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it's monday, june 4th. you're taking a live look atú downtown baltimore. -p and out this morning and -eaded downtown. good morning. i'm patrice harris. let's get a check of theeour forecast. been hot ass humid weatherr andr the weekend. and it's going to continue to be hot, 94 degrees yesteeday. >> i beeieve it. >> anddit's going to be in the 90s again, headdd to 91 again take a look at what we have as3 far as temperatures, just how warm it is. 78 degrees at this 5:00 hoor and 79 degrees in d.c. 74? hagerstown, so warm all over and it only gets hotter from here. sky hd radar is not expected to be active tonight, but there could be a sure isolated and thunderstoom later in theú%aftes right now what we're going to talk about is geeerally dry conditions. the high ttmperature of 91 degrees. it should beea hot aad humid day, stay cool anyway you can. let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. she has a look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: good morning, ww do start off with a new traffic pattern to tell you about. go down the southbound lanes of 83 and approach the inner loop lanes of the beltwaa, that traffic split has been removed nnar charles street. now the two left lanes have been moved to the left-hand side. just be ware of that, just a you hhad out there this morning. as for what is happening on the beltway from 83 up to 795, it's looking good, 8 minutes at 55 miles per hour with any 11-minute drive.ú as for the clip of southbouud 95 the fort mchenry tunnel, toward beltway, a nice and calm 55 miles pee hour there. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. 5:02 fox baltimore eerly the baltiiore city cop wanted more during turned himself in. this morning, offiier t hm sham >> reporter: because he is an ooficer it's likely they will keep him away from the other inmates, but that is the only special treatment he will be received. never showwd.xpecced to after an exsentive search, hee3 he shot and killed tyrone brown and it was as a result of an argument that began when brown an exmarine groped the officer'3 female friend. brown was unarmed. baltimore police feel strongly3 that shootinn as not ustifiedd >> 13 shots wereefired to this victim, that is even against our training. we're not going to tolerate behavior like this that embarrasses thii agency, we worked too hard for that. >> meanwhile family and friends ú% brown gathered for a ville v. his family is happy that charges have been filed so kickly. quickly.tshamba is now in book s facing charges. the investigation into a state trooper murdered in prince george's county issmoving in the right direction, that is3 according to the police workingú on the case.3 police do have an interest of intereea person ofinnerest in c. he was shot and killed outside3 of an appllbee's restaurant3 where he was working security. the trooper escorted an unrulel3 custtmer outsideeof i restaurant and later that morning he was shot and killed. the person is the same person seen in the surveillance photos outside of the restauuant. >> we are taking every stee to close tte cass. >> the person of interest is being quusttoned and righh now he is being held on unrelated charges. brown ived is mourning hisoper death. in his spare time brown worked as a mentor for youuh groups and residents say that makes the loos ttat much greater. >> wes worked very hard to save our youuh. with his full-time and often reached out to ur young people. his house right across the streee here became a house of hhpe. >> funeral arrangements for troooer brown have been set. there will e a public viewing on friday juue 18th, from 4 to 9:00 p.m., it will take plaae at the baptist church in capital heights. funeral serrices will be held at jericho of praise ann he ill be buried in a cemetery in stupe land. a man is alive but remains3 in critical condition after being shot on saturday. poliie arrives to find a 25-year-old man unresponsive. he as takennto johnnhopkins hospptal, where he remains this morning. at the time police have no suspects or motive. they arr hoping to close the %-$20 million in fees.3te on lew of a tax cap, hospitals and universities will pay $24 million in fees over the3 next six years. john hopkins will contribute last year thh council passed an additional $21 million in new ttxes. combined with today's measure the $41 million raised is enoug3 to restore the for polic. this morning opponents. bottle tax wiil hold a rallyy several plan to meet at the bell right supermarket in baltimoreú -t 10:00. if approved, the bottle tax would add a 4-cent tax on all search teams will head to %-person after the flash floodde -hat killed at leest 14 people over the weekend. camp easy were not told about the severe weather. >> the rescue, recovery and search operation riiht side are. they believe more than a %-the time and possibly werebeen camping elsewhere. >> there are some groups wwere searcc and rescue dogs that are3 -n foot at the campground. >> many ere killed early monday campgrounds washed along the water, etch surging through the forest and catching campers and familiesscompletey off-guard. >> at one time so long as my foot was on the ground was okay. but when the water swept, yyu know you just kind of thhnk, wow, this is not really happening. >> meanwhile the warning system intended to notify campers of poteetiaaly angerous weather is being examined nationwidd. before tte storm they could have cclled or checked the websitt. >> folkssare aaxious to word about their loved one. anything lse issan intrue ix. >> sunday afternnoo, cadaver dogs found another victim. they're focuuing their search efforts on finding one more person they know was in that campground and is now gone. fox news. jimmy dean known for his he was known for a successful artist. he won a grammy for his song big bad jon john and waa inducted io the music hall of fame this year. ú%mmy dean was 81 years old. president obama will head to the gulf area today and he will addrrss tte nation tomorrow night. putting more pressure on bpp isú %-payments to the gulf residents >> we are not going to interfere with their responsibiiities but we are going to make sure that they meet their responsibilities to the people in the gulf. >> reporter: they aae asking bbp tp quicken the way it pays e ressdents. lawmakers are sparring about who is to plame for the spill. >>the psychology of the last administration was not appropriate and there was missakes made this administration as well. >> how long are you going to blame the bush administration, come on. >> reporter: the nee design is meant to withstand hhrricanes and could cap cur nearry 3 million gallons of oils each day.3 instruments to the site to find3 out ow much crude is still leakingg they are fed up with bp and the politics of the spill. >> the excuse of, well, our hhnds are tiid, that is no longer going to wash. >> reporter: president obama is expected to demand that bp set uu an escrow fund to3 reimbuuse local residents for future claims. steve harris, fox news. %-glare.úhe brake lights, red starting today the ba ill start giving out a new tandard ú%sued plates featuring fort mchenrr, complete with bombs sizing in air. the new plates will be standard issue until june of 2015. hon down hon. >> if you understood what i jusú said, you're definntely a hon. >> the honfest wrapped up baltimooe's best hon. >> the winner marr allen wade. the makeup for me yesteeday nd ú%ua net held it for two ays. >> she will spend the year as best hon trying to get more people involved in the hon experience. coming up honoring our hometown heros. >the experience even if the combat zones as far as the joo. >> the special tribute for nattonal guard members right here in maryland. %-the mid-to upperr70s and these dew [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens virginia, where baltimore goes to get away. maybe it's because baltimore loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at 5:14 now on fox 45 early edition. welcome to a monday morning. let's get a check on what you can expect as far as your weather for this week. meteorologist steve fertig is here. steve, hot weekend. >> hot and humid, it all continuesstoday it looks like. take a lookkat the sky hd radar and that is not very activv. ttis week we had a lot of thunderstormssand heat is humidity and got away. showers here and there. let's look at the west showers and thunderstorms there to tte -idwest that is mostly where it is this morning.3 aaound here, probably a better chance as we get iito toniiht, and a couple of chances tomorrow we will talk about as far as showers and thunderstorms thee. skies aa the inner harbor. winns are calm, 76% relative humidity, and 66 is the dew point and you can see 78 degrees in baltimore, 79 in d.c. 74 in hagerstown. again the dew points as we look3 alooked at it earliee. it's in the 60s so it's a definitely humid oneeindeed. we have a frrntal bouudary to %-we are goinggto get the heat d humidity moving in here. once gain, it's conducive for the atmosphere for thunderstorm chances,,a better chance as the front pushes through later tonight and as we gee anothee front moving in our direction for tomorrow. in the morning, a shower here and there but a better chance tomorrow liter again a -- laters again as the thunderstorms push through wednesday. it tte jet stream is to the north and it will stay to the north allowing a lot of airstreaming to the souuh. that wwrmer air will allow for the possibilities of thunderstorms robably loser to where the jet stream lies.ú we mayyhave a couple ofú thunderstorms aroond here, the better chance is furrher points north if you happen to be traveling in that ddrection. we will have more in parts of day and wednesday a better chance of three days ahead. the eastern shore, tte outside chance of a shooer or3 thunderstorm later in the day. we will see plenty of sunshine through much of the day after the cloud yesterday start and then he clouds move backkin with the isolated thunderstorm chance later today. back to the west, more of the same. high temperature of 90 degrees. warm temperatures climbing to 84 by noon. we will get the high of 90 and %-drop back to 85 degrees with e thunderstorm chance.ú it's an isolated chance then. tonight 71 degrees under mainly cloudy skies with a thunderstorm, north winds at 5-10 miles per hour. as we look ahead over the next 7 dayss oday is flag day, 91 degrees for the high -emperature today. ú% degrees later tomorrow. and in comes the thundersttrm chances later ttnight and anooher chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening. a couple of cooler days thursday and wednesday, the heat and humidiiy return for the weekend, 85 for friday and 90 foo saturday, and 95 forrsunday. we can't rule out a couple of showers then. i radar is avvilable at, you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar. you can go to and click on iradar. now candace dold is here with a look at yyur traffic edge. candace. good morning, steve. we areechecking in on those3 actual speeds for you and things are looking good out there on many of the main lines. right now on 95, at 395, 62 miles per hour, 66 miles per hour on the beltway right at security boulevard and then 61 miles per hour just farther up ear liberty road. as for what is happening, ww do have to talk boutta new traffic pattern, it's on the southbound lanes of 83 approaching the inner loop lanne of the beltway3 we want to show you what the area looks like. here you can see the traffic split has been removed. two through anes are on the left-hand side. at charles street.ight exit off looking picture perfect all the way through towson. through harford road.ving you can see the same deal, favorable conditions, outer and 95 is okay. checking it out through baltimore county and whitemarsh. it's in excellent shape, northbound and southbound lanes. that's a look t your morning travels, patrice, back over to you. thank you, candace. we're looking the for baltimore's best dad and we think we found him. every day this week we reveal one dad. hh can win four tickets to anywhere southwest flies, andd a cobra golf set. tte speech that bbought this and next sayiig thanks to shhws who keep us ú more than a thousand national guard members were honored over the weekend in middle river. bbenda stevens has more on how our state leaders are saying to a colllge graduation except. -n this stage no deplomas but >> reporter: governor martin -'malley and other eaders took part in honoring members of the -ational guard ho have een overseas. >> it makes you feel good. know, he come out anddshow his appreciation to us, you know, it's a great hon. >> reporter: 10 guard members representing the more than 1200 who have been deployed since 9/11 were each honor with other ssntiients depending on their length of deploymmnt. among them master having the tara brown who served in since 2003. the baltimore mother of three,3 says her deployments can take a toll on her family but t's a sacrifice she is willing to make. >> i likeegoing overseas and meeting new peeple anddgetting the experience even in the combbttzones as far as the job. >> reeorter: this was the governor's second stop f the day. ceremony honoring more than 100 army reserves. the think the worst thinn solliers and families while they're deployed is that nobody cares or that thee're doing an ordinary average job and nobody cares about them and notting can be urther from the truth. >> reporrer: something they were rrminded off as they walked across that stage. >> of the more than 1200 maryland national ggard members who have deny employed overseas, a single casualty. still ahead, traveling the noo soofriendly skies.ú i'm ever ssraflin never trh gm considers ways to pay backkthe government after being bailed oot by taxpayer money. stan case hhssmore in today's businnss briif. higher friday, following a choppy session. the dow cllsed .4 of a percent, the nasdaq and s&p 500 aaso closed in the black. a roadway seas bp may suspeed its seconn quarter dividend. the company says it has not yet made a decision. -p's decision comes unddr mount be prrssure following the oil a decision on the denned wil dil be decided between today and july 27th. the "wall street journal" and the new yor "new york times3 morggn stanley and gm are the a sale of stock will help pay tte government back. the treasury department says an 4th quarter. retaii sales plunged last month falling for the first time in eight months. total retail sales fell 41.2% in may, economists had thought that sales would increase .2 of a percent. for sales brief, i'mmstan case. still aheaded, stranded witú no way oo getting home. >> i can'' get back ann they >> the airline strike that has these passengers stuck at the ú%rport. >> reporte ah! silver one. that's not a volkswagen. ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ that's two for doubting. [ chuckles ] you hit like my sister. really? i'd like to meet her. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen cc. award-winning design starting under $28,000. it's a whole new volkswagen, and a whole new game. award-winning design starting under $28,000. welcomm back to fox 45 early edition. welcome back. you're taking a live look over the skies over the city of baltimore. 5:29 is the time. good morning, i'm patricee3 harris. let's get a check of our forecast and see what might be happening with those skies. >> heat it looks likk. >> and hazy. -p>> i feel the humidity in herú >> you were saying, yeah and -t's creeping in. it's

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Maryland , United States , Whitemarsh , Hagerstown , Baltimore County , Allen Wade , Patrice Harris , Steve Harris , Candace Dold , Steve Fertig , Tyrone Brown , Jong John , Fox Baltimore , John Hopkins , Tara Brown ,

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