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ended peacefully. it was made up of university students. >> we are students who want them immediately without any stipulations. [unintelligible] >> we did see some violence in kandahar province, as an afghan delegation that and coated -- included two brothers of hamid karzai and military members made their way to a mosque to pray for victims of the attack. the taliban targeted them, injuring an afghan soldier and at least one civilian. >> as new details on full regarding the shootings, officials in the u.s. fear a violent retaliation from the taliban could be under way. dutch ruppersberger says the shooting could translate into the deaths of american troops. dutch ruppersberger says he is not surprised the taliban is using the shooting spree as a call to seek vengeance on americans. he believes terrorists will target members of the u.s. military in afghanistan. after the accidental burning of the koran, anti-american outrage is building in afghanistan. >> this will set us back, and they will say this is what the americans are for, killing women and children. >> dutch ruppersberger says the biggest threat at home is from long wolf extremists. a university of maryland student remains in a mental hospital after posting plans for a shooting spree. we are told police determined he was not a danger at the time, but a few days later he posted the threats. university officials praised anonymous callers. >> all the people who saw the threats quickly contacted university of maryland officials. kudos to people who saw what was happening. >> investigators arrested him sunday morning, finding his laptop, but no weapons. a harford county teenager admits to stabbing another man to death, as the nomogram pleaded guilty to the death of patrick ward. donnell graham faces a maximum of life in prison. >> good afternoon. it is beautiful out there. i did not had a chance to go outside, but i wanted, because temperatures already in the 70's. it is a little breezy. southwest wind is as 10 miles per hour. as we head into the afternoon, we expect highs in the mid-70's. there is a slight risk for thunderstorms from about 3:00 p.m.-to-7:00 p.m.. we will clear tonight, then dropped into the 60's by 9:00 p.m.. >> in session 2012 news, a measure restricting maryland residents from smoking in a vehicle with passengers younger than eight receives the first measure of approval children that age are required to have a car seat. senators heard two amendments that would make it a secondary offense or prevent a child from mining region riding in a vehicle. the senate blocked both amendments. the state budget has to the senate with a controversial measure to make sure local jurisdictions fund education. if the jurisdictions to not fully fund education, the state would be allowed to withhold county income taxes and distribute the money directly to school boards. the budget included a revised proposal from the governor to add a fee on water bills to pay for bay cleanup. >> in commitment 2012, the gop contenders for president are looking to find a sweet home for their message in alabama and mississippi. voters had to the polls to nominate a candidate. with the stakes high, the candidates -- with the stakes high, the candidates are making pitches via land -- iseven mitt romney's wife hitting the trail. >> it is time for us to coalesce. >> a surprise when would be a breakthrough. romney is in a statistical tie with newt gingrich for the lead in both states. still ahead, concerns over the safety of metal hips. plus, putting the homeless to work. why the idea is stirring up controversy. mechanics were checking the engine, but it was the brakes. we are going to answer your plant and gardening questions. you can at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at >> take a look at this. a delta plane rolled off of the runway this morning. two maintenance workers were testing the engines on the 737 aircraft when the brakes failed and the plan began to move. no passengers were aboard the plane. emergency crews are working to move the damaged airplane. an unusual plan to put the homeless to work in texas is raising eyebrows. homeless people are being used as mobile hot spots, given a wireless. and a t-shirt to wear. -- card and a t-shirt to wear. the wireless company calls it a win-win, but others feel it exports the homeless. the issue has become popular on our facebook page. catherine rice as long as the homeless receives compensation it is an interesting concept. >> why don't those idiot marketers take to the streets? it might feel like spring, but winter weather is sweeping across the northwest. cars and trucks have to chained up in washington. the slick roads caused a backup monday as cars crested. some drivers say they do not mind since it is their first taste of winter. still to come, need a question answered? why one man is suing apple over questions he said went unanswered. first it was racers, then baby formula, now tied. what makes it so attractive to thieves. >> we still have a week of winter left. it hardly feels like it. it brings a stress of thunderstorms. we will -- stretch of thunderstorms. we will talk about that. >> it looks beautiful up there. carrie engel is here to answer your plant and gardening questions. >> in our "consumer alert," apple faces a loss it according to "the wall street journal" as a man claims the boys sat -- services not all it claims to be. the suit seeks unspecified damages. apple has sold more than 37 million iphones with the service since october. if you are in the market for a new ipad, you might want to remember resetting the default settings from an old one you might want to sell. a recent price survey finds some cases where verizon-supported ipad's are going for less than those supported by at&t. tide laundry detergent is becoming a popular black market commodity. check out the surveillance video. the suspect bolts his car and takes off to an award in -- awaiting getaway car. his accomplice sells the loan to a nail salon to -- the load to a nail salon. >> -- >> now, your insta- weather-plus forecast with meteorologist a memory. >> good afternoon. we are enjoying this spring-like weather. it is in the 70's. there is a threat for showers and thunderstorms. nothing on the doppler right now, though we could see something developed into the afternoon. let's take a wider view. there are some clouds building out into the western part of the state. this is the first hint of anything that could develop. a cold front is moving through the ohio valley. ahead of that we have warm and humid air. the front will help to ignite the thunderstorms. they will be scattered in nature. most areas will stay dry, but if you encounter a thunderstorm, it could be on the dusty side. maybe even small hail. this is just a minor concern for of very few areas. the moisture from the south is helping to fuel the active weather. high pressure behind it. pleasant weather for the next couple of days. as we looked into the storm system in the northwest, it is pretty powerful, producing winter-like weather, but as it heads our way it will lose energy and turned out to be a rain event. it is hard to mention it is still winter. warmth is pushing in from the south with 60's and 70's in texas. and the east coast it is starting to push into the 50's. current temperatures across the area of -- a lot of places are pushing into the 70's. 72 at bwi. this 73 in gaithersburg. 70 in frederick. slightly cooler on the eastern shore, mid-60's. as for the forecast, we push into the 70's, and that is when we have the chance for thunderstorms and they could be around until 7:00 p.m. we are cooler tonight, but we bounced back from that with 73 tomorrow, 75 thursday. these are great days to get outdoors. still in the 70's friday. saint patrick's day slightly cooler, 68, but sunny. >> if you are thinking about traveling, tripadvisor has named the top 10 destinations. myrtle beach, south carolina, virginia beach, into the wall hawaiian beaches are in the top 10. -- two hawaiian beaches are in the top-10. carrie engel is here from valley view farms. she brought a lovely weather with her. what did you bring? >> this is viola. what is nice is they love the 70 degrees, but if we get temperatures back in the 40's, they will be fine. >> one is it best to plant potted flowers outside? >> if it is dormant or started to leave out, you can put it down now, but it is -- if it has been inside, you might want to rate -- wait until april. >> what is the best garden tomato to plant in the southern maryland region? >> that is a hard call. the celebrity is a good choice. there is also the brandywine, which tastes excellent, but is an ugly to the middle. -- tomato. >> who cares if it is oddly. -- ugly? is it possible to grow in arizona cactus in maryland? >> there is one time. -- one kind. >> i have a quick question i had three balls inside. is it ok to put them outside? >> put them outside, enjoy the caller and the fragrance. go back in the fall. >> thank you so much. my garden will be growing. if you have a plantain -- plant or gardening questions, you can send questions to our web site you can also send your questions . >> in today's "medical alert," harsh words from doctors when it comes to a metal hit plants. after -- hip implants. metal devices fail at a much higher rate than other types, especially in women. some experts suggest a ban because metal fragments can break off. >> that could lead to loosening of the employment -- implant, destruction of soft tissue, and pain and decrease in function. >> an estimated 500,000 people have all-metal artificial hips. doctors say they should get them checked every year. experts say the introduction of antibiotics is one of the main reasons the mortality rate has fallen in the u.s.. the overall risk for americans has decreased by 60% since 1935. it was accelerated in the 1940's, when antibiotics weren't developed. coming up next, your maryland lottery numbers, and another check of the insta-weather-plus forecast. first, a look at how wall street is performing. >> one of the year's most anticipated film's premiere in los angeles less night. star of the new move the" the ungerr james -- the holland games." participants are forced to kill their opponent. tonight, within the last hour thompson has made a major announcement him howard plans to educate teachers -- how they plan to educate teachers. tim tooten is on campus. guess prices soar overnight. were you need to know to save your wallet. a mysterious decorator is moving around annapolis. some surprising, since. those stories and more at 11 news -- some surprising cost shims. those stories and more at all revenues at five. now, you're maryland lottery numbers. the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> good morning. you're picked three numbers are 0 6 0. 060. in a moment, the pick 4 game. is it -- draw an official bob diamond is ready to rock and roll. 6 7 6 6 6766 -- let yourself play. >> it is beautiful up there. >> water we still doing here? -- what are we still doing here? mid-70's tonight. we could have thunderstorms. most of them would be on the strong side, but most areas stay dry. >> fantastic. thank you for joining us. >> be sure to watch tonight with donna hamilton and stan stovall. >> breaking news and weather any time that wbal -- at, and stay connected with us on facebook and twitter

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United States , Arizona , Alabama , South Carolina , Afghanistan , Myrtle Beach , Texas , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Valley View , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , Hawaii , Americans , Afghan , Hawaiian , American , Carrie Engel , Los Angeles , Sarah Caldwell , Newt Gingrich , Donnell Graham , Hamid Karzai , Stan Stovall ,

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