Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20160327 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20160327

a fight inside a manhattan bodega that ended in a stabbing. that fight began inside a bodega on west 179th street and ends with two people with stab wounds. >> kimberly richardson has exclusive surveillance video of the fight. she is live in washington heights with the details. reporter: well, joe, its not clear what sparked this heated fight and violent stabbing, but one witness tells me it was a crazy scene. it involved at least three people, one throwing blows and grabbing a huge kitchen knife and going after two others. the bloody crime scene stretched along audubon avenue to nearly 180th street. this is where things came to a violent end but this is where it all began. this surveillance video obtained eyewitness news shows a fight breaking out around 1:30 this morning. the owner rushes and ducks behind the counter. in a split second, he grabs a phone to call 911. on the other side, you see a man with a black hoodie fighting with a woman, pushing and shoving her. a second balanced man appears -- bald man appears and the man in the hoodie throws a punch at the pair. he then begins ransacking the store. the man then takes off his hood and you can tell heated words are being exchanged. at one point, another man appears to hand the attacker something which he throws at the victims. you can see loads of product falling on to the bodega owner who is still hiding. here, the suspect, who by now is furious, reaches by hind -- behind a wooden door, unlatches it and heads into the kitchen area. with a huge knife. police say a victim ran and the man caught up to him and stabbed him in the back with this huge knife. witnesses believe the victim may have stumbled across the street and collapsed here. police set up yet another crime scene. in it, a bloody sweatshirt. emt's did take two people to the hospital. it's not clear if this woman is that second victim. as to what sparked this brawl and subsequent stabbing, that's still a mystery. now, at this hour, there are no arrests, but police tell us they are looking for two suspects. one victim remains in critical condition in the hospital. for now, we're live in washington heights. >> thank you. two people are hurt after a tractor trailer falls off the new jersey turnpike. police say the driver lost control of the moving truck just before 8:00 this morning on the truck up the ever tumbled over -- tumbled over the guardrail and handed on raymond boulevard. in the race for the white house, bernie sanders is basking in a three state sweep over hillary clinton. sanders secured double digit wins in alaska, hawaii, and washington state. despite the sweep, sanders admits he is still the under dog with the hope of winning the democratic presidential nomination. although the race has tightened he is still far behind in the delegate race. and for the republican presidential challenger, still no end in sight between the war of words between donald trump and ted cruz. the two continue to trade insults and accusations over a national inquirer story that claims cruz had multiportland affairs. trump claimed today that he is just responding to cruz's attacks. new at 6:00, a deadly pakistan triggers a botched facebook safety check. at least 65 people were killed in the suicide bombing in a crowded park. more than 300 people were injured in the blast. the casualties were mainly women and children celebrating the easter holiday at a carnival. after the attack, facebook activated the safety check feature. but facebook sent the safety checks to people who were not in danger and nowhere near the pakistan bombing. in brussels, chaos broke out when protesters took over the square where belgians had been mourning the victims of tuesday's attacks. demonstrators chanted against immigrants and muslims. some even gave nazi salutes. police fired water cannons to clear the crowd. authorities have identified most of the victims from the attack includes americans >> it's tearing my heart out of my chest. i miss seeing his beautiful smile. reporter: authorities in belgium conducted new searches and held four people for questioning. in france, police arrested a man accused of supplying fake documents to the attackers. >> turning to a fire in queens that claimed the life of a korean war veteran. overnight, flames ripped through the home. two firefighters were hurt and the elderly man inside the home died. scene. reporter: take a look at these two old junk cars. you can tell it doesn't leave a the building let gear. it's what may have been the difference death. so he's always got by. both out front and inside the two story homemade it difficult for them to battle this blaze and reach the victim. the 88 year old resident inside died before help could reach him. the fire broke out around 4:00 this morning and it required 60 firefighters to get under control. it took them about a half an hour to do so. one neighbor says because of trouble accessing the building from the front, firefighters had to enter the the back. residents say he lived alone and had no kids, no immediate family. >> you would see the lights on and i'm always like i'm assuming somebody lives here. two cars are here, the license plates are registered. never saw anyone but my mom knows his wife passed away a few years ago. reporter: say it was rare but he loved animals and was a korean war veteran. >> he was nice. he would say hello and all of that. his wife and that's really it. reporter: back to you live here, looking at the first floor of this building, that is where fire officials say it started. the cause of this fire is still under investigation. two firefighters suffered minor injuries. the identity of the victim has not been released. . easter bonnets, bunny ears and golden eggs. everything you'd expect from this easter sunday parade in midtown. parade goers flooded fifth avenue in creative get ups. colorful hats filled fifth avenue. some say it's a great way to celebrate. >> we've been having a winter that's been up and down and the world's a little bit sad, a lot of it's sad so it's nice to have fun and color and commutement on easter sunday. doland welcomed a large crowd to mass. at the vatican, catholics gathered to hear the pope's message. he offered prayers for the victims of recent terror attacks and prayed for refugees trying to find homes across the world. the pope also helping a young girl in brooklyn. she has battled a mystery illness, coming up, how her live has changed since meeting him. >> plus, rapper azalea banks arrested in a night club. >> and we eked out another nice clouds are thickening and rain patients across the country have spoken. they recently rated their care experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. fewer than 6% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. learn more at slash eastern. cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. . we're back on this easter sunday with a young girl in brooklyn. she received help after she met pope francis. the 12 year old was blessed on the tarmac back in september. for nearly a year, she's l -- battled a mystery illness -- mystery illness. >> but since meeting the pope, her life has changed. reporter: julia was blessed by the pope during the darkest days of her illness. just 12 years old, she would lie in bed and wonder if she would live there the works in mysterious ways, the nuns used to tell us. >> the pope was like truly, like the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. the pope changed everything. reporter: for julia and her parents, every day is say gift that they think is delivered by the pope himself. >> since the pope's visit, its been a wonderful blessing. reporter: you may remember julia, she was a normal preteen girl before she started getting sick. >> i was scared for my life. you know, doctors were just shrugging their shoulders they didn't know what to do. reporter: soon she couldn't walk and no one could figure out what was wrong. >> it was scary. i would go to bed at night and just think my whole life is over and doctors would come in and they didn't know and they were giving me no hope at all. i would say to myself is this going to be the rest of my life. reporter: during his visit, pope francis blessed her in a wheelchair. >> there was a tremendous out pour of love from the community. people reached out to us from all over. her best friend's moms started a gofundme page. we had a doctor reach out and offer treatment. reporter: julia started getting the medical attention and the medicine she needed. >> a couple of months ago during december, i got feeling in the bottom of my feet and the sides of my feet and now i can feel it almost fully. and the night before my dad's birthday on this past wednesday, the top of my feet and like my ankles started buzzing. that means that it's coming back. reporter: it's coming back. julia is determined she will walk again. her parents are optimistic as well. the pope didn't cure her. there was no miracle on the tarmac but god steered the people who julia and now she has one thing she hasn't had in a long time and that's hope. reporting live, jim doland. >> a nice easter sunday story. >> perfect. we got a bit of a break from the rain this weekend. but how is the work week shaping up? >> meteorologist jeff smith will have your exclusive accuweather forecast when we come back. confrontation between fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price thisgood, . new video tonight of a violent con franation that ended -- confrontation that ended with the arrest of rapper azalea banks. the 24 year old was thrown out of the up and down club during a scuffle with a bouncer during december. police say banks bit the woman escorting her out and tried to punch her in the face. along with the video banks posted a statement saying in part, i don't understand why it took three men to grab me and remove me from the club. movie critics went head to head with two of the word's most iconic superheroes. despite bad reviews, the batman versus superman movie opened as one of the top ten movie best presummer debut. have you seen it? >> i have not seen it. >> nope. >> i guess we work too much. >> we do. >> i saw the ten commandments last night. >> all four hours of it. >> yeah. >> i think it was 11 or 12. people were out and about celebrating easter and they're pretty happy that it remained mild. >> yeah, the rain is about six hours away though. we head outside and the clouds are starting to lower and thicken. you see it looks darker as we look down south. 47 right now, the wind coming in around nine. the high got up to 55 so we seeked out another -- eked out another nice day before the rain returns. back in 1988 on this day we got up to 83 degrees. occasional rain developing late tonight and lasting through midday monday. turning windy late in the day tomorrow and into tuesday. we could have winds gusting over 40 miles per hour at times. warmer late rain does return by late thursday into thursday night. 49 right now, 45 at jfk. the further you head east on long island, the colder it gets. that's the influence cooler waters of the atlantic ocean. 57 poughkeepsie. you see on the radar satellite, a lot f clouds -- of clouds. even a band of light sprinkles over parts of ocean county. most of the rain really waits until late tonight to move in. by midnight, the steadiest rain is still south and east of new york city. during the predawn and maybe steadier rain. maybe another batch of steady rain moving through midday tomorrow and then we start clearing things out. accuweather forecast for tonight, turning overcast occasional rain and drizzle developing after midnight. tomorrow, its occasional rain and drizzle through midday and then windy with peeks of sun late in the afternoon, high of 58. blustery tomorrow, night, we're down to 42. here's your seven-day forecast, win [inaudible] sunny and nice with less wind, 54, sun giving way to clouds on thursday. rain developing late thursday afternoon into thursday night the high getting to 68, may touch 70 plus on some thermometers. still mild friday. we clear out next weekend but by next sunday, colder air moves in. we might be down to near freezing by >> i just heard that it might hit 70. >> yeah, selective hearing. >> we kind of tuned out after that. laura behnke next with sports. >> the yankees open on monday, one week from monday and one week from tonight, we'll be watching a baseball game that counts. will they be ready? by the end of tonight, the basketball all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. that's because we've been working hard to give you better service, and it shows. we came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. for $89.99 a month you'll get 100 meg ultra-fast internet, popular hd channels and unlimited calling. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. so we can all watch whatever we want. and that's kinda cool. call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get internet, tv and phone. there's no contract, no risk and our money-back guarantee. with our exclusive one-hour arrival window. feels good to be back. come back today. you'll get free installation, tv equipment and epix included. and now get a $300 reward card. . i'm in the mood for grapefruits, can you help me? >> only a few more left. as of today, we can set the count down at seven days until opening nights. that's when the mets and royals kick off the season. first, a few more grapefruit league games happen. david wright, been very limited this spring but looking good here. his first grapefruit league homer. this one, the 2-run blast. the nationals would come back. jerry blevins helping them out, the throwing error allows the tying score. this now at ten games. the yankees hosting the twins twins twins phil hughes on the mound. he faired pretty well except here. all tied up at 1-1. new york allowed five runs four earned. so 5-2, the twins win. after two straight wins over the playoff hopeful bulls last week, the knicks came crashing back to earth courtesy of the knicks couldn't match cleveland's effort or energy. >> [inaudible] we gave our all, i missed a lot of shots. you know, that would have changed a lot of things if i made two more of those threes for example. it was what it is. we kept fighting. and book a trip to houston continues. villanova helped prove no team is safe as they took care of business against the number 1 seed jayhawks in a nail biter that went down to the wire. they advance to their first final four since 2009. >> when you're a parent, you think your kids are the greatest and, and then when you see them live that out and become great, it just, it just makes your heart swell. reporter: as for the other no. 1 seed in never seemed to have a chance again oklahoma. the sooners led by 18 at half time and never looked back four. >> [inaudible] themselves regardless of looked at as a very good team in oklahoma basketball history but now they've got a special spot. reporter: so the final two final four determined tonight, notre dame faces north carolina and the syracuse orange against virginia. syracuse women also on the court today against tennessee. butler burying the deep three. then it was the alexis peterson show. they pulled away in this one. the woman are in the final four. will the men join them? we'll find out. >> that is the news for now. thank you for joining us. stay tuned for abc world news, that's coming up next. >> we are coming back at 11:00. welcome to "world news tonight." on alert. faith and fear around the globe this easter. police patrolling outside sunday services from new york to rome. the attack on terrorism tonight, coming from pope francis himself. in the heart of brussels, riot police clash with right wing protesters. tonight, the manhunt for the attackers growing. donald trump's controversial comments about safety here at home. the front-runner and ted cruz blasting away at each other, as bernie sanders scores a clean sweep over hillary clinton. it looks like snow.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Washington Heights , Pennsylvania , North Carolina , Brooklyn , Philadelphia , Alaska , Virginia , Syracuse , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Pakistan , Oklahoma , Tennessee , Poughkeepsie , Houston , Texas , France , Hawaii , Americans , America , Belgians , Jerry Blevins , Alexis Peterson , Phil Hughes , Notre Dame , Kimberly Richardson , Atlantic Ocean , Laura Behnke , Jeff Smith , David Wright , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20160327 :

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20160327

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a fight inside a manhattan bodega that ended in a stabbing. that fight began inside a bodega on west 179th street and ends with two people with stab wounds. >> kimberly richardson has exclusive surveillance video of the fight. she is live in washington heights with the details. reporter: well, joe, its not clear what sparked this heated fight and violent stabbing, but one witness tells me it was a crazy scene. it involved at least three people, one throwing blows and grabbing a huge kitchen knife and going after two others. the bloody crime scene stretched along audubon avenue to nearly 180th street. this is where things came to a violent end but this is where it all began. this surveillance video obtained eyewitness news shows a fight breaking out around 1:30 this morning. the owner rushes and ducks behind the counter. in a split second, he grabs a phone to call 911. on the other side, you see a man with a black hoodie fighting with a woman, pushing and shoving her. a second balanced man appears -- bald man appears and the man in the hoodie throws a punch at the pair. he then begins ransacking the store. the man then takes off his hood and you can tell heated words are being exchanged. at one point, another man appears to hand the attacker something which he throws at the victims. you can see loads of product falling on to the bodega owner who is still hiding. here, the suspect, who by now is furious, reaches by hind -- behind a wooden door, unlatches it and heads into the kitchen area. with a huge knife. police say a victim ran and the man caught up to him and stabbed him in the back with this huge knife. witnesses believe the victim may have stumbled across the street and collapsed here. police set up yet another crime scene. in it, a bloody sweatshirt. emt's did take two people to the hospital. it's not clear if this woman is that second victim. as to what sparked this brawl and subsequent stabbing, that's still a mystery. now, at this hour, there are no arrests, but police tell us they are looking for two suspects. one victim remains in critical condition in the hospital. for now, we're live in washington heights. >> thank you. two people are hurt after a tractor trailer falls off the new jersey turnpike. police say the driver lost control of the moving truck just before 8:00 this morning on the truck up the ever tumbled over -- tumbled over the guardrail and handed on raymond boulevard. in the race for the white house, bernie sanders is basking in a three state sweep over hillary clinton. sanders secured double digit wins in alaska, hawaii, and washington state. despite the sweep, sanders admits he is still the under dog with the hope of winning the democratic presidential nomination. although the race has tightened he is still far behind in the delegate race. and for the republican presidential challenger, still no end in sight between the war of words between donald trump and ted cruz. the two continue to trade insults and accusations over a national inquirer story that claims cruz had multiportland affairs. trump claimed today that he is just responding to cruz's attacks. new at 6:00, a deadly pakistan triggers a botched facebook safety check. at least 65 people were killed in the suicide bombing in a crowded park. more than 300 people were injured in the blast. the casualties were mainly women and children celebrating the easter holiday at a carnival. after the attack, facebook activated the safety check feature. but facebook sent the safety checks to people who were not in danger and nowhere near the pakistan bombing. in brussels, chaos broke out when protesters took over the square where belgians had been mourning the victims of tuesday's attacks. demonstrators chanted against immigrants and muslims. some even gave nazi salutes. police fired water cannons to clear the crowd. authorities have identified most of the victims from the attack includes americans >> it's tearing my heart out of my chest. i miss seeing his beautiful smile. reporter: authorities in belgium conducted new searches and held four people for questioning. in france, police arrested a man accused of supplying fake documents to the attackers. >> turning to a fire in queens that claimed the life of a korean war veteran. overnight, flames ripped through the home. two firefighters were hurt and the elderly man inside the home died. scene. reporter: take a look at these two old junk cars. you can tell it doesn't leave a the building let gear. it's what may have been the difference death. so he's always got by. both out front and inside the two story homemade it difficult for them to battle this blaze and reach the victim. the 88 year old resident inside died before help could reach him. the fire broke out around 4:00 this morning and it required 60 firefighters to get under control. it took them about a half an hour to do so. one neighbor says because of trouble accessing the building from the front, firefighters had to enter the the back. residents say he lived alone and had no kids, no immediate family. >> you would see the lights on and i'm always like i'm assuming somebody lives here. two cars are here, the license plates are registered. never saw anyone but my mom knows his wife passed away a few years ago. reporter: say it was rare but he loved animals and was a korean war veteran. >> he was nice. he would say hello and all of that. his wife and that's really it. reporter: back to you live here, looking at the first floor of this building, that is where fire officials say it started. the cause of this fire is still under investigation. two firefighters suffered minor injuries. the identity of the victim has not been released. . easter bonnets, bunny ears and golden eggs. everything you'd expect from this easter sunday parade in midtown. parade goers flooded fifth avenue in creative get ups. colorful hats filled fifth avenue. some say it's a great way to celebrate. >> we've been having a winter that's been up and down and the world's a little bit sad, a lot of it's sad so it's nice to have fun and color and commutement on easter sunday. doland welcomed a large crowd to mass. at the vatican, catholics gathered to hear the pope's message. he offered prayers for the victims of recent terror attacks and prayed for refugees trying to find homes across the world. the pope also helping a young girl in brooklyn. she has battled a mystery illness, coming up, how her live has changed since meeting him. >> plus, rapper azalea banks arrested in a night club. >> and we eked out another nice clouds are thickening and rain patients across the country have spoken. they recently rated their care experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. fewer than 6% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. learn more at slash eastern. cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. . we're back on this easter sunday with a young girl in brooklyn. she received help after she met pope francis. the 12 year old was blessed on the tarmac back in september. for nearly a year, she's l -- battled a mystery illness -- mystery illness. >> but since meeting the pope, her life has changed. reporter: julia was blessed by the pope during the darkest days of her illness. just 12 years old, she would lie in bed and wonder if she would live there the works in mysterious ways, the nuns used to tell us. >> the pope was like truly, like the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. the pope changed everything. reporter: for julia and her parents, every day is say gift that they think is delivered by the pope himself. >> since the pope's visit, its been a wonderful blessing. reporter: you may remember julia, she was a normal preteen girl before she started getting sick. >> i was scared for my life. you know, doctors were just shrugging their shoulders they didn't know what to do. reporter: soon she couldn't walk and no one could figure out what was wrong. >> it was scary. i would go to bed at night and just think my whole life is over and doctors would come in and they didn't know and they were giving me no hope at all. i would say to myself is this going to be the rest of my life. reporter: during his visit, pope francis blessed her in a wheelchair. >> there was a tremendous out pour of love from the community. people reached out to us from all over. her best friend's moms started a gofundme page. we had a doctor reach out and offer treatment. reporter: julia started getting the medical attention and the medicine she needed. >> a couple of months ago during december, i got feeling in the bottom of my feet and the sides of my feet and now i can feel it almost fully. and the night before my dad's birthday on this past wednesday, the top of my feet and like my ankles started buzzing. that means that it's coming back. reporter: it's coming back. julia is determined she will walk again. her parents are optimistic as well. the pope didn't cure her. there was no miracle on the tarmac but god steered the people who julia and now she has one thing she hasn't had in a long time and that's hope. reporting live, jim doland. >> a nice easter sunday story. >> perfect. we got a bit of a break from the rain this weekend. but how is the work week shaping up? >> meteorologist jeff smith will have your exclusive accuweather forecast when we come back. confrontation between fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price thisgood, . new video tonight of a violent con franation that ended -- confrontation that ended with the arrest of rapper azalea banks. the 24 year old was thrown out of the up and down club during a scuffle with a bouncer during december. police say banks bit the woman escorting her out and tried to punch her in the face. along with the video banks posted a statement saying in part, i don't understand why it took three men to grab me and remove me from the club. movie critics went head to head with two of the word's most iconic superheroes. despite bad reviews, the batman versus superman movie opened as one of the top ten movie best presummer debut. have you seen it? >> i have not seen it. >> nope. >> i guess we work too much. >> we do. >> i saw the ten commandments last night. >> all four hours of it. >> yeah. >> i think it was 11 or 12. people were out and about celebrating easter and they're pretty happy that it remained mild. >> yeah, the rain is about six hours away though. we head outside and the clouds are starting to lower and thicken. you see it looks darker as we look down south. 47 right now, the wind coming in around nine. the high got up to 55 so we seeked out another -- eked out another nice day before the rain returns. back in 1988 on this day we got up to 83 degrees. occasional rain developing late tonight and lasting through midday monday. turning windy late in the day tomorrow and into tuesday. we could have winds gusting over 40 miles per hour at times. warmer late rain does return by late thursday into thursday night. 49 right now, 45 at jfk. the further you head east on long island, the colder it gets. that's the influence cooler waters of the atlantic ocean. 57 poughkeepsie. you see on the radar satellite, a lot f clouds -- of clouds. even a band of light sprinkles over parts of ocean county. most of the rain really waits until late tonight to move in. by midnight, the steadiest rain is still south and east of new york city. during the predawn and maybe steadier rain. maybe another batch of steady rain moving through midday tomorrow and then we start clearing things out. accuweather forecast for tonight, turning overcast occasional rain and drizzle developing after midnight. tomorrow, its occasional rain and drizzle through midday and then windy with peeks of sun late in the afternoon, high of 58. blustery tomorrow, night, we're down to 42. here's your seven-day forecast, win [inaudible] sunny and nice with less wind, 54, sun giving way to clouds on thursday. rain developing late thursday afternoon into thursday night the high getting to 68, may touch 70 plus on some thermometers. still mild friday. we clear out next weekend but by next sunday, colder air moves in. we might be down to near freezing by >> i just heard that it might hit 70. >> yeah, selective hearing. >> we kind of tuned out after that. laura behnke next with sports. >> the yankees open on monday, one week from monday and one week from tonight, we'll be watching a baseball game that counts. will they be ready? by the end of tonight, the basketball all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. that's because we've been working hard to give you better service, and it shows. we came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. for $89.99 a month you'll get 100 meg ultra-fast internet, popular hd channels and unlimited calling. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. so we can all watch whatever we want. and that's kinda cool. call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get internet, tv and phone. there's no contract, no risk and our money-back guarantee. with our exclusive one-hour arrival window. feels good to be back. come back today. you'll get free installation, tv equipment and epix included. and now get a $300 reward card. . i'm in the mood for grapefruits, can you help me? >> only a few more left. as of today, we can set the count down at seven days until opening nights. that's when the mets and royals kick off the season. first, a few more grapefruit league games happen. david wright, been very limited this spring but looking good here. his first grapefruit league homer. this one, the 2-run blast. the nationals would come back. jerry blevins helping them out, the throwing error allows the tying score. this now at ten games. the yankees hosting the twins twins twins phil hughes on the mound. he faired pretty well except here. all tied up at 1-1. new york allowed five runs four earned. so 5-2, the twins win. after two straight wins over the playoff hopeful bulls last week, the knicks came crashing back to earth courtesy of the knicks couldn't match cleveland's effort or energy. >> [inaudible] we gave our all, i missed a lot of shots. you know, that would have changed a lot of things if i made two more of those threes for example. it was what it is. we kept fighting. and book a trip to houston continues. villanova helped prove no team is safe as they took care of business against the number 1 seed jayhawks in a nail biter that went down to the wire. they advance to their first final four since 2009. >> when you're a parent, you think your kids are the greatest and, and then when you see them live that out and become great, it just, it just makes your heart swell. reporter: as for the other no. 1 seed in never seemed to have a chance again oklahoma. the sooners led by 18 at half time and never looked back four. >> [inaudible] themselves regardless of looked at as a very good team in oklahoma basketball history but now they've got a special spot. reporter: so the final two final four determined tonight, notre dame faces north carolina and the syracuse orange against virginia. syracuse women also on the court today against tennessee. butler burying the deep three. then it was the alexis peterson show. they pulled away in this one. the woman are in the final four. will the men join them? we'll find out. >> that is the news for now. thank you for joining us. stay tuned for abc world news, that's coming up next. >> we are coming back at 11:00. welcome to "world news tonight." on alert. faith and fear around the globe this easter. police patrolling outside sunday services from new york to rome. the attack on terrorism tonight, coming from pope francis himself. in the heart of brussels, riot police clash with right wing protesters. tonight, the manhunt for the attackers growing. donald trump's controversial comments about safety here at home. the front-runner and ted cruz blasting away at each other, as bernie sanders scores a clean sweep over hillary clinton. it looks like snow.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Washington Heights , Pennsylvania , North Carolina , Brooklyn , Philadelphia , Alaska , Virginia , Syracuse , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Pakistan , Oklahoma , Tennessee , Poughkeepsie , Houston , Texas , France , Hawaii , Americans , America , Belgians , Jerry Blevins , Alexis Peterson , Phil Hughes , Notre Dame , Kimberly Richardson , Atlantic Ocean , Laura Behnke , Jeff Smith , David Wright , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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