Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151124 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151124

>> and i'm sade baderinwa. we're going to have those stories in a moment but first the weather and where's your mild november now? it's cold out there tonight. the temperatures so low it comes with a warning for some parts. >> what does this mean for thanksgiving? meteorologist lee goldberg tracking it all. he's outside our studios on the upper west side all bundled up. >> november really a no-show until tonight and truthfully it really was december chill today with highs in the 40s and a cold gusty wind. for the most part i have a sidewalk to myself tonight . a clear very cold night. temperature down to 34. destined to be our coldest of the season so far. northwest wind at 13. wind chills are easily in the 20s all across the area. here's a look at the freeze warning. most of new york city a freeze warning till the morning. look at the numbers in northern new jersey. 28 in clifton. freezing in dumont right now. similar numbers across the area, freezing on the island and connecticut, hudson valley. snow showers to the west. those are going to dry out before they get here. that's a warm front with clouds. that may have stopped the temperatures from nose diving after midnight. couple of clouds get close to freezing in new york city. that would be the first time this season. average date of the first frost in new york city, november 22nd. a touch late there. coming up, the thanksgiving forecast. we'll let you know if this chill sticks around and of course the all important travel forecast as well. that's in accuweather in a few minutes. a candlelight vigil tonight to remember a young woman about to give birth to her child. instead she was brutally murdered for her baby. that baby cut from her mother's belly and cops say the woman who did it claimed the newborn was hers. eyewitness news reporter josh einiger is in the wakefield section of the bronx. >> we're only about a mile away from that unspeakable and the house where angelica sutton grew up, where she lived, where she was expecting her baby girl and tonight family and friends gathered in a fruitless attempt to understand. >> i've known angel my whole life. >> reporter: in front of angelica sutton's childhood home tonight, disbelief dissolved in to raw emotional. >> the night before she passed i was talking to her and she was showing me the sonogram and then the next day they took my friend. >> reporter: her nickname was angel. the 22-year-old mom to be, a recent grad of st. john's with a whole life ahead of her, a life ripped away, say police, by a deranged acquaintance named ashleigh wade. friday wade invited her to her apartment then allegedly stabbed her to death and carved her baby girl from her womb. police say wade -- was hers. when it comes to families, they don't make them much stronger than the suttons. her father a pastor, her mother fellow clergy lifted them up in prayer. prayer for their loss. genesis. >> reporter: and prayer for their new granddaughter, genesis, who is a happy and healthy baby girl. >> i believe her name is angel for a reason and i know everybody who's here, she's looking over everybody. >> angel, i love you. >> i just pray she's in peace. >> reporter: ashleigh wade has been charged with murder but right now is in a psychiatric hospital and has yet to be arraigned. through her tears tonight angel's mom told me earlier today she got to feed her granddaughter for the very first time. when she told me that, she beamed. live in the wakefield section of the bronx tonight, josh einiger, channel 7 eyewitness news. new details tonight in a deadly crash in westchester county. police officers in a patrol car were following a suspicious van this afternoon in yonkers when it collided with another vehicle. the driver of that car was killed. two people in the van suffered serious injuries. police say they were wanted for allegedly trying to break in to a parking meter. they're trying tonight to take a glass half full approach to the hard reality of streets too full of water. as eyewitness news reporter lucy yang posted on facebook tonight, some people had to roll up their pants and get wet. lucy is at the scene with the latest. >> hoboken residents are holiday even if they have no water or low water pressure. same for sections of jersey city, this as the area marks a system. >> how bad is it? >> it's bad. >> reporter: some hitched a ride across the flooded street. others rolled up their pants and took off their socks and shoes. these gym members were not about to let a little flooding ruin their workout or their sneakers as they waded barefoot through the frozen water. >> got to be freezing. >> i'm fine. i've been in colder weather than this. beautiful. >> reporter: hoboken residents were dealt bad news when a water break was followed by a 36-inch valve failure sending rivers gushing in to the streets, dry. >> that valve break needs to be repaired first and it's a complicated process and needs to be repaired before they can do the it repairs in hoboken. >> reporter: translation, water woes here might continue through thanksgiving and beyond. >> i'm baking. so not a lot of water required there. so yeah, i'm a mooch this thanksgiving. >> reporter: until the system is fully repaired, trucks will continue to dispense free water in town. just bring your own containers. the boil water advisory remains in effect. those lucky enough to have running faucets again are urged to use water sparingly. >> so far so good. >> reporter: meanwhile, garbage bags rule. as for travel, numerous streets remain closed and there are detours as crews race against time to fix an old crum bllg system. live in hoboken tonight, lucy yang, channel 7 eyewitness news. alert tonight for americans traveling overseas. from the state department, increased terror attacks and threats around the world. current intelligence suggests isis militants, al qaeda, and other terror groups are likely planning attacks in several regions of the world. there's no credible threat targeting the west. fear gripping the capital of belgium, the entire city virtually shut down as the massive manhunt for the paris killers stretch in to another day. heavily armed police are patrolling the streets of brussels now under the highest terror level. schools and subways remain closed after authorities say the city was under an imminent threat of an attack. tomorrow french president francois hollande will meet with president obama at the white house to suggest a shared strategy for fighting isis. french investigators are examining a possible suicide vest found today in a trash can in a suburb of paris. officials say the vest contained volts and the same materials from the attacks. flags half staff in all state buildings in new jersey to remember the victims in friday's attack in mali. she graduated from mount olive high school and rutgers university. in a statement today, governor christie calling her a true hero and a role model of the highest order. also tomorrow a career criminal accused of murdering. the 30-year-old with a long rap sheet accused of shooting officer randolph holder last month in east harlem. police say the gun used in the shooting was stolen from south carolina. found inside a home in west westchester county. police believe carbon monoxide may be to blame. a family member found the men in separate bedrooms. police believe fumes from a car left running in a closed garage drifted in to the house and suf -- suffocated the men. both lived in the home on mainwood avenue. >> the last time the family had contact with these two parties was on saturday and they had become concerned because they hadn't been able to make contact so they went to the house today to see what was happening. >> police say their family hadn't been able to contact them since saturday. a pedestrian hit by an mta bus for the third time this month. a city bus hitting a pedestrian in the streets of new york city, a security camera capturing the accident on the lower east side of manhattan. the mta bus rounds a corner, clips a 64-year-old man as he walks in the crosswalk across madison avenue. he suffered a serious arm injury. as we continue with eyewitness news at 11:00, new video of two sisters insulted and spit on. cops are now investigating was this a bias crime? were they attacked for who they are? >> plus an arrest tonight in connection with a medical student shot while stopping a kidnapping. wait till you hear what the suspect has admitted to. >> meteorologist lee goldberg new at 11:00, two muslim women making disturb ing allegations tonight against a u.s. postal worker in brooklyn. they say he insulted and swore at them, vile language, they say, and then he spit in the face of one of the sisters. police are looking at this as a possible bias crime. here's >> reporter: the man in the post office uniform came frighteningly close to the women. he appears to be yelling at them but it's even worse than that. >> the man with the postal office uniform approached them and started harassing them, burr aiding them and even spat on them. >> reporter: the women step in to a deli for safety, but the man in the postal service uniform follows them in. >> telling them i'm going to bomb your temple. he followed them inside the grocery store. after the customers pushed him out, he said i'm waiting outside. come so i can attack you. >> reporter: he says the postal worker often buys beers during the day and yells obscenities on the street. he says the women were terrifies. >> they were shaken when they came in to the store. >> reporter: we blurred his many here in the neighborhood recognize the man which makes many here wonder why the police, why the u.s. postal service hasn't done something about it yet. the police department says they are investigating it as a hate crime. jim dolan, channel 7 eyewitness news. new tonight, the nfl's so called deflate-gate scandal isn't over but by the time the two sides reconvened in court, tom brady could have already won another super bowl. a u.s. court of could hear oral arguments march 3rd nearly a month after the super bowl. the nfl is appealing a ruling that lifted brady's four-game suspension. a full confession for a man accused of shooting a tulane medical student who stopped a kidnapping. 21-year-old euric cain admits he's the man in surveillance video dragging a woman down the street in new orleans. cain also admitted he shot peter gold in the stomach then tried to shoot him in the head twice. fortunately the gun jammed and mr. gold survived. two men charged with murder tonight for the death of a preacher's pregnant wife. police in indianapolis saying the 21 and 18-year-old men shot amanda blackburn during a home invasion robbery on november 10th. blackburn was 13 weeks pregnant. the defendants may now also face additional charges. new tonight, some of new york city's young leaders came together for a town hall tonight in brooklyn. the bbc tv partnered with nyc service for the youth boys count forum. they discussed why they're making their voice count on policies and practices that affect them. eyewitness news anchor shirleen allicot moderated the event. you know how you can tell the holidays are coming? another department store. this time it's saks fifth avenue bathed in light. complete with crystals. the windows have wintery versions of various wonders. look at that. >> it's so beautiful what they do out there. a lot of hard work goes in to that. >> temperature added to the spirit tonight. >> feels like it. >> got some decorations here on the west side. outside we go tonight where we have a look at new york city and a bouncing camera because we have that gusty wind. i can probably change the camera and get a quick look at the studios on the west side. there's bill and sade sitting in the desk. temperature right now at 34 degrees. humidity at 50%. northwest wind at 13. barometer on the rise and the high today, 44. 7 degrees below average. closer to average by midweek. looking at the first freeze, last few years have been early to mid-november then it ranges to mid december. the average overall of the last 15 years, november 22nd. first freeze in new york city likely tomorrow morning. still chilly. then it's just quiet as we go through the middle latter part of the week with perfect parade weather thursday. it's balmy in black it is 24 degrees in danbury right now. 30 in brookhaven. it is definitely cold but the difference is the wind is really starting to back off. 21, monticello. patchy cloudiness. mid and upper 40s with light wind, a lot of sun. won't feel too harsh tomorrow. meanwhile there are a couple of clouds off to the west. flurries dying down. that's a warm front. that's why temperatures may stop dropping in a few hours. we're waiting for high pressure to move in because on its western side it's been in the 60s. that will replace our 40s. still chilly tomorrow at 47. as we go in to wednesday, beautiful travel day, about 50. look at i-95. absolutely quiet. the eastern 2/3rds of the country look good. partly cloudy. very cold to start tomorrow. 33. less wind tomorrow. early patchy clouds. mostly sunny skies . 36. 20s in the suburbs. if you look at wednesday across the country, delays west to the plains. here's your parade planner. by 9 a.m., 50 degrees. worried about some clouds. upper 50s for thanksgiving and 60s for friday. next threat of rain comes in saturday. bill evans will have an update in the morning. up next, the record adele could break this week and the one thing women can do after giving birth to cut down on their chances of getting diabetes. >> but first, if you're a star wars fan, you don't want to miss jimmy kimmel's show tonight. >> tonight a very special show in tonight's health alert, promising news for women who develop diabetes. new research shows mothers with gestational diabetes during the pregnancy can reduce the risk of staying diabetic by breastfeeding. women who breastfed were 50% less likely to develop diabetes in the two years after delivering their babies. a breakthrough tonight for people suffering kidney cancer. the fda approved a drug to treat an advanced form of kidney cancer. the injectable drug known as optivo. research shows patients taking it lived 25 months longer. drones are one of the hottest gifts of the season. today new bills were introduced aimed at regulating them. the joint hearing discussed the possible dangers from personal and commercial drones. in september a drone crashed in to empty seats at the u.s. open. council members are worried about more accidents like that as drones become more popular. hello indeed. new details tonight in to adele's record breaking new release. >> hello, can you hear me titled "25"came out on friday and has already sold 2.3 million copies in the u.s., putting it in the path to break the record attached. >> if only laura behnke would sing. >> it would tank at that point. [ laughter ] thanks to chrisops porzingis, new york trying to keep that good thing going in miami. the heat, however, had some other plans. on henrik lundqvist to what dear? oh! oh, you're bad. stop that! i'm sorry. (vo) a new york millionaire spent $714,000 to learn how to be a pet whisperer. what? oh ho ho! (vo) you'd make a way better rich person. lotto. making more new yorkers rich than any other game. son, the holiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. knicks down in miami going for five in a row. >> don't sleep on these knicks. tonight in miami it was a tale of two different and conflicting streaks. the knicks looking to extend their season best win streak to five in a row. the heat entered the night with a six-game win streak over new york. tonight something had to give as the knicks traveled down to south beach. it started well. chrisops porzingis dialing up the 3 for the first points of the game. but it was all downhill from there. d-wade, the nice up and under murfbss. -- moves. he had 16 points. nails the triple. he also had 16 points. it was a nice night for tyler johnson. this is a guy on a 10-day contract from the d-league. the knicks' win streak still over. enough with the relaxation. the giants are officially back to work, returning to the meadowlands today with the bye week a thing of the past. with six games to go in the regular hakeem nicks resigned with the giants last week after victor cruz was put on i.r. the team believes nicks can help them win. nicks knows a thing or two about winning. >> it's a six-game schedule. we've seen this before. we're right where we need to be in this division. just look forward to what's at hand. >> today the jets cut linebacker quinton coples as they're left to wonder what the heck happened yesterday in houston when they dropped their fourth game in five tries. ryan fitzpatrick trugled through two late interceptions that held them at any chance of a comeback. he and the rest of the game got to improve. >> we don't like losing. especially the fashion which we came out and started slow. i throw two interceptions at the end of the game so nobody feels good about that. >> after their nine-game win streak the rangers showed they are indeed human over the last couple of games. chance to start another streak as the blue shirts hosted nashville. no score till the 2nd period. rick nash goes top shelf for the unassisted goal. 1-0 rangers. one was all lundquist needed. here you go on the power play. kevin hayes getting the power done. rangers get the win 3-0. good news for the st. john's men. they got to go to hawaii this week. bad news, they have to face stiff competition. facing vanderbilt in the maui tournament. nothing but trouble from the tip. baldwin, steal and finish. later in the 1st half, the johnies just can't score. the commodores cannot not score. vandy wondering what's going on. more of the same in the 2nd half. 13 points. 92-55 vandy rolls over st. john's but early in the season, figuring things out. >> we'll starting thursday, apparel will cool down to 40% off. [ both ] 40%! [ quickly ] the news is good! [ quickly ] sports win! [ whispers ] let's go shopping! doors open thursday, 6pm at target. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. this thursday, hdtv prices will drop to record lows. ken, how are you getting ready for this deal? with subtle hints... barbie, i want an hdtv. lee goldberg called it earlier. an official cuddle alert night. conversation on facebook, twitter, and instagram. ask us anything. cuddle alert. i called it. be sure to join us. thanks for watching. i'm bill ritter. >> i'm sade baderinwa. have a nice night.

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Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151124 :

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151124

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>> and i'm sade baderinwa. we're going to have those stories in a moment but first the weather and where's your mild november now? it's cold out there tonight. the temperatures so low it comes with a warning for some parts. >> what does this mean for thanksgiving? meteorologist lee goldberg tracking it all. he's outside our studios on the upper west side all bundled up. >> november really a no-show until tonight and truthfully it really was december chill today with highs in the 40s and a cold gusty wind. for the most part i have a sidewalk to myself tonight . a clear very cold night. temperature down to 34. destined to be our coldest of the season so far. northwest wind at 13. wind chills are easily in the 20s all across the area. here's a look at the freeze warning. most of new york city a freeze warning till the morning. look at the numbers in northern new jersey. 28 in clifton. freezing in dumont right now. similar numbers across the area, freezing on the island and connecticut, hudson valley. snow showers to the west. those are going to dry out before they get here. that's a warm front with clouds. that may have stopped the temperatures from nose diving after midnight. couple of clouds get close to freezing in new york city. that would be the first time this season. average date of the first frost in new york city, november 22nd. a touch late there. coming up, the thanksgiving forecast. we'll let you know if this chill sticks around and of course the all important travel forecast as well. that's in accuweather in a few minutes. a candlelight vigil tonight to remember a young woman about to give birth to her child. instead she was brutally murdered for her baby. that baby cut from her mother's belly and cops say the woman who did it claimed the newborn was hers. eyewitness news reporter josh einiger is in the wakefield section of the bronx. >> we're only about a mile away from that unspeakable and the house where angelica sutton grew up, where she lived, where she was expecting her baby girl and tonight family and friends gathered in a fruitless attempt to understand. >> i've known angel my whole life. >> reporter: in front of angelica sutton's childhood home tonight, disbelief dissolved in to raw emotional. >> the night before she passed i was talking to her and she was showing me the sonogram and then the next day they took my friend. >> reporter: her nickname was angel. the 22-year-old mom to be, a recent grad of st. john's with a whole life ahead of her, a life ripped away, say police, by a deranged acquaintance named ashleigh wade. friday wade invited her to her apartment then allegedly stabbed her to death and carved her baby girl from her womb. police say wade -- was hers. when it comes to families, they don't make them much stronger than the suttons. her father a pastor, her mother fellow clergy lifted them up in prayer. prayer for their loss. genesis. >> reporter: and prayer for their new granddaughter, genesis, who is a happy and healthy baby girl. >> i believe her name is angel for a reason and i know everybody who's here, she's looking over everybody. >> angel, i love you. >> i just pray she's in peace. >> reporter: ashleigh wade has been charged with murder but right now is in a psychiatric hospital and has yet to be arraigned. through her tears tonight angel's mom told me earlier today she got to feed her granddaughter for the very first time. when she told me that, she beamed. live in the wakefield section of the bronx tonight, josh einiger, channel 7 eyewitness news. new details tonight in a deadly crash in westchester county. police officers in a patrol car were following a suspicious van this afternoon in yonkers when it collided with another vehicle. the driver of that car was killed. two people in the van suffered serious injuries. police say they were wanted for allegedly trying to break in to a parking meter. they're trying tonight to take a glass half full approach to the hard reality of streets too full of water. as eyewitness news reporter lucy yang posted on facebook tonight, some people had to roll up their pants and get wet. lucy is at the scene with the latest. >> hoboken residents are holiday even if they have no water or low water pressure. same for sections of jersey city, this as the area marks a system. >> how bad is it? >> it's bad. >> reporter: some hitched a ride across the flooded street. others rolled up their pants and took off their socks and shoes. these gym members were not about to let a little flooding ruin their workout or their sneakers as they waded barefoot through the frozen water. >> got to be freezing. >> i'm fine. i've been in colder weather than this. beautiful. >> reporter: hoboken residents were dealt bad news when a water break was followed by a 36-inch valve failure sending rivers gushing in to the streets, dry. >> that valve break needs to be repaired first and it's a complicated process and needs to be repaired before they can do the it repairs in hoboken. >> reporter: translation, water woes here might continue through thanksgiving and beyond. >> i'm baking. so not a lot of water required there. so yeah, i'm a mooch this thanksgiving. >> reporter: until the system is fully repaired, trucks will continue to dispense free water in town. just bring your own containers. the boil water advisory remains in effect. those lucky enough to have running faucets again are urged to use water sparingly. >> so far so good. >> reporter: meanwhile, garbage bags rule. as for travel, numerous streets remain closed and there are detours as crews race against time to fix an old crum bllg system. live in hoboken tonight, lucy yang, channel 7 eyewitness news. alert tonight for americans traveling overseas. from the state department, increased terror attacks and threats around the world. current intelligence suggests isis militants, al qaeda, and other terror groups are likely planning attacks in several regions of the world. there's no credible threat targeting the west. fear gripping the capital of belgium, the entire city virtually shut down as the massive manhunt for the paris killers stretch in to another day. heavily armed police are patrolling the streets of brussels now under the highest terror level. schools and subways remain closed after authorities say the city was under an imminent threat of an attack. tomorrow french president francois hollande will meet with president obama at the white house to suggest a shared strategy for fighting isis. french investigators are examining a possible suicide vest found today in a trash can in a suburb of paris. officials say the vest contained volts and the same materials from the attacks. flags half staff in all state buildings in new jersey to remember the victims in friday's attack in mali. she graduated from mount olive high school and rutgers university. in a statement today, governor christie calling her a true hero and a role model of the highest order. also tomorrow a career criminal accused of murdering. the 30-year-old with a long rap sheet accused of shooting officer randolph holder last month in east harlem. police say the gun used in the shooting was stolen from south carolina. found inside a home in west westchester county. police believe carbon monoxide may be to blame. a family member found the men in separate bedrooms. police believe fumes from a car left running in a closed garage drifted in to the house and suf -- suffocated the men. both lived in the home on mainwood avenue. >> the last time the family had contact with these two parties was on saturday and they had become concerned because they hadn't been able to make contact so they went to the house today to see what was happening. >> police say their family hadn't been able to contact them since saturday. a pedestrian hit by an mta bus for the third time this month. a city bus hitting a pedestrian in the streets of new york city, a security camera capturing the accident on the lower east side of manhattan. the mta bus rounds a corner, clips a 64-year-old man as he walks in the crosswalk across madison avenue. he suffered a serious arm injury. as we continue with eyewitness news at 11:00, new video of two sisters insulted and spit on. cops are now investigating was this a bias crime? were they attacked for who they are? >> plus an arrest tonight in connection with a medical student shot while stopping a kidnapping. wait till you hear what the suspect has admitted to. >> meteorologist lee goldberg new at 11:00, two muslim women making disturb ing allegations tonight against a u.s. postal worker in brooklyn. they say he insulted and swore at them, vile language, they say, and then he spit in the face of one of the sisters. police are looking at this as a possible bias crime. here's >> reporter: the man in the post office uniform came frighteningly close to the women. he appears to be yelling at them but it's even worse than that. >> the man with the postal office uniform approached them and started harassing them, burr aiding them and even spat on them. >> reporter: the women step in to a deli for safety, but the man in the postal service uniform follows them in. >> telling them i'm going to bomb your temple. he followed them inside the grocery store. after the customers pushed him out, he said i'm waiting outside. come so i can attack you. >> reporter: he says the postal worker often buys beers during the day and yells obscenities on the street. he says the women were terrifies. >> they were shaken when they came in to the store. >> reporter: we blurred his many here in the neighborhood recognize the man which makes many here wonder why the police, why the u.s. postal service hasn't done something about it yet. the police department says they are investigating it as a hate crime. jim dolan, channel 7 eyewitness news. new tonight, the nfl's so called deflate-gate scandal isn't over but by the time the two sides reconvened in court, tom brady could have already won another super bowl. a u.s. court of could hear oral arguments march 3rd nearly a month after the super bowl. the nfl is appealing a ruling that lifted brady's four-game suspension. a full confession for a man accused of shooting a tulane medical student who stopped a kidnapping. 21-year-old euric cain admits he's the man in surveillance video dragging a woman down the street in new orleans. cain also admitted he shot peter gold in the stomach then tried to shoot him in the head twice. fortunately the gun jammed and mr. gold survived. two men charged with murder tonight for the death of a preacher's pregnant wife. police in indianapolis saying the 21 and 18-year-old men shot amanda blackburn during a home invasion robbery on november 10th. blackburn was 13 weeks pregnant. the defendants may now also face additional charges. new tonight, some of new york city's young leaders came together for a town hall tonight in brooklyn. the bbc tv partnered with nyc service for the youth boys count forum. they discussed why they're making their voice count on policies and practices that affect them. eyewitness news anchor shirleen allicot moderated the event. you know how you can tell the holidays are coming? another department store. this time it's saks fifth avenue bathed in light. complete with crystals. the windows have wintery versions of various wonders. look at that. >> it's so beautiful what they do out there. a lot of hard work goes in to that. >> temperature added to the spirit tonight. >> feels like it. >> got some decorations here on the west side. outside we go tonight where we have a look at new york city and a bouncing camera because we have that gusty wind. i can probably change the camera and get a quick look at the studios on the west side. there's bill and sade sitting in the desk. temperature right now at 34 degrees. humidity at 50%. northwest wind at 13. barometer on the rise and the high today, 44. 7 degrees below average. closer to average by midweek. looking at the first freeze, last few years have been early to mid-november then it ranges to mid december. the average overall of the last 15 years, november 22nd. first freeze in new york city likely tomorrow morning. still chilly. then it's just quiet as we go through the middle latter part of the week with perfect parade weather thursday. it's balmy in black it is 24 degrees in danbury right now. 30 in brookhaven. it is definitely cold but the difference is the wind is really starting to back off. 21, monticello. patchy cloudiness. mid and upper 40s with light wind, a lot of sun. won't feel too harsh tomorrow. meanwhile there are a couple of clouds off to the west. flurries dying down. that's a warm front. that's why temperatures may stop dropping in a few hours. we're waiting for high pressure to move in because on its western side it's been in the 60s. that will replace our 40s. still chilly tomorrow at 47. as we go in to wednesday, beautiful travel day, about 50. look at i-95. absolutely quiet. the eastern 2/3rds of the country look good. partly cloudy. very cold to start tomorrow. 33. less wind tomorrow. early patchy clouds. mostly sunny skies . 36. 20s in the suburbs. if you look at wednesday across the country, delays west to the plains. here's your parade planner. by 9 a.m., 50 degrees. worried about some clouds. upper 50s for thanksgiving and 60s for friday. next threat of rain comes in saturday. bill evans will have an update in the morning. up next, the record adele could break this week and the one thing women can do after giving birth to cut down on their chances of getting diabetes. >> but first, if you're a star wars fan, you don't want to miss jimmy kimmel's show tonight. >> tonight a very special show in tonight's health alert, promising news for women who develop diabetes. new research shows mothers with gestational diabetes during the pregnancy can reduce the risk of staying diabetic by breastfeeding. women who breastfed were 50% less likely to develop diabetes in the two years after delivering their babies. a breakthrough tonight for people suffering kidney cancer. the fda approved a drug to treat an advanced form of kidney cancer. the injectable drug known as optivo. research shows patients taking it lived 25 months longer. drones are one of the hottest gifts of the season. today new bills were introduced aimed at regulating them. the joint hearing discussed the possible dangers from personal and commercial drones. in september a drone crashed in to empty seats at the u.s. open. council members are worried about more accidents like that as drones become more popular. hello indeed. new details tonight in to adele's record breaking new release. >> hello, can you hear me titled "25"came out on friday and has already sold 2.3 million copies in the u.s., putting it in the path to break the record attached. >> if only laura behnke would sing. >> it would tank at that point. [ laughter ] thanks to chrisops porzingis, new york trying to keep that good thing going in miami. the heat, however, had some other plans. on henrik lundqvist to what dear? oh! oh, you're bad. stop that! i'm sorry. (vo) a new york millionaire spent $714,000 to learn how to be a pet whisperer. what? oh ho ho! (vo) you'd make a way better rich person. lotto. making more new yorkers rich than any other game. son, the holiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. knicks down in miami going for five in a row. >> don't sleep on these knicks. tonight in miami it was a tale of two different and conflicting streaks. the knicks looking to extend their season best win streak to five in a row. the heat entered the night with a six-game win streak over new york. tonight something had to give as the knicks traveled down to south beach. it started well. chrisops porzingis dialing up the 3 for the first points of the game. but it was all downhill from there. d-wade, the nice up and under murfbss. -- moves. he had 16 points. nails the triple. he also had 16 points. it was a nice night for tyler johnson. this is a guy on a 10-day contract from the d-league. the knicks' win streak still over. enough with the relaxation. the giants are officially back to work, returning to the meadowlands today with the bye week a thing of the past. with six games to go in the regular hakeem nicks resigned with the giants last week after victor cruz was put on i.r. the team believes nicks can help them win. nicks knows a thing or two about winning. >> it's a six-game schedule. we've seen this before. we're right where we need to be in this division. just look forward to what's at hand. >> today the jets cut linebacker quinton coples as they're left to wonder what the heck happened yesterday in houston when they dropped their fourth game in five tries. ryan fitzpatrick trugled through two late interceptions that held them at any chance of a comeback. he and the rest of the game got to improve. >> we don't like losing. especially the fashion which we came out and started slow. i throw two interceptions at the end of the game so nobody feels good about that. >> after their nine-game win streak the rangers showed they are indeed human over the last couple of games. chance to start another streak as the blue shirts hosted nashville. no score till the 2nd period. rick nash goes top shelf for the unassisted goal. 1-0 rangers. one was all lundquist needed. here you go on the power play. kevin hayes getting the power done. rangers get the win 3-0. good news for the st. john's men. they got to go to hawaii this week. bad news, they have to face stiff competition. facing vanderbilt in the maui tournament. nothing but trouble from the tip. baldwin, steal and finish. later in the 1st half, the johnies just can't score. the commodores cannot not score. vandy wondering what's going on. more of the same in the 2nd half. 13 points. 92-55 vandy rolls over st. john's but early in the season, figuring things out. >> we'll starting thursday, apparel will cool down to 40% off. [ both ] 40%! [ quickly ] the news is good! [ quickly ] sports win! [ whispers ] let's go shopping! doors open thursday, 6pm at target. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. this thursday, hdtv prices will drop to record lows. ken, how are you getting ready for this deal? with subtle hints... barbie, i want an hdtv. lee goldberg called it earlier. an official cuddle alert night. conversation on facebook, twitter, and instagram. ask us anything. cuddle alert. i called it. be sure to join us. thanks for watching. i'm bill ritter. >> i'm sade baderinwa. have a nice night.

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