Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News First At 4 20151229 : c

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News First At 4 20151229

inside the bar in patterson. >> all you heard was boom, boom, boom the shots. and i was like god, i was just in there. i just walked out. >> [spanish]. >>reporter: willy says the gunman never demanded money and never tried to rob the bar. they said he just walked in to the popular bar hangout and started shooting. killed. >> when they got here, she was already gone. i was woken up by my neighbors to tell me she had been shot. >>reporter: a man in his 30s had also been shot. she says sims knew the other person that was shot but it's unclear if the two showed up together at the bar to hang out. >> she didn't bother nobody. there was no reason to shoot my >>reporter: and at this point, the police here at patterson have not released any more information in terms of the identity. and in regards to that second released. the extent of his injuries are unknown at this point but he is thank you darla. we turn now to the weather. we got a first taste of winter overnight. sleet and rain and snow in some places. in a farm in long island, snow and rain. in rock lien county, enough rain and snow that sweepers were needed this morning. as you can see with this live picture, 30 minutes delays at kennedy airport. canceled at newark today. here with our accuweather forecast, amy. well there's still a lot of fog out there. that's probably the problem at the airport. plus the residual delays moving through. temperatures tonight, remaining in the 40s. but it doesn't get too cold. 41 on the map right now in central park and a review of the rainfall across the area. since midnight to a half an inch to an inch of rain. and everyone else in the upper 30s and low 40s. so there could be a possibility of wet overnight and freezing. be aware of that if you're traveling. as far as moisture goes, everything is moving off to the east. if you're traveling for the big holiday, we're looking at rain storms and really the southeast dealing with the heavy intense rainfall. and of course, rain that has been record breaking across the west. one more little front. we're going to see the temperatures come i cannot care up. and a look ahead, a sneak peek, if you will, at new year's eve. dry as normal in the area. that sounds pretty decent; right? we'll talk more specifics as far as what you can expect for the new years holiday as we ring in 2016. more in just a few minutes. back to you guys. thank you amy. and with the weather cooperating, large crowds are expected to gather for new year's eve. security will be extremely tight. a strong counter terrorism force will be in place. >> we are not aware of any threat at this time that we deem credible. we have a constant threat analysis stream that we are constantly reviewing. but again, we are not aware of any threat at this time that we square. people are expected to be in times square thursday night. and for the first time, hundreds of those officers will be armed with guns in response to the critical command. as usual, no backpacks or duffel bags or alcohol will be allowed in times square on new year's eve. a man is hospitalized after going through the windshield of a bus. this happened as a private bus approached a traffic light this morning. the bus stopped abruptly and a passenger that was standing went flying through the windshield. the bus makes it way to new york. they say the passenger is going to be okay. >> i came to a stop and unbeknownst to me, there was somebody standing up in the bus that i wasn't aware of. i came to the stop and they went through the wishlth. the victim who has not been hospital again with non life-threatening injuries. the bus continued to manhattan where all the passengers got off. a deadly fire in williamsburg was not on purpose. the fast moving blaze broke out in an apartment on richardson street and spread to a building behind it. the body of a woman was found on the second floor and the body of a male was found in the basement. it took about 3 hours to get the flames under control. services are fwng held in westchester county and an nypd detective who was killed in afghanistan last week. the wake is happening this afternoon in west harrison. his body received a hero's welcome yesterday. a suicide bomber struck his unit killing him and five other americans. funeral services will be tomorrow at saint patrick's the wake for the other new yorker who died in the attack will be on saturday. in long island. the defense department confirms that a leader connected to the paris attacks disbb killed. the terrorist was killed in an air strike in sierra on december 24th. he says he worked with paris' hamad. right now, they are very popular, in fact you've probably seen them on the streets, but did you know that hoverboards are actually illegal in new york city? well, some local leaders are now introducing a bill that could change that. political reporter dave evans is live in columbus circle with more on this story. dave. >>reporter: well sandra, if hoverboards were all of a sudden think we would see them on streets or sidewalks any time soon. maybe possibly on bike lanes and in parks, but after hearing from the commissioner this afternoon, i think it's fair to say that hoverboards face a very uncertain future in new york city. >>reporter: in new york city, it's illegal to use a hoverboard or an electric unicycle. but now there's a movement to make them legal. they say it's time for the law to catch up to technology. >> listen, they're not cars, not pickup trucks, not motorcycles. so why are we treating them like such? it doesn't make sense. and that's why we want to make sure that if you can buy them in new york, you can legally use them in new york. >>reporter: but there have been all kinds of problems with the new devices. in lacy new jersey, a hoverboard in lacy caught on fire and badly another in bergen field on sunday ignited a small fire there. and in houston yesterday, a small explosion and fire when someone again tried to charge a broken hoverboard. and so today, when asked about changing the law, the city's top law enforcement officer scoffed at the idea. >> my understanding is the city council is developing a legislative proposal that we will be involved and contributing to. but i think it's one of those things that are out of their minds. we live in an extraordinarily crowded city. we have enough of a hard time walking down the streets let alone hovering. >>reporter: a boy recently fell off one and broke his wrist. we'll have more on that story. for now, dave evans. . good to know how the commissioner feels. thank you dave. stocks on wall street gang economic news. stocks a boost. also new consumer confidence with home sales. taking a look at the big board. the dow is up 192 points. s and p up 720. it was a good day. a man in new york was officer. wait until you hear who he tried to pull over. and a pet as an everyday business person, and not colonel sanders, why sometimes i'm just too busy to cook dinner. so, i just pick up kfc's twenty dollar family fill up with eight pieces of delicious, original recipe chicken. look at you. you're at the top of your game. you're unstoppable. nothing can throw you off track. wait, is that your car? uh oh! yeah, i saw that coming. that will throw you off track. you're looking at around ten grand in fines, legal fees, and increased insurance rates. let's try this again. smart move. s . let's take a look at the commute. roads still a little bit wet this afternoon. you're looking live at the statton island express way. you can see there heavy traffic to the exit at 440. things are clear at the delays at the inbound holland tunnel but otherwise no delays. a pet store in jersey has been shut down for selling sick puppies. the store at woodbridge was shut down on christmas eve. some of those dogs were put into quarantine today in a trailer because they're so sick. officials say fancy pup's owner made off with 3 dogs when she was arrested at the auto body shop. an inspection found the dogs living in filthy conditions. promising a swift and early review of the police department over the shooting of 12-year-old teniel rice. it's outcome not predetermined. this comes one day after protesters took on the streets. they acted based on what they knew at the time. politics now. just 5 weeks from today, the iowa caucuses will get derp swing and in politics that's not a whole lot of time. so the candidates are trying to make the most out of every event. donald trump announces via twitter his first major advertising blitz in 3 major voting states then pounces on a follow-up tweet: i have spent nothing on my run for president and am in first place. jeb bush has spent 59 million and done. when asked on fox news about trump's recent attacks on bill clinton: . campaign. >>reporter: once friendly with the clintons, trump is going saying while playing the women's card on me, she's wrong. in new hampshire again on monday, trump again used the vulgar term when describing hillary clinton's loss to obama in 2008. >> that word -- it's a common word in new york. and it means to be beaten badly. >>reporter: back on the trail today, her campaign insisting she will not be bullied distracted. >> this will be a consequential election in so many ways because we have work to do. >>reporter: meanwhile, rubio picks up this week. bad weather stalled rubio's bus tour. that's not a bad plan for donald trump who is holding a press route tomorrow tonight on board his luxury jet. missouri and illinois are being blamed on a rare winter flood. torrential rains are further engorging already swollen rivers and streams. a record flooding is projected in some towns along the mississippi river. the water has shut down portions of two interstates and flooding homes. missouri's governor has called in the national guard to assist. >> we had a lot of wind and rain in my neck of the woods. it was pretty nasty out there. amy, it's going to get better; right? . well yes. temperatures are going to swing up. and in fact, i don't think we've actually seen the high temperatures today. they could climb in a few more degrees as we speak. the rain is wrapped up. still limited visibility here. here's what i'm looking at thochb, 41 degrees in central bark. winds are a little bit gusty but not gusty enough to clear the low levels of the atmosphere. still moisture hanging on. that makes for fog. newburg, 2-mile visibility. bellmar and wrightstown. we'll look for those fwohrz improve. wind chill still a factor, feels like 33 in the burroughs. but look how much in willmer. that's what's coming in our mass. so highs today in the mid-50s. our normal high at least down south in the 40s. we'll try to reach the mid-50s once we get into the afternoon. radar satellite shows it's all moved out as far as rain. how much more comfortable can it be? the del mar included in the warm-up, south jersey included that could get as far north as the city. we'll watch for temperatures to climb just a little bit warmer south and east of new york city. as for the future cast, clouds around. tomorrow morning. afternoon. shower. so watch how they pop up. spotty scattered showers. less than a 1/10 of rain. nicely. very few clouds as the ball drops. spotty drizzle. overnight is the low. temperatures tomorrow could make it into the 50s. i think some spots manging onto the 40s for another day. we'll call it spot showers late through. decent weather tomorrow afternoon with those spotty showers hit or miss. good during the day. and when the ball drops, temperatures near 40 degrees. just a few patchy clouds around. pretty nice. here's your accuweather forecast. it looks great for new year's sunny for the weekend. very seasonal for this time of year. but the sun is back for new year's eve. weekend. temperatures in the low 40s and as far as any storms moving in here, it's the long-term forecast that we see that as a possibility next week. so we're at least a week or so away from that. until then, we watch the temperatures rise and fall a little bit into the new year. hard to believe, with this month alone, our temperatures are averaging 14 degrees above normal in just one month. so unseasonally warmer here. i just want to see the sun again. yeah. looking forward to all right. coming up, an actor in the show glee arrested for child pornography. also an international manhunt comes to an end. we'll tell you how the police tracked down the teenager in the so called affluencea case. what happens next here has all the kids cheering. we're going to be right back. but here's a message from one of our local service members who couldn't make it home for the holiday. >> hi. see curiosity become wonder, and winter become christmas. the radio city christmas spectacular presented by chase. don't wait! children. have you seen natasha? abc 7 and your tri-state ford dealers thank you for helping to protect our children. and immigration officials in mexico say the so-called amphetamine louisianaa teen and -- affluencea and his mother were arrested. ethan's blond hair and beard were died dark. authorities say the two had planned to disappear and even threw a going away party. he went missing earlier this month after he was accused of violating his 10-year probation for killing 4 people in a drunk driving accident. it is carried by -- be a true art form. we're talking about jazz. music that is as much about passion as it is rhythm and improvisation. these days, the people are keeping the tradition alive with the guidance of an old pro. >>reporter: sandra, diana, i've been a fan of jazz sinshun my college days. so i was fascinated to learn about juilliard jazz just a few steps from our studio. once there, i found a group of students playing hard -- rehearsing for a local concert at a local club. >> jazz is king the old song goes. jazz is the thing folks dig most. those words ring true at juilliard where the jazz students are good enough to play at dizzy town. >> it brings me a lot of joys. happy times, sad times. it's given me hope grandpa this student hails from france. this uniquely american art form has found favor here. more so than in the land where the music originated. >> it's like a folk music. any kind of folk music is passed on from generation to generation. and what you don't want to do is have it lost. >>reporter: no yeaha group up loving jazz. -- noah grew up loving jazz. >> they kind of looked down on it. just because i feel like they didn't really understand it. >>reporter: his teacher bruce williams understands it dwr i love how honest he is with us. and i love how -- how direct he is and with us collectively and also individually. >> don't droop the spweenst. it's like letting the wind out of the sales. >>reporter: bruce teaches them >> we're all students the rest of our lives. i'm a student. i'm forever a student. that's the good thing about the music, you're always a student. >>reporter: and also a keeper of [music]. i can't think of a better mentor for a jazz musician than mr. williams who is so generous with his time and talent and and talent that has helped him make a fine living through the diana, sandra. we're just enjoying that jazz. thank you sandy. investigators say he was pulling people over and pretending he was a cop. but when this alleged impersonator came face-to-face with a real officer, ha, things changed. . now new york's number one news, channel 7 eyewitness news. we're coming up on 4:30. and all new this half hour, a man accused of faking cop officer. the only problem was one of his targets was a real police officer who says he spotted the scam and put a stop to it. our reporter is live in woodbridge with the story. toni. >>reporter: yes indeed. this happened on december 21st and sergeant charles stop was driving to work last night on his way to the police department. he was driving on the garden state parkway. he says there was a black suv driving behind him and for some reason, the driver got irritated with the sergeant. and the sergeant will pick up his story from here. >> he ended up activating his emergency lights. i believed it was a state vehicle at that time. i moved over to the center lain to the right lane and onto the shoulder believing iefshun stopped by the police. he was pulled over by 68-year-old richard. anne cop or police. and when he didn't move quick enough, he pulled him over pretending to be an officer. >> i called 911 thinking it to be suspicious. i didn't believe a state vehicle would do that. i caught up together vehicle. got a license plate and a description of the driver. >>reporter: investigators say the driver had a handgun and hollow point bullets in the suv. people are fearful of being stopped by impersonators. >> so i tell people if you think you're being stopped legitimately, and you're concerned for your safety, slow down, put your hazards on and call 911. if you know where a local police station is, pull in there. had fake papers suggesting he was in law enforcement and he is now at the jail charged possession of a weapon, impersonating a police officer and having those fake government documents. the sergeant is now being hailed for his awesome police work. toni, eye witness news. all right toni. thank you very much. we have new information for an accused child pretty tomorrow in brooklyn. police have released pictures of 24-year-old edwin. investigators say he raped a 10-year-old girl inside a home in bushwick on october 19th. the victim we're told had to undergo injures from the assault. the suspect also goes by the name patriciao. cars in flames in an auto salvage lot. cars were destroyed at the that fire spread quickly from all the fuel in those vehicles. the cause of that fire being investigated. no one was hurt. the nypd this morning mourning an officer who died after suffering a medical emergency this morning. police commissioner said 44-year-old officer juan was on the field when he suffered an apparent heart attack. he was rushed to the hospital. the doctors were not able to save him. they described the 20-year veteran of the force as a tragedy. helping to save the life of an emotionally distressed man in queens. >> we saw the man about to jump off the balance connie. he got the man down and to safety and treatment. >> mayor thanking the officer man -- that distraught man at the queens center last week. they say the police officer is keeping. mayor also presided over a gardens today. mayor pointed out that 95 of these officers served in the armed forces. he also said that the new york city council is to thank for these new police officers. it authorized a budget for 1300 more police officers. >> 100 more officers were authorized in the budget that the city council voted on in june. 1300 more nypd officers and you represent the beginning of that new wave. mayor says that next year, there will be more than 2,000 among the new class of police officers, three brothers. we're going to tell you more about them at 5:00. but first ahead, shocking allegations against an actor. from glee -- arrested on child porn. and how they were able to overcome the temperatures after being stuck for 3 hoyrz. and there are 3 bowl games it's the holidays, which means a house full of people, who all want to get online. so hurry and get verizon fios. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, for only $79.99 a month online, you get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. plus, with a 2-year agreement, fios gives you $400 back, and all the premium movie channels for a year. so go online or call now for this great offer. get out of the past. get fios. dwrt you're looking live now -- cleveland -- this picture again live. there is a small group of protesters who have gathered outside the can iinga county justice center. they are protesting the police death of 12-year-old rice. not to indict the two police officers involved in the shooting death of rice. and now, give you a live look in chicago, i believe. this is the home of mayor rom emmanuel. and there are protesters gathered outside of his house. of course, folks there in chicago in the wake of several police shootings have been calling for the mayor to step down. all new at 4:00, a former star of the show glee has been arrested on possession of child pornography charges. 33-year old mark sailing is being held on the internet crimes against children. sailing is best known for playing noah puck on glee. an 18-year old man charged of killing a pastor's wife during a home invasion is now police say he shot and killed a 27-year-old man during a robbery on november 24th. he's already charged with murdering amanda on november 10th inside her indianapolis home. investigators say he shot her 3 times while her 15-month old son was upstairs in his crib. the baby was not harmed. he was lost in the frigid wilderness for close to 0 hours and the teenager rescued just minutes before the search mission. now, we're hearing more. >>reporter: this morning, this 14-year-old boy alive. against all odds. >> i really thought i should have an dead. >>reporter: just released from the hospital. braiden nielsen sharing his astonishing tale of survival after spending nearly 30 hours in the utah wilderness. out of my shotgun. probably 20 rounds. i started crying and freaking out. >>reporter: they set out early sunday morning on a hunting trip. and they were separated and nielsen was lost. using a cell phone to call 911. even sending this text message to his brother. saying i'm fine eric. i love you so much. >> i went from in my own mind to i can't bury him. >> all alone, braiden kept walking covering some 11 miles of frigid earth. >> i could see the cops. i couldn't get to them and they couldn't see me. >>reporter: 9 hours passing before search and rescue crews spotted braiden some 50 miles from home. hypothermic and hallucinating but alive. >> i saw two pairs of headlights. i started walking to them. i think god led me all the way and i think he found me. >>reporter: this morning, the nielsen's thankful for their own holiday miracle. >> i tell you what, i don't take a lot of things for granted anymore. >>reporter: lori stokes. channel 7 news. the companies forced to give refunds to customers -- what you need to do to make sure some of that money goes into your pocket. plus what started out as a show and tell in a classroom turned into a big surprise for a new york city meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and as you can see, we need an internet that can do more. we do more games, and more streaming. so we need more speed. that's why we switched to time warner cable. you can too. call now. now we can connect more devices, at the same time. the wifi in this house is amazing. so is my guacamole. hi grandma and grandpa! ha, look at that! time warner cable even has an internet plan for us. get the internet speed that's 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investigation by the city's department of consumer affairs found 80 different types of prepackaged foods at whole foods had the wrong weights. they overcharged nearly 15 dollars for a package of coconut shrimp. now, the chain will pay a 500 thousand dollars settlement and look at audits. with the web site cardpool which cards. target will take gift cards for more than 600 brands and in exchange will give you the target gift card. wal-mart. now, there is a catch. if you trade in a wal-mart card of 1 hundred dollars, you get 85 dollars to spend at target. there's always a catch! always a cash! [laughter]. damp. but really the rest of this week looks really good. the temperatures -- just doesn't seem so bad. we are going to swing back into the 60s. there's a weak front tomorrow night that could give us sprints but then we calm down for new year's night. if you're worried about rain the next few hours, we do have a front coming up. currently 41 at central park. normal highs this time of year are around 41 degrees. so not too far off what the temperature should be despite a month running more than 13 degrees above average. so where's the warm air today? just south of us and moving into our direction. by the way, you can see on accutrack, the rain is over for now. we will see a transition where temperatures are a little warmer this afternoon. and heading into wednesday, things look good as well. we could see dryer patterns and cooler temperatures as well. that will be a transition for us. low 40s this hour at the burroughs. and areas off to the north -- at the freezing point for monitor cella. and -- monticello. the temperature change comes up from the south -- what's happened -- that storm pressure system has moochbd off. so spotty drizzle overnight cannot be ruled out but not a any spot where we have spotty drizzle watch out especially in the north and west. we could see light slick spots and freezeen rain on the surfaces. now, the front that comes in tomorrow brings in a tiny bit of rain. not a big deal but enough to mention for late afternoon. temperatures warm back up for new year's eve. on the satellite, not a lot happening for the eastern third of the country. by the way, still bringing snow into parts of new england. so for the ski resorts, pretty exciting seeing a few inches dumped on the resorts. for us, tonight's overcast, that spotty drizzle comes and goes. not really a big deal. comes through. and watch, after tomorrow, these spotty rain showers start to show up. the blue scattered on the map. then on thursday, new year's eve day, skies look pretty good. we have sunshine in the day and into the evening, just a few patches of clouds around. so very nice by the time the ball drops. and it just a tenth of an inch with the spotty showers for tomorrow. not a big deal at all. temperatures looking good. checking out the iphone and you would see the low 60s and say it looks good. but it will be spotty showers -- likely not a big deal but definitely worth a so new year's eve, times square root at midnight, 41 degrees our temperature call right now with just a few spotty showers. watch how the temperatures drop off. wednesday and thursday into the 50s and heading into the weekend, rights back into the 40s. brisk and chilly. but the big difference friday and saturday and sunday, the sun is back. no major storms taking us through the weekend. even next week is looking good at this point as well. so wrap it up. happy new year and happy forecast at the same time. that's a look at the weather for now. and diana, you're coming up next? i am. filling in for leah. it's always entertaining. this is a spot i will be drawn to next. well stick around. time to take a look at the top stories trending this afternoon. and we begin with the case of a economy award winner versus a major aerial. russel crow got upset when the aerial would not let his children check in hoverboards on the plane. he wrote ridiculous tooyt throoit tell us at the airport. it kids and i offloaded and good-bye virgin. the aerial quickly answered back. due to safety concerns, major australia airlines and on the airports around the world. and given the chance that they could explode and burst into flames, i side with the arial. where has he begin? i know. and speaking of hoverboards, you got to see what happened when mike tyson tried one out. >> oh, my god! you jump in your seat, don't you? this was a guy who was rarely knocked down in the boxing ring. he takes a really big spill there. iron mike -- he's actually onpg and the one who posted this video. this happened right here in the area -- that's mike. this is the sweet proposal. it involves one of our city's bravest. he had his girlfriend don his uniform. little does she know, there is a >> will you mary me? miss natalie moore? >> you? >> yeah. >> yes! [cheering]. that's the kids screaming! i love the reaction. i posted this one on my facebook page. coming up at 6:00, we actually talk to the happy couple. as you heard there, she said yes. i'll bet she did! another marriage proposal trending, this one happened at an airported minus the bride to be. daniel was stranded at the airport trying to fly home to phoenix to propose to his girlfriend but when yet another flight was canceled he popped the question via a text message. he couldn't wait. she did text back yes. i hope he'll do it again in person. and finally someone who feels the same way i do about bacon. of what will likely be a lifetime love grandpa bada! bada! >> bacon! i still react that way. [laughter]. me too! all wakon lovers feel this way. and speaking of excitement, remember how you felt when you got that christmas present on christmas morning you were so anxiously waiting for? turns out man's best friend feels the same way. take a look at the beeshon. and it turns out a big surprise was inside. aw! aw justice of the peace look who's there! i thought it was vacant! by way she was going after that package, you would have thought. >> send us your trend ideas using the hashtag "the trend". . you got to act fast. an important deadline is days away. abc's rebecca has details. >>reporter: if you are or were a sprint customer over the past 5 years, a piece of a $158 million payout could be both carriers paying back customers after the government allegedly find them by cramming bills with unauthorized charges ranging from $0.99 to $14 each. like $9.99 a month for premium services like celebrity gossip and flirting tips. >> it's really nice to see the government crack down on them. >>reporter: with the deadline to should visit this online and >>reporter: verizon says it tons first. rebecca, abc news new york. eyewitness news at 5 begins right now. now new york's number one news. channel 7 eyewitness news. extraordinary. that's how the nyfd describes this year's security for new year's eve as they prepare for a million people to converge on time square. plus hoverboards banned on sidewalks but not for long. a new push to legalize them. we begin tonight with that deadly shooting in jersey city. a young woman gunned down. it appears natalie was an innocent bystander when she was shot. the motive still unknown and the gunman still >>reporter: well diana, sade, friends and family members called natalie sims naja. in fact she was well-known in this neighborhood. she was shot in this bar behind there was another man who was shot -- they were standing apart but friends and family say they knew each other and don't know why she was shot. >> my family is left without a mother and a father. and i need the police to find who did this. >>reporter: she just started a new job as a security guard and was raising her 10-year-old son alone. she was the youngest of two daughters. her mother's baby girl. >> not for me to believe this stuff. >>reporter: trading hugs right outside the bar where the 27-year-old mother was shot and killed only about 12 hours earlier. >> she was funny, she wasn't a bad person, she was just -- she was just a good person. a people bern. >> she was a very happy person. very happy. very jolly. gunman walked into a bar and

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