Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160209 : comparem

Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160209

it was standing room only in some places. the city's gamecocks faced the number one team in the country. yukon. the gamecocks started out sluggish. huskies. time. the gamecocks tried to fight their way back into the ballgame, but they could not. they lost that game 66-54. when you talk about this matchup, when you look at yukon, the low post player even play on the outside. the biggest adjustment was asia wilson having to go out on the perimeter and defend. it was a mismatch.>> you think patient ladies are thinking we postseason. i think of the gamecocks make it to the final four, this is the toughest challenge that they had. they feel like they beat the best team that could compete with them and their backyard. that bodes well for them. i expect these two teams will see each other in the final four. if you are south carolina, you have to fill good. you lose by 12 in your backyard, and they did not play their best basketball. you have to correct those mistakes and get back and see the husky team down the road.>> thank you very much, corey. the game out there. no doubt about it. we will see you a little later in sports. the fans here were outside the arena waiting before 7 am this morning hoping to get the best seat in the house. the crowd only got bigger as the hours went on. our terra pettit has a tough job of hanging out with the gamecocks tonight. she is live from the arena. they hoped for, but the fans brought their a game.>> reporter: brian, players coaches and fans all went into tonight's game for high hopes of a big upset by the gamecocks. although the home team did not come out with a "w" they have high hopes of where the ladies will go from here.>> go gamecocks. i'm crazy about the gamecocks.>> reporter: gamecock fans came in full force. hundreds were lined up hours before tipoff.>> i am, like, is there a protest? i am -- that is what i'm used to.>> you could tell it was going to be an exciting game. a lot of people were coming earlier -- early.>> reporter: it was the first sold-out game arena. the number two gamecocks were up against the huskies, the defending champion.>> connecticut, they play. they don't have to do the dirty step.>> i came from maine for this game. i used to live here and i am a big gamecock fan. all of my buddies invited me down for this bank -- game. i have worn this to every home game. >> reporter: michelle always comes wearing her lucky shirt. i had this on, and we one. i will not be doing that anymore. the lady gamecocks had to florida on thursday. -- and it is go gamecocks.>> reporter: i spoke to fans and although they were disappointed in the loss, they are ready to seo rematch in the ncaa championship. shifting gears -- shifting gears as we look at the radar. we're not looking at rainfall in the midlands. we expand the view out. you can see the showers along the coast. we had quite the storm system over the weekend that made its way along the coast. not really impacting the inner parts of south carolina. we did get some heavy rain from myrtle beach. take a look at what it calls for one caribbean cruise ship. this is video, and quite the choppy seas out there. in fact, the ship was heading from new york to the bahamas and it had to detour to poor canaveral. it is supposedly heading back we're not going to do that crews there. the rain is not an issue. it is the cold that is moving in. real-time temperatures in the 30s and 40s. feeling may be one, 2 degrees colder like rembrandt. hour by hour overnight, were dropping to 33. that morning run, you'll want to bundle up. well below average temperatures tomorrow. we will talk about that coming up later on. we have a traffic alert to tell you about. on interstate 27 -- interstate 26. hazmat crews are on the scenes after a tractor-trailer overturn. lanes in both directions are down in that area. they are shut down right now. hazmat crews on the same cleaning up some type of bleach substance that rick was hauling. it is not clear what caused that wreck. we will bring you the latest once it is available. tonight, richmond county -- caught with -- richland county deputies are looking for a man who got caught with his pants down. a business owner was able to snap this picture before the man ran off. take a good look at the man you're about to see in this next video. lexington police need your help finding him. he was involved in a burglary at the mattress man on sunset boulevard. if you know anything about either of the crimes we just told you about, you can make an anonymous tip at crimestoppers. straka columbia business is still open after the threat of a hefty fine. store ownership tells watch -- watch fox news from taboo have moved items out of sight. city zoning officials said the business had to close on friday or face a $500 fine for every it is not clear how much longer that business will, in fact, remain open. also tonight, the south carolina state community marking the anniversary of the orangeburg massacre. police opened fire at a segregating bowling alley in orangeburg. three students were killed that night. civil rights activist joseph -- joseph darby was the keynote speaker this afternoon. the orangeburg chapter of the naacp were being honored with the smith and social middleton award.>> we are the young people. the should be involvement. i am glad to see that it is happening at college campuses across the country.>> the word of her social justice. in education news, there are some changes coming to the ged test that might help people get ahead. ged testing service has lowered the passing store -- score from 150 to 145 on the high school equivalency testing. last year, the pass rate was 77%. the scoring change will mean almost 600 more people who initially failed will be earning high school diplomas. in the last 40 years, more than 220,000 south carolina residents have earned a diploma with the ged standards. the door may be open for many people who were just on the verge of passing.>> i am getting ready to start my life and live for me but first of all god.>> reporter: to met -- she is getting ready to get her high school diploma. almost 2 dozen times, missing out on a diploma by one point.>> during this trial period, it is just a testimony. i do not give up.>> reporter: after taking classes at the education center, she has reached her goal. it hits close to home and inspires her to help others. >> i am an advocate and i have a son with cerebral palsy. i've been advocating them for all of my life. that is all i know. i advocate for others all of the time. especially youth and the elderly folks. i am ready. drug right now, maryland volunteers with the columbia urban league and hopes that getting her diploma will open more doors. >> we give them assurance that you can do this. we will provide them the extra help to take the extra step to make sure that they are ready the passing score, marilyn says more than half of the students in her class can now get their diploma.>> what is the person you are going to do when you get your diploma? >> thank god. just thank god more than anything else and just live my life with purpose for others.>> reporter: while maryland met -- while maryland may have reached her go, she wants to help others do the same.shelli adamczyk, wach fox news they encourage anyone who is interested in the program to register now that the lower scores are in place. still to come tonight, making the cut. tomorrow, we will know who has won the second vote on the road to the white house. right now, the candidates are still out jockeying for their position. we look at the the story is coming up next. well, with ballantine's -- valentine's day around the corner, many of you are getting ready for love. how about a good romance novel. and midlands woman is getting major attention for.>> reporter: scene the a williams always had a love for the pen. >> it started when i was six years old. my first book. writing over the years was a challenge. she works full-time, is married, and has two young boys full of energy. she said she knew she had to find a way to pursue her dreams.>> in 2010, a friend of mine up and decided to go to law school. and i decided to write a book.>> reporter: and finish a book she did.>> i have nine books published as of january 2016.>> reporter: her stories are edgy and pretty steamy. surface -- her first book, you can't plan love, was published in 2012.>> the coworker was a better man for her.>> reporter: to get her foot in the door, she wrote for crimson romance. she can write a book and 6-8 weeks. most of her characters are based out of south carolina.>> i like to use the midlands as backdrops for my novels. we have a lot of parks, great restaurants. >> reporter: although she has written for crimson romance, she is always dreamed of writing for major publisher. her steamy stories caught the attention of a popular publishing company. she submitted a manuscript and the rest is history.>> harlequin is the name in publishing.>> reporter: she publishes and multiple language -- languages and on six county -- continents. it is difficult to write for them. >> i screamed in the store. it is fair. let's take sell the.>> reporter: her next step is to make it to the big screen. she wants to be considered a hybrid author. harlequin is the right company to help her spread her wings. >> i can hear a song that will inspire a book. i can be watching television and see something that may inspire a book.>> reporter: for columbia, wach fox news. >> you can find a "local bookstores, walmart and kmart. experts say there is a major breach in the government database that is been there for quite a while. tonight, a lot of people want to know why. the road to the white house. next up, new hampshire. it will have a big impact with carolina. we made it to 62 degrees this afternoon. the cold front moves through. temperatures not even close to this for the next week. your forecast is coming up next. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) when the republicans weren't going after president obama they were coming after me. his attorney general. in the cabinet, i served with hillary clinton. i've known her for almost 25 years. this is a woman whose fought her whole life for children, to protect civil rights, voting rights. and today hillary is pushing hard for tougher gun laws and police accountability. if you want to make sure republicans don't take us backward help hillary move us forward. welcome back, friends. at the rain from earlier, that is now gone. you are looking at sky watch -- skywach doppler radar. you will see see a cloud or two passing through. higher elevations are getting snowfall but unfortunately timing is not in our favor. the cold air, like i said, and place. taking a live look from our pearls vista camera on the skywach weather bug. there may be some foot traffic after the game. people getting late dinner. not the case right now. temperature wise, we're 30 degrees in columbia. 39 in lexington. 41 in aiken. we have 42 and orangeburg. also in salina. 40s and 30s with the colder air in place. while we will see a few clouds to pass through tomorrow, than what you are saying right now for the daytime highs as we go into tomorrow. in fact, tonight, 33 degrees under what we will officially call a mostly clear sky. it is windy. it will be damp because of the puck moving shower that moved through. you will feel the extra chill in the air. it will be cold. when the kids had to school, wendy, 33 essay had to school. 40 by lunchtime, and 43 essay had home. mostly cloudy, and it will be windy. the best we will be able to do. nowhere close to the high of 59 degrees. very cold air. and the seven day, not much better. it is going to stick around. we eventually bottom out at the. with lows bottoming out in the city of 40. were 45 come thursday. let's go through the rest of the seven day and take you into the holiday weekend where we stay in the 40s. in fact, the warmest day looks degrees. overnight lows around 30 degrees. the warmest that we would do for friday night and into saturday morning. all and all, the radius old man winter is here. the only thing that is not here is the fun white stuff. >> we do not need any of that. that is not necessary. >> sure it is. i hope there are folks that are staying warm out there. best. somewhere. that is the problem. talking a little basketball is what he is doing. i think the gamecocks were hoping to have a little bit of a party tonight. it is good in chile out here like football weather. it was a basketball game that was a sold-out crowd. it was a number one huskies gamecocks. next in sports. were live at the "thursday fellow". yukon -- uconn, south carolina showdown was taking place right behind me. 18,000. a packed out sold-out crowd to watch this match up on espn2. to the highlights we go. staley shares a hug early in the game.uconn off to a quick start. the basket is good. they played very well early. the speedster blazing up and down the court with a lay and. the basket was good. wilson will get hurt in this she will miss some time but she will return. after she left without injury, it was sarah showing that maybe she needs some more minutes. instead of watching her with a club, and the income it was too much. breanna stewart was a -- had a double double for her.uconn will go on to win the game 66- 54. the coach of uconn spoke to the media.>> when it is the biggest moment, you can tell the way that we practiced the day before, the way that shootaround goes. the way they look when we are watching film. when you are talking to them in the huddle, there is a whole different vibe. it makes me different. it is they tried to stay in character, but tonight, they were not in character. they had to go out and defend, and that did not work out well for the gamecocks. with more on this matchup, derek phillips is a breakdown. >> reporter: uconn takedown south carolina 66-54 the colonial life arena. gino korell and this team came in prepared with a hostile environment.>> we know that we were paying -- playing a great team. a team that is almost unbeatable and their pro home-court. they will probably go back to the final four just like they did last year. they are that good. when my guys know that the challenge is huge, those three seniors usually come up huge.>> you want to stick with the system. we had a hard time doing that because we were so anxious to get something up because we knew that we could not have a dead. where we did not score any points.>> it is a month outside of march madness. you get to measure yourself against the top team in the country, and hopefully you can utilize of this game to work on some of the things that separate you from winning a game like this.>> reporter: now the matchup is out of the way and they can -- and the gamecocks can focus on florida on thursday night. derek phillips with wach fox sports. coming up later in sports, i will break down the super bowl game last night. the panthers go down in defeat. i will talk about it in our next round of sports. coming up next. you are watching wach fox news at 10. the palmetto breasts in a race more than $500,000 this year through the bosom buddies program. every year, during the month of october, the program host walk for life. postponed due to the historic flooding. despite the schedule, the city of columbia was still able to raise a sufficient amount -- a significant amount of money and handed over a check of $8000 today.>> it is a concern for all citizens to make sure that we have the health -- best healthcare possible, particularly on breast cancer.>> the next walk for life scheduled for next october. one town swearing in a new chief today. he is happy to take on a new role.>> it is a dream come true. you get into law enforcement to help people. wears a better to help then in the town that you grew up in. a look forward to trying to make a difference in the influence.>> chief zigler will -- his swearing-in will lead to growth. which presidential candidates are still seeking every single vote. scott maclean has the latest.>> reporter: like a good neighbor, new hampshire voters are therefore bernie sanders. he is holding a significant lead over hillary clinton. 54% to 40%, down slightly from earlier numbers.>> we begin the campaign in new hampshire, we were 30 points down in the polls and she was much better known in the state and i was.>> reporter: back clinton is not ready to concede the state that she wanted to thousand eight.>> i know that i have an uphill climb. i want them to consider this is a job interview. in chief. >> if i come in second, i will not be happy.>> reporter: donald trump lisa gop filled with 31%, more than twice -- two times a percent of his nearest. rubio is trying to rebound after his debate the other night. they compared his experience to obama when he first ran for the white house eight years ago. >> and complete an incomplete information and then they memorized 45 second speech that is exactly what -- >> scott maclean reporting for us tonight. cashing in. do you think that old iphone is not worth anything? think again. some changes could be on the way that would make things a little easier on your wallet. cyber security. people asking questions about breach and a government database. we will show you what this all means coming up. join us every monday night at at 11:05 pm for chalk talk. we have your scores from gamecock man and the women's makes you join us every monday night at 11:05 pm for the chalk talk by united auto sales. this tuesday is not every some favorites. when the republicans weren't going after president obama they were coming after me. his attorney general. in the cabinet, i served with hillary clinton. this is a woman whose fought her whole life for children, to protect civil rights, voting rights. and today hillary is pushing hard for tougher gun laws and police accountability. if you want to make sure republicans don't take us backward help hillary move us forward. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. the consumer watch, if you think your broken smartphone this worthless, think again. the apple focus tech blog is reporting that apple will soon pay for broken iphones. their current trade-in program trade-in their phones. they hope that they will trade- in their old phones instead of paying to fix the screen. a flaw was found by tech giant juniper which makes networking equipment for several government agencies. the national correspondent, jeff barnes, tells us why so many questions need to be answered.>> reporter: investigate -- the homeland security department is investigating a backdoor created by the national security agency for information gathering, but the door may have also let foreign spies pilfer sensitive data.>> you cannot create backdoors or keys for just the good guys. the bad guys can also get in.>> reporter: the house oversight -- federal agency heads. we have -- committee members are going through to get much- needed answers. >> was a hack? was it a flaw? did they get in? debate not getting? it is encrypted data and that is why we encrypt this stuff. it is highly classified and sensitive.>> reporter: this is been used since 2013. china or north korea may have had years to access classified information on the united states. experts say if we build an encrypted backdoor for our emperor's purse -- purpose, for our own purpose, hackers can get in.>> it is time and money and persistence, and it will eventually get crack schark>> there are so many unanswered questions in this ongoing investigation. what they find when they hear back from all of the agencies washington, i am jeff barn reporting.>> they are continuing to investigate. swiftly -- switching the attention to the weather department. things are getting interest rate -- interesting. that cold air mass moved in after we saw the high and the low 60s today. were in the 30s and 40s now. i hope that you enjoyed the 61, 62 degrees around 130 this afternoon. it is gone. covering news at 10. beautiful day across the midlands. in fact, let's go on and take a beautiful high temperature today. no records in jeopardy. are morning low of 28. front push through this afternoon around 2:30 pm. the shower scott windy out there, now we're dealing with things that are relatively clear outside across the midlands on sky watch doppler radar. let me expanded view for you. showers that are just off of our coast right now, we have some very cold air moving in. higher elevations, back in the appellations, continuing to work its way back into the rockies as well. going long chattanooga along i 24. keep that in mind. cold, windy, but winter weather well be nor -- well to the north of us in the midlands. will not see that timing work air in place and moisture that could provide us with winter weather to fall from the sky. i'm going to move out of the way so that you can see everything exclusive to us here at wach fox 57. you may see some put traffic out there down the road by the cla between uconn and south carolina. 41 degrees. y be many ran inside. it is very cold out there right now. let's look across the area. irmo, 41. it just change the 39. real-time numbers that you can only find in your sky watch weather forecast. saluted, 39 degrees feeling like 35 degrees at this 10 o'clock hour. we have temperatures anywhere from 43 followed by 41 and newberry and in aiken. everyone else in the 30s. this cold arctic air will continue to calls the temperatures tonight to drop into the lower 30s and upper 20s. it is windy out there. there is a damp feel from the showers it moved through. any residual water from the showers, especially on a bridge or overpass could create a slick spot. at 50 minutes for the commute. set the alarm 15 minutes earlier so that you can make it safer to wear your commute takes you. were typically looking for lows around 36 with a passing cloud here and there. tomorrow, bundled the kids up when they go to school. 33 degrees despite the sunny start. wendy, likely filling it is about 30 out there. 40 by lunchtime, but windy. sunrise setting at 6:02 pm. only giving us 43 degrees tomorrow. the continues -- the temperatures will continue to drop. by tuesday, as the arctic air settles in, only 40 degrees. low temperature of 20. outlying areas in the teens. 45 come thursday. still below average. you're thinking warming trend, right? not really. were staying in the mid-40s going into the holiday weekend. still breezy over the weekend as well. minimal rain chances come on friday. looking driver valentine's day. we're back into the 50s, monday. that is not warm enough for this time of year. we should be close to 50 for there is a slight chance of child -- showers in the forecast. stay with us, we will check wach fox returns. these lil' chickies and lil' doggies are small, -but they're intense. -oh, yeah. small but intense like my niece, hannah. oh, yeah. and you, uh, take karate? yeah she does. show him how intense you are, hannah. -yah! yah! ah! -(karate sounds) oh, my... hey! yes! now finish him. -bow to her, peter. -i'm not gonna bow to a... bow to her, peter. (gong) big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. and grab a burrito and drink for $3.00 delivered in two minutes-- -guaranteed. -(click) we call ourselves the greenwood runners. the open water paddlers. the hike life trail club. for us it's not about running faster. it's about being out here together. the feeling is hard to describe. you cant put put into words. for friends who come together to reach for better. we brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. it was that type of night for the carolina panthers. super bowl 50 is in the record books. peyton manning, it may be his last rodeo. if it is, it was a good one for him. not for the numbers, but he led his team to victory. all the game -- although the game was decided by the defense for the broncos, things not looking good for km. they did respond early. the running game. scored over the top. he is in the incident for a touchdown. that was the only time that we would see some dancing. he thought he had a fair castor possible interference. sets up another. cam newton another turnover for the night. those guys dominated. they suffocated the panthers offense. panthers did not get much done. it was 24-10. the panthers go down. cam newton not a happy camper after the game. >> they've made better and more plays than us and that is what it came down to. we had our opportunities. there was nothing special that they did. we dropped balls. turned the ball over. gave up sacks. through errant passes. that's it. they scored more points than us. the other quarterback, peyton manning, will this be his last rodeo? most people like me feel like this was his last game. why would you want to come back after winning her second super bowl? he was asked after the game about his destination. >> i want to go kiss my wife, kiss my kids, celebrate with my family and teammates, and drink some beer tonight. some budweiser.>> i want to let this sink in. it has been an emotional night. i look forward to celebrating i think that i will take some time after that. like the, i am going to enjoy the night and take it one step at a time. one of his mentors is going into the hall of fame. emotional decision. hopefully he will make the right decision. speaking of decisions, cam newton, in the middle of controversy. you can see, and unhappy campy -- camper. he could never get anything going offensively. during the press conference, he was very short with his answers and ended up leaving. some say because the quarters were so close and he could hear things being said by the broncos. what do you think? was camps post -- cam newton's post game behavior appropriate? we would love to hear some of your responses tomorrow. i connects -- i can understand him being upset. i have a lot of other thoughts. that is going to wrap things up with sports.

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New York , United States , New Hampshire , Myrtle Beach , South Carolina , Richland County , Florida , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , Connecticut , Maine , Orangeburg , North Korea , Chile , Maryland , Richmond County , Americans , Breanna Stewart , Jeff Barnes , Peyton Manning , Ballantine Valentine , Derek Phillips , Shelli Adamczyk , Corey Miller , Kasia Wilson , Scott Maclean , Joseph Darby , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160209 :

Transcripts For WACH WACH FOX News At 10 20160209

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it was standing room only in some places. the city's gamecocks faced the number one team in the country. yukon. the gamecocks started out sluggish. huskies. time. the gamecocks tried to fight their way back into the ballgame, but they could not. they lost that game 66-54. when you talk about this matchup, when you look at yukon, the low post player even play on the outside. the biggest adjustment was asia wilson having to go out on the perimeter and defend. it was a mismatch.>> you think patient ladies are thinking we postseason. i think of the gamecocks make it to the final four, this is the toughest challenge that they had. they feel like they beat the best team that could compete with them and their backyard. that bodes well for them. i expect these two teams will see each other in the final four. if you are south carolina, you have to fill good. you lose by 12 in your backyard, and they did not play their best basketball. you have to correct those mistakes and get back and see the husky team down the road.>> thank you very much, corey. the game out there. no doubt about it. we will see you a little later in sports. the fans here were outside the arena waiting before 7 am this morning hoping to get the best seat in the house. the crowd only got bigger as the hours went on. our terra pettit has a tough job of hanging out with the gamecocks tonight. she is live from the arena. they hoped for, but the fans brought their a game.>> reporter: brian, players coaches and fans all went into tonight's game for high hopes of a big upset by the gamecocks. although the home team did not come out with a "w" they have high hopes of where the ladies will go from here.>> go gamecocks. i'm crazy about the gamecocks.>> reporter: gamecock fans came in full force. hundreds were lined up hours before tipoff.>> i am, like, is there a protest? i am -- that is what i'm used to.>> you could tell it was going to be an exciting game. a lot of people were coming earlier -- early.>> reporter: it was the first sold-out game arena. the number two gamecocks were up against the huskies, the defending champion.>> connecticut, they play. they don't have to do the dirty step.>> i came from maine for this game. i used to live here and i am a big gamecock fan. all of my buddies invited me down for this bank -- game. i have worn this to every home game. >> reporter: michelle always comes wearing her lucky shirt. i had this on, and we one. i will not be doing that anymore. the lady gamecocks had to florida on thursday. -- and it is go gamecocks.>> reporter: i spoke to fans and although they were disappointed in the loss, they are ready to seo rematch in the ncaa championship. shifting gears -- shifting gears as we look at the radar. we're not looking at rainfall in the midlands. we expand the view out. you can see the showers along the coast. we had quite the storm system over the weekend that made its way along the coast. not really impacting the inner parts of south carolina. we did get some heavy rain from myrtle beach. take a look at what it calls for one caribbean cruise ship. this is video, and quite the choppy seas out there. in fact, the ship was heading from new york to the bahamas and it had to detour to poor canaveral. it is supposedly heading back we're not going to do that crews there. the rain is not an issue. it is the cold that is moving in. real-time temperatures in the 30s and 40s. feeling may be one, 2 degrees colder like rembrandt. hour by hour overnight, were dropping to 33. that morning run, you'll want to bundle up. well below average temperatures tomorrow. we will talk about that coming up later on. we have a traffic alert to tell you about. on interstate 27 -- interstate 26. hazmat crews are on the scenes after a tractor-trailer overturn. lanes in both directions are down in that area. they are shut down right now. hazmat crews on the same cleaning up some type of bleach substance that rick was hauling. it is not clear what caused that wreck. we will bring you the latest once it is available. tonight, richmond county -- caught with -- richland county deputies are looking for a man who got caught with his pants down. a business owner was able to snap this picture before the man ran off. take a good look at the man you're about to see in this next video. lexington police need your help finding him. he was involved in a burglary at the mattress man on sunset boulevard. if you know anything about either of the crimes we just told you about, you can make an anonymous tip at crimestoppers. straka columbia business is still open after the threat of a hefty fine. store ownership tells watch -- watch fox news from taboo have moved items out of sight. city zoning officials said the business had to close on friday or face a $500 fine for every it is not clear how much longer that business will, in fact, remain open. also tonight, the south carolina state community marking the anniversary of the orangeburg massacre. police opened fire at a segregating bowling alley in orangeburg. three students were killed that night. civil rights activist joseph -- joseph darby was the keynote speaker this afternoon. the orangeburg chapter of the naacp were being honored with the smith and social middleton award.>> we are the young people. the should be involvement. i am glad to see that it is happening at college campuses across the country.>> the word of her social justice. in education news, there are some changes coming to the ged test that might help people get ahead. ged testing service has lowered the passing store -- score from 150 to 145 on the high school equivalency testing. last year, the pass rate was 77%. the scoring change will mean almost 600 more people who initially failed will be earning high school diplomas. in the last 40 years, more than 220,000 south carolina residents have earned a diploma with the ged standards. the door may be open for many people who were just on the verge of passing.>> i am getting ready to start my life and live for me but first of all god.>> reporter: to met -- she is getting ready to get her high school diploma. almost 2 dozen times, missing out on a diploma by one point.>> during this trial period, it is just a testimony. i do not give up.>> reporter: after taking classes at the education center, she has reached her goal. it hits close to home and inspires her to help others. >> i am an advocate and i have a son with cerebral palsy. i've been advocating them for all of my life. that is all i know. i advocate for others all of the time. especially youth and the elderly folks. i am ready. drug right now, maryland volunteers with the columbia urban league and hopes that getting her diploma will open more doors. >> we give them assurance that you can do this. we will provide them the extra help to take the extra step to make sure that they are ready the passing score, marilyn says more than half of the students in her class can now get their diploma.>> what is the person you are going to do when you get your diploma? >> thank god. just thank god more than anything else and just live my life with purpose for others.>> reporter: while maryland met -- while maryland may have reached her go, she wants to help others do the same.shelli adamczyk, wach fox news they encourage anyone who is interested in the program to register now that the lower scores are in place. still to come tonight, making the cut. tomorrow, we will know who has won the second vote on the road to the white house. right now, the candidates are still out jockeying for their position. we look at the the story is coming up next. well, with ballantine's -- valentine's day around the corner, many of you are getting ready for love. how about a good romance novel. and midlands woman is getting major attention for.>> reporter: scene the a williams always had a love for the pen. >> it started when i was six years old. my first book. writing over the years was a challenge. she works full-time, is married, and has two young boys full of energy. she said she knew she had to find a way to pursue her dreams.>> in 2010, a friend of mine up and decided to go to law school. and i decided to write a book.>> reporter: and finish a book she did.>> i have nine books published as of january 2016.>> reporter: her stories are edgy and pretty steamy. surface -- her first book, you can't plan love, was published in 2012.>> the coworker was a better man for her.>> reporter: to get her foot in the door, she wrote for crimson romance. she can write a book and 6-8 weeks. most of her characters are based out of south carolina.>> i like to use the midlands as backdrops for my novels. we have a lot of parks, great restaurants. >> reporter: although she has written for crimson romance, she is always dreamed of writing for major publisher. her steamy stories caught the attention of a popular publishing company. she submitted a manuscript and the rest is history.>> harlequin is the name in publishing.>> reporter: she publishes and multiple language -- languages and on six county -- continents. it is difficult to write for them. >> i screamed in the store. it is fair. let's take sell the.>> reporter: her next step is to make it to the big screen. she wants to be considered a hybrid author. harlequin is the right company to help her spread her wings. >> i can hear a song that will inspire a book. i can be watching television and see something that may inspire a book.>> reporter: for columbia, wach fox news. >> you can find a "local bookstores, walmart and kmart. experts say there is a major breach in the government database that is been there for quite a while. tonight, a lot of people want to know why. the road to the white house. next up, new hampshire. it will have a big impact with carolina. we made it to 62 degrees this afternoon. the cold front moves through. temperatures not even close to this for the next week. your forecast is coming up next. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) when the republicans weren't going after president obama they were coming after me. his attorney general. in the cabinet, i served with hillary clinton. i've known her for almost 25 years. this is a woman whose fought her whole life for children, to protect civil rights, voting rights. and today hillary is pushing hard for tougher gun laws and police accountability. if you want to make sure republicans don't take us backward help hillary move us forward. welcome back, friends. at the rain from earlier, that is now gone. you are looking at sky watch -- skywach doppler radar. you will see see a cloud or two passing through. higher elevations are getting snowfall but unfortunately timing is not in our favor. the cold air, like i said, and place. taking a live look from our pearls vista camera on the skywach weather bug. there may be some foot traffic after the game. people getting late dinner. not the case right now. temperature wise, we're 30 degrees in columbia. 39 in lexington. 41 in aiken. we have 42 and orangeburg. also in salina. 40s and 30s with the colder air in place. while we will see a few clouds to pass through tomorrow, than what you are saying right now for the daytime highs as we go into tomorrow. in fact, tonight, 33 degrees under what we will officially call a mostly clear sky. it is windy. it will be damp because of the puck moving shower that moved through. you will feel the extra chill in the air. it will be cold. when the kids had to school, wendy, 33 essay had to school. 40 by lunchtime, and 43 essay had home. mostly cloudy, and it will be windy. the best we will be able to do. nowhere close to the high of 59 degrees. very cold air. and the seven day, not much better. it is going to stick around. we eventually bottom out at the. with lows bottoming out in the city of 40. were 45 come thursday. let's go through the rest of the seven day and take you into the holiday weekend where we stay in the 40s. in fact, the warmest day looks degrees. overnight lows around 30 degrees. the warmest that we would do for friday night and into saturday morning. all and all, the radius old man winter is here. the only thing that is not here is the fun white stuff. >> we do not need any of that. that is not necessary. >> sure it is. i hope there are folks that are staying warm out there. best. somewhere. that is the problem. talking a little basketball is what he is doing. i think the gamecocks were hoping to have a little bit of a party tonight. it is good in chile out here like football weather. it was a basketball game that was a sold-out crowd. it was a number one huskies gamecocks. next in sports. were live at the "thursday fellow". yukon -- uconn, south carolina showdown was taking place right behind me. 18,000. a packed out sold-out crowd to watch this match up on espn2. to the highlights we go. staley shares a hug early in the game.uconn off to a quick start. the basket is good. they played very well early. the speedster blazing up and down the court with a lay and. the basket was good. wilson will get hurt in this she will miss some time but she will return. after she left without injury, it was sarah showing that maybe she needs some more minutes. instead of watching her with a club, and the income it was too much. breanna stewart was a -- had a double double for her.uconn will go on to win the game 66- 54. the coach of uconn spoke to the media.>> when it is the biggest moment, you can tell the way that we practiced the day before, the way that shootaround goes. the way they look when we are watching film. when you are talking to them in the huddle, there is a whole different vibe. it makes me different. it is they tried to stay in character, but tonight, they were not in character. they had to go out and defend, and that did not work out well for the gamecocks. with more on this matchup, derek phillips is a breakdown. >> reporter: uconn takedown south carolina 66-54 the colonial life arena. gino korell and this team came in prepared with a hostile environment.>> we know that we were paying -- playing a great team. a team that is almost unbeatable and their pro home-court. they will probably go back to the final four just like they did last year. they are that good. when my guys know that the challenge is huge, those three seniors usually come up huge.>> you want to stick with the system. we had a hard time doing that because we were so anxious to get something up because we knew that we could not have a dead. where we did not score any points.>> it is a month outside of march madness. you get to measure yourself against the top team in the country, and hopefully you can utilize of this game to work on some of the things that separate you from winning a game like this.>> reporter: now the matchup is out of the way and they can -- and the gamecocks can focus on florida on thursday night. derek phillips with wach fox sports. coming up later in sports, i will break down the super bowl game last night. the panthers go down in defeat. i will talk about it in our next round of sports. coming up next. you are watching wach fox news at 10. the palmetto breasts in a race more than $500,000 this year through the bosom buddies program. every year, during the month of october, the program host walk for life. postponed due to the historic flooding. despite the schedule, the city of columbia was still able to raise a sufficient amount -- a significant amount of money and handed over a check of $8000 today.>> it is a concern for all citizens to make sure that we have the health -- best healthcare possible, particularly on breast cancer.>> the next walk for life scheduled for next october. one town swearing in a new chief today. he is happy to take on a new role.>> it is a dream come true. you get into law enforcement to help people. wears a better to help then in the town that you grew up in. a look forward to trying to make a difference in the influence.>> chief zigler will -- his swearing-in will lead to growth. which presidential candidates are still seeking every single vote. scott maclean has the latest.>> reporter: like a good neighbor, new hampshire voters are therefore bernie sanders. he is holding a significant lead over hillary clinton. 54% to 40%, down slightly from earlier numbers.>> we begin the campaign in new hampshire, we were 30 points down in the polls and she was much better known in the state and i was.>> reporter: back clinton is not ready to concede the state that she wanted to thousand eight.>> i know that i have an uphill climb. i want them to consider this is a job interview. in chief. >> if i come in second, i will not be happy.>> reporter: donald trump lisa gop filled with 31%, more than twice -- two times a percent of his nearest. rubio is trying to rebound after his debate the other night. they compared his experience to obama when he first ran for the white house eight years ago. >> and complete an incomplete information and then they memorized 45 second speech that is exactly what -- >> scott maclean reporting for us tonight. cashing in. do you think that old iphone is not worth anything? think again. some changes could be on the way that would make things a little easier on your wallet. cyber security. people asking questions about breach and a government database. we will show you what this all means coming up. join us every monday night at at 11:05 pm for chalk talk. we have your scores from gamecock man and the women's makes you join us every monday night at 11:05 pm for the chalk talk by united auto sales. this tuesday is not every some favorites. when the republicans weren't going after president obama they were coming after me. his attorney general. in the cabinet, i served with hillary clinton. this is a woman whose fought her whole life for children, to protect civil rights, voting rights. and today hillary is pushing hard for tougher gun laws and police accountability. if you want to make sure republicans don't take us backward help hillary move us forward. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. the consumer watch, if you think your broken smartphone this worthless, think again. the apple focus tech blog is reporting that apple will soon pay for broken iphones. their current trade-in program trade-in their phones. they hope that they will trade- in their old phones instead of paying to fix the screen. a flaw was found by tech giant juniper which makes networking equipment for several government agencies. the national correspondent, jeff barnes, tells us why so many questions need to be answered.>> reporter: investigate -- the homeland security department is investigating a backdoor created by the national security agency for information gathering, but the door may have also let foreign spies pilfer sensitive data.>> you cannot create backdoors or keys for just the good guys. the bad guys can also get in.>> reporter: the house oversight -- federal agency heads. we have -- committee members are going through to get much- needed answers. >> was a hack? was it a flaw? did they get in? debate not getting? it is encrypted data and that is why we encrypt this stuff. it is highly classified and sensitive.>> reporter: this is been used since 2013. china or north korea may have had years to access classified information on the united states. experts say if we build an encrypted backdoor for our emperor's purse -- purpose, for our own purpose, hackers can get in.>> it is time and money and persistence, and it will eventually get crack schark>> there are so many unanswered questions in this ongoing investigation. what they find when they hear back from all of the agencies washington, i am jeff barn reporting.>> they are continuing to investigate. swiftly -- switching the attention to the weather department. things are getting interest rate -- interesting. that cold air mass moved in after we saw the high and the low 60s today. were in the 30s and 40s now. i hope that you enjoyed the 61, 62 degrees around 130 this afternoon. it is gone. covering news at 10. beautiful day across the midlands. in fact, let's go on and take a beautiful high temperature today. no records in jeopardy. are morning low of 28. front push through this afternoon around 2:30 pm. the shower scott windy out there, now we're dealing with things that are relatively clear outside across the midlands on sky watch doppler radar. let me expanded view for you. showers that are just off of our coast right now, we have some very cold air moving in. higher elevations, back in the appellations, continuing to work its way back into the rockies as well. going long chattanooga along i 24. keep that in mind. cold, windy, but winter weather well be nor -- well to the north of us in the midlands. will not see that timing work air in place and moisture that could provide us with winter weather to fall from the sky. i'm going to move out of the way so that you can see everything exclusive to us here at wach fox 57. you may see some put traffic out there down the road by the cla between uconn and south carolina. 41 degrees. y be many ran inside. it is very cold out there right now. let's look across the area. irmo, 41. it just change the 39. real-time numbers that you can only find in your sky watch weather forecast. saluted, 39 degrees feeling like 35 degrees at this 10 o'clock hour. we have temperatures anywhere from 43 followed by 41 and newberry and in aiken. everyone else in the 30s. this cold arctic air will continue to calls the temperatures tonight to drop into the lower 30s and upper 20s. it is windy out there. there is a damp feel from the showers it moved through. any residual water from the showers, especially on a bridge or overpass could create a slick spot. at 50 minutes for the commute. set the alarm 15 minutes earlier so that you can make it safer to wear your commute takes you. were typically looking for lows around 36 with a passing cloud here and there. tomorrow, bundled the kids up when they go to school. 33 degrees despite the sunny start. wendy, likely filling it is about 30 out there. 40 by lunchtime, but windy. sunrise setting at 6:02 pm. only giving us 43 degrees tomorrow. the continues -- the temperatures will continue to drop. by tuesday, as the arctic air settles in, only 40 degrees. low temperature of 20. outlying areas in the teens. 45 come thursday. still below average. you're thinking warming trend, right? not really. were staying in the mid-40s going into the holiday weekend. still breezy over the weekend as well. minimal rain chances come on friday. looking driver valentine's day. we're back into the 50s, monday. that is not warm enough for this time of year. we should be close to 50 for there is a slight chance of child -- showers in the forecast. stay with us, we will check wach fox returns. these lil' chickies and lil' doggies are small, -but they're intense. -oh, yeah. small but intense like my niece, hannah. oh, yeah. and you, uh, take karate? yeah she does. show him how intense you are, hannah. -yah! yah! ah! -(karate sounds) oh, my... hey! yes! now finish him. -bow to her, peter. -i'm not gonna bow to a... bow to her, peter. (gong) big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. and grab a burrito and drink for $3.00 delivered in two minutes-- -guaranteed. -(click) we call ourselves the greenwood runners. the open water paddlers. the hike life trail club. for us it's not about running faster. it's about being out here together. the feeling is hard to describe. you cant put put into words. for friends who come together to reach for better. we brew a superior tasting light beer with fewer carbs and calories. it was that type of night for the carolina panthers. super bowl 50 is in the record books. peyton manning, it may be his last rodeo. if it is, it was a good one for him. not for the numbers, but he led his team to victory. all the game -- although the game was decided by the defense for the broncos, things not looking good for km. they did respond early. the running game. scored over the top. he is in the incident for a touchdown. that was the only time that we would see some dancing. he thought he had a fair castor possible interference. sets up another. cam newton another turnover for the night. those guys dominated. they suffocated the panthers offense. panthers did not get much done. it was 24-10. the panthers go down. cam newton not a happy camper after the game. >> they've made better and more plays than us and that is what it came down to. we had our opportunities. there was nothing special that they did. we dropped balls. turned the ball over. gave up sacks. through errant passes. that's it. they scored more points than us. the other quarterback, peyton manning, will this be his last rodeo? most people like me feel like this was his last game. why would you want to come back after winning her second super bowl? he was asked after the game about his destination. >> i want to go kiss my wife, kiss my kids, celebrate with my family and teammates, and drink some beer tonight. some budweiser.>> i want to let this sink in. it has been an emotional night. i look forward to celebrating i think that i will take some time after that. like the, i am going to enjoy the night and take it one step at a time. one of his mentors is going into the hall of fame. emotional decision. hopefully he will make the right decision. speaking of decisions, cam newton, in the middle of controversy. you can see, and unhappy campy -- camper. he could never get anything going offensively. during the press conference, he was very short with his answers and ended up leaving. some say because the quarters were so close and he could hear things being said by the broncos. what do you think? was camps post -- cam newton's post game behavior appropriate? we would love to hear some of your responses tomorrow. i connects -- i can understand him being upset. i have a lot of other thoughts. that is going to wrap things up with sports.

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