Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News This Morning 20160730 :

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News This Morning 20160730

[ bus engine revs ] i don't understand. where do they all go? well, we have plenty at staples and all at low prices. all right. get another. back to school or back for more? staples has the lowest prices... period. at the the lincoln summer invitation sales event, it's time to relax. from the moment you take your foot off the brake, the brake stays engaged and you stay put. taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. and even hills. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, lease a lincoln mkx for $349 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months when we became teachers, the state made a commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution over the years of not funding this pension the way it should have been funded. they have made a promise, they've made a commitment, and they need to stick to it. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? oh, those two? they're always fighting for attention. there's more to a legendary city than its legends. ?? with this level of intelligence...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. welcome back. time for sports with laura behnke. >> the injury bug has not within kind to the mets this juan lagares. he has a strained left thumb. the mets continued a four game weekend set with the rockies at citi field last night. colorado strikes first. the mets answered in the bottom of the second. james loney going long. that is where the good times ended for the home team. a one-run game until the bullpen took over. sussex-1 -- 6-1. one thing remained the same. alex rodriguez was out of the starting line-up as he sat his sixth straight game. the pinstripes open a set against the rays at the trop. first inning logan forsythe winning the battle with the corey dickerson that's his 15th home run of the season. didn't get better. this time it's ivan longoria. 4-0. nova leads in the fifth after allowing five runs and arguing with the umpires. not a good night. 5-1 the yanks fall. it's officially football season in these parts as the giants joined in on the fun with their first practice of training cam for the personnel, the goal remains the same. a playoff run. the giants won a super bowl in 2011. ants won a super bowl in >> we got to work extremely hard and be committed to doing whatever it takes to win more games and make the playoffs. it could truly be about football. not contract negotiations or stalemates with ryan fitzpatrick returning in time for thursday's first practice. now it's just business as usual as ganggreen tries to win. it was cut second round of the pga championship wrapped up. one big name is not staying through the weekend. rory mcilroy missing the cut. jimmy walker has some company. robert streb had quite a day. a 7 under 63, which was enough to put him in a tie for first with walker. 9 under thanks to a 4 under 66 for the day. the action is shifting to round 3. and that's your morning later tonight at 5. all right. much more ahead. >> residents are waking up to a murder on their doorstep. that story in a live report coming up. and also ahead, shutting down part of the subway. what riders say they may be forced to do about the big decision involving the l train. good a little bit of haze to start off the day. temperatures in the mid 70s right now. if you are doing a getaway this weekend, temperatures will be in the upper 70s and low 80s. storms especially north and for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all stop & shop produce is triple checked. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. saturday morning. july 30th. july, no, hold on. i am michelle charlesworth. >> july 30th. i am rob nelson. thanks for being with us. "eyewitness news saturday mor ning" rolling on today. let's get a quick check on the rolling with the homies including amy freeze in the weather center. >> i almost fell off my little box here. on these boxes behind the weather desk because it's lit for jeff smith, who is the meteorologist. you're on the inside now. muggy outside. we could have showers and thunderstorms over the weekend. around the burroughs low-to-mid 70s. riverdale good morning to you. 70 degrees. same for murray hill. ridgewood 75 degrees. howard beach you have got 73. same for garrison and oakwood has 72 degrees. 37 bridgeport. temperatures in the low-to-mid 60s back not northwest. that's where the action is. starting early this morning and right to the afternoon we could get stronger storms. satellite and radar picture. here comes the show form of blue. light sprinkles to begin with but heavier showers and thunderstorms pack a punch. those come in later this afternoon. if you are going to be outdoors, definitely an eye to the sky especially the further north and west to the city you are. meanwhile, it will remain sunnier and drier compared to tomorrow. details on that coming up in the accuweather seven-day forecast. i will see you for that in a few minutes. we are continuing to follow brooklyn where police are searching for the shooter when killed a man in bed-stuy. what we know so far about the victim. >> reporter: rob, bedford stuyvesant where residents are waking up to a murder. a 26-year-old man shot multiple times in the torso, found unconscious and bleeding here. there are details. at 340 bainbridge street. the murder comes in spite of a sweeping wide crackdown on violent gangs. gangs who were responsible for a future percentage of shootings and homicides in new york city. like the one in that surveillance video from february of this year. it's the kind of violent crime that has terrorized entire crack down strategy that is paying off with shootings and murders at historic lows. the number of shootings has never been this low in the recent history of new york. no, we don't know what sparked this latest shooting. the victim is 25-year-old charles bird. detectives are canvasing or witnesses. patrol officers are out here determined to reassure residents as they wake up this morning. >> the man convicted of killing a 21-year-old mother has been sentence today prison to life without parole. there was a week long search in 2014. the crime was brutal. she had been raped and stabbed more than 40 times. sarah good's mother is raiding beautiful girl. life is so short. i don't know what i will tell her daughter when she gets older. >> the defense insists taylor is innocent and hinted as an appeal. investigators in new jersey arrested and charged a man for stealing more than half a million dollars from an elderly person. they say 33-year-old benjamin yu of fort lee transferred money from the victim's account. he is charge and elder abuse. 4 zika infections in the miami area came from mosquitoes. so far no mosquitoes have tested positive, but health officials say it is just a matter of time. members of congress are on a seven week vacation. lawmakers left washington without passing any zika funding measures that president obama requested months ago. that horrific massacre in newton, connecticut, a new sandy hook elementary school is ready to open. the building replaces the old school which was torn down after the community was devastated by that mass shooting in december 2012. 20 children and six adults were killed in that rampage. the new $50 million facility is designed to keep children safe and foster healing. is to offer a warm and comfortable environment for students. the safety measures that are in this building are second to none. >> they have several gates that visitors must pass through to get in. 390 students are enrolled in start this fall. we learned more about the plans to shut down the l line for a year and a half. of 2019. the mta was considering several options on how to fix damage caused by showers and storms. they reached out to the public and 70 some percent wanted to close to. the l train has all kinds of damage after sandy. there are track, signal, cable issues. so far there is no alternate plan in place. >> remember the tunnel closure doesn't occur until january of 2019. so we have time. we have time to do get it right. >> reporter: but the mayor says there needs to be a plan b for the 300,000 riders who in january of 2019 will be left in the lurch. >> we will have some serious conversations about whether it has to take that long. >> reporter: what about getting across the east river? >> ferry service in place. >> reporter: people who work in all of these businesses right here at 8th avenue and 14th street take the l train to get here from brooklyn every day. works at insomnia says she has no idea what she is going to do. they are talking about buses and ferries. >> that means i have to leave extra recall. >> reporter: other riders were worried and shocked. >> wow. that's -- especially in the colder months, that's being to be really hard. >> sandy happened a long time ago. they should have fixed it. >> reporter: one woman wants to >> probably move to avenue c. >> reporter: there is plenty of time to work out alternates for riders who weighed in and said do this fast and all at once. two and a half years from now. >> so, yeah, i mean, that's a main -- hundreds of thousands of people take the l train. >> 18 months. >> a year and a half completely shut down. it would have taken three years if they shut down one tunnel. they were like no. so people talking about taking bridge and coming down or taking ferries. the mta doesn't handle ferries. they don't have ferries. even when the city has ferries, they will have to be working in concert. there is no plan. this is the first stage u. hope they don't start until 2019. there is plenty of time to throw resources at neighborhoods. get to work and get around without -- >> yeah, people are like, what? >> yeah, that's a lot. >> my ride is gone. >> yeah, you should just move. woman said, okay, i'm out. i have two and a half years to find a different apartment. coming up on "eyewitness news saturday morning," 30 people are claiming to be heirs to prince's estate, including me. this morning how a minnesota judge is responding to those claims. >> love rob nelson. we share the same birthday. >> you and prince? >> yes. >> jessica tandy. gonna tell us if it's going to [ children shouting playfully ] this is the last one i'm getting for her. -no, it's not. -no, it's not. back to school or back for more? staples has low prices... period. staples. make more happen. staples has low prices... period. come to sesame place before little kids become big kids come to the only place, that makes little hearts race. save $10 on admission and get a free 2nd visit only at here we go. >> yes. >> this is good. >> there are many reasons to be impressed with amy freeze. my favorite is when there is a countdown after commercial, when she starts hauling over here and those 8-inch pumps and dismount every time and she is ready when that cameras comes on. >> if there was an liz cho event. >> the thing is i am busy over there. i am getting the graphics together. i know people think that there is a big teamworkong this morning -- team working on this morning. that's how it is. >> making the hustle. it this weekend you have to watch the forecast. you have to keep updated on line of storms. it's going to be pop-up showers and thunderstorms. if you have plans for the weekend you need to pay attention to the forecast. looking up to the gwb, the hudson river there, we have a little bit of haze. looks like a beautiful start. it's very muggy outside. it was last night. it is this morning again. so 74. feeling like the upper 70s to get going. here are the numbers from central park. currently mid 70s. hour. light showers north and west of the city right now. that's where the action's gonna be today. west of the city, that's where we could get the strong thunderstorms around the area. on and off showers for the second half of the weekend as well. first week of august looks average. temperatures warm up pretty dramatically by friday of this week. right now mid 70s. we have oakwood first at 72. sunset park is at the 73 checking in at 76 degrees on long island. temperatures for islip 70 degrees. montauk 69. bridgeport at 73. 60s north and west. 70 for new york. that will be the hottest spot. looking at satellite and radar, there is some action of some showers happening. that is enough to keep the moisture at the surface. it's during the afternoon hours on the forecast that we'll actually see more activity. so the early part of this going 80 degrees by 11, 12:00 this afternoon than will start the threat of showers and thunderstorms. much of the action is north and west by 2:00. first thunder boomer coming up orange and yellow is north of new york city. then through the afternoon the oranges, yellows showing up are north and west. that's through 9:00. that holds through the evening hours. through 11:00 that action is west of us. and then tomorrow it will be hit or miss showers and starting with some showers early on and then again another round of rain later in the afternoon. so i have to say tomorrow is not a washout. there will be periods of the day that are okay. you may have to dodge a shower for an hour or two and then you are back in it enjoying temperatures in the low 80s. from the catskills to the jersey shore thunderstorms possible at times, but not all the time. this takes us right through monday as well. catskills. jersey shore 82. hamptons above 80 degrees. threats of showers and thunderstorms become more likely on sunday afternoon. for today in the city 84 degrees. grab your umbrella if you are worried about getting wet north and west of the city. the clouds will be in place overnight tonight. it will remain stormy west late tonight. then early tomorrow morning there could be showers at sunday afternoon. the accuweather seven-day forecast brings us to 82. >> nice stretch starting tuesday through thursday as temperatures warm up again. the humidity increases by friday and we have a high of 88 degrees with humid storms. there you go. we roll out the last week of july decent. it's not a perfect weekend. it's not the hot blue sky, bright sunshine kind of weekend. it's also not >> not too hot. you know what i mean. we are righ enjoy. before we go to break let's look at channel 7's community calendar. >> warren county farmers fair balloon festival in new jersey takes you back to a simpler time with antique car shows, pony rides and endless cotton candy. experience the coastal forest and grasslands of the city at the botanical society field trip in brooklyn. on long island displays a variety of media from pass tell to the water color and clay. at the summer festival 2016 presents cyclops, music and dance. harry potter in long island. park rangers will be your guide to the solar system at arts, culture and fun. use binoculars and telescopes to explore the evening sky. if you want to soar along the highest, longest and fastest zipline in north america, there's only one place to do it. you can only find in new york state. ?? it's all in the catskills. only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. s right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at a boy bullied most of his life. 12-year-old brandon says the only thing to get him through years of being teased was gwen different school. he turned to stefani's music to lift him up. >> i have always listened to her. i put in the cds and it would make me feel better and put me in a better mood and make me forget about what was going on. >> brandon finally got to meet gwen stefani at her concert. she spotted him with a sign in the audience and later posted on facebook during a hard time in her life she prayed to use to those prayers. >> wow. 29 people claiming to be heirs to prince's estate have been ruled out by a minnesota judge. it was part of a 19-page decision. the singer's six siblings and half siblings are not part of that group. two other people have been ordered to get genetic testing. prince of course was found dead in his paisley park complex from an apparent drug overdose years old. also, vice president joe biden is joining new york's finest kinda. the vp will be appearing on an upcoming episode of law and order. they say biden will praise lieutenant olivia benson for her work to end rape kit backlog. they have actually worked together to end rape kit backlogs around the country and domestic violence. >> facing a big threat and it is not hackers. it's the government. the social media giant disclosed it could owe billions of dollars to the government. it's the result of an irs investigation into the way the company moved assets to an irish subsidiary to avoid higher taxes. it's part of facebook's move to shift worldwide business to facebook ireland in 2010. they will file a petition to when we come back, sandy kinnian's weekend review. first, super cut saturday. who is over there? >> yeah, somebody peeking through the box this morning. good morning. we have got the first of the super cats. we can see you in there. yes, we can. i think it's a big shoebox. cuddle time for cha-cha this morning sent in by gail via twitter. cute cats ther old winks. thanks, tim, for sending it in. ?? having acne... ...was always on my mind. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda 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vegas. now it's bad moms in chicago. the moms aren't really that bad. they are just fed up. >> we are killing ourselves trying to be perfect. >> reporter: mila kunis in the middle, kristen bell to the friends who find it's impossible to be a good mom so. >> let's be bad moms. >> i am in. >> reporter: together they give us the funniest comedy of the summer with a big assist from christina applegate as the seemingly perfect president of the pta. >> she is a bully. >> we have to take down these perfect moms. >> reporter: jada pinkett smith is in that perfect posse who rule middle school. >> here comes that weird stay- at-home mom. the men in the movie. the kid is a real whiner. >> i am sorry, okay? i am trying. >> reporter: i wined watching this mother trying to cope at home, at work, and at school until she finally says no. amy is frustrated enough to run for pta president herself and the kickoff to her campaign, a like so much fun, i wish i could have been there. some of this might happen. other scenes just wouldn't. but i was having too much fun to be too literal. the humor is mixed with a whole lot of heart in a comedy so raunchy, you just have to see for yourself why i thought this was so funny. >> are you having a bad day? >> it could not get any -- >> the best jokes do not belong on television. this comedy is definitely not for any guy who has ever wondered what ladies talk about in a locker room. it's for any mom who feels misunderstood, and for everyone else who has just been waiting to laugh really hard at the movies this summer. i am sadie kenyan, channel 7 eyewitness news this morning. >> i think he liked it. >> i am sold. >> it seems funny. i will see it. >> you got a little like sparkle. >> perfect, sandy. my kind of flick. let's go. coming up in the next hour of eyewitness news on this saturday morning, developing this morning, a man was shot and killed on the grounds of a housing complex in brooklyn. we are live in bed-stuy where police are looking for the gunman. new this morning a man swipes a woman's purse and the crime is caught on camera. the video police want you to see. and a swang state is accused of suppressing minority voters. appeals court just 100 days before the general 7:00. a man was killed in an early morning shooting in brooklyn. we are live with the details on what police now know about the victim. plus, rescued right out of the bay. the exclusive 911 phone call for help from the water. and tonight's powerball drawing could make someone a multi-millionaire. details on how much is at stake in tonight's big drawing. good morning. giving you a live look down the little bit hazy. nice look at some flags flying. got some wind down the shore on this saturday, july 30th. i am saving my spot. it's not that far away. good saturday morning. i am michelle charlesworth. >> aka queen of the beach. beach girl conoisseur. >> i am there. witness protection. i am covered for the sun. >> it's good though. that's part. good morning. i am rob nelson. "eyewitness news saturday morning." another warm summer weekend. not crazy. >> oh, my goodness, not we're making pottery. it's good. yeah. amy freeze. good morning to the both of you. it has been a nice hot week around the area. temperatures were in the 90s. we ended that stretch and it's been a little more comfortable as far as temperatures go. humid and sticky at 75. we'll remain muggy through the weekend. what could interrupt your plans. make it so you have to pay attention to what's happening around you. on the island low-to-mid 70s. a lot of spots at 73 for smithtown. brookhaven 69. temperatures in the upper 60s for west hampton 71 east hampton. across thesound 70s. 76 degrees for newark. 60s north and west of the city. these temperatures could climb 10 degrees from where they are right now. on the accutrack we are focused on west. those will continue to push off north and west. so those are headed towards newburgh. what will happen here through the morning hours, maybe there is a spritz, a quick moving showers through parts of the mid hudson valley. when we get into the afternoon a more serious round of showers and thunderstorms coming in. those could pack a punch. the rain will stay mainly north and west. for sure the strongest storms through the afternoon. we will keep an eye to the sky. there is not a way to rule out the threat completely. more and more temperatures in north and west of the city. i will have details on this plus the second half of the weekend in the accuweather seven-day forecast in a few minutes. breaking international news out of belgium. two brothers have been arrested for planning a terrorist attack. nor dean h and his brother hamza were taken for questions. prosecutors found preliminary evidence the pair had plans for an attack in belgium. no weapons or explosives were during those searches however. back here at home and developing this morning, a man was killed in an early morning shooting in brooklyn and now police are trying to track down the gunman. eyewitness news reporter nj burkett. >> reporter: bed-stuy brooklyn where police crime scene investigators and detectives are gathering evidence. a 26-year-old man found shot brooklyn. still a developing story. there are very few details. the shooting happened a few hours ago 1:30 this morning at 340 bainbridge street. the motive not clear. no arrests, at least not so far. the murder comes in spite after city-wide crackdown on violent gangs. gangs who are responsible for a huge percentage of shootings and homicides here in new york city. like the one in that surveillance video from february of this year. that's terrorized entire neighborhoods, leaving many residents feeling vulnerable. the commissioner says this crackdown is a strategy paying off. shootings and murders at historic lows. the number of shootings has never been this low in the recent history of new york. no, we don't know yet what sparked this latest shooting. the victim is 26-year-old charles bird of brooklyn. crime seen investigators, as i said, they are here gathering evidence. detectives canvasing for here this morning. live in bed-stuy. >> thank you. police are looking for a burglar they believe snuck into a manhattan building by preying on the good nature of tenants. his act was pretending to need crutches. these new surveillance pictures show the man with crutches inside this building on west 56th in midtown on tuesday morning after somebody bu sorry for him. once inside he broke into threer apartments and stole jewelry and laptop computers. the nypd is looking for two people who robbed a woman at a bakery in queens. police say one suspect acted as a lookout while the other took a purse off the counter of this bakery. inside the purse was the victim's id, 200 bucks. the suspects ran off. if you have any information about the case, please call in the bronx. he is spying on people and touching himself. it's happening on black rock avenue in the sound view section. the suspect is around 5'7", weighs 180 pounds approximately. if you have seen him call police. a cell phone might have made the difference for a jet skier in new jersey. dennis pereira used his dying cell phone to call dispatchers after he fell off his jet ski in the bay. the phone managed to stay on as predict. to the sheriff. it was not a waterproof cell phone. the coast guard and the nypd responded to the call. nypd aviation sent a diver down to rescue the 21-year-old. billion dollars. there have been no powerball winners for three months now believe it or not, so now $478 million up for grabs tonight. that's more than $330 million in cash. can you catch the drawing tonight right here on channel 7 during eyewitness news at 11. coming up on eyewitness news on this saturday morning, north carolina is accused of suppressing minority voters. details on the decision handed down by an appeals court 100 days before the general election. man beaten and left in a coma now speaking out. hear how an nypd school safety officer is being linked to the case. meteorologist amy freeze here in the accuweather center. we are tracking showers and storms for the weekend. we will tell you what's up with the timing of the showers and storms. right now mid 70s. going for 82 by noon. a high today of 84 degrees. temperatures will stay in the low 80s through the late afternoon. 78 degrees as we head towards overnight. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. this is your moment, this is your time. i believe in you. congratulations bro on a job well done. i'm so proud of you. you are amazing. ? a former new york giant has been sentenced for assaulting his estranged wife. luke pitigew pled guilty to a charge of simple assault. they say he sexually assaulted his wife before choking her with her bra. he is sentenced to one year probation and anger management more years of probation on separate drug charges. a queens man remains in a coma a week after he was the victim of an apparent road rage attack. it started as just a fender- bender in flushing, but it quickly turned violent when 44- year-old creamen anderson began beating the man. the 68-year-old son did not want to be identified. he says at best his father will life. >> the family is very angry and sad. as time went on and on, you know, our hopes went away. >> the victim in this is chun man tse. 68 years old. the suspect's sister and nypd safety officer now suspended. she was in the car at the time what happened. the fbi is investigating a potential hack of proprietary information collected by hillary clinton's campaign. it says no internal computers were attacked. it's on the heels of two other fbi investigations of hacking at the dnc and the democratic campaign committee. they say the russian government is the lead suspect. well, as we know by now, the conventions are now over with and there are less than election day in november. we're seeing a shift from energizing supporters to convincing the nation's voters at large. >> eyewitness news reporter carolina lead has the wrap-up. >> reporter: for both hillary clinton and donald trump, the strategy ask easy in theory. let's face it. it is monumental in practice. win over non-partisan voters while plucking disaffected voters from the other party. gloves are coming off. >> every time i mention her everyone streams lock her up. you know what i do? i have been nice. after watching that performance last night, such lies, i don't have to be so nice any more. >> reporter: clinton is on a three day, 600-mile through the battleground to woo blue-collar voters. no surprise ohio and pennsylvania will be key swing states come november. the hit-and-run campaign is clinton campaign is hoping to sway 20% of republicans who are unfavorable of trump. >> we are going to be visiting places where people are making things. donald trump talks about make america great again. he doesn't make a thing in america except bankruptcies. a big decision in one of the country's swing states could become a flashpoint in this year's election. a federal appeals court ruled targeted black voters with almost surgical precision. that's a quote. almost surgical precision. friday's verdict declared a 2013 law violated the voting rights act and is now the third ruling of its kind in the last two weeks alone. >> the ability of americans, the ability of all of us to have a voice in the direction of their country, to have a fair and free opportunity to help write the story of this nation is fundamental to who we are, to who we aspire citizens and as americans. >> north carolina is expected to have a closely contested presidential race in that state as well as races for u.s. senate and governor. >> wow. a law from 2013. not 1963? >> 2013. >> 2013. >> 2013. >> yes. straight ahead on "eyewitness news saturday morning," a volcano erupts and the lava starts to break way from the land. wow, is now reaching. >> that is amazing. coming up in sports, a push for the baseball post-season is on. mets try to even things up with they're all gone. i know i bought them. well, staples has low prices. if i were you, i'd grab a couple more... for next week. back to school or back for more? staples has the lowest prices... period. staples. make more happen. staples has the lowest prices... period. that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. as long as they have someone to believe in them. citi? financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place. we backed the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, for cash, anytime. and the people and companies behind them. so why should that matter to you? because, today, we are still helping progress makers turn their ideas into reality. welcome back everybody. a volcano in hawaii continues to just pour out lava months after it erupted. kilauea. >> kilauea. >> um-hmm. >> sorry. i was looking at the pictures. >> i was, too. >> kilauea. >> early this week the lava reached the ocean spanning 66 feet over the cliff and into the sea. the volcano i can't pronounce, kilauea. >> kilauea. that is not sinking in this morning. it is the first time in three years that lava from this volcano has reached the ocean. >> the building of an island. the corner. it's written -- shot by paradise helicopters. >> so cool! were you in those helicopters when you went to hawaii? >> no, i didn't do anything in helicopters when i was in hawaii. i went to kauai. it's different. >> kilauea? >> yeah. >> then -- but, you know in the plane that i jumped out of. >> that's right. it was a plane. not a helicopter. >> kilauea. >> because you can see the whole -- hawaii, i apologize. >> it's all right. >> kilauea. >> if you could get a trip there, i bet you would learn how to pronounce it. >> i would personally apologize for my miss pronunciation. i will talk to the station management about that. >> good stuff. if you are sticking around here for the weekend, you got plans, maybe you are headed to the beach or something, here we are the last weekend of july. people will be starting to say, okay, i have a month or so left before the kids go back to school. let's get out and about. and so here we go with the beautil this morning. it really does look nice. it is humid. temperatures in the mid 70s. we are including the threats of showers and thunderstorms in the forecast for both today and tomorrow. the weekend, however, is not a washout. these will be showers and thunderstorms that could interrupt plans. keep an eye to the sky. can't rule out the threat of this. not everybody will see rain both days. 82% humidity. southeast winds at 6 miles per hour and pressure is on the rise. 70s. we will climb 10 degrees from these numbers. 73 oakwood. sunset park 74. >> 76 ridgewood. gare ton at 75 degrees. out on the island should be a nice day because much of the action is going to be north and west. more sunshine today. saturday especially the further east you are of the city. also shore locations looking pretty good. there is a risk of a shower or thunderstorm. we are not seeing it show up on the computer models. drenching downpours that we could see coming in. today more sunshine. those afternoon showers and storms north and west. clouds will stick around sunday and then we will have showers again through the day, second half of the weekend. the first week of august is about average. there is really no major extremes. we will push the temperatures a little warmer by the end of the week. for the most part, pretty typical week ahead for us. here are the first of the showers. this batch is north and west and it's very light rainfall right into the mid hudson valley. maybe within the next 40 minutes this energy makes its places into places like newburgh. we will see light showers there early on. then this afternoon we will get more potent showers and storms coming in. if you are doing boating, here's what you need to know. winds are light out of the south through the midday hours about 5 knots. waves 2 feet, things are pretty calm on the coastlines today. water temper degrees and the rip current risk is low. on the futurecast here's what happens through the day. 11:00 some clouds. sun breaks at times. some of these areas of blue could produce some sprinkles through the early afternoon. the main action is the oranges and yellows north and west. there is a line that cuts off that energy. so it doesn't really make it into the city. but by tomorrow morning there we go. showers and thunderstorms are possible. through the afternoon and city overnight sunday into monday. they will make it into the burroughs. so that's what we'll look for. some real action coming in early on monday and then perhaps showers and thunderstorms coming for monday afternoon. the catskills, jersey shore and hamptons more sunshine in places. north and west of the city, catskills, higher elevations will get the threat of showers and thunderstorms today. so 84 is the high. 72 is the low. again eye to the sky if you have here is your accuweather seven- day forecast. temperatures are cooler tomorrow. 80 degrees. nase of more cloud coverage. on monday a stray thunderstorm can't be ruled out. 82. that's especially for the afternoon. tuesday a nice stretch of weather for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. temperatures will be in the mid 80s. >> kawinkydink. >> then friday back into the upper 80s. >> the fix is in. >> last weekend it was all 90s more, you know. >> turn the ac down a little bit. >> save a little money. >> turn it up. >> the mayor says 78 degrees. that will keep you comfortably cool. do you buy that? >> it takes the humidity out. that's part of it. it takes the humidity up. >> do you think people abide by that? >> no. i think 72. some people are like 64 at night. >> i like it cold. from the moment you take your foot off the brake, the brake stays engaged and you stay put. taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. and even hills. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers. lease a lincoln mkx for $349 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months time for all the morning sports headlines. here is laura behnke. >> good morning. the injury bug has not been kind to the mets this season. yesterday it claimed another. juan lagares placed on the disabled list. he is expected to miss about six weeks with a sprained left thumb. the mets continued a set with the rockies last night. james loney going long. the solo home run ties it at 1- 1. a one-run game until the bullpen took over and mark reynolds making it 3-1. then came your dagger in the form of a carlos gonzalez three-run jack to blow this thing wide open. 6-1 in the ninth. the rockies rule. well, the yankees switched opponents last night as their road trip shift today the sunshine state. alex rodriguez was once again out of the starting line-up as he sat his sixth a set against the rays last night. it was not the best time to be ivan nova. logan forsythe with the home run. more trouble for the pinstripes. corey dickerson 15th home run of the season. a solo shut. 2-0 rays right away. in the fifth nova, this time reach 4- 0. arguing there with the umpires, not a good night. 5-1 the yanks fall. and now it's officially football season in these parts as the giants joined in on the fun yesterday with their first practice of training camp. and while much has changed with the personnel, goal remains the same. a playoff run. the giants won a super bowl back in 2011. big blue has not been at the playoffs since that triumph. a five-year drought they hope to end this season. >> we understand, what's ahead of us. we got to work extremely hard and be totally committed in doing whatever it takes to get back to winning more games and making playoffs. >> as for the jets, their work continued yesterday. second official practice of camp. this time it could truly be about football. not contract negotiations or stalemates with ryan fitzpatrick finally returning in time for thursday's first practice. now it's just business as usual as gang green tries to end its own playoff drought. mature and we are in a great place, that the guys are just focused on doing their job. >> it's all about what we do now and the work we put in and kind of the brotherhood we build. >> it was cut day at baltusrol yesterday as the second round of the pga championship wrapped up in new jersey and at least one big name is not staying through the weekend. rory mcilroy missing the cut. jimmy walker your leader heading in. he has company. robert streb had quite a day. him in a tie for first with walker. he is now at 9 under thanks to a 4 under of 66 on the day. that's your sports. i am laura behnke, we are back again later tonight at five. much more ahead on this eight morning, including a look at today's top stories. neighbors are waking up to (maintenance guy) is that a hammock made out of ethernet cables? (it guy) nope! (maintenance guy) well, you could play a new york lottery scratch-off game. that's how i break the routine around here without making our entire network collapse. (it guy) good point. can i have one? (maintenance guy) sure. (avo) take a break from the expected. welcome back everybody to eyewitness news early on this saturday morning. oh, the end of the month. >> i can't stand it. >> july 30th. >> don't speak of it. >> it's going to a nice, warm, not crazy hot, not crazy rainy weekend. that's the silver lining, even though we are plowing through summer here. i am rob nelson. thanks for being with us. we have a seven-second delay for that obscenity? i am michelle charlesworth. i made pesto this weekend. going to make tomato sandwiches with mayonnaise and pepper. >> got your corn going. >> just saying. >> grilled corn? how do you do it? >> i like to put it in a big baking dish and put it in the mic wave. cover it with seran wrap. meteorologist amy freeze, what staple food? >> oh, watermelon. no question about that. cut up the watermelon. i am all about that. i have been in full-blown panic this week going into the last week of july. i went to three beaches in one week. rockaway, orchard and jones beach within five days. >> i approve. >> i am like, ah, let me get in. you know there is plenty of summer left. there is. we are rolling into august here and we will have warm weather. we could have storms over the weekend. it's not perfection as far as the skies go. the city. looking at the numbers across the area, morristown 68. sussex 68 as well. lots of s's and x's there. north and west of the city we could see light sprinkles. a little of this action moving into the mid hudson valley. 70 degrees newburgh right now. belmar 72. jersey shore i'll be there this week somehow. accutrack showing us that we have got these light showers here that are moving pretty much off to the north a little bit and then due west and light through the afternoon most of the action activity is north and west of the city. we are not gonna rule out the chance for a pop-up shower and thunderstorm in the city, but the heavier downpours, the drenching downpours right now the computer models are showing that energy north and west. the next seven hours an easterly wind develops and we have the chance of a shower or quick moving thunderstorm. i will have the rest of the accuweather forecast for the second half of the weekend in the next few days, including >> thank you. developing this police are working to gather evidence after a man was shot and killed at a housing complex in brooklyn. eyewitness news reporter n.j. burkett joins us live in bed- stuy with more on the story. >> reporter: that's right. bed tie, brooklyn, neighbors are waking up to a murder on their doorstep. a 26-year-old man shot to death. hit multiple times in the torso. found unconscious and bleeding in the street outside a housing a developing story. there are very few details. the shooting happened just a few hours ago. 1:30 this morning at 340 bainbridge street. the motive not clear. no arrests. it comes in sprite of sweeping crackdown on gangs. gangs responsible for a huge percentage of shootings and homicides here in new york city like the one in that surveillance video from february of this year. it's the kind of violent crime that's terroriz residents feeling vulnerable. commissioner says this crackdown arresting the gang members is a strategy that's paying off. the shootings and murders at historic lows. in fact, the number of shootings hasn't been this low in the history of new york. we don't know what sparked the latest shooting. the victim is 26-year-old charles bird. detectives are canvasing for witnesses and patrol officers up here this morning. live in brooklyn. n.j. burkett, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you. new this morning, a shootout in the middle of a queens street is partially caught on camera. police say on july 12th a driver inside a jeep grand cherokee shot a man riding a bike on 137th street. the bicyclist got off his bike, pulled out his own gun, and fired back as that jeep drove off. no injuries though were reported. the man convicted of killing a 21-year-old mother has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. dante taylor was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of sarah good. good's body was found after a week long search in 2014. the crime was brutal. she had been raped and stabbed more than 40 times. her mother, sarah good's mother, is raising her young daughter. >> she is just a beautiful know what i'm gonna tell her daughter when she gets older. >> the defense says taylor is innocent and hinted at an appeal. investigators in new jersey arrested and charged a man for stealing more than half a million dollars bucks from an elderly person. they say 33-year-old benjamin yew of fort lee transferred money from the victim's account after getting power of attorney back in 2009. yew is now charged with theft, money laundering and elder abuse. that four mysterious infections in the miami area probably came from mosquitoes here. so far no mosquitoes in florida have tested positive for the virus, but health officials say it is just a matter of time. governor rick scott is urging the federal government to step in to help. members of congress though are on a seven-week vacation. they left without passing any zika funding measures that president obama requested months ago. massacre in newton, connecticut, a new sandy hook elementary school ready to open. it remaces the old school which was torn down after the community was devastated back in december 2012 by that shooting rampage. 20 school children and six adults were killed in the massacre. the new $50 million facility is designed to keep students and staff safe and to foster healing. >> the intent of this building is to offer a warm and i can also share with you that the safety and security measures in this building are second to none. >> the school's special safety features include impact resistant windows, surveillance cameras inside and out, and several gates that visitors must pass through to get in. 390 students are enrolled there to start this fall. he was inducted in the hall of fame earlier this week. today he will at celebrated. his number 31 will be retired from rotation. piazza played for 16 seasons with five teams, including the beloved mets. he holds the record for the most home runs as a catcher in baseball history. looking good. >> nice. coming up next on "eyewitness news saturday morning," if you have a sweet tooth you will enjoy this taste. a new museum is now open, and it's all about cream. even sprinkles you can walk through. >> oh, okay. from sweet to vial and disgusting. the corpse flower, which smells when bloomed, has bloomed. ?slow, building african-style m? it's the little moments that make the biggest waves. [ bus engine revs ] i don't understand. where do they all go? well, we have plenty at staples and all at low prices. all right. get another. back to school or back for more? staples has the lowest prices... period. staples. make more happen. oh, i am so into this story. >> hurry. >> you better hurry up if you want to see and perhaps even smell, if you dare, the so- called -- >> that's life. >> -- corpse flower in the bronx. people have been lining up all week, god knows why, at the new the rare and disgustingly pungent flower. the guard is extending its hours. don't let the picture fool you. this thing is six feet tall. the garden itself will be open today from 9 a.m. to 8:00 at night. the flower will stay in full bloom for only a few more hours. >> now, i don't like it that you have to be so far away from the flower. i wish you could be close up. you can't touch it. stand next to it, get your photo and stuff. >> ten feet away is pretty close from a six foot flower. >> i want to be right next to it. >> why? >> it's an experience. it's an exhibit. >> it's life. >> they are going to harvest -- did they say they are going to harvest -- >> yeah, they cut up the bottom and use pollen from another flower. from indonesia, sumatra. >> i think it's very fascinating. >> it lasts for an hour and a half -- excuse me, a day and a half. so get over there. >> please end this thing. anyway, let's talk about what's happening outside. blooming on your own this weekend outdoors, whatever you're gonna do, you will get some sun but you're also gonna get some rain as well. we could use these soakings we have seen the last da the city. water the lawn. we will get more of that action over the next two to three days, really right through monday we have the threat of showers. over the park here's what it looks like. mixed sky. sun and clouds. 75 in the park. 82% humidity. easterly wind will dominate through the afternoon. we will be cooler at the coast. around the burroughs temperatures in the low-to-mid 70s. same out on the island. bridgeport 73. 60s north and west. popping up north and west of the city as well. these are light. later on in the afternoon we could see heavy downpours. we will be focused up on that. clouds stick around tomorrow. we get off-and-on showers. it's not a washout of a weekend, but there are times we will see quick moving showers come through, dump the rain, and sun breaks. first week of august about average. here is the accutrack. these showers i was talking about sneaking through the making their way through the hudson valley within the next hour. this is gonna be light rainfall. not a real big deal. we get the oranges, yellows and reds north and west of the city through the afternoon hours. by 3:00 we will have some of these oranges, yellows and reds showing up. this line thats goes from poughkeepsie to harrisburg holds off back north and west it will bring the instability through the entire area. sunday starts off soggy with showers around. through the afternoon the threat of a pop-up shower and thunderstorm. not widespread, but definitely these chances for showers and thunderstorms through the weekend. by monday, especially sunday night into monday, that transition, here's a look at really stormy weather coming through. this is something to pay attention, coming back from you want it pay attention to that weather late at night. be heads up that we have got some weather the end of the weekend. doing your get away, higher elevations could get a shower and thunderstorm. jersey shore isolated risk today. better shot storm. rainfall in the hamptons. 80 today. 79 tomorrow. more sunshine today. less sunshine tomorrow. more likely to see the showers also tomorrow as well. so that's how the weekend plays it does depend on your location. if you are looking to go east today, i don't know, the sun's gonna be stronger there and last longer and only an isolated risk of a shower and thunderstorm. further north and west you are, the more likely it is to happen. 80 tomorrow. 82 monday. still stormy. a nice stretch tuesday, wednesday, and thursday as temperatures climb from the low- to-mid 80s. friday humid with storms. i think tuesday is the best day of the week. 81 degrees. the shore? copfy that. done. check. it's not a perfect day. if you get a quick moving shower, know it's not gonna last all day. >> don't call me screaming. >> yes. >> don't text me mean emojis. >> indeed. >> thank you. stick around for the 9 a.m. hour of eyewitness news. vacation still in the middle of summer and that means lots of food and loads of funs. enjoying your vacation. >> you're gonna do this, right? it's all about you staying fit. also ahead, a sweet pop-up museum has opened in the meatpacking district and summer is the perfect season for this treat. but. >> but. >> but. >> that's critical. keep that in mind. >> before we go to break. >> before we go to break. >> not gonna play. >> i am doing the biggest songs of summer. you know what i mean? going back years. this is going back to 1992. it's been this long. songs of all time. admiring -- >> i like it. >> you nailed it. you finally got one right. i swear. sir mix-a-lot. >> yeah, sir mix-a-lot. >> do you know the song? >> let's go with -- >> i cannot lie. >> baby got back. that's it. >> warren county farmers fair balloon festival in new jersey pony rides and endless cotton county. experience the grasslands of the city. tour the wilder side of marine park in brooklyn. animals and art exhibit on long island displays fine artworks in a variety of media from pastel to water color and delay. at the new york summer festival 2016 presents cyclops enjoy a production of music and dance that will have you laughing all harry potter countdown to midnight party on long island leads up to the release of the new book in the series featuring amazing giveaways. park rangers will be your guide to the solar system at arts, culture and fun. dark nights, bright lights in fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, ice this good. a delicious idea for hot days. ice cream. i don't know how you were raised, but in my family, there was vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup every meal. now there is a museum that's dedicated to this that's actually open in the meatpacking district. a sneak peek and we share it with you. welcome to the museum of ice cream. >> reporter: you will taste ice cream, explore ingredients and get into the toppings. it's like a willy wonka fantasy complete with a room that smells, looks, and produces chocolate. there are treats, a three foot deep pool of sprinkles. sweet. the pool isn't actually made of sprinkles. these are plastic beads. irwin adam whipped up the have a favorite ice cream yourself? >> blueberry. >> reporter: if you cannot come one a flavor match on your own. >> we have a special ice cream version of the tinder app. it's mounted on the wall there. it matches you to your favorite ice cream. who your ideal ice cream partner might be. >> reporter: that's a relationship for life. >> definitely. >> reporter: the co-creator is wearing ice cream shoes. she has always loved the dessert. now he something that's never been done before. >> the idea is you experience it whoever you are coming with and new people. >> reporter: her jovial project includes 30 different projects. plus, there are those edible sugar balloons filled with helium. >> did you know that the ice cream scoop was created in 1897 by a gentleman by the name of right there. there is a real flavor trip exhibit where you take a glycoprotein pill, a sweetness inducer. you put a miracle berry on your tongue. anything you taste is sweet. even a lemon. >> we are thinking people will lick, like, and share every aspect of this experience and our hashtag is museum of ice cream. >> reporter: here's what could cause a meltdown. it's only open a month and sold out. >> fun. that is summer fun right there. >> i love it. >> that's awesome. >> amy had a good time doing that. >> i want some ice cream shoes. >> i like some ice cream, too. and i really would appreciate some foot flavored sprinkles. that just brings it all together. >> i know. i know. so good. mmm. >> the plastic beads, crazy. >> you guys, only eight people go in at a time into the are going to do some special, some special giveaways on their instagram page. if you really want to go, that might be a way to get in. >> good to know. well done. >> okay, super cat. let's roll. cats out of the box this morning. good morning to holly. good to see you. two cuddlers. a wink wink from bud. a little three some. cal, toby and viol in by laura. what a cute group of rescues. congratulations to you. we would love to see your super cats. hashtag them. send them in. my twitter handle is since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision rform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. our top story, we continue to follow developing news in brooklyn. of a housing complex. >> eyewitness news reporter n.j. burkett with more. >> reporter: detectives canvasing for witnesses, crime scene investigators gath ripping evidence on the street here in brooklyn. a 26-year-old man was found shot to death, unconscious and bleeding here in the street. it's not clear if this was a drive-by shooting, rob, but he was struck multiple times. no known motive. no suspects. the morning. so, yes, it's only been a matter of hours so far. residents here are waking up to a murder on their doorstep. live in bed-stuy, brooklyn, n.j. burkett, channel 7 eyewitness news. the nypd is looking for two people who rhonda woman at a bakri in queens. one suspect acted as a lookout while the other took a purse off the counter of the bakery. you could be a multi- millionaire by the end of the night. that's becausehe jackpot stands at $478 million. that's more than 330 million bucks in cash. you can catch the drawing right here on channel 7 during eyewitness news at 11. he was inducted into the hall of fame earlier this week. today he will be enshrined at citi field. mike piazza is being celebrated all week by his team. tonight his number 31 will be retired from rotation. piazza played for 16 seasons beloved mets. he holds the record for the most home runs as a catcher in baseball history. good for him. on your feet, people. come on. >> [ applause ] >> woo! >> yeah, you got to do the dramatic swing clap. you got to -- >> i'm off. >> where were we? thanks for joining us here. >> a nice tribute. >> a rhythmless nation. >> well deserved weather after surviving the heat wave. >> we survived it. eight days in a of 90 degrees. we have the humidity this morning. temperatures in the mid 70s. it's not gonna get too hot. we will income the mid 80s. there is a shower and thunderstorm threat all weekend long. we actually have isolated that today mainly north and west of the city. that's where the action will be. starting off with a mix of sun and clouds. some haze and moisture over the east river. can you see it. thick out there, right? 75 degrees. we will add about 10 degrees to that for the daytime highs. forecast. today highs in the 80s. 84 is the number we are looking for. then 80 tomorrow. off-and-on showers are possible. 82 on monday with a stray thunderstorm. real nice stretch of weather for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. but there is also a slow climb with the temperatures and we are back to 88 by friday with storms and humidity. first few days of august, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday look good. >> perfect. >> your wheelhouse at 9:00. staying fight while we are on vacation. >> that's cool. >> done. exactly. that's gonna do it for us. >> not overdoing it? >> a little fitness. a little walk. >> it's the point of vacation to let it all go for a few days and have notch owes have nachos and adult beverages? you just said ice cream. >> in moderation. >> we'll figure it out. >> we'll figure it out. >> that's gonna do it for us. i am michelle charlesworth. good morning, america. breaking overnight, hack attack. the new concerns. was hillary clinton's presidential campaign targeted? the investigation this morning, was russia involved as clinton kicks off her bus tour through key battleground states. >> we have 100 days to make our case to america. >> >> if i don't beat crooked hillary clinton, i will consider this a tremendous waste of time, energy and money. believe me. >> zika hits florida. the nation's first local outbreak. >> one of these four cases involves a woman and the other three cases involve men. >> can it be stopped? the door-to-door battle, residents tested. the latest information from

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