>> what are you going to be doing? >> i'm going to go to rehoboth with jay, my mom, my mother. >> don't pack your thong, it is going to be chilly. we don't usually start off our show with a plea but we have one. some people like the "ihoda" play list and some people don't. >> i like the play list, i don't usually like your songs. >> well, someone would like to be on the play list. >> i'm sorry, we don't just do it for everybody. >> we have a videotape, i guess, plea. let's listen. >> hoda, kathie lee -- it's justin here. i just wanted to say, hoda, please put "boyfriend" on your play list. you need to. it's great, man. if you haven't heard it, check it out. it's called "boyfriend" and you should play it. right now. >> let's hear it. >> how can you say no to him? ♪ >> oh, i like it. >> if you were my boyfriend, i'd be arrested. >> prison time. >> what a sweet guy! all right, we've done it. >> we have done it. he's made it. he asks and he receives. >> pleading works every time. there is yet another study out, you guys. this one has -- >> this one i agree with. >> yes. this one has to do with doing the spin classes and bike riding. they say there is another reason to avoid the gym. bicycling can hurt your -- downstairs. they say it is the numbness from sitting on the bike seat and doing the spinning. >> don't look at me. >> they say -- we know it is uncomfortable, but now they actually, according to this study, have some scientific proof that it messes with your -- downstairs so you got to be careful. the way that they say -- i think if your handlebars are too -- see? if your handlebars are too low, it is a problem. you have to have your handlebars high and your seat low. here's the thing i don't understand about bicycling and spin classes and stuff. the seats are teeny. why don't they have a big seat that's padded and comfy? because i would like a class if the seat were bigger and cozy. >> they sure don't make them for post menopausal women like myself. that's for sure. we've always known bicycling can be tough on men's -- >> downstairs. >> we're allowed to say testicles, aren't we? >> yes. it can cause erectile dysfunction, it says. >> what's more fun than being around little kids at 4:00 in the afternoon and hearing commercials for erectile dysfunction. i can't believe they let those on the air. i mean come on. we have enough to explain. it is hard enough to explain how babies get here, much less than when it is erectile dysfunction. of course i'm talking about it right now and it's 10:00 in the morning. slap me! >> as you get dressed in the morning, do you ever wonder what does what i'm wearing say about me, does it make a statement? >> no, because i'm like that lady from england and i know i'm beautiful and i know that everybody hates me because i'm so beautiful. >> i still can't believe her. >> i can't get over it! >> anyone who thinks that -- she keeps saying people give her gifts on the street? first of all, i don't even think it's true. are people approaching her and handing her free things? >> apparently, hoda. >> we're sorry. >> too much cleavage says you have an urge for power. if you're stuff is out -- >> i think it says you're a slut. what's the problem? >> now, if you button up too much -- >> is that me? >> that's you with it all hanging. if you button up too much -- me -- it shows that you feel like if you show your junk it's a sign of weakness and not power so you button up. why did you show that old picture? >> that's the first week we worked together. they say if you have a scrunchy in your hair, which i do every single morning, it means you miss the free-wheeling days of high school. i don't miss high school a bit but i love a scrunchy because it gets the hair out of your face without leaving a mark on your hair like regular rubber bands do. >> think it through. if you wear too much bling, it means you're trying to keep up with the joneses. it means you are in financial trouble. >> well, kim kardashian is not in financial trouble. >> she blings it out. >> yeah. long flowing locks, hiding something. that's what you're doing or you're using your hair to distract -- >> look at you. your bling and your hair. you're all in one. >> i'm a total slut. >> how about this one? short skirt. >> i'm everything today. that's the only one i agree with but i don't want to look like me as a teenager, i want to look like my daughter as a teenager. it's not fair. >> if you wear a pencil skirt it shows confidence. >> i agree. there's our bobbie. >> high heels, also confidence. you're in longer looking up to a man -- b.t., are those your feet? >> yes. >> bobbie's got it all going on. remember we were at the big anniversary for the "today" show and flo rida performed and he gave you a very special gift? >> i took his sneakers. >> he gave them to you. >> he insisted you have them. did you not steal from him. >> here they are. we decided these are going to be donated to a charity i love so much, it's called groove with me. it's based out in harlem and these young girls get to go there and dance and the great thing is the graduation rate from high school in that area is 50%. among the kids who go to groove with me, it's 98%. it is unbelievable. you can bid on those boots with the fur -- with the whole club is looking at her -- she hit the floor. ♪ shorty got low low low low >> here comes my favorite part. ♪ the magic sweatpants and the reeboks with the straps ♪ >> is this a good friday song? >> so if you want to give money for those sneakers which have nothing to do with that -- okay. it's bidding for good. write it down. biddingforgood.com from april 5th to the 23rd. apparently we don't live in the happiest country in the world. did you know that? we're 11th or something on the list. economists at gallup says the united states report card is not so great. number five is canada. number four -- the netherlands. number three -- norway. all these seem like the same kind of country. number two, finland. number one, denmark. >> they're all in scandinavia. they have a very high suicide rate, don't they, in scandinavia? >> i don't know. >> i think they do. let's check that. >> here's what they have in common. average income is high and the people live longer. the ones that don't off themselves. >> the ones that don't commit suicide live a long, long time. >> did you make that up? >> no. of course i've heard other things that were not true. we will get back to you on that. all right. >> i like the lady who said she won the lottery. i'm sorry. >> it ain't over yet. this story is an ongoing thing. >> can we just say one thing about her? >> you can't make someone up like that lady. >> she claimed somewhere her ticket -- she hid it in a mcdonald's where she works and she had a news conference with her attorney and was filing her nails and talking on the phone while her attorney was fielding questions. >> i guess her english is not as good as she would perhaps like. i think she speaks creole. let your lawyer do your talking for you. but i loved her shirt. >> something about -- >> swine scum i think? nothing says class like wearing a t-shirt while you're doing your nails when your lawyer's pleading your case that you are an upstanding american citizen. all right, it is try-day friday. this is called motza-toff. like toffy. they are not kosher so we don't want to confuse you on that. >> but they're good. they took the cracker and dipped it in chocolate. >> it's unleavened bread. >> it's fancy. >> it's a commandment. >> it's delicious, too. >> it's time for your friday funny. >> i've never seen this before -- after being married for 40 years, a man took a careful look at his wife one day and said 40 years ago we had a cheap house, a junk car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white tv. but i've got to sleep every night with a hot 23-year-old girl. now i have a $700,000 home, a $60,000 car, and a nice, big bed and a large-screen tv but i'm sleeping with a 63-year-old woman. it seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things. his wife is a very reasonable woman. she told him to go out and find a hot 23-year-old girl and she would make sure that he would once again be living in a cheap house, driving a junk car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white tv! older women are great and they really know how to solve an old guy's problem. now you can laugh. it's time for -- "bobbie's buzz." >> where did you get that dress? i love it. >> $9 at h & m. equal opportunity shopper here. i will take it from anywhere. so lots of fun new beauty this week. there is a big sort of craze happening with textured nails. these microbeads, bear with me. a runway inspired this. basically you would take -- these are new kits that are going to be launched at sephora next week, brand-new for $25. you put the wet nail polish on and the kit instead of having to go and make a mess, helps you shake the beads on. you press them on and that's it. it's done. instant nail art. then this kit actually gives you the tray and a funnel so you can catch all the beads. okay? >> kathie would never use that. >> you're really going to want to do that again. >> all different color combinations. maybe i'll get the white on you next. >> okay. >> this is a really great brand-new nail polish remover from cutex. it will get rid of the stuff. if you look at my legs, not because i love them -- i have nylons on. and you know what's funny? these are from pretty poly. if you look close, these are open-toe nylons and they're from this uk company, kate middleton started this year termed pretty poly. there's also a brand-new pair of sheers called sun kissed that are actually self-tanning tights. you wear these self-tanning tights and it helps give you the faux glow. afterwards, you can wash the tights but you'll have tan legs. it's the world's first pair. >> you know who is going to be so upset? our spanx lady. she's doing all right. coming up, oliver platt with a sneak peek at the new season. on the hit show time series "the big c," acclaimed actor oliver platt plays paul jamison whose wife is living with cancer. last season paul suffered a heart attack, but did he survive? >> before we try to pry that out of oliver, let's look at what led up to paul's heart attack after he crashes an insurance company's holiday party. take a look. >> why don't i just leave you with something else to think about while you drink? you all work for a health insurance company, which means, no doubt, that you're probably covered by the same insurance. well, you better hope you don't get sick. >> you're so much fun at parties. now we know you're dealing with a lot with your wife who -- the lovely laura libby who plays your wife so well, suffering with cancer. but you have your own issues, mister. >> i do. i do. one of the things that i love about the show is that it's very truthful about -- i think we all wish that we would sort of hope that we sort of like turn into gary cooper when our loved one gets sick and be heroic and change the didies. >> do all the right things. >> i think people respond in very mysterious ways. somebody's version of gary cooper can be very un-gary cooper-like when they're doing their best. >> kind of twisted. >> the funny thing about this show, when you read what it's about, i would think it would sort of be a turnoff. but when you watch it, it is a whole different game. i think your character is especially unique. i mean what happens -- this is the end of last season so we're not giving anything away, you're kind of clutching your chest and falling down and people are dying to know what happens to you. >> i have -- first of all, there's a predator drone from show time out there just waiting for me to forget. but -- >> but you're here promoting the new season. >> i will say this. i have an official, but somewhat solemn -- i think we have to be very respectful about people. and what i have to say about this, is this -- ooh! i'm a ghost maybe. that didn't go -- >> that fell so flat. >> that happens sometimes. >> ask me again. >> swing and a miss! we assume because you're here you are promoting the new season. but you do survive and you have your own health issues then that your wife has to deal with. >> this is what i have to say about that -- ooh! >> as an actor you try many times in previews to get it right. >> now in addition to this program, which is great, you also obviously -- we know you from a lot of thinks, broadway is among them. you have something cooking there? >> going to be doing "shakespeare in the park" this summer. 50th anniversary. the show is "as you like it," which is exactly the way bill shakespeare himself says, look, i got a great new show for you, for you people at the globe. "as you like it." i'm going to be playing touchstone. >> i love you in everything you do but i was talking with my dear friend this morning, all talking about how we love beethoven so much that -- if there's a whole generation that hasn't seen beethoven -- are you in beethoven, aren't you? it is a classic hysterical family film. you've got to see him -- if you have children, got to watch "beethoven." don't watch "the big c" -- >> no, not with the kiddies. >> great to see you, oliver. we'll try to come see you this summer if it's not too warm. >> check your iphone before you go. >> there might be winds blowing. ooh! up next, sara's getting our fans ready to ask us some unbelievably daring questions. oh, please, after these messages. 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for me, when we had our first mardi gras together and we were going through the king cake and looking for the baby. i said it is a baby jesus. she goes, no it's not. i said yes, it is. i don't know, to me you'd have to look it up. it was one of the funniest things ever. >> i think every day is one of those days when you're not sure what's going to happen. usually the funniest days happen when they're unplanned, we don't even realize when we're both punchy. >> excuse me, speak for yourself -- but she's right. it could be today -- hasn't happened yet but hope springs eternal. thank you. >> our next question is from vanessa who's from new york city. >> hoba and kathie lee, i notice you all are so close and i'm just wondering is that closeness the same off the air and how much time do you all spend together? >> i don't spend much time with hoba. >> that is just terrible! >> that is yoda, to you. >> hoda! >> you don't know my name. >> i love this woman. >> hoda, i know. >> we spend lots of time together and we have a great time. you can't fake this. but thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> so hoba, what's up. new beauty rules -- that's just mean. we'll be back after some other things. attention - americans living with limited mobility. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? 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>> by the way, you're going to risk that. but if you feel that way, just say it. say look, i cherish our friendship and just jump him. >> if they say no does it mean that the friendship -- >> no. what gets weird is if you go into it, then it doesn't work. but i've been with women -- i've had situations where women i've been friends with have said to me they'd like something more, i was like that's great but i actually like you too much, i don't want to risk our friendship and we just went on from there. >> it didn't make it weird? >> no. had we slept together, started a relationship, then pulled back -- no. just go for it and if he doesn't jump, fine. >> next question from ginger -- why is it that before we married my husband got up and did the dishes without me asking and now he won't even load the dishwasher. >> does he still eat? >> because you got married. you got to lay it out there. this is what you do, this is what i do. not like you used to do it, not in a nagging way. if we both work -- by the way, if she or he doesn't work, maybe he should be doing it. everything's got to be fair. >> what's the line