Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Saturday Morning 20130119 : com

Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Saturday Morning 20130119

tomorrow night as far as the weather is concerned. we will see how the game turns out. we are looking for a good game there. we will be talking more about that coming up. >> the road to new orleans makes a stop in fox borough massachusetts. they will duke it out tomorrow night to advance to super bowl xxv xxvii, 24-hours from now the stayed yummed will -- stadium. the purple caravan road through town yesterday and pumped up fans all day and all night for a special purple friday. it is a surprise full effect. >> excited? you cannot believe how excited. we are going to take this game big time. yea we are going to the super bowl. >> this morning we are live from baltimore to boston as the ravens get ready to head down to fox borough. our very own jennifer franciotto she has been there all week. you must be in serious count down mode. >> we are so exited both the if he ever photographer and i woke up and when we fete in the lobby we said tomorrow night is game day. we are so ready for tomorrow night to get here and to play this game and to move on to the super bowl. so we have spent the day yesterday going around patriot place and this is an area surrounding gillette said yum checking it out so many things for ravens fans to do. patriot place more than happy to have you. they did very well by the ravens fans coming here and enjoying everything they have to offer including a pretty cool sports museum. it is dedicated to the new england patriots there is something inside that all football fans can appreciate. >> it is about 25 to 30,000,000 feet of exhibit space. >> it opened in 2008 if it looks foom the same architect did ours at camden yards. you can see tributes dedicated to the patriots. there's an awful lot of history. history of birth place in america. starting in the late 1800's on the fields of boston common. >> combination of soccer and rugby. the first team is called the oneidas and it evolved from there. it was very big at the turn of the century. in fact many of our collegiate national hamp championships the redskins started here the colts started here. it wasn't until 1960 that football really stuck. >> kids especially will like the interactive exhibits kicking field goals going into the huddle. look here we even found super bowl pictures of the ravens. it is part of a traveling photo exhibit ravens and the patriots hall of fame. image that. museum executive director brian morey says baltimore fans are welcome. >> come on by talk a little trash. >> ravens fans are coming they are coming by the hundreds. coming up at 9:30 we will have details in boston. wbal-tv 11 news, go ravens. >> i hate to say this part but they want me to. history isn't exactly in baltimore's favor. they made me say this. the baltimore team won the first afc championship game when the baltimore colts won. they have never won an afc champion shin. patriots are a perfect 4-0 in championship games. >> there's a but here. but when they won the super bowl in 2000 they won their first home game and won 2 straight road games to go to the super bowl and won the super bowl. ladies how are you? >> good. how are you? what do they mean to do? do not turn the ball over. that's the holy grail of haven he's key. if they don't turn it over their percentage of winning games is astronomical. you cannot give tom brady ex prau po tegss and short field. there's a term called yac, yards after catch. throw to hernandez and having them run for long games. if the raifr vens tackle on the initial catch get the guys in step for 4 or 5 yard games instead of 15 or 20 that will significantly reduce their offensive output. >> let's talk a little bit about the officiating. people are concerned they were not happy in the beginning of that game last week about some of the officiating. what are we looking at here? >> the raiders can't worry about the officials. fans can lose sleep over it. they can be anxious, nervous or whatever. they can't control the officials they can't control the officials. this level of the season three games left to go in the nfl season. hopefully it's the one in fox borough tomorrow. tom brady has a reputation of oh i got hit mr. official. how can that not be a penalty. >> you listen to all of the national coverage tom brady is all but deified. they are favoring and talking about it. it's clear ravens are the underdog from the national perspective. how does that help him mentally? >> ravens have to pound and say we are going to go. i haven't said any of that this week. the last two weeks they can beat new england they have beat new england. they have worked extremely hard the last couple weeks to put themselves in a position to do that. maybe it is inspiration. because of ray lewis and all of that other stuff. one thing it does do it rallies everyone around one causes. that cause is to get ray lewis back to the super pole. they were playing with a tremendous amount of confidence. they feel they can go my where beat any one at any time. what about the uniforms. >> uniforms? need to wear white tops black pants. >> she is better at that than the yac. >> the intestinal yac. >> we won't pass. the ravens support the afc championship that airs at 7:00 p.m. and sunday at 2:00 p.m. on wbal plus. >> 9:08. 27 degrees. we have a few recommendations. >> and we will take you live to the convention center with a look at what you can expect today. >> right now the sun is shining 34 now, 50 for the forecast high. we will check the whole weekend >> here the sun is shining. up north a couple weather disturbances showing up on radar. snow showers in new england. a second disturbance or a little clipper moving through the great lakes now. that's a combination of rain and snow. it's not quite as cold in the midwest as it is in new england. we have sun here. let's look outside. the beach at ocean city it is 40 degrees right now. nice wave action and not a cloud in the sky. local numbers around the city. 36 in the airport. 59 percent the humidity. 30, 33 the barometric pressure. these temperatures are nice for this time of morning this time of year. typical high this time of year is 41 degrees that's this red line on the chart. this is all last week. we were kind of up and down. we are going up today. then down, down, down, down, down as we go through the week next week. we are going to get a bite of winter. at least as far as the temperatures are concerned. 36. mentioned 40 at ocean city. edgewood elkton 36. frederick 34 and 30s out in far western maryland right now. here are the clouds to the north. sunny skies for us. stalled weather system a boundary to the north of us up in the great lakes running up near the canadian border. that is dividing the really extremely cold air in canada with the some what cold air that we have. this is the high pressure giving us the good weather now. eventually these disturbances are going to be pulled further south. that's where the jet stream is winding down. the jet stream is low it will be riding a little lower. there's a disturbance coming in from the pacific northwest. these colder temperatures get pulled down, too. this will take several days to happen but it's coming. today not bad, though. 47 to 51. southwest winds bringing the temperatures up from yesterday. we will be above normal. a little breezy. winds gusting to 30. 2 to 3 foot chop on the open waters in the bay. one of those is a little further south sunday into monday. that's where we pick up a chance for snow shower activity and eventually colder temperatures. around 50 today. 40s sunday. 30s monday and 20s on tuesday. monday and tuesday some snow showers. >> hopefully with the super bowl the baltimore orioles are clearing up for spring training. players and coaches will be on hand today for this year's fanfest. we are live in the convention center with more. >> thank you for having me. this must be completely working in your advantage? >> trying to build off the last season. great year. judging by the turnout looks like everybody is excited for baseball again. >> having such a great season last year really must make this event bigger and better this year. >> yeah, hopefully everybody plays as well as they played last year. we got a few guys back from injuries. we have a great manager in phil walters. we will see what happens. >> who is signing autographs today? >> everybody. players coaches, buck will be walking around signing autographs. kids can hop in the lines and get free autographs at the kid's station. it will be a great day for baseball fans here in baltimore. >> it's a great event really. it brings it all front and center for everybody. do they do this in other cities, too, or is this just a baltimore thing? >> there are others that do the event. we have done it a few years a great turnout and we are expecting one of the biggest years so far. >> give us the basics when, what time. how long? what's it called? >> we will be at the convention center from 11-6. tickets are $10 for add dilts 5 for kids and seniors over 55. you can park in lots 2 and 3 it's 11-6. $10 to $5. >> sound great. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> next we have our book recommendations. this time next week dozens will take a dip in the icy waters of the bay in the annual polar bear plunge including deborah. >> no, stop saying that. >> what is new about this year's plunge? who do you think has the best look at this year's golden globes awards. this week we can show you how to get your favorite stars. >> looking for your next book. dr. karl hayden has a few recommendations. >> there is a lot going on. this is quite an exciting time and we are very pleased that tailor branch has a new book out and he's coming to the pratt library. for those of you who know his books on king have been really massive. he has prepared a compact book each chapter talks about king's life. it's really i think something you can actually give to other people. it tells you about king. >> the interesting thing is that the public inauguration is also happening on martin luther king's holidays. the new book about one of the most famous fathers the patriarch john and jack kennedy and the brothers. this is an authorized biography but he also had access to a lot of papers that had never been seen before. you get all of it. he really emphasizes the family is so important for the kennedys and the brothers. there's a new book about brothers. if you have a brother, if you know about brothers, this book is great. it talks about not only his life as a brother and his four brothers. like the marx brothers, gouch cho marks and his brothers. they competed afterwards. the john wilkes booth and his brother who was an actor. you know what he did. famous brothers. anybody like that. >> also it's an award season. lincoln just one. the first book out about an intriguing character in the movie lincoln. mrs. lincoln's dress maker. >> if you see the movie you know she is an african american and she played a big part and this is a fiction book about her life. there are some things in there you might want to look at. >> this book is really something. you might not know vanessa redgrave won eerievery award th was to win. this is the first book about the redgraves and their lives and that family. >> speaking of family, though, dogs. this book, what's a dog for? >> their dog has become part of the family. how do you go from dogs to having to have insurance and having to worry about all kinds of things for dogs. >> vacation for your dog. >> therapy, everything. >> so what's a dog for? >> i know some people love cats. who was the best cat lover. you never know julia child really loved cats. that's a part of her life. >> this book is about julius cats. winter is coming here and if you go -- who better fob your guide? john up dike. he wrote books about art. so you can just sit there have that and while you are having it have your nice glass of wine. the first book about wine. one of the things about champagne when the monk discovered champagne he i hsaid am drinking the stars. let's all hope we get to pop a bottle for the havens. 101st birthday. go ravens, i have my raise sins done. let's pop the champagne. >> thank you so much for coming. maryland we will have look at the event going on downtown >> welcome back. the maryland zoo joins us. our special guest. >> this is conquer. this is one of the official mascots of the baltimore ravens. he lives at the maryland zoo with his brother wise. they were on the purple caravan yesterday. they have so much energy they are so fired up tomorrow it was easy to come out this morning. >> these are very smart guys aren't they? >> they are incredibly smart. they are evil genius smart. by far the most favorite animal to work with. you see pretty sizable american crows around here. northern baltimore county, westminster you can kind of maybe see them. not often but most of the time you see them flying through. you can see them year-round in person maryland. they are a little smaller. the common raven is more aggressive doesn't agree with wa handling so much. we have the african raven conquering a little smaller. you can see them year-round in western maryland. >> you can see them at the zoo. >> especially this time of year because we are all ravens and everybody else is about the ravens. saturday, sunday and monday the kids are off on monday come out and visit us, please. you want to check the web site maryland to make sure we are open. there is inclement weather. we don't want you traveling if it's yucky out. it is half price admission. you can come out and pay half price. >> you need people to work. we do. the zoo is lucky. we have a strong volunteer core. our volunteer is amazing. they get staff you wouldn't think would happen. we do that because we have volunteers that care about animals. we have a volunteer open house next weekend. it runs on the 27th. it runs from 11-2. you can come out to the mansion house you can go to maryland and get more about the different types of volunteer jobs. we are a mondnonprofit and we rn a lot of vents that ap pen tee zoo. some of th-- we have people thae and file once a week. if you want to come you like being in the environment we would love to have you. >> thank you for joining us, too. good look to the havens tomorrow. yu >> there's a flock of ravens he'ded to new england right now. a live report is straight ahead from fox pur row. flush >> welcome back. thanks for joining us. let's take another look outside with john. >> take a look at this little graphic i have got. this shows the pressure patterns over the northern members fear. you can see this big blob of blue. it translates to temperatures. the coldest of the temperatures are not concentrated over eastern north america especially over eastern canada but it is dipping down. this is the forecast over the next week and a half or so. it keeps dipping down into the mid atlantic region. a much colder forecast ore the next week or so is in store. details coming up in just a minute. >> thank you. it's the ravens and patriots all over again. this time baltimore is looking for redemption. >> the road to new orleans makes a stop at fox borough massachusetts this morning. that's where we find jennifer franciotto. are you just in heaven? >> this is so much fun. i am hearing more fans than ever are planning to make the trip to fox borough. at 7:00 this morning five bus loads of ravens fans left from white marsh. they are cruising their way up i 95 to get here to cheer on the baltimore ravens. we heard about a pep rally tonight in boston. that's at the center of the boston downtown area. they are going to have a big rally at the irish pub of all things tonight. we are excited to get them out of ravens fans. you know from seeing purple friday there in maryland everyone will be decked out in their purple, decked out in havens gear and they will be ready to go. >> a big hello to north bend elementary school. they are setting one of their teaches up with banners made by the school children. that is off the hook. so excited for the havens to win tomorrow night. we have tons of fans. when they look out and see all of the purple they will see a big win. >> families for local companies. purple fever has taken over maryland. the workout group list for the ravens while the white marsh ravens pays tribute to ray lewis. they dance off a wait and spirit day. all eyes on sandy point state park for the annual polar bear plunge. the life changing plunge has a new twist this year one of them is you. jim sxhuts, first week on the job. >> that's one way to start a job. >> we will see how accurate i am in giving you valuable information. >> exactly. exactly. you are plunging for the first time, right? >> first time. >> you are the new guy you have to do it. >> the support is unbelievable we have corporate partners we have been doing this for 11 year nows. we had 20,000 people at the park. expecting similar numbers this year. we have done things to make it family friendly. we have a fee we and family plunge on saturday morning. >> that is new this year? >> actual there's the second year. >> that's great a lot of kids want to be involved. >> pee wee is for what? >> we do 8 and under. >> those are the pee wees. >> i know a lot of kids like to get involved. >> last year we raised 2.6 million. we have ground to cover. typically it comes later. payroll taxes all that stuff. the economy definitely impacts people. the thing that is great about this is helps build communities. >> what is incredible is it grows expedientially each year. there is such good karma people love to give to this cause. >> there is something for everybody. special olympics provide through sport the opportunity to bring athlete and people in the community who might not otherwise interact with them together. the plunge brings people together from all walks of life all economic stratus all for great cause of special olympics. >> you know john said it's supposed to get very cold this week. >> yes, he did. i understand that. >> how are you feeling? >> i am feeling great and so is everybody who is going to get out there. not too late to sign up. >> great. thank you. congratulations on your new job. >> thank you so much. great to be here. maryland state police bowl lar bear plunge january 25th and 26th at sandy points park at plunge for more information www.somd special olympics if you want to learn more. >> president obama kicks off regulation weekend the national day of service. michelle obama has a service event today. joe biden and his wife jill also volunteer in the area. before the president and second term in office the nation ruled on the life of dr. martin luther king junior. the parade will start at martin luther king boulevard in utah street. a group of baltimore county teenagers took center stage in celebration to honor doctor king to recognize the type of character dr. king often spoke of. >> coming up you can look like a hollywood star not spend a fortune. the golden globe looks for a lot less. >> we are in the kitchen spicing up game day party with a warm bowl of chilly. >> nice here this morning. the sun is up. we go north pick up clouds and there are two weather disturbances one over new england producing snow showers. a lot of that is moving offshore and letting up. there's a new one moving in from the west now in lick mash coming out of wisconsin. these are the little clippers that come out of canada. there's cool air north of these things. right now we are in the sweet spot. in good shape. blue sky beautiful. 36 degrees at the airport. humidity at 59 percent. so excuse me. a nice dry atmosphere. 30-33. southwest breeze at 8 to 16. southwest wind is making all of the difference today. even this morning temperatures held up all night last night. suburban readings held it in the upper 20s. park ton 34. same with frederick. 38 salisbury. boardwalk it's 40. satellite pictures shows the clear skies we have here the clouds up to the north and again there's been a little bit of snow in new england. here's this boundary dividing the extremely cold air in eastern canada from the not quite so cold air down to the south. high pressure will continue to give us good weather today. the jet stream is kind of dipping south. it will come further south and take a couple more clippers a little closer to us as we get past the weekend into early next week. our forecast for today 47 to 52. plenty of sun southwest wind at 10-15 brings the temperatures up a bit. we will see lots of sunshine during the day today. knock a few degrees off it's still pretty good. 45 at high partly cloudy skies snow showers monday and tuesday a couple clippers get north of us help to drop the temperatures. only around freezing monday. highs in the 20s on tuesday. wednesday, wednesday morning's low starts out at 12. cold air coming in next week. >> this morning's heart disease kills more american women than any other disease. recent studies reveal there's an even riskyer link than people who experience early menopause. they enter menopause early before the age of 46. the main reason a lack of estrogen. cardiologist says the study shouldn't make woman panic. >> you can't control when you are going to go into menopause. that's the way your cards were dealt. if it happens at 51 which is the average age or if you go into premature ovarian failure or something which causes you to have early menopause that's the way it is. but that doesn't mean your course is set out that you are going to be somebody who is going to have a heart attack. it means we have to be more aggressive about treating your risk factors. >> that means exercise to change your diet to include less red meet and dairy. hormone replacement should always be considered. >> this is a little scary to hear. clarify it for us. who is at risk? >> any lady who has gone into early menopause through surgery or natural pen pause. although the numbers kront ver shallme controversial. some say 46 others say as early as 40. there's a big differentiation between normal menopause and early on set menopause. mid 40s to early 40s. >> anything under 50 is considered early menopause? >> under 45. under 40 it's 1 percent of all people. it's a small percentage. but we do know the numbers go up significantly for cardiac disease, heart attacks, strokes when you are in the mid 40s and below. >> wow. >> what can women do other than just watching their diet? >> take medications they are helpful as well. important to know if you are in that area you need to be more proactive eat better keep your cholesterol down make sure your blood pressure is good. if you need to certain medications. >> it's a lot of work. thank you so much, doctor. if you have any other questions call 1-800-md mercy. >> we have breaking news into the 11 newsroom. word that earl weaver has passed away. >> he has dade at a died at age. he was on the orioles cruise a cruise put together for fans every year at this time. was feeling ill last night went to bed reportedly did not wake up. devastating news, yeah, the fcc championship thousands of fans getting ready to go in the convention center. already siz impact and his impact on the pore yells will be felt at the con sprengs spenter. the our yells played their 2012 highlight tape. earl was really a big part of that because of the statue ceremony last summer. and he stood up on the podium last night -- not last night, but on the highlight tape. i want to thank the orioles fans i can't believe they remember me some 30 years later. we will always remember earl weaver. >> he looked okay. i said you are the ray lewis of the orioles. you have an incredible amount of passion and commitment to oriole's baseball. he still loved the orioles still wanted them to win. him and buck walter had a great relationship. buckin vieted him to string training tough day. >> tough day. 82 years old. stomach development. >> thank you for this information. >> sis roy over to you. >> list a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. >> welcome back. the fashion world was a buzz for the golden globes. the designer looks cost more than thousands of dollars. we are here to show how you can get the same looks for a fraction of a cause. >> a lot less. >> the golden globes were fabulous. lots of great dresses. the final color was red. >> zoe dash nell very girlie girl. she had pearls on very unusual for the red carpet. i like that had whole look. her pearls wihad a little emble on it. our emblem is the magnetic closure which is awesome for people with poor dexterity with their hand. this necklace is $28 there's a matching bracelet which she also wore with the same magnetic class p that is $26. >> she is so adorable. >> next carry washington. everybody is talking about her bangs. >> bangs are huge. >> fringe. >> what is she wearing here? >> she had a watch on. i don't know if she was worried about the baby-sitter. we have a great one galla time. it is very, very sparkly. it's an accessory and a time piece as well. it's $55. she also carried a really wonderful satin clutch. we have a great piece here with fabulous sparkles you open it up like that. this is $36. >> i am curious how much it cost. >> it was a cartier. i am sure it was 10,000. >> the earrings she wore. >> the color of the year is emerald green. >> i swear it changes every day. >> every year. she wore emerald. sound a great version spot on as far as a match. these are $21. >> emily blunt i thought was best dressed. she had a gold dress on which had studs on it believe it or not. her accessories were read. we found a great look with the bang gal rubies with pink sapphires in it. this bang gal was $24. also the earrings pink and red mixed together. these were $21 as well. >> i thought she looked stunning, too. >> i loved her as well. >> she looked so much like grace kelly. >> these earrings are a good match for these earrings. they are purple and gold. they are $22. >> she will never, ever, ever, ever wear them again. >> people want information about this? >> there is a discount code red carpet 20. we will give 20 percent off of all of these items as well as the entire site. >> thank you. sure fire crowd pleaser perfect for game day. we are talking sandwich. stan is here. it smells good. stay with us. >> today is the day ravens fans arrive in new england. this morning at 7:00 five bus loads of ravens fans are heading up 95 straight to new england. there's a big rally planned tonight in boston at samuel hall at 4:45 tonight. we are going to hit that rally tonight and bring you the information at 11 news at 11. i know the coffee is coming in. the guys who dress up for every game day they will be on the field ready to cheer on the baltimore ravens. come on to new england. back to you guys. >> thanks. try to contain yourself. >> don't forget to tune in tonight for ravens report the afc championship edition. it airs today on wbal 11 and 2:00 p.m. wbal plus. >> we have the ultimate game day chili recipes. >> nice to see you again. we are going to talk about chili. >> i know everyone has their favorite way to make chili. we brought a couple of our healthy alternative chillies using regular ground beef. i start it off in a pan little bit of olive oil. little bit of a tablespoon. i have added in a cup of chopped onion and cup of mixed bell peppers and a tablespoon of fresh chopped garlic. i like to add the spices in. we are going to use a dark chili powder we will go with two tablespoons. a tablespoon of ground cumin. we put them in and let them get on the vegetables. that will get the flavors of the spouses out a little bit. >> do it where you dump everything in. >> you can do it that way. >> saute first. >> start getting the vegetables a little soft. little salt and pepper. chili powder and cumin. it will bring the flavors out in the spices. >> i am a dumper, too. >> you can do that if you like. >> i have the tomato base. that takes the raw taste off of the tomato paste. i am going to rush this a little bit. we will go in with a can of we are using crushed tomatoes. a lot of times we use diced tomatoes. >> dumping in a little bit of this and that. trying to take the dumping some place deborah, i know. >> we call it a basic chilly starter. we will add a little bit of hot sauce. that is by taste. >> i like cinnamon. >> people put all kinds of things. cinnamon, coffee. my little trick to it is i like to put in honey. get it to come out. do about two tablespoons. >> that's interesting. >> puts a little sweetness to it. p finish it off with a little key lime juice. couple tablespoons of that. once that gets all in we will stir it around. i have more over in this pot that is cooked for half an hour. doesn't have anything in it. >> to this you can add anything you like. >> this is you are healthy alternative? >> wheat, chick peas kidney beans a little bit of fresh squash. we stir that around. >> that's really healthy. >> cook another half hour to 20 minutes. you can put it on as long as you like get everything nice and sauce. we have done another one with grilled chicken and black beans. they are both available at the loland avenue store. we have a beef chili available. all kinds of stuff. >> it will be packed. >> all kind of great stuff. >> great ideas. >> 7 day? >> well, it's a good one. the best of the 7. >> make your chili today. you will have a it all week for when the cold comes. >> thank you for joining us. see you tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. >> have a great day.

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United States , Canada , Ocean City , Maryland , Baltimore County , Massachusetts , Boston , Sandy Point State Park , Hollywood , California , Wisconsin , Ireland , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Park Ton , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , America , Canadian , Irish , American , John Wilkes , Karl Hayden , Martin Luther King , Michelle Obama , Deborah Weiner , Brian Morey , Joe Biden , Edgewood Elkton , Vanessa Redgrave , Jack Kennedy , Tom Brady , Lisa Robinson , Phil Walters ,

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Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Saturday Morning 20130119 :

Transcripts For WBAL 11 News Saturday Morning 20130119

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tomorrow night as far as the weather is concerned. we will see how the game turns out. we are looking for a good game there. we will be talking more about that coming up. >> the road to new orleans makes a stop in fox borough massachusetts. they will duke it out tomorrow night to advance to super bowl xxv xxvii, 24-hours from now the stayed yummed will -- stadium. the purple caravan road through town yesterday and pumped up fans all day and all night for a special purple friday. it is a surprise full effect. >> excited? you cannot believe how excited. we are going to take this game big time. yea we are going to the super bowl. >> this morning we are live from baltimore to boston as the ravens get ready to head down to fox borough. our very own jennifer franciotto she has been there all week. you must be in serious count down mode. >> we are so exited both the if he ever photographer and i woke up and when we fete in the lobby we said tomorrow night is game day. we are so ready for tomorrow night to get here and to play this game and to move on to the super bowl. so we have spent the day yesterday going around patriot place and this is an area surrounding gillette said yum checking it out so many things for ravens fans to do. patriot place more than happy to have you. they did very well by the ravens fans coming here and enjoying everything they have to offer including a pretty cool sports museum. it is dedicated to the new england patriots there is something inside that all football fans can appreciate. >> it is about 25 to 30,000,000 feet of exhibit space. >> it opened in 2008 if it looks foom the same architect did ours at camden yards. you can see tributes dedicated to the patriots. there's an awful lot of history. history of birth place in america. starting in the late 1800's on the fields of boston common. >> combination of soccer and rugby. the first team is called the oneidas and it evolved from there. it was very big at the turn of the century. in fact many of our collegiate national hamp championships the redskins started here the colts started here. it wasn't until 1960 that football really stuck. >> kids especially will like the interactive exhibits kicking field goals going into the huddle. look here we even found super bowl pictures of the ravens. it is part of a traveling photo exhibit ravens and the patriots hall of fame. image that. museum executive director brian morey says baltimore fans are welcome. >> come on by talk a little trash. >> ravens fans are coming they are coming by the hundreds. coming up at 9:30 we will have details in boston. wbal-tv 11 news, go ravens. >> i hate to say this part but they want me to. history isn't exactly in baltimore's favor. they made me say this. the baltimore team won the first afc championship game when the baltimore colts won. they have never won an afc champion shin. patriots are a perfect 4-0 in championship games. >> there's a but here. but when they won the super bowl in 2000 they won their first home game and won 2 straight road games to go to the super bowl and won the super bowl. ladies how are you? >> good. how are you? what do they mean to do? do not turn the ball over. that's the holy grail of haven he's key. if they don't turn it over their percentage of winning games is astronomical. you cannot give tom brady ex prau po tegss and short field. there's a term called yac, yards after catch. throw to hernandez and having them run for long games. if the raifr vens tackle on the initial catch get the guys in step for 4 or 5 yard games instead of 15 or 20 that will significantly reduce their offensive output. >> let's talk a little bit about the officiating. people are concerned they were not happy in the beginning of that game last week about some of the officiating. what are we looking at here? >> the raiders can't worry about the officials. fans can lose sleep over it. they can be anxious, nervous or whatever. they can't control the officials they can't control the officials. this level of the season three games left to go in the nfl season. hopefully it's the one in fox borough tomorrow. tom brady has a reputation of oh i got hit mr. official. how can that not be a penalty. >> you listen to all of the national coverage tom brady is all but deified. they are favoring and talking about it. it's clear ravens are the underdog from the national perspective. how does that help him mentally? >> ravens have to pound and say we are going to go. i haven't said any of that this week. the last two weeks they can beat new england they have beat new england. they have worked extremely hard the last couple weeks to put themselves in a position to do that. maybe it is inspiration. because of ray lewis and all of that other stuff. one thing it does do it rallies everyone around one causes. that cause is to get ray lewis back to the super pole. they were playing with a tremendous amount of confidence. they feel they can go my where beat any one at any time. what about the uniforms. >> uniforms? need to wear white tops black pants. >> she is better at that than the yac. >> the intestinal yac. >> we won't pass. the ravens support the afc championship that airs at 7:00 p.m. and sunday at 2:00 p.m. on wbal plus. >> 9:08. 27 degrees. we have a few recommendations. >> and we will take you live to the convention center with a look at what you can expect today. >> right now the sun is shining 34 now, 50 for the forecast high. we will check the whole weekend >> here the sun is shining. up north a couple weather disturbances showing up on radar. snow showers in new england. a second disturbance or a little clipper moving through the great lakes now. that's a combination of rain and snow. it's not quite as cold in the midwest as it is in new england. we have sun here. let's look outside. the beach at ocean city it is 40 degrees right now. nice wave action and not a cloud in the sky. local numbers around the city. 36 in the airport. 59 percent the humidity. 30, 33 the barometric pressure. these temperatures are nice for this time of morning this time of year. typical high this time of year is 41 degrees that's this red line on the chart. this is all last week. we were kind of up and down. we are going up today. then down, down, down, down, down as we go through the week next week. we are going to get a bite of winter. at least as far as the temperatures are concerned. 36. mentioned 40 at ocean city. edgewood elkton 36. frederick 34 and 30s out in far western maryland right now. here are the clouds to the north. sunny skies for us. stalled weather system a boundary to the north of us up in the great lakes running up near the canadian border. that is dividing the really extremely cold air in canada with the some what cold air that we have. this is the high pressure giving us the good weather now. eventually these disturbances are going to be pulled further south. that's where the jet stream is winding down. the jet stream is low it will be riding a little lower. there's a disturbance coming in from the pacific northwest. these colder temperatures get pulled down, too. this will take several days to happen but it's coming. today not bad, though. 47 to 51. southwest winds bringing the temperatures up from yesterday. we will be above normal. a little breezy. winds gusting to 30. 2 to 3 foot chop on the open waters in the bay. one of those is a little further south sunday into monday. that's where we pick up a chance for snow shower activity and eventually colder temperatures. around 50 today. 40s sunday. 30s monday and 20s on tuesday. monday and tuesday some snow showers. >> hopefully with the super bowl the baltimore orioles are clearing up for spring training. players and coaches will be on hand today for this year's fanfest. we are live in the convention center with more. >> thank you for having me. this must be completely working in your advantage? >> trying to build off the last season. great year. judging by the turnout looks like everybody is excited for baseball again. >> having such a great season last year really must make this event bigger and better this year. >> yeah, hopefully everybody plays as well as they played last year. we got a few guys back from injuries. we have a great manager in phil walters. we will see what happens. >> who is signing autographs today? >> everybody. players coaches, buck will be walking around signing autographs. kids can hop in the lines and get free autographs at the kid's station. it will be a great day for baseball fans here in baltimore. >> it's a great event really. it brings it all front and center for everybody. do they do this in other cities, too, or is this just a baltimore thing? >> there are others that do the event. we have done it a few years a great turnout and we are expecting one of the biggest years so far. >> give us the basics when, what time. how long? what's it called? >> we will be at the convention center from 11-6. tickets are $10 for add dilts 5 for kids and seniors over 55. you can park in lots 2 and 3 it's 11-6. $10 to $5. >> sound great. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> next we have our book recommendations. this time next week dozens will take a dip in the icy waters of the bay in the annual polar bear plunge including deborah. >> no, stop saying that. >> what is new about this year's plunge? who do you think has the best look at this year's golden globes awards. this week we can show you how to get your favorite stars. >> looking for your next book. dr. karl hayden has a few recommendations. >> there is a lot going on. this is quite an exciting time and we are very pleased that tailor branch has a new book out and he's coming to the pratt library. for those of you who know his books on king have been really massive. he has prepared a compact book each chapter talks about king's life. it's really i think something you can actually give to other people. it tells you about king. >> the interesting thing is that the public inauguration is also happening on martin luther king's holidays. the new book about one of the most famous fathers the patriarch john and jack kennedy and the brothers. this is an authorized biography but he also had access to a lot of papers that had never been seen before. you get all of it. he really emphasizes the family is so important for the kennedys and the brothers. there's a new book about brothers. if you have a brother, if you know about brothers, this book is great. it talks about not only his life as a brother and his four brothers. like the marx brothers, gouch cho marks and his brothers. they competed afterwards. the john wilkes booth and his brother who was an actor. you know what he did. famous brothers. anybody like that. >> also it's an award season. lincoln just one. the first book out about an intriguing character in the movie lincoln. mrs. lincoln's dress maker. >> if you see the movie you know she is an african american and she played a big part and this is a fiction book about her life. there are some things in there you might want to look at. >> this book is really something. you might not know vanessa redgrave won eerievery award th was to win. this is the first book about the redgraves and their lives and that family. >> speaking of family, though, dogs. this book, what's a dog for? >> their dog has become part of the family. how do you go from dogs to having to have insurance and having to worry about all kinds of things for dogs. >> vacation for your dog. >> therapy, everything. >> so what's a dog for? >> i know some people love cats. who was the best cat lover. you never know julia child really loved cats. that's a part of her life. >> this book is about julius cats. winter is coming here and if you go -- who better fob your guide? john up dike. he wrote books about art. so you can just sit there have that and while you are having it have your nice glass of wine. the first book about wine. one of the things about champagne when the monk discovered champagne he i hsaid am drinking the stars. let's all hope we get to pop a bottle for the havens. 101st birthday. go ravens, i have my raise sins done. let's pop the champagne. >> thank you so much for coming. maryland we will have look at the event going on downtown >> welcome back. the maryland zoo joins us. our special guest. >> this is conquer. this is one of the official mascots of the baltimore ravens. he lives at the maryland zoo with his brother wise. they were on the purple caravan yesterday. they have so much energy they are so fired up tomorrow it was easy to come out this morning. >> these are very smart guys aren't they? >> they are incredibly smart. they are evil genius smart. by far the most favorite animal to work with. you see pretty sizable american crows around here. northern baltimore county, westminster you can kind of maybe see them. not often but most of the time you see them flying through. you can see them year-round in person maryland. they are a little smaller. the common raven is more aggressive doesn't agree with wa handling so much. we have the african raven conquering a little smaller. you can see them year-round in western maryland. >> you can see them at the zoo. >> especially this time of year because we are all ravens and everybody else is about the ravens. saturday, sunday and monday the kids are off on monday come out and visit us, please. you want to check the web site maryland to make sure we are open. there is inclement weather. we don't want you traveling if it's yucky out. it is half price admission. you can come out and pay half price. >> you need people to work. we do. the zoo is lucky. we have a strong volunteer core. our volunteer is amazing. they get staff you wouldn't think would happen. we do that because we have volunteers that care about animals. we have a volunteer open house next weekend. it runs on the 27th. it runs from 11-2. you can come out to the mansion house you can go to maryland and get more about the different types of volunteer jobs. we are a mondnonprofit and we rn a lot of vents that ap pen tee zoo. some of th-- we have people thae and file once a week. if you want to come you like being in the environment we would love to have you. >> thank you for joining us, too. good look to the havens tomorrow. yu >> there's a flock of ravens he'ded to new england right now. a live report is straight ahead from fox pur row. flush >> welcome back. thanks for joining us. let's take another look outside with john. >> take a look at this little graphic i have got. this shows the pressure patterns over the northern members fear. you can see this big blob of blue. it translates to temperatures. the coldest of the temperatures are not concentrated over eastern north america especially over eastern canada but it is dipping down. this is the forecast over the next week and a half or so. it keeps dipping down into the mid atlantic region. a much colder forecast ore the next week or so is in store. details coming up in just a minute. >> thank you. it's the ravens and patriots all over again. this time baltimore is looking for redemption. >> the road to new orleans makes a stop at fox borough massachusetts this morning. that's where we find jennifer franciotto. are you just in heaven? >> this is so much fun. i am hearing more fans than ever are planning to make the trip to fox borough. at 7:00 this morning five bus loads of ravens fans left from white marsh. they are cruising their way up i 95 to get here to cheer on the baltimore ravens. we heard about a pep rally tonight in boston. that's at the center of the boston downtown area. they are going to have a big rally at the irish pub of all things tonight. we are excited to get them out of ravens fans. you know from seeing purple friday there in maryland everyone will be decked out in their purple, decked out in havens gear and they will be ready to go. >> a big hello to north bend elementary school. they are setting one of their teaches up with banners made by the school children. that is off the hook. so excited for the havens to win tomorrow night. we have tons of fans. when they look out and see all of the purple they will see a big win. >> families for local companies. purple fever has taken over maryland. the workout group list for the ravens while the white marsh ravens pays tribute to ray lewis. they dance off a wait and spirit day. all eyes on sandy point state park for the annual polar bear plunge. the life changing plunge has a new twist this year one of them is you. jim sxhuts, first week on the job. >> that's one way to start a job. >> we will see how accurate i am in giving you valuable information. >> exactly. exactly. you are plunging for the first time, right? >> first time. >> you are the new guy you have to do it. >> the support is unbelievable we have corporate partners we have been doing this for 11 year nows. we had 20,000 people at the park. expecting similar numbers this year. we have done things to make it family friendly. we have a fee we and family plunge on saturday morning. >> that is new this year? >> actual there's the second year. >> that's great a lot of kids want to be involved. >> pee wee is for what? >> we do 8 and under. >> those are the pee wees. >> i know a lot of kids like to get involved. >> last year we raised 2.6 million. we have ground to cover. typically it comes later. payroll taxes all that stuff. the economy definitely impacts people. the thing that is great about this is helps build communities. >> what is incredible is it grows expedientially each year. there is such good karma people love to give to this cause. >> there is something for everybody. special olympics provide through sport the opportunity to bring athlete and people in the community who might not otherwise interact with them together. the plunge brings people together from all walks of life all economic stratus all for great cause of special olympics. >> you know john said it's supposed to get very cold this week. >> yes, he did. i understand that. >> how are you feeling? >> i am feeling great and so is everybody who is going to get out there. not too late to sign up. >> great. thank you. congratulations on your new job. >> thank you so much. great to be here. maryland state police bowl lar bear plunge january 25th and 26th at sandy points park at plunge for more information www.somd special olympics if you want to learn more. >> president obama kicks off regulation weekend the national day of service. michelle obama has a service event today. joe biden and his wife jill also volunteer in the area. before the president and second term in office the nation ruled on the life of dr. martin luther king junior. the parade will start at martin luther king boulevard in utah street. a group of baltimore county teenagers took center stage in celebration to honor doctor king to recognize the type of character dr. king often spoke of. >> coming up you can look like a hollywood star not spend a fortune. the golden globe looks for a lot less. >> we are in the kitchen spicing up game day party with a warm bowl of chilly. >> nice here this morning. the sun is up. we go north pick up clouds and there are two weather disturbances one over new england producing snow showers. a lot of that is moving offshore and letting up. there's a new one moving in from the west now in lick mash coming out of wisconsin. these are the little clippers that come out of canada. there's cool air north of these things. right now we are in the sweet spot. in good shape. blue sky beautiful. 36 degrees at the airport. humidity at 59 percent. so excuse me. a nice dry atmosphere. 30-33. southwest breeze at 8 to 16. southwest wind is making all of the difference today. even this morning temperatures held up all night last night. suburban readings held it in the upper 20s. park ton 34. same with frederick. 38 salisbury. boardwalk it's 40. satellite pictures shows the clear skies we have here the clouds up to the north and again there's been a little bit of snow in new england. here's this boundary dividing the extremely cold air in eastern canada from the not quite so cold air down to the south. high pressure will continue to give us good weather today. the jet stream is kind of dipping south. it will come further south and take a couple more clippers a little closer to us as we get past the weekend into early next week. our forecast for today 47 to 52. plenty of sun southwest wind at 10-15 brings the temperatures up a bit. we will see lots of sunshine during the day today. knock a few degrees off it's still pretty good. 45 at high partly cloudy skies snow showers monday and tuesday a couple clippers get north of us help to drop the temperatures. only around freezing monday. highs in the 20s on tuesday. wednesday, wednesday morning's low starts out at 12. cold air coming in next week. >> this morning's heart disease kills more american women than any other disease. recent studies reveal there's an even riskyer link than people who experience early menopause. they enter menopause early before the age of 46. the main reason a lack of estrogen. cardiologist says the study shouldn't make woman panic. >> you can't control when you are going to go into menopause. that's the way your cards were dealt. if it happens at 51 which is the average age or if you go into premature ovarian failure or something which causes you to have early menopause that's the way it is. but that doesn't mean your course is set out that you are going to be somebody who is going to have a heart attack. it means we have to be more aggressive about treating your risk factors. >> that means exercise to change your diet to include less red meet and dairy. hormone replacement should always be considered. >> this is a little scary to hear. clarify it for us. who is at risk? >> any lady who has gone into early menopause through surgery or natural pen pause. although the numbers kront ver shallme controversial. some say 46 others say as early as 40. there's a big differentiation between normal menopause and early on set menopause. mid 40s to early 40s. >> anything under 50 is considered early menopause? >> under 45. under 40 it's 1 percent of all people. it's a small percentage. but we do know the numbers go up significantly for cardiac disease, heart attacks, strokes when you are in the mid 40s and below. >> wow. >> what can women do other than just watching their diet? >> take medications they are helpful as well. important to know if you are in that area you need to be more proactive eat better keep your cholesterol down make sure your blood pressure is good. if you need to certain medications. >> it's a lot of work. thank you so much, doctor. if you have any other questions call 1-800-md mercy. >> we have breaking news into the 11 newsroom. word that earl weaver has passed away. >> he has dade at a died at age. he was on the orioles cruise a cruise put together for fans every year at this time. was feeling ill last night went to bed reportedly did not wake up. devastating news, yeah, the fcc championship thousands of fans getting ready to go in the convention center. already siz impact and his impact on the pore yells will be felt at the con sprengs spenter. the our yells played their 2012 highlight tape. earl was really a big part of that because of the statue ceremony last summer. and he stood up on the podium last night -- not last night, but on the highlight tape. i want to thank the orioles fans i can't believe they remember me some 30 years later. we will always remember earl weaver. >> he looked okay. i said you are the ray lewis of the orioles. you have an incredible amount of passion and commitment to oriole's baseball. he still loved the orioles still wanted them to win. him and buck walter had a great relationship. buckin vieted him to string training tough day. >> tough day. 82 years old. stomach development. >> thank you for this information. >> sis roy over to you. >> list a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. >> welcome back. the fashion world was a buzz for the golden globes. the designer looks cost more than thousands of dollars. we are here to show how you can get the same looks for a fraction of a cause. >> a lot less. >> the golden globes were fabulous. lots of great dresses. the final color was red. >> zoe dash nell very girlie girl. she had pearls on very unusual for the red carpet. i like that had whole look. her pearls wihad a little emble on it. our emblem is the magnetic closure which is awesome for people with poor dexterity with their hand. this necklace is $28 there's a matching bracelet which she also wore with the same magnetic class p that is $26. >> she is so adorable. >> next carry washington. everybody is talking about her bangs. >> bangs are huge. >> fringe. >> what is she wearing here? >> she had a watch on. i don't know if she was worried about the baby-sitter. we have a great one galla time. it is very, very sparkly. it's an accessory and a time piece as well. it's $55. she also carried a really wonderful satin clutch. we have a great piece here with fabulous sparkles you open it up like that. this is $36. >> i am curious how much it cost. >> it was a cartier. i am sure it was 10,000. >> the earrings she wore. >> the color of the year is emerald green. >> i swear it changes every day. >> every year. she wore emerald. sound a great version spot on as far as a match. these are $21. >> emily blunt i thought was best dressed. she had a gold dress on which had studs on it believe it or not. her accessories were read. we found a great look with the bang gal rubies with pink sapphires in it. this bang gal was $24. also the earrings pink and red mixed together. these were $21 as well. >> i thought she looked stunning, too. >> i loved her as well. >> she looked so much like grace kelly. >> these earrings are a good match for these earrings. they are purple and gold. they are $22. >> she will never, ever, ever, ever wear them again. >> people want information about this? >> there is a discount code red carpet 20. we will give 20 percent off of all of these items as well as the entire site. >> thank you. sure fire crowd pleaser perfect for game day. we are talking sandwich. stan is here. it smells good. stay with us. >> today is the day ravens fans arrive in new england. this morning at 7:00 five bus loads of ravens fans are heading up 95 straight to new england. there's a big rally planned tonight in boston at samuel hall at 4:45 tonight. we are going to hit that rally tonight and bring you the information at 11 news at 11. i know the coffee is coming in. the guys who dress up for every game day they will be on the field ready to cheer on the baltimore ravens. come on to new england. back to you guys. >> thanks. try to contain yourself. >> don't forget to tune in tonight for ravens report the afc championship edition. it airs today on wbal 11 and 2:00 p.m. wbal plus. >> we have the ultimate game day chili recipes. >> nice to see you again. we are going to talk about chili. >> i know everyone has their favorite way to make chili. we brought a couple of our healthy alternative chillies using regular ground beef. i start it off in a pan little bit of olive oil. little bit of a tablespoon. i have added in a cup of chopped onion and cup of mixed bell peppers and a tablespoon of fresh chopped garlic. i like to add the spices in. we are going to use a dark chili powder we will go with two tablespoons. a tablespoon of ground cumin. we put them in and let them get on the vegetables. that will get the flavors of the spouses out a little bit. >> do it where you dump everything in. >> you can do it that way. >> saute first. >> start getting the vegetables a little soft. little salt and pepper. chili powder and cumin. it will bring the flavors out in the spices. >> i am a dumper, too. >> you can do that if you like. >> i have the tomato base. that takes the raw taste off of the tomato paste. i am going to rush this a little bit. we will go in with a can of we are using crushed tomatoes. a lot of times we use diced tomatoes. >> dumping in a little bit of this and that. trying to take the dumping some place deborah, i know. >> we call it a basic chilly starter. we will add a little bit of hot sauce. that is by taste. >> i like cinnamon. >> people put all kinds of things. cinnamon, coffee. my little trick to it is i like to put in honey. get it to come out. do about two tablespoons. >> that's interesting. >> puts a little sweetness to it. p finish it off with a little key lime juice. couple tablespoons of that. once that gets all in we will stir it around. i have more over in this pot that is cooked for half an hour. doesn't have anything in it. >> to this you can add anything you like. >> this is you are healthy alternative? >> wheat, chick peas kidney beans a little bit of fresh squash. we stir that around. >> that's really healthy. >> cook another half hour to 20 minutes. you can put it on as long as you like get everything nice and sauce. we have done another one with grilled chicken and black beans. they are both available at the loland avenue store. we have a beef chili available. all kinds of stuff. >> it will be packed. >> all kind of great stuff. >> great ideas. >> 7 day? >> well, it's a good one. the best of the 7. >> make your chili today. you will have a it all week for when the cold comes. >> thank you for joining us. see you tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. >> have a great day.

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United States , Canada , Ocean City , Maryland , Baltimore County , Massachusetts , Boston , Sandy Point State Park , Hollywood , California , Wisconsin , Ireland , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Park Ton , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , America , Canadian , Irish , American , John Wilkes , Karl Hayden , Martin Luther King , Michelle Obama , Deborah Weiner , Brian Morey , Joe Biden , Edgewood Elkton , Vanessa Redgrave , Jack Kennedy , Tom Brady , Lisa Robinson , Phil Walters ,

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