Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20121206 : compare

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20121206

-tease countdown to christmas- day ttrough christmas evv.ery under the stay tuned t for your chance to win! 3 ,3 breaking news... a late night fire takes the life of an elderly man in baltimore county.two fire fighters were plso innured. injured.megan giililand is streaming now on the scene right now with the latest at this hour. good morning guys, guys, 3 3 3 3 an scaped inmate áand áa suspect chase cause two city yesterday.police are searching for this man..... 25 year old travis lee wildes.he was last seen arouud 12:15, wedneday afternoon... after walking away from a prison work detail. while police were loooing for wildes.... a similar scene was playynggout across town.... a drug suspect being chased y officers ran inside collington square elementary school.parents showed up at both schools.... anxious for answers. 38:21 they said the children were fine ouucan take your kids out. then they said the &pboy ran and ran back out. they're not calling anyone or telling them nothing. that's my concern i have a granddaughter here plus friends with kids here so my concern is not just my grand daughter :36 :36 no onn was injured in either incident. at last pheck.... both suspects are still on the loose, right now. an elementary school student is punished after the child brings a b-b gun oo the bus. &pstudent from arlington elementary school... threatened another student wwth it, on officials say the child as &pdiscplined. 3 a milestone for the baltimore city police department, this morning.commisssoner anthony batts joined the mayor and the one-thousandthh illegal ark gun taken off city streets so far this year. ii happened during the arrest of a suspect in a hooe invasion in porthwest baltimore pthe horrific moment... oq: the job that we're doing out here." 3 here."police say a woman was assaulted by the suspect during the break in. there were alsooseveral children in the home at the time. the mayor is speaking out about the city's faulty speed cameras... saying they are here to stay....despite ooens &pcomplaints. one possible reassn why?.... the city's speed camera program pumped 19-million dollars intoocity coffers last year. and while the city is probing the accuuacy of some faulty radar readings... no ooe is eager to pull the plug on these million-dollar mooey-makers. (13:42:05) "we're putting things in place on west cold spring to be sure wee until that time its important because e're talking about kids and thatt it. iidon't want anyone to get a ticket in error but i'd rather face that person and correct hat problem because you can't brinn a child back..... baak...." phe city insists there are new safeguards in place to insure bad tickets no longgr get sent out. but after ten months... there's still no explanation for whats causing the problem. 3&the military is being told to start planning for billions of dollars in possible budget cuts. cuts. ttat's the latest order from the white part of the fiscal cliff... the pentagon may have to cut as &pmuch 500-billion from its years.that could be on top of other defense department cuts already in the pipeline. the pentagon says cuts woold most likely ttrget research and technology, weapons and civilian defense department same sex couppes caa now get married in the state of washington. the washington state the ninth state to allow same sex marriage, in addition to the district of columbia. many saae sex couples manyeattte aaministratiin &pbuilding shortly after the la was signed. couples can begin picking up theer weeding certificates and licenses starting thissmorning. right here innmaryland.... for marriage liccnses' in ballimore city and montgommey governor o'malley pill sign a ppoclaimation.... affirming voters decison to allow same sex maariage ii the . state.the clerk of courts says counties ill not be required to issuus licenses before januarr first, when the law goes into effeet. ccming up on the early eddtion... playing music... before the i-pod. i-pod. music? music? the local man who's preserving jukebox. 3 ((br 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map green liberty 40 ap 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... the orioles bring back a post-season hero. hero.the short-term deal nate mclouth agreed tt. &p music? music? a symbol... of one of the greatest eras in modern musiccl history.a local collector gives us a nostalgic look... at the jukebox. ((bbeak 2)) 3 3 about 50 years ago, the sounds coming from a magical machine at the local diner, dance club, burger joont or ttvern... captivated a young "hip" generation.nothing can assemble a group of partiers faster than this marvelous machine made offchrome, wires and vinyl.jeff barnd haa coin operated phonograph. phonograph. 4 ops same olddsong http://wwwwyoutub e.ccmmwwtthhvv22yyllcccx5g lcccx5g for a buck 30, you can download your favorite songs on just about anything consisting of plastic, computer chips and some mineralsa& mineralsa& elvis heartbbeak hotel http://www.youtub gg2244//rr>> 3 of course, once you stick the tune in your ear, you're on lonely streeta& only you partya&approx 14:25:40"i'll play you a tune" 65 year old joe bloodgood is the ownee of jumpin jim's musical jb's, (11:02:37) he collects, restores, rents and sellsa these original mp3'sa&.. mp3'sa.. mechanical 15:07:09 if t has a coin slot, turntabbee party lights and vinyl groovesa& johnny mathasa chances are" http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvnnhh uubbss88//rr>> chhnces arra éapprox 14:23:23 "its suchha pleasant contrast to todaa's society society joe's fixed, tweaked marketed or rented them them approx 14:o2:36 in;i do weddings' out:"you name itt&& after this bite above 14:26 in;"when before out:""they had a djj(thumbs 3do" doon)"jukebox joe video http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvbbyy mmzzssyy//rr>>(around :20 into ) video) joe fell in love with these eye catching coin operated phonographs in the fuul injected chrome 50'sa& lollipop ssng http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvzzuub bttt66ssffaauueeffssin:'what are you rebelling against?out;"what da you got?" got?? 5;00 you tube "welcome to the wurlizter plant,"http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvwwllffc3k5o c3k5o joe was hirrd by the w. distributor on guilford avenue and northa northa 14:15:36--"here's my diplomaa im really proud of tha" said do you want to work here? out:"meloddous marvels?" marvelss" got to get you into my lifea& http://www.youtub fnnnssmm//rr>>1:04 into video video 45 years later, joe still distributes jb from his home in new freedom pa. hii passion for these machines has never waned waned approx 14:25:17 in;"it maginfies he nostalgia out:"johnny ray on your ipod (laughtee) (laughter) johnny ray cry http://www.youttb e.ccmmwwtthhvvlli-t35e5li :12 into video video joe has several jukeboxes sttewn thruout hiss housea& and his collection of records isa goodness gracious- gracious14:04:19 in;"great balls of fire" out:"standard s" stuff" 15:09:20 incense peppermints e.ccmmwwtthhvvvvkkttub-3 ptuueeoo//rr>>if you need it! it! the jukebox soared hru the aze of the 0's and the glitter of the 70's (earth wind and firee http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvnnllc cc99ttii//rr>>) as they got the newest songs firsta then came the plastic, computer chips and some mineralss&(show i-pod) i-pod) doorss"when the music's over" http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvyyvvzz p3uueee/rr>>1:22 nto video video 3 14:45:07 in:"i don't even own an i-pod" out:"don't know how they work" viieo of still jukebox's doors song keeps playing playinghttp://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvyyvvzz musica& that'' musical fun for everyone" everyone" but skilled craftsmmnship and artistryy will always outshine noveltta& noveltya 14:44:29--"you can actually out:nothing like it http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvveess00 zzeeee//rr>>(if you need it! whennim 64) 64) even though mp3s for now rull tte worlda& these rare vintage classics are in high demanda& demanda&14:11:50in:"i think they have their own nichea to qqote wurlizter ads back in the 40'sa& it's the magic that changes the moodss moodsa if you wwre to pay a visit to joe's house, 14:25:40-- heres a look at the window down herea& give yyurself a little more timea absolutely beautiful music" music"chantels &phttp://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvrrhhgg 00tt00///r>> one more timea oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer ;30 into video joe will be hosting a and one of his beloved days - jule-boxes ill serve assthh center-piece for the entertainment.he's aaready filled it with hundreds of christmas records. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... if you take aspirin... check the label labelwhat a neww tudy ays coated tablets. iveness of - maryland's terrapins look for their 7th win in a row.the rough time they ave the vvsiting team. p(break 3)) 3 33 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... smoking pot... in publi. public.where recreatiooal users will beeable to light the legal looppoles they ccntinue to face. 3 3 a milestone in maryland.what do in the state startiig ally - todayy.. even though they can't ssart getting married until january first. operator::hello good mooning king edward v11 hhspital: presenter: oh hello here, could i please speak to kate, kate,and... it'ssthe prank phone call heard around the world.who a couple of radio d-j's claimmd to be... in order to get through to kate middleton's private nurse. 3 3

Related Keywords

Maryland , United States , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore County , Baltimore , King Edward , Travis Lee , Johnny Ray , Kate Middleton , Anthony Batts , Nate Mclouth ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20121206 :

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20121206

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-tease countdown to christmas- day ttrough christmas evv.ery under the stay tuned t for your chance to win! 3 ,3 breaking news... a late night fire takes the life of an elderly man in baltimore county.two fire fighters were plso innured. injured.megan giililand is streaming now on the scene right now with the latest at this hour. good morning guys, guys, 3 3 3 3 an scaped inmate áand áa suspect chase cause two city yesterday.police are searching for this man..... 25 year old travis lee wildes.he was last seen arouud 12:15, wedneday afternoon... after walking away from a prison work detail. while police were loooing for wildes.... a similar scene was playynggout across town.... a drug suspect being chased y officers ran inside collington square elementary school.parents showed up at both schools.... anxious for answers. 38:21 they said the children were fine ouucan take your kids out. then they said the &pboy ran and ran back out. they're not calling anyone or telling them nothing. that's my concern i have a granddaughter here plus friends with kids here so my concern is not just my grand daughter :36 :36 no onn was injured in either incident. at last pheck.... both suspects are still on the loose, right now. an elementary school student is punished after the child brings a b-b gun oo the bus. &pstudent from arlington elementary school... threatened another student wwth it, on officials say the child as &pdiscplined. 3 a milestone for the baltimore city police department, this morning.commisssoner anthony batts joined the mayor and the one-thousandthh illegal ark gun taken off city streets so far this year. ii happened during the arrest of a suspect in a hooe invasion in porthwest baltimore pthe horrific moment... oq: the job that we're doing out here." 3 here."police say a woman was assaulted by the suspect during the break in. there were alsooseveral children in the home at the time. the mayor is speaking out about the city's faulty speed cameras... saying they are here to stay....despite ooens &pcomplaints. one possible reassn why?.... the city's speed camera program pumped 19-million dollars intoocity coffers last year. and while the city is probing the accuuacy of some faulty radar readings... no ooe is eager to pull the plug on these million-dollar mooey-makers. (13:42:05) "we're putting things in place on west cold spring to be sure wee until that time its important because e're talking about kids and thatt it. iidon't want anyone to get a ticket in error but i'd rather face that person and correct hat problem because you can't brinn a child back..... baak...." phe city insists there are new safeguards in place to insure bad tickets no longgr get sent out. but after ten months... there's still no explanation for whats causing the problem. 3&the military is being told to start planning for billions of dollars in possible budget cuts. cuts. ttat's the latest order from the white part of the fiscal cliff... the pentagon may have to cut as &pmuch 500-billion from its years.that could be on top of other defense department cuts already in the pipeline. the pentagon says cuts woold most likely ttrget research and technology, weapons and civilian defense department same sex couppes caa now get married in the state of washington. the washington state the ninth state to allow same sex marriage, in addition to the district of columbia. many saae sex couples manyeattte aaministratiin &pbuilding shortly after the la was signed. couples can begin picking up theer weeding certificates and licenses starting thissmorning. right here innmaryland.... for marriage liccnses' in ballimore city and montgommey governor o'malley pill sign a ppoclaimation.... affirming voters decison to allow same sex maariage ii the . state.the clerk of courts says counties ill not be required to issuus licenses before januarr first, when the law goes into effeet. ccming up on the early eddtion... playing music... before the i-pod. i-pod. music? music? the local man who's preserving jukebox. 3 ((br 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map green liberty 40 ap 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... the orioles bring back a post-season hero. hero.the short-term deal nate mclouth agreed tt. &p music? music? a symbol... of one of the greatest eras in modern musiccl history.a local collector gives us a nostalgic look... at the jukebox. ((bbeak 2)) 3 3 about 50 years ago, the sounds coming from a magical machine at the local diner, dance club, burger joont or ttvern... captivated a young "hip" generation.nothing can assemble a group of partiers faster than this marvelous machine made offchrome, wires and vinyl.jeff barnd haa coin operated phonograph. phonograph. 4 ops same olddsong http://wwwwyoutub e.ccmmwwtthhvv22yyllcccx5g lcccx5g for a buck 30, you can download your favorite songs on just about anything consisting of plastic, computer chips and some mineralsa& mineralsa& elvis heartbbeak hotel http://www.youtub gg2244//rr>> 3 of course, once you stick the tune in your ear, you're on lonely streeta& only you partya&approx 14:25:40"i'll play you a tune" 65 year old joe bloodgood is the ownee of jumpin jim's musical jb's, (11:02:37) he collects, restores, rents and sellsa these original mp3'sa&.. mp3'sa.. mechanical 15:07:09 if t has a coin slot, turntabbee party lights and vinyl groovesa& johnny mathasa chances are" http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvnnhh uubbss88//rr>> chhnces arra éapprox 14:23:23 "its suchha pleasant contrast to todaa's society society joe's fixed, tweaked marketed or rented them them approx 14:o2:36 in;i do weddings' out:"you name itt&& after this bite above 14:26 in;"when before out:""they had a djj(thumbs 3do" doon)"jukebox joe video http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvbbyy mmzzssyy//rr>>(around :20 into ) video) joe fell in love with these eye catching coin operated phonographs in the fuul injected chrome 50'sa& lollipop ssng http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvzzuub bttt66ssffaauueeffssin:'what are you rebelling against?out;"what da you got?" got?? 5;00 you tube "welcome to the wurlizter plant,"http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvwwllffc3k5o c3k5o joe was hirrd by the w. distributor on guilford avenue and northa northa 14:15:36--"here's my diplomaa im really proud of tha" said do you want to work here? out:"meloddous marvels?" marvelss" got to get you into my lifea& http://www.youtub fnnnssmm//rr>>1:04 into video video 45 years later, joe still distributes jb from his home in new freedom pa. hii passion for these machines has never waned waned approx 14:25:17 in;"it maginfies he nostalgia out:"johnny ray on your ipod (laughtee) (laughter) johnny ray cry http://www.youttb e.ccmmwwtthhvvlli-t35e5li :12 into video video joe has several jukeboxes sttewn thruout hiss housea& and his collection of records isa goodness gracious- gracious14:04:19 in;"great balls of fire" out:"standard s" stuff" 15:09:20 incense peppermints e.ccmmwwtthhvvvvkkttub-3 ptuueeoo//rr>>if you need it! it! the jukebox soared hru the aze of the 0's and the glitter of the 70's (earth wind and firee http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvnnllc cc99ttii//rr>>) as they got the newest songs firsta then came the plastic, computer chips and some mineralss&(show i-pod) i-pod) doorss"when the music's over" http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvyyvvzz p3uueee/rr>>1:22 nto video video 3 14:45:07 in:"i don't even own an i-pod" out:"don't know how they work" viieo of still jukebox's doors song keeps playing playinghttp://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvyyvvzz musica& that'' musical fun for everyone" everyone" but skilled craftsmmnship and artistryy will always outshine noveltta& noveltya 14:44:29--"you can actually out:nothing like it http://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvveess00 zzeeee//rr>>(if you need it! whennim 64) 64) even though mp3s for now rull tte worlda& these rare vintage classics are in high demanda& demanda&14:11:50in:"i think they have their own nichea to qqote wurlizter ads back in the 40'sa& it's the magic that changes the moodss moodsa if you wwre to pay a visit to joe's house, 14:25:40-- heres a look at the window down herea& give yyurself a little more timea absolutely beautiful music" music"chantels &phttp://www.youtub e.ccmmwwtthhvvrrhhgg 00tt00///r>> one more timea oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer ;30 into video joe will be hosting a and one of his beloved days - jule-boxes ill serve assthh center-piece for the entertainment.he's aaready filled it with hundreds of christmas records. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... if you take aspirin... check the label labelwhat a neww tudy ays coated tablets. iveness of - maryland's terrapins look for their 7th win in a row.the rough time they ave the vvsiting team. p(break 3)) 3 33 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... smoking pot... in publi. public.where recreatiooal users will beeable to light the legal looppoles they ccntinue to face. 3 3 a milestone in maryland.what do in the state startiig ally - todayy.. even though they can't ssart getting married until january first. operator::hello good mooning king edward v11 hhspital: presenter: oh hello here, could i please speak to kate, kate,and... it'ssthe prank phone call heard around the world.who a couple of radio d-j's claimmd to be... in order to get through to kate middleton's private nurse. 3 3

Related Keywords

Maryland , United States , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore County , Baltimore , King Edward , Travis Lee , Johnny Ray , Kate Middleton , Anthony Batts , Nate Mclouth ,

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