hayes his romance with key anna is in a downward spiral into hell. that is scary. all right. kelvin admits he loves to hang with his boys at the local strip club but that doesn't mean he is sleeping with the strippers. >> my girlfriend is accusing me of cheating. i might be a flirt but i ain't no cheat. >> she knows he is cheating and has every reason to think he is. because he is constantlyething changing his number and i caught him at the strip club rubbing up on girls. >> kirk: let's talk to kelvin first. welcome kelvin to the show. how are you? good to see you. [applause] why are you here today? tell me what isoing on. >> i'm... first of all, you coming at me with all this talking about i'm cheating with the striprs. first of all, them strippers i my home boys we tip the strippers. >> you tip them and that is it? >> she just insecure about something. she probably cheating. ain't no telling that is why s is probably accusing me of everything. >> kirk: what is going on at the strip clubs? you go a lot? do you work there? >> we just like sometimes on my off days we like to do and drink and watch them little -- ty little romp. >> kirk: is that what they do? they dance. >> ok. >> kirk: and you want her to know that are you going there to chill out with your friends? >> yes. that's all. >> kirk: why is is -- she doesn't trust you. have you cheated in the past? >> no. she feel i did because the past that she had going on with all like -- she was messing with... so i guess she feel like she like i'm >> kirk: and you were ok with that. >> it was like like two years ago. >> kirk: how long have you been together? >> like since i was 21. >> she is backstage and listening to kelvin. she is sick of spying on him at the strip club to see if he is cheating. come on out kiana. >> you know. you are full of it. tell the whole thing. tell the whole thing. booties and throwing money. >> they are strippers. i do that all the time. >> you are doing it too much. everybody else on instagram. everybody else on instagram. what is that number? you get a new number. [all talking at once] >> kirk: back it up so i want to hear some of the dialogue. all right. nice to seeou. club?u spy on him at the strip >> it's not necessarily spying he go out and don't expect to see me that is what it is. >> kirk: but isn't that spying? >> it's not spying. if he go out tell me that you are going out he don't tell me nothing. >> why you always come to the club? >> to see you. i don't expect to see you. >> you know where i'm going and you all of a sudden pop-up. >> kirk: what do you see when you are at the strip club and you are spying what do you see? >> i want to have a good time and i see him doing what he do. rubbing the booties and stuff >> kirk: do you rub on the girls? >> sure. >> it ain't just the strip clubs >> kirk: you have not spoken in five days. >> when i first got the phone number she asked me. and she say she is going to come back and i call her the next day and she is like who is this? i'm like what the hell? like that whatever. she [inaudible] i don't know who this is bye. and hung up and she called me right back. >> kirk: i heard your version and i'm not sure what you just said. but i got to be honest with you it sounded important to you. [laughter] it's all right, though. [applause] we're here to find out if you are doing more than giving them one's. we're seeing if you are going into the champagne room and popping your cork. listen tell me what really happened? >> he called me. i didn't say the number so i asked who it was instead of saying who it was he had an attitude and hang up the phone. he is doing -- >> kirk: she did to the recognize your voice? >> because the night before and she knew who i was. >> kirk: this is the first night you met. this is five days ago? five days ago. >> you know my phone situation you know i lost my phone. >> but you always got excuse. >> kirk: i read something. you've lost six phones lately. correct? but you get a different phone number each time and that confuses you? she wants to know why you have to get new phone numbers? i have had the same phone number for 12 years. >> i want a new number. that's it. i don't want to go through the process so i just >> kirk: isn't it easier to keep your old number? >> no. i just don't got a new number i ain't have nobody >> kirk: how do you keep losing your phone at the strip club? >> yes, i go to the strip club i lost my phone in orlando. she knew that. >> kirk: sometimes when you take your pants off and you lose your phone. haskell vin been getting more than just lap dances at the strip club? we'll find out next. [applause] coming up on "the test"... while in a relationship with kiana, have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else? lh welcome back. kiana wants to know in her boyfriend kelvin has been cheating with strippers at the club. kiana are you ready to find out whether or not kelvin is cheating at the strip club? >> that is all i want to know. >> kirk: our lie detector administrator asked kelvin while in a relationship with kiana, have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else? your answer? >> no. >> kirk: he passe [cheering] [applause] >> y! yes! right, man i told you that! i told you that! >> kirk: there is another question. i see another question here. but are you happy he did not have sexual intercourse? >> yes. >> with bami? >> yes. >> kirk: all right. now move on to sexual contact. >> all right. co on. >> kirk: i'll take my time. i got this. i got the center seat. [laughter] [applause] all right. this is serious. this man's life is on-line. he has no phone to answer it. [laughter] while in a relationship with kiana, have you had sexual contact with anyone else? >> nope. >> kirk: your answer, sir? >> nope. >> kirk: he passed. [cheering] [applause] kiana, what do you have to say? >> i'm sorry. >> thank you. [cheering] [applause] >> kirk: another happy ending on "the test." we'll be right back. zñ [applause] >> kirk: kelvin, kiana, you came here because you thought your man of four years was cheating. and i must tell you, i was shocked -- [laughter] to find out that he was not cheati on you. yo too? >> now you can stop accusing me. >> kirk: now are you going to back off on the accusations? >> yes. >> yes.: a little? >> kirk: and maybe you have a good woman here maybe you should put a ring on her finger someme >> yes. [cheering] >> kirk: i mean she is a good woman >> yes, she is. >> kirk: i guarantee you probably have four or five thousand one's that you could get back and that would buy a nice ring. are you being cheated on? if you think so put them to the "the test". go to [applause] >> monday on "the test"... >> she was the original buffy the vampire slayer. >> hollywood star. >> chrissy swanson is here to slay demons in her family. >> her battle to save her niece. >> are you using heroin everyday? >> yes. >> the next step is death. >> monday on "the test." >> thank you for watching. good-bye. we'll see you next time. [applause] [777] city, it's wendy williams. melissa gorga setting the record straight on her new control book. nelly performs his new hit song. all the latest hot topics. >> now, here's wendy! ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the show. thank you for watching. that you all for being here. it's friday. do we have task oneanother? fantastic. we have a great show, britney spears and rihanna may have gone a little too far with their music videos. we'll talk. tori spelling and her husband dean may be going broke. miley cyrus got harsh words as a warning from another celebrity. we'll talk about it and more. it's time for hot topics. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> welcome again. this will be one of the last nice weather weends in the east, i plan on enjoying . i don't know what you plan on doing, don't forget saturday we'll watch donatella movie. right? don't forget that. all right. so about miley cyrus. it was sinead o'connor who had harsh words for miley cyrus. now, sinead o'connor, she had e song, ripped up the pope on "saturday night live." she was never heard from again. she's still a young woman, 46 years old. she looks like she's been through some things compared to when she fst came out. she was one of the first bald girls we fel in love with in terms of her look. she was a pretty girl. miley cyrus said her wrecking ball video was inspired by sinead 'connor's "nothing compares to you" video. i don't recall what the video looked like. i don't recall sinead on a wrecking ball. sinead is 46, wrote a letter to miley warning her exploiting her sexuality took away from her talent. here is what sinead said. she said, the music business doesn't give a [ bleep ] about you or any of us. they will prostitute you for al you think it's what you wanted. when you end up in rehab as a result of being prostituted they will be sunning themselves on their yachts in antigua bought by selling your body and you will find yourself very alone." i totally agree. you're holding a sign. am i saying her name wrong? >> sinead. >> what did i say? it's okay. sinead. i think what sinead said to miley is absolutely right. i think it's spoken by a woman who has been around a bit in the music industry. i understand it will suck you up and spit you out. not just music, the entertainment community in general. it's fast money. everybody is looking for a score. you have to go into it well thought, know exaly who you are and know exactlywhat you want out of it.

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Hollywood , California , United States , Antigua And Barbuda , Russia , Russian , Antigua , Sinead Connor , Miley Cyrus , Chrissy Swanson , Kelvin Hayes , Nik Kel , Wendy Williams , Henry Winkler ,

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