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[captioning made possible by Constellation Energy group] captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org good morning. Im mindy basara. And im stan stovall. Thanks for joining us for 11 news today. So happy we dodged that blizzard. It was so close. We will have a lot of rain. Were starting out in the 30s this morning. We have a steady rain. It should taper off in a couple of hours. 37 degrees at the airport. It will become cloudy this afternoon with some and miss showers. We have some snow in the seven day forecast. Good morning. Not the recipe for a nice morning rush. We are dealing with what roads wet roads. Be careful as you make your approach to 95. 11 minutes in the outer loop northeast side. 12 minutes on the west side outer loop. The speech continued down to the beltway. Those speeds continue down to the beltway. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. The mayor will give the state of the city address this afternoon. She will address the fiscal forecast which said the city needs to make some major changes to avoid bankruptcy. Kim dacey has more. Good morning. The 10year fiscal outlook was released last week. Baltimore will be in financial ruin by 2022 unless budget cuts are made. In 10 years, it will be more than 2 billion in the hole. A local economist points out the city cannot tax its way out without losing more residents and businesses. The tax rates are already the highest in the state. Cuts will have to be made. The mayor will announce her ideas. The state of the city is this afternoon. She has given a few hints, including making modern investments and changing the tax infrastructure to make baltimore more competitive for growth. If we act now, if we act decisively and boldly, we can change the trajectory for the city. The state of the city is at city hall at 2 30 this afternoon. 11 news will be there. Well bring you the latest. Kim dacey, wbaltv 11 news. The shakeup this morning. Alex mooney said he will step down. Served two years as chairman. Tyanna Waterman Diana water man will be the acting chair. The wife of bob ehrlich is expected to take place in a forum to replace john leopold as executive. There will be a forum on thursday, february 14. Applications must be submitted by noon the following day. John leopold resign after he was found guilty of misconduct in office. No one has submitted an application for the position at last check. There was a devastating house fire in towson. Firefighters responded shortly after 12 30 on sunday. There was heavy fire on the second floor. A boy remains behind bars charged with the murder of his infant sister. He was left to babysit while his mother worked but he could not get the girl to stop crying. It is when the teenager suffocated the baby. The baby was found unresponsive on friday. When i was 14, i took care of my Little Brothers and sisters. It is possible for the babys mother to face charges. Her son is charged with first degree murder. A third case of an inmate homicide in six months. Ricky bailey was found in his cell and was pronounced dead on the scene. He was serving life without parole. Charges are pending against an unidentified inmate at the facility. Police ricky horton shot two men and women back on women13. Horton is charged with homicide. A woman will go on trial today. You might recall this scene when she tried to elude police after she was stopped during a drug deal back in january. Faces various traffic violations. A judge decided a student will be tried as an adult. Robert gladden could face life in prison after his request to be tried in Juvenile Court was denied. He faces attempted firstdegree murder. The raven could be forcing the oriole to make room in the nest as the official state bird. There is a bill that would allow the raven to share the title. That brings us to our water cooler question of the day. Do you think the raven should join the oriole as marylands second state bird . You can share your response on wbaltv. Com, on our facebook page, or send us an email to watercooler wbaltv. Com. Were falling some breaking news. The pope is going to resign, according to cnn. We are hearing he is stepping down for medical reasons. Pretty big news. 6 08. How about an iwatch . Plus president obama is preparing for his state of the union address. What he is expected to focus on. The raw power of Mother Nature captured on tape when we continue. Sometimes it is ok to stop and smell the roses. And smell the roses. Now weather and traffic together on the 1s. Good morning. Sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. It is a saw the start soggy start. Were dealing with some wet roads. There is accident off to the side that loch raven boulevard. 11 minutes on the north side. 13 minutes on the west side down to edmondson. Just some yellow on southbound 295 down towards 100. 54 on 95 through howard county. This is 95 at the fort mchenry. 895 running smoothly at the harbor tunnel. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. Ava marie is talking about flowers. Good morning. We have the rain in place. 37 degrees at the airport. 39 downtown. The forecast coming up. We are talking about valentines day. Flowerslking at with chris. This is the busiest time of year for flower shops. We do 300400. This is like the super bowl week for you. What advice would to give people . Call me today, please. You dont have to do deliveries on valentines day. You can deliver the day before. The 12th or the 13th. It is more of a guarantee people will receive their flowers on time. Then they have them all day on valentines day. A ton of different options. It depends on who you are buying for. Red roses are the staple. That is traditional. That is probably the safest bet. Flowers by chris. We will go back to tony. Little bears. How cute stan wants you to find some man flowers. Find stan some man slowers. Flowers. That will be my mission. That is cute. Thank you. Mix in some bacon with the flowers. We have some rain this morning. It is tapering off in the western suburbs. The steady rain will move to the east. Temperatures are safely above freezing. We will make it into the 50s this afternoon. We should get at least some sunshine later today. That will help push the temperatures into the 50s. It is poured into a mild afternoon. The steady rain is tapering off. High temperatures between 52 and 57. 45 tomorrow. Will likely see a mix of rain and snow on wednesday. There could be some minor accumulations. Cold this weekend with highs in the 30s. President obama will deliver the stadium address tomorrow. It is expected to have a central focus the economy. Hallie jackson joins us live. There will be a lot of listeners tomorrow. Perhaps more importantly the millions of americans watching on tv. The president of the united states. The moment when he gets an on uninterrupted, unchallenged opportunity to talk to the country and to define his agenda. The president will focus on one topic the economy will be central to the speech. And how we grow the economy. President obama is likely to Warn Congress not to let big automatic spending cuts happen. If the sequester is allowed to go forward thousands of americans in education or clean energy are likely to be laidoff. The president may touch on immigration reform, education, gun control, and climate change. Republicans are listening for something specific. What i hope to hear is he wants to join us to affect smarter cuts in spending. Rand paul will deliver the tea party response. We believe you stimulate the economy by reducing taxes. The official republican rebuttals will come from florida senator mark rubio. He is rebutting more than just the state of the union. He was reacting to a magazine cover. He was claimed the republican savior. He tweeted there was one savior and it is not me. Hallie jackson, thank you. The big dig out continues in the northeast after a big blizzard. St. Need to be cleared streets need to be cleared. Most schools in the northeast are closed today. This twister caused some major damage in mississippi. There are unconfirme d reports of injuries. A former Police Officer on a weekend rampage. Christopher dorner continues to elude police. Authorities have been working to protect dozens of families considered targets key. If you have done a double take at the pump, you are not alone. Gas prices are soaring. 3. 59 is the average price for a gallon of gas. Washing the dishes could go along the way then flowers on valentines day. Tells of a watch coming from apple details of the watch. How did you make out in the blizzard . Not bad. We had some fun with the kids on saturday. More rumors about apples next big thing, a watch perhaps. They are experimenting with wristwatchlike devices. Less tier corning less cheer corning had solved the problem of bendable glass. Well have to wait and see. A merger between u. S. Airlines and american. The deal could still fall apart. A higher day on friday for stocks. We had some more positive quarterly reports. Futures this morning are quiet. Everyday acts of love like doing household chores need more to your sweetheart than getting flowers one day a year. Spending on valentines day could get expensive. The average person will spend 131 on the valentines day holiday. At the new york stock exchange, im jane king, bloomberg news, for wbaltv 11 news. Now weather and traffic together on the 1s. We have a steady rain in most areas. That will start to taper off. 36 degrees at randallstown. There will be some rain this morning. Mild this afternoon, at 55 degrees. We have some snow in the seven day forecast. Good morning. It is getting busier out there. We have an incident at loch raven boulevard. Watch for that accident. 30 minutes on the west side outer loop 13 minutes on the west side outer loop. Mouse slow spots on southbound 295 down towards 100. Southbound traffic is building at the fort mchenry tunnel. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. Thank you. Coming up on 6 23. It is time for the orioles to shine as they get ready for spring training. Dont forget to email us your response to our water cooler question of the day. Do you think the raven should join the oriole as marylands second state bird . You can share your response on wbaltv. Com, on our facebook page, or send us an email to watercooler wbaltv. Com. Here is a look at last nights winning maryland lottery numbers. Hope you have them. Good morning. The College Basketball season. Just a matter of months left to the regularseason. Maryland played virginia yesterday. Maryland was outplayed from start to finish. Joe harris his the three. He was a three. Point machine. The terps were down four. Again with the tomahawk dunk. 8069, virginia wins. Mark turgeon was fearing a letdown and that is what happened. We knew it was a big game. We talked about it. I want to give virginia most of the credit. We were just a half step slow and a little bit lethargic. Marylanders back home on saturday against duke. Pitchers and catchers are due in sarasota tomorrow. Dan duquette said he was excited about the orioles and their defense. The team we have the last few months of the season is essentially returning. We put Manny Machado at third base. That strengthened our defense and made our pitching better. It seems last week the orioles were playing the yankees in the postseason. Thank you. 6 28. Heres a look at what is coming up. The khmer is giving the state of the city address this afternoon the mayor is giving the state of the city address this morning. Volume continues to build on the west side. Theres a new accident in baltimore county. Some lastminute ideas for valentines day. Valentines day. Youre watching wbaltv 11. Live, local, latebreaking. This is 11 news today at 6 00 a. M. Good morning. Welcome back to 11 news today. Im mindy basara. And im stan stovall. Thanks for joining us for 11 news today. Traffic and weather in just a moment. The vatican confirms the pope will resign at the end of this month because of health concerns. He announced his decision this morning saying he didnt feel he could carry on the job. A fire destroyed a home in towson. It happened on providence road. Seven family members were able to escape. A teenager will be tried as an adult. He could face life in prison when it goes on trial next week. He faces attempted firstdegree murder. 6 31. Good morning. Were dealing with some rain to start the day. Will taper off over the next 30 to 45 minutes. Hit and miss showers into the afternoon. We will make it into the low to mid 50s later today. We have some snow in the seven day forecast. Good morning. We have a new accident in baltimore county. You may find some delays in the monkton region. Have a crash at loch raven. Defective traffic lights at howard and north. We are developing some west side delays. 40 Miles Per Hour on the south side. You can see the pace of things. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings blake will give the state of the city address this afternoon and is expected to announce some big budget cuts. Kim dacey joins us with a preview. There was a report that the city will be bankrupt in 10 years if changes are not made. The mayor is expected to announce what those changes will be in the state of the city address. The report indicates if nothing is done to the budget, baltimore will be in financial ruin by 2022. With the continuation of current policies and health care and pension benefits, the city will be more than 2 billion in the hole. An Economist Says the numbers are concerning. The city cannot tax its way out. Property and income tax rates are already the highest in the state. Unfortunately, pension reform is the big elephant in the room. Mayor has a tough job ahead of her. The mayor will have to make some cuts and decisions that will prove to be unpopular in the short run. The mayor is expected to address the specific cuts this afternoon. She has given a few hints that they will be making moderate investments and changing the tax structure to make baltimore more competitive for growth. If we act now, if we act decisively and boldly, we can change the trajectory for the city. The state of the city is at 2 30 this afternoon at city hall. 11 news will be there. Kim dacey, wbaltv 11 news. B. G. E. Repair crews are hard at work making repairs. They have dispatched dozens of workers to the new england area to get homes and businesses back on the grid. This is part of a program. We will request crews from other states that havent been hit as hard as maryland. We can make sure we can send some of our crews if it does not jeopardize our system. They could possibly send more crews up north. 3 people are recovering after a shuttle bus overturns at the airport on sunday. The driver and two passengers were stuck on the light rail tracks. The driver had to be taken to baltimore and washington medical center. Rail service had to be shut down for about 10 hours. A girl will be able to get some therapy. She suffered a series of strokes. A massive chicken and waffles meal. Proceeds are benefiting her treatment. If that was presented with a check for more than 5,300. 6 36. 37 degrees at the airport. Ava marie joins us live from downtown. Did you find some man flowers for stan . I was asking chris for some ideas. They are still being delivered. A tropical is a good idea for men. Then i found some truffles and a high heel. This leaves something to the imagination. Im fine ideas some fun ideas. Get your orders been as soon as possible. Chris was mentioning you can get your deliveries done the day before. Then they have them the entire day for valentines day. Is a tip. T we have some rain in the forecast. Temperatures in the mid 50s this afternoon. A new storm system on wednesday into thursday. That could bring some snow. Will have ideas on that. What do you guys think . Stan likes that. Tony needs a higher heel on that shoe. [laughter] 6 38. This valentines day, dont care for your heart. We are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. Do you think the raven should join the oriole as marylands second state bird . You can share your response on wbaltv. Com, on our facebook page, or send us an email to a can of del monte green beans . Grown in america. Picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. The same essential nutrients as fresh. Del monte. Bursting with life. Now weather and traffic together on the 1s. Good morning. Sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. It is a soggy start. We are dealing with some rain. We have an accident at Jarrettsville Pike in the monkton region. Were seeing some yellow on southbound 83 down towards middletown road. We have an accident off to the side at loch raven. Use extra caution that howard and north because of defective traffic light. We have some west side delays. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. The rain will continue to taper off. Still rating at the airport, 37 degrees. 55 this afternoon with some hit and miss sprinkles. The win starting out at the south the wind starting out at the south on the bay. Do not wear your heart on your sleeves. Tea party your face on a state try putting your face on a stick. Chocolate is placed into a mold. Women in japan normally give chocolates to a men on valentines day. Put some bacon on a stick. The 55th annual grammy awards. Adele won best pop solo performance. Mumford and sons won an award. Fun. Won for best new artist and song of the year. Good morning. Sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. We are dealing with some rain. It is a nice start on 795 at franklin boulevard. Looking good down towards the beltway. There are delays back to edmondson in the outer loop. Watch for a crash in monkton. Defective traffic light said howard and north in the city. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. Good morning. We have some rain this morning. It is beginning to taper off. The heaviest rain is around cecil and harford counties. Give yourself as muck extra time as you time give yourself as much as to time as you can. Take a wider view of this system. There are some showers in west virginia. The showers will be hit and miss this afternoon. We probably would get some sunshine late in the day. It will take a while. We will have a pretty mild day today. We will climb into the mid 50s this afternoon. Rain showers steady early this morning. Cloudy with high temperatures in the mid 50s. Down into the 40s tomorrow. A mix of rain and snow on wednesday. We could see some accumulation on valentines day. It will be called this weekend it will be cold this weekend. You bring up a good point. You are talking about a storm that could come through on wednesday and thursday. You can imagine the headache for delivering flowers on time. Maybe get them delivered the day before. m here at flowers by chris i can imagine how many orders you have for thursday. Get them in the early. You have a lot of options. A lot of people go for red roses. That is peach. Very popular. Sometimes these small ones are fun. Which he did a dozen roses in the bubble buowls. Sometimes it is better to give the flowers in a vase. If they receive them in a box, and they do not put them in water, they probably will not last more than two or three days. It is better to receive them in no vase and there is different in the price. Good to know. Ava marie live at flowers by chris. Thank you very much. There is some good news for children who suffer from allergies. Living with a food allergy can be difficult and dangerous. Could there be a cure . He has a food allergy, peanuts. His mother said it was discovered early on. His mother has watched him like a hawk ever since. Do you remember a time you did not worry about peanuts . No. His first reaction was when he was 8 months old. A doctor is trying to cure johnny of his allergy. We were there when he was eating real Peanut Butter on a bun. We will show you what happens tonight at 11 00. Plus details from johnnys dr octor. Donna hamilton, wbaltv 11 news. Interesting. The mayor will give her state of the city address. Kim dacey has a preview. Thank you. The 10year fiscal outlook was released last week. Ruin by 2022 unless budget cuts are made. In 10 years, it will be more than 2 billion in the hole. A local economist points out the city cannot tax its way out without losing more residents and businesses. The tax rates are already the highest in the state. Cuts will have to be made. The mayor will announce her ideas. The state of the city is this afternoon. She has given a few hints, including making modern investments and changing the tax infrastructure to make baltimore more competitive for growth. The state of the city is at city hall at 2 30 this afternoon. Reporting live in the newsroom, kim dacey, wbaltv 11 news. Now weather and traffic together on the 1s. Good morning. Sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. The roads are wet. We are seeing delays on the north side. 21 miles on the west side. This is a live picture at liberty. 45 on southbound 83. Jarrettsville pike in monkton, watch for a crash. Watch for an accident on loch raven. Defective traffic lights at north. That is the latest on traffic pulse 11. The rain is starting to taper off. Rain showers coming to an end. A high near 55 this afternoon. Rain up and down the east coast. Snow in chicago, 34. Stay with us. Thank you. Time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. This morning we asked, do you think the raven should join the oriole as marylands second state bird . [laughter] we will post more answers on our website, wbaltv. Com. Very funny. 6 53. Good morning. We are following breaking news. The pope announcing he will resign on february 28. We will be a live with complete coverage of that story. Widespread damage from my powerful tornado that ripped through mississippi. The Seal Team Member who said he shot obama Osama Bin Laden speaks out for the first time. Performances from the grammys when we get started on a monday morning. Have some delays because of the rain. Looks like a it is slow on the north and west side. There is added volume because of the rain near liberty road. As one still wrapping up in monkton. Watch for defective traffic light in the city. Hit and miss sprinkles by this afternoon. Chance for snow on wednesday night. Doesnt look like a big storm. Thanks for joining us for 11 news today. We will be back with a live update at 7 25

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