the images from haiti are heart-breaking-- homes, hospitals, and schools destroyed; families searching for loved ones; parents trying to feed their children. but we can all do something. we can help the american red cross as it delivers the food, water, and medicine that can save lives. donate $10 by texting "haiti" to 9-0-9-9-9. visit or call 1-800-red-cross. thanks for your help. >> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal tv 11 news in high- definition. >> three days after courter people died in an east baltimore house fire, there is a show of force. baltimore city fire crews canvassed the east baltimore neighborhood today making sure that the homes had working smoke detectors. kim dacey has more from the scene. but the homes here in east baltimore are safer after the fire department conducted safety checks while a family mourned the loss of four people in a fire. >> i would like for them to be remembered. >> she referred to the oliver street home on saturday. there is a makeshift memorial for her family. her mother and nieces died in a fire here on wednesday. fire officials say they're working smoke detectors in the home. that did not give the family out of the house for some reason. that is something that can react -- henriette could not understand. >> they were cooking and getting ready for dinner. i do not understand why it would not have gone off. >> the baltimore city fire department went door-to-door in the neighborhood, checking to make sure that smoke detectors are installed and working properly. >> we find that after a fire, the neighborhood hears about it. it is easier for us to get in. often, people will not come to the door and let us in. the messages that we're not checking your housekeeping. we do not care if you have not done the dishes. all we're doing is coming in and making sure that the smoke detectors are working correctly. >> they did get into many homes in the area like this one on federal st. it had no smoke detectors. the fire department installed two. >> i appreciated. thank you. >> i appreciate it. it is really good for the community during . >> the family is also an appreciative. they hope it will prevent others from having to go through the loss they are experiencing >> you have to take it one day at a time. the lord will see us through. >> for more information on fire safety, visit our web site kim dacey in east baltimore. >> the top two elected leaders in baltimore also visited the community. the current and incoming mayor went to visit. they said they wanted to support the fire fighte spreadr and the word about fire safety. >> we have to do more to talk to people about escape routes, preparing for an emergency. but the mayor and council president said there condolences to the family. police are looking for a man who murdered our marine a party in east baltimore. 20-year-old darius ray was stabbed and died at shock trauma. the party was attended by college students. they say the attackers tried to crush it. another man was stabbed and iis in serious condition. ray was from washington, d.c. the search for survivors in haiti is officially over. it has been called off by the haitian government, even the people are still being pulled from the rubble alive. just after 4:00 this afternoon, a man who was rescued from the ruins of a grocery store, 11 days after the earthquake. this report was filed after the rescue. >> this is the latest astonishing rescue. a 21-year-old man was trapped for 10 days in the collapsed three-story building and was pulled out alive by israeli rescue teams. this man has been an incredibly long odds to survive. the search and rescue operation has been officially called off. attention has turned to looking after the survivors. unicef is trying to reunite thousands of orphans with family members. they say they are concerned about children being abused or exploited. >> we have heard reports of children being taken out of the country. unicef is very concerned about this. the reports are being investigated. >> fires a broken out of the commercial district of port-au- prince. it is believed that looters reading the shops in the area are responsible. british rescue teams arrived to applause at the airport earlier. they pulled three people alive from the rubble in haiti, including someone trapped for three days. at times, it is difficult to get the job done. >> there were difficulties with security. it was not recommended to work after dark. there were some areas where we definitely needed military escorts. some of that slowed things down. >> de un says 132 people have been saved by international rescue teams. >> coverage of the disaster in haiti continues on our website. for information on the nation's, go to -- for information on updates and donations, go to the orioles make a splash. they have a new exhibition. is this a new position? >> collet a second act instead. they've reached a deal in principle to bring back the player. -- call in the second act instead. he was first signed by baltimore in 2004. it was a superstar deal. the 2010 deal is for one season. it is $6 million. he will pay a -- play first base instead of shortstop. he left baltimore in 2007 after spending the last 18 months clearly not happy or giving his best efforts. he was questioned about whether he has lied regarding his age. three years later, the orioles need a third baseman. his former teammates said they really do want him back. the outfielder said that if there's anyone you want on your team, it is him. >> coming up later, a look at what this means for the oriole'' lineup. >> the return was welcome news for the fans. the fans lined up early at the convention center today. current and former players and coaches signed autographs and participated in forms. fans were also able to purchase game tickets for the 2010 season. he says goodbye and takes the high road. we will tell you his parting words to nbc and the advice he gave his fans. >> president obama a's first anniversary in office comes with a lot of bad news. that story is coming up. >> there is a new storm for the second half of the weekend. the forecast >> democrats lost a key seat in the senate. president obama is changing his tongue. he is casting himself as a fighter. bryan moore has the story from washington. >> i will not stop fighting for you. >> this past week, president obama adopted a tougher tone. he may need it. >> the fundamental assumptions, the priorities of this white house have been thrown into a trash can in the last week. >> democrats lost what seemed like a guaranteed senate seat in massachusetts. with the king the 60-vote majority needed to pass health care. -- with it went the 60-vote majority needed to pass health care. more than half believe the nation is on track according to polls. >> this is what happens when the government stops listening to the people. >> republicans are focusing on the struggling economy, and employment over 10%, and the trillion dollars in stimulus spending that has yet to yield results. >> this is as serious as a heart attack for democrats. the question is whether they change their strategy and priorities now while they still can or just keep plowing ahead. but the president spent a chunk of his day on the phone with fellow democrats trying to get ben bernanke concerned -- confirmed for a second term. >> we will have more on tejada coming up. >> will also talk about army/navy sports. >> one of the pacific storms is moving into the midwest it will be in our area tomorrow. we will see a change coming in the weather. that forecast is ahead. we have clear skies right now. it is 36 degrees at the airport. conan o'brien's stint as host came to an end last night. he urged his young fans not to become cynical. he even think nbc -- even thanked nbc with a rendition of "free bird." jay leno will return to "the tonight show." >> here is your i-team forecast -- weather forecast with john collins. >> the clouds are trying to produce some sprinkles. the real grain is moving into the midwest. the rain and snow is to the north. this is the leftover of the pacific storms hammering the west coast. it lost a lot of moisture on its trip east. it does not look impressive. as it gets closer to us, it will pick up moisture from the gulf of mexico and the atlantic. it is a significant storm. this grain area will increase in size as it gets closer to us. -- this rainy area will increase in size as it gets closer to us. >> the typical high this time of year is 41. it was 42 for a high of the harbor. it is pretty close to what is typical this time of year. it is 39 and randalstown. it is 36 at martin state. the really cold air is up in canada and alaska. we have a lot of warm air associated with the next storm coming in. it looks like this will be rainmaker as it moves into the area. it is beginning to pick up some gulf western now. it will have a lot more moisture added in the next 24 hours. we could have rainfall of more than 2 inches in some cases. there could be some flooding. the high pressure is with us for the evening. . rain will stay out to the west overnight. we will have increasing clouds and colder. things will be quiet overnight it will be cloudy with rain developing tamara. there could be a sprinkle in the late morning or afternoon. the more significant rain will be tomorrow night. 47 to 51 will be by tomorrow. the temperatures will stay there all night long. the days get longer by two minutes every day. spring is just around the corner. these are the high, thin clouds will come in overnight. there could be some sprinkles to the south tomorrow morning. there could be some stuff leaks to the northwest. the significant rain not commence until later that night. it will be colder and winter behind the storm system. the 52 high on monday will be in the morning when there is still shower activity. temperatures will fall into the 40's in the afternoon. it will beat seasonable and breezy on tuesday. temperatures will fall into the 30's by the end of the week. we could see snow south of us at the end of the week. >> it is time for the 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> three years ago, the orioles traded tejada for players from houston. they now have him back. they gave up no players and offered a relatively small salary. he has signed a one-year contract for $6 million. he did not leave on the greatest of terms. he wanted out. the orioles are tired of their petulant superstar. -- the orioles were growing tired of her petulant superstar. he now returns all little cobbled -- humbled and seen as an asset. he will play third base. he is an upgrade in talent from moore. army and navy, the rivalry is outdone by none. the black knights will square off on the hardwood. it was a great atmosphere at alumni hall. chris harris was leading for navy. you can see why. five-one in the early second half. it goes to chris walker. it was a 11-point lead against the most fears of rivals. navy took away. in down for chris harris. it goes to sugars. that is the real thing. navy goes on around and wins the game 5over army. they will be hosting george mason. joshed borden picks things up in the first half. --josh thornton picks things up in the first half. george mason with a set play. that is perfect for morrison. in the second half, the tigers are not going away. what that 35 -- let that slide. mason marched hard and long. george mason hangs on with another tough loss for the tigers. his first year in new york has run the gamut of emotions. mark sanchez is trying to be in greater control. he seems to be at times. in new york, they've been dubbed the dynamic duo leading the title game. here is the front page of "the new york post" today. ryan says he does not care about any cracks about his weight. ryan might want to be playing the raven's tomorrow instead of the colts. it will be fun wendy's two face- off in the future. the australian open is wrapping up the first week of play. williams was feeling good. earlier, her sister knocked off suarez who beat her sister last year. venus is getting it done with a backhand. here is the second. it was the forehand sneaking it. she is a closer. she moves on to the fourth round. that is it for sports. stay with us for a check of the forecast after this. >> we will have more on the circumstances surrounding the death of a marine. the police may be close to an arrest. a local church is helping to rebuild haiti. they're using the power of song and dance in their fund-raising efforts. that is tonight. here's what is next on the nightly news. >> another merkel rescue in haiti. president obama hits the reset button. that is >> it will be what tomorrow. >> thank you for joining us. the nightly news is next. we will see you back here at 11:00. [captioning made p >> this is a wbal tv 11 editorial with jordan wertlieb. colder temperatures mean higher utility bills. local utilities have warned that monthly bills will be higher as a result of increased usage and higher fuel costs. the fuel fund of maryland is devising consumers to practice safe alternatives. baltimore has been stunned by several tragic house fires as families resort to candles and alternative fuels. they provide heat but run the risk of fire. freezing temperatures require more energy to maintain comfort levels. the fuel fund has assistance for families having difficulty paying their news. go to or call the number on the screen. you can donate your rebate. more than 10,000 families with children benefited from your help last year.