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Frustration as he tries to call for help. Send the ambulance now. The now 911 call raising Big Questions this morning. Could help have come sooner . Who let the dogs out the dog causing a big delay sprinting onto the field during a game running, leaping, even licking players. Who let this dog out . Who let the dogs out and good morning, america. Happy wednesday. That dog just wanted to have a little fun. Yeah, exactly. At least the dog was very nice. He was very nice. And hes fast too. Robin is on assignment. Were coming off a big night in the race for the white house. Thats right. On the democratic side Hillary Clinton winning all but one primary raising Big Questions about how much longer Bernie Sanders will stay in the race and then on the republican side, donald trump sweeping all five primaries with significant wins over ted cruz and john kasich. Now, cruz is expected to make of buzz that he could be naming Carly Fiorina as a running mate. Donald trumps going to join us live to talk about that and his big wins but first abc tom llamas is at trump headquarters with all the latest. Good morning, tom. Reporter george, good morning to you. Trump now so confident hes calling on senator ted cruz and Governor John Kasich to get out of the race. He says they have no path. Hes also unleashing on Hillary Clinton and just last night right here in trump tower i asked him about a possible running mate. I consider myself the presumptive nominee. Reporter fresh off a sweeping northeast victory, five for five, donald trump predicting his victory streak will run through november. Describing Hillary Clinton as a flawed candidate. Well, i think the only card she has is the womans card. Shes got nothing else going and, frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, i dont think shed get 5 of the vote. Reporter but if trump makes it to the general election, he likely will be dealing with more a judge ruling the new York Attorney generals fraud case against Trump University will be heard before a jury. Are you worried at all that you could possibly be running for president in november and also standing trial for Trump University . No, thats a civil case. Very simple. Im going to win that case very easily. Reporter senator ted cruz betting big on indiana next week hoping to capitalize on trumps troubles and against the billion fairs values. You know, donald trump loves to style himself an outsider and, listen, when it comes to human decency, when it comes to politeness, when it comes to respect, hes right. Reporter cruz maintaining indiana is not a make or break state. The campaign insisting theyre going all the way to the convention and with a running mate. Senator cruz announced hes come up with a short list of potential running mates and started the vetting process. Hes wasting his time, tom. Listen, running mate. Reporter would governor christie be on your list. I think Chris Christie is fantastic. Thank you. Reporter and we have been seeing more of governor christie here at trump tower so well have to wait and see. Another moment from last night going viral. We mentioned senator ted cruz in indiana. Hes been comparing his campaign to that fictional Basketball Team from the movie hoosiers which takes place in indiana. Last night he tried to make a point and tried to show symbolism and had his body man measure the hoop at a stadium, the problem is he didnt refer to it as a basketball hoop, he referred to it as a very formal basketball ring, social media exploding ripping him for calling it a basketball ring and the more or less formal hoop. Tom llamas, thanks so much. To the democratic side and Hillary Clinton getting closer to clinching that nomination winning four of five primaries overnight. Abcs cecilia vega has the very race now stands. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter amy, good morning to you. Four more tates s states in her corner. If her victory speech overnight is any indication she is gearing up for a showdown with donald trump. Eye of the tiger reporter Hillary Clinton overnight in the land of rock can taken taking the stage to his song. Thank you, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] what a great night. Reporter delivering Bernie Sanders a near knockout. Whether you support senator sanders or you support me, theres much more that unites us than divides us. Reporter clinton throwing punches across the aisle too. Were going to imagine a tomorrow where hard work is honored, families are supported and where love trumps hate. Reporter setting her sights so, my friends, if you are a democrat, an independent or a thoughtful republican, you know their approach is not going to build an america where we increase opportunity or decrease inequality. Reporter and playing all the cards. Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, woman card. [ booing ] well, if fighting for Womens Health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in. Reporter those four big wins put clinton closer to locking in the nomination once and for all while sanders is single rhode island victory still leaves him lagging in delegates but he is going down swinging. This campaign is not just about electing a president , it is about transforming our nation. [ cheers and applause ] reporter and vowing to stay with your help were going to win here in west virginia. Reporter not just west virginia, sanders says that they will stay in this fight through californias primary in june but we are seeing a tale of two very different campaigns played out right now. Clintons advisers say they are winding down their primary fight and ready for a general election. And jon karl is going to show us the delegate map that shows why that is the case. To him right now. Jon, starting with the democrats almost impossible now for Bernie Sanders to catch up to Hillary Clinton. It sure is, george. Hillary clinton had a big night, four out of five states but, of course, its all about delegates. Hillary clinton won 194 delegates last night, Bernie Sanders, 129. That means she is getting very close to where she needs to be to win, in fact, sanders would need to get 91 of the remaining delegates to clinch. And how about the republicans, donald trump . Big, huge night for donald trump. Thats more than that. Pennsylvania 54 ran under their own names. Our team is interviewing them based on that. We project donald trump won 131 delegates last night. That brings his total much closer to where he needs to be, the 1,237. In fact, he needs to get about 47 of those remaining to clinch. Okay, jon karl, thanks very much. Lets talk to donald trump right now. He joins us by phone. Mr. Trump congratulations on the win. It looks like you won every county, every congressional district. The exit polls show 25 of the party say they wont vote for you in a general election. I know you believe youre the nominee right now. How do you win that 25 over. I think they will come over, george, as soon as they get in line, right now theyre backing other candidates and theyre backing somebody he, but theyre going to come over. Ive watched it all my life. I mean, they are angry, theyre confused and they dont know how this is all happening and then all of a sudden it becomes love. Love. Ive seen it many, many times politically and in other parts of life and thats the way it is. You are getting a lot of buzz about those comments you made about Hillary Clinton. If hillary were a man i dont think shed get 5 of the vote. What did you mean by that . It struck a lot of your critics as sexist. Its not sexist. Its true. Just very, very true statement. If she were a man shed get 5 . 600,000 votes. Shes gotten 12 million votes. She is a flawed candidate. She is a candidate that, frankly, is i think shes not going to do very well in the election and i look forward to showing that and, frankly, you just look at her votes. You look at her even Bernie Sanders said she has bad judgment. I mean, Bernie Sanders himself said she has bad judgment. Thats a big statement to make. Thats a statement worse than many of the statements ive made against people im running against. You heard her response. She said she wants to be dealt in on that woman card charge and said she wants shes for women and paid family leave. Where you stand on hose. Women dont like hillary and i did well with the women. The women gave me great marks and a great percentage but women do not like Hillary Clinton. Thats been a known fact for a long time and shes going out there playing the womens card. In fact, she gets up and says, im a woman,s that thats what separates me so she has every right to be attacked on that front. She gets up and all shes saying is im a woman, im a woman and she didnt play that card too much with obama, probably made a mistake not doing it but shes playing it against us. You know that most polls show she does better in a National Election with women than you do. Thats okay. I mean, i havent started on her yet. You know, polls showed that jeb bush did better than me and he failed an polls showed all these people i played, that i did, that i won against, 17 groups, that many of them did better than me and by the end i was left the race one by one. Now i have hillary is going to be the next one and i look forward to taking her on. I think shell be much easier than many of the governors and snoorts i knocked out. Ted cruz still fighting even though you believe youre the nominee and youve heard that buzz he could be naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate as early as today. Does that worry you at all. I think it would be a bad choice. I mean carly did not resonate. Not because shes a woman, but carly did not resonate at all with people. She had one good one good debate, not against me, she had the debate on the other stage, if youll remember, remember we had so many we had so many candidates ahead of us on that stage but she had the one good debate she went up then she dropped like a rock and never resonated with the people so i mean carly is not going to do the trick. I like carly, nice person but she never resonated. She didnt do well. She went she was very low in the polls and by the end she was you wants to bring carly back, thats okay. Hes too early to do it and, frankly, hes wasting his time because he wont be the nominee. I have millions of votes more than him. 3 million more. I have millions of votes more than him. I have hundreds of delegates more than him. He came in third in four of the races last night. He didnt come in second. He came in third. Its over for ted. Now, what are you going to did . He goes around on the weekends and buys up all the second round delegates. He buys them, you know, takes them out for hamburgers, takes them out for cake. He takes them out to hotel rooms. He takes them sightseeing. I have to get one more question in. Let me get one more. Youre giving a major in im not focused on that. Youre giving a major Foreign Policy speech today. How do you convince people they can trust you with the Nuclear Codes . Well, because im probably the last on the trigger. You know i was against the war in iraq. Other people were for it. Hillary clinton was for it. You were for it though before no, i wasnt. I was never for it. I was against it. Before it ever started i was against it. And i was against it from before 2004. I was against the war in iraq. And i was against it for years and bush used to hate me for being so against it and they sent people to the white house to try and convince me and all id say is it destabilized it will destabilize the middle east and iran will take over the middle east and thats exactly what happened and we have isis to top so they made a horrible decision, but Hillary Clinton voted for it and by the way, they did not knock down the World Trade Center, okay, just so we get that straight. Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center which is in theory why we went in there and went after them. Donald trump, thank you for joining us this morning. Okay, george. Thank you very much. And from politics, george, to our other big story, that severe continuing this morning. Take a look at the lightning strikes in houston, just moments ago, and then massive storms in the heartland unleashing blinding rain, hail. At the center of the outbreak in Oklahoma City for us this morning. Good morning, rob. Good morning, amy. You know, for Many Americans from the east coast to the plains, it was a dangerous day yesterday. But Oklahoma City certainly in the heart of this Severe Weather event the winds Strong Enough to take down trees like this one knocking out power during the height of the storm it was intense and for some, it was frightening. Overnight, tornadic storms in texas. There it is. Reporter as lightning lights up the sky you can see a huge funnel cloud hovering over a field. Tractor trailers flipped on their sides. Cars wrecking after a reported tornado crosses highway 75. Lightning striking this apartment complex. Electrical wires damaged and sparking. And this spectacular image over dallas. In oklahoma, blinding rain, winds up to 70 Miles Per Hour. And we were right in the middle of it. Daytime hail right now. Hail helping those of us on the roads. Oh, man. Lightning illuminating the skies all around us. You see the leading edge of it, a lot of lightning around, certainly some wind. This is a severe one, for sure. Several reports of tornadoes. And this morning officials still assessing all the damage. In kansas, warning sirens blaring. Where is the safest place to be . In the freezer. Reporter restaurant employees taking shelter. More treacherous driving conditions. Visibility so poor people pulling over taking shelter at gas stations. For as pumped up as the atmosphere yesterday it certainly could have been a lot worse. Still, thousands though without power across oklahoma and judging by this, george, its going to take some work before the lights are turned back on. Ill say. Rob, thanks very much. Where these storms are headed. Its happening at this hour in parts of texas and louisiana. That same cold front that dropped all the Severe Weather as of yesterday blowing through from shreveport to lake charles already this morning through houston, reports close to 60 Miles Per Hour of damaging wind and thats going to be the issue today. Lower but it doesnimhad. Like, come here, play with me. Even hanging out with the goalie during the match in venezuela and it wasnt easy but one player finally got the dog and on the way out covered him with kiss. Trying to lick him. Loving every minute. The dog was fined for excessive licking, though. Disruption of the game. Excessive licking. It was an adorable disruption. Back to ginger right now. Thats winter behind. You that is winter that happened in maine almost 5 inches of know there in pars of too and its cold there. And coming up here the fight for princes estate could shall worth up to 300 million. His sister says she thinks he didnt have a will so whos that vault of songs . And full house feud. A lot are celebrating its return but neighbors of that very famous house are complaining. Well tell you why. Its all coming up. T started out, it was all pencil and paper. The surface pro is very intuitive. I can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. Ive been a forensic artist for over 30 years. I do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. You need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. I do this because i want my artwork to help people. Ever since jim signed up for lowes personalized lawn care plan, ive been up on my hind legs trying to get a better view of his grass. Its so beatif. Aghh cramp cramp my tiny unicorn legs cant take it. Get free amdro ant block allergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Good morning. Its 7 24 on this wednesday, april 27th. Im ken rosato. Breaking news out of the bronx and more than 100 gang member have been arrested in the bronx. Dray clark is live. Called a massive gang takedown with the nypd and several other agencies. It was early this morning when it went own. Heavily armed officers storming several different cityrun housing complexes in the bronx, and one of them at the east chester gardens. Agents looking for suspected gang members involved in unsolved crimes with seven or eight homicides. This was a massive operation. Many of the ridge ever individuals arrested here are now at the 43rd precinct, and they will be taken downtown for arraignment. It was earlier this morning,. 7 27, and we check the commute with heather. We are talking about the crash in bridgewater, new jersey. An accident investigation continuing in that spot. All lanes are closed down, and traffic is being detoured around the area. We will also look at the webcam to know the newark bay extension. A delay here. Thats traffic getting into 14a, and this is bayonne. You can see the delays there. Hudson, bergen, and lightrail with modified problems. Street cleaning in effect for today. Bill evan with the accuweather forecast. Sunshine breaking through the cloudy skies, and sunshine today. The clouds will roll out of here. 47 right now. 41 up towards danberry. We are going to look at these temperatures rising fast, and they said the last of the clouds are across Putnam County to warren county, and those will slide through, sun comes out, and 63 in afternoon. Tomorrow, starting with sun, cloudy, and rain late in the weather to end the good morning, this is your captain speaking. Its a Beautiful Day with sunny skies and a light tailwind out of the northeast. Blue skies smiling at me nothing but blue skies do i see the new jetblue card. Its like having jetblue with you wherever you go. Get three times points on jetblue purchases, two times at restaurants and grocery stores, and one time on all other purchases. Look at that lightning in houston. That was just moments ago. The south is caught in a Severe Weather outbreak. The storm is now moving from texas to iowa. 24 Million People in its path and we are tracking the latest all morning long. Also right now Hillary Clinton and donald trump celebrating huge wins overnight. Trump sweeping all five primaries saying this morning, he thinks he will clinch the nomination. And federal investigators are closer to solving a mystery at sea and located the data recorder belonging to el faro that sank in a hurricane in october. It could hold critical clues about what caused the ship to sink. And then also this morning the full house reboot is a huge hit on netflix but not everybody is happy about it. Not everybody. You know what, that San Francisco home, the Tanner Family lives in, well, everywhere you look its become a huge Tourist Destination again causing a big battle and were neighbor coming up. I think that would be a little frustrating. Everywhere you look you see people. Part of the problem. You went . Vacation. We did. Oh, my gosh. Like youre going to apologize to the neighbors. Take a picture we could probably share. We took pictures. Not sharing them. Youre red. Youre so red. I feel bad about that. That is all coming up. Right now a more serious story, the mystery over princes estate. His sister told a court she believes prince had no will amid reports of a secret vault filled with songs that could generate millions of dollars more to princes estate and eva pilgrim is outside paisley park with the latest. Good morning, eva. Reporter this morning, new of princes multimillion dollar estate. Abc news obtaining Court Documents filed by his only surviving full blood relative sister tyka nelson officially asking a judge tuesday to appoint a Trust Company to handle her brothers estate. He loved each and every one of you. Reporter the 55yearold stating in Court Documents she does not believe that prince had a will and according to minnesota law if he didnt because he has no surviving parents or children his estate believed to be worth around 300 million would be split equally among tyka and his five surviving half siblings, however, his estate stands to make a significant profit Going Forward with four of his albums currently sitting atop the itunes top five chart, he is predicted to join the ranks of Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson who made billions posthumously. It seems to me it depends so much on what battles ensue. It could be years. Reporter and its not just those classic hits that could bring in big money. Princes much talked about to have enough unreleased music to release one album a year for the next 100 years might not only have his voice on those songs. Deangelo, patti labelle. Angie stone. Going to the studio for hours. Reporter kim, the woman responsible for his ever changing do said she is still in shock. He loved us and we love him back. If you never do another thing for me, you have already done enough. Reporter princes former band, the revolution announcing after spending several days together grieveing prince they decided they will go back out on the road and play shows in his honor. No word yet when or where they will perform. George. Okay, eva, thanks very much. Lets talk about this with our chief legal analyst, dan abrams. Its so hard to believe there might not be a will. Assume its correct. What does it mean. You want to make sure there isnt a will, right, because there could be a trust somewhere that gives an indication of what he went through a lot of lawyers and managers over time. There might still be a will out there. But if there isnt a will, then its likely going to be divided amongst the siblings equally. Half siblings and full siblings get equal access but the first thing a Probate Court is going to have to do appoint an executer, again, were not just talking about money in the past as eva laid out were also talking about millions and millions of dollars moving forward. Heres the question. Because of that secret vault of songs but if he left no instructions is it okay to publish those songs. Thats going to be the decision someone will have to make and, look, thats his fault. I mean, i hate to blame him after the fact but if he had strong feelings about what should happen to those songs after his death, he had to have written it down. Look, this is a reminder to everyone, if you have 300 to 500 million or 3,000 to 5,000 you have to write a will. Otherwise, youre going to theyre going to be fights after the fact and no one is going to know what you want. This is years of lawsuits ahead. It could be. It could be, yeah. You hope its not. Dan abrams, thanks very much. All right, thank you. Now to a chilling 911 call. A police force veteran confessing to a dispatcher that he shot his wife to death. The victims sons now speaking out saying theyre relieved their father is going behind bars. What can i help you with . I just shot and killed my wife. Reporter its the chilling 911 call from 57yearold Jeffrey Hawkins monday afternoon. You said you just shot and killed your wife . Yes. Reporter hawkins a 12year veteran of the Chicago Police force displaying little emotion as he calmly tells the dispatcher he killed his wife, jo ann hawkins. Are you still armed with a knife or with a gun . Its on the sink. Im not a threat to anybody. I am a former police officer. Reporter is she still breathingy or conscious and able to talk . No. Reporter finally breaking down when the dispatcher asks him to describe exactly what happened. I came home. She was here. She just wouldnt talk to me and she kept saying talk to my lawyer and i dont know. It just happened. I never wanted to do anything. Try and stay calm for me, jeff. I know. Im all right. I mean im not all right. God, god forgive me. Reporter he surrendered peacefully and booked on one count of murder. Appearing in Court Tuesday where bond was set at 3 million. The victims sons relieved he will remain behind bars for now. Weve been scared. I mean in the past. Off and on relationship with my mom for a long time because of him and this is we know his capabilities. We know what hes capable of. Reporter hawkins has not yet entered a plea. His attorney asking for the jumping to a conclusion. Now, strangely enough this wasnt the first time hawkins called 911. Two days earlier he called saying he was out of town and noticed money was missing from the family account and asked police to see if something happened to his wife. If convicted he faces 15 years to life in prison, george and amy. Okay. Ryan, thanks very much. Coming up here kid rocks panicked 911 call after discovering his assistant dead on his property. Could help have come sooner . Late they are morning the ufc is on gma sharing their secrets to staying in shape. Wait till you see what happens when jesse and i try out their moves. Yeah, jesse is on the ground. Just note that, please. N we see it. Like the designer smile. Its bolder, brighter and our blogs are buzzing about it. Its the new musthave look. The designer smile by colgate. New optic white high impact white toothpaste. With a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. And. A buzzworthy smile get your designer smile from new colgate optic white high impact white. Ever since jim signed up for lowes personalized lawn care plan, ive been up on my hind legs trying to get a better view of his grass. Its so beatif. Aghh cramp cramp my tiny unicorn legs cant take it. Get free amdro ant block theres only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Look like this. Feel like this. Look like this. Feel like this. With dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. Their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. And feel like this. Were back now with that nightmare for kid rock. The singer saying he is beyond devastated after finding his assistant dead on his property. Killed in an atv accident and this morning kid rocks 911 call for help is raising questions. Abcs linsey davis has the latest. I feed an ambulance. I need an ambulance. Reporter frantic words from a panicked kid rock. I think my assistant looks to be dead from i polaris accident. Reporter the country rocker discovering his accident 0yearold Michael Sacha dead in his nashville homes driveway after an atv accident. Your phone is breaking up really badly. I cant hear you. Can you repeat the phone number . Can you hear me now. I can hear you better now. Send the ambulance. I have not yet because i dont know whats going on. What is your name sir . Send the ambulance now. In this newly released 911 call listen as kid rock grows more and more agitated while the dispatcher asks for more information. I need a [ bleep ] ambulance. Sir, im going to send you an ambulance but im having a hard time hearing you. Your phone is breaking up badly. I heard you say your polaris. What part of send an ambulance dont you [ bleep ] hear. Send a [ bleep ] ambulance now. Sir, you yelling at me is not going to help the situation. Im just trying to figure out what is going on, okay. Takes over. Okay, listen to me, okay, we want to help him out if we can, okay. I just have a few more questions. I dont think you can help him. Just please send somebody, please. Reporter nearly four minutes into the call the dispatcher says shes sending help. Okay, i do have the call sent out for the paramedics to be on the way and the police, okay. And the police, okay, thank you. Reporter this morning that frustrated exchange between kid rock and the 911 dispatcher is raising the question, could help have been sent sooner . With cell phones, typically the dispatcher may know generally where youre calling from but would not have an exact address so they really have to rely on the caller to provide the exact address. Reporter in sachas case the ambulances arrival time wouldnt have mattered. Police say he died much earlier already deceased when they arrived. Kid rock posted this message on his website, i am beyond devastated. Rip, mike. Sachas family described hip as a great athlete and a genuine person with a larger than life personality. Police have ruled his death an accident. What surprised many of us when you call 911 from a cell phone they dont automatically have your address. Just tragic. Thank you for that. Coming up on Good Morning America, a parenting alert. What you need to know about caffeine powder. The new call to ban it this morning. How rude. The full house fans flocking to the home made famous by the sitcom. Now neighbors are in an uproar. Were talking to one of the neighbors coming up next and george, youll have to explain that. I already confessed. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Sometimes the best deals stop. Clicking around book direct at hilton. Com for the lowest price online and. Start playing start relaxing start loving book direct at hilton. Com. And start saving. Real milk vs. Almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. Les buzzer sound your word is milk. Milk milk wins. 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Mary, how are you doing . Im great. Now, mary, is it really that bad and how many people do you think you see on average every day . I think on a weekend there could be as many as 100. As many as 100 people. Now, when you have 100 people is it a tight street and clog the street . Yes, oh, sure. What problems does that present for you. What i do is i usually open the garage door and they ignore it then i say, watch out, crazy lady backing out. And they move away. So far i havent hit anybody. But do people realize that the series was actually filmed on a set, it wasnt filmed at that house when you talk to them . No, no, ive had little kids ask me if i have seen john stamos and have had people ask if its a museum. Does anybody live there . Well, speaking of listen to this, last week alone i met people from new zealand, vienna and ottawa. World. And one in new york actually. In new york we have somebody on our set that loved it, as well. Thats a testament to how popular the show is. Were you ever a fan of the show . No, no, ive tried to watch it once recently on tnt and i just cant i cant. I cant watch a whole show. I think mary mary, i think youre kind of jade the because of all the traffic thats come through and disrupting your life and we understand that and we, you know, we have somebody here im glad youre still smiling. Our whole family is sorry. Were you blocking my driveway . Did you block my driveway . That was george. Well, mary risley, thank you. We hope it eases up for you and gets better for you. Maybe youll like the show next time you give it a shot. Its a good show. My kids love it. My kids love it too. And your ford dealer is the place to get into a new ford escape. Of a footactivated rear liftgate. Plus, the power and efficiency of ecoboost technology. Youll find a full lineup of ford suvs designed to help you be unstoppable. Right now you can drive a new escape and get 0 financing for 72 months plus 500 cash. Hurry, this offer is for a limited time only. See your ford dealer today. Ever since jim signed up for lowes personalized lawn care plan, ive been up on my hind legs trying to get a better view of his grass. Its so beatif. Aghh cramp cramp my tiny unicorn legs cant take it. Get free amdro ant block playing harmonica get your own liquid gold. Go on, git theres gold in them thar shells. Liquid gold. She sees the world a little differently. And, by some miracle. She actually said yes. To me. Tell her everything you loveabout her with charmed memories atkay jewelers, featuring the charmed memories star wars collection. And, for a limited time only, get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to fortyfive dollars with any charmed memories purchase of 99. 99 or more. At kay. The number one Jewelry Store in the galaxy. Every kiss begins with kay. Im terrible at golf. He is. People say im getting better. No ones ever said that. But id like to keep being terrible at golf hes just happier when hes playing. But hes terrible. For the strength and energy to keep doing what you love, try new ensure enlive. Only patented ensure enlive has hmb, plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. And its clinically proven formula helps you stay you. Oh. Nice shot. New ensure enlive. Always be you. Wind advisories have been posted for the next 4 hours in parts of southern california. Gusts up to 50 Miles Per Hour. Its been a problem in some of a rescue Good Morning America is every kiss begins with kay. And good morning. Its 7 56 this wednesday, april 27th. Im ken rosato. We are in the bronx with more than 100 gang members arrested in a massive takedown. As many as 120 people were arrested this morning at several cityrun complexes, and they are suspected in a slew of crimes including eight homicide. Julio vazquez was tracked down by police in philadelphia. Hes accused of stabbing a man to death in harlem. The man was selling metro swipes when he took a swipe from the suspects daughter. Thats when he showed up and stabbed the victim. Hudson bergen lightrail. We have the modified schedule, and the buses will cross honor the tickets, and the trains cross honoring at exchange place, and here in findor avenue, all lanes are closed down. Route 1, the crash is being cleared, and our street cleaning rules are in effect for today. Bill evans with the accuweather forecast. The sunshine and temperature at 8 00 will be a nice 49 degrees. We are closer to 50 now. Winds out of the northeast. 44 at oyster bay, and we will be looking at sunshine today. The last of the clouds pushing south, and sun breaks out here in an hour over the area. The farther north you go, its sunny. 1 00and 3 00, temperatures have to get to 63 for the high today. Tomorrow, starting with sun, tomorrow, and showers tomorrow night, and a few showers already. Thank you. Thats the news for now. Co good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton sweep the east. I consider myself the presumptive nominee. Well imagine a tomorrow where hard work is honored, families are supported and where love trumps hate. Both candidates now set their sights on november. Parenting alert. After new calls to ban caffeine powder, what you need to know about the dangerous supplement, one teaspoon equal to more than 20 cups of coffee. Dr. Besser here live to break it down. Its time to get the chains out Melissa Mccarthy speak out overnight. I think its some way along the road so many people in this room were told you cant do that. Thats not how you should think. Youre doing it wrong. Why shes calling for meme to think outside the box and create a little crazy right now. Secrets of the toughest women in the world . The top stars of the ufc spilling on how they stay so fit and in fighting shape, jesse and i taking them on. Mercy, mercy. Mercy. Whoo all of them dishing this morning right here as we say all good morning, america. This is my fight song and look at all those superstars from the ufc full of smiles this morning. We know how tough they are and youre a big fan. I am. Were in a safe spot far away from them. Im just one of millions of fans around the world, the ufc has more than 260 million fans in more than 150 countries and a lot of those fans are women. Yeah. More than 10 million women right here in the u. S. Alone and just when you put amy and jesse, could survive in the octagon. Well hear from the fighters. Take him down, amy. Jesse was not anticipating my ground and pound game. Your ground and pound game. Thats my game. You might be pretty good at football. You took him down right there. We have a big, big announcement for the fans of the ufc out there that are not going to want to miss this. Lara, you have a big announcement for families. People who want to start family, so many ready to jumpstart the family but struggling to cover the cost. Now, though, some are crowdfunding to are their fertility treatments. One couple sharing how they made it work. Well have their story coming sdmup weve seen how expensive it can be. Now to amy with the morning rundown. The big story this morning, donald trump delivering a crushing blow dominating his rivals with a fivestate primary sweep and picked up the lions share of delegates from maryland to pennsylvania and rhode island. And now he is focusing on Hillary Clinton. Claiming if she were a man, she wouldnt even get 5 of the vote. From trump tower. Good morning, tom. Reporter amy, good morning. Another huge night for donald trump winning all five states last night. A clear sweep here in the northeast. Now, donald trump says he is the Presumptive Republican nominee at this point with all of his victories and his delegates hes calling on senator ted cruz and Governor John Kasich to get out of this race. Earlier today he spoke with george by phone. She wants to be dealt in on that woman card charge and said she wants she is for Womens Health, equal pay for women and paid family leave. Where do you stand on these issues. Women dont like Hillary Clinton. Thats been a known fact for a long time and shes going out there playing the womens card. If fact, she gets up and says, im a woman. Thats what separates me. Reporter the race moves to indiana where senator ted cruz has committed a lot of resources and has key staffers living there now and lots of volunteers. Donald trump today is giving a major Foreign Policy address in washington and he heads to indiana for a late night rally. Amy. Hillary clinton won four out of five states last night. She is 90 of the way toward clinching the nomination. Bernie sanders is reassessing his candidacy but he insists he is staying in the race until the convention. Well, the other big story this morning, the weather. We are getting our first look at the damage after severe storms and reported tornadoes overnight from north texas into oklahoma. The damage is extensive in some areas where thousands have lost power and abcs phillip mena is in whitesborough with the latest. Phillip. Reporter amy, good morning. Yeah, officials believe that at least one tornado ripped through this area. This Doctors Office shredded. You can see the wood, this duyt where all of this stuff, the insulation spilling over into the parking lot. It is from the roof. It is blown off. Now, we were driving around the neighborhood and we saw plenty of downed trees and downed power lines. A nearby School Flooded but this seems to be the worst of it. At least five people were thankful because it could have been much, much worse. Amy. All right, phillip mena with the latest for us just outside dallas, thank you. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is expected to find out today whether he will serve prison time in a hush money scandal tied to sexual abuse allegations. Prosecutors are asking for a sentence of up to six months. Hes already pleaded guilty to skirting bank laws to cover up past misconduct but prosecutors say he sexually abused five boys when he was a High School Wrestling coach. An apology is expected on capitol hill from the ceo of a major drug company that raised the price of a lifesaving heart drug by 500 . The outgoing head of Valeant Pharmaceuticals is expected to tell lawmakers he was too aggressive and made mistakes in jacking up those prices. Well, a new report card shows more American High School students are not making the grade in math. The latest test scores are down and only about onethird of high for an entrylevel college math course. One young lady who knows how to finish what she starts even if she didnt mean to start it. She thought she was starting a 5k run in rochester, new york, but was late so unknowingly entered the Half Marathon instead. The 12yearold did not let her mistake get her down. She kept running and guess what, she finished in 2 43. That is not bad considering shes 12 and she just had trained for a 5k. Her mother was worried about her and sent police out looking for her. I love this. The police go running alongside her and say, you can stop now. No, im going to keep running. She is a winner. That was a straight story. Thank you, amy. New calls to ban caffeine powder. The families of two young men who died after taking it have gone to congress and asked the fda to ban it. Our chief health and medical editor dr. Richard besser is this can be poison. Were talking about 100 pure caffeine. And caffeine in sodas and coffee and buy pure caffeine, system so strong it is so hard to measure how much you should take. You have a sense right here. If you look at one cup of coffee that has 00 milligrams of caffeine. If you take one teaspoon of the powder its the amount of caffeine in 28 cups of coffee and that can be really dangerous. One teaspoon of in that can cause nausea, vomiting, anxiety, heart palpitations. A tablespoon, chest pain, irregular heartbeats, seizure and in some cases death. Youre supposed to take 1 16 of a teaspoon and no kitchen can even measure that. No way to measure it. Why is this on the market. It has to do with how supments are regulated. They dont have to show theyre safe or effective to go on the market. The fda can only take action after people are harmed and in the fall they sent letters to five companies and those companies stopped selling the product but they have to go after each company and calling on congress to get rid of it or for fda to change the regulation. I know youll take questions all morning long on twitter and facebook. Michael has the morning menu. Here we are, the gma morning menu. The top hollywood actress opening up about trying to look perfect and why shes drawing the line now to set an example for her daughters and gearing up for wedding season and decoding what you should wear if youre the guest. Whats too formal, too casual . Plus, the secrets of the toughest woman in the ufc. Ufc stars miesha tate and Paige Vanzant are here to tell you how to stay in shape. We have all that coming up live on gma here in times square. [ cheers and applause ]e feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. To treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. I am never getting married. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Houston Mission Allergy escape. For those whove gone to extremes houston news alert. New from the makers of claritin, clarispray. Welcome back. Clarispray is anasal allergy spray that contains the 1 prescribed, clinically proven ingredient. Nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Return to the world with new clarispray. My trainer didnt believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe theres nothing quite as magical as staying at a Disney Resort hotel. So imagine. Complimentary rides to and from the park. Even extra time with your family in the park. And this summer, you can save up to 30 on rooms at select Walt Disney World resort hotels. So if youre not staying here, hey baby welcome back to gma. Weve got that handsome couple there gearing up for wedding season. This morning were getting the fashion of weddings. We decode the invites and decide what to wear. I love that dress. Well talk about that. First we want to talk about this. One of hollywoods top stars is opening up about pressure to look young. Actress amanda peet who by the way you look fabulous, mom of three getting candid revealing where shes drawing the line for the sake of her daughters, linzie janis is with us to explain. Good morning, linzie. Reporter she does look fabulous but amanda peet is doing something pretty rare. She is rejecting everything from botox and fillers to surgery. She says she wants to set an example for her daughters. I want to you feel hey heart. Reporter the hollywood bombshell known for somethings got to give and the whole nine yards. Im one of your biggest fans. Love interest in saving silverman. Im wayne. No. Reporter this morning, amanda peet saying its painfully obvious but im still ashamed to admit this. I care about my looks. The 44yearold actress recently of hbos togetherness firing off in an article for lena dunhams newsletter letter shes ashamed her graying hearsaying ive bleached my teeth, dyed my hair, peeled my face but shes now pushing back on hollywoods insistence on youth at all costs. In the name of her daughters. Shes in this stage of her life. It sort of provided a good convergence point for her to reflect on these things. Reporter the somethings got to give star revealing shes constantly pushed out by younger talent like Alicia Vikander writing everyone is looking at me like let go. Theres no room for you. Do you see this smile . Im dead inside. Defiantly staying off the operating table. Crediting the decision to her two daughters saying the cultural obsession with beauty is the reason girls as young as nine show disturbing levels of anxiety about their looks. Shes trying to raise them to be smart and independent women who are less concerned with outer appearance. Reporter instead, peet says shes going to steer into the skit and age gracefully. In the article peet also compares herself to her sister who is a doctor. Her sister has been able to embrace her gray hair almost wearing it as an asset, a badge of her experience so very different culture in hollywood. Such an Important Message to send to the daughters. Really crucial. Absolutely. Im happy shes doing it with two young girls myself. She looks great. She does. Fabulous at 44. Lets go over to amy. Guy, time now for our series maybe baby . New hope for those trying to start a family. Get pregnant but cover all costs associated with it and some are returning to crowdfunding and seeing huge success. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis is here with more on that story. Good morning, rebecca. Good morning. Its pretty incredible. According to the cdc one in eight couples are facing infertility but a single cycle of ivf can cost as much as 15,000 and some Insurance Companies do not cover it and many are getting creative. After four years of disappointment, this couples best chance of growing their family was in vitro fertilization. Looking at 17,000 total all out of pocket. Reporter required to pay the full amount up front ben a full time student and kate an executive assistant were going to be stretched thin. So they turned to a growing option for many looking for help paying for medical costs. Crowdfunding. Were hoping to do ivf. Reporter they posted a the word to friends and family. I felt if we didnt kind of ask others for help that we would not have the opportunity to have kids. Reporter youcaring. Com which says 50 of its Fundraising Campaigns are dedicated to medical needs has seen the number of fertility related campaigns grow steadily. Gofundme. Com says at least 1,700 ivf campaigns have raised over 3 million so far. But no matter how youre planning to pay experts say advancements in science have helped the bottom line. Far less spending is done today in certain cases than was done years ago because we can achieve pregnancy with fewer cycles. Reporter in just three months kate and ben raised 4,100 from 33 people. Mostly friends and family. At 38 kate says it allowed them to put operation baby into action quickly and keep them from maxing out their credit cards. Theyre having twins. And the Fundraising Campaign provided something else. It motivated us to keep going and to realize people actually supported us and trusted us to have these children. Congratulations to ben and kate and rebecca and abc news chief Womens Health correspondent dr. Jen ashton are here with more. We know its expensive. Most Insurance Companies do not cover all of the costs so how do the costs break down . Why does it cost 15,000. Lets itemize the bill. Relative costs so they can vary a little. But first the in vitro fertilization drugs cost about 5,000 then you go through stimulation where were injecting more drugs and monitoring with ultrasounds, thats about 2,500. The retrieval procedure done in an operating room with anesthesia about 2,000. The lab fees about 4500 and then the embryo transfer another grand. Per cycle and many women, many couples need multiple cycles. I foe we see the numbers broken down but like so many medical procedures why are they so expensive. Listen, thats the question. In this country all medical care is expensive. We know that in other parts of the world. This is often covered by insurance but we have to remember this is a subspecialty of og gyn. Not that many infertility doctors and when you go into the lab there are not that many e embryolojists. That adds up. For comparison if you have a hip surgery and paid out of pocket you could pay 35 to 55,000 for that. Rebecca, are there alternatives for couples . I think this is what is so important for couples to know about. There are resources beyond just crowdfunding. Those infertility treatments, you should talk to your doctor, doctors like dr. Jennifer ashton, there are provider discounts. If youre in the military, if youre a teacher or firefighter, pharmaceutical Companies Even offer discounts for some of their treepts and refunds and there are Grant Programs out there for those who are really in need who want to have a child. I did not that. Baby quest is one of the programs. A phenomenal program. Thats really interesting. Dr. Ashton how does ivf compare to other methods of trying to become pregnant . Thats important. Its all under the category of assisted reproduction so take the numbers we just went through and then lets say if you need to use a donor egg, that will tack on 20,000 bringing you to about 35,000 per cycle. If you need to have a uterine surrogate which is legal in this country add another 65,000. That could bring you up to 100,000 per cycle per pregnancy, per baby, that adds up. For those of us who have kids you know the costs dont end at pregnancy. Exactly. They only go up from there. Unfortunately, and right now raising a child until the age of 18 costs about 250,000. Thats before college, before before all those things so its important to thing about the fact as youre spending for pregnancy, think about what happens after pregnancy. How you want to raise your child. A lifetime of expends that doesnt end at 18. Thank you so much. Ginger. Yes, im looking forward to it. The brandnew information this morning and brandnew pictures out of houston, texas, all that Severe Weather blowing through at this hour you can see that the damaging win some really heavy rains along with those storms too. Just to note. All right, lara, lets get some pop. Well begin with the gala and Melissa Mccarthy had trademark humor. Everyone in this room obviously is known for their physical prowess and their superior athletic ability, i mean, people enjoy you for your braun you know what, let me could you hold that for you know what, im hosting the espy awards later this year. I think i might just have the wrong let me give me one sec. It was a great moment. Everybody was like, what . After a couple of more jokes melissa did get serious saying it doesnt matter how small or how big your cause is, even singing amazing songs like Ariana Grande makes the world a happier place, how impressive it is that no one in that room picked the easy way, they were told you cant do it. They all just forged ahead and proof positive, Melissa Mccarthy, great speech, congratulations on the award. Now, to your dairy feel good story. Chobanis ceo, the chobani ceo surprised 2,000 full time employees with an ownership stake in the company. The yogurt mogul or id like to call him the yogul gifted employees with shares based on tenure, chobani is estimated to be worth more than 3 billion, guys. Public or sells itself, some employees could tan to cash in anywhere from 150,000 to 1 million worth of stock. Wow. Good for him. The ceo says he aprils to share success with his entire family. Right now this is a private company so hes giving his shares back. So incredible. His own money away. He knows that that is going to create a wonderful workplace filled with trust, hard work, theyre all in it together. America has this obsession with greek yogurt. I feel its because of chobani. I love that yogurt. Makes me want to buy chobani to know theres someone doing the right thing. Congrats on that. Its a happy pop news day. You can call we found the sweetest gig in the world. Lisa schroeder, you are my idol. So who can lisa . Taster. The candy company, snicker, specific qualifications to be a taster but was hired for her innate ability to identify and describe specific tastes, textures, flavors and as if endless candy not enough of a perk the job also includes traveling all over the world to ensure consistency of product. Lucky. She just has that i like when youre a taster, you wear a lab coat too official. She also has a great dental plan. I better check. Where do i want to go . Oh italys twiksx bars look a little subpar. Congratulation, lisa, im not jealous, i swear. Finally would like to introduce you to a baby ostrich who is not as athletic as his fellow feathered footracers. All seems right, right . Except ready, set, go. Where did everybody go . Thats pop news, everybody. We have much more coming up on gma. Own tt2w`t o md< bt qp]l tt2w`t o md< a q q tt2w`t o md< bm qkz tt4w`t o md the knife used seems very similar to the pattern in nassau county. Another check on the morning commute. You can see behind me route 1, and you can see its bumper finnigans lane, thats where the accident is. The new Jersey Transit buses, p. A. T. H. Trains cross honoring tickets for the Hudson Bergen lightrail this is near orchard beach, and we have the accident being cleared away. Lori, back to you. Heather, thank you. Lets check in with bill evans. Sunshine breaking through the cloudy skies, and the last of the clouds coming down over the next hour or so. The east hamptons at 41. 44 for poughkeepsie, and temperatures are warming up, but clouds are sliding south. A great spring day, and it will be a great day to have lunch outside. Low 60s today after the high of 65 this time of the year. Tomorrow, starting with sun, and you get rain late in the day. Friday, showers, cool, and then and clouds and nice norm [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we are live from abc studios in new york city. And now for gma. That can get us going. Thanks, bruce for that announcement. The superstars are here with us and theyve got a big exclusive announcement this morning. Absolutely. Hundreds of millions of people follow the ufc. If they werent fans before, i think amy among them after hitting the octagon for a killer workout. Poor jesse, theyre up in our own ufc octagon right now. Amy, jesse, take it away. Thats right, the ufcs popularity is skyrocketing especially among women. According to the ufc, they have more than 10 million female fans it is just huge. So amy and i hit the gym with the ufc fighter to learn their secrets to getting super fit and, unfortunately, for me youre not going to believe what happened to me. Think the rough and tumble world of mixed martial arts isnt for you . Well, think again. My moms really into it so i watch it with her. I get super passionate about it. Reporter demi lovato and her mom are not alone. The once rogue sport is in the mainstream raking in 600 million in profits in 2015. Amassing 40 Million Viewers on their biggest fight nights. The takedown by rousey. Reporter to find out about the draw of the ultimate fighting championship, amy and i stepped into the cage with chris. So lets take it to the next level. Reporter to maximize the warmup not to mention the pain we wore masks that simulate training at high altitudes where oxygen is scarce. Hi, guys. Time to get into the octagon. Follow me. After nailing our staredown, we moved on to the superman punches. O ofrment h. The thai clinch. I was blacking out for the last three seconds. And double leg takedown. Perfect. Finally amy and i were ready to face off. Emergency, emergency. Amy got knee with this knee pick. And proving to be the ufc spar star. Boo. Wait, what . It fits perfect. I mean, jesse, you really deserved that. I have to be honest. Forgetting beat up. I was a good punching bag for amy. Dont let the size fool you. She is a bulldog in the okay that done. I like the bulldog part. Two of the ufcs toughest women are joining us to share their tips. Fitness tips, ufc bantamweight championship miesha tate and vanzant. Thank you for being with us. You are in phenomenal shape. You have to be. What can we do at home to try to look a little like you. Its a little challenging in dress and heels but i liked your style yesterday. Well go into a count it down lunge. Sixsecond lunge, three seconds down and three seconds holding so one, two, three, hold it and then you punch two three and youre back up. Okay . Going down, thats where you feel the burn. And you feel it when youre holding it there. Try a few in a row. You will ee feel it in the gluts. That double workout with dancing with the stars as well but when youre in the octagon what kind of things do you like to do. Since ive been on dancing with the stars its been hard to get to the gym and lift weights. A good tip for anybody at home. All the ladies that want to tone your airports, do this. For how long. As long as you can, trust me, it hurts real bad. You walk around like this. With no weights. Sneak one of these in. The robot. I like that. Thats how you tone the arms and get a tricep in. Thats my workout tip. Working out to kick some booty. Youll show us moves in the octagon. Im giving you full permission. When i saw that clip, i think i might have my work cut out for me . Show me what you got. This is a rear choke. You know how to tap, right . I know how to tap if im passing out. Ready . Oh, my god. That was good. All right. You know whats amazing. She didnt understand what tap meant. She thought i was patting her on the back instead of saying let go. That happened. Youre up, what should i expect. I get to do one of these to you. You know, as much as i will like to put you in that, my go to move is to do the clench. A thai clench, throw some knee in the face, a little elbow. When mark ballas is acting up in rehearsal i do that a lot. I do that a lot. We have so much more with these ladies coming up and the rest of our ufc superstars coming up. But first lets go outside to another dancing with the stars star, ginger. Hey. I know that gal paige, yeah, were on the same team for team dance this week. This is danielle and nicholas from long island. Really cold tonight . All that weather brought you by lyrica. The abc hit comedy the goldbergs is celebrating its three seasons with a special look back episode tonight. Full of never before seen extras and hilarious bloopers so take a sneak peek. Let me help. You know, when i was your age i was messing around. [ bleep ]. Making fun of adam for his lazy eye and his inability blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Love a good blooper real. Watch it tonight at 8 30, 7 30 central right here on abc. Thank you. Now to kevin spacey and Michael Shannon, the two star as president nixon and Elvis Presley in elvis nixon taking us inside their 1970 meeting. This shot of them is the most requested photo in the National Archives and i recently got to heres a look at their new movie. Communists and the left wingers are clinging to one another because theyre trying to destroy us, elvis. I know, sir. Good honest americans. They hate us. They dont hate us, elvis. They hate what we stand for. And so happy to have kevin spacey and Michael Shannon with us this morning. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having us. Had is the untold story of that famous photo. What happened between elvis and nixon. One 69 things that drew me to the script is that even though this is based on a real he vent the meeting between them is completely mysterious. Theres no document of it. Theres no recording of it so a real event and completely imagined event. It had to have been a huge undertaking. I know youre both incredible arcs but to play such larger than life real people. Yeah, i think both michael and really wanted to approach it in a way that it wasnt like we were going to do impressions of to go is just sort of find an essence of what was sort of nixonian and listened to a lot of tapes so i could hear what he was like in private more than what he was like in public. What were your impressions. That he swore like a bat out of hell. Michael, we know all about the elvis impersonators. What did you learn about him. The thing i was most surprised about was his deeply spiritual nature. You know, i think a lot of types with the impersonations and whatnot it leads you to a very superficial view of elvis but he was actually a very deep thinker and he read a lot of books that i was surprised to find out he was into. What was it like when the two of you first saw each other in costume . It was yeah, it was pretty remarkable. I mean we had to start with the oval office scene. Did you laugh at all. We both didnt want to disrespect these characters and to play them with a certain seriousness but there were a couple of times when we were something that was so brilliantly elvislike and i didnt expect it at all that i completely lost it and i think there was a couple of types where i did something that was very nixonlike and he lost it so there were a couple of times where we definitely lost it but tried hard to keep a straight face. Kevin, here we are in the oval office again. It seems like you cant get away from playing president s. Whats more fun, playing an actual president or this made up president or do you ever slip . I would be afraid i slipped into that southern drzal. Whats interesting, the set we used in our film was the west Wing Oval Office and the set we used in house of cards is a completely new oval office we built so actually not the same room and i hope that when people see me in an oval office set in this movie they wont think of Frank Underwood and i hope when they see me as Frank Underwood they wont think of nixon. Well, its an incredible film. Thank you both for stopping by. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. You bet. Theaters now. Look at this, a ufc sandwich. Coming up next, women and men of the ufc sharing some of their biggest secrets. Its all coming up next, stay with us. Sir, this alien life form is growing at an alarming rate. Growing fast, you say . We cant contain it any long. Oh you know, that reminds me of how geicos been the fastestgrowing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. Mhm, geicos the company your friends and neighbors trust. And deservedly so. Indeed. Geico. Expect great savings this is my fight song welcome back to the ufc on gma. You can see ufc announcer bruce buffer handing out cupcakes and thats because miesha cupcake tate is one of the ufc superstars with us. Were about to find out why one of the toughest women in the ring goes by cupcake along with some other ufc secrets but first let me introduce you to everyone. Weve met the ladies. Miesha state and Paige Vanzant. We have dana white, hall of fame fighter Chuck Liddell and jon jones, Daniel Cormier and frankie edgar. Ill tart with you, dana, since you are the boss, first of all. You have a big announcement and what is that announcement . We do, ufc 200 has been interesting to say the least. You know, putting this thing together. Theres been some crazy things that have gone on, ups and downs, jon jones just fought on saturday night and won his fight hes been out for 15 months. And now hes back. And he wants his ufc light heavyweight title back so the pain event will be Daniel Cormier versus jon jones. [ cheers and applause ] there is not a ufc fan in the world who is more excited than i am. I am a big fan. I watched you fight last month and 15 months off you were given interim light heavyweight title. In order to get the permanent title you have to be beat daniel who you were supposed to fight but who is injured so how do you feel about that . Do you think this is the perfect matchup for you now. Yeah, absolutely. Me and my team, weve been working extensively and have a great strategy to beat Daniel Cormier. I got thrown a lastminute change of opponent. Felt like i did great with it given the circumstances and ready to get back to my original plan which is to dominate daniel well, daniel, i know you two have a loving relationship. Very contentious if you didnt know but, daniel, how did you feel . With the injury, first of all, second, how do you think youll fare in the fight the Second Time Around with jon. Im hire, obviously, so the doctors appointment went eel. Im happy. Im as happy as anybody could be to be in this situation. Ive been wanting to fight jon for a long time after he beat me last january and i feel great. I mean, i made a lot of improvement in the last Training Camp and i dont think in july that it should be a problem. You know, were looking forward to this. This is as nice as youve been to each other as long as i can remember. Its early. Its early in the morning for you guys and i want to talk to you, paige, and they call you i mean, youre on dancing with the stars now. Yeah. Im trying to how do you go from this fighter to this dancer all of a sudden . Youre doing a great job by the way. Thank you. There self is. I get nervous before every fight and before every time i have to dance. You know its not as much a second nature. Obviously i have to remember like memorize the dance routine so its a little harder. Ive been having a lot of fun and hoping i can bring some more fans over to the ufc and fans over to mma that dont necessarily know what it is yet. Youre definitely doing that. The guy that started it. Chuck liddell, u. S. Hall of famer and made the sport and give him credit for making it mainstream and on top of that being mainstream you were the first fighter on dancing with the stars so have you given paige any advice . You know, people ask if i gave her any advice. Dont watch what i did. You know, that was the reason i got on dancing with the stars was to get get a different audience, see back then they thought we were neanderthals and were kind of neanderthals but not completely. Im not messing with you, miesha, why are you nicknamed cupcake . Thats the last thing i would think a fighter would be nicknamed. Of it. Early on i got underestimated. People thought, man she wears a dress and heels. No way she can be tough, cupcake. I thought it was funny after a while and started beating up people that didnt think i would beat them up. And gave myself the nickname cupcake. Im not calling you that regardless of its being your nickname. Frank di, do me a favor, keep jon and daniel away from each other. Yeah. Ill do my best. Thats why we set you there. Thank you guys for coming. Were looking forward to ufc 200 july 9th. Ill make sure ill be there. Coming up the best ways to dress for any wedding from blacktie to the beach so stay right there. If your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec. Muddle no more. Hey baby welcome back for gmas wide world of weddings. Thank you. This morning were helping to decode those invitations and Lori Bergamotto from Good Housekeeping is here to help. You get the invitation and you immediately are like, okay, what to wear. What is barb chic mean . Well break it down for you. The most common one cocktail attire. Yes. First couple would come on out. This is abiba and joey, if the wedding invitation doesnt say anything assume its cocktail attire. Semi formal. What we did for abiba, every look is head to toe under 150. What we did for her, we found a dress that had pattern. This is from h m under 50 bucks. Its cute. And love that fit and flare style to recast the dress and make it dressier we added some metallic extras like this clutch, the earrings which have a big statement from the bauble barn. Nice big high homes. You need a sparkle and a little bit of a statement so we love that and then for joey, the summer is coming. Did here, we did a vest, pant, tie combo and got rid of the blaze ir. This is from jcpenney, the vest and pants, 85 bucks. I like the look especially if you hit the dance floor you cant have a jack. It gets too sweaty. But i bet he forgot the pink socks. That looks really good. So what about in the invitation if it says blacktie. You know what the guy will wear. What does it mean for the girl. Does it have to be long. We are of the opinion. Here they come. You can never be overdressed or overeducated as oscar wilde once said. We say go long. This is from style land. Adrianna papel dress. 65 because youre renting it. I was literally going to see if i could buy it. We have a Charming Charlie clutch to dress it up. For justin here, this is amazing. This is from the black tux. Com and this whole tuxedo which is high quality is 135. Really. Thought it was way more expensive. A rental. A rental. But the bow tie we got from kmart because it was pretied and under 10 bucks. Fantastic. If i have a lot of times. Usually i have a couple cocktails in so i tie it up. Next couple for beach. This is beachy. Thats a big trend right now. It is. So how do you do that . So glad you brought that up. Lara, the average guest will spend 673 this year at a destination wedding. What we want all about comfort and being cost conscious. In our lovely veronica, lulu dress off the shoulder. A little nautical. Under 50 bucks and then also for sheddon, get down there. We have him in a linen shirt. I like this whole situation. Bow tie company. Look at you. Now doing his magic mike. Go shannon. For the beach wedding. We love this. Some dockers pants. Its really affordable so you can look really chic, do it on a budget. Okay. There you have it. We have just decoded wedding attire thanks to Lori Bergamotto. Thanks. Really awesome. And we have so much more coming up. More information on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo and you can see our 24hour wedding, its a live stream event. Its going to be amazing plus the big finale, friday. 16 weddings live in times tomorrow its the Thelma Louise road trip reunion 35 years in the making only on both good morning, america. Un unforgettable happens here . We just got a little dancing tip. Have a great wednesday, everybody. Good morning, its 8 56 on this wednesday, april 27th. Im lori stokes. The latest headlines for you. We are physical lowing a story in the bronx where more than after a massive takedown this is new video of the arrest. We are told as many as 120 people were arrested early this morning at several cityrun complexes, and they are suspected in a slew of crimes including eight homicide. An nypd officer accused of stomping on a mans head is testifying in court, and the video appears to show joel edouard stomping on jahmiel cuffees head. Hes facing misdemeanor charges, and all charges against cuffee were dropped. Now to the commute with heather. Reporter we have been talking about this accident on route 1 for a couple of accidents now, and you can see route 1 is still a mess when you go over to north brunswick, route 1 is being cleared, and you can see the delay as you come southbound, and northbound problem, hutch going north at orchard beach, and thats an accident with boston road having another crash. Lori, over to you. Heather, thank you so much. Checking in with bill evans for the accuweather forecast. Warming up nicely. Nice spring day today. The northeast wind shift together southeast today. Temperatures near 50 degrees. 45 to the catskills, and you can see the last line of the clouds driving down, and plenty of sunshine by midday, and into the afternoon, the high is 63, and tomorrow we have sunshine its live with kelly michael. Today, from the movie, special correspondents, ricky gervais. And star of the series, penny dreadful, josh harnett. Plus, dont forget to log on to livekellyandmichaelnow. Com to vote, play, and be part of todays show. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are kelly ripa

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