Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20100430 : compare

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20100430

it won't bother us and it won't keep you from getting to the convention center on friday. 73 at noon, topping at 80 degrees at 4:00 this afternoon. it's still warm as we get into the evening hours as well. let's see what is happening on the roads with candace dold. she has the traffic edge to let you know, candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we're talking about an enjoyable ride out there. here it is at the beltway moving on liberty road and you can see the traffic is flowing freely inner and outer loop lanes. that's the same deal from 795 all the way down toward 95. right now we're in the green, 11 minutes at 54 miles per hour. and as for the commute through baltimore, there's nothing to impede it. southbound 95, fort mchenry tunnel down toward the beltway, 8 minutes, 55 miles per hour and only 54 miles per hour with a 9-minute ride on southbound 895 this morning from the harbor tunnel down toward 95. do note that the volume is increasing. that is a loo look at your morng travels, patrice, back over to you. 5:31 on fox 45 early edition. a new law in arizona is causing protests across the country and it's straining relations with mexico. now one maryland lawmaker wants to bring that same law here. joel d smith is live at the u.s. citizenship and immigration services building downtown with the details. good morning, joel, what exactly is this law. >> reporter: in arizona, it's the law right now. not a bill anymore, it's the law signed by the governor. and the police officers can approach those who are suspicious of being illegal ask them for identification. that is the way it's interpreted and right now baltimore delegate pat mcdonough wants that law in maryland as well. he is going to bring this one up today. it may sound like police have a lot of discretion as to when they check out. that is the problem some people have. arizona says that those supporting this law, they agree that it simply enforces federal laws already in place. last week, arizona's governor signed this. it makes it a crime to be in the state illegally. it allows police to check immigration status if they have a reasonable suspicious. opponents from across the nation and here in maryland say that is not the way to handle immigration. in fact, it impedes everyone's civil rights. >> if we're going to come up with a policy, it should clearly be done by the federal government, the president and the congress of the united states, not one state at at a time. >> there's specific language that prohibits racial profiling, and specific language that states you can only question a person after there's been reasonable caution for stop like a traffic violation, something like that. you cannot go out and question people. >> reporter: protests are underway against the arizona bill already in the u.s. and in mexico. the mexican congress in fact, voted this week to condemn the arizona immigration law and the foreign ministry is considering its legal options in. tucson, arizona, a police officer is filing a suit over the law saying it will impede investigations. they're saying they will have a tough time of having people to cooperate when they're fearing they're in trouble because of this law. pat mcdonough will introduce the law in maryland today. we're live downtown fox 45 early edition. homicide detectives are called to the scene of a shooting. at west lexington street. police say a 17-year-old was shot in the back and taken to shock trauma. there's no word on a suspect. baltimore county police search for a woman who has been missing for more than two months. investigators say rosemary bing leer disappeared on february 24th. a family member told police she spoke to the 24-year-old that day and she was headed home but no one has seen or heard from her since. bingly is described as 5-2, 180 pounds. anyone with information is asked to county police as (410)307-2020. first on fox a teacher who used to work at gilmor elementary talks the violence she saw on school grounds. tammy matthews was a 5th grade teac teacher at the schood says she is not surprised at shania girl a disabled girl was attacked by bullies. once a little girl in her class was attacked and the next day the bully was at school. another time she says when trying to breakup a fight she was hit herself. >> they're so afraid being put on the unsafe school list that they don't take care of problems. >> she eventually quit over the violence and is now teaching in other state. meanwhile we have learned there's been 49 suspensions at gilmor this year, 18 involve assaults. the city has set up an anonymous hot line for students. 410396-safe. a reality t.v. star's effort to raise money for a maryland university aren't going as planned. jon gosselin of jon and indicate plus indicate was at the green turtle trying to raise money for the woman's soccer team at mount st. mary's owfort. hiuniversity. his brother is the coach. but they denied any link to the fundraiser. jon gosselin says that won't symptom stop him from achieving his goal. >> i have been going to that school. >> a spokesperson from mount st. mary did not say whether the school will accept the proceeds from last night's events. the city liquor board gives a little italy restaurant another chance. at a hearing the city board renewed the license from milan. milan came under fire from neighbors who say the restaurant was being promoted more as a nightclub. the liquor board listened to the complaints but disagreed that the restaurant was using party promoters. it don't find enough evidence to take away milan's liquor license. the maryland commission approves the transfer of the the laurel and pimlico racetrack. the race tracks go to the parent company of the reorganizing owner mi development inc. the former owner of the track, magna entertainment filed for bankruptcy last year. earlier this week, a delaware bankruptcy approved the transfer of some of its assets including five tracks. with the preakness just over two weeks away, baltimore is preparing to celebrate. the calendar of special events leading up to may 15th preakness stakes is scheduled to be revealed today. officials with the jockey club will make that announcement today at city hall. mayor stephanie rowlings lake ie is expected to be there. a member of the baltimore county council will officially join the race for county executive. councilman barton felder is expected to announce it. the democrat will be facing off against fellow councilman kevin kelentkanents. smith will step down at the end of his sterl i term in sept. it's tomorrow at the convention center. we have great experts that will help you get started on your path for fitness and the best part, it's for free and it's going to be a lot of fun. this morning, megan gilliland is live with a taste of what we can expect. and we do mean a taste u because it's going to be so, so large. >> reporter: there's going to be so many exhibits in every category to help you live to the healthier living we're at the fox 45 studio and this is going to be the dance. we're going to be jumping on this in a half an hour and see if i have the foot skills to keep up with this. in addition to this, we're going to give you food demos and show you examples of healthy eatings and things like. that we also have a bike over here as well. live all morning on the show. we have got a lot of great stuff to bring you and as patrice said, this is a small fraction of what you're going to see tomorrow. in the expo at the convention center we have nutrition experts, and physical fitness trainers like monty sanders and mental experts. and there's going fo to be healh screenings. you want to bring the kids and i know you said to the folks out there that this is free. we want to make sure you know that it's free all day long. it's at the baltimore convention center. we want you to come out and join us. it's from 9 to 5:00. we hope you will come out and join us. we will be out there and we want to meet all the viewers. >> we have a lot of facebook fans saying they're going to be there. i'm going to be there to do fitness camps for kids. what are you doing tomorrow. >> reporter: i'm going to be helping out with the expert segment and some the cooking demos. we will be taste testing and doing that kind of stuff. so many things going on there. things that the kids will enjoy especially with the games we're going try out in a little bit. >> absolute she and steve fertig is going to be there. if you ever wanted to be a a weather kid, tomorrow will be your chance to do that. >> reporter: it will be a good day to do, because it's going to be su sunny. >> of course. >> good weather to talk about. coming up in the early edition. high-end cars rented by the police department. $900 a month is exorbitant. >> how much they're costing taxpayers. if you come to the health expo and do the weather with me. this is what you will saying, warm temperatures for the weekend. you see it stays warm at welcome back. 5:43 on a friday. we like that. sky watch hd radar, you will like this, too, it looks clear right now. as we look to the north, you will find that we have showers that appear to be falling but much of that not reaching the ground as it evaporates. back to the west, a chance of showers to come our way with thunderstorms later in the weekend. right now we're looking at 53 degrees, partly cloudy skies and the winds are calm. the barometer is high. 53 degrees in baltimore as we speak. a mild start too, in d.c. cooler in salisbury, the only 40s we're seeing there, 53 degrees there. and the these temperatures will continue to climb into the 80s as we get a southerly flow behind the high pressure. we get the southerly flow as it warms up today and for the weekend. eventually this front is going to push through and bring us a chance of thunderstorms. the best chance will be sunday into monday. you will see shower chances even as early as tomorrow afternoon. it will be a soaker for saturday. and sunday could be a different story with some heavy soakers and those thunderstorms that pass through once you move off through the east. as we take a ride on the jet stream, cooler air to the north of it, the you see the trough to the west with ridge building in the east. that means a high pressure bringing us a really nice weekend temperature wise with mid-to upper 80s coming your way after today. we will be rather warm, but the clash of air masses will provide the chance for thunderstorms and this whole bit of activity moves to the east for later into the weekend especially for us. that is why we say sunday into monday for thunderstorm chances. now today, during the eastern shore we will climb to a comfortable 74 degrees. a lot of sunshine for you and a sunny disposition for all of us as we will enjoy the 80 degrees for the high and a southwest wind at 5-tif 515 miles per hou. back to the west, warmer still by a degree, a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. tonight under mainly clear skies, 60 degrees or rather a mild night. southeast winds at 5-10 miles per hour. 80 degrees for today's high with a lot of sunshine. if you happen to be going for orioles game. first pitch temperature 76 degrees as the orioles welcome in our own way. 76 degrees against the red sox and hopefully beat them. clear skies, mild southwest winds at 5-10 miles per hour and 87 tomorrow, a real warm day and 88 on sunday. the chance for a pop up shower tomorrow but that should not keep you from getting down to the convention center for the be more healthy expo. we want to see you down there. come down there, it will cost you, zero. tomorrow, rather sunday, 88 degrees, and 85 on monday. a better chance and 76 with showers on tuesday. 75 and 76 for your wednesday and thursday. fox 45 sky watch weather is available at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. interactive tools will let you know when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. so far we're enjoying this friday morning commute checking out the numbers out there 50 miles per hour on 95 traveling through whitemarsh and it's 63 on the jfx. really nothing to get in your way on any of the corridors in fact. we do want to show you what it looks like on 295 this morning. here it is at 32 and those lanes are wide open on both the southbound and the northbound stretch all the way up toward that beltway. once you finally on the 95 corridor moving through howard county this morning, it's nice and quiet there in both directions. and that continues to be case on the beltway as well. checking it out at frederick road for you, here it is just picking up a little bit of volume but again, those cars are still flowing freely on both the outer loop lanes and the inner loop direction there. then farther up at liberty road. let's show you what that region looks like, pretty much the same deal, no brake lights, we will take it, outer, inner loop lanes up to 795. that's a look at morning travels, patrice, back to you. thank you be candace. is your mom baltimore's best. in 100 words or less, tell us why your mother is baltimore's best mom. she could win a trip courtesy of southwest ai airline. just mail your entry to baltimore's best mom at 2,000 west 41st street, baltimore 21211. your mom could win the grand prize, a trip for 4 anywhere where southwest flies, a $100 visa gift card and oriental rug from universal carpet. the familiar face who is on the top of the odd makers list. cops do not make drug transactions, people do. the list the fight against crime continues in baltimore city even in the midst of the tough economic times. we found the cost of combating crime comes with a hefty price tag. jeff barns takes a closer look at fighting crime with cash. >> reporter: high-end, imported luxury vehicle. gas guzzling sufficients and even e cofriendly sedans. they're cars riding through the baltimore city streets and behind the wheels baltimore city police. >> $900 a month for an infinity, it's exorbitant. >> reporter: city police are renting 224 vehicles, costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars each and every month. >> those are for undercover operations. those are for detectives that do under cover investigation rs. >> reporter:investigation. >> reporter: many of the vehicles are assigned to the department's command star. some of those vehicles travel home with commanders as take home cars. >> we're always looking to work smarter. we're not going to make decisions -- >> because of the budget deficit that we're facing, we want to scrutinize every expenditure. >> reporter: the list of vehicles rented by the department is quite expansive from a kiaotima to a mercury mountaineer for $760. and then there's the chevy tahoe, for $950, and the luxury suv, infinity which documents shows it's assigned to a lieutenant for $950 a month. >> because of high-profile vehicles like that. going after high-profile dealers and gun offenders. >> cars do not make drug transactions, people do. you can drive a -- what they call a yugo. it doesn't matter. >> reporter: police spokesperson says the department has recently reduced the number of rental cars in its fleet from 250 in january of this year, to 224. 40 of which are federally funded. >> we want to make sure that we push our vehicles. >> you want stuff that blends into the traffic. >> reporter: former baltimore city commissioner defends the spending and the use of the rental cars for what he calls the urban camouflage. >> we have cars that the people recognize, and we trade them in and get a new one. >> reporter: the recent fox 445 investigation found during the last two years the department has asked the city on two different occasions to fork nearly $400,000 to pay for damaged vehicles. the request came from $1,200 to $37,000. >> they know what car police they're driving. they know the very day they see it if police come out of it. we need to be one step ahead of the criminals. >> when they talk about increasing fees and taxes on our residents, we want to make sure that we are fiscal produced ourselves. >> reporter: jeff barns, fox 45 morning news. the city negotiations with car rental companies for the best possible price and when they can, they use ceased vehicles instead of rental cars. in the mood for a good scare. >> every time i dream, i always see this man. >> the familiar face readily to terrorize movie goers again. but next, the orioles were hoping their first series win of the season would miss a day of watering. this seed makes it almost impossible to fail. it's me proof, in a way. [ male announcer ] seed guaranteed to succeed. that's the scotts advantage. the orioles close out their series with the yankees and after last night's blowout they were looking for a feedback. they pitched pretty well but would it be enough to win the series fi finale. orioles down 1-0. mark with a fly ball, nick markakis has a long way to run. he dives, makes the catch robbing the mount st. joe graduate of the base. nola rhyme hold at the plate. and then throws across the body to get him in the first. that's how they do it in major leagues, son. i would smile, too. top of the 4th, they beat the o's with a bat as well. jusms on thjumps on the maddox . the 7th in the year, second in as many nights, the yankees lead it 2-0. bottom of the 4th, he strikes out, matt weighter wheah a nasty. and the rookie ryan hughes and 7 innings for burnet. it's still 1-0, new york. and the that is going to roll into the corner. the rbi double and yankees go on to beat the orioles to take the 3-game series. this time, baltimore will be bracing for the 300 running of the preakness stakes. this weekend they get underway at louisville. with the top race less than 48 hours away, he says that his horse has adapted to churchill downs quite well. >> as he progresses and has been here, he has been doing much better, you know getting used . the last two works have been strong, solid works. he is coming into it in the right fashion and i'm happy with it. he still needs a lot of luck. we got to get all of those unlucky races out of the way. the run for the races begins after 6:00 on saturday. back to you. coming up in our 6:00 a federal plan for a financial reform. how the public may feel about the government continued involvement with the economy.. >> reporter: it's already a federal law, so why are a few states trying to bring a state version into play. i'm joel d smith, straight ahead the immigration debate could be coming to maryland. >> reporter: step up with fox 45, we're doing with the be more healthy expo by getting

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