Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160220 : comparem

Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160220

there is some movement donald trump is still leading a survey put out every day bit south carolina gop house caucus but marco rubio is climbing since governor nikki haley endorsed him earlier this week up almost three points b since yesterday but still in third place. meanwhile jeb bush dropped several points more than 3500 potential vetters interstate were poled. >> so today that many with another mad dash the last pitch. >> the polls open in nine hours and if you haven't made up your mind just yet, the candidates were trying to reach you today. our leah holloway in the studio with more. >> reporter: republican candidates went the extra mile today convincing the late deciding voters before the primary on saturday. after governor nikki haley's decision to endorse marco rubio, well, this could be a game changer who will be the republican nominee for president. >> we're excited. hours away but you're starting to vet here. >> reporter: republican candidates passed through the palmetto state friday making last minute pitches to vetters. -- voters. >> so it's crunch time, folks. you know what that means, right? we got to get out tomorrow. we have to vote. >> reporter: donald trump who rallied in charleston friday is still holding strong. marco rubio made his way to columbia and ted cruz west columbia and charleston where epicked up a key endorsement from marc sanford. cruz and rubio are in a fight for second place. telling voters why they should support them. >> here in south carolina these next 21 hours are going to decide a great deal. >> reporter: john kasich pushing for votes in columbia while jeb bush who might be in must win mode campaigning with his mother in central. only time will tell if the the polling offices will open at 7:00 a.m. saturday morning. live in the studio leah holloway, wach fox news. social media also playing a role in the 2016 presidential election. a team at usc is andlizing support on twitter for the candidates. bayed on the number of tweets, location and tommic they can determine which candidates are seen as more favorable by twitter users so the question tonight who's leading twitter world in south carolina. >> we found that tweeter users in south carolina tweeted more about donald trump and hillary clinton. but ted cruz and bernie sanders received high percentage of the positive tweets. >> well, the research team is andlizing the tweets in each state beef the primaries. of course, wach fox will have can follow us on air and online at well all this won't republican candidates have dominated the headlines leading up to tomorrow's primary at this time next week voters will be getting ready to vin democratic primary. that race got a jolt of energy when the most influential democrat in this state threw his support behind hillary clinton. >> our heart has always been with hillary clinton. >> reporter: the highest ranking african-american in congress throwing his support behind hillary clinton friday at allen university in columbia. >> the change we seek for this great country will not come easy. we need a real fighter. and i believe hillary clinton is that fighter. >> reporter: clyburn did not endorse a democratic candidate in 2008. friday's endorsement could be what she needs to clinch. southcarolina democratic vote. for her they'll push more for her now. >> it's big u. auto kind of a bernie sanders supporter myself. but you can see a lot of people in the room think differently because he said what he said. >> the a big deal. i mean, congressman clyburn is very well respected in this state. he is someone who has delivered time and time, again, for this state. really cares about the people of south carolina and i think people know that. so i certainly think they trust him and trust his judgment. >> reporter: meanwhile clinton's opponent bernie sanders making a final pitch to nevada voters before saturday's caucus. >> the status quo is not acceptable. we have got to change it. >> i'm for hillary i think she's the best choice but whoever you are for, you go out and you work for that candidate, and you vote. >> reporter: voting in the nevada caucus starts at 11:00 in this state head to the polls next saturday, february 27. >> if you can't vote next saturday and need to vote absentee the deadline which you mail in your ballot witch you have to apply for online is tuesday february 23. if you like to vote in person absentee you have until next friday february 26 until 5:00 p.m. at your county election office. taking a live look outside on the skywach weather bug site, 51 degrees. traffic flowing steady. not a bad night to head out in the midlands. temperatures still rather pleasant out there. let's take a look at more locations. 50 unlexington. 49 officially in columbia. 50 in camden. so 40s and 50s for everyone out there. and for the most part we have a through the overnight hours, we'll pause this around 3:00 a.m. we should be mostly clear with most locations in the le to mid- 40s. waking to partly to mostly cloudy sky. 9:00a.m. on saturday with temperatures in the 50s. now, southerly wind flow will allow temperatures to climb warmer than what we would typically see. talking close to 70 degrees but what about rain chances? we do have some in our future. i'll let you if that means the beakend or not coming up in the full forecast. new at 10:00. police looking for a missing teen. fur teen-year-old miysha ford was last seen tuesday night around 2:00 p.m. in the 2000 block of belt line boulevard. he was seen getting into a green sedan was wearing a blue but unup shirt and converse shoes with flowers. anyone with information is a kershaw county man free on bail after almost a week in jail. he's charged with a shooting death of a teen stealing from him. the judge did not make a decision on bail that day. the judge kasey ultimately did set bond at $200,000. he posted that bail. the desert storm veteran shot and killed spencer after he caught the teen breaking into his truck. spencer was shot in the back of the head while he was running away. >> methe is charged with manslaughter. greg lyon is accused of killing his wife's lover on sunday night. investigators say he also tried to kill his wife that night. >> reporter: appearing in a packed courtroom in lexington. the restaurant owner charged with killing a man believed to be his wife's lover. lexington police just hours after the shooting his wife speak in court friday authorities say he tried to kill the woman sunday. despite that she's not a failed of if he's on bond but doesn't want any contact with him. i'm not afraid of him but i think for some time i need this. >> reporter: the coroner's office has had difficulty identifying the man who was killed. he had multiple identity and may have been in the country illegally. late law enforcementest year -- late last year he was in the county illegally. the bond was $500,000. the 49-year-old has to wear an electronic monitor and surrender his passport. >> i think he's a flight risk. >> reporter: while he is able to manage the restauranty the midlands he will have a curfew >> the seer your nature of the offense you could get life without patrol. 30 years for the attempted armed robbery. five years for the possession of a weapon. >> reporter: he's scheduled to appear unfederal court next week for violating his probation. in lexington, shell add wach fox news. >> if he is able to post band he will remain in jail for now because he was on a federal probation at the time of that alleged killing. a federal judge will review the case and make a decision sometime next week on the possible release. a 10-year-old heart here re. the unbelievable story of a heart. >> plus the power of african- american vet this election season not only here in south carolina but all around this country. could there be another record turnout at the polls? >> we have exciting information in the fight against breast >> that's right coming up monday something as simple as a breast cancer registry. >> we have rain on the way for monday. >> we have a full recap of opening weekend for gamecock baseball. >> good day columbus starts monday at 5:00. he led the nation in job creation and beat the teachers union to enact massive reform. jeb bush. over 40 retired generals and admirals and 12 medal of honor recipients know he's the commander in chief we need now. conservative, proven and prepared. jeb bush for president. right to rise usa is responsible for the content health headlines the epa says the latest water samples show lead removal filters are working with homes with high lead levels inflict, michigan. >> the samples confirm results from earlier testing. they continue to recommend residents pushes the filters in their homes. pregnant and breastfeeding women and kids six years old and under bottled water is the safest option. everyone else should use filtered water for drinking cooking and their pets. february is heart month. we've been introducing you to people in the midlands who are living exam courage. >> 10-year-old reagan was born chance of survival was a transplant. that's where her family says the miracle comes in. tara petitt has the story. >> reporter: reagan was born with a congenital heart defect. >> kelly 40 says it's been a tough 10 years for her daughter right after little reagan was born doctors discovered she had the most rare congenital heart defect that existsents it was a really big shock to us. >> reporter: reagan was immediately flown to an intensive care unit where she had her first open heart surgery. she lived her first month there. >> reporter: at one monday old she went home with her family but five months later her body took a turn for the worse. at six months old she had her second surgery. >> we thought we hadsome time to enjoy her and watch her grow and laugh. and just be happy. first christmas, she got a virus that attacked her heart. her heart weakened so much that it didn't work any more. >> reporter: the day before christmas eve reagan was put on a heart lung buy bipass. >> you cannot really be on that for very long. she was on it for 22 days and her time was running out. >> reporter: ultimately reagan needed a new heart. during the 22 days blood circulation was cut off to her fingers and toes in order to save her heart most of which she ended up losing. >> we were thankful that 14 days later on friday the 13, she got the heart that she needed. >> reporter: her family calling the donation a miracle. >> it is a miracle, right? how thankful we are that on their hardest day ever that they thought enough about donation and gave her the heart that she needed. we are so thankful for that it gave her life. first few months after that transplant were extremely difficult but now, reagan is doing great and doing everything her older brother does. coming up on sunday s february 28th, a chance to learn how to reduce your risk of developing heart disease this heart month. the weekston medical center is hosting a heart fair from noon- 4:00 at the convention certainty the event is free and open to overone. >> of course, coming up tomorrow night. >> the annual heart ball. >> you'll be there. >> three of them are happening this week. >> they are all around the state. upstate, lowcountry and right here. very important evening to raise awareness and raise money for very important research. if you can be a part of that please feel free to do so. there's much more ahead. playing doctor it is not what you think in this case it's quite illegal. >> and who will get the african- american vote. a letter look at what could be >> as far as the wind go out there we have the southerly flow. most wind between 5-10 miles per hour. very pleasant out there for your friday night. fox news returns. welcome back everyone. tgif. temperaturewise warmer, much more pleasant. thank you very much southerly wind flow we're at 50 degrees at the airport right now. not a lot in the way of humidity only at 59%. southwesterly wind at 5 miles per hour. let's take a look across the lower 48 and last night we had a little bit mr. blue on the map. that colder air mass still tin place throughout a good chunk of the east coast. we saw the greens that were back towards texas and as we told you with that shift sin wind pattern, we would see that green expanding. that's exactly what has happened through friday and into tonight where it's 55 in detroit. 50 in columbia. looking bag towards nashville. if degrees. 70 down in miami. very comfortable out there. that incredibly frigid air mass here at home as we take look across the midlands, 45 newberry. aiken and four. 50 in lexington. 49 in columbia. 48 in camden. sumter 49 and orangeburg sitting at 50 right now. future wach pause this at 9:00 a.m. partly to mostly cloudy sky. light rain chances stay in the upstate outside of our coverage area. temperatures from the fifths in the 60s -- 50s into the 60s. so while you'll see a mostly cloudy sky and a cloudy sky at times in the afternoon hours later afternoon hours don't be intimidated of rainfall expected. that's not going to come until late sunday into monday. so i think during the day sunday we're going to be okay and tomorrow night as you head out for a nice evening after you get out there and vote. should be very, sea pleasant 69 tomorrow to 70 on sunday. rain sitting with us monday. tuesday, and wednesday. but we dry out by thursday. and nice little warming trend if you will taking us closer to normal by friday. lows all over the place. 40s, 50s, 30s, so that's a little bit of the rollercoaster there but at least we have a beautiful weekend on tap. lots happening between baseball, they're both at home. voting is going on, of course. tomorrow for the republican primary, we're turning right around to the democratic race next week. anything outdoors looks good. the lion could be outdoors. expecting-- the lines could be outdoors. the sun helps with that. >> the voters thank you. >> yes, the baseball fans do,to, i think. speak of that core mill is day. she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare for 8 million children. benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world for human rights and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. we call ourselves the greenwood runners. the open water paddlers. the hike life trail club. it's about being out here together. the feeling is hard to describe. you cant put put into words. but we don't have to. for friends who come together to reach for better. we brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. michelob ultra. the superior light beer. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) good evening to you. thanks for joining us i'm corey miller. women's basketball team got things done on the hardwood. clinton at third. sec title and a road regular season title and the gamecocks did not play the best basketball against george but, again, they found the way to get the job done. even though the head coach not so excited about how they played. she was asked did she envision being this good when she took the job. >> it's not one of the things i envision the i think i was more of a big picture just winning the sevc. i think winning multiple national championships you know but i know in order for us to do that we have to set ourselves to win sec championships because it prepares you for that next step. things a little bit didn't for the men's basketball team coming off two losses at home against kentucky. last saturday because they went to missouri and lost. a game they thought they would win with no problem. gamecocks hoping to bounce back at high noon tomorrow against florida. so the gamecocks their ncaa hopes, needing to get a win here pretty soon in the fcc against florida. we'll keep it became cob basketball dev up donor you remember him the guy just like the little buck so fast on the court. driving in the lane, floating those balls in the air, high, hitting nothing but the bottom of the net. yeah, that one. legends weekend during the sec tournament in nashville. the fourth leading scorer for the gamecocks. number1 all time and still one of the best to play at south carolina. so he's been a very good basketball player still playing overseas. congratulations to devon down zip gamecocks overall the sports department big contract for them. underarmour stepped up and signed an extension if you will. for the next 10 years they will be wearing underarmour, the football, team, baseball, looking pretty good dressed out in some nice garb if the 10 year deal is with $17 million i think i read that somewhere for all of the university sponsored sports. now, for football, here's a good deal when you talk about money you talk about assistant coaches how much you want a great staff game connecticut are doing that robinson $7,507,000. court roper $700,000. he's the offensive coordinator. lance thompson and shawn elliott will earn $500,000. and the 3.95 total for all of the coaches. so there you go right there. so talked about having that good staff that can recruit and coach. they stepped up and did just that. welcoming up later on in sports it's opening day for college baseball. the gamecocks and the tigers. one, happy tonight and one not s much. we'll tell you more later on tonight. big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. two coneys or two burgers, and two tots and two drinks. -yeah. -it's like i'm seeing double. (yells) you guys wanna hang out sometime? oh, man. i think i nailed it. now two can eat for $9.99 all month long. (clicks) well the white house says president obama will start reading through extensive packets of information about possible supreme court nominees this weekend. the information contains details on their professional careers records and spears. those were prepared by white house lawyers. supreme court justice antonin scalia died last weekend his tomorrow. one of the most recognizable voices in film is the narrator of a new hillary clinton ad. it's called all the good detailing her early career after finishing law school. morgan freeman unmistakable tone can be heard. fighting racism in alabama schools and registering latino voters in texas. all a pitch before the nevada caucuses and tomorrow's south carolina primary. in the race for the white house the african-american vote is a critical piece of the puzzle. black voters turned out in 2008 and 2012. and it made a major difference. >> without barack obama on the ticket will we see a shift on who gets the all important black votele here's jeff vaughn. clear if any of the presidential candidates can court african-american vote as barack obama did in 2008. >> it's going to be very challenging for candidate to decide who you want to vote for whether it's republican or democrat. >> this moment represent a tremendous political opportunity. because it's like different segments of the black community, actually forced to kind of figure out what black people want and they're kind of going heads up against one another. >> reporter: that uncertainty is showing up in republican strategist national polling date after with those middle class african-americans 13% are saying they would vet republican. another 9% are undecided. >> he adds the percentages together it tripled those who supported mitt romney in 2012. african-american voters have historically turned out for democratic presidential in 1956 dwight d. eisenhower garnered 39% of the african- american vote more than any other presidential candidate since the 1930s. if there's a shift this year, political analysts say it will be within the democratic party with bernie sanders peeling off stanch support from hillary clinton's african-american voter base. >> is it possible that african- american vote could switch enough s that bernie sanders could win the nomination i think the answer is yes. >> black turnout isn't a lot. just as white evangelical turnout isn't a lot, they have to be mobilized. >> the political report found they accounted for president obama's entire margin of victory in 7 states. including florida and ohio. in the 2012 election. in washington, i'm jeff vaughn reporting. the whole process begins tomorrow. next week. >> then it really doesn't stop. hours after taking on the pope donald trump is take on one of america's biggest companies. why he's boycotting apple tonight. >> the unique way to celebrate a birthday. local artist marking a milestone by getting creative. week's artwach. an 18-year-old has been arrested in south florida am accused practice medicine without a license. successful he was running his own medical clinic in west palm beach. he's accused giving a physical exam to a female undercover officer. robinson faces two count of practicing medicine without a license and four count of fraud. right now he's free on bond. and donald trump has the fresh target to attack. the real estate mogul is now going after apple. the republican presidential frontrunner is calling for a boycott of the tech giant until it agrees to help the fbi to access daytona locked iphone use billed one of the san bernardino terrorists average woe got to get to the bottom of it. you're not going to get to the bottom of it unless we use common sense. boycott apple until such time they give that information i think that's a great idea. >> the fed are kicking things up a notch. earlier this week apple's ceo order would open a bang door to the i phone that he says could potentially make customers more vulnerable to hackers. well in this week's art's wach a columbia you are the is ofist is -- artist is celebrating her creation. >> a look at more than 60 years of work. >> welcome to arts watch. we're at vista studios on lady street. we are celebrating one of columbia's true treasures. laura at 90. six decades and painting. and we get to visit with her and find out all about her are the right now. >> i've been s touched with how many people have work the hard to make this come together. i love the process of putting paint on the canvas. when i realized you didn't lav from another place, that's the way i painted ever since i started. because after i graduated, i got married and, you know, that's what you did, then. you started a family and all that. i think it's probably after my fourth child i decided i needed another creative outlet. dr.craft was the head of art, then. he was very helpful to local people. they had show spots. very helpful u. auto dent wait to be inspired. basically, i make a mark on it. and then i react to that mark to build another mark. so it builds itself is the way that i see it. he dent plan it out i. don't know what i'm fixing to do. >> so there are 100 paintings of laura spong and another 40 of latest paintings at if art on lincoln street i. want to and celebrate this legend's 90th birthday. >> how about that. >> what a unique way to do that. that is awesome. >> the first time i've heard of anybody celebrating that way. we got to get cracking on that artwork. >> she says she doesn't wait to be inspired. don't wait. >> hen roth didn't have to wait to be inspired. >> always blame, never say. hey, this weekend. >> this is true you see, that's how quickly we forget that one. take a look south of side at the southwesterly wind. >> more on that plus your next news at 10:00 returns. welcome back everyone let's take a look at the official temperature at the airport. 50degrees, 10 degrees warmer tonight than this time last night. we can make a southerly flow with the southwesterly wind at 5-10 miles per hour for warming things up. the warmer air continuing to take over the southern half of the lower 48. and it's a welcome change. it's kind of a spring fever change if you will. look at this 70 all the way back in dallas. our 50 degrees even detroit, detroit, michigan, thinking of frigid temperatures in february, they're at 55 degrees. 42 in minneapolis. that's warm for them. this warm air is going to hang around like i said s throughout the weekend. and that is good news. looking in the melted, you can see warmer air in place with upper 40s to around 5 0 degrees. 50 in orangeburg. 46 sin newberry and aiken. camden, 43 in manning. since today is opening day for college baseball and, of course, all weekend long looking fantastic for baseball or any outdoor activities. we're going to take you through the next 24 hours. pause this at 9:00 a.m. the weekend sleep in a little bit. get some tennis, golf, the kids have baseball practice. maybe even a baseball game. most of the little lesions start in mar: you have the 50 partly to mostly cloudy sky. into the upper 60s in the afternoon hours. and then let's go on and fast forward this to 7:00. saturday night, night on the town. perfect weather. mild temperatures really can't bead that for february. that will continue towards this time tomorrow night. want to tune in, as well watch wach fox news we'll be bringing you the latest from the weather is not an excuse to not get out there and vote. 69degrees-70 on sunday. rain cans are here by monday. and they just sit overhead for tuesday and wednesday, drying out, plenty of sunshine thursday burt not warming up. colder air moves in. the same for friday. lows aloof the place. 40, 50s, even some 30s mixed in, as well. but not a bad forecast for the weekend. speaking of the weekend, maybe you need that pick me up. we have just the man to do that. the pastor of pain, corey what does this weekend concern. >> buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. it's that time of the year opening day in the state of south carolina. one is a little happy, one went home tonight a little disappointed. you don't want to miss the right here in sports. something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton, welcome back to wach fox sports. great wets for you. great day for opening day of baseball. gamecocks trying turbans back off a bad year last year. a lot of news faces. chad holbrook saying this week he's hoping they step up and get some things done. in the house here in columbia. let's go to the highlights, shall we? we'll pick it up the first run of the season with a sac fly going to score a run. number9 hitter gets it done. gamecocks up 1-0. little hit right there. but then john jones driving in a three, three run score. he's the new one for the gamecocks. all many come back and get one here in just a moment. all the runners clear the bases. jones, a lot of power. they get a little nice ding right there. the day for albany but the gamecocks, boy, if you a fan you're looking forward tour the future. and right here, a big, big hit. don thompson with the big power jack, hammer time, that one is gone. he would go 3-4 with his first career home run for the gamecocks. another new face i like this name because this name in the scripture, jonah brown he gets a big rip with a double into the corner for the rbi. he was one of six on the batters on the day to get an rbi. the gamecocks are very hot. the guy that started off he's going to get another rbi. they go on to win an easy 110- 1. the skipper after the game. >> well, it was a great opening day for us. you know, pleased with wait we played. our pitchers obviously threw the ball very well we played guys were full of energy today. they were full of togetherness. they were anxious for this day. they couldn't wait for it to get here. i think that they performed well. i'm excited for them but it's just one game and we'll try to build on it and play well, again, tomorrow. >> the tigers lee, in this day beauty didn't go so well. hit hard. but makes an error and, they're going to score one to make it 2- 1. then a nice rip right here. go to throw out but a run is going to score. four maine. maine coming from up north to this nice weather. top of the 7th here. boom, another big hit for maine. and this ball's going to get lost and it's going to score a run and make that fur-3 maine and tear going to go on to at kings more stadium. not too happy butt he says hey, give maine credit. >> i want to give maine credit for playing an exceptional ball game today. you know, it wasn't pretty on either side but their guys did an outstanding jacksonboro of competing evil thought their starting pitcher did an excellent job. their bullpen was very good. they mixed pitches they competed and they found a way to the it done. >> you got to give those guys a lot of credit. they outhit us and pitched exceptionally well tonight. >> not wait you want to start with a new coach. he's a fantastic coach he'll get things done. lets get some high school basketball action in. number 1 ac falcons playing host to lancaster e. woo pick up the action in the second half. send out j.v. the other three look good. foot jumper. the it is good. then point guard stilly steals the ball and we like to say jam, y'all. >> that a is going to be good. i want you to watch this right here. elevation, jam it, good. easy win for ac 4. 70-54. let's go to brooklyn. my co-host the captain, harry wrenp on hand. >> gator in three day playoffs. pugh will use an 8 step hop step. 13-12 lead. lord hemmings would drain the threeola. lord going to finish strong right here at the basket and lakewood will come storming back. drain, son, up the corner pocket. then grant singleton. layup and that's good and finally port guard been evans, lakewood too much. for the bearcats they win this 150-38. that's going to wrap things

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Miami , Florida , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Alabama , Nevada , Missouri , Texas , Kentucky , Columbus , Ohio , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Palmetto , Connecticut , Maine , Orangeburg , Brooklyn , Dallas , Kershaw County , Americans , America , American , Lance Thompson , Marco Rubio , Erin Valentine , Marc Sanford , Jeff Vaughn , John Kasich , Shawn Elliott , Corey Miller , Jeb Bush , John Jones , Nikki Haley , Leah Holloway , Barack Obama , Dwight D Eisenhower , Jonah Brown , Laura Spong , Greg Lyon , Morgan Freeman , Ted Cruz , Don Thompson , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160220 :

Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160220

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there is some movement donald trump is still leading a survey put out every day bit south carolina gop house caucus but marco rubio is climbing since governor nikki haley endorsed him earlier this week up almost three points b since yesterday but still in third place. meanwhile jeb bush dropped several points more than 3500 potential vetters interstate were poled. >> so today that many with another mad dash the last pitch. >> the polls open in nine hours and if you haven't made up your mind just yet, the candidates were trying to reach you today. our leah holloway in the studio with more. >> reporter: republican candidates went the extra mile today convincing the late deciding voters before the primary on saturday. after governor nikki haley's decision to endorse marco rubio, well, this could be a game changer who will be the republican nominee for president. >> we're excited. hours away but you're starting to vet here. >> reporter: republican candidates passed through the palmetto state friday making last minute pitches to vetters. -- voters. >> so it's crunch time, folks. you know what that means, right? we got to get out tomorrow. we have to vote. >> reporter: donald trump who rallied in charleston friday is still holding strong. marco rubio made his way to columbia and ted cruz west columbia and charleston where epicked up a key endorsement from marc sanford. cruz and rubio are in a fight for second place. telling voters why they should support them. >> here in south carolina these next 21 hours are going to decide a great deal. >> reporter: john kasich pushing for votes in columbia while jeb bush who might be in must win mode campaigning with his mother in central. only time will tell if the the polling offices will open at 7:00 a.m. saturday morning. live in the studio leah holloway, wach fox news. social media also playing a role in the 2016 presidential election. a team at usc is andlizing support on twitter for the candidates. bayed on the number of tweets, location and tommic they can determine which candidates are seen as more favorable by twitter users so the question tonight who's leading twitter world in south carolina. >> we found that tweeter users in south carolina tweeted more about donald trump and hillary clinton. but ted cruz and bernie sanders received high percentage of the positive tweets. >> well, the research team is andlizing the tweets in each state beef the primaries. of course, wach fox will have can follow us on air and online at well all this won't republican candidates have dominated the headlines leading up to tomorrow's primary at this time next week voters will be getting ready to vin democratic primary. that race got a jolt of energy when the most influential democrat in this state threw his support behind hillary clinton. >> our heart has always been with hillary clinton. >> reporter: the highest ranking african-american in congress throwing his support behind hillary clinton friday at allen university in columbia. >> the change we seek for this great country will not come easy. we need a real fighter. and i believe hillary clinton is that fighter. >> reporter: clyburn did not endorse a democratic candidate in 2008. friday's endorsement could be what she needs to clinch. southcarolina democratic vote. for her they'll push more for her now. >> it's big u. auto kind of a bernie sanders supporter myself. but you can see a lot of people in the room think differently because he said what he said. >> the a big deal. i mean, congressman clyburn is very well respected in this state. he is someone who has delivered time and time, again, for this state. really cares about the people of south carolina and i think people know that. so i certainly think they trust him and trust his judgment. >> reporter: meanwhile clinton's opponent bernie sanders making a final pitch to nevada voters before saturday's caucus. >> the status quo is not acceptable. we have got to change it. >> i'm for hillary i think she's the best choice but whoever you are for, you go out and you work for that candidate, and you vote. >> reporter: voting in the nevada caucus starts at 11:00 in this state head to the polls next saturday, february 27. >> if you can't vote next saturday and need to vote absentee the deadline which you mail in your ballot witch you have to apply for online is tuesday february 23. if you like to vote in person absentee you have until next friday february 26 until 5:00 p.m. at your county election office. taking a live look outside on the skywach weather bug site, 51 degrees. traffic flowing steady. not a bad night to head out in the midlands. temperatures still rather pleasant out there. let's take a look at more locations. 50 unlexington. 49 officially in columbia. 50 in camden. so 40s and 50s for everyone out there. and for the most part we have a through the overnight hours, we'll pause this around 3:00 a.m. we should be mostly clear with most locations in the le to mid- 40s. waking to partly to mostly cloudy sky. 9:00a.m. on saturday with temperatures in the 50s. now, southerly wind flow will allow temperatures to climb warmer than what we would typically see. talking close to 70 degrees but what about rain chances? we do have some in our future. i'll let you if that means the beakend or not coming up in the full forecast. new at 10:00. police looking for a missing teen. fur teen-year-old miysha ford was last seen tuesday night around 2:00 p.m. in the 2000 block of belt line boulevard. he was seen getting into a green sedan was wearing a blue but unup shirt and converse shoes with flowers. anyone with information is a kershaw county man free on bail after almost a week in jail. he's charged with a shooting death of a teen stealing from him. the judge did not make a decision on bail that day. the judge kasey ultimately did set bond at $200,000. he posted that bail. the desert storm veteran shot and killed spencer after he caught the teen breaking into his truck. spencer was shot in the back of the head while he was running away. >> methe is charged with manslaughter. greg lyon is accused of killing his wife's lover on sunday night. investigators say he also tried to kill his wife that night. >> reporter: appearing in a packed courtroom in lexington. the restaurant owner charged with killing a man believed to be his wife's lover. lexington police just hours after the shooting his wife speak in court friday authorities say he tried to kill the woman sunday. despite that she's not a failed of if he's on bond but doesn't want any contact with him. i'm not afraid of him but i think for some time i need this. >> reporter: the coroner's office has had difficulty identifying the man who was killed. he had multiple identity and may have been in the country illegally. late law enforcementest year -- late last year he was in the county illegally. the bond was $500,000. the 49-year-old has to wear an electronic monitor and surrender his passport. >> i think he's a flight risk. >> reporter: while he is able to manage the restauranty the midlands he will have a curfew >> the seer your nature of the offense you could get life without patrol. 30 years for the attempted armed robbery. five years for the possession of a weapon. >> reporter: he's scheduled to appear unfederal court next week for violating his probation. in lexington, shell add wach fox news. >> if he is able to post band he will remain in jail for now because he was on a federal probation at the time of that alleged killing. a federal judge will review the case and make a decision sometime next week on the possible release. a 10-year-old heart here re. the unbelievable story of a heart. >> plus the power of african- american vet this election season not only here in south carolina but all around this country. could there be another record turnout at the polls? >> we have exciting information in the fight against breast >> that's right coming up monday something as simple as a breast cancer registry. >> we have rain on the way for monday. >> we have a full recap of opening weekend for gamecock baseball. >> good day columbus starts monday at 5:00. he led the nation in job creation and beat the teachers union to enact massive reform. jeb bush. over 40 retired generals and admirals and 12 medal of honor recipients know he's the commander in chief we need now. conservative, proven and prepared. jeb bush for president. right to rise usa is responsible for the content health headlines the epa says the latest water samples show lead removal filters are working with homes with high lead levels inflict, michigan. >> the samples confirm results from earlier testing. they continue to recommend residents pushes the filters in their homes. pregnant and breastfeeding women and kids six years old and under bottled water is the safest option. everyone else should use filtered water for drinking cooking and their pets. february is heart month. we've been introducing you to people in the midlands who are living exam courage. >> 10-year-old reagan was born chance of survival was a transplant. that's where her family says the miracle comes in. tara petitt has the story. >> reporter: reagan was born with a congenital heart defect. >> kelly 40 says it's been a tough 10 years for her daughter right after little reagan was born doctors discovered she had the most rare congenital heart defect that existsents it was a really big shock to us. >> reporter: reagan was immediately flown to an intensive care unit where she had her first open heart surgery. she lived her first month there. >> reporter: at one monday old she went home with her family but five months later her body took a turn for the worse. at six months old she had her second surgery. >> we thought we hadsome time to enjoy her and watch her grow and laugh. and just be happy. first christmas, she got a virus that attacked her heart. her heart weakened so much that it didn't work any more. >> reporter: the day before christmas eve reagan was put on a heart lung buy bipass. >> you cannot really be on that for very long. she was on it for 22 days and her time was running out. >> reporter: ultimately reagan needed a new heart. during the 22 days blood circulation was cut off to her fingers and toes in order to save her heart most of which she ended up losing. >> we were thankful that 14 days later on friday the 13, she got the heart that she needed. >> reporter: her family calling the donation a miracle. >> it is a miracle, right? how thankful we are that on their hardest day ever that they thought enough about donation and gave her the heart that she needed. we are so thankful for that it gave her life. first few months after that transplant were extremely difficult but now, reagan is doing great and doing everything her older brother does. coming up on sunday s february 28th, a chance to learn how to reduce your risk of developing heart disease this heart month. the weekston medical center is hosting a heart fair from noon- 4:00 at the convention certainty the event is free and open to overone. >> of course, coming up tomorrow night. >> the annual heart ball. >> you'll be there. >> three of them are happening this week. >> they are all around the state. upstate, lowcountry and right here. very important evening to raise awareness and raise money for very important research. if you can be a part of that please feel free to do so. there's much more ahead. playing doctor it is not what you think in this case it's quite illegal. >> and who will get the african- american vote. a letter look at what could be >> as far as the wind go out there we have the southerly flow. most wind between 5-10 miles per hour. very pleasant out there for your friday night. fox news returns. welcome back everyone. tgif. temperaturewise warmer, much more pleasant. thank you very much southerly wind flow we're at 50 degrees at the airport right now. not a lot in the way of humidity only at 59%. southwesterly wind at 5 miles per hour. let's take a look across the lower 48 and last night we had a little bit mr. blue on the map. that colder air mass still tin place throughout a good chunk of the east coast. we saw the greens that were back towards texas and as we told you with that shift sin wind pattern, we would see that green expanding. that's exactly what has happened through friday and into tonight where it's 55 in detroit. 50 in columbia. looking bag towards nashville. if degrees. 70 down in miami. very comfortable out there. that incredibly frigid air mass here at home as we take look across the midlands, 45 newberry. aiken and four. 50 in lexington. 49 in columbia. 48 in camden. sumter 49 and orangeburg sitting at 50 right now. future wach pause this at 9:00 a.m. partly to mostly cloudy sky. light rain chances stay in the upstate outside of our coverage area. temperatures from the fifths in the 60s -- 50s into the 60s. so while you'll see a mostly cloudy sky and a cloudy sky at times in the afternoon hours later afternoon hours don't be intimidated of rainfall expected. that's not going to come until late sunday into monday. so i think during the day sunday we're going to be okay and tomorrow night as you head out for a nice evening after you get out there and vote. should be very, sea pleasant 69 tomorrow to 70 on sunday. rain sitting with us monday. tuesday, and wednesday. but we dry out by thursday. and nice little warming trend if you will taking us closer to normal by friday. lows all over the place. 40s, 50s, 30s, so that's a little bit of the rollercoaster there but at least we have a beautiful weekend on tap. lots happening between baseball, they're both at home. voting is going on, of course. tomorrow for the republican primary, we're turning right around to the democratic race next week. anything outdoors looks good. the lion could be outdoors. expecting-- the lines could be outdoors. the sun helps with that. >> the voters thank you. >> yes, the baseball fans do,to, i think. speak of that core mill is day. she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare for 8 million children. benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world for human rights and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. we call ourselves the greenwood runners. the open water paddlers. the hike life trail club. it's about being out here together. the feeling is hard to describe. you cant put put into words. but we don't have to. for friends who come together to reach for better. we brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. michelob ultra. the superior light beer. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) good evening to you. thanks for joining us i'm corey miller. women's basketball team got things done on the hardwood. clinton at third. sec title and a road regular season title and the gamecocks did not play the best basketball against george but, again, they found the way to get the job done. even though the head coach not so excited about how they played. she was asked did she envision being this good when she took the job. >> it's not one of the things i envision the i think i was more of a big picture just winning the sevc. i think winning multiple national championships you know but i know in order for us to do that we have to set ourselves to win sec championships because it prepares you for that next step. things a little bit didn't for the men's basketball team coming off two losses at home against kentucky. last saturday because they went to missouri and lost. a game they thought they would win with no problem. gamecocks hoping to bounce back at high noon tomorrow against florida. so the gamecocks their ncaa hopes, needing to get a win here pretty soon in the fcc against florida. we'll keep it became cob basketball dev up donor you remember him the guy just like the little buck so fast on the court. driving in the lane, floating those balls in the air, high, hitting nothing but the bottom of the net. yeah, that one. legends weekend during the sec tournament in nashville. the fourth leading scorer for the gamecocks. number1 all time and still one of the best to play at south carolina. so he's been a very good basketball player still playing overseas. congratulations to devon down zip gamecocks overall the sports department big contract for them. underarmour stepped up and signed an extension if you will. for the next 10 years they will be wearing underarmour, the football, team, baseball, looking pretty good dressed out in some nice garb if the 10 year deal is with $17 million i think i read that somewhere for all of the university sponsored sports. now, for football, here's a good deal when you talk about money you talk about assistant coaches how much you want a great staff game connecticut are doing that robinson $7,507,000. court roper $700,000. he's the offensive coordinator. lance thompson and shawn elliott will earn $500,000. and the 3.95 total for all of the coaches. so there you go right there. so talked about having that good staff that can recruit and coach. they stepped up and did just that. welcoming up later on in sports it's opening day for college baseball. the gamecocks and the tigers. one, happy tonight and one not s much. we'll tell you more later on tonight. big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. two coneys or two burgers, and two tots and two drinks. -yeah. -it's like i'm seeing double. (yells) you guys wanna hang out sometime? oh, man. i think i nailed it. now two can eat for $9.99 all month long. (clicks) well the white house says president obama will start reading through extensive packets of information about possible supreme court nominees this weekend. the information contains details on their professional careers records and spears. those were prepared by white house lawyers. supreme court justice antonin scalia died last weekend his tomorrow. one of the most recognizable voices in film is the narrator of a new hillary clinton ad. it's called all the good detailing her early career after finishing law school. morgan freeman unmistakable tone can be heard. fighting racism in alabama schools and registering latino voters in texas. all a pitch before the nevada caucuses and tomorrow's south carolina primary. in the race for the white house the african-american vote is a critical piece of the puzzle. black voters turned out in 2008 and 2012. and it made a major difference. >> without barack obama on the ticket will we see a shift on who gets the all important black votele here's jeff vaughn. clear if any of the presidential candidates can court african-american vote as barack obama did in 2008. >> it's going to be very challenging for candidate to decide who you want to vote for whether it's republican or democrat. >> this moment represent a tremendous political opportunity. because it's like different segments of the black community, actually forced to kind of figure out what black people want and they're kind of going heads up against one another. >> reporter: that uncertainty is showing up in republican strategist national polling date after with those middle class african-americans 13% are saying they would vet republican. another 9% are undecided. >> he adds the percentages together it tripled those who supported mitt romney in 2012. african-american voters have historically turned out for democratic presidential in 1956 dwight d. eisenhower garnered 39% of the african- american vote more than any other presidential candidate since the 1930s. if there's a shift this year, political analysts say it will be within the democratic party with bernie sanders peeling off stanch support from hillary clinton's african-american voter base. >> is it possible that african- american vote could switch enough s that bernie sanders could win the nomination i think the answer is yes. >> black turnout isn't a lot. just as white evangelical turnout isn't a lot, they have to be mobilized. >> the political report found they accounted for president obama's entire margin of victory in 7 states. including florida and ohio. in the 2012 election. in washington, i'm jeff vaughn reporting. the whole process begins tomorrow. next week. >> then it really doesn't stop. hours after taking on the pope donald trump is take on one of america's biggest companies. why he's boycotting apple tonight. >> the unique way to celebrate a birthday. local artist marking a milestone by getting creative. week's artwach. an 18-year-old has been arrested in south florida am accused practice medicine without a license. successful he was running his own medical clinic in west palm beach. he's accused giving a physical exam to a female undercover officer. robinson faces two count of practicing medicine without a license and four count of fraud. right now he's free on bond. and donald trump has the fresh target to attack. the real estate mogul is now going after apple. the republican presidential frontrunner is calling for a boycott of the tech giant until it agrees to help the fbi to access daytona locked iphone use billed one of the san bernardino terrorists average woe got to get to the bottom of it. you're not going to get to the bottom of it unless we use common sense. boycott apple until such time they give that information i think that's a great idea. >> the fed are kicking things up a notch. earlier this week apple's ceo order would open a bang door to the i phone that he says could potentially make customers more vulnerable to hackers. well in this week's art's wach a columbia you are the is ofist is -- artist is celebrating her creation. >> a look at more than 60 years of work. >> welcome to arts watch. we're at vista studios on lady street. we are celebrating one of columbia's true treasures. laura at 90. six decades and painting. and we get to visit with her and find out all about her are the right now. >> i've been s touched with how many people have work the hard to make this come together. i love the process of putting paint on the canvas. when i realized you didn't lav from another place, that's the way i painted ever since i started. because after i graduated, i got married and, you know, that's what you did, then. you started a family and all that. i think it's probably after my fourth child i decided i needed another creative outlet. dr.craft was the head of art, then. he was very helpful to local people. they had show spots. very helpful u. auto dent wait to be inspired. basically, i make a mark on it. and then i react to that mark to build another mark. so it builds itself is the way that i see it. he dent plan it out i. don't know what i'm fixing to do. >> so there are 100 paintings of laura spong and another 40 of latest paintings at if art on lincoln street i. want to and celebrate this legend's 90th birthday. >> how about that. >> what a unique way to do that. that is awesome. >> the first time i've heard of anybody celebrating that way. we got to get cracking on that artwork. >> she says she doesn't wait to be inspired. don't wait. >> hen roth didn't have to wait to be inspired. >> always blame, never say. hey, this weekend. >> this is true you see, that's how quickly we forget that one. take a look south of side at the southwesterly wind. >> more on that plus your next news at 10:00 returns. welcome back everyone let's take a look at the official temperature at the airport. 50degrees, 10 degrees warmer tonight than this time last night. we can make a southerly flow with the southwesterly wind at 5-10 miles per hour for warming things up. the warmer air continuing to take over the southern half of the lower 48. and it's a welcome change. it's kind of a spring fever change if you will. look at this 70 all the way back in dallas. our 50 degrees even detroit, detroit, michigan, thinking of frigid temperatures in february, they're at 55 degrees. 42 in minneapolis. that's warm for them. this warm air is going to hang around like i said s throughout the weekend. and that is good news. looking in the melted, you can see warmer air in place with upper 40s to around 5 0 degrees. 50 in orangeburg. 46 sin newberry and aiken. camden, 43 in manning. since today is opening day for college baseball and, of course, all weekend long looking fantastic for baseball or any outdoor activities. we're going to take you through the next 24 hours. pause this at 9:00 a.m. the weekend sleep in a little bit. get some tennis, golf, the kids have baseball practice. maybe even a baseball game. most of the little lesions start in mar: you have the 50 partly to mostly cloudy sky. into the upper 60s in the afternoon hours. and then let's go on and fast forward this to 7:00. saturday night, night on the town. perfect weather. mild temperatures really can't bead that for february. that will continue towards this time tomorrow night. want to tune in, as well watch wach fox news we'll be bringing you the latest from the weather is not an excuse to not get out there and vote. 69degrees-70 on sunday. rain cans are here by monday. and they just sit overhead for tuesday and wednesday, drying out, plenty of sunshine thursday burt not warming up. colder air moves in. the same for friday. lows aloof the place. 40, 50s, even some 30s mixed in, as well. but not a bad forecast for the weekend. speaking of the weekend, maybe you need that pick me up. we have just the man to do that. the pastor of pain, corey what does this weekend concern. >> buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. it's that time of the year opening day in the state of south carolina. one is a little happy, one went home tonight a little disappointed. you don't want to miss the right here in sports. something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton, welcome back to wach fox sports. great wets for you. great day for opening day of baseball. gamecocks trying turbans back off a bad year last year. a lot of news faces. chad holbrook saying this week he's hoping they step up and get some things done. in the house here in columbia. let's go to the highlights, shall we? we'll pick it up the first run of the season with a sac fly going to score a run. number9 hitter gets it done. gamecocks up 1-0. little hit right there. but then john jones driving in a three, three run score. he's the new one for the gamecocks. all many come back and get one here in just a moment. all the runners clear the bases. jones, a lot of power. they get a little nice ding right there. the day for albany but the gamecocks, boy, if you a fan you're looking forward tour the future. and right here, a big, big hit. don thompson with the big power jack, hammer time, that one is gone. he would go 3-4 with his first career home run for the gamecocks. another new face i like this name because this name in the scripture, jonah brown he gets a big rip with a double into the corner for the rbi. he was one of six on the batters on the day to get an rbi. the gamecocks are very hot. the guy that started off he's going to get another rbi. they go on to win an easy 110- 1. the skipper after the game. >> well, it was a great opening day for us. you know, pleased with wait we played. our pitchers obviously threw the ball very well we played guys were full of energy today. they were full of togetherness. they were anxious for this day. they couldn't wait for it to get here. i think that they performed well. i'm excited for them but it's just one game and we'll try to build on it and play well, again, tomorrow. >> the tigers lee, in this day beauty didn't go so well. hit hard. but makes an error and, they're going to score one to make it 2- 1. then a nice rip right here. go to throw out but a run is going to score. four maine. maine coming from up north to this nice weather. top of the 7th here. boom, another big hit for maine. and this ball's going to get lost and it's going to score a run and make that fur-3 maine and tear going to go on to at kings more stadium. not too happy butt he says hey, give maine credit. >> i want to give maine credit for playing an exceptional ball game today. you know, it wasn't pretty on either side but their guys did an outstanding jacksonboro of competing evil thought their starting pitcher did an excellent job. their bullpen was very good. they mixed pitches they competed and they found a way to the it done. >> you got to give those guys a lot of credit. they outhit us and pitched exceptionally well tonight. >> not wait you want to start with a new coach. he's a fantastic coach he'll get things done. lets get some high school basketball action in. number 1 ac falcons playing host to lancaster e. woo pick up the action in the second half. send out j.v. the other three look good. foot jumper. the it is good. then point guard stilly steals the ball and we like to say jam, y'all. >> that a is going to be good. i want you to watch this right here. elevation, jam it, good. easy win for ac 4. 70-54. let's go to brooklyn. my co-host the captain, harry wrenp on hand. >> gator in three day playoffs. pugh will use an 8 step hop step. 13-12 lead. lord hemmings would drain the threeola. lord going to finish strong right here at the basket and lakewood will come storming back. drain, son, up the corner pocket. then grant singleton. layup and that's good and finally port guard been evans, lakewood too much. for the bearcats they win this 150-38. that's going to wrap things

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