enter the door. we'll tell you what need to know before buying groceries. and then look out ted williams. remember the man with the velvety voice? we found a cab driver who has become the newest internet sensation. he can sink just like mig just jackson. you won't be able to tell the difference if you close your eyes. but we begin with the latest on the crisis in cairo. lester, on wednesday pro mubarak supporters began to target reporters. and i know obviously you were there, you experienced it. >> for days we had been reporting about the pro democracy, the anti-mubarak forces in tahrir square and telling their story. so then wednesday, when the pro mubarak forces broke into the square, their perception was that we, we being the international media, were sympathetic to the anti-mubarak cause. so we immediately in their eyes became the enemy. the problem was where we were working, our nbc team, both te the hotel and the work space which we established, they were smack in the middle of the area where the pro mubarak forces had organized and staged their attack. so we were right in the line of fire. >> and we should mention you were out on the streets shooting a story. how did you hear about the threat and what did you have to do to get back to safety? >> well, let me show you since beer showing you the video, this is inside our work space in cairo. this was the moment that we decided we had to an with an abandon ship. so we began leaving the work space. at the time of the attack on wednesday, i was in another part of cairo doing a story on american, how her doing. and i got a phone call saying we have trouble, you need to make it back. we were trying to get there. the roads were cut off. it got so bad they called us back and said just take shelter where you are. so we walked to another hotel and waited there for a couple of hours inside the lobby. then after a couple hour, we decided to try to make it back on foot. an egyptian escort was brought to us, he suggested maybe we take a boat across to the other side because you can see the line of people on the bank there, those were all pro mubarak people hostile toward us, so we tried to circumvent it by taking this this vote that we hired, got off at a dock and had a couple hundred yard walk. we spread out among others, tried to make it low profile and safely made back inside. >> and obviously everyone was aware of the situation, but a lot of violence was right outside of the work space where nbc had set up shop. we saw you doing hits for the "today" show and msnbc, but what was going on behind the scenes some. >> behind the scenes right before my "today" show shot, i think will ththis was on thursd morning, a crowd was yearing and drawing a lot of attention. they saw us on the balcony and our lights. i alerted new york and our folks and suddenly one of the fellows who operate the building said get off the balcony, they're going to attack, you're drawing too much attention. so for that live shot, i was moved inside. we saw the window open, so it appeared you could still see the background, but it was shortly after that, we made the decision to actually leave our work space. >> and then you left actually the country. what was that like in terms of check points? were you hassled at all as you tried to make it into jordan? >> yesterday we decided to leave hotel again because it was an area where they were going to be basing themselves in other parts of die row. about i was going to leave with another team to come to jordan. and this was us actually leaving the hotel. folks had arranged to take us to the airport. getting there, we were stopped by several check points, one in particular was a bit daunting. there were plain clothed egyptian security, civilians, the car in front of us were roughly dragging a guy out. he appeared to be egypt shan. and then another vehicle next to us wiho was searched, released unharmed. we stayed if our vehicle fortunately, but it was a sentence minutes or so as to whether we could get new. and some of our equipment didn't make it through. but it was difficult getting out because again there was a perception among those in the government that we were somehow sympathetic to the pro democracy cause. >> well, we've certainly appreciated your amazing, fantastic reporting and we're glad you were able to do it all safely, so thank you and we'll talk to mu just a bit and check in with you. but in the meantime, we're going to get a check of the weather with bill karins. it's a big story this weekend especially. good morning. >> good morning. for once it's not snowing out here. a little bit of drizzle. now, you're from maine. what town? >> winthrop. and i have three kids that are there. >> do you find if they get a lot of snow? >> no. we've had plenty. >> you'll get more today, too. your kids will be out playing in it. let's talk about what will happen with the next storm. a little bit of sur applies snow about st. louis. that will move up towards toledo and cleveland with a wintry mix. unless new england, a little bit of ice possible lower hudson valley. adirondacks, snow for you. possibility of maybe even as much as six to eight inches. so another little mini snowstorm for our friends in northern new >> good morning. a little light rain moving through the area this morning with this storm system. maybe a patch or two of ice. especially north of us. by evening, the system will be pulling away and the area will indoors, so not much of an issue. we'll continue to watch the warm temperatures only in florida. get your hour by hour forecast at weather.com. still to come, how supermarkets get you to spend more than you want to. and the a year after a trainer's death, seaworld unveils is a. new killer whale show. but first these messages. b/ - you know, these things are never wrong. "you're an amazing, beautiful woman." "you're everything i ever wanted." "i love you." - that's not on there. - no, it's in here. - the new charmed memories collection at kay jewelers. each design is hand-crafted in italy, and with hundreds of charms to choose from, the possibilities are endless. create your own memories with charmed memories, one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. you're the best. i thought you would like it. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. i love you mom. i love you too. choosey moms, choose jif. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm. ♪ 'cause today is a great day ♪ for falling in love ♪ this morning on "today," the science of shopping. and while you're looking to save money, supermarkets are making sure you spend more and they're coming it with strategies that follow from the front door all the way to the check outline. kevin it contintibbles reports. >> reporter: like many shom e r shoppers, made list sha brown is armed with a list. >> i try not to do impulse buying. >> i really shouldn't, but -- >> reporter: the fact is the majority of us walk out of the grocery store buying between 50% and 70% more than what we came for. >> i just go through the aisles and get what i think we need. >> reporter: or don't immediate perhaps. in chicago, researchers are developing virtual stores, cutting edge technology that allows manufacturers to find out what we buy and why. >> how the cards are arranged, how they're priced and how they're packaged. >> reporter: they're able to track shopping habits in detail. testing what kind of displays and labels catch the consumer's eye. and whatever else may put fuss the mood to shop. >> the bakery is up front, the flower display is up front. it's there to get our saliva glands working. >> reporter: it also helps to set the mood. theatrical lights make the fruits and vegetables look luscious and appealing even if they're not on their list. >> brussel sprouts, forget it. >> reporter: turns out grocery stores have a plan and a pattern to draw shoppers in and keep them there. >> the number one item on my list is usually milk and there's no company inside denies the cooler is always all the way in the back of the store. and while we're wandering through the aisles, consumer experts say look it at the upper and lower shelves. and the research says men are more likely to stray from their lists than women. >> men do impulse shopping and whatever appeals to them visually, they buy. >> reporter: and whenever i get sent out to pick up some bacon, i always come home with swedish fish. it's not just me that likes a little something sweet. so do children. which is why the sugary cereals are often at the eye level for the kids. >> most mothers will avoid aisles where this they set up the whine factor. i wamna, i wamna. >> reporter: when it comes to stocking our pantry, we all head out with the best of intentions, but our stop action often overrule our brains and the pfo marketers know it. for "today," kevin tibbles, nbcs new, chicago. >> how do you shop without falling prey to the ricks? elizabeth, good morning. good to see you. how do we avoid falling prey to -- >> as to the swedish fish? >> exactly. >> most people don't follow their list as kevin said, you end up going to the store, there are so many things. the store is set up to get you from the hint you walk if. flowers make it attractive, a bakery gets your saliva going, the entire map of the store is done in such a way to get to you spend more. if you think about it, the only thing a grocery store really has to sell is real estate and that real estate is going to the companies that pop late. >> makes perfect sense. we also get enticed by the advertisements, the deals out there especially when you see buy two or three and get one free. but you say bewear of those kinds of things, as well. >> there's omissions left in the wording so it's not always completely represented. about it says five for $5, well, you can probably buy one for $1. it's not necessarily that you have to buy that mass amount. so you have to be wary, you have to know the price of things when you shop. >> and other tips you have for us in addition to obviously making a list, you say as mentioned in the piece, high and low. >> well, if you think about it, flower is not an impulse buy. it's something that you know when you need it. items do it's down low, not at prime space. but anything at eye level is where your impulse buys are your snacks, the cereals. so usually if you look high and low, you find the things you need and also the better prices. >> and clockwise, shop clockwise. why does that matter? >> clockwise is the information is set up to get to you shop counterclockwise. if you shop clok wise, you're shopping against the current which will make you more efficient. it's like a psychological thing. >> and you say watch for end caps. sglend caps are at the end of every single aisle. that is prime real estate. that's often where special buys you think are or the very seasonal goods that can be much higher priced than they usually are. so end caps are really where they're pushing products. >> you say read signs carefully and also read flyers carefully. >> a lot of the things in flyers are advertisements. you think that there is a deal on them, but it's not. it's just an advertisement saying special this week. not necessarily a special. people send 500% more out of flyers when they buy that product. so it really increases the sale. you have to be careful and be careful on any kind of special or price of the kaday. >> so armed with those tips and leaving your husband at home. okay. thank you, elizabeth. up next, seaworld's new whale show. is it safe for trainers? that's after these messages. ffrs two incredible lash looks, one genius brush. twist to one, for length and drama... or two, for length and definition. it's mascara, with a twist. new revlon, customeyes mascara. this is my band from the 80's, looker. hair and mascara, a lethal combo. i'm jon haber of alto music. my business is all about getting music into people's hands. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple our floor space. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is putting more music in more people's hands. it's been one year since the killer whale took the life of a trainer at seaworld. they announced a new killer whale show as the investigations have now concluded following the tragic death a year ago this month by a killer whale. kerry sanders joins us from seaworld with more on all of this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the federal government through the occupational safety and health administration fined seaworld $75,000. seaworld has contested that and disputes any findings of fault. so as that lingers, seaworld says it's moving forward with a new show that may involve all seven of the kill are what i will quhal oigs here in orlando. a trainer in the water with a killer whale. but since an orca killed his trainer a year ago, no one has been allowed in the water. now with a pair amount of excitement, seaworld has announced a new show to debut in two months where trainers will for the first time get closer to the edge of the pool. >> shamu will be the one that inspires us to connect to the ocean, to care about it. >> reporter: the new show is billed as an educational experience, erab bratly designed to motivate the audience to environmental action. >> the education of people is of utmost importance and having these and the mals to demonstrate that is what moves people, it's what connects people to nature. if you don't see it, you're not going to believe it. >> reporter: keeping trainers out of the tank has been the standing policy since last february when the largest of the performing whales he s here dra her in to the tank and killed her. julia has worked as an animal trainer at seaworld for 30 years. >> i think she'd be very happy and proud. she was such a passion matt person who cared so much about these whales. >> reporter: but critics say the new show only goes so far. while it may protect the chain trainers by keeping them out of the water, it does little for the captive orcas. in a just released study, the authors argue one solution, phase out captive populations, stop breeding the animals. >> seaworld does not learn from its mistakes. but they're not putting anybody in the water. that's not learning. that's spin. they're trying to -- we have a new show, the orcas are fine, we're just for the going to put people in the water. but you know dawn wasn't in the water when tilikum grabbed her. >> reporter: instead she was on the platform when tilikum grabbed her and killed her. tilikum has been involved in the past two decades in the deaths of two other humans, but seaworld says they are now taking precautions so that something like that never happens again. amy? >> all right, kerry sander, thanks so much. and we're back, but first, this is "today" on nbc. ñoçpçç still to come, my exclusive interview with mary thorn bury, the woman trying to get out of her apartment in the middle of fighting in egypt. and back at home, what the dangerous winter storm could mean for tomorrow's big game. and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with new drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better! [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at breatheright.com. hey, it's your right to breathe right! - did dad go to jared for the pandora bracelet like we told him? - i can't tell. - oh, honey! - he totally went to jared. female announcer: celebrate life's unforgettable moments with pandora, now at jared. girls: awww... - they are so cute at that age. but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. you ever clean upes, ♪ call 1-800-steemer do that? the best device for everything you love to read editors' choice. best dedicated ereader. magazines look spectacular. fantastic device. touch the future of reading at barnes and noble. nookcolor. >> good morning. i'm mindy basara. the time is 7:35. two york county men charged with setting fire to cars in pennsylvania and york county. alexander robb and michael allen. authorities able to connect fires across state lines because they say suspects left playing cards at the various crime scenes. >> a high school basketball game in the city turns into an all-out brawl. a game between edmonton high and city college. following a three-point play, a fight broke out. in the end the game was called with a 14-point city college lead. >> jury deliberations in the case of tavers and termaime johnson. they are accused of setting a dog, pitbull, on fire. phoenix later died from her injuries. >> no one saw them put a match on the dog. >> good morning, we have a weather system moving across the area. it will be with us most of the day today. we have had light rain so far. some of that light rain, especially north and northwest of the city has been freezing on contact with some surfaces. we had slippery spots here and there. you can see there is a greater chance for the rain and even sleet in pennsylvania. temperatures warm up. another part of the storm, a lot of this moisture will move to our south. the last part will come through today coming out of the west. our forecast today calls for periods of rain, most of it light, some morning icing and afternoon snow or evening snow as this is pulling away. the snow wouldn't be a big deal. it would be a flurry or quick burst of snow showers. east winds at 5. the high today, temperatures will be cold most of the day today. a freezing rain advisory in effect. around the city northward, pennsylvania line. a weather advisory up in pennsylvania, cecil county, northern delaware as well. seven-day forecast calls for a five-day, and another system coming in at the end of the day on monday. >> thank you, john. thank you for joining us. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. welcome back to "today," saturday, february 5th, 2011. we have another great crowd with us out on the plaza and unfortunately we also have another winter storm coming our way. there is a surprise. inside studio 1a, i'm amy robach. lester holt is covering the crisis in egypt from jordan. >> it's day 12 of the protests and even though the demonstrations have become more peaceful, still very tense even though president mubarak has been increasingly isolated, he's still showing no signs of actually stepping down. also many of us have been following the plight of mary thornbury, she's a texas grandmother who has lived the last several years in cairo. by telephone she was telling us of her ordeal. she loves egypt, but has been desperate to leave the country. we'll find out the good ending to the story. i spoke to mary a short time ago. >> we're keeping a close eye on the weather. will it week havoc on the super bowl? we'll have a live report from arlington. plus food fight. chef jamie oliver is trying to change the way america's kids eat, but school officials say he may have another motive in mind and now they're refusing to let oliver in their kitchens. we'll see what's behind this battle. and how is this for a michael jackson impression? ♪ be careful what you do, don't go around breaking young girl's hearts ♪ >> we'll introduce to you an unknown taxi driver gaining