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wasn't her fault at all and i ran right into a concrete wall and it's just really attractive. i don't know if you can see. yeah. isn't that nice? it's -- yeah. >> what's weird is it's not broken. you have the littlest wrists and hands. >> i'm tough, tough. i apologize if you see that. i'm fine though. >> you know way love today. this is a great day. this is the day erica does that year-ender. >> i don't know if you caught it earlier at 8:00. she does a great look back at an entire year of "today." you almost forget what happened. >> it's unbelievable. you think of four hours of television every single day. >> yes. over the course of a year. we decided to pick the parts that are about us and show them to you. let's take a look. ♪ where them girls at >> hey. >> it's a good day with you, hoda woman. >> i only date drunk girls. >> you came to the right place. ♪ party rock >> matt, get over here. >> is this actually going out over the air? >> yeah. we're on tv. ♪ make you want to move it like they do in south beach ♪ >> this is what i came back to television for. >> yes, it is. ♪ today is our day everything's going your way ♪ ♪ today is your day ♪ i said today yeah ♪ today ♪ today is your day ♪ today is your day >> fabulous job. >> the whole thing is on our website. the people responsible for erica levins, lindsey grubb and a ton of editors. >> it reminds you how incredible our whole crew is. everybody. there are a couple of hundred people here. every single one of them is so important to each hour. you can't do it without every single one. thanks to everybody. >> some people boozed it up last night. >> i wasn't there wasn't me. i was icing in a different way, if you know what i mean. >> jim through a dinner for some of the senior producers and some of the folks on air. it was at a great restaurant. i want you to pay close attention, tammy, joanne, christine, jim bell, jimmy gaines our producer, then on the far right you see dee dee with her tongue stuck out. she wanted to ruin the picture and i said we're showing the picture anyway. look how great everyone looks. christine all decked out in hair and make-up. >> everybody looked beautiful. >> we went to see theater. i did last wednesday. i didn't have a chance to tell you about it yesterday. went to see a really, really good play called "seminar" on broadway. alan rickman, that brilliant character actor. he's just amazing. jerry o'donnell. he's very funny in it. great, great cast. only 90 minutes. really excellent. about the whole concept of writing. i found it fascinating, but very funny, as well. you get pros doing work. >> you loved it. you had a double feature that day. >> double feature. then went to see a show called "lysistrata jones." it was a big hit off broadway last year and then they brought it to broadway. a friend of mine in full disclosure, alan wasser is a very good friend of mine. it got sensational reviews. it's based on a greek mythology from 411 bc, something like that about women who didn't want their husbands going to war so they -- i've got my three boys here. >> they are not listening to us. >> they withheld themselves. go see it. i'm talking about these three little boys. spanx alert, that would be hoda. >> thank you. i knew it was showing. >> i had a surprise today that my nephew is over there jason and his gorgeous wife amanda and elijah, noah and aidan visiting from canada. gorgeous family. yeah, call next time, guys. just give a little hint you're on your way. >> here's the deal. a lot of people are flying over the holidays. they are trying to start something new at the airline klm. they want you to select who you sit next to. you will know a passenger list, which is a little weird. you can go online and figure out who they are and pick to see if you want to sit next to them. >> what if that person doesn't want to sit next to you? >> i don't like the idea of it, do you? >> we are all control freaks. let life happen to you, you know? >> yes. >> what are you going to do? if you find somebody you don't like you're not going to take that flight? >> what if someone is not attractive or freaky looking even though they are nice people and you go, i don't want to sit next to that person and you don't know what you're missing. we're against it. >> the other thing that does not exist in life except for hoda, mr. perfect does not exist. another study. >> most women say their guy is about 69% perfect. >> i think it was chris rock or a median having a show. he said ladies, guys, i want you to think about this. you are not your woman's first choice. that's what he said. >> really? >> he said if you think about your very, very first love, whoever your first love was in your life, everyone has that person then you're with, usually aren't with the first love, usually with the later live. you're like the second or third choice, they are saying. >> you have to kiss a bunch of frogs is the point. i think expecting perfection is an absolute recipe for disaster. guess what? you're not perfect either. that's the whole key. anyway, what makes a perfect man? good personality tops the list. liars. followed by sense of humor and looks. >> we have to be clear about this lying thing. there is lying and then there is, have i gained weight? no, you haven't. that's not the same thing as lying about something important. there are different degrees of lying. you do it out of kindness, don't you think? >> i think there i ways of saying something without lying. a little lie leads to a big one. i've got three little boys and they're going to learn something here today. >> look at these gloves. they look like normal gloves. these two fingers are different. they have little thingies on them. they have traction so when you're on your iphone. >> which i'm not, but this does hide my ugly hand. i'll go through the show with one glove on. >> text kathie lee. >> sorry, i didn't find any phone numbers or e-mail addresses for kathie lee gifford. >> how did you know her name was kathie lee gifford? how did she know. >> e-mail address. >> don't give that. >> forget it. >> i thought siri was dead to you. >> how do you turn it off? push the button. >> with my bad finger? i can work it. >> thank you, kathie lee. >> you know what i'm a little upset about? this company is making big bucks off of us and we are not getting any of it. it's not going to charity or going to us. >> i need a contact name. i need a number or e-mail address. >> they are selling charms of us over the a the experience store. it's all drinking related and i'm very upset about it. they will hear from my lawyer. >> the charms -- >> where shall i send this message? >> stop talking. >> i need a contact name. >> we are very busy today. >> bobbie, stop talking. >> we don't say shut up in our house, do we? bobbie buzz, everybody. >> i'm trying. >> i want to explain what i'm trying to do. this is a cardi wrap. a lot of women have them. it's a great thing to own this time of year. it's got a lot of options. people ask me how to wrap them. dkny, cozy. their girl inspired me. start the clock. one, tie the two front ends together. slip it over your head. you have a shorter version. >> cute. >> you could shimmy the shoulders. i don't want to get too naked. if you still tie the knot in front of you, twist it, make a loop, slip your head over it. then you have a cute asymmetrical top. >> very cute. love it. >> last but not least. >> jerry is fascinated. >> take a bangle and another wrap i have on my website comes with it. slip it through, make a butterfly effect and tie it behind you. four. one more. i have 13 seconds. >> you can do it. >> if you don't have a bangle, you twist it twice then you can still butterfly it and tie in the back. >> that's cute. >> how many ways are there actually to wear it? >> literally, endless, 50 one website says. dknypr, go on twitter. >> it is the softest. this is the best fabric. >> this is cashmere, it is $139. but the other one i have on line is $38. you can get them every price point. when you're running out the door you can turn it around backwards and do more ways. >> love you, bobbie. >> bobbie thomas. >> all the guys are going. >> every guy is riveted to bobbie's buzz. >> that's not what they were riveted to. >> up next, the 14-year-old star of a terrific movie called "extremely loud," thomas horn stops by. >> still ahead, the stunning results of today's ambush makeovers. first these messages. in the new movie getting so much buzz, "extremely loud and incredibly close" thomas horn plays an 11-year-old boy who loses his father in the 9/11 attacks. >> sandra bullock plays his mother. let's take a look. >> what do you miss about him? >> i miss so many things about him. >> i missed how he could tell the weather just by touching the window. >> when he would come in the house and yell, what's everybody doing? >> he told me, he said, i really love your mother. she's such a good girl. >> wow. >> it's a beautiful, beautiful movie, but very moving and a difficult role for you. you carry the film. you are the leading man. >> well, yeah, there were definitely days when i felt really stressed and challenged by what i had to do, but everyone on set really, really helped me. they gave me all the kindness and encouragement they could. that enabled me to do my job. >> aren't you sweet? i love you. >> will you come home with me and teach cody how to be a nice boy? >> you worked with sandra bullock and tom hanks. >> the biggest stars in the world. >> what was that like working with those two? >> it was amazing and i loved it. not only are they amazing actors, they are kind people. they gave me kindness and encouragement every day. >> your first acting job was a grasshopper in school, right? >> yeah. >> i bet you were a heck of a grasshopper. it's amazing how you got this role. can you tell us quickly how it happened? >> well, it's for sure not normal casting story. what happened, i was on an episode of kid's "jeopardy" that aired in july 2010. what happened later a producer high up in the production of the upcoming movie saw me and thought i should audition for the role. a casting agency called my house up and asked me if i would like to send in material. we were puzzled. we didn't know what a casting agency was. >> you're a normal kid playing a grass hopper in a play. >> but i was curious. i sent the tape in and i didn't expect anything, but two months later they called me up for an audition in new york. >> wow! >> it was in national casting so thousands young men were seen in this. >> they wanted a unique kid like you. you're obviously a smart kid. you speak how many languages? >> i have spoken or learned four to some degree. i speak english and croatian fluently and learning mandarin. >> say you are a hot baby in crowatian. >> why was croatia one of the languages you wanted to learn? >> my mother's family was from there. >> you are an incredible young man. >> do you want to keep acting? what do you want to do? >> this was a really great experience. i liked making the film with these amazing people. it was a real privilege. it's in a way hard to follow up. so what i'm thinking is if i get another opportunity that also has a great director, a great script and great actress to work with, maybe i would think about it, but my continuing in acting is by no means assured. >> you might go to college. >> any way, i'll try to go to college and do something else, too. >> who are you? who is this child? >> you are brilliant in this movie. we know we'll see you in many, many more. >> thank you, honey, thank you so much. you were great. >> thank you. >> opens in limited release on christmas day. you're going to love this movie and nationwide friday january 20th. how much to tip for the holidays. we're going to give you all the answers after this. >> we love you. plus presents: the cold truth. i habe a cohd. and i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] sorry, buddy. truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] you need a more complete cold formula, like alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. it's specially formulated to fight your worst cold symptoms, plus relieve your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. like so many great pioneers before me, guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance. well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance. 'tis the season to be tipping. christmas is just over a week away. >> if you made your list and checked it twice, think again. there are still people who you may have missed. lifestyle expert suzanne rusk is here with suggestions. >> good morning. >> you're never sure what to tip and the way the economy is going now. people are cash-strapped. >> it's true. i think this is the time of the year when you pay for a service you often tip with money to balance it out. we are in lean and mean times. you have to be creative. i think that's where it comes in. if you don't have cash there are other things you could do. first of all, don't stress yourself out if you don't have cash, don't pay it. the other thing is think of what you can do. are you a great cook? make your jam, make your beautiful tomato sauce. beautiful jars, labels, go for that. if you've got incredible skills, say you're a savvy business person, offer to help your super out. he has a side business, give a couple hours of your time with that. great math skills, maybe your hairdresser's son needs tutoring in math. >> the barter system. i think that's a fair thing. the other thing is heartfelt notes. if you aren't usually demonstrative, this is a good time of year to let people know how you feel about them. >> is it okay to write i wish i could give you more this year? >> i think it is. >> then there are others that have their hand in your face before they ring the door. when there are people like that that just expect it and you don't feel like they earned it, you know, what do you do? >> give what you want. you have to go with your own gut. you usually want to give something in a service. >> they may not deliver your mail next year. >> sometimes out of fear you've got to tip. what about people who provide a weekly or monthly service like a cleaning lady, babysitters? >> people tend to tip them more. childcare providers and cleaning ladies. >> one week's? >> one to two week's pay. maybe your personal assistant, throw in something you know they might like like a designer wallet. or a little thing that they might appreciate. >> what about the guy or girl who delivers your newspaper? >> you can do $10 to $30 depending on the rapport you have with them. >> you rarely see them. >> where does your paper land in your bushes, at your door? >> i used to deliver the paper. you're doing it every day in the rain. when they give you 5 bucks in the end, you think i slogged it every day and put the paper inside your door, thank you for the $5. >> what about your hairdresser? >> often you want to tip the price of one service. that is a nice tip. >> do you know how much they cost in new york city? >> i do. you can have that and give them something personal, maybe chocolates or flowers if you don't have the cash. notes are very well received. >> it's much tougher on people who live in the city. it's a service city. people at home sitting on the farm are going, i don't tip anybody. >> if you live in a building you have the doormen, the super, the porters, the list is so long. >> what about a personal assistant, a nanny, someone with you a lot? >> those are people you're close with, one to two weeks' pay plus a note and personal gift. i think a luxury item they wouldn't buy for themselves. >> that's what hodi did. she gave the best gift in the world. two tickets to see hugh jackman. >> she went crazy. she'll do anything for you. >> healthier hangover. we are back on this try day friday with another installment of ambush makeovers where we pluck two lucky ladies from our crowd and surprise them with a brand new look. >> here to show them off is our makeover team. one of them just arrived luis lacari, la, la, la, la, la. and "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> how was it out there today? >> speedy. work was fast, hair color was fast. i wasn't fast enough today, but we have two great results. >> you made it exciting. you arrived in the nick of time. >> you have to have an edge to the show. >> first up is lucky sara fern, 33 years old from arlington, virginia. she never colored her hair. she hadn't worn make-up since her son chase was born a year and a half ago. she was thrilled when we approached her on the plaza. >> she is pretty. >> you're supposed to be at work. nobody is watching. we ambushed you on the plaza. tell me why you want this for your wife? >> i don't think she knows she is such a great mother and i travel so much and she takes care of this little guy all the time. she really deserves this. i'm happy for her. >> chase doesn't need a makeover in that onesy t. are you ready to get a glam new look? >> i'm so excited. >> she is already a beautiful girl. >> gorgeous. we have her husband brad, their son chase. keep your blind-folds on or just you, dad. here is sara's before picture. come see the new you. >> oh, my gosh! are you ready, dad? >> i'm ready. >> take off your blindfold. >> wow! >> turn around. take a gander. >> oh, my god! >> who is that? >> awesome. >> blow mommy kiss. >> luis, that hair color is beautiful. take a peek right there. >> this is a beautiful woman. what can you do for a beautiful woman but make her more beautiful? i did it with a series of small changes. the most subtle change, more warmth, a little bit more lightness. dana gave her a great haircut and simple make-up. >> and the dress is flattering. >> can you believe this body? i said what do you wear for new year's eve? she said i don't know what we are doing for new year's eve. this is available at macy's. you can wear a beige pump to elongate your legs. >> what are you thinking? >> yeah, i love it. clap for mommy. clap for mommy. >> congratulation. >> yeah. >> our second lady is carol wislowski, 63 from the villages in florida. she doesn't wear one stitch of make-up and begged us to give her a glam new look to surprise her siblings at their upcoming family reunion. let's hear her story. >> these are what i call signs. choose carol with an arrow because you didn't know where she would be. wrinkled, old, pick her. come on, why do you want this so much? >> oh, jill, i feel old, wrinkled. i need to be updated. i'm going to see my eight brothers and sisters in one week. i need help. >> she is so cute. >> i love her so much. whatever she wants, she gets. >> we are going to give it to you. are you ready to go? >> i'm ready, so ready. >> maybe the perfect man does exist and his name is bob. let's take one last look at carol before. let's bring out carol. >> oh, she feels beautiful. bob, take off the blind fold, hon. >> movie star! >> turn around, carol, see yourself. >> what did you do with carol? oh, wow! >> it's gorgeous. >> can i have a date? >> this proves it. feelings are not facts. you're not old, you're not wrinkled. you are glamorous, gorgeous. >> you look gorgeous. >> again, her hair color was too dark, at-home hair color user. we cut a lot of the dark ends off. i lightened it. dana gave her this layer so she can wash and wear or blow it dry. >> what a great outfit. she is gorgeous. >> you don't have to whisper. >> she's gorgeous. >> she is. >> bob, you better make some great plans with this great davens from donna morgan. we added a little bit of leather and this great sweater by belledini. dress it up with a dress or jeans. works with everything. and again a statement necklace. >> beautiful. >> everybody looks gorgeous. everybody is ready for new year's eve. are you nursing a hangover? we'll find out what method works. when a sore throat strikes, the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol. is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ give a subway card! buy or reload a $25 subway card and get a free regular 6" sub instantly! give a gift, get a gift. subway. eat fresh. whether you're still recovering from last night's holiday get together or you overindulged on new year's eve, what is the best way to get rid of a hangover. >> we have a little game to teach us about hangover helpers, not to be confused with hamburger helper. >> holidays are synonymous with hangovers. there's probably some things in your kitchen which will help. we want to see if you can guess which help or which hurt. eggs. the morning after? >> i think it definitely helps. >> you're both right. >> why? >> that's what i'm here to tell you. the amino acids in eggs are great for detoxifying the liver. that's the one thing you definitely want to go to, eggs. then we've got ginger root. this is ginger candy, ginger ale mplgt. >> i'm going to say it hurts. what is it? >> helps. there you go. >> ginger is so good for your digestion. >> quit showing off. >> it's great for stomach troubles. >> it's natural. you can have it in tea, ginger ale. >> you didn't think that through. >> this is a little counterintuitive. >> french fries, i'm going to say it's going to hurt the hangover. i love them so much. >> i'm going to say greece -- grease. >> i'll do the opposite to make it fun. >> hurts and helps. greasy food, we all love greasy food in the morning, but it hurts. too much greasy food is going to make your stomach more upset. the alternative side of that is greasy food before you drink slows down the alcohol from getting into your blood stream. >> so we were both right. >> not technically. >> before is fine, but after -- >> now you have bacon. >> what do you think? >> now we have to say it helps because it's the opposite of that. >> i'm going to say it hurts because i want to be the opposite of her. >> this is tricky. >> stop it! >> a little bit helps. too much hurts. >> i won. >> bacon has the same amino acid eggs do. just a little bit. maybe two slices. not this big plate. >> who got it right. >> i did. >> bananas. >> potassium. it's got to help. >> it helps. it definitely helps. bananas have potassium like you said. >> the healthy stuff along here helps you so far. >> so far, so good. it's got electrolytes. it's just as good as an energy drink. so if you have one in the house, go for the banana. coffee. >> i'm going to say hurts. >> i'm going to say helps just to have fun. >> i like that you're having fun with this. >> i'm not having fun. >> coffee again hurts. it's caffeinated. it's a diuretic. you're already dehydrated. you want to go for something decaf. if you are a coffee drinker, don't skip it all together. you can end up with a worse had been ache the day after. >> is this the last one, oranges? >> oranges and we have special things over here also for you. >> this isn't the tie-breaker? i'm asking because it's 4-4. >> she is keeping score. >> i'm going to say it helps. >> i'm going the opposite. no, it does help. >> and it helps. >> i was waiting for the hammer there. it helps. the fructose, the sugar in the fruit is really good for getting energy and speeds up the process of detoxifying all that alcohol. >> we are tied up. >> these were the parting gifts for the winner. this is a hangover kit. too often people are left the morning after without, this is great for putting at your desk, in your car, in a few guest rooms. >> how many of those do you have? >> we are full of a lot of good things here now. we mentioned, you always need sunglasses for the morning after. you can do either, get beautiful sunglasses. >> those are cute. >> i got these for you. >> of course you did. >> you're wearing those. >> then we've got mercy. this is a drink you drink the night before with your cocktails or right before bed. >> i wondered about this. >> you'll be in better shape the morning after. >> show us one last thing. >> for your breath. >> and those teas we talked about. >> nothing says dessert like chocolate. that's up next. good morning. i'm chris warren with your forecast. we're looking at what we can expect on saturday. plenty of areas going to see at least a few snowflakes flying around, but it's not going to amount to too much. more likely a lot of sunshine through the middle part of the country. showers possible in the extreme southern portion of texas. and those temperatures, we'll see the cooler air move into the northeast. highs like in boston, not going to get out of the 30s. 39 is going to be it. and on sunday, another system moving into the pacific northwest. the weathermaker for next week is going to take a little better shape here as it moves into the four corners. the rest of the country, as you head to the mississippi and east, it's going to be pretty quiet. mild air still in the out on sunday. we look at monday and here we go. this is when things could get interesting as far as why we see snow further to the south. we've been seeing it in colorado, new mexico. now we have a chance to see snow in kansas and monday night into tuesday from kansas moving into parts of missouri and eventually maybe to the great lakes area. and through that on wednesday, could see snow away from the water in some of the higher elevations of the northeast. still have to work out the details as we get closer in time to that. chance of showers in the lower mississippi valley. a few areas of snow in the northern rockies and we'll be dealing with a fair amount of sunshine. so enjoy this day before the weather goes downhill. remember, watch "wake up with al" every day on the weather channel starting at 6:00 a.m. that's every weekday. on my jou, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! now in "today's" holiday kitchen, an easy but special dessert to make. >> lauberge chez francois from great falls, virginia. he is here to make us a great chocolate tart. how are you? >> i'm wonderful. great to be back here. we have a warm chocolate tart. nothing like a warm tart or two for dessert, i always say. >> so there's three of us here. >> yeah, yeah. >> this is a delicious simple to make great gift for the holidays. everyone loves chocolate. >> it's beautiful. >> i opened a brasserie in the restaurant and this is the most popular dessert. we skauled 1 1/2 cups of heavy whipping cream, put the 12 ounces of semi sweet chocolate inside. take it off the heat and melt it. you don't want that to cook any more. then the real trick of this tart is to make sure once this is melted, we have five eggs here. i'm going to do it differently. >> you're going to fold it into the eggs. if we put it too quickly in, scrambled eggs. exactly. nobody wants that. >> tell me what to do. >> keep stirring. go ahead. this is so simple. >> the only thing you might be intimidated with is the pie crust. if you go to the men's session, the beer, nuts, chips and pre-made pie crusts, you can use one of those. >> you don't do that. >> not you. >> if you're feeling feisty, two tablespoons of rum. >> just throw it in. >> my charm and personality don't work, rum seems to move the evening along. then we'll take this and pour it into the pre-baked pie crust. >> this is really simple. >> that's the whole thing right there. >> then you cook that baby now long? >> ten minutes in about a 400 degree oven. you can tell it's ready taking a tooth pick, pulling it in and out. >> that's the whole tart? >> hanna could make that. >> we don't want to complicate things this time of year. >> it's fantastic. >> we have a slice. we put powdered sugar on top. garnish it with a raspberry. >> thank you. >> what else do you have on display? >> i have chocolate truffles with grand marnier we serve at the end of the meal and almond tuilles. it's almonds and anisen. really delicious. >> it's delicious, just delicious. unbelievable. >> his daughter is an nbc employee great girl madeline who is in kuwait. >> and happy birthday on sunday. happy holidays to all. >> thank you, chef jacques. we'll be back. our toy drive already shipped $30 million of gifts to children living in poverty from the united states, whether it's from a viewer or a large corporation, kids don't know the difference. every single item is appreciated. >> we have special gifts from diane naughten from harper children's books and arbonne. >> it's your first time? >> no. actually it's our second time. first time in the studio. >> we let you in the second year. >> thank you. we are donating fancy nancy, which is based on our best selling picture book series. it's about a little girl, everyday girl who takes everyday items and makes them fancy in her world. >> many girls do. >> my niece loves "fancy nancy." >> it's great. we are giving away 15,000 kits which have lots of great things in them, photo scrapbooks, tons of stickers. these two great books and we think giving the gift of reading at the holidays is a great thing to do. and make a little fancy holiday for everyone. >> what about you? what are we giving away here? >> well, these are something new this holiday season. these are fragrances we just invented for the holiday season. they've already sold out that i made a donation of these plus colored cosmetics for teen girls. >> they are left out. >> we are all about self-esteem building, inner and outer beauty. we've had a lot of fun with these. we just ordered more. we donated some in the meantime. i've gotten a call from dallas from one of the wonderful shelters you donate to saying how much the girls love them. >> it's funny how something so small like that gives you confidence. just something to make you feel pretty. >> and for people who have nothing, we don't understand how one tiny thing can be amazing. i told you i was talking to that one little homeless girl she had a gum wrapper and that's all she had. that was her toy. it breaks your heart. >> thank you both so much. >> thank you so much. >> that are there are still a few days left to give in our donation. you can come down in person. >> or go online to for details. >> monday rapper shaggy is going to be with us. nothing says the holidays like shaggy. >> and from "mission impossible" protocol getting great reviews, actor simon peg. have an awesome weekend. god bless. >> announcer: it's "the tonight the music of jackie evanco, [ cheers and applause ]

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