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Im a fish. I cant live in a tree. I need water. Hmm. Dont go away. gasping for air wheres he going now . Hell be back. Heres your new home. Climb in. Bring all the water you need. Bring the family. I cant live in a cup. I need food. And room to swim. See . Hey, come back here gasps huh . Whats going on down here . Who are you . We live down here. Its great. Lots of room, plenty of food. Id recognize that bottom anywhere. Huh . Hey, this ends got a face yells neighbors, this is a duck. Ooh. Duck. Duck . I knew he wasnt a fish quack didnt you hear me . This is my pond you have to. quack gasps for air go i cant live with all of you. But weve always been here. Um. But i didnt know that. Excuse me. We would like to learn about ducks. Could you teach us . Ive been waiting my whole life for someone to ask me that. Are you sure . Theres a lot to learn. Weve been watching you from afar, and below, for so long. Were ready. Okay. The first thing you need to know is that ducks. quack gasping for air are the greatest animal of all. oohing thats right. We have big webbed feet and blue feathers. Yes. Were also kind, and helpful. quack gulping air and handsome. ahhing clearing throat i hate to interrupt, but what we really need to do right now is find another place to live. Were bothering the duck, and he wants us to leave. Leave . Oh, no what about duck lessons . How terrible we wanted to learn about ducks. snail sniffling well, hold on. Maybe theres room here for all of us. Its clear that i have a lot of things to teach you. Thats right you teach us about ducks, and well teach you about fish. Um. Uh, okay. But ducks first. Quacks been gone a long time. I hope hes okay. gasps for air theres nothing like a duck. Fish who lives with fish you can look, but you wont have any luck. Oh, no narrator and thats our lesson for today. Ducks and fish may be very different, but they both love to sing. Every day i see something new that amazes me. sighs quack laughing theres not a living animal anywhere youll see oh, no better than a duck who lives with fish like me nice job, everyone. Good job in the back. Boy, you guys are really picking it up. Girl olivers mother took us to a park. Hey, look. Girl we decided to find nature. Boy this is growing through the sidewalk. Girl and see what kind of things were living around the playground. Theres a ant. Girl the ant felt like it was tickling me. I see white stuff on the leaves. Woman what is it . Bird poop. Girl so if theres bird poop, there must be birds. We looked for birds, but we did not see any. I found two different leaves. This kind it always has three attached to one leaf. And this one has lots of flowers on it. Up there oh, my gosh, look at that girl and then, emma found a snail. It was kind of mediumbiggish type. Boy lets see if theres any more. Girl we found all different sizes. We found big, we found middle, we found teeny. We found all different sizes. Heres one of the sizes. This is one little playground and were finding lots of stuff that people dont even notice animals and plants and weeds and berries and seed pods and they all live here together like in a big family. Try looking around a place to see what living things you can find. Narrator most animals love the fall. Its a time to collect nuts, grow fur. gags coughing animals laughing narrator and kick a lot of leaves. all shouting with glee all laughing muffled squeaking hmm . Hey soft squeaking whos there . muffled squeaks i cant hear you. You have to speak louder squeak, its you. What are you doing under all these leaves . Oh, you know just enjoying the view. In point of fact, im waiting to be rescued really . Yes. I need somebody big to remove these leaves from my house. Hey, im big. I could rescue you. Quack chirp come here all laughing okay, there we go. Nice work, everyone. Yup, all done there. Thats right, over there all of them. shudders leaves. But dont you think theyre pretty . I wouldnt mind having some around my can. Take as many as you like. But if youre smart, youll go home and stay there before things get worse. Uh, squeak . What do you mean, get worse . Dont you see . Havent you noticed . Things are falling down all over the place leaves, apples, nuts. Next thing you know, the sun will be falling, or the moon. The whole sky, even from below better hurry, unless you want to get smushed. Quack do you think theres anything to it . To what . To the sun falling down or the sky. I could handle the sun, but the whole sky that would hurt. I dont think it could happen. Im not even sure squeak was right. Sure, leaves fall down, but i havent noticed anything else. Peep hey, did you see that . One of my feathers got loose and it fell down. Wow. all yell uh. Did we never notice this before that things are falling down . Is that why they call it fall . All run panting where are we going . I dont know. Somewhere safe. panting wheres that . Someplace with a roof. Hey, look all huh . sighs of relief ah, see . Its going up. I knew that mouse was wrong. pop all scream narrator that was quite enough for one day. Chirp, quack and peep decided to head for home and stay there until it was safe. There was one small problem with this plan. Peep was the only one with a roof. Quack got room for a duck . Chirp i was first no, you werent weve tried this before, remember . We cant all fit inside. Come on, peep. I think there might be room if you squeeze in beside me. chirp and peep straining, quack groaning this is silly. Im going. Chirp peep, come back. Ill make quack move some more. Come back narrator peep was determined to prove that the world is safe for chickens, birds and ducks. But how he was going to prove it, peep didnt know. How could he be sure that the sun, the moon or the stars wouldnt come crashing down . Whoa. Oh ah hello . Did somebody Say Something . Its only me, newton. Sorry to disturb you. Oh, no bother, no bother. What a beautiful day. Simply glorious. startles mmm. Can i ask you something, newton . How come it doesnt bother you, all these apples falling down . I dont know. Just used to it, i guess. But arent you afraid . If apples can fall, then why doesnt the tree fall . Or the sky . Or the sun . Thats a good question. I think trees do fall down sometimes, but not very often. As for the sun or the sky well, ive been here for a long time and ive never seen even the smallest piece of sky on the ground. Whoa so you think its safe to be outside . Even in the fall . I do. Take it from a turtle. Narrator newton had given peep a lot to ponder. Peep hmm. Narrator and ponder peep did. He pondered all the way back to his can. Peep thank goodness youre okay. I am. And i think were all going to be okay. I ran into newton and he said. Never mind about newton. Im stuck with a duck breathing on me. Help okay, hold on. quack and chirp grunting screaming quack and chirp scream, grunt and groan peep it worked okay, so tell us about newton. Are you sure were safe . Well, newton said that trees fall down sometimes, but not very often, and he said that. Narrator peep told them everything newton had said how Little Things fall down all the time and mostly you dont even notice, and how the sun and the sky dont fall at all. They stay right where they are. all sigh tiredly quack well, that settles it. Im never listening to a mouse again. Squeak maybe we should go tell her its okay. squeaking squeak what are you doing . I thought you were afraid to come out. Oh, right. You know, peep, i am a worrywart, especially on an empty stomach. chomping mmm. Lovely. But why are you just standing there . You should be looking for nuts. If you think fall is bad, wait till you see winter. Snow, ice, sleet. shivers its a wonder anything survives. Huh . Huh . Hmm . What on earth is winter . wind whistles all giggling girl keenan was playing badminton and he hit the birdie. Keenan was going to see how the birdie fell. It flipped over, i think. It was like this, and then it went like that. Girl i dropped a piece of yellow paper. It kind of went like. I folded it up to see how it drops. It dropped pretty much straightly down. It didnt do like this. Yeah, i know. Girl emma dropped down a plastic bag. Wow, it kind of floated down like a parachute. Lookit i found a parachute guy. Yeah, i want to see how it drops. Cool it floated down. It landed like a jellyfish. I just put the tape on the cardboard and i taped it to the bag. It went down fast. All three. Two. One. Girl see what happens when you drop things. Major funding for this program has been provided by the National Science foundation. Peep has a web site. Science, games and lots more fun, all at captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org alarm ringing pato elly loula sleepy bird pocoyo narrator hello, pocoyo. Hi. Narrator whats this . Hmm, you know what . That looks like a very big seed. You know what you do with a seed, dont you, pocoyo . What do all of you think . Is that what you do with a seed . Wear it on your head . No. giggling narrator put it in your drink . Is that right . No you dont put it in there. Narrator do you plant it . Yes you plant seeds. Narrator thats right. Im sure that before long something very beautiful will grow from that seed. Hmm, does seem to be taking its time, doesnt it . Well, growing can take awhile, you know. Whats that, pocoyo . Is something the matter . Ooh . Ooh narrator oh, i see, you need the loo. Well, well keep an eye on the seed for you. Hurry. Hello, sleepy bird. Its a lovely seed, isnt it . Wait what are you doing . chirping loo flushing feeling better now, pocoyo . Good, because theres, uh, something i need to tell you. Its about your seed. horn honks horn honks again sleepy bird narrator its all right, pocoyo. Sleepy bird just fancied a snack. Everythings fine now. snoring oh, look, heres loula. Hello, loula. loula barks sniffing oh, no pocoyo, wake up, wake up oh, dear. Maybe if you shout with me, we can wake pocoyo. Ready . Wake up, pocoyo wake up growls sleepily narrator oh, i see. Loula just wanted to play. tires squealing, engine revving well, that should certainly keep your seed safe, pocoyo. quacking hello, pato. helicopter blades whirring oh, pato, i know that looks like an egg, but really its. Oh, dear. car engine revving, tires squealing whats this . Well, id say your seed is going to be safe now, pocoyo. No one could possibly get it. alarm wailing oh, i see how lovely pocoyo squeals happily narrator hello, elly. Watch out alarm wailing narrator oh, this isnt good. Oh, pocoyo, elly didnt mean to crush your flower. And now shes stuck in your trap. growls with frustration narrator oh, dear. Loula it looks like. More seeds can any of you tell pocoyo what will grow from all the seeds . Flowers lots of flowers narrator thats right. Lots and lots of flowers enough for everyone. Hooray whee narrator hooray for pocoyo oh, and of course, hooray for friends byebye, see you soon. The Electric Company is brought to you by. Find your voice and share it, american greetings, proud sponsor of the Electric Company. Agreement from the u. S. Department of educations ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. Okay, here are your five words record if you hold the record for something, it means youve done it better than anyone. Possible if something is possible, it could happen. Impossible if something is impossible, it cant be done. Likely if something is likely, there is a good chance it will happen. Most the biggest amount of something is the most. So we have record, possible, impossible, most, and likely. Watch out for them in todays show. This is it, the Neighborhood Record for the most pancakes in a single stack is 26. If hector ruiz can get one more pancake on that stack, he would have 27 pancakes a new record. Keith, show em. They say it cant be done. But they dont know my brother cmon, thats it. crowd gasping cmon. Yeah cheering tuxedo pete says its good hector ruiz has made it to the big book of Neighborhood Records. Neighborhood record day is on. This is the one day a year when everyone tries to break the Neighborhood Record, even me. Im going to try to break the record for the most broken records filmed on record day. Right now the record is 31. Do you think i can do it . Watch and find out. Shes going after the record . But filming is my thing. What do i do . Ive got an idea. Shhh gilda im thinking. Ive got it. Three. Four. Marcus barnes is trying to break the record for the most quarters balanced on his nose. Right now the record is 18 quarters. Five. This could be awhile. Whoa, whoa, whoa you knocked the quarters off my face i am here to announce the record i intend to break for record day. Makeup oh, really . And what record would that be this year . Rudest prankster . Haha. No. I am going to break the record for filming the most records broken on record day. Wait but, thats what im going for. Who will break the record . I will of course. Toodles hey, you guys jess . Huh . Were right here. Oh, right. Bad habit i guess. You want these . Sure. Theres like a thousand. The power we perfected is electrically connected so use it as directed and expect to be respected Electric Company Electric Company Electric Company. Electric company

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