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Saturday and move him in. Marco rubio. Governor nikki haley has found her man. She endorsed marco rubio tonight. For months they have wondered who she would back in the first in the south primary. Today, she made for she made her decision loud and clear at the town hall meeting in chapin. She is live in chapin with the governors bid for president. Reporter this is coming one day after governor nikki haley said she was not sure if she would endorse a candidate at all. Today she was excited to back marco rubio. She said her decision rested on some issues very important to her. She said first and foremost, as a mom, she wanted a candidate that would be best for her childrens future. She also mentioned that veterans care and National Security are big issues for her as well as her husband is a marco rubio, he is very obviously excited that he got at got the high at highly sought after support from Governor Haley. He praised her for being a great leader and he said that South Carolina is an example for the next country. As a governor said, you have had a tough year. Any other state or any other community would react very differently to these things. We say that every day is a great day in South Carolina. Ladies and gentlemen, if we elect marco rubio, every day will be a great day in america. Reporter now, recent polls are showing the donald trump is projected to win the South Carolina republican primary the saturday. Ted cruz and secondplace. Marco rubio and their place. But crews and rubio are neck and neck for the second and secondplace. It remains unclear whether it whether or not this endorsement will give him enough momentum to catch up to donald trump and become number one. There are talks of Governor Haley could possibly be on a short list for a president ial bid. It is unclear whether her decision today could impact that. Live in chapin, Melanie Barden with wach fox news. For the first time in many months, there is a new National Front runner on the republican side. According to the national poll, 20 of Republican Voters are backing crews were donald trump is close behind with 26 support. That two point difference is within the polls margin of error. However, it is a major shift from the same poll last month which gave trump a lied a wide 13 point lead over cruz. According to the polls in the still the leader in the South Carolina polls as we head into saturdays primary. Trump wrapped up a rally in sumter a little while ago. Tara pettit is their lives. Reporter janet, brian, a couple of hours ago the sick this was a packed house at the civic center. Governor nikki haley was supporting marco rubio in chapin, the assistant lieutenant. Governor was supporting donald trump. He did throw some punches her way. Trump has been criticizing the way Governor Haley has handled the syrian refugee and guantnamo bay situations. Tonight, that criticism continued. Trump slamming the governor once again in her own state at his rally saying that she is being weak on immigration. Name, the entire civic center erupted and booze. He said she is very weak on illegal immigration. She is very weak on illegal immigration. We cannot have that. We need strong immigration policies. Reporter trump also attacked Hillary Clinton whom he stills needs who he still seems to be going headto head with on the democratic side. Although trump is by far still number one in the polls, he told the crowd tonight to pretend everyone is tied and get out and vote the saturday. Live in sumter, tara pettit with wach fox news ben carson stopped to talk to thats about his plans to help him if he is in office. Shelli adamczyk was there and has more. Reporter James Sutherland in an ied blast in afghanistan on an armored vehicle. I tore my back a pretty good pretty bad. Reporter he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. He said his military benefits are not enough to support his family. I had to put my house up on the market for sale. I should be closer with the buyer in about two weeks maybe, at the beginning of march. I could not keep up with the payments anymore. I never thought i would go to war and come back on with issues. Reporter wednesday, sutherland showed his support for dr. Ben carson at a roundtable discussion about veteran issues. Reporter carson says that country needs to put more into savings for veterans like sutherland. It should allow veterans to in the country. Reporter every enlistee should be provided a support group to help them from the time they join the military and after. We live in a dangerous environment. We will not be here very long if we do not get the military right. Reporter that is Something Like James Sutherland already know. In columbia, shelli adamczyk, wach fox news. Carson said he will carry his campaign to nevada. He said he has enough supporters and Financial Stability to do so. Shifting gears and taking a look outside. It was a little warmer say. We enjoyed that sunshine out there. And while it is cool outside, does not frigid. Temperatures right now in the lower 40s. Many locations are close to where we should be for the overnight hours. Traditionally, this time of year. We will see these numbers falling a little bit more. That is sql spot of the palmetto state. Midforties along the coast this evening and 40 degrees up in greenville. Tonight, just a few clouds early. We drop to 36 in the city. Light winds. The average is 37 in the city. It will be a chilly night but not a frigid night. Then, as we head into tomorrow, despite abundant sunshine, temperatures not actually climbing as high at as a should this time of year. I will let you know why that is and i will let you know what you can expect heading into the weekend in your for forecast coming up late on. Heading to the polls on saturday is something that we take for granted. We jump in the car, stand in line, and we vote. It is not that easy for some people for their versus to be heard this weekend. Leah holloway with more. Reporter their hours questions for the primary. If im a democrat, can i vote republican. You have to choose one or the other. You cannot vote in both. Some other questions, those elderly and disabled who may not get out to the county end though, they want the chance to vote as well just like everyone else. Well, there are some options for you just like everyone else. Going to the polls can be difficult for the elderly are People Living with a disability. Their options for a person who has trouble standing for a long time or cannot get to the polling place. You can vote absentee by mail, or you can vote absentee by person at the county elections office. Reporter people also have the option to vote from inside their car. You can pull up outside of the polling place. There will be eight polling place. There will be 8 parking place. Or multiple spaces marked as curbside. Poll managers monitor that space and they come out with a Voters Registration list, a car. Reporter many of already started the process of getting the boat and before saturdays primary. 74,000 people statewide have started the absentee voting process, and that is for the republican primary and the democratic primary. About 41,000 ballots have been returned. Reporter no wet your situation is. You want to make sure your vote counts on election day. If you are sending your ballot before saturday. If youre coming in for the primary, you must make sure you are at the county elections off before 5 pm on saturday afternoon. Live in the studio, leah holloway. Wach fox news. You can follow us on air and online at wach. Com still to come tonight, a controversy issue. Who he said stole from him. Life after a loss. Since the death of her son. New at 10 pm tonight. Sumter police need your help finding a runaway team. He was last seen on silverstreet on january 31. Lyce Dominic Mccrea left home after an argument with his mother. She reported him missing on february 6. The cray initially called his father but he is not been seen or heard from since. If you know where mccrea made police or crime stoppers. A Kershaw County man remains in jail after he shot 18 in the head after he got the 17year old breaking into his truck. He was in a camden courtroom this afternoon. The shot and killed Brandon Spencer early saturday morning. In court today, Authorities Say that autopsy shows that he was shot the teen was shot in the back of the head as the teen was running way his property. The question is whether the stand your ground law applies in this case. There are two arguments to this one. The judge hearing emotional pleas from the family and friends who say nothing is an asset to Kershaw County. The community is better with him and it. Brandon also had a twoyearold son that will never, ever get to see his dad. Ever again. Matthey is a desert storm with manslaughter in this case. The judge will make a decision about bond in the next few days. Sheriff argued for a low bond. Matthey made a critical error in judgment in the heat of the moment. There is still no word on what caused this scene call to open up on the intersection of sumter in college street this morning. Officials have not said where when that portion of the road will be fixed. Also on fox tonight, the united way of the midlands announcing the expansion of its free dental and eye clinics in richland and lexington counties. They are opening a dental and eye care clinic for both children and adults. It will make a difference. We are so happy to be here to treat children who cannot the state with no insurance. Richland county sheriffs deputies spreading kindness today. They teamed up with chick filet and target to get people in the Community Gift cards. Organizers say it is about people working together and living in harmony. Deputies also stop some people who work doing the speed limit to say thank you. Were not here to write citations but to do acts of kindness. Were here for the community. We want to show people that if you do good things, we also like seeing that. People are encouraged to do something good for somebody every day but especially doing random acts of kindness week. The power of the youth. Many millennials are not satisfied with a twoparty system. That is not mean they will be sitting this one out. One day at a time. And midlands mother finds a way to cope after suffering a loss. Right now, it is chilly out there but not frigid. A few passing clouds. Cooler than average temperature. Sky watch Weather School out in the community today. Find out where our stop was returns. About today. We made our way back to send weather to the second grade class. About 130 of them. They wanted to get some snowfall because they were certainly excited about the formation of snow. A wonderful bunch of second graders up at san flapper. Every grade seems to be the sand lepper stars doing great things up there. We want to thank them for having myself and sky watch we want to talk about the weather. Northerly wind flows. That will keep the chill in the air tonight. Not frigid the chilly out there. Warmer air out west. We will be talking about this heading into the weekend. For those of you who got a taste of spring fever today, dont worry, you will get more spring fever is we had or the week. There a very pleasant temperatures on the way. At home, 44. 41 in lexington. 42 degrees in saluting at this 10 00 hour. 45 and newberry. It is 39 degrees and aiken as well as in manning. Everybody else, as you can see, and the 40s. Pitcher watch. Lets pause this at 5 am. Things are quiet. All you need to watch on the next 24 hours hear a future watch will be the timestamp moving through. When you join the neurologist lauren lsk on lauren on good day columbia, she will be talking about the clear sky. With the northerly wind flow and it cooler air to the north, sunshine all day and it turns into a clear sky tomorrow night, temperatures a few degrees shy of where they should be. As far as orangeburg, 36 tonight 258 degrees tomorrow. Sumter, we will look for 31 degrees with a few passing clouds. We jet we should jumped to 58 and the afternoon hours. In columbia, 36 tonight with a high making it 257 degrees typically this time of year were at 60 degrees. A touch under normal despite all this sunshine. Here is a look for the next three days. From 57 to 61. Close to 70 by saturday and 70 degrees on sunday. The chances of rain for late to sunday, we will hold off into the overnight hours and then we get a front to hang out for a few days which drops the temperatures back on monday, tuesday, and wednesday closer to where we should be and a little below average. For the weekend, were looking fantastic for everything that primary, opening weekend, j drf makeup date for the one walk which was supposed to be the first sunday in november. It will be this sunday. With lots of reasons to be outdoors this weekend. Is set except for saturday night. That is indoors. We will talk about heart health awareness. Get out there and vote, go to the game. Raise money for heart health. Henry has laid it out perfectly for you. One person says if you do not vote henry is running for office. Corey miller is not running for office. Sports. Something is just fundamentally broken when African Americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. When too many encounters with Law Enforcement end tragically. We need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. We have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. Im Hillary Clinton, and i approve this message. Welcomed back. Thank you for joining me at wach fox sports. Last night, frank martin and the gamecocks, not a good showing for them. Their second loss in a row. Last night, it was not so pretty for the gamecocks care gamecocks. The gamecocks came up empty. Frank martin will talk about how. They just beat it was shots from the they just beat us from shots from the foul line. We could not score, and we could nots we could not stop them. They trapped as. Beat us on the glass. Beat us to the rim. They just beat us. For dawn staley and the womens gamecocks ask about team, they have already clinched a share of the secretary by defeating tennessee. Dawn staley talk to the media today. Complacent or getting lax with this next basketball game. There is a lot of fight left in this team. Were just talking about playing disciplined basketball. Were still trying to play a full game, being disciplined on both sides of the ball. If we stay true to that, then the winds will take care of themselves. I just told the team that we need to concentrate on ending practices. We need to stay focused. We have a tendency to let up. If you watch our close games, we have down the stretch, we have turned it over, and we have not come out of timeouts and attempted to execute. This is blossoming game. The basket is good. Avery homes. He will hit it from down where he called big down yonder. The basket is good. Jordan roper from irmo, that basket is good. The fans are going to love it. An easy layup, but no go. It is going to be good. Boston college struggling all night long. They are going to try to come back and make some plays. They are going to come back right here. Ice little sprint move. Lefty, good. Not enough for Boston College. They will lose to clemson 65 54. It was hard fought. I give the Boston College gets a lot of credit. 10to. We struggled. They made shots. Went for some steals and missed them. Every time they did, they would find the open man and shoot it in. I thought that we had better defensive discipline in the second half. Certainly, avery was by far the man of the match. He was the guy that defended at a high level. He has done that a lot this year. High school football, a High School Coach at westwood is heading down to bluffton South Carolina. Mayfield will be a 3a school. He has done a great job out at westwood. He turned that program around. That was a no school that was a new school not so long ago. Great system, great coach. They do a great job of the. Im going to hate to see him go because he is a good friend of our program. I caught up with him today, and this is what he had to say. I felt like it was time for a change. I told the team yesterday that it had nothing to do with those guys. Just got the family together, to me River High School which is a new school in bluffton. Just looking forward to the challenge of starting a new program like we did here at westwood. Thought about how i was going to what i was going to say and how i was going to say a. I tried to be honest with them in told them i appreciate everything that they have done for Westwood High School and for richland too. For buying in to what i was preaching to them every day. I told them to keep working comes in and takes over, they will be ready for when that happens. Hate to see him go. Person. Action. First on fox tonight, the loss of a child is the worst experience any parent can base. But learning how to mourn can help people vote cope. Janet parker is live in the studio with a very difficult situation. Reporter we followed one little mans journey from every low to every high. Now than now more than one year after his death, his mother is finding a way to cope with his loss. It feels like it just happened yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like it is years ago. Reporter Stephanie Mcmillan remembers her stun richard. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at seven years old. It was something that i started while he was here so that i could work and be home with him. Reporter the diagnosis turned their life completely upside down. She began baking as a hobby and connectivity that the two of them shared. But now, it is an outlet. Took my grief, my way of dealing with it is through my work. Through my grief, my way of dealing with it is through my work. I get to remember him and think of him. Reporter richard battled brain cancer for two years, doctors discovered a large brain tumor disappeared. End. One of the things when you lose somebody is you are so worried about them being forgotten. Reporter stephanie and her friends and family came together. They remember him getting his wings and playing with horses. Now, 18 months later, it gets harder for stephanie to face. For the first year, you are in a haze. Reporter that is common for the first year after experiencing a loss. Many holidays associated with children like christmas, mothers day, and of course birthdays are often the most difficult. I think that i was on autopilot. Since he is a twin, i still had to celebrate for my daughter. Without him so wanted to make sure it was over the top. Reporter well stephanie know she will never be would hold her son again, she does hold onto those close moments. I had to get the air out of the cake batter. Reporter finding a sense of joy in the morning. He taught me how to live and he taught me how to die. Reporter reporter stephanie also started a private Facebook Page to help other mothers learn how to grade. Joy in the morning is just one of a few Grief Counseling Services available in our if you would like to learn more, there is a direct link on a website at wach. Com still to come tonight, all eyes on South Carolina. The palmetto state as his counterpart, but bernie sent Bernie Sanders says do not count them out just yet. The millennials, it seems that they have seen enough of just the two parties. That is not mean they will not be casting a ballot. Catch chicken fillets over time with corey miller thursday nights at 11 thursday nights at 11 11 pm. The pastor of pain goes over the basketball highlights. Turned tune in on thursdays at 11 pm four fillets over time. Tasty thursdays. Find out what dusty is good time. You are watching wach fox news attend with brian mcconchie, janet parker, chief meteorologist henry rothenberg, this is wach fox news at 10. The state of nevada looks like it is going to be a difficult Battle Ground ford Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. A new cnn orc poll has the contenders in a dead heat leading up to saturdays caucus in nevada. 40 of voters say they support clinton. 47 say they support sanders. The racial divide is not nearly among voters as it is in South Carolina. White and minority voters are divided between those two candidates. Had a chance to talk with senator. Sanders about his campaign in South Carolina. He has made very use visits very few visits to the palmetto state. Hillary clinton has a double digit lead in South Carolina. She leads by 18 points in the palmetto state. I asked sanders about that sanders, theres a wellknown political analyst and the state that say that you have a better chance of winning in the bottom of in South Carolina. What you say to them . I say it is not either or. We started this campaign 50 points down in iowa and ended up a virtual tie. 30 points down in new hampshire, and we one. I dont know, 30, 40 points down in nevada, we are now fighting neck and neck. 70 points down in South Carolina. We have picked up 40 or 50 points, and we have real momentum. When we began this campaign, a lot of the folks in South Carolina did not know who Bernie Sanders is. They did not know what my agenda is about. The more they learn, the more support we get, and were feeling that the momentum is with us. Were going to do a lot better than people had thought that we would. We will get through nevada first and find out and in South Carolina at the democratic primary. It is set for february 27. For uptotheminute political coverage, you can log into our website at wach. Com when it comes to the president ial election, millennials are dissatisfied with both lyrical parties but that is not mean that young voters are sitting on the sideline. Our political responded explains. Reporter candidates on both side of the race is trying to woo them lentils during their race to is trying to woo the millennial people. Every day, 12,000 teens turn 18 and we have the largest voting numbers. Reporter both parties are disappointing they are becoming detached from the process altogether. A recent poll found 80 86 of candidates are not speaking about things that they care about. Things about things like Student Loans and health care costs. I laid out my ideas about what we can do to make college affordable. We should have free tuition at public colleges and universities. Reporter in the first two contests, democrats over 30 preferred Bernie Sanders. I know that i have work to do particularly with young voters. Reporter 41 of millennials are democrat while 28 are republican. A lot of millennials are leaning further to the left and part of that is because of the appeal voters to the left. Reporter millennials wealth makeup one in five voters this november. As they show up in numbers as they did the last two president ial election. Not just in this election, but in future ones as well. In washington, i am Christine Frizzell reporting. Were still a long way away from finding out. The South Carolina primary will be her in a couple of days. Candidate rothenberg. He is well on his way during through the campaign trail. And he is going to bring smiles to all of the faces of the south carolinians. We have 40s out there. It is a weekend fit for voting. That is not make sense, but we fox news at 10 returns. The hike life trail club. For us its not about running faster. Its about being out here together. The feeling is hard to describe. You cant put put into words. But we dont have to. For friends who come together to reach for better. We brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. Chilly outside but not we do have a northerly wind cold air to the north indicated here. That his wife were going to see those chilly temperatures tonight just a touch below average and slightly below average highs tomorrow. We should typically be around 64 the highs but we will only make it to the 50s. 41 in charlotte, 49 in savanna, and 62 and orlando. 36 in nashville and 46 in memphis. 44 in jackson followed by fifi 55 in new orleans. Lets take a look across the midlands and future watch. 5 am tomorrow morning, those of you early boer early birds, she was show you the same chance. It will be a chilly start with lows in the 30s. Lets jump to lunchtime. Pausing this. I promise you nothing is wrong with future wach. We just have drier air in place. Temperatures on the cool side with that northerly wind flow. We will see that shifting by friday and into the weekend. And then here you go by 4 00 pm. Right after the kids are out of school just before the afternoon rush begins around 5 pm. Things are still looking nice out there. Pulsing this around 7 pm, maybe getting a home from getting home from work late, running to dinner. Very quiet. That will take you until this time tomorrow evening. Newberry, we start the tour with you. Freezing tonight. Look for sunshine tomorrow and 57 degrees with a very light wind throughout the day. Next stop, lexington. The beautiful damn right there on lake murray, 35 will be the temperature there tonight. The clouds will be early. 57 our high temperature. Many folks may have on just maybe a jacket walking along the dam for lunchtime. It is going to be a relatively nice day. Even the same here in columbia. Downtown, 36 degrees with a few plat passing clouds. Up to 57 with the sunshine and the afternoon hours. From 57 tomorrow to 61 by friday. Then it gets incredibly mild. 69 degrees by saturday with a few clouds. Your lows going from the low 30s into the 40s. Planners planner. Next week looks nice, but we will have brain monday, tuesday, and wednesday. Temperatures will fall into the 50s. Enjoy the next couple of days, especially this beautiful weekend. Hope the you have something planned outdoors. No excuses. You can get out there and vote because the weather will not be a factor. That is it for the forecast. Stay with us. At 10. Welcome back. Now time for your sports sermon number two. Lets get to kim newton cam newton before the play. Omagh home runs a play. The cavs, lay it in. It is good. A five point lead. The bangles, keith matthews, then globalstar to turn things up. On the defensive, the preacher, good defense, goodley and. The basket is good. Life would will go on to when this basketball game warty 2 33. Aaron dozier and the vikings of spring valley, he is coaching them up. The number two seed taking on wade hampton. The generals were led by Preston Parks and this one. Cutting to the basket nice. Then later, turnover. Parks caught up in the corner for the three. Ola, ladies and gentlemen. The vikings will make the move in the fourth quarter. Up by two. Darla miles comes with a still, noah harper, basket good, the biking survived this one, 60 57. What about the to rall will get the bucket and draw the foul. The braves up six 3630. Fairfield, gil richmond will take it coast to coast for the double tie the game. A drive and score, Shannon Davis will do the euros step. He gets the basket. It is good. Nice. Off the glass. The janet Parker High School beat fairfield. The raiders, playing host to the yellowjackets. 10 minutes. Were picking up action. Osborne, nice pass with a break finish. The basket is good. The yellowjackets, he will get to the paint and get to the basket. Nice speed, off the glass. Good. Keenan stands out. Teresa simmons is going to Teresa Simmons is going to steal the ball. The ron johnson is going to at three off the corner. That is some basketball highlights but i have news out of clemson today. Wide receiver Jerome Harper will be transferring. He is going to find another school to play his senior year. You can do that without sitting out. He is redshirted so he can transfer with no penalty. He would leave clemson with 71 catches in his career. 315 yards. A very good player. That can help a team. That will do it for sports

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