Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20110715 : co

WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore July 15, 2011

friday, july 15th. 3 33 & 3 the search is on right now, for the suspects who shot two security guards in nortt baltim. 8:300last night in the oak hill ownhome complex... police say ttooarmed guards were patrolling in the 2800 block of matheww street... people.there was a scuffle and gun fire broke out.a 32-year old female guard was shot in the eye... and 38-year old male guard was shot severrl of the guards was - able to fire back... and there's a chance... a uspecc might hhve been hit. 11:00:35"we want to get tte messaae out we'll be checking aaea hoopitals forranyone wounds."allhough the guards were aamed and work forrthe company... assured protection... they do not carry police powers.if you know anything about this shooting... police are asking that youu call their detectives unit at 410-396-2100. ww now know the charges... faaing a man accused of murder... during fourthhof &pjuly festivities at the inner. harbor. 32-year-oll marcus arris of baltimore... is charged with second degree murder ... in the death of 26-year-old joe calo... a toorist from alabama. harris is accused oo stabbing calo in the neck witt a broken bottle. casey anthony is jjst two days pway frommfreedom... but this porning lawyers were back in court discussing yet another suit against her. her.the florida mother... acquitted of murder in her 2 year ood daughter's death... is scheduled to beereleased from jail on sunday. thee judge sentenced her to four years in jail for lying to police... but credited herrfor time aaready served. this is the woman that wants to see cassy anthony back in fernandez gonzaaez is accusing anthony of defamation after her child's nanny.the case - will take place two days after anthony is released from prison.lawwers for anthony ssyy that if sheeis ffrced to appear in the case, anthony will invoke the fifth amendmentt the f-b-i is now searching a new york apartment... belonning to one of the men... documents from a maryland museu. museem.barry landau is being held without bail... at the baltimore city detention center.police arrested landau on saturday... at the mmryland histooical socieey.police say the pair tried to steal documentss.. wwrth illions of pollars... including one signed by abraham lincoln. pollce have charged each &psuspect with one ccunt of dollars. t is american idol audition aa! day! candace dold is live in pittsburgh... ((ad lib wiih candace)) 3&(( 33 america's largest free arts festival opens today. today. artscape is most unique artists in the worl. is there now getting ready to join 350 thoosand of his closest friends. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (addlib) 3 3 there's a sea turtle that has a real problem... it'sscalled a ábubble butt.á putt.á((""elieve me, that is not mm term for it. that's actually a clinical diagnosis.)) diagnosss.)) why this turtle's hiiddquartees are causing her some problems... oming up. up.and what could be better music... your hometown hotspot is next. you're balttmore. x 45 gooo day - ((bump out)) ((break 1)) worse than usual. what happened months ago that's paying more and more for cable, and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save even more? call now and we'll add over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix, and more for 12 months. fios is a 100% fiber optic network. it delivers superior picture quality, the best channel lineup, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent and reliable internet. and there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? move up to the best. get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year, plus over 60 premium channels for 12 months. don't wait. call 1.877.729.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.729.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. or for other great fios offers, visit us online. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. --matt baly ii live with the details on this morning's hometown hhtspot --free, weekly outdoor coocert series baltimore's bands --gourmet food and beveragessfrom the belvedere square nd restauranns restaurants &psummer sounds at the square is at belvedere square every friday evening throuuh mid-september.for more information, log on to fox baltimore ddt com slash morning. peter pan has a bubble butt... that's the diagnosis... and peter pan is the name of thiss sea turtle... why hee behind is such a problem next. next. --disabled sea turtle named peter pan---rear is deformed... ann it's called a bubble butt.--it means she is can't swim deep for food. --think it may be from a shark bbte, or a propeller. --vets are working to see if they can fix her.--if they can't she'll have a home at the pittsburgh zoo and p-p-g aquarium. 3 3 maps-ppcture of accident- back to maps-fiber-back to maps :) 3 - overturned suv-- loch raven blvd attnorthern parkway to contact the spca,,go to our website at fox baltimore dot com slash morning. one in five people's relationships now beein pn.comiig up-- doctor margaree mccraa is here to tell us how sexual prrdators are using the internet to find their next prrtect yourself. yourself.dr. mccraw is also answering your relaaionship quessions....just call 4100-81-45-45 with your quuetionnyou're watching fox 45 good day baltiiore. ((break 3)) worse than usual. what happened months ago that's 7÷7÷7÷/÷/÷ghwxwp an i electtonic connection doesn't always equal an instant love dattng can be a great way to meet be aware of the dangers, and doctor margaret mccraw joins uu thii morning with more on your questions about your love life.--stayyanonymous for awhile... privacy setttngs --useecommon sense.. go slowly with new contacts contacts 3 --search social networks networks--background 3check --public location for theedaae date--good judgement 3 3 --good judgementfor the date datefor the date date--good judgementn for the d- 3 he feels that once the t do you3 "honeymoon phase" is over, there's no need to be that way? should i be really upset when been carrying on long ccoversations and hundreds of texts with his ex when he told meehe iin't talk to her at all? during a high spped hase. her 3 chass.coming up ... the mother aaout the horrific ordeal.t -- auditions in pittsburgh.... we will go back there live... good dayybalttmooe. fox 44 - ((break 44) -3 3 welcome back... american idol audiiions are happening right pittsburgh. that's where we find our own morning... ((ad lib with candace)) 3 maps-fiber-back to maps 3 the search is on right noww for tth suspects who shot two baltimore.police say two armed guaads patrolling in thh 2880 shot during a scuffle with a group f people around 8-thirtyylast night.a 32--ear &pold female guard was shot in the eye... and 388yeer old male guard as shot severall times in is pper body.both are in serious condition this f the uards was therr's a channe... a susseet miiht ave been hit. hit.if you know anything about detectives unnt t l theii 411-396-2100. aabaltimore mother is speed police chase. to high - chaae. both the mother and her baby were traaped inside... for the horrifying ride. the carjacking beggnn in weet baltimore... at a citgo gas station. the suspect jjmps intt 24 yeaa old elsyaa samuels lexus... &pand takes samuels ann her 20 month old son on a police chase down i-95 toothe 495 chase....samuelssquietly the rolled ut of the car... while shielding her son witt her arms. "i was if i hit the ground the wrong way and my arms ffew open my baby would hit his a just wwnt like this bumped the door opennand just jumped oot. the accused kidnapper is 22- year-old terron white.white is being held on million dollars bond. hees been chargeddwith several crimes... cutting down on crime.that's the goal behind new street lighs close to the linthicum lighh rail station. station. thursday nighh... the city turnnd n newly station. the lights were added because piiply too dangerrus to use the station after dark. officials arr also security cameras and a security kiosk at the station. see the baltimoree ymphony 'll orcheetra, beely dancing, and crazy ray's art ccr lounge all in the same place. place. yee... ii's oncee joel d. smith is there now as the biggesttfree arts ffstival in the coontry is set to begin. good 3 3 3 3 &pthinking about a weekend getaway to the beech? why not head out to the nation's best boardwalk... it's not too far away.whhre to go... neet. neettann get ready to tango with rango... youu chaace to &pwin the movve on d-v-d still a big honor for ehoboth beach... the toww's boardwalk has been named one of the best in the natton... accordinn to nationaa geographic.rehoboth joons nnne others on the llst... including atlantic city and ocean city. 3 3(ad lib meteorologist))) 3 3 meteorooogist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 33 & ii's our mobiddal offthe week! every week.. we'll bring you a ddal from mobideals... which proviies coupons directly to phone! this my-mobideals-dot-commto get n - started.. or ook ffr mobideall on your smartphone. smartphone. mobideals s aaproduct of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. wizards... wwtchhs and muggles... h my! my!fans arr already raving about the finalharry potter mov. ssectacular ending)) ending))coming up... a look at the frenny of fans rrghh here in maryllnd lining up for chapter.and tens of housands pf people are in pittsburgh for america idol auditions... we'll ake you there live to hear from some oo those trying out. you're watching fox 45 gooddday paltimore. ((break 6)) >> i was convinced that there was no way to live a completely happy life. and if i couldn't live happy, i didn't want to live at all. i can conquer anything and i can go through my problem ws peaceful sleep. i can go at them with joy and strength beyond all comprehension. haapening now... house g-o-p conffrence on deet ceiling negotiations.presidenttobama conference at 11 a-m this morning to give innight on the nngotiations. he president wants to e on the path to an agreement bb saturday. also appening now .... aatrrnauts are holding a press conferenne!the crrws ffom the ssuttle atlantis and the internatiinal space station are talking with those here on earth t he johnson space centtr.the atlannis crew is expected to return to earth july 21stt... bringing nasaas space proggam to an end. the drawdown from afghaniitan has begun.accorring to officials, neerly 7-hunnree u-s troops left tte province offparwan on wednesday.they also say annther 600-soldiers are preparing to leave.both of iowa national the end soldiers will depart.tte nd u-s complete drawdown is scceduled start of 20-155 efore the - the annual running of the bulls came to a close thursday in pamplona, spaan.three after tripping in the mad paah... bbt the good news... the laat harry potter ffll is now in tthaters... theaters...wizards... pitches... and muggles.. stood in line for the midnight showwng of harry potter and the deathly hallows: part 2.we caught up with a "wwzard" who saw the film in hunt valley... and he's haapy with the ending of "harry potter and the deathly haalows.. part two." &pi thought it was a ssectacula movie....... i thought it as a masterful ending to a 3 wonderful series. series.harry potter and the rated pg-133 ws: part 2" is -3 it is a big morning in pittssurgh... whhre thousands are auddtioning for their chance to be the next american . idol.and we're ttere live! candace ddlddjoins us next to talk to some of the people auditioninggto be a star. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 7)) 3 ((ad lib wwth candace)) candace)) 3 3 (( ww'll be back with aalook at your weekend orecast. forecast.pluu- e's the toughest little lizard in thh west.... rango is out on d-v-d win itt ext. you're watthing fox 45 good day baltimore. áá7 day forecastáá -3 johhny depp has played a ot of roles. pirate.. policeeofficerr.. willy wonka. in the movie rango... he's a lizardd lizard. the animated film is a western staarinn ll sorts of desert aaimals. paramount home entertaiiment sent us copies of theefilm to give away. win one now if ou'reethe 4th or 5th callers at 410-481-4545. p81-4545.ááadlib gift packáá

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Alabama , Ocean City , Maryland , Iowa , Florida , Loch Raven , Rehoboth , Baltimore , America , American , Abraham Lincoln , Candace Dold , Joel D Smith , Barry Landau , Harry Potter , Willy Wonka , Casey Anthony , Marcus Arris , Margaret Mccraw , Candace ,

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