Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Today 20121206 :

Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Today 20121206

95.hour p95at a live picture shows it is starting to build over towards the harrisburg expressway. watch for a delay set crain highway because of a defective traffic light. delays westbound on the bay bridge with police activity taking up the right lane. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the normal controlled chaos at a hospital emergency room is rattled after a shot is fired inside. >> a prisoner tried to escape. jennifer franciotti is live with that story. >> good morning. the suspect was under arrest and under police escort. he was receiving some sort of medical treatment. he had a needle in his possession. the prisoner attempted to grab a hospital staff member. the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun. the gun went off. one bullet hit the wall. no one was hurt. >> either by the weapon or by pepper spray that the officer discharged in an attempt to subdue this prisoner. >> police have not released the prisoner's identity. the suspect was under arrest facing burglary charges. not likely facing more charges in connection with yesterday's incident. more information coming up live at 6:30. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> police are searching for a suspect after an overnight shooting. the victim was found on moreland avenue. no word on his condition. the woman has been charged with the murder of her son. nicole fitzgerald is charged with first and second-degree murder. she admitted to killing the child on sunday and then cutting her own throat. >> stephanie rawlings-blake is standing by the speed camera program. three cameras have been issuing tickets to non-violators. the mayor maintains the rate is less than 1% and does not justify changing the program. >> we want to reduce the less than 1% to zero. >> the committee meets on capitol hill to hear from experts about the fiscal cliff. both sides are still digging into their respective positions. hallie jackson joins us live with more on the story. good morning. >> this morning, we're set to hear from the researcher for moody's who warns a pressing concern may not be the fiscal cliff but what to do about the debt ceiling. >> squabble is not a solution. >> that was the fight from last year. over letting the government borrow more money by raising the debt limit. president obama is warning against another battle like last year. >> that is unacceptable. >> explaining republicans should not think they will get leverage on the debt ceiling discussion later by giving in to some democratic fiscal cliff demands now. >> that is a bad strategy for america and for businesses and it is not a game i will play. >> house leader say if the president does not agree with their plan, he should come back to the table. >> sit down with us and be serious about spending. >> if they continue to play politics, that will give you an answer about where we're going. >> they are planning for the worst, asking agencies to be ready for big cuts. >> this is acting responsibly because of the potential for this to happen. >> house members start a long weekend today. speaker boehner said he will be around to talk to the president. gop leaders will not adjourn for the holidays until some kind of fiscal cliff strategy is found. >> this negotiation is going so poorly. what happens if we go over the fiscal cliff? >> there is a little bit of much.rowiggle room, but not the loss will be in place but in practice it will not have too much of an effect. it could have an effect on the stock-market if we do go over the fiscal cliff. >> barbara mikulski and ben cardin had the opportunity to make the case to the fema director that federal dollars are needed in several counties. >> maryland woke up to this headline -- "u.s. denies aid to maryland storm victims." this is the picture of maryland during the storm. >> maryland has 30 days to appeal the fema decision. the winner to fill tiffany alston's seat is no one. the judge has ruled she is not eligible to return to proher seat and neither is the man chosen to replace her. governor o'malley will choose a replacement. >> 6:07. 31 degrees at the airport. is the classic easy bake oven sexist? >> egypt is rolling out the heavy artillery as the protest 10 intensifies. >> taking things a bit too far? tell us what you think. >> baltimore getting ready for the 41st--lighting ceremony. >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we are tracking some police activity at the bay bridge and >> good morning. a beautiful start to the day with mostly clear skies. we'll have details on the forecast coming up in just a little bit. we are getting ready for the mind that lighting here in baltimore. such a great tradition -- the monument lighting. this is the poster for this year. this one is spectacular. >> she is not from baltimore but i thought she did a good job captured the essence of the monument and a cool perspective. people collect these posters. this will be available tonight at the event. it will be $5 and all the money goes to support the foundation. the event begins at 5:30. we have concerts and a holiday village with food and crafts. santa claus will be here. he is a busy guy. >> lardarius webb will also be here. he will help the mayor light up the monument. >> he will be here to talk by how the ravens are doing. >> thank you, michael. temperatures should be in the low 40's. we have mostly clear skies for the entire event. fireworks at 7:45. there will be events following that. .'m a little cold this morning i dressed in multiple layers. >> that is a great show. everybody forgets about the cold. ava and mindy and donna hamilton will be there. thank you. it is a " evecool event. 28 in parkton. the temperatures have changed. take the heavier jacket with you. it will be sunny. maybe some rain will catch up to less to borrow. we have a problem over the weekend -- maybe some rain will catch up tomorrow. watch the time frame at the top of your screen. we're right on the edge through the weekend. into monday, the arctic air and makes a stronger push towards the east coast. over the weekend, the temperatures would jump into the 50's even though there will be some rain in the forecast. high temperature between 44 and 49. thickening clouds tomorrow. same thing on saturday and sunday. i'll put a 40% chance for a shower. do not cancel any thing. we will be in the 60's on monday before the front comes through. >> good morning. volume starting to build and a few things to watch for. 60 miles per hour at 95 at the beltway. five minutes to travel from the 895 split down towards the fort mchenry. 11 minutes from 95 over towards the 83's. flame continues to build at york road -- volume continues to build at york road. watch for water main repair us. crain highway, defective traffic light. 55 on southbound 295 down towards 175. building volume at the toll plaza. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> turmoil in egypt is a growing more violent. at least five people have been killed in overnight street battles. the government deployed tanks outside the presidential palace. the unrest began almost two weeks ago. adults can legally buy marijuana in the state of washington. washington state has the responsibility of licensing marijuana growers. driving under the influence is still illegal. one city in south dakota is banning other potentially distracting activities like eating or putting on makeup in the mirror. people can be pulled over and find $100. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. >> i was wondering if they should include singing. and deep cuts in the works at citigroup, 4% of its work force. less than 1% of those workers in maryland will be affected. the world's largest coffee company plans to open 5000 more cafes over the next five years. it will have more than 20,000 cafes by 2014. a girl said the easy bake oven should be marketed to boys. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. many jobs are at risk and congress if there is not an agreement on the fiscal cliff. more than 500,000 defense industry jobs could be lost next year. stock futures this morning are quiet again here today. stocks were higher yesterday with the exception of the nasdaq. shares of apple dropped the most inuit four years. there is a suitor for wonder bread. if a bidder does by wonder bread, there's no -- nonbinding offers are due by monday. millions of young girls learning how to make cakes in the easy bake oven. one girl said it should be marketed to boys as well. ask the hasbro to drop the pink colors. her brother is asking one for christmas. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> thank you very much and have a great day. >> 6;20. terrell suggs is out again. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. hope you have them. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. not bad out there. a few delays starting to form. up to speed on the harrisburg is press way. down to bodoni, picking up just a bit southbound. -- down to padonia, picking up just a bit southbound. starting to build in volume down towards northern parkway. 95 southbound picking up in volume. five minutes to go south from the 895 split to the fort mchenry. we have water main break closures at tanglewood. 55 on southbound 295. watch for defective traffic light at crain highway and mayo road. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a chilly but quiet start on this thursday morning. 23 right now in frederick. 34 in rock hall. mostly sunny skies today. high temperature this afternoon in the mid to upper 40's. first we sent it over to the man. here's keith mills. >> thank you. terrell suggs and ray lewis among the heart and soul of the ravens defense but they have yet to play a game together. ray will not play this week but he could play next week. terrell suggs confirmed his right biceps is otnr. torn. he will decide if he will play on sunday. ray and lardarius webb are both out. terrell suggs will decide on sunday if he will play or watch. >> we will see how would goes. we live by the creed of if you play.eathe, you can that will be a game time decision on sunday. >> what a great line. he has not been 100% because of the achilles. nate mclouth is back in the orioles' lineup. they agree to a deal with nate. this is a good signing. he could split time with nolan reimold in right field. maryland won last night. ray lewis back on the field. ra -- if i cana breather, i can anchor. >> 6:26. a baltimore county police officer back in court today. >> a gun goes off inside a baltimore county hospital. >> a maryland casino is still raking in the revenue. >> we are seeing some brake lights in some of our cameras. >> the cold snap arrives just in time for the annual monument lighting in mount vernon. lighting in mount vernon. >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. it feels like december this morning. >> the temperatures have dipped into the 20's to start today. we will see plenty of sunshine this morning. high temperature around 47. when we come back, we will check the forecast for the weekend. >> and emergency of a different kind inside a hospital. >> jennifer franciotti joins us live to explain what happened. good morning. >> good morning. this happened as a suspect was being treated for a medal condition here at the hospital. he tried to grab a staff member. a man will likely face even more charges after a shooting inside the e.r. inside st. joseph's medical center in towson on wednesday. police say one of the officers was escorting a prisoner that was there to get medical treatment. >> it was discovered this prisoner had some kind of needle in his possession. >> it is not clear what kind of needle it was. or how he got a hold of it. the prisoner attempted to grab a staff member but the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun and a gun shot off one bullet into a wall. nobody was hurt. >> either by the weapon or by pepper spray that the officer discharged in an attempt to subdue this prisoner. >> but it didn't work and more officers were called in to get everything under control. the e.r. was shut down for hours. patients in the e.r. were moved to other parts of the hospital. everything seems to be back to normal here at the hospital. the suspect like aphasic more charges this morning. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> fire crews joined forces to battle a deadly fire in jacksonville. it was difficult to battle the blaze because of a lack of hydrants. an elderly man was found dead inside. >> a police officer charged with the death of a teenager will be in court today. in motions hearing is slated for the officer. police say he put the teenager in a headlock after chasing him and other teenagers away from his home. the teenager collapsed and died. the search continues for an inmate that walked off a work detail. he was last seen at just after noon near clifton park. he had been serving a sentence for robbery and burglary. several schools were locked down. anyone who was seen him is asked to call 911. >> same-sex couples are lining up at courthouses today to be the first to apply for post- dated licenses. 43 per $1 million is the -- $43.1 million is the haul from the casinos. it was up from $4 million last month. the hollywood casino had a slight drop from october. revenue is down from this time last year. >> be on the lookout for a cell phone scam delivered through text messages. it claims you won a gift card from popular stores. >> these text messages that we get are designed to redirect does not towards getting a free gift card but actually getting scant or ripped off. >> in many cases the text message leads the user to a phony website. >> some school students got an unusual opportunity to ask questions of their new superintendent. there was a town hall meeting on wednesday appeared 60 students ask questions ranging from school lunches to school safety. >> if you worry about what students are going to ask you, you are not doing the job. i want to hear from students about the real issue so we can move forward. >> he was hired six months ago. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> we have word of a west side accident at 70. ofre seeing average speeds 22 miles per hour at 795. we will let you know when we find out which lanes are closed. watch for delays. this is perring parkway. we're picking up in volume on the north side. we have another problem at tanglewood, closures because of a water main break. south on 83, not bad down to the beltway. just prior to the beltway, more of volume heading southbound. a nice start on the j.f.x. and the harrisburg expressway. so far so good on 295 southbound at 100. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava marie is getting ready for the monument lighting this evening. it is a great way to kickoff the holiday season. >> what better way than to kickoff this event with some cold temperatures? the cold weather will make it feel much more like the holidays. let's talk about the forecast. we expect temperatures to be in the upper 40's. as we get towards the event, we expect the temperature to drop down to about 40 around 5:30. the ceremony is at 7:00 p.m. and that is when temperatures could get below 40. you can watch us live on wbal live. we will air the entire s ceremony at 7:00 p.m. i will be interviewed the crowd. that is some basic information. we will talk to the people that helped put on this thing. details on that in just a few minutes. >> have you ever noticed it gets very cold? >> i am planning the layers i will wear tonight. >> i did that one time and it was 75 degrees. 28 degrees at the airport. some big changes coming to the most magical place on earth. >> we want to see your holiday decorations. tell us why your house should be featured on 11 news. sen this your picture >> major changes going on at disneyland in orlando. keeping the promise that offensive plan would never be finished, the new edition doubles the size of the attraction with two newcastle's showcasing the little mermaid and a beauty and the beast. >> the ugly christmas sweater. he has been looking for years and has quite a collection of sweaters. he separate website where the embarrassing sweaters can find a new home from between $20 $50. >> i see "regift" written on all of those sweaters. >> 6:41. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. >> we have a backup on the west side because of an accident. we will check on the lace around the area of. >> it is chilly but quiet. here's a look outside at the washington monument. the historic landing will take place this evening. >> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. efforts by police to rid the streets of illegal guns has resulted in their 1000th arrest of the year. a man was reportedly carrying a handgun at the time. anthony batts praised the commitment to reading neighborhoods of illegal guns. a woman has been charged with the murder of her son. nicole fitzgerald is charged with first and second degree murder, child abuse, and assault. she admitted to killing her child on sunday and then cutting her throw. kate middleton is out of the hospital this morning. she left the hospital less than an hour ago where she spent the last few days after her pregnancy was announced. will go to kensington palace for a period of rest. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we are tracking a problem on the west side. it is a busy spot. speeds of 19 miles per hour in the outer loop and continues down towards 70. takes 70 minutes to get through that out of the stretch -- it will take 17 minutes to get through that outer loop stretch. we will let you know what we find. tanglewood, all lanes are closed because of a water main break. southbound 83, on average around 51 miles per hour. more volume at padonia road down towards the beltway. watch for defective traffic light is at crain highway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava marie is getting ready for the monument lighting tonight. it is always a beautiful display. >> we have the cold weather just in time. we have had something extra for the past four years. there are some laser displays and fireworks. this is a task to put on something like this and such a grand scale. >> this is our fourth monument lighting. the show is a combination of fireworks and lasers choreographed to music. we do is utilize high powered, full color lasers that would make here in baltimore. show is programmed on a computer. the fireworks are in the black tubes. at the press of a button, the whole show a nights. >> that is a lot of timing and coordination. >> we watch out for the safety of other people and we do encourage everybody to check it out firsthand. >> thank you, diana. you're based right here in baltimore that we're featured at tonight's events. make sure you dress warm. the activities begin at 5:30. we expect to be in the low 40's. there will be shops open late tonight. dress warm and have a good time. that is a lot to think about. >> hundreds of hours of planning going into the big show tonight. it will be a lot of fun. you and mindy and donna hamilton will be there. you can also watch on tv. things have changed on the east coast. you can see the temperatures in the teens and 20's from the ohio valley and on east. low 20's in the western suburbs. 28 in parkton and at the airport. at least there is no wind. the wind is barely moving right now. there is no snow or ice. skies are basically clear. we will collet mostly sunny -- we will call it mostly sunny. there could be some rain on friday, saturday, and sunday. mostly sunny skies today. chilly with the high temperatures in the mid to upper 40's. sunrise at 7:12. clear to partly cloudy skies and old tonight. the chance for rain will increase. there is a 60% chance it will not rain. there could be some scattered showers over the weekend. it will stay warm fruit monday. -- it will stay warm through monday. >> gunfire at st. joseph's medical center. jennifer franciotti joins us live to explain. >> good morning. the suspect was under arrest andhe was receiving some sort of medical treatment. he had a needle in his possession. just moments later, the prisoner attempted to grab a hospital staff member. the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun. the gun went off. one bullet hit the wall. no one was hurt. the suspect was taken into custody. patients from other areas to this hospital had to be diverted. hospital patients had to be taken to other rooms. everything seems to be back to normal this morning. >> what do we know about the prisoner? >> his identity has not been released. no word on any additional charges as a result of yesterday's incident. >> jennifer franciotti, thank you. >> here is matt lauer with a look at what is coming up next on the "today" show. >> good morning. the obama administration says it is prepared to go off the fiscal cliff. let help spur a deal? new images of the duchess of cambridge leaving the hospital this morning with prince william at her side. a surety under fire for an incentive photo taken at a party. the students are not being disciplined. an investigation about thieves are gaining easy access to your rooms. music from john travolta and olivia newton-john getting a lot of attention this morning appeared that and much more when we get started on a thursday morning. >> scary. 6:53. coming up, we'll look at your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we'll take a last look at weather and traffic together before you head ou >> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. these us some of the best -- these are some of the best. >> this morning we asked, do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? i love this one. [laughter] >> we will post more answers on our website, >> been there. here are some stories you'll find at 7:00 a.m. on wbal plus. they make big money to show up on the big screen but which stars are not earning their keep? >> they will be letting up the night here and in the nation's capital. a preview of some of the the defense. speaking of traffic -- >> it is busy on the west side. 19 miles per hour beginning at 795 all the way down towards 70 . it will take 17 minutes to get through that stretch. sal off and on 97, another accident at 648. watch for the defective traffic light. >> we will make it up to 47 this afternoon. take the winter gear. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Mount Vernon , Maryland , Baltimore County , Clifton Park , Ohio Valley , California , Washington , District Of Columbia , Tanglewood , Egypt , Washington Monument , South Dakota , Town Hall , Hollywood , Rock Hall , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Capitol Hill , Baltimore , America , Matt Lauer , Stan Montara , Terrell Suggs , Tiffany Alston , Barbara Mikulski , Santa Claus , Nicole Fitzgerald , Ava Marie , Kate Middleton , Nate Mclouth , John Travolta , Jane King , Hallie Jackson , Anthony Batts , Sarah Caldwell , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Ben Cardin , Stan Stovall ,

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Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Today 20121206 :

Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Today 20121206

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95.hour p95at a live picture shows it is starting to build over towards the harrisburg expressway. watch for a delay set crain highway because of a defective traffic light. delays westbound on the bay bridge with police activity taking up the right lane. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the normal controlled chaos at a hospital emergency room is rattled after a shot is fired inside. >> a prisoner tried to escape. jennifer franciotti is live with that story. >> good morning. the suspect was under arrest and under police escort. he was receiving some sort of medical treatment. he had a needle in his possession. the prisoner attempted to grab a hospital staff member. the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun. the gun went off. one bullet hit the wall. no one was hurt. >> either by the weapon or by pepper spray that the officer discharged in an attempt to subdue this prisoner. >> police have not released the prisoner's identity. the suspect was under arrest facing burglary charges. not likely facing more charges in connection with yesterday's incident. more information coming up live at 6:30. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> police are searching for a suspect after an overnight shooting. the victim was found on moreland avenue. no word on his condition. the woman has been charged with the murder of her son. nicole fitzgerald is charged with first and second-degree murder. she admitted to killing the child on sunday and then cutting her own throat. >> stephanie rawlings-blake is standing by the speed camera program. three cameras have been issuing tickets to non-violators. the mayor maintains the rate is less than 1% and does not justify changing the program. >> we want to reduce the less than 1% to zero. >> the committee meets on capitol hill to hear from experts about the fiscal cliff. both sides are still digging into their respective positions. hallie jackson joins us live with more on the story. good morning. >> this morning, we're set to hear from the researcher for moody's who warns a pressing concern may not be the fiscal cliff but what to do about the debt ceiling. >> squabble is not a solution. >> that was the fight from last year. over letting the government borrow more money by raising the debt limit. president obama is warning against another battle like last year. >> that is unacceptable. >> explaining republicans should not think they will get leverage on the debt ceiling discussion later by giving in to some democratic fiscal cliff demands now. >> that is a bad strategy for america and for businesses and it is not a game i will play. >> house leader say if the president does not agree with their plan, he should come back to the table. >> sit down with us and be serious about spending. >> if they continue to play politics, that will give you an answer about where we're going. >> they are planning for the worst, asking agencies to be ready for big cuts. >> this is acting responsibly because of the potential for this to happen. >> house members start a long weekend today. speaker boehner said he will be around to talk to the president. gop leaders will not adjourn for the holidays until some kind of fiscal cliff strategy is found. >> this negotiation is going so poorly. what happens if we go over the fiscal cliff? >> there is a little bit of much.rowiggle room, but not the loss will be in place but in practice it will not have too much of an effect. it could have an effect on the stock-market if we do go over the fiscal cliff. >> barbara mikulski and ben cardin had the opportunity to make the case to the fema director that federal dollars are needed in several counties. >> maryland woke up to this headline -- "u.s. denies aid to maryland storm victims." this is the picture of maryland during the storm. >> maryland has 30 days to appeal the fema decision. the winner to fill tiffany alston's seat is no one. the judge has ruled she is not eligible to return to proher seat and neither is the man chosen to replace her. governor o'malley will choose a replacement. >> 6:07. 31 degrees at the airport. is the classic easy bake oven sexist? >> egypt is rolling out the heavy artillery as the protest 10 intensifies. >> taking things a bit too far? tell us what you think. >> baltimore getting ready for the 41st--lighting ceremony. >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we are tracking some police activity at the bay bridge and >> good morning. a beautiful start to the day with mostly clear skies. we'll have details on the forecast coming up in just a little bit. we are getting ready for the mind that lighting here in baltimore. such a great tradition -- the monument lighting. this is the poster for this year. this one is spectacular. >> she is not from baltimore but i thought she did a good job captured the essence of the monument and a cool perspective. people collect these posters. this will be available tonight at the event. it will be $5 and all the money goes to support the foundation. the event begins at 5:30. we have concerts and a holiday village with food and crafts. santa claus will be here. he is a busy guy. >> lardarius webb will also be here. he will help the mayor light up the monument. >> he will be here to talk by how the ravens are doing. >> thank you, michael. temperatures should be in the low 40's. we have mostly clear skies for the entire event. fireworks at 7:45. there will be events following that. .'m a little cold this morning i dressed in multiple layers. >> that is a great show. everybody forgets about the cold. ava and mindy and donna hamilton will be there. thank you. it is a " evecool event. 28 in parkton. the temperatures have changed. take the heavier jacket with you. it will be sunny. maybe some rain will catch up to less to borrow. we have a problem over the weekend -- maybe some rain will catch up tomorrow. watch the time frame at the top of your screen. we're right on the edge through the weekend. into monday, the arctic air and makes a stronger push towards the east coast. over the weekend, the temperatures would jump into the 50's even though there will be some rain in the forecast. high temperature between 44 and 49. thickening clouds tomorrow. same thing on saturday and sunday. i'll put a 40% chance for a shower. do not cancel any thing. we will be in the 60's on monday before the front comes through. >> good morning. volume starting to build and a few things to watch for. 60 miles per hour at 95 at the beltway. five minutes to travel from the 895 split down towards the fort mchenry. 11 minutes from 95 over towards the 83's. flame continues to build at york road -- volume continues to build at york road. watch for water main repair us. crain highway, defective traffic light. 55 on southbound 295 down towards 175. building volume at the toll plaza. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> turmoil in egypt is a growing more violent. at least five people have been killed in overnight street battles. the government deployed tanks outside the presidential palace. the unrest began almost two weeks ago. adults can legally buy marijuana in the state of washington. washington state has the responsibility of licensing marijuana growers. driving under the influence is still illegal. one city in south dakota is banning other potentially distracting activities like eating or putting on makeup in the mirror. people can be pulled over and find $100. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> i was wondering if they should include singing. and deep cuts in the works at citigroup, 4% of its work force. less than 1% of those workers in maryland will be affected. the world's largest coffee company plans to open 5000 more cafes over the next five years. it will have more than 20,000 cafes by 2014. a girl said the easy bake oven should be marketed to boys. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. many jobs are at risk and congress if there is not an agreement on the fiscal cliff. more than 500,000 defense industry jobs could be lost next year. stock futures this morning are quiet again here today. stocks were higher yesterday with the exception of the nasdaq. shares of apple dropped the most inuit four years. there is a suitor for wonder bread. if a bidder does by wonder bread, there's no -- nonbinding offers are due by monday. millions of young girls learning how to make cakes in the easy bake oven. one girl said it should be marketed to boys as well. ask the hasbro to drop the pink colors. her brother is asking one for christmas. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> thank you very much and have a great day. >> 6;20. terrell suggs is out again. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. hope you have them. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. not bad out there. a few delays starting to form. up to speed on the harrisburg is press way. down to bodoni, picking up just a bit southbound. -- down to padonia, picking up just a bit southbound. starting to build in volume down towards northern parkway. 95 southbound picking up in volume. five minutes to go south from the 895 split to the fort mchenry. we have water main break closures at tanglewood. 55 on southbound 295. watch for defective traffic light at crain highway and mayo road. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a chilly but quiet start on this thursday morning. 23 right now in frederick. 34 in rock hall. mostly sunny skies today. high temperature this afternoon in the mid to upper 40's. first we sent it over to the man. here's keith mills. >> thank you. terrell suggs and ray lewis among the heart and soul of the ravens defense but they have yet to play a game together. ray will not play this week but he could play next week. terrell suggs confirmed his right biceps is otnr. torn. he will decide if he will play on sunday. ray and lardarius webb are both out. terrell suggs will decide on sunday if he will play or watch. >> we will see how would goes. we live by the creed of if you play.eathe, you can that will be a game time decision on sunday. >> what a great line. he has not been 100% because of the achilles. nate mclouth is back in the orioles' lineup. they agree to a deal with nate. this is a good signing. he could split time with nolan reimold in right field. maryland won last night. ray lewis back on the field. ra -- if i cana breather, i can anchor. >> 6:26. a baltimore county police officer back in court today. >> a gun goes off inside a baltimore county hospital. >> a maryland casino is still raking in the revenue. >> we are seeing some brake lights in some of our cameras. >> the cold snap arrives just in time for the annual monument lighting in mount vernon. lighting in mount vernon. >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. it feels like december this morning. >> the temperatures have dipped into the 20's to start today. we will see plenty of sunshine this morning. high temperature around 47. when we come back, we will check the forecast for the weekend. >> and emergency of a different kind inside a hospital. >> jennifer franciotti joins us live to explain what happened. good morning. >> good morning. this happened as a suspect was being treated for a medal condition here at the hospital. he tried to grab a staff member. a man will likely face even more charges after a shooting inside the e.r. inside st. joseph's medical center in towson on wednesday. police say one of the officers was escorting a prisoner that was there to get medical treatment. >> it was discovered this prisoner had some kind of needle in his possession. >> it is not clear what kind of needle it was. or how he got a hold of it. the prisoner attempted to grab a staff member but the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun and a gun shot off one bullet into a wall. nobody was hurt. >> either by the weapon or by pepper spray that the officer discharged in an attempt to subdue this prisoner. >> but it didn't work and more officers were called in to get everything under control. the e.r. was shut down for hours. patients in the e.r. were moved to other parts of the hospital. everything seems to be back to normal here at the hospital. the suspect like aphasic more charges this morning. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> fire crews joined forces to battle a deadly fire in jacksonville. it was difficult to battle the blaze because of a lack of hydrants. an elderly man was found dead inside. >> a police officer charged with the death of a teenager will be in court today. in motions hearing is slated for the officer. police say he put the teenager in a headlock after chasing him and other teenagers away from his home. the teenager collapsed and died. the search continues for an inmate that walked off a work detail. he was last seen at just after noon near clifton park. he had been serving a sentence for robbery and burglary. several schools were locked down. anyone who was seen him is asked to call 911. >> same-sex couples are lining up at courthouses today to be the first to apply for post- dated licenses. 43 per $1 million is the -- $43.1 million is the haul from the casinos. it was up from $4 million last month. the hollywood casino had a slight drop from october. revenue is down from this time last year. >> be on the lookout for a cell phone scam delivered through text messages. it claims you won a gift card from popular stores. >> these text messages that we get are designed to redirect does not towards getting a free gift card but actually getting scant or ripped off. >> in many cases the text message leads the user to a phony website. >> some school students got an unusual opportunity to ask questions of their new superintendent. there was a town hall meeting on wednesday appeared 60 students ask questions ranging from school lunches to school safety. >> if you worry about what students are going to ask you, you are not doing the job. i want to hear from students about the real issue so we can move forward. >> he was hired six months ago. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> we have word of a west side accident at 70. ofre seeing average speeds 22 miles per hour at 795. we will let you know when we find out which lanes are closed. watch for delays. this is perring parkway. we're picking up in volume on the north side. we have another problem at tanglewood, closures because of a water main break. south on 83, not bad down to the beltway. just prior to the beltway, more of volume heading southbound. a nice start on the j.f.x. and the harrisburg expressway. so far so good on 295 southbound at 100. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava marie is getting ready for the monument lighting this evening. it is a great way to kickoff the holiday season. >> what better way than to kickoff this event with some cold temperatures? the cold weather will make it feel much more like the holidays. let's talk about the forecast. we expect temperatures to be in the upper 40's. as we get towards the event, we expect the temperature to drop down to about 40 around 5:30. the ceremony is at 7:00 p.m. and that is when temperatures could get below 40. you can watch us live on wbal live. we will air the entire s ceremony at 7:00 p.m. i will be interviewed the crowd. that is some basic information. we will talk to the people that helped put on this thing. details on that in just a few minutes. >> have you ever noticed it gets very cold? >> i am planning the layers i will wear tonight. >> i did that one time and it was 75 degrees. 28 degrees at the airport. some big changes coming to the most magical place on earth. >> we want to see your holiday decorations. tell us why your house should be featured on 11 news. sen this your picture >> major changes going on at disneyland in orlando. keeping the promise that offensive plan would never be finished, the new edition doubles the size of the attraction with two newcastle's showcasing the little mermaid and a beauty and the beast. >> the ugly christmas sweater. he has been looking for years and has quite a collection of sweaters. he separate website where the embarrassing sweaters can find a new home from between $20 $50. >> i see "regift" written on all of those sweaters. >> 6:41. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> we have a backup on the west side because of an accident. we will check on the lace around the area of. >> it is chilly but quiet. here's a look outside at the washington monument. the historic landing will take place this evening. >> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. efforts by police to rid the streets of illegal guns has resulted in their 1000th arrest of the year. a man was reportedly carrying a handgun at the time. anthony batts praised the commitment to reading neighborhoods of illegal guns. a woman has been charged with the murder of her son. nicole fitzgerald is charged with first and second degree murder, child abuse, and assault. she admitted to killing her child on sunday and then cutting her throw. kate middleton is out of the hospital this morning. she left the hospital less than an hour ago where she spent the last few days after her pregnancy was announced. will go to kensington palace for a period of rest. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we are tracking a problem on the west side. it is a busy spot. speeds of 19 miles per hour in the outer loop and continues down towards 70. takes 70 minutes to get through that out of the stretch -- it will take 17 minutes to get through that outer loop stretch. we will let you know what we find. tanglewood, all lanes are closed because of a water main break. southbound 83, on average around 51 miles per hour. more volume at padonia road down towards the beltway. watch for defective traffic light is at crain highway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava marie is getting ready for the monument lighting tonight. it is always a beautiful display. >> we have the cold weather just in time. we have had something extra for the past four years. there are some laser displays and fireworks. this is a task to put on something like this and such a grand scale. >> this is our fourth monument lighting. the show is a combination of fireworks and lasers choreographed to music. we do is utilize high powered, full color lasers that would make here in baltimore. show is programmed on a computer. the fireworks are in the black tubes. at the press of a button, the whole show a nights. >> that is a lot of timing and coordination. >> we watch out for the safety of other people and we do encourage everybody to check it out firsthand. >> thank you, diana. you're based right here in baltimore that we're featured at tonight's events. make sure you dress warm. the activities begin at 5:30. we expect to be in the low 40's. there will be shops open late tonight. dress warm and have a good time. that is a lot to think about. >> hundreds of hours of planning going into the big show tonight. it will be a lot of fun. you and mindy and donna hamilton will be there. you can also watch on tv. things have changed on the east coast. you can see the temperatures in the teens and 20's from the ohio valley and on east. low 20's in the western suburbs. 28 in parkton and at the airport. at least there is no wind. the wind is barely moving right now. there is no snow or ice. skies are basically clear. we will collet mostly sunny -- we will call it mostly sunny. there could be some rain on friday, saturday, and sunday. mostly sunny skies today. chilly with the high temperatures in the mid to upper 40's. sunrise at 7:12. clear to partly cloudy skies and old tonight. the chance for rain will increase. there is a 60% chance it will not rain. there could be some scattered showers over the weekend. it will stay warm fruit monday. -- it will stay warm through monday. >> gunfire at st. joseph's medical center. jennifer franciotti joins us live to explain. >> good morning. the suspect was under arrest andhe was receiving some sort of medical treatment. he had a needle in his possession. just moments later, the prisoner attempted to grab a hospital staff member. the officer intervened. the prisoner tried to grab the gun. the gun went off. one bullet hit the wall. no one was hurt. the suspect was taken into custody. patients from other areas to this hospital had to be diverted. hospital patients had to be taken to other rooms. everything seems to be back to normal this morning. >> what do we know about the prisoner? >> his identity has not been released. no word on any additional charges as a result of yesterday's incident. >> jennifer franciotti, thank you. >> here is matt lauer with a look at what is coming up next on the "today" show. >> good morning. the obama administration says it is prepared to go off the fiscal cliff. let help spur a deal? new images of the duchess of cambridge leaving the hospital this morning with prince william at her side. a surety under fire for an incentive photo taken at a party. the students are not being disciplined. an investigation about thieves are gaining easy access to your rooms. music from john travolta and olivia newton-john getting a lot of attention this morning appeared that and much more when we get started on a thursday morning. >> scary. 6:53. coming up, we'll look at your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we'll take a last look at weather and traffic together before you head ou >> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. these us some of the best -- these are some of the best. >> this morning we asked, do you think eating or putting on makeup should be included in distracted-driving fines? i love this one. [laughter] >> we will post more answers on our website, >> been there. here are some stories you'll find at 7:00 a.m. on wbal plus. they make big money to show up on the big screen but which stars are not earning their keep? >> they will be letting up the night here and in the nation's capital. a preview of some of the the defense. speaking of traffic -- >> it is busy on the west side. 19 miles per hour beginning at 795 all the way down towards 70 . it will take 17 minutes to get through that stretch. sal off and on 97, another accident at 648. watch for the defective traffic light. >> we will make it up to 47 this afternoon. take the winter gear. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25.

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New York , United States , Mount Vernon , Maryland , Baltimore County , Clifton Park , Ohio Valley , California , Washington , District Of Columbia , Tanglewood , Egypt , Washington Monument , South Dakota , Town Hall , Hollywood , Rock Hall , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Capitol Hill , Baltimore , America , Matt Lauer , Stan Montara , Terrell Suggs , Tiffany Alston , Barbara Mikulski , Santa Claus , Nicole Fitzgerald , Ava Marie , Kate Middleton , Nate Mclouth , John Travolta , Jane King , Hallie Jackson , Anthony Batts , Sarah Caldwell , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Ben Cardin , Stan Stovall ,

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