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And Vice President joe biden getting key support. Is he about to get into the race. And the punter whose mistake weekend. And he scores how his team and hometown are rallying to his defense. And good morning, america. Cold monday here in new york. And look at this picture up here. Mexico, new york. A live picture. Nine inches of snow falling there. Millions of americans getting their first taste of winter over the weekend. 19 states under freeze warnings and watches this morning. We want to look at parish, new york. Nice fall day. Oh, not so much now. Oh. Before and after the first snow. Abcs rob marciano is in mexico, new york, and starts us off this morning. Good morning, rob. How about this . Its the middle of october. To snow. But this much coming this early, about that. And this cold, bitter ak tir air mass extends across the entire eastern half of the u. S. Its too early for snow. Reporter this morning, the sentiment of millions. Early snowfall bringing treacherous treacherous, miserable driving conditions. In upstate new york, icy roads responsible for more than 50 kreks wrecks. We thought maybe a couple of inches. It kept coming and coming. Reporter Buffalo Bills fans getting snowed on too. I woke up this morning and i thought it was christmas. Reporter snowmen surfacing before halloween pumpkins. In the mountains of vermont, whiteout conditions. From ohio to norng michigan, more than half a foot of snow covering some parts. Marathoners in dprand rapids enduring temperatures in the 30s while doing their 26. 2mile run. The runners endured the race. Went on. Nine inches here. Not enough to cancel school. Winter, the official start, still two months away. Oh, great. You have spoken, rob. Thank you. The snow is gone in some places. Frigid temperatures are not. Ginger, the 19 states on alert for freezing temperatures. Oh, the frost and freeze warnings for the 19 states from mississippi to massachusetts. Lets go to the map and show you the number. Yes, we have tied records. Place like raleigh, below freezing at this hour. Macon. Look at mt. Washington. The wind chill, 21 below. A big warmup on the way. Look at the highs. That warmth is coming here. Yes. Well put onning tack on 0 degrees or so as we get toward the midweek. Its not over. The dryer, warm stretch is coming. Now the breaking news. Two diverted flights. A possible fight on a southwest jet. Mechanical failure on a jetblue plane. Reporter the southwest flight was an Emergency Landing. A late flight from l. A. X. To san francisco. The pilot came back to l. A. Because of an altercation, apparently because of two passengers. The fbi involved. Were getting early report mans and a woman. The man was angered that the woman in front of him had reclind the seat. We have heard that before. The jetblue flight, ft. Lauderdale into massachusetts. Flaps got stuck. People got sick from the circling around. He decided to put it down in boston. Its a longer runway. Without the fraps, you need a little longer to land. The southwest incident is under investigation. To race for president now. The birt feud between donald trump and jeb bush heating up, after trump accuses george w. Bush for not stopping the 9 11 attacks. Reporter jeb bush, once thought to be the clear republican frontrunner now finds himself in an increasingly nasty war of words with the real frontrunner, donald trump. He was once considered the candidate to beat. But jeb bush is down in the polls, collecting less cash, and lashing out at donald trump, suggesting hes not fit to be commander in chief. He talks about things as though hes still on the apprentice. Hes noik taking the possibility of being the president of the United States seriously. Reporter this after trump went after george w. Bush. Say what you want. The World Trade Center came down during his time. If you look at sandy hook wait, you cant blame george bush. He was president. Dont blame him or dont blame him, but he was president. Reporter a charge trump didnt back down from on sunday. Jeb said we were safe with my brother. We were safe. Well, the World Trade Center just fell down. Am i trying to blame him . Im not blaming anybody. The World Trade Center came down. Reporter trump sukted it wouldnt have happened on his watch because the hijackers would Vice President made it into the country if he was president. What would you have done . I doubt that those people would have been in the country. Reporter over the week end, bushs campaign released a new video, ridiculing trump on national security. Im used to, you know, dealing with killers. People that go let me tell you, im really smart guy. Reporter the latest national poll, jeb bush is trailing not just trump, but carson, cruz, and rubio, too. Everyone when it kooms to fundraising, which was thought to be his biggest advantage, he was outraised last quarter by the softspoken political new comer dr. Ben carson, who declined to criticize trumps remarks to george on this week. What do you make of that . I would probably ask him pip seriously doubt that hes saying george w. Bush is to blame for it. Reporter bush is also fighting with marco rubio, who he once considered to be the future of the republican party. He now cease as his main competition to becoming the alt tern ty to trump. Also republican infighting where Hillary Clinton will testify on thursday. Shell be there for eight hours of testimony on thursday. The chairman of that committee, trey gowdy is telling fellow republicans to shut up about what theyre doing. Hes annoyed by comments by republicans on the committee talking about how its doing clinton. Lets talk about the democrats now. Matt dowd is here. And of course, the big story right now, joe biden. Likely to make a decision within the next couple of days. In or out . You have been saying in . If youre looking for a candidate, the goldilocks candidate, authentic like Bernie Sanders, and confident and experienced like Hillary Clinton, hes your person. A new poll out showing Hillary Clinton maintaining her lead. The number of democrat who is support joe biden and want him to get in going down. He cant become hamlet on the delaware. I think he has the next 48, 72 hours to get in. I think he has to get in before a plur rally now doesnt want him to get in. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders going strong. The impression by larry david. Im an outside person the not a billionaire. I dont have a superpac. I dont have a backpack. I carry my stuff around loose in my arms like a professor between classes. I own one pair of underwear. Thats it. Some of these billionaires, they got three, four pairs. Bernie sanders loved it. He says he wants larry david to play him out on the stump. Its a sign that sanders is breaking through and affecting the debate. Absolutely. He has this immense authenticity. He lafd about thapt. He said he had more than one pair of underwear. Bernie sanders polls at 25, 26, 27 . Hell keep that. That impersonation was spot on. Now to a hack attack targeting the head of the cia. Director John Brennans personal accounts apparently breached by a high school student. Reporter this hacker told the New York Post that he infiltrated a private email at of john brennan. The hacker got access to brennans application for security clearance, so its said. The cia tells us were aware of the reports on social media and have referred the matter to proerpt authorities. Robin . Secretary johnsons account . This appears less serious. The hacker dlims have dotten into a private cable account of secretary johnson. Investigation. Youre staying on top of it thank you. Now the real life horror at a zombicon vengs, zombicon. Gunfire erupting. Please still searching for the shooting. Ryan smith has the story. Robin. They call themselves the largestzombies. Oh, my god. Reporter this morning, police on the hunt for a killer. One dead, injuring five others. Sending hundreds of others running for their lives. The chaos at the an jewel zombicon street festival in ft. Meyers, florida. Massive party. At 11 45 p. M. , the event turned from spooky to tragic. [ gunshots ] those gunshots sending throngs of revelers fleeing. Their costumes, some covered in fake blood, adding to the confusion. We ran. Were like, wait, was that real . Reporter 20yearold tyler taylor was killed in the shooting. We need ems. Gunshot to the head. Reporter this man, one of several treated for gunshot wounds. I looked at my hand. Theres a giant hole in it. Reporter police leaving no stone unturned. Asking attendees to turn over pictures and videos. Hoping for any clue to track down those responsible. Authorities dont know if one or more people are responsible. Theyre reviewing surveillance vid dwroes try to find suspects. So far, they havent released a motive. To a major crackdown on drones. The government issues newing new rules today. Hey, david. Reporter good morning, george. This morning, you know, i could go out to a store and buy a drone and i could fly it like this one thats coming into our shot right here. As long as im five miles away from an airport. Dont go higher than 400 feet. Im away from a pop lated area. Later this morning, that is going to change. This morning, new rules expected to be floated about drones like these. Because users have put these craft in dangerous situations. We have heard those commercial pilots complaining. Remotecontrolled devices are in their air space. We almost got hit by a drone, just to let you know up here, just about 20 feet. Kennedy tower, for your information, we just saw a little drone below us. We just spotted a drone over here by hawthorne. Reporter drones now affordable. Their availability far out in front of new rules. This morning, the department of transportation and its faa expected to announce that anyone buying a drone will have to register it with the government. The secretary hinted as much when we talked to him this summer. The ability of someone to go the a countertop, any place in america, and buy one of these things without having any ability to trace the ownership of these things creates a bit of a problem from an enforcement standpoint. Reporter the new rules may not be in place for christmas. And drone this is Holiday Season expected to be a popular gift. A total of 750,000 drones are estimated to be sold this year. Now, there are registration numbers on this drone that were using. Its a professional drone. As they start to remg steer the drones, it will give them way to track it. Will you be able to find the person who is flying it . Because the faa currently relies on local authorities to actually go ahended a enforce the rules about flying the drones in the wrong spots. George in back to you. A good pilot for that one. Tom llamas in for amy today. The leader of an al qaeda cell of plotting attacks against the u. S. Has been killed in a drone strike in syria. The pentagon says Sanafi Al Nasr led a group that funneled money into syria. Secretary of state john kerry is calling for calm as east. Tlatst attack at a bus station. Overnight. A bystander initially mistaken injuries. A patient from a domestic case being guard by police grabbed a sheriffs deputys gun, fatally shooting him. Force. Daniel murphys fifth home run of the post season powered the mets to a 41 win over the cubs. The mets lead the series, 20. That guys bat is on fire. And the deflate rematch between the patriots and the colts turned out the be deflating for the colts fans. The colts trying to pull off this bizarre fake punt. Critics calling it the worst fake in nfl history. One Sports Writer criticizing chuck pagano for letting it happening, saying what the chuck . What the chuck, guys. What the chuck. Very careful when you say that. Just one plerpt it has to end right there. Panic. I was nervous saying it. I said it about 100 times just to make sure. It brings us to the next story. The state of michigan stunned by a lastsecond mistake on the field. That in 30 seconds. And were coming up on 7 17 with the opening fail in the final seconds of the michiganMichigan State football game. Jesse has that. It was an unbelievable botched last play of the game. Theres still fallout in morning. Trouble with the snap. And the ball is free its picked up by Michigan State jaylen watts jackson. And he scores on the last play of the game reporter this is the most hated man in michigan this morning. 22yearold university of michigan punter blake oneill. With just ten seconds left and his team up two points against hated rifle Michigan State. All he had to do was kick the ball down the field, as he had done successfully seven times in the game. He fumbled the snap. Instead of falling on the the ball, he tried to kick it. What just happened . What the hell just happened . Reporter in an instant, he became infamous. Getting Death Threats on twitter. Kill yourself, use just cost us the game. Please transfer. The backlash prompting an open letter from michigans athletic director, jim hackett. Im asking that our community not lose this game twice by thoughtless comments. Back home, words of comfort. People need to pull their head in and think before they say. Its only a game. Im proud youre on the team i root for. Stay positive. Knoll everything coming up positive for the person who made the touchdown. He broke his hip after being tackled by his team mats. They had a less than 1 chance to win the game before that punt. These are 18 to 2yearold kids. Its plays like that that make the rivalries in College Football so special. Absolutely. All right, jesse. Thank you. I know you had a great weekend. Much more ahead this monday morning. The latest on lamar odoms recovery. Now reports that he is conscious and xhup kating. Sign he gave khloe. New details about what happened. The couple who walked away from a fiery plain crash. The remarkable way they were able to survive. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. nature sounds she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. But Mother Nature cant stop us. The new 2016 ford explorer. Be unstoppable. Youre unpacking already . Yeah, help me find some mugs. beep hey. O. K. Theyll do. Wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. The best part of wakin up so, where do you want to start . I think this is a pretty good place. Is folgers in your cup ahh. Yeah ahh. Ahh. Ah. You probably say it a million times a day. Ahh. Ahh ahh. Ahh but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. Say ahh. Ahh. Cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your innetwork annual checkup. So america, lets go. Know. Ahh and take control of your health. Coughing. Sniffling. And wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new theraflu expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm and coming up here on gma, the dramatic turn for lamar odom. The sign he gave estranged wife Khloe Kardashian. These pictures. Damage from glendale, arizona. Look at the vid quooe. This close to las vegas. Nevada, threequarters of an inch of rain quickly falling. More heavy this is breaking news from channel 7 Eyewitness News. Monday october 19th. Im ken rosato, and that breaking news, smoke still westchester county. Morning. The commander at the scene called in help from two other towns but it was no easy win. A 3story Apartment Building collapsed early on. The stores were a total loss. They are still burning at this hour. The electricity in the area had to be shut off. That means nearby Nelson Mandela high school will be closed. It is an exciting morning for mets fans after the team took game 2 of the nlcs. The mets lead the cubs 20 in the series. The team left for chicago shortly after the big win. Game 3 will be played tomorrow night. The buses will be rolling on long island. A strike threat does still loom large after Union Workers took a key vote over the weekend. Teamsters local 1205 says the strike is on hold because they believe both sides can still reach common ground. The union had rejected the final Contract Offer by baumann sons buses and voted saturday to strike. The bus company transports 15,000 students to 35 schools in nassau and suffolk counties. New this morning, an arrest in brooklyn, a 15yearold is charged with criminal mischief for vandalizing the 9 11 memorial. An eyewitness says the boys sprayed a series of initials across the wall. A year ago a homeless man vandalized that Memorial Wall 7 27, we check the commute with heather. Hi ken, we are going to take a look at our maps. Weve had a bunch of subway still have some. Well start with the r trains. Court street. So you can expect uptown delays. The q trains leave signal problems at ocean parkway. 2, 4, and 5 trains, mechanical problems at 42nd street and. Track work on metro north new haven line, long island railroad, new Jersey Transit doing okay. George Washington Bridge inbound upper level, a disabled truck that is being cleared away. 45 minutes inbound, lincoln is 30, holland is 25. We have alternate side of the Street Parking rules in effect for today. Ken, back to you. Thank you. Meteorologist bill evans with the accuweather forecast. Were looking at sunshine, but its cold. Dress warmly. Were looking at 36 still in the park. North and west. Were looking at temperatures in the 20s up the hudson river valley. Carmel and putnam county, kingston, newburgh, monticello 21. Kansas its cold out there this morning. Later on we hit 52. We warm up fast. Tomorrow big warmup, nice 6 degrees. Weve got sunshine and 73 for wednesday and thursday and then a cold front comes through thursday night but it goes through pretty dry. There might be a sprinkle north and west but its back to cooler weather for friday and the weekend. Its cold out there. Theres frost owned. That is the news for now, an exclusive interview with the welcome back to gma. Youre looking live at mexico, new york. Hit so hard by the snowstorm. Nine inches falling. The first snow of the season for millions of americans. The bittest blast of cold air sticks around for another day. Ginger, still two months until the official start . Please. The lakeeffect snow zones are okay. But the rest of us, oh, man. In the first time youve said lakeeffect. Mark it down. Too early. Other headlines. A southwest jet forced to make an Emergency Landing at l. A. X. The plane turning around after takeoff because of an alleged fight over passengers over a reclining seat. How many times do we hear that . The fbi is investigating. And brandnew guidelines this morning for expectant moms. The Top Doctors Group saying no alcohol is acceptable. Even women trying to conceive should not be drinking. Zplnchs also this morning, a daredevil biker. Look at this. Fell off the cliff. 40 feet. Took about five seconds. No serious injury. He got up and finished the race. He finished the race . That fall is crazy. Im going to talk to him in a little bit. We begin this half hour with former nba star lamar odom showing signs of recovery this morning after waking up from that coma. Abcs Kayna Whitworth has been following the story from las vegas. Reporter good morning to you. Lamar odom is still in the icu at this las vegas hospital. According to a source close to the situation. Adding that visitation is limited to next of kin and that Khloe Kardashian is making people sign a confidentiality agreement. This morning, lamar odom defying the odds. Since waking up from a coma friday, the former nba star is showing signs of improvement. Able to text, smile, and communicate with loved ones, reportedly giving a thumbs up and saying hi to his former wife, Khloe Kardashian, who hasnt left his bedside. Family sources saying lamar is doing very well. By the grace of god, hes doing much bet were. His children seen smiling in the photos after leaving the hospital on friday. The kardashians returning to las vegas to join khloe. Kim posting this photo and saying, im so happy kendall and i could make you smile today. Six days ago, odom was rushed to the hospital after being found unresponsive. They cant get him to wake reporter new details emerging. Odom racking up a bill totalling nearly 80,000. The ranch owner telling abc news odom negotiated the rates himself and was planning to stay there for up to five days. There are thousands of celebrities that come to the ranch. Reporter the ranch says odom was the first celebrity to have the women at the brothel sign a confidentiality agreement. Yet he still wanted to be alone monday night. The night before he was hospitalized, he told the girls he wanted to spend that night alone. Reporter now the ranch employee who picked up lamar on saturday said that in the hour and half drive, he talked a lot about his family. Especially how impactful it was to lose his mother at such a young age. A source close to the situation saying they plan to move lamar theyre saying that could happen in the next 48 hours. All right, kayna, thank you. Boy, what a story. We turn to the fiery Small Plane Crash in texas. The pilot and his wife lucky to be a live. They described what happened in this exclusive with ryan owens. Good morning, ryan. Reporter good morning to you. This is cite the survival story. Their plane had it own parachute. Boy, did it come in handy. One look, its impossible the plane crash. But a husband and wife did, almost without a scratch. It was so fast. So fast. It just happened too quick. Reporter those survivors telling abc news exclusively, their planes parachute is the only thing that stood between them and certain death. They said as they began their descent south of dallas this week end, their landing gear the man has been a pilot for nearly four decades. His wife, laura, who sustained a broken clavicle who knead lifesaving move. I went to grab the handle for the parachute. My wife has already pulled it. Reporter the chute lines tangled up in the power lines. The parachute saved our lives. I turned the plane pauch both of us said sh lets get out of here. Get out. Reporter they literally opened the plane door and jumped to safety. Somehow avoiding being elect row to kruted by the pourlines that seconds later caused their plane to burst into planes. It sounded like an explosion. Almost like a bomb going off. Reporter tens of thousands of small planes equipped with these parachutes. Theyre designed to be deployed like this, when an engine stalls. It happened to this pilot earlier this year. Before he was saved by the coast guard. The parachute may not be designed to be pulled so close to the ground. But without a doubt, it saved this couple. The air. I cant wait. Hope fly, well go able to have another plane. And of course it will have a reporter of course. So about 30,000 of these on smaller planes. Again, this is not exactly how they were designed to be used. But robin and george, tough to argue with these results. Absolutely. Came in handy. Coming up, big warning this amazon. Com. This morning. Nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. Campbells skillet sauces. Ready in under 20 minutes. Campbells. Made for real, real life. Is your head so congested its ready to explode . You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So, you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtec d. At the pharmacy counter. This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. When the weather starts turning cooler and the air is nice and crisp, i know that fall has finally arrived. And with it, all the flavors of the season. Fall is all about bringing people together around delicious food. And each recipe brings as much enjoyment as the company. Low prices on everything you need to make every meal more memorable. Walmart. Some cash back cards love to overcomplicate things. Like limiting where you earn bonus cash back. Why put up with that . But the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. Real simple. Im talking easy likea walkinthepark, nothingtoworryabout, manthatfeelsgood simple. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Its a simple question. Pain from your day can haunt you at night, dont let it. Advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Were back now with amazon, taking action against some people writing reviews that help you make purchases. Rebecca jarvis is here with the story. Reporter hi, lara. This is a serious problem all over the internet. Almost 1 out of everyreviews may be fake. And this morning, the Worlds Largest Retailer Online is cracking down. Those online reviews. We rely on them to tell us where to stay, what bookses to read, which clothes to buy. Are real people really writing them . This morning, amazon suing more than 1,000 allegedly fake reviewers, offering their services on the the online marketplace fiverr. Com. For posting ads like this one, promising an awesome fivestar review for just five bucks. Satisfaction guaranteed. If people notice theres not fakeseeming reviews, they wont trust amazon. Reporter look how easy they are to find. I go on fiverr. Type in amazon reviews. Just like that, dozens of people offering to write a review for five bucks. In the complaint filed last week, amazon calls the fake reviewers actions unfair and deceptive. Adding they knew that am dons policies prohibited both paid and fictional reviews. We actively remove services that violate or terms of use. And respond promplly. I will write a positive review. Reporter i spoke to 17yearold casey two years ago who said she wrote hundreds of flowing reviews for four bucks a pop. Shes not advertising on fiverr and not part of the lawsuit. I feel like these people are going the pay somebody to write a review any way. It might as well just be me. Reporter have you ever renovated a bathroom . No. Im 17. Amazons effects will result in fewer fake reviews. Its clear theyre getting serious about stopping the problem. If something sounds fishy, copy and paste a phrase from the review and often fake reviewers are using one review everywhere, just making small weeks to. You can tell. Thats a great idea. All right. I want to know. Any dead give aways to whether or not a review is fake. If youre looking at it, look for corporate speak. A brand name. Specific model number. A Discount Code or a link to place to purchase, that often means its not real. Its paid for because they have an incentive to push you in the right direction. Makes sense the. Really important. Thank you so much. And coming up on good morning america, Tracy Morgans triumphant return to saturday night live. And up next, caught on camera, a daredevil mountain biker. Tumbling off a cliff wp you said he finished the race . Got back up. Its an abc news exclosive. Getting taken for a ride. Dont worry. 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If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, talk to your doctor about new xifaxan. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. vo your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. New delicious entr\es, crafted to the last detail. Flaked tuna, whitemeat chicken, never any byproducts or fillers. Purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. The abc news exclues nif the speed feed. Check out this daredevil mountain biker crashes off the cliff a t the red bull rampage competition. . Oh, no. No. Oh, my dposh. Nickolai is okay. Believe it or not. He got up and finished the race. He joins us by skype. Thank you for joining us this morning. What happened . It was the craziest experience i ever had. Lining on the most technical and most difficult part of it. Just made a slight mistake and went tumbling down a massive cliff. The fall only took a few seconds. It must have felt like a lifetime. Oh, it felt like maybe ten seconds, a minute even. I remember everything so vividly. I remember trying to stop myself. And realizing i wouldnt be able to stop. And then just catching air and falling off the cliff. I was scared for my life in that moment. I didnt know what to think at all. Once you landed, what were you thinking . What were you feeling . As soon as i landed the i felt okay. I saw a little bit of blood dripping from if imy face. I got up. Started walking around. The medics told he to stay down. Luckily, i felt like i was okay. How did you make the decision to get back on the bike . I took a look at my bike. And i got up on it, i felt it was all okay. I got back on and continued. You took the huge canyon gap, too. The canyon gap is definitely the scary jump i ever did in my life. Hitting that right away was definitely helped by the adrenaline. Have you ever had a worse fall . No, i definitely, it has to be the most terrifying fall of my life. You have the scratch on your nose. How are you feeling . Somehow, besides the mangles face, im 100 okay. Im really lucky. Youre going to keep on racing . Mgts Mountain Biking is my life, my passion. Cant stop. Were philadelphia youre okay. Were glad you kept going. Thank you for joining thus morning. Thank you very much. Hes doing great. He wanted to give a shoutout to paul bass, a fellow biker. Shattered a vertebrae if that race and theyre all praying for him. So lucky. And theres helmet cam video of the crash. Its dizzying. To finish that and go do the canyon gap after that . I dont know. Im never Mountain Biking again. Youre out . Out. Out. Drop the mike. When we come back, new warning about helicopter parenting. Experts saying it could be hurting your childs future. Up. And big news about oprah and come on back. You get a cold. You cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right i really like this organic soup. Yeah. At least we know what hes eating. Campbells organic soups. Made for real, real life. door bell rings trick or treat door bell rings again announcer this halloween, whether you want a little fun or fullon festive, petsmart will help you celebrate your way nexium 24hr is the new 1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. I hope you like it spicy get complete protection with the purple pill. The new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. [ male announcer ]sweet sun ripened strawberries. Now weve added even more of them to philadelphia strawberry. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. Johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. Side effects may include tiredness and headache. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. I thought activia was for big digestive issues. Until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year. 730 rushed snacks. Add 300 stressful decisions. No wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. So try activia enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. Dannon we all know its been an incredibly active pacific. As far as typhoons go. The latest picture of the philippines. 0 equivalent cat 4 or grater typhoons the hurricanes. At least two dead. Up to 40 inches for the northern philippi im michael douglas, and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. And theres no time to see it like the fall. Take metro north to take in the beautiful fall foliage from high above the hudson. Swing a club at one of americas greatest courses. See spectacular sights underground. Or thrilling sights above it. Theres so many incredible ways to experience the fun of fall in new york state. Plan your trip at iloveny. Com. S this is a channel 7 Eyewitness News brief good morning, its 7 56 this monday october 19th. Im ken rosato. Were continuing to follow breaking news in lower westchester county. Smoke still rising from a 3 alarm fire in mount vernon, the fire starting about 1 this morning. It roared right through a row of stores. The commander in chief called in help from two other towns. A three story Apartment Building collapsed early on. The stores were a total loss and they are still burning at this hour. The electricity had to be shut down in the area. That means Nelson Mandela high school will be closed today. Grief counselors will be at gray schulz middle school. Night while standing had her own living room. Police are looking at Surveillance Video that shows someone getting out of a car firing a shot and missing the intended targeted. Police are offering a 75,000 reward in the search for the shooter. We check the commute. Heres heather. We are going to talk about our subways, once again we still have some troubles, the ef, m, and r trains are dealing with delays and Service Changes because of signal problems at roosevelt avenue. Metro north ongoing track work on the new haven branch. Long island railroad, new Jersey Transit on or close to schedule. 45 minutes inbound george Washington Bridge. Lincoln 30, holland 25. Vote cleaning rules are in effect for today. Back to you. Thank you. Meteorologist bill evans with the accuweather forecast. Its sunny. Its blue. Its beautiful. But it is chilly, too. Look at the temperature, 36 here at 8 00. It is going to be a morning where we start out with temperatures in the 20s above i 287. New city and rocklin county, 25, 24 kingston. Norwalk around 30. Islip 30. Only 52 for the high with a lot of sunshine but were noticeably warmer tomorrow and for wednesday and thursday. Ken. Thank you sir. That is the news for now. Coming up on gma, a new surgery free procedure to get your smile back in an hour. Yondado rocklin good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Shark attack in paradise. A swimmers in distress. The struggle to fight off a tenfoot charge in hawaii. The bystanders rush in. Brandnew guidelines revealed overnight. The strong stand against women drinking any alcohol during pregnancy. Why the okay on occasional drinks is being rolled back right now. The story of my life and Tracy Morgans triumphant return. Thank you so much. No, im just playing. Yall thought for a minute that was real. The laughs and the epic onstaple reunion after the and late night in the daylight. Jimmy kimmel is here. Good morning, america. I would like to introduce you to me, and me, and me, and me, and me. What great way to start the week. Look at him. Jimmy. Guillermo. With our audience outside here in times square. We have a lot of fun with them. Just ahead. We can also this morning, your new warning about helicopter parenting. Could overbearing parents be ruining a whole generation of kids . One mom thinks so. Pushing these kids too hard may be hurting them. Also ahead, were kicking off our brandnew series turn back time. Helping you turn back the clock with the newest antiaging streemts. First up, how to turn your frown the other way around. Smile. Lets go to tom with the morning rundown. Good morning again, guys. The big story. The nasty war of words between jeb bush and donald trump. Bush is taking a swipe at trump with a new came pain video ridiculing his lack of knowledge or national security. It started with trumps comments on 9 11 implying bushs brother, george w. Bush failed to keep the country safe. Trump says it would not have happened had he been president. Trump suggesting his immigration policy could have prevented the hijackers from entering the u. S. And the deadly violence is spreading beyond jerusalem. A palestinian attacker opened fire inside a bus station in southern israel. Killing a soldier before he was shot dead. A bystander also killed in the cross fire. A terrifying shark encount person the victim is in Critical Condition this morning. Matt gutman has more. Get out of the water reporter chaos on this swimmers in distress. Reporter the beach on the east coast of oahu closing after a 44yearold resident was attacked by what eyewitnesses describe as a tenfoot tiger shark. Were looking at the guy right now. Hes in bad condition it look like. Reporter the victim was swimming with a friend a quarter mile offshore, despite warnings on the beach. He fought off the shark, punched him a couple of time. I was screaming help, waving to the people on the shore. Reporter two good samaritans, a father and son in canoes, racing in to help. The dad took his shirt off and used it as a tourniquette. Reporter the victim troushd the hospital in Critical Condition. This is the sixth shark take in hawaii this year. 25yearold surfer colin cook speaking out after losing a leg and several fingers just over a week ago. It had serious power. Beach using his surfboards leash as a tourniquet, likely saving his life. We thank matt for that story. A moving memorial for a special member of our fam already. Friends, colleagues and others gathered to remember dr. Jamie zimmerman. She was just31. A foundation was established in her honor. An emphatic warning about pregnancy and alcohol. The American Academy of pediatrics says pregnant women should not drink alcohol at all. Even women trying to conceive are told to abstain entirely. Morning. Shes spending 43 million to buy a 10 stake in weight watchers. Shes joining the companys brapd, as well. Finally, one father came up with a unique way to warn his daughters date not to cross any lines at the homecoming dance. Check this out. Her daughter and boyfriend on the left. On the right, the dad who also posed right there with the boyfriend. The kapgs posted online, whatever you do to my daughter,ly do to you. George . I dont know about that. I know you have daughters. I have one. I kind of like this guys style. Hes sending a message. Youre looking var closely. You like this stale . He is setting a tone there. I like the intent. You did that. That might be a little weird. Dont we have something on helicoptering in pop . After lara in the social square. Thank you, george. Heres whats copping up. First, Tracy Morgans triumphant return. And then, helicopter parenting. Hurt them. Then, look whos here . I love guillermo. Hes per rksscoping live. Well go outside. We have one more very special person. We have on get out here. We have to get out here. Jimmy kimmel is here. How do you put up with this . Hes periscoping. We have jimmy. We have guillermo. And we have you coming up on gma. [ doorbell rings ] [ male announcer ] dont you wish everything could put itself away like reflex . Only from moen. Buy it for looks. Buy it for life. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. You could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. With abreva. I love you. Love you too. One minute. Hi. Hi dad. We need to do this. Letting go. Its a little easier when youve saved for college, with state farm. Hes like cher. Like oprah. Just needs one name. Guy square moe is there. You dont have to worry about turning back time. Well show you the Beauty Secrets this morning that could turn your frown squoup side down. Dont know where to look. Be back. Thats a firstrate queso dip havent been this lost in years gps recalculating shortest route do i really look like this . Never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm thank you so much. Hey, try some . You know im always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. Well youve come to the right place. Mind if i have another taste . Not at all mmm rushing to work all those years from time in the service. To different jobs. To community college. All that hard work, it matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. Theres something out there. That can be serious, even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about welcome back to gma. Time for our gma heat index. This morning, wait for it. [ bell rings ] hot button. Tracy morgans triumphant return to saturday night live. His first appearance since a deaf stating car crash last year almost took his life. Reporter from his first moments on the stage, he talked about hi horrific crash. Then he joked about it. Speak . Does he have 100 capacity . But the truth is i never did. Nen off to the races to make people laugh again. For those who say laft sir the best form of therapy, tracy morgan stood before a Live Television audience as proof. Thank you so much. No im just playing. Kraul thought for a minute that was real. Reporter an emotional comeback on saturday night live. People are wondering, can he speak . Does he have 100 mental capacity . But the truth is, i never did. I might actually be a few points higher now. Reporter his 30 rock costars by his side. Good god, tracy. Im black and better than ever. Reporter and bringing some of his most over the top contacts back to life. Im brian fell lowes. This is astronaut jones. Ill call you back, oprah. All i ever wanted to do was dance, lady. Reporter it was hard to tell was critically injured in fatal crash. Theres a terrible zept. The car flipped. Its on its side. Reporter this walmart tractor trailer collided with the van he was riding in, killing the stars friend, james mcnair. Morgan stayed hospitalized for five weeks. Settling a lawsuit with walmart for an undisclosed amount this sum person morgans been on a long road to recovery. Receiving a standing owevation while taking the stage last month. Its been a long road back. I was ecstatic to learn i wasnt the one who messed up. Reporter on this particular night, it was as if he never left. But im back. It feels so good to be here. Yes. It was part reunion and part morgan reprising his most popular snl characters including astronaut jones, brian we have to mention larry david as Bernie Sanders. The general consensus is he was back and better. Just as funny as ever before. Didnt lose a beat at all. And where is jackie chan at any way . So much energy. The whole cast coming back was great. Is there one of the better showing in awhile, yeah. Next up, helicopter parenting. Hearing those words gets the debate going. One mom saying it could be ruining a whole generation of kids. Ruining . Jesse as that story. People think were raising a real world. How do you avoid that if youre a parent . We have tips from the author of the book how to raise an adult. Parenting styles can very ray. Ill not like a regular mom, im a cool mom. Reporter to too protective. Im getting rid of everything in the house that has gluten or reporter to socalled helicopter parenting. Could overbearing parents be harming their kids. Kids grow up, they cant do for themselves. They dont have the skills needed in the work place. They have higher anxiety and depression. Reporter Julie Lythcott haines believe parent who is hover could ruin the next general rain. Were overhepping the independent leads to harm. Reporter one woman writing, children should learn how to solve their own problems. One saying, if youre child is druning, youre not going to walk away. I would never tell parents to cut their children off. They have to begin leading their own life. Lythcotthains. There are ways to step back. Stop saying we when we forring to your kids. I said we. Yeah, you do that sometimes. Im so sorry. Reporter second, stop arguing with the adults in their live ps. This includes coaches and teachers. And finally, stop doing their home work for them. Our job is to put ourselves out of a job. Heres two more tips. Parents should avoid being a concierge to their kids. Making sure they get up on time. Meet the deadline. And have them do chores. This builds a sense of accountability, real life, and skills and work ethic. Was this field reserm for you . Im thinking back to what my parents said. Make your bed. It gives you accountability. And look at you. Great example. Thank you, jesse. Time now for our brandnew antiaging series were launching to help you you hear cher, turn back time. You remember when jack did that on will grace . I do. Every smile makes you a day younger. If you feel yours has faded to a frown, a new treatment may be able to help you get back your shil. Mara schiavocampo has the story. Reporter its no secret. Ladies love a lush lip. I have temporary lip fillers. Its what i wanted to do. If my sisters can own up to i. Reporter and kylie jenner is not alone. Other celebrities like lady gaga, squen for hudson, and Jessica Simpson have all admitted to trying cosmetic lip fillers. Recently juvederm ultra xc slamed to have results. Lasting up to a year. If the past, i needed to repeat the procedure every six reporter this temporary lip filler can help women from all walks of life. The corners turn down. It makes them look unpleasant. This product fixes the fine lines around the lips by smoothing them out. It turns up the corners of the lips and can add a lyittle bit of volume. The whole procedure takes about ten minutes. Reporter it can be uncomfortable. It might cause swelling far few day. The drawbacks are minimal in comparison to laser and other surgeries. If done properly, the results can be extremely natural. It makes people more pleasant. More selfconfident. Reporter for good morning america, mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. And the doctor making a house call. We saw the treatments. That that you can use. But its also not just cosmetic. Theres some medical issues about the frown, too. As a normal part of the aging and support many the corners of the mouth. They tend to turn down. It can make you look older and can lead lade to a medical condition called keylitis. Saliva can pool in the corpers of the mouth. Think about what saliva does to a cracker. It breaks down a creaker. The same thing happens in contact with your skin night after night. . What kind of treatment . Ewe can try an overthecounter hydrocortisone cream. You can place a drop of a filler there. Imagine that the sponge represents the hyaluronic as sit. It adds volume and hydrates the the skin from beneath the surface. You can see that in the before and after. One patient turned her frown back up. Something else your patients talk about. Between the mouth and the nose. The lines right here people feel that that shows your age. Yes, in the past, we chased lines. Filled folds. The new trend is to lift for a more natural look. By simply placing filler right into those lines, yeah, you can make the lines go away. You dont necessarily look younger. In some patients, it max the lower face look heavy. The lift was just approved for treatment in the cheeks. You can lift and smooth those smile lines away from above. Take a look at that after. Wow. I kind of like it. Its like a badge of honor that youre so happy no, i just felt like i had to say that. But thank you very much. I know a lot of people, its a concern. You want to, whatever works best for you. Exactly. Lets go outside now the ginger. Oh, on a chilly morn good morning, im meteorologist bill bill. Its 8 21. Outside. Its still 36 degrees. 20s up to the north, to kingston, poughkeepsie, newburgh, 33 norwalk, 32 down the jersey shore. Sunshine today. Were looking at 52 is the high, 11 degrees cooler than normal for this time of the tomorrow we warm up noticeably, 68 the high and 73 for wednesday and thursday. Look. Look, its the boots up to the mittens. My ladies from shelbyville, indiana. Doing it right this morning. Time for pop news everybody. Good morning. And, theres the less than two months until youre taken to a galaxy far, far away. Thats hen the new star wars movie hits theaters. This morning, the official poster. There it is. Making its debut on good morning america. And later tonight, a trailer for the movie will premier during espns monday night football half time. And listen to this, the minute the trailer ends, sale at movie theaters and online for the movie. Reporter . December 18th debut. Its huge. Get on your buns and go Princess Leia costumes await. Nothing like the bond between a mother and daughter. Over the weekend, beyonce and blue ivy showing theirs. They wept backstage and posed with some of the kid who is performed during the show. Beyonce and blue. Can we take the banner down . Shes so beautiful. Oh there you go. Thank you. Hi, little blue ivy. Hello. Yeah. That banner just magically disappeared. Please remove the banner i have spoken. Removeth thy banner. Jesse, dont try it. So, to continue. Not only were bey and blue there, channing tatum, tagging along with his wife and her girlfriend. He sang a few favorites. Then posted them on instagram. Take a look. Lets go escapade well have a good time choreographed in the car. Youre remarkable. Janet touring all over the country. Through 2016. Its a good show. Are you a fan . I am after that. This is also, i think, an Important Note for all of us. Talking about sleep. We do it all the time. If you wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep, try listening to a boring podcast. I actually have done this. It does work. Really . Research showing, this was in knot a pop news investigation. Research shows this satisfies the Language Center of your brain, tuning your thoughts out. The daily mail, suggests using boring subject matter, slow, monotonous voice. Including food spoos your dinner that contain serotonin, lineke bananas, bread. You can watch one of my late night ben isespn college bowl games. George is smirking the whole time. I was wondering who would take the hit on that one. Im always here for all of you. Thank you. Youre welcome, america. And hopefully, youll like this. Another contender for the cutest halloween costume. I arrghue. Amazing. I call him captain hook. He looks like hes got standing on two feet. His hook ready to do. Thats perfect. Who did this . Who did this . Hes coming after you. That is pop news. Good way. Jimmy kimmel is here. Are we interrupting . This is a channel 7 Eyewitness News brief. Good morning, its 8 27 on this monday, october 19th. Im lori stokes. Looking at the latest headlines for you at this hour, its an exciting morning for mets fans after the team took game 2 of the nlcs at citi field. Now the mets now lead the cubs 20 in the series. The team left for chicago shortly after the big win. Game 3 will be played tomorrow night. Happening today, Opening Statements will begin in the case against a man accused in the mob heist immortalized in the movie goodfellas. Authorities arrested Vincent Asaro after investigators accused him of taking part in the 6 million robbery at kennedy airport. Prosecutors say the now 80year old helped plan the heist in 1978. Hes accused of spending most of the 750,000 he got in the robbery at the racetrack. It a check on your morning commute with heather orourke. Good morning lori, good morning everybody. Lets head to our maps. Well talk to you once again about some of our subway issues, the f trains, mechanical problems at bay parkway, 2 and 5 trains, ems defendant at 110th street. If youre taking the nq and r trains, we have signal problems at 49th street. You can expect delays and Service Changes as a result. Metro north, new haven, long island railroad, main line dealing with 10 minute delays. We have delays on the Staten Island ferry as well. Alternate side of the Street Parking rules are in effect for today. Back to you. Thank you meteorologist bill evans now with your accuweather forecast. It is chilly outside, still 36 degrees. Its warming into the 40s and low 50s. Were still looking at temperatures, 20s up the hudson river valley. Hard freeze here in these overnight Early Morning hours. Sunshine today, blue skies, but by the time we get to the afternoon were looking at about 52. Thats 11 degrees cooler than normal. Now we warm right back up tomorrow. Were going to be above normal tomorrow and wednesday and thursday. Highs get into around 73 degrees and then were looking at some chilly weather as we get back towards friday and the weekend. A big warmup is on the way after today. Dress warmly. All right, bill, thank you. Were back in about a half an hour with another update. You want to join us at 9 00 for live with kelly and michael. More of good morning understand, america . These podiums. What are you supposed to do with your elbows . Put them on top . Theyre too short. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to good morning america. Funny moment, playing Bernie Sanders. A deadon impersonation. That brings us to right now, its time to count down the top 5. Wow, we got animation. The five best political impressions. George, youre up. Larry is at the top of the the list right now. Jay pharaoh as barack obama. Okay, so youre telling me republicans are going the pass an immigration bill . Thats one of your first acts. A bill of imdprags . Absolutely. Its a huge priority. Really . Definitely. [ laughter ] hes a little more gray, actually. Number four, kevin spacey doing bill clinton. We have to talk about this baby name for chelsea. I was thinking, if its a boy, we should encourage them to name him frank. If its a girl, what about claire . Both. Not the look. The voice is dead on. Remember Frank Calliendo as george w. Bush. I think its winnable. I think we have plan. Uh huh. He does it. The classic. Dana carvey did his dad. Let me just sum up. On track. Stay the course. 1,000 points of light. Who is number one . Im with you. Larry david. Jimmy mi falmy fallon trump. One more. Tina fey. I was so excited when i was told senator clint and i would be addressing you tonight. And i was told i would be addressing you alone. A little bonus. The facial impressions are hysterical. That was fun. Lets go inside to robin. Looking good in my coat there, lara. Bring it back in. Its time for late night in the daylight. Live from times square. Kicking it off, our special guests and favorite latenight host, please give a late night kimmel. You walk behind the chair, right, please, have a seat, have a seat. Its great to be here on your latenight show. In the daylight. In the daylight. Row are you . Im doing well. Nice desk. This is how you lean back and make the person feel at home. I told you, first thing, that was something last night nlcs. Throughing out the first pitch. Its not easy to do. You know what, for some people it is easy to do. And im one of those people. It comes naturally. It was very windy. Cold, you get out there, you realize, oh, im at citi field its the playoffs, im throwing out the first pitch. Its a nowin situation. If its bad, youll see it rae played for the rest of your life. Like at your funeral, people will say, great guy. Terrible pitcher. But, um, it went all right. Thank god. It would make our top five list. You think about it, um, who are some other ones that have been bah bah buoy is the worst of all time. Youre better than that. Thanks goodness. Wheres guillermo . Are you going to help me out . He was up until 2 00 a. M. Last night. It was actually 3 00. He was eating friday pizza. I didnt know such thing existed. Hes a mess today. Hes a hot mess. Youre here because youre back in your hometown. Back from brooklyn. Were doing the show from brooklyn starting tonight. Show. Guillermo and i did ballet dancing with misty copeland. One of our favorses. Hes giving us a sample. If you thought my pitching was good, wait until you see my plie. What else can we expect . Jay z, tracy morgan. We wept to the zoo with him. And a lot of good stuff. How often do you get back home to brooklyn . I come a few times a year. Im here fairly regularly. Do you have to lean in . Youre supposed to lean in a little bit. Theres a lot of distance between us. There is. You should be a tongues length from your guest. This isnt late night. Im so glad you and matt damon with working things out. We are. Sitting down with a professional has helped. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. But that was, that was a ridiculous thing. What were you hoping to get out of the day . What were you hoping to get out of that day . I was hoping to get back to my office. The rung thing is you always run out of time. Ive run out of time for my second guest on the show. You did come bearing a gift. So in tribute to our second guest, this was a clip that, yeah. What is he doing over there . What is george doing . Lets show a little bit. Eyebrows are like a privacy hedge for his forehead. Very special George Stephanopoulos only iedition of mean tweets. You see that. Hes working on the hedge. Didnt bother me at all. Go with it, george. Youre greek. Be proud of it. I was trying to clean up the eyebrows. What a pair of scissors. Theres never a shortage of a lot of times, celebrities will say, you must have meaner tweets than this. We have to go back on the internet to find meern things. Its like a competition now who has the meanest tweet. Sit more comfortable for you to sit here or there . Sitting there. But im getting used to it. Im starting to get acclimated. Jimmy kimmel live, back to brooklyn, starts tonight. At 11 35 eastern. As we said, on abc. Jimmy, always a pleasure to have you here. Thank you, robin. And guillermo, as see yen ma dont go anywhere. Get this. I was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. I had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. When i got out it was almost closing time. Traffic was bad. I knew i was cutting it close. But it was ok. I use td bank. Its got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. Im sid. And were back now with Sienna Miller. She snars the phew movie, burnt, with bradley cooper. He plays a bad boy chef. Cooking is an expression of what . Tell me . At its best . Of sustaining someone. Of love. Adam jones delangham is one of the the best and most spresing places to come and eat. What dont you like . I dont want your restaurant to be a place where you come and eat. And Sienna Miller joipsns us now. You were handling that pas that sheet so well. I was a foodie. I got trained by marcus and sasha. He said of all the people on the set, you have the most potential as a chef. He did, yes. Very exciting. You spent hours and hours over the stoves. What was your best dish by the end . I was on the the fish station. That is manager that is kind of simple but difficult to cook well. I thats what i can do better now than before. What else did you learn about food that you didnt know before . Think you understand more the way that a restaurant is run. And, the kind of as food sits on a path for more than two minutes, they have to throw it away. If somebody went to the bathroom when the food was ready, they would have to start again. If bradley coop sir the chef, theres rage in the kitchen. Its a highoctane environment. This is the second movie in a row you have done with bradley cooper. Very different role. He brings the same intensity. . And is obviously incredibly versatile as an actor. We get along very well. Hes weighed in on the debate in hollywood since Jennifer Lawrence talked about her pay for american hustle. He says he wants to step in and negotiate with his partners, and you actually had an experience on broadway. You turned down a role over pay . What happened . Um, it was just a situation where i was it was two people in a play, i was offered less than half what the male was offered. I was certain that if it was two men, it wouldnt have happened. And it would have felt undignified for me. You said no. Walked away. Yeah. Do you think bradleys idea might help . I think everybody has to come together and do something. Its think its outrageous that women are undervalued. I think there is a global conversation happening that is inspiring. It will take sacrifice. I really wanted to do that play. Im really sad i cant do it. But ultimately, we have to make we have to make changes. Had to take a stand. Before you go, we want to give you a gift in honor of the movie. Burnt sienna. Your own burnt seeienna bouquet. What a lovely thing to pack and take back to london. And it is a perfect time to head back out here because its never too early to start saving for your childs future. And on this, the first day of National Save for retirement week, who knew . Theres an Exciting Program helping some newborns take the First Step Towards securing their financial future. . Hi. . Say hi to little theo. Look, sweet maert. Its the moment every parent to be dreams of. Celebrated in movies like what to expect when youre expecting. But for joe and katie, the day their daughter was born they started saving the. Its opened our eyes. Its never too early to start saving. Reporter the couple enrolled in our sponsor, voyas, born to save program. Up. Starting a fund for her certainly made us think about our own retirement. Reporter the program, now in its second year is offering the same 500 Mutual Fund Investment for parents of babies born today. It could gro to 30,000 over a 60year span. Sflit does free our minds. It gives us peace of mind. The end. Oh, and coming up, get riddy to get yummy. Were talking chocolate. Bestselling author sandra hi, nobody knows chocolate like this lady. Sandra boynton, since her first best seller back in 1982, shes sold more than 500 million greeting cards. Shes out with a new version of chocolate, the consuming passion. Such a pleasure to meet you. Im a giant fan myself. I loved reading the books myself. Its a longstanding issue. What sit about the book. Beautiful articles written on you. Of late. This resurgence in your passion for chocolate. The world of chocolate has changed a lot since i first wrote this book. The opportunity to do the research again, so i got the eat enormous quantities of fab low chocolate. I took that one for the team. Just had to do it. Between chocolate and the cartoons, a wonderful life to consume, no pun sbepded. It is. Tell me about where you came up with these adorable characters. The fear of having to get a real job was very real out of college. I started to do cards to pay my way through drama school. I never finished. You were not classically trained as a cartoon snis. No, oh, no. Not at all. Which is your favorite . I think the pig is perhaps pi favorite. It changes. I identify with all of them. Theres a sardonic tone in your book, the the chocolate book. This is not just a guide to chocolate. No, it has a lot of information. A lot of misinformation. And, a lot of illustrations. I redrew the entire book. Reresearched. And rewrote it. Its exciting to reencount ter whole world of chocolate 30 years later. Yeah, i bet. A lot of research to be done. Im happy to help you next time. Absolutely. Absolutely. Our expenses are tax deductible then. And you defend white chocolate. Which is well did i misread that . Its complex. Its complex. Its complex. We cant skip the game. Well do a fast version. The best game show every. The questions. Theyre going to give their guests. They could win chocolate. You let help know howho is right . Chocolate is good for your fib. Its good for your complexion. Absolutely. I said its bad. Congratulations. Chocolate coming. Question two chocolate is an after aphrodisiac aphrodisiac. True . True. White chocolate contains cocoa. True or fib . True, true . No. All right. Giving more chocolate away. We love sandra. Well be my name is 127 willow lane. And ive had some work done. In 62 they put in a conversation pit. Brilliant. In 74 they got shag carpet. That poor dog. Rico . then they expanded my backside. Ugh. So when the nest learning thermostat showed up, i thought hmmm. But nest is different. Keeps em comfy. And saves energy automatically. Like that im like a whole new house nest. Kind of wild monday. Nice role play. Chocolate for our friends. Chocolate for everyone. Bring me the chocolate. This is breaking news from channel 7 Eyewitness News. And good morning, its 8 56 im lori stokes. We have breaking news out of long island. Police are searching for three suspects wanted for stealing a car from a subway parking lot baby inside. Now police say the suspects abandoned the car on 3rd avenue and Cherry Street with the baby inside. That child was not harmed. Also developing right now, the search is on for the person who stabbed a man to death in bridgeport connecticut overnight. Orourke. Lori, were going to show you a picture of the george Washington Bridge where you can see we do have delays gets across the span, especially as you move across the upper well. We have something on the bridge itself. Well head to our maps. Ill tell you whats going on. Inbound side, the upper level we have a disabled truck that is being cleared away. So you can expect some delays as you go through there. Grand central west at laguardia, alternate side of the Street Parking rules are in effect. And bill evans has your accuweather forecast. Were looking at sunshine and your 9 00 temperature is going to be 38 degrees. It will slowly warm into the 40s by lunchtime and the low 50s for the afternoon. Look, its now still the below freezing in many places up above yonkers, new city, 26, were looking at 36 belmar, 29 wrightstown. Lunchtime about 49. 52 this afternoon, we warm right back up tomorrow and wednesday and thursday. Lori. Bill thanks so much. It is 8 58. Thatll do it for us. Up next live with kelly and have a good day. Im bobby flay and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. Come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state has to offer. Like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. Or the awardwinning vineyards of long island. This cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lovers hall of fame. You can even try new yorks exceptional cider and spirits. This fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. Plan your trip at iloveny. Com. Theres something for everyone. If you look closely, you can see the exact second, when curiosity becomes wonder, when winter becomes christmas, and joy becomes a tradition. A moment that can only happen. Here. The radio city christmasspectacular presented by chase. You bring the family, we bring the joy

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