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Inside. Police searching for clues right now. And paying tribute to paris. U2 returning to the city of lights just weeks after that terror attack. Singing out against terror. Helping that city, and the world, heal. And good morning, america. A lot to get to this monday morning. Including the Rare Oval Office address from president obama, his first in five year. The president wanted to calm nerves. Convince the public he has a strategy in place to stop isis. But we want to begin with those big new details overnight attack. The first picture of syed farook new details of what happened inside the conference room. Full team coverage. The latest. Good morning, brian. Reporter good morning, robin. A collective sigh of relief for los angeles. They had brace frd a terror attack all day sunday, based on an intelligence attack from iraq that isis had planned an unspecified attack for there. Today, u. S. Agents around the the world are trying to track the backgrounds and contacts of the killers. This photo, obtained by abc news, was taken in chicago when the nully married couple arrived in the u. S. For the first time in july 2014. As the fbi discovered in a raid of the couples home, they tried to hide their tracks by destroying computers and phones. Though syed farook left behind his voice on a phone answering system. Syed farook. Reporter the voice of a killer. Syed farook. Reporter they believe he was radicalized by his wife, Tashfeen Malik. She was born in pakistan. Moved to saudi arabia. Returned to pakistan for college to become a pharmacist. She was among the talented students of her class. Hardworking. Reporter the mystery of her evolution to coldblooded terrorist, firing at police from the back of this suv, declaring allegiance to isis, remains a key to this investigation. Maybe she sought out a spouse that shared some of the same ideology that she believed she could groom into doing what she was interested in doing. Reporter it was 2 00 in the morning when an fbi s. W. A. T. Team broke down the doors of the home of the man who provided the hes been identified as Enrique Marquez. He livid next door to farook as they drove up. They were very close friends. In anybody in the neighborhood, enrique was the closest to syed. Reporter marquez bought the assault weapons in november 2011 and february 2012. Farook bought the two pistols around the same time, november 2011 and january 2012. Farook bought more than 6,000 bullets online. A sur chas not routinely passed on to the fbi. No indication this morning that the friend was involved in the take. Agents are pursuing anyone with any connection to farook, including his father, syed sr. Hes been put on the terror watch list to prevent him from leaving the country. On the list. To president obama. The only Third Oval Office he called the massacre a terrorist attack for the first time. And warned against turning that conflict into a war against muslims here at home and around the world. Reporter good morning, george. The president said the terrorist threat has evolved into a new phase. For the first time, he called the San Bernardino massacre a terrorist act that was likely inspired by isis. We have no evidence that the killers were directed by a terrorist organization overseas or that they were part of a broader conspiracy at home. But sit clear that the two of them had gone down the dark path of radicalization. So this was an act of terrorism, designed to kill innocent people. Reporter addressing the nation from the oval office, the president defended his administrations efforts to protect the u. S. Homeland and the strategy to combat isis abroad. Heres what i want you to know. But we will overcome it. We will destroy isil and any other organization that tries to harm us. Reporter the president called for a review of the the visa program that one of the attackers used to come to the u. S. Reporter our intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies, no matter how effective they are, cannot identify every wouldbe mass shooter. Whether that vim is motivated by isil or some other hateful ideology. What we can do, and must do, is make it harder for them to kill. Reporter the president also answered his critters who called for a war against radical islam. He instead labeled isis a cult of death that does not represent muslims. We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between america and islam. That does not mean denying that within some muslim communities. Its real problem. Muslims must confront it. Reporter the president urged americans not to demonize muslims in the United States. Theyre our friends, neighbors, and coworkers. As for the president s republican critics, they said the president offered no new strategy. Terrorism is now the top issue in the race for the white house. Reaction. Throughout it. Tom llamas has the story. Reporter this morning, democratic president ial frontrunner Hillary Clinton echoing republicans, saying the u. S. Needs to do more in taking on isis. Well, were not winning. But its too soon to say that we do. Reporter the former secretary of state calling on facebook, youtube, and twitter, to help the government fight isis by limiting the Terror Networks outreach online. Refusing to use the phrase radical islam. Well, the problem is that that sounds like we are declaring war against a religion religion. Reporter donald trump says we need to profile and monitor some mosques. People are dead. A lot of people are dead. Everybody wants to be politically correct. Thats part of the problem we have with our country. Reporter trump saying the need to arm more americans. I can tell you one thing. If im in there and i have a gun, were going down shooting. Were going to knock em out. Okay . One way or the other. Reporter senator ted cruz, surging in iowa, may be trying to outtrump trump. Hes out with this ad full of tough talk. Every Islamic Militant will know. If you wage jihad against us, youre signing your death warrant. Reporter as for those tweets, trump was livetweeting during the president s address. These tweets caught your eye. Cant say it, that were at war with radical islamic terrorists the and this one. Obama said in his speech that muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about and who is he profiling . He seems to have forgotten about Kareem Abduljabbar and muhammad ali. Were joined by dr. Ben carson. Thank you for joining us again. In your statement after the president s speech, you said we rhetoric. How specifically would your war strategy be different from president obamas . First of all, i would not be spending a lot of time talk about what were not going to do. And i would not be talking about afraid. I think whats going on is that the American People are frustrated. And the reason that theyre frustrated is because, you know, what would you do that president obama is not doing . So, thats what im getting to. So my point is, that the attitude has to be different. We have to have a commander in chief who is willing to come out forcefully against this so that the American People have confidence that something is being done. That means i would be talking about using the Banking Systems and all the monetary mechanisms available. Isnt that what president obama is doing . One of the ways that theyre able to take care of those people is through monetary mechanisms. If we frustrate them so they cant get money to people. Your rival, senator ted cruz says we should carpet bomb them into oblivion. Do you agree with that . I probably is not going to want to just blanketly carpetbomb people. In targeting people. Obviously, we dont want to just kill people in general. And finally, sir, you have take an hit in the poll. Trump now leading by more than 20 points nationally. Ted cruz rivaling you nationally and in iowa, whats gone wrong . How do you fix it . Basically, people feel that i dont have Foreign Policy experience. The fact of the matter is, if you look at all the people who are running, how many of them have had a lot of Foreign Policy experience . Is answer is no. None, not many. Maybe hillary. Heres the question. Who has many 2 00 a. M. Calls where they have on the make life and death decisions . Who has established new things that have powerful effects on peoples lives . Thats the kind of commander in chief i would be looking for. Dr. Carson, thank you for your time. Thank you so much, george. Dr. Carson. The terror attacks. They were remembered at special sunday services all around San Bernardino and around the country. This morning, were learning new details about the attack. What happened inside that conference room. As more stories for the tragedy emerge. Cecilia vig ga has been in San Bernardino all weekend. She joins us now with the latest. Good morning. Reporter robin, good morning. Even now, its still a crime sken here. We now know what happened in this bilgd behind me was a Work Training and an annual Holiday Party that turned into four minutes of sheer terror. We have several down in a conference room. Several down. Reporter this morning, new details from inside that conference room. One witness telling abc news, the room was a large space. Packed with tables. A movie screen, a podium on one side for presentations. A Christmas Tree on the other. Syed farook and Tashfeen Malik, carrying extra am moe burst through this door. Opening fire. Wloeg out windows and striking many of the people at this table. The very table farook had been signature at earlier. Playing trivia games with his coworkers. He left his jacket behind, saying he would be right back. The only other escape, a door at the opposite end of the room. The couple unloading at least 65 rounds. People taking cover anywhere they could. At least one survivor jurping through the shattered windows. Amanda gaspard hid under a table, closed her eyes, daintd move. One of the shooters fired right at her. Hit her only in the arm and the leg. Threatening. Shannon johnson was there signature next to his friend denise. Denise survived. Writing they huddled next to each other. Alive. Denise sighaying i will always remember his arm wrapped around me. Holding me close to him. Ill always remember him saying these three word. I got you. Those who knew farook said they noticed changes a year ago. After he got married, he kept to himself more. Reporter do you feel like you didnt know your brother . No, at this time, i feel like he had a double life. I feel like he was very good at concealing everything from all of us. Reporter a double life. Thats what they say. We now know there are five people recovering in the hospital this morning. Their stories just now beginning to emerge. Amanda, who we told you about, her family says, as he laid there, she mustered the strength to pray for her coworkers. So many of them did not make it out alive. Thank you, cecilia. To hear those words. I got you. People look out for each to a terror scare in london. A man attacked people with a knife at a subway station has been charged with attempted murder. Terry moran has the latest. Taser him, taser help. Reporter its been dread here and in so many cities around the world. He stabbed someone. Reporter a terrifying scene at a london subway station on saturday. Man armed with a knife, repeatedly lunging at police, after allegedly stabbing two people. He was slashing and hacking at the neck of one victim. Slashed the neck of another. Drop it Reporter Police taser him. And then again, another 50,000 volts. He finally drops hi knife and they overpower him. Both victims survive. But Scotland Yard is calling the attack a terrorist incident. Media reports say the man shouted this is for syria, before launching his frenzyied attack. You aint no muslim. Reporter the suspect, 29 years old. Hes been charged with attempted murder. Police churched edsearched the home in london. This after the multiple, highly planned and coordinated attacks in paris marks a different kind of terror. Smaller scale. Harder to stop. Meyer was in court today to face the charges. Eyewitnesses said he was tearful at the appearance. No evidence so far that he was involved in a wider terror network. The take that happened here, just like the far worse attack in San Bernardino, its the nightmare scenario. Home grown, secretive, selfstarting terror. That hashtag, you aint no muslim, bra, gone viral. The Justice Department is launching a civil rights investigation looking into violate the federal law. Its the latest fallout from the shooting of laquan mcdonald. Thousands of people forced from their homes in northern england. After a foot of rain fell in just one day. And beijing has declared a red alert because of pollution. The smog is so thick. Schools are closed. Sidebyside images show clear skies last week compared to today. Deadly plane crash at a desert airport. Two people, including stunt pilot mike mangold were killed flames. A powerful message from bono, as u2 performed in paris. Bono shouted vive la france. He assured the crowd we are all parisians. In the front row. They were performing at the theater when the takes rang out. A poignant night in paris. Music with healing power. A rousing show. Some rumors that the eagles of death metal may play tonight . That is correct. Did michael tell you in your ear, too . Give credit where credits due, george. Buffalo known for huge lakeeffect snowfalls. What a difference a year makes. Buffalo, zer morning. Possibilities. Freezing fog over the weekend made this beautiful structure. And freezes right on there. Looks almost coming up, star Kristin Cavallaris brother vanishing. His car still running on the side of the road. The very latest this morning. And the stunning announcement from president carter. All signs of his cancer are gone. The promising treatment that and so much more. The flu virus. Its a really big deal. And with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution an antiviral. Dont kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. Attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. Tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. 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Inside the home were able to get out. A 12yearold girl is among the people being treated for smoke inhalation. A 30yearold woman is hurt. Three firefighters are being treated for minor injuries. The cause is under investigation. In queens a new clue in the search for a serial arsonist. Investigators released the photo of a man they want to question after a series of seven fires at homes under construction in forest hill. The firefighters are being called suspicious. There is a 60,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Four people are in custody after the hunt for two missing College Students becomes a violent casing missing persons. The two are safe now and in the hospital this morning. S. W. A. T. Teams apparently rescued them from a rochester home last night about 36 hours after they vanished. One had been shot. They both are expected to be okay. There is no threat to the rest of the campus. Take a break and when we come bac patients across the country have spoken. They recently rated their Care Experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. Fewer than 6 received 5 stars. Among them was Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia. Learn more at cancercenter. Com slash eastern. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Care that never quits. Appointments available now. Spend less time chasing sales and more time making room at the table. Find thoughtful gifts at amazing prices everyday lets check in with heather orourke. We have a bit of a delay on the Northern State parkway because of an accident, disabled vehicle being cleared away around the area of exit 31. You can see that over here. We have police on the scene. Lets go to the maps. We have a problem with our d trains bypassing 18th avenue because of that ongoing Fire Department activity. Then over here on the cross bronx expressway east at jerome avenue an accident finally cleared away. You have heavy delays. George washington bridge, Staten Island expressway, east clove road an accident. Street cleaning rules are in effect. Lori, back to you. Thank you. Lets check in with bill and the accuweather forecast. At four times square fog here, the warm air coming up. 44 degrees. Yesterdays high 53. Close to that again today. 43 riverdale and ridgewood queens. 27 poughkeepsie to monticello. Later on today a high in the low 50s. Low 50s. Warm for this time of year. Normal high is 46. Well, we will be cooler tomorrow. We warm up to 60 by saturday. Lori . All right, bill. Thank you. That will do it for us. Keep it here on abc 7. We are back here on gma. This is the first picture of the husband and wife terrorists from San Bernardino. It was obtained by abc news. It shows them arriving together in the u. S. For the first time. President obama addressing the nation last night from the oval office. Trying to convince the nation he has a strategy to defeat isis. Many of the county officials will go back to work today. Division. And a sign of how much on empl everyone is. Video captured masked thieves using a sledge hammer smashing cases. Many thought the sound of the glass was gunshots. And the College Football playoffs are set. Off at the cot toll boun. Clemson faces oklahoma. The winners of those games play the national championship. So happy actually playing for the national championship. Coming up, what could be the biggest lost treasure ever. This sunken ship that may be worth billions. We have incredible details about what was on board coming up. But we start this half hour with the desperate search for the relative of a tv star and top nfl quarterback. Michael cavallaris car was found the day after thanksgiving. Kayna whitworth hah joins us in los angeles. Reporter good morning to you. This is concerning. He lives here in california. But his car was found more than 700 miles away. In grand county, utah. This morning, authorities in utah searching for michael cavallari. Reality active star Kristin Cavallari. They found his car here after a passer by spotted it about 100 feet from the rode if a remote area of grand county. His laptop and cell phone abandoned inside. The car was running. Deployed. The temperatures were in the mid to low 20s. Very, very hostile conditions for somebody not properly equipped to be here. Could be fatal. Reporter credit card receipts led authorities to this convenience store. Last seen on the security cameras wearing a green sweatshirt and blue baseball cap as he pumped gas. Theres been ground team on the ground. Reporter cavallaris husband, jay cutler, the quarterback for the chicago bares, was asked about his brotherinlaws disappearance. Has it been a tough week is game mind set . For this week . Why is that . With stuff going on that weve heard about lately with your wifes brother . Oh, no. We stay focused. Reporter Kristin Cavallari rose to fame on the reality show, laguna beach the brother and sister seen here. Cavallari, a former dancing with the stars contestant just gave birth to her third child. She posted this photo on instagram. Yet to make any Public Comment on her brothers tis appearance. This investigation is ongoing. Theyre treating it as a missing persons case. Later this week, theyre going to bring in dogs and perhaps Unmanned Aircraft to help with the search. Robin and george . Wow. Hope they get some clus real fast. We turn to the Fatal Police Shooting of a Bank Robber Caught on cell phone video. Confrontation played out in mara Mara Schiavocampo has the story. Reporter this morning, police are investigating this disturbing cell phone video. Showing the moment cops opened fire, killing an attempted bank robber wielding a razor. [ gunshots ] watch here as 51yearold david wineset raises his hand, holding the the weapon. Pointing it at police, who take aim and fire their weapons. As another camera angle captures the filament from an officers stun gun flying toward the suspect. He was challenged by the officers in the street. At some point during that confrontation, he did raise his hand with a straightedge razor in it. He was shot. Reporter investigators say saturdays bizarre spree began when wineset who has a long criminal history, walked into a bank and handed the teller this mannedwritten note. Reading give me all of your 50s, 100s, and 20s. My understanding is he did not get any proceeds. He left without the money. Reporter he allegedly then dashed into this nearby barber shop, grabbing this straightedge razor before running outside. Investigators have not released the name of the officer who fired the fatal rounds. But say hes a hispanic male. Investigators will use the video as part of the investigation. Reporter for Good Morning America, maraschiavocampo, abc news, new york. To the good news for jimmy carter. Four morntnths after revealing he had cancer, carter says the the disease is gone. When i went this week, they didnt find cancer at all. So so i have good news. Reporter this morning, startling good news by former president jimmy carter. His cancer, undefected by brain scans. A lot of people prayed for me. Reporter just four months ago, the outlook somber. When announcing he had stage four skin cancer that spread to his live and brain. They did an mri and found brain. Reporter doctors removed about 10 of his liver. He received radiation to treat the leash onsions on his brain. Cells. The 39th president has remained active during treatment. Attending church. Volunteering last month with his wife for habitat for humanity. While its far too soon to say if hes cured, he remains opt misic. Stating ill continue to receive regular threeweek immunotherapy treatments. And dr. Besser is here. What is his prognosis now . This, this is just terrific news. Anything about prognosis. Most doctors would want to wait three to five year. You can have microscopic amounts of tumors somewhere in the body. Hell remain on the drug as long as he can tolerate it. People tuning in, those facing cancer and their families, theyre saying okay, especially when it comes to invasive melanoma, what does this mean possibly . It can give homepe. Only 1 in 14 patients responded to the drug in the trial. Those who responded didnt respond as dramatically as he did. Theres hope for progress. But most patients are not seeing the dramatic turnaround that president carter seems to be seeing. What about this drug for other cancers . It was approved for lung kantser. It gives us the sense of we talked about the cure for cancer. Cures for a specific type of tumor. This is an example of a drug that turned on to fight cancer. What makes the cell become cancerous. And designing a designer drug there. The drugs are expensive. It give us hope that the more we understand about how our bodies fight disease, and what makes those skrels turn bad, it gives us hope for additional curious and longer life for a lot of people. Amy and i have often said, cancer is not one size fits all. Its different for everybody. And the treatments should be more tailored to what youre facing. I think a lot of patients have experienced what youre saying. Now the scientists and biologists are trying to understand, what does that mean in terms of the treatments for individual people . Heres one example. Were glad. Very happy for him. Thank you, rich. Thank you, guys. Rich will be back with new recommendations for your and what could be the largest lost treasure every discovered. Billions . Hard to find. Might be harder to find out who gets to keep it. Thats next on gma. I love you. Love you too. One minute. Hi. Hi dad. We need to do this, yes. You be good. Dont say a word. 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Reporter the colombian government is sure theyve found the ship. Before they can fawn over it, theyre going the fight over it. Youre talking about tens of billions of dollars in treasure, it gets more complicated than finders keepers. The crown diamond was to be cut in a heartlike shape, today it would be worth more than the hope diamond. Reporter more contested than the cursed gold of pirates of the caribbean. Reporter youre looking at the first image of what could be the richest sunken treasure discovery ever made. Colombias president says his country found the san jose. One of the biggest findings and identification of underwater heritage in the history of humanity, he claims. The answer to a 300yearold mystery. The loot, estimated between 3 billion and 17 billion. The san jose went down during battle in 1708 off the coast of columbia. The government says the ship found laying on its side, identified by its unique bronze cannons with engraved dolphins. A court might have to determine who toens rights. A u. S. Based Salvage Company says it found the resting place 30 years ago but the colombian government reneged on an this fight going on 30 years already. The government passed a law of a 5 finders fee, which would have to be taxed 45 . The Salvage Company is about to fight for t it. Wow. Lets go diving, george. Eye. Gold. Gold in them hills. Coming up, ryan gosling gets a case of the giggles on saturday night live. Just couldnt keep it together. Thats next in our speed feed. Just head around the corner to walgreens when youre searching for that Perfect Little something. Walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and its all just a hop, skip and a bark away. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Right now, save 50 percent on the gift of the week. To support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. How can you help . By giving a little more, to yourself. 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Thats why im reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Back now with this mornings speed feed. And ryan gosling getting a case of the giggles while hosting snl. This is trending huge. This happened in class. You just cant stop laughing. Guest hosts are told never to break character. It doesnt always work out that way. Gosling didnt stand a chance trying to keep a straight face with Kate Mckinnon cracking even up. Take a look. It wasnt my worst wednesday night. How did the aliens return you all to earth . Oh, i was carried down [ laughter ] hes crying. I was carried down gently in a cradle of life and placed into a soft bed of wild flowers. You can see there, gosling not standing a chance. That first skit racking up more than 3. 5 million views and counting. Kate had aiden bryant laughing in the last one. She got the best of ryan when she tried to seduce him. And then, of course, you cant forget kyle mooneys shirtless stunt. Comparing bodies. A very unforgettable time for ryan gosling. You have to admit, thats happened to us once or twice. I have never laughed on this desk ever. I love that picture. Youre down like this. Laugh something thard. Thats the one. Thats a firstrate queso dip havent been this lost in years gps recalculating shortest route do i really look like this . Never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba from irobot there are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. All the hard work. Time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Back here on gma. The atmosphering river is good morning to you on this monday, december 7th. Im lori stokes. News. Police are searching for this man after they say he raped a woman inside her brooklyn apartment building. This happened about 9 00 last night on coney island. Investigators say the suspect followed a 20yearold woman into an elevator and on to the floor where she lived. He pulled out a gun and attacked her in the stairwell, stealing her cash and keys. Happening today, rutgers is football coach. Reports say the man will be ohio states defensive coordinator chris nash. He has been a college assistant since 1997. He helped ohio state win the seen. Was fired following the final game of the season last month. Lets check in with heather orourke. We have an accident on the Southern State parkway. It looks like its on the entrance ramp from exit 21 on to the Southern State. A lot of people are checking it out and seeing what is happening here. Delays on the Southern State as a result. We will head to the maps and pinpoint where it is. Its eastbound right near nassau road. D trains bypassing 18th avenue because of ongoing Fire Department activity. Ed koch, 59th street bridge lower inner roadway into queens we have an accident on the span. Then we have our problems on the Staten Island east at clove road. Street cleaning rules are in effect. Lets check in with bill evans and the accuweather forecast. We have a little fog around. We have that across the tri state. We will look at temperature of 43 degrees. The temperature at 9 00 here. The temperature will hang around that. 41 sunset park. 44 around whitestone. 38 islip. 37 montauk. Today and 53 later on today. We will warm up nicely this week right on up to 56 thursday. 60 by saturday. Lori . Bill, thank you. Its 7 57. That will do it for us. Sometimes you feel . Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Your first look at the brandnew Weight Watchers. The system you grew up with just got a big makeover. Things. Things that you can have, can do. How the group is using the latest science to battle obesity. Bad blood at work. How to deal with toxic coworkers. The three worst types. How the to confront them. Tori johnson here live. Little georges big plans for christmas. How hes getting ready to receive santa. And the real reason dad is speaking out now. All that and the perfect sexiest man alive, chris mems hemsworth is here. And the cast of Downton Abbey is with us. As we say all good morning, america. And thats not all. There they are. The entire cast of Downton Abbey here live. Isnt it strange to see them in 2015 clothing . My world is just rocked right now. Amys a superfan. Mega. Where are the corsets . And real, live reindeer this morning. Svetlana. Of course jack has a reindeer named svetlana. A big headline for your kids when they visit the doctor. Stars getting ready for a big dance down the ill. Maks proposing to peta over the weekend. Look how happy they look. That is one goodlooking couple. It wasnt a subtle way to pop the question. Well, its maks. The big story this morning, the faces of terror. A new look at the up kl behind the San Bernardino massacre. This photo on syed farook and Tashfeen Malik arriving as newly weds last year. Officials in los angeles were bracing for an take this weekend. This morning, the fbi is scrambleing to find out where the San Bernardino plot started. Police searched the home of Enrique Marquez twice. But theres no evidence he was involved in the take. Bernardino attack terrorism for the first time, while admitting terrorism has evolved to a new stage and vowing to defeat it. The president ial candidates were quick to attack that address. Donald trump tweeting, is that all there is . Marco rubio saying the president is completely overwhelmed. Somber ceremonies today mark the 75th year sints the atk on pearl harbor. Services in hawaii will be held in a different location to prepare for next year. Chicagos Police Department is the subject of a Justice Department investigation. Foming the Police Shooting of marquan mcdonald. New details about the burglary at Simon Cowells home. Cowell feared his son had been kidnapped. Reena ninan has the latest. Reporter this morning, simon thwarted a burglary at his home. He says he owes his neighborhood Security Guard a christmas bonus. After mendez recovered cowells passport in bag of stolen items from his 53 million home. A suspicious man with a big bag under his arm was on the street when he was patrol ppg the thief dropped something. I jumped in my car and drove after him. I knew whatever was this that bag was valuable. He was right. The mirror reporting the the recovered bag con tined at least 700,000 in jewels and other loot. The adrenaline just kicked in. I ran up to him. He jumped and then dropped the bag and ran. Cowell tweeted concerned fans on sunday. Saying thanks for all the he joked about his pups, i dont think i have the best guard dogs in the world. Authorities say no arrests have been made. For Good Morning America, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Our thanks to reena for that. Finally, coffee addicts can get a starbucks fix without leaving home. A customer can now place an order there their smartphone. It shows up on your doorstep less than 30 minutes. A delivery fee of 6. After that, tips are expected. So prepare to pay for that immediacy. You have to really want starbucks. You really do. Thank you, amy. Now to the new recommendations from the American Academy of pediatrics about kids visits to the doctors off. Rich besser is back. What do we got . Each year, new guidelines come out. The goal is to make sure every doctor in america who cease children is up to date with what the science changes. Is there anything parents should be concerned about . A lot of parents think that after a child has had all of their shots to get into school at age 5, they dont need to see the doctor. The visits between 5 and 11, i thing thing think theyre some of the most important. Ing look at weight, height, nutrition. I about cholesterol and heart disease. If that runs in the family, you may be able to intervene early. Thank you. Do you still get streets . You do. Another wonderful thing. You dont have shots every visit, thats when children can overcome the fear of visiting the doctor. Relationship with them. Its really a wonderful thing. Stickers are a big thing. I go stickers. Healthier that way. Thats right. Good to know. Lets go to lara. Heres whats coming up on an exclusive new look at the new Weight Watchers. Teaming up with oprah. Overhauling the way you lose weight. And taking on toxic workers. The three types of people you may face in the workplace and how to handle them. Christmas with the royals. How william, kate, george, and charlotte are celebrating this year. And tv royalty here. The cast of Downton Abbey is here. Can you tell were excited . [barks] are those. You there. Stormtroopers halt turn here. Follow them bb8 beep, beep this way whered they go . They went that way that way, they went that way i cant believe that worked of course it worked arturito soup okay, okay. Arturito soup hi arturito soup . Follow me. Campbells new star wars inspired soups. Arturito soup yaaa made for real, real life. The cold truth is. If a cold keeps you up at night you cant just catch up on sleep the next day. New alkaseltzer plus night cold cough liquid relieves tough cold symptoms and quiets coughs forup to 8 hours. To help yousleep at night. New alkaseltzerplus night liquid. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno. Naturally beautiful results you dont have to say anything. So much more. Cow can look at me and put all the pressure on me. The cast of Downton Abbey live. The new romances brewing. What is next for the cast . Theyre going to tell us all about season six coming up, right . Youre going tell me everything. Huh . Arent they all the same . You know, i had to see for myself. So i went pro. With crest prohealth advanced. Advance to a healthier, stronger, cleaner mouth from day 1. This toothpaste. And mouthwash make my whole mouth feel amazing. And my teeth stronger. Crest prohealth advanced is superior in these 5 areas dentists check. This is gonna go well, for sure. Advance to a healthier stronger, cleaner mouth from day 1. Great check up. My sister was right. Just head around the corner to walgreens when youre searching for that Perfect Little something. Walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Right now, save 50 percent on the gift of the week. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow. Its more than just a meal, its meow mix mealtime. With great taste and 100 complete nutrition, its the only one cats ask for by name. Toysrus has the most awesome toys. Like us yeah, i bet we get snatched guess ill pick up where he left off. I bet we get as he was saying, i bet yeah, wassup . Get 10 off your 50 purchase of barbie dolls play sets and okay. Fumble. Lara just thank you, amy. How can you do that in a dress so well. It was one second before we came back. Amy, thank you. Everybodys settled. Are we good . Monday morning. Its okay. Debra roberts is here. Were getting a first look at the new Weight Watchers. The Company Banking on the star power of oprah. What do row got . I gotta tell you. Just if time for the new years resolutions. Just in time, of course, because so many people are dealing with the goodies. With twothird of americans struggling in some way to deal with their weight, weight hightech joer haul may be just the thing. For many, when the new years eve ball drops, the battle of the bulge begins. In a world of fit bits and apps, the pane that helps millions shed pounds is waging an updated war with obesity. With the new logo and jazzy fitness app this is not your grandmothers weight watcher. If you had to sum it up, what is different . People are shifting their mind set a lot. Reporter but focusing more on good health and less on counting calories as a way to squeeze in the extra treats. People would try to figure out how do i get my doritos in . Now its not as important to in. Its much more important to say, what am i putting in my body . Feel . Reporter the new campaign, beyond the scale, comes at an important time. Mozzarella with no bah loney reporter they brought oprah company. Shes also a member, writing in next months o magazine, ive wishy washed with diets my whole life. For me this is not a diet. Im a bona fide convert. We still produce weight loss. Now were enhancing our program, based on the latest science like healthy eating. Being more fit. And making time to take care of yourself. I had to have a piece of push kin pie. How just have to have it. Of course you do. Reporter these three women part of a the test group in new jersey says a new focus on their physical and Emotional Health made losing weight more ton. Its more of a mental breakthrough you have to have in order the lose the weight. Thing. Things that you can have, that you can do. Reporter some finding the plan easier than before. You have to look up the it was tedious. Reporter will you stick with it . Yes. Absolutely. Reporter Weight Watchers said 38 of the 40 participants lost weight on the plan. Im down 50 pounds. Im down 30 pounds. Im down 18 in the last six months. Reporter not everything has changed. Still going to do the weighins . We are. Its an important metric. But not the only metric. Reporter no doubt, people come to Weight Watchers because they do want to lose weight. Now, the foe us is is on the kind of food youre eating. How much activity youre getting into your life. They think that will be the loss. Its kind of what we all no. In Weight Watchers, stst a new mantra to think about the whole body, not the scale and the pounds. Just in time for the new year. After christmas. Lets go over the robin. Im with you, george. Now to toxic workers. More likely than not, we have a new study from the Harvard Business school finds they are bad for business. Tory johnson is here to tell us what you can do if you have to work with one of these types of people. You talk about there are different types of toxic workers. Tell us abthe first one. The screamer. No matter what, this person is always yelling because they can. Thats their way of exerting authority. Getting their point across. Theres no need for it. But nay get away with it and nobody stops them. Sometimes its simply for attention that theyre doing it. If youre faced with this kind of person there are a couple of specific things to do. The first is you have to stand up for yourself. So for a lot of people, its very difficult to sort of speak back and say, dont scream at me. Dont talk to me that way. But by sitting there and taking it, youre giving the person permission to continue. One of the easyiest things to do is walk away. Go to the restroom. Water. Take a walk. Whatever sit to help you avoid getting emotional. We have the screamer. This is one that bothers me. The demeanor. Demeaner. Just constantly giving that kind of language. Youre so dumb. Eye rolls. Con tantly rolling their eyes. Waving off a hand. Just very dismissively. That crushes your confidence. Its difficult to deliver your best when you feel worstless. This is something you want to combat do something about. I think one of the best things is to calmly confront this person. Instead of saying, why are you such a bully . What are you demeaning me all the time . It will only fuel the flame. Work. You want to be ready. When you compare me to your lot in terms of allowing me to deliver my best. When you call me dumb, it makes me feel worthless and i cant deliver for you what you need. Point to specific xarms and firmly ask the person to stop. Please dont use that language to me. Way. I think when youre firm as opposed to accusatory, it helps. Schemer. This is the person who withholds information. Loop. Keep you off of email chains. Meetings. Things that are obvious. You dont get a loft credit. Details. Cow can say, i wasnt included on that email, therefore i wasnt able to do this. Please make sure im included in those things. Give a specific suggestion as by giving a suggestion, you avoid the situation. Friends may say, just leave. Just quit. Its not an option. Start a plan b. If you can start today saying this environment is not for me. Im going to start making those steps. That go a long way. Of course, if necessary, seek help. Seek help from your states labor department. A therapist. This is great information. Thank you. A little preview. Christmas with the royals. Prince william reporting Prince George has figured out what christmas is all about. Lama hasan is in london with the toddlers insights. Reporter good morning the you, george. Yes, Prince William has been opening up, giving a rare and personal interview to a homeless woman who he met four years ago through one of his favorite chairs. Shes an aspiring reporter who she followed her dreams. She did. He kept his promise. Hes been opening up about what christmas is like royal style. This morning, the doting father revealing his boy, george, knows what Christmas Saul about. The second in line to the throne seaing, my george will be boupsing around like a rabbit. If i get any sleep on christmas eve, it will be good. Theyll be celebrating it for the first time as family of four. William says might be exciting. He seems to think it might be a challenging quis mas having. Reporter that mickakes christmas more special. Just like Princess Diana did with william and harry, these parents are trying to give their little once as normal an upbringing as possible. Princess diana was keen to thats what william and kate are doing with george and charlotte. Reporter kates family will join in at their newly renovated tenbedroom home. What about uncle harry . Maybe hell give them presents other people might not think of. Those that will raise eyebrows of mom and dad. William joking well watch george try to tackle his prens as he tries to unwrap them. What do you get kids that have everything . Prince george he knows what he he apparently likes anything with wheels. He loves helicopters. There you go, guys. Now you know. Runs in the family. Thats true. Lets go thank you very much. Sunshine with a little fog this morning. Dense fog in the valley. White stone, 37 on Staten Island. Chilly there at oak wood. 37 around newark. Sunshine today by 2 00. Nice and about seven degrees warmer than normal. 48 tomorrow, cooler but we warm to 58 by friday. And 60 for the weekend. So we have 16, 10, and 13 all like i was in a huddle. 16, 10, 13, lets get to some pop, pop, pop. We start pop news with good new. We have big dancing with the two of the shows most popular stars will be quickstepping down the aisle sometime soon. Maks and peta got engaged over the weekend. He popped the question on stage. It was a beautiful moment. The pair, you may know, has dated on and off. Maks said in a statement, for years, i knew peta is the one for me. Shes the perfect fit with my family. And she has made me a very happy man. Peta added she couldnt have been more surprised by the engagement. She cant wait to plan the wedding of her dreams with maks. He surprised her on stage . At the show, very romantic. Fans going nuts. I cant wait to see the first dance. I mean the entire wedding, the remember, he was here for halloween. She was behind the scenes. They looked so happy. You could tell. He was a little shy about it on air. I know, he was. Is congratulations. We love them both. Theyre part of the family, practically. I feel like theyre here once a week. Three texas sisters got the surprise of a lifetime under their tree this week end. The parents said there was one early present for them to share. Mom, courtney, posted this reaction. Go ahead. Im going wet my pants. Dont do that. What is it . Any guesses . What might burned the tree . Its a puppy. I was going say puppy. Take a look. Meet nathan. The girls newly adopted baby brother. Mom and dad surprised the girl. Looks like santa came through. Elf on a shelf delivery. He was swaddled. Naiten in the manger. A good present. Bill murray debuted his christmas special. The special is about as starstudded as it gets. Thanks to the likes of george clooney, amy poehler, maya rudolph. One performance has everyone talking. Miley cyrus. She proofed all she needs is a mike and a piano. Check her out singing silent night. Silent night holy snigt shepherds quake the video has gone viral. A very Murray Christmas now streaming on netflix. Beautiful. She does have a terrific she loves to push the envelope. I dont understand that, george. Finally, you know the song, grandma got run over by a reindeer. I never got it until now. Look at this elk. He has a lot to whine about. Redsnouted. He wept through a neighbors recycling bin. He chose a lovely cab sav. Well done. Happy monday. And get ready to say hello to the cast of Downton Abbey. Theyre here live. Guests. Good morning. Its 8 27 this monday, december 7th. Topping headlines at this the hour, several people are hurt after flamesser to through a home in helms u. S. Investigators say six People Living inside the home were able to get out. A 12yearold girl is among the people being treated for smoke inhalation. A 30yearold woman was seriously hurt. Three firefighters also being treated for minor injuries. The cause of the fire now under investigation. Also in queen, police are investigating a series of arsons in one neighborhood. Investigators spoke to a man near the scene early sunday. They say he is not considered a there have been seven suspicious homes at homes under construction in the last month and a half. Police are looking for the man in this video in connection with that string of fires. When we come back, hi, ken. Right over to the our maps. We have a couple problems on long island. The first one here is the Southern State parkway east at nassau road. The accident is still being cleared away. Service road near route 110. The service road is closed because of an accident. The main line is open but obviously you can see that we have some really heavy delays and thats what we like to call a rubber necking delay. And lower inner roadway to queens, an accident, a tractor trailer and a car involve. We do have the d train bypassing 18th avenue. Street cleaning rules are in effect. Back to you. Thank you. Meteorologist bill evans with the accuweather forecast. Well, that fog still out there this morning so hazy look here as the tug boat makes its way down the the east river here. 33 degrees. And temperature will slowly warm up. Long island 36, 37 degrees to 47. 36,er 34 down the jersey shore. To into the low 50s today. Normal high is about 46. And were looking at 48 tomorrow. And then 56 by thursday. 60 on saturday. And 62 sunday. Very mild week for december. Ken. Thank you. Now. Live with kelly and michael coming up at 9 00 a. M. In the meantime, more Good Morning America up next here [ cheers and applause ] we have happy holiday crowd out here in times square this morning. Wonderful happy birthdays. We have grinning grannies over there. They saw what you were doing earlier. They got smiles, too, over here. Ill get over there. Dont worry about it. People meeting Chris Hemsworth. There he is with svetlana the reindeer. In the elevator. Some things dont need words. Inside, we have lara and amy with a oh, theyre superfans. Superfans. Take it away. Were if england, too. Look at the set. We have tea. A beautiful rug here. End of an era is near. The final season of Downton Abbey premiers january 3rd. And the stars of our favorite upstairs downstairs drama are here. A scene there season six, the two new love birds. You dont think you should start calling me elsie. Not here, not while were working. Go on, then. I wish we could settle the date. Theres no rush, is there . Look at that. Phyllis playing hard to get. Coy. Here we have, so delighted to have jim carter, phyllis logan, hugh bonneville, kevin doyle, allen leech, elizabeth mcgovern. Were so thrilled to have you. Thank you for inviting us into your beautiful front room. Doesnt it remind you of the castle . I feel tiny. High claire in times square. Jim and phyllis, you are the love birds. Everything was building toward that moment. I was surprised when you fopd question. Were you surprised by the script . We had five years builting up to it, lets face it. A very slow burn, wasnt snit. Slowmoving. It was delightful to propose to my darling. Oh. You two. Its family show, jim. How was it for all of you filming that last episode . Very emotional. Was it . We all did it on different days. We all had our big cry. We did our last scene together. Our first and our last. It was really nice. And when they said, thats wrap, did you get emotional . I felt sick. I couldnt believe it was happening. Goodbye. Is it wrapped up with a bow . I know you cant get too specific. Is there an opportunity for a movie. All the storylines. Season five was so busy. Did you wrap them all up in way thats kind of a lodge call conclusion. I think anything is possible, still. The great thing about ending with a spaceship is you can go back and forth. We could arrive anywhere, really. We could do a movie on mars. Is there a wedding . There may be. Theres always a wedding. They do go to a churm quite a lot. Several people are in white. Wouldnt possibly say who. You know that film, four weddings seasoned a funeral. Its not like that at all. Funerals. We have a lot of fan questions from our social media. I want to ask allen. Youre here. Back from boston . No, it was a coincidence. I was going for breakfast. Im not in the show at all sflp we last left you, you had left Downton Abbey. In this season, are you happen we happy with the way that your storyline concludes . The fact that im here, he may appear again. Downton is his home. What is it like to see the success here . Were you surprised it was that United States citizens took so, oh, my gosh, just loved every second of it . Nobody could have anticipated that. And then the generosity and the openness and the enthusiasm weve been met with over here is remarkable. I was in nashville, you know, i didnt know that down then would every 20 yards, mr. Carson, mr. Carson. The cowboys. Sorry, country musicians, hello, nashville. When youre out with hugh, heres the man of the hour. Twice. Oh, youve heard this story then. Yes, i have. Twice. Where we filmed some of the show last season, someone came dashing over and said, can we take a photograph. And handed me the camera. Oh, my gosh. And hugh eats that up. It happened at white house lawn, remember that . Oh, did it . I had forgotten that one. Season five saw your character, quite shocking, a bit of a shakeup in the core marriage. Got a bit rocky. Elizabeth had temptation. I got to wrestle with richard. Yeah, it wasnt me. And youve described your character, hugh, as a bit of an emotional dinosaur. Will we see you come out, and e mote . He doesnt quite come out. That would have been a great stroirline. For the movie. No, he tissue he he finds his place in the changing world of Downton Abbey. I think this final season has the flavorers of the first season. Everything seems to come back down into the exploring those characters that we have loved and some get their come up pans. Some get the happy ending, some dont. Its a bit like life. Michelle, lady edith and lady mary. Any chance the relationship will evolve . Cooker with the two sisters. It may reach a head at some point. Does lady mary find love and happy nts . Maybe. As ever, its a rocky road. Very up and down for her. Wasnt it fun to see her try to find it last season. I think there was here than one. Is there two in particular i thaulgt were and the third one has entered the scene. Excuse me. Youll see so much coming up on Downton Abbey the final season. Premiers january 3rd on masterpiece on pbs. We cannot wait. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you for having us. Back outside to ginger. Im so george . These guys have got enough energy. Im going to bottle it all up. Theyre ready to play. Okay, ginger. Thank you very much. Wars. The force awakens in theaters in less than two week. We have a look at launch bay. Rob marciano checked itd out. Reporter in a galaxy far, far way. Florida, that is. The force awakens. Were here for the premier of Star Wars Launch bay. Storm troopers. I just want to check out the bay. Thats affirmative. Come on, were in. The intergalactic adventure is a youre stepping into this immersive environment. Youre on a bridge of a Star Destroyer or in a hidden rebel base. You interact with the characters like youre in the film. Reporter so watch out Storm Trooper troopers. Here i come. First up, the most menacing of them all. Darth vader. Is it true that you have aided in the escape of a fugitive rebel spy . No, sir, no. With a little more interstellar searching. Look who i found, its crewhewie. Can i get a hug . Oh, so much nicer than darth. Gave me a wookiee lesson. Yeah, baby. Royal guard burgers. Banta blue milk shakes. Character cupcakes. Darth vader, take this. Rob marciano, abc news, orlando, florida. Coming up, Chris Hemsworth what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Tt2w`tsi`rt bt qakh tt2w`tsi`rt a qqg, tt2w`tsi`rt bm qzl tt4w`tsi`rt dztq b78 tt4w`tsi`rt entq 23x tt4w`tsi`rt gzt 4 tt4w`tsi`rt hnt ; l tt4w`tsi`rt iztq qs4 tt4w`tsi`rt jntq c t tt4w`tsi`rt lzt [n we have seen him do battle at thor. Now, a dangerous new role for chris helps worth. He stars in the holiday adventure, on the high seas battling a prevoeshs ferocious. A deep see monster in the heart of the sea. Lets take a look. Never seen a whale do that. Take the wheel. At the other end of the lipne to the fore mast. As i live and breathe, hes mine. Chris is here with us. I watched this, please, Chris Hemsworth. Come on, now. Hes a big deal. I was watching it last night, with the story of moby dick and all that. You brought this to ron howard. You said this was the kind of role that you have always wanted to play. That you could be the actor you wanted to be. What did you mean . I love the script. Its the true events that inspired Herman Melville to write moby dick. The character is full of life and adventure. Its a drama in amongst the action sequences. What do you think the public has such a fascination with this store tryline . Why do you think that is in. Its a timeless thing. I think we love to be swept up in epic adventures. What the men endured for 90 days. The strength of the human spirit. What allows you to continue to fight, not give up. Something anyone can relate to. And its a wonderful cast that youre working with. And really, very difficult conditions. I saw that you posted this photograph of yourself. We know in thor you had to gain 30 pounds of muscle. This one you had to lose more than 30 pounds. Look at this. In four weeks. Is it more i know, angela is going, wow. That was this morning before i showered. Its amazing what a god shower will do for you. Sit tougher to lose or gain . The gaping is fine. You eat a lot and lift weights. That was underfed. It led to a pretty moody existence. We had to suffer to do justice to the story. There wasnt a lot of acting required. You had a celery stick. Yeah, like a boiled egg. A salad. Nothing much. You play all sorts of games on, if i eat this, maybe i dont eat the sin sanity is nuts. During the tillfilming, your lovely wife was pregnant. You is three kids. You say that is your most rewarding role. It brings you right back to earth. Its what its all about. Its not about you anymore. . How about the little one singing you a lulla brk y. You spend all your time thinking youre looking after them. But, you also spend the whole day waiting for them to give you one thing. A cuddle. I was tired. Had my head on her lap. She was stoking my hair and singing to me. Ghost busters. Ing up. Did you hear what Melissa Mccarthy said, how funny you are. Shes saying comedy could be. It was fun. I was scared to what you can into with melissa and kristen night live. It was intense. But immediately, one of the the best experiences i have had. More outtakes and tracking up. Did you sense the looks . They said they were looking at you going, oh, my gosh. Maybe a little concerned. Not at all. Thank you, chris. Very much. This is truly an adventure. I love a film that after i see it, i start googling to learn more about it. Very well done. In the heart of the sea opens up this friday. Were counting down to christmas with our good friend, jack hanna, director emeritus of thats christmas. This is a reindeer. Hi, jack. How are you . Mrs. Claus. I am. You were saying about the antlers. Im sorry. Santa claus, reindeer, were they male or female. They were male. I thought male, too. Get yall for once. I watch you on tv youre right all the time. Everybody at home, theyre wrong. No, it just its a female. Think about this. The only species that both male and female have antlers. That. In november, the males lose the antlers. The females still have them. That point, because she has to protect her young and stuff sflp now we know. Shes pretty chill. He flew through here. No, no. A my frustration in after ka,rica. Its amazing to watch. Oh, our krs mas donkey. For the manger. I raised these in tennessee as a boy. Can i touch . Yeah. Theyre minidhur donkeys. A donkey is a mule. Is that true or false . George . True. A dopgnkey is a mule, true. Its not. Thats false. I missed the question, too. I raised him. A donkey and a horse breed and have a mule. Im still trying to figure out how that happens. Thats weird. I took my donkey to college. I put him in the backyard of my dorm. Then i put him on a farm next door. . Your love affair with animals is life long. Very appropriate to have a an man with snow in their name. The last question, are Snow Leopards from the north pole . No. Ill say yes. I did this several months ago. We cheated. So soft. No theyre from himalayans, malaysia. Julie is my daughter. What is his name . Oh, oh, is he supposed to make that noise . No. Did you get a surprise from to your snow leopard there . I might have. Some moisture on the underkarnl. Only 100 left in the world. And its only monday. Its 8 56 this monday, december 7th. Topping headlines that the hour, a s. W. A. T. Team rescued two university of rod chester students who say they were held hostage. They were found yesterday after they were reporting missing saturday. In the leg. He is expected to recover. Four people were taken into custody the in connection with the case. Commuters began their work day shelling out more cash today. The tolls at the bridges are costing us more. Ez pass rates are up 75 cents. Cash jumps up a dollar. That means customers pay 10. 50 during offpeak hours. Cash customers pay 15 at all and ken, we have big problems with new Jersey Transit trains because of amtrak overhead wire problems. We have all trains, the midtown direct trains being diverted. Northeast corridor, jersey coastline, valley line and path trains they are going to cross at 33rd street and newark. 18tha. Street cleaning rules are in effect. Over to you. Thank you. With the forecast. Outside. Mine fog out there this morning. That was going to be burning off the next couple hours. 44 degrees at 9 00. 45 at ridgewood. So starting to gradually warm up. And a chilly in the southern jersey. Going to get to 53 degrees by 2 00 this afternoon. And its only getting warmer this weekend into the 60s this ken. Thank you. That is the news for now. Live

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