Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151116 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151116

a strike at the heart of isis. two days after the terror attacks the french military unleashes a thunderous response. and in paris, resilience and strength in the effort to return life to normal. >> putting flowers and love everywhere instead of blood. >> reporter: today, though, moments of peace suddenly turned to panic. here at home, tears and mourning for the california college student living her dream as an american in paris. >> i feel lost, sadness. she was my only daughter. i'm joe torres. i'm sandra bookman. parisians are on edge tonight two days after that terror attack. new video of the moment the attack inside the bataclan concert hall. you can imagine the horror as the shots were fired. nearly 90 people died inside that theater. 129 people in total across the city. and tonight, french military jets launch a bombardment on the de facto isis capital of syria. tonight we know the targets included a command post, a jihadist recruiting center, and a weapons warehouse. >> also tonight, a massive manhunt underway for a gunman involved in the attacks. police believe he escaped to belgium, and in paris people remain on edge. fireworks set off panic in the city earlier today as mourners paid tribute to those killed. >> we have four reports for you from paris, to manhattan, to brooklyn. we begin with jim dolan in paris tonight. jim. >> reporter: well, joe, it has been a long and brutal weekend here in paris. much of what people thought of as normal when they left work friday night has changed this weekend. a darkened eiffel tower maybe the most prominent example, but so much of what people see on the streets now reminds them they are less safe than they ever imagined. a growing presence of heavily armed police and military continues to patrol the streets of paris tonight, a city whose people are suddenly distant. they ran in panic. well, it's not clear why they ran. something heard or imagined by someone. an overwhelming fear that spread in an instant. outside the famous cathedral of notre dame, bells tolled for the victims here in paris as the city continued its somber wrenching period of mourning. there would be a special mass at the cathedral, and pa rei shans lined up to hear it as did some tourists. >> it's a gregorian mass, so i'm hoping there will be chanting, which is a beautiful sound. i'm hoping the music will bring back some of the beauty into the hearts of the people. >> reporter: it was both beautiful and somber, as so much of paris is just now a city of culture and refinement, of art and beauty, but rattled just now from the horror of it all. >> there's a tremendous amount of sadness and reflection. the blood banks are full of people. with an impact even stronger than the "charlie hebdo" massacre in january. >> reporter: many are out in the city, reclaiming it in their own way by behaving as close to normal as paris gets just now. there is so much sadness here still. and still, so much fear. in just a couple of hours a new work week will begin here in france, a nation that knows now what it did not know just a few days ago. in that every sense that mattered, they are at war. reporting live from paris, jim dolan, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> an active search right now for a key suspect in the terror attacks. here is the man police want to find, a 26-year-old from belgium. the alert warns he is a dangerous individual. authorities tell abc news they believe he led the team of gunmen who opened fire on the restaurants and bars. now, police picked up his trail when they found a car used in the attacks in a suburb of paris. he escaped to belgium. police pulled him over for a traffic stop, but then let him go. near brussels, police did arrest seven people this weekend and continue to hunt for more members of the sleeper cell. authorities released the syrian passport found on one of the attackers who killed himself outside the stadium in france. authorities believe he entered europe through greece, posing as a refugee. if you thought security in new york was tight before the attacks in paris, prepare yourself for a new level of enforcement, especially is at events that bring together large numbers of people. for example, today metlife stadium hosted the football game between the new york giants and the new england pat trioffice. while madison square garden saw fans for both and then rangers hockey game. >> reporter: joe and sandra, from metlife stadium to hear at madison square garden fans saw longer than normal lines, more check points, and more officers. fans say the heightened security is a necessary precaution. new reality. >> i feel really safe, but anywhere you go there's going to be danger. >> rangers finance at madison square garden extra vigilant after an attack in paris outside the french national soccer stadium, but comfortable with the extra security outside major stadiums sunday in the wake of the terror attacks. outside msg police officers were visible near every entrance. >> i think there's definitely an increase in security here tonight, reasonably so. i can't say that i feel unsafe here. >> new york city has been through this before, so we're kind of used to this i guess. >> reporter: over at metlife stadium, emergency response units posted in the parking lot, and state the ground and in the sky. all clubs used mandatory metal detector screenings, and large bags have been banned from being brought in stadiums. checks. there's one to get in the gate, and another one to get into the stadium. >> reporter: sporting events increased security. malls, theaters, and the macy's thanksgiving day parade all nypd. the police commissioner is also expressing concern that al- qaida may feel outdone by isis and begin ramping up its activity, but he's confident there remains no direct threat to new york city. >> joining us now is former nypd commissioner ray kelly. thank you so much for being commissioner, we saw today where firecrackers set off a crowd in paris. people were running like crazy because they were scared, panicked. turned out only to be fireworks. we've kind of -- we've gone through this here in new york city. how do you return a city to calm? >> it is going to take time, no question, and probably quite a bit of time. i think the fact that they've deployed military on the streets of paris and obviously additional police, as many as they could muster, will go a ways to sort of calm the waters, to add a certain level of comfort to the public. event. other than nine 11, i can't think of anything that -- >> more horrific, yeah. >> so much chatter afterwards about the lack of cheater before and how authorities didn't get wind, perhaps through the use of encrypted between the attackers. how much of a concern is that for authorities, and if it is, how do you go about stopping that form of communication? >> it is a big concern, no question the world has changed in terms of encryption. you now have encryption apps that are pretty good. we're sure there are people in washington trying to break into those apps, but that's the way it is right now. so what you need is going back to old fashioned intelligence, if you can get that. human intelligence. we backed away from that as a country in the '70s. very difficult to build that back. but you are right, encryption is a game changer. >> commissioner, thanks for the time. appreciate it. in paris large crowds continue to gather at the sites of the shootings despite police orders to stay away. here in new york, candlelight vigils were held to show their solidarity with france and to honor those who were killed. in jackson heights, queens, a diverse crowd of community members and faith leaders came together to pray for peace. in brooklyn a large crowd held an emotional vigil. eyewitness news reporter mallory hof has that story. >> reporter: sandra, community members of all ages and religious beliefs came together here. they tell us their hearts are with those in mourning. candles illuminated the faces of a community that stands in solidarity with france. >> we were here on 9/11, and the whole world stood up to say they were with us after that happened, and it meant so much to us so we want to say that to our friends and family in paris, and we just wanted to give them a collective hug. >> reporter: children joined their parents as prayers at an interfaith vigil echoed through carroll park in brooklyn. >> very sad, the news. we pray for them. there's a big mosque over there. we pray five times a day for all people, everyone. >> reporter: when the vigil ended, a march began. a sea of lights flooded the street. the group gathered behind a collection of flags carried with pride. >> we will not live in fear, and that is the most important message that can resonate out of brooklyn and this french community and throughout the entire country. >> i'm french, i'm from paris. >> marie marched with her son by her side. >> partly to learn for children. >> reporter: there were quiet moments of reflection, and at times song. when they arrived at st. agnes catholic church, they prayed for the french people in the country's darkest hour. >> we need to work together with >> reporter: the people here world is listening. mallory hoff, channel 7 eyewitness news. tonight americans mourn a california college student killed in the attacks. tonight we hear from her family and boyfriend as they tearfully remember a girl who followed her dreams. plus, a local restaurant owner's growing concerns that her brother is among those killed during the terrorist rampage. and murder at a mini mart. an emotional and tense scene as deadly shooting. and by mid-november standards, not a bad evening. temperatures still in the mid- 50s in the city. cooler in the suburbs. we have a changeable week coming up including one very forecast coming up. if you look closely, you can see the exact second, when curiosity becomes wonder, when winter becomes christmas, and joy becomes a tradition. a moment that can only happen... the radio city christmasspectacular presented by chase. you bring the family, we bring the joy. visit and start your tradition today. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go. let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. the world remembers tonight attacks in paris. this is a live look outside the french consulate on the upper east side where people have placed flowers, candles, and other remembrances of those victims. and we are learning more tonight about the american college student killed during that rampage in paris. >> the parents and the boyfriend of 23-year-old nohemi gonzales are now sharing their grief and telling the world about the young woman they loved. lucy yang has the details. >> joe and sandra, she was supposed to be having the time of her life, studying design and fantastic paris what. could be better than that? except terrorists shattered her dream and left her loved ones to suffer the nightmare. far from the streets of paris but akin heartache, hundreds mourned at cal state long beach campus to honor nohemi gonzales, the 23-year-old american student. the crowd overflowed the ballroom and spilled into the lobby as tributes were paid to the bright young design student who had so much potential. but first she was a daughter much adored. >> she wanted a career, and she wanted a different life. she had big dreams. >> reporter: gonzales was studying design as part of a semester abroad program. she was at a bistro with three friends when gunmen opened fire. she was one of the 19 killed in the restaurant. her devastated boyfriend of four years now left with memories but no future for the two of them. >> she's my little firecracker. she'll always be in my heart. i think she's going to be in everyone else's heart, too. >> taking a life of an innocent, as the vice president mentioned, and for nohemi, of such great promise, an assault on our hearts to be sure, but also on our world. >> reporter: now, there were some lighthearted moments, too. one friend saluted gonzales for her positive attitude sharing the only time she was ever angry or sad was when she was hungry or needed ketchup. her fellow students say they expect her to create some pretty exciting designs in heaven. joe. >> all right, lucy, thank you. attacks in paris continues on- line at you can see photos of the tributes around the world and the latest on the investigation. still ahead tonight, a disturbing message scrawled on a student's door. coming up, a nasty note at a uconn dorm referring to the paris attacks. now the search is on to find out who the vandals are who wrote it. also ahead, a wild chase in the city of brotherly love when two zebras break away. plus, easing into the work so we ended the weekend weather-wise on a pretty good note. you are telling us tomorrow should be the final day of the weekend, right? because it's going to be so nice. >> it could be, depending on our cough and sniffle that we develop over the next few hours but it looks like a pretty nice day shaping up, temperatures getting into the lower 60s regionwide during the day tomorrow. we take a look outside at our beacon of freedom, one world trade lit up in the colors, the spire lit up in the colors of the french flag tonight. temperature 55 degrees, humidity at 40%. the winds southwest. as a southerly component, 8 miles per hour. that's what kept us milder. today temperatures actually going above normal for this after a chilly morning low of 39. we got up to 80 on this day in 1993. all the way down to 20*eu7 1967. the sun is setting these days at 4:38. a littlely cooler in the suburbs but not crazy cold. 45 in white plains. you have temperatures down to 39 at monticello. these areas are not going to be getting as cold as last night. 50 at belmar. high pressure firmly in control, moving off of the eastern seaboard. that means we get a return flow behind it. you can see our wind streamlines here coming in from the south and west. and that means a warm day for tomorrow. but then a back door cold front comes in for tomorrow night into tuesday, and there's some cold air banked off to our north and that will seep in tomorrow night into tuesday. so tuesday will be a full 10 degrees colder. in the meantime a nice warm day for your monday, high getting up to 6 2. there's that back door sneaky cold front moving off to the south. that does mean day on tuesday. then we warm things up on wednesday into thursday but by then there's a front pressing in from the west. with that there could be some very heavy rain on thursday. here is your accuweather forecast. clear, not as chilly, down to 47 in midtown, 35 to 40 in many of the suburbs. sunny at 7:00 in the morning, temperatures around 48. heading into the day it's a nice warm one out there. plenty of sunshine, the high getting up to 62. partly cloudy, chillier tomorrow night, down to 42 midtown. despite a lot of sunshine on tuesday only 52 for a high. cloudier but milder on wednesday, 5. could be some rain wednesday night. it's much more likely during the day on thursday. a windy, rainy day but warm, 66, rain heavy enough for maybe some localized flooding. weekend for next weekend. 55 saturday, 56 on sunday. just that one day in there, >> thank you jeff. >> golf is still possible. >> oh yes. >> laura is next. mind. whether it is the super bowl or the regular season the giants always seem to have the patriots number. today looked like it was going to be the same. big blue had plenty of opportunity in this game toned new england's perfect season. empty. how do you stay on top of your health? ahh... ahh... ahh... cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. so they're more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. take control of your health at cigna dot com slash take control. is it always an edge of your seat thriller when these two teams play? single year. as the giants' last two super bowl titles prove it does not matter what the patriots' record is, big blue always has a shot. today the regular season rematch. first quarter, patriots up 7- 0. eli manning, the pass, the touchdown to tie the game. then just before the half it's manning, hooking up with dwayne harris. the half. they would be up by 10 in the third. the year. in the fourth you knew rob gronkowski wouldn't have a quiet game. 76 yards on the pass from tom brady. driving, manning to beckham, appears to be a catch, appears to be a touchdown, but he can't hang on. it is reviewed and ruled incomplete. the giants would have to settle for the field goal. so then they had another chance to end it. brady over the middle. collins. should have been an interception, yet he dropped it, so the pats were still alive. 54-yard field goal with one second left. 27-26, the giants drop a heart breaker. >> i'm very disappointed, upset, whatever the words might be. it we have a ball in the end hands. we have to kick the field goal which makes you right away worried. wavy chance to intercept the it's thrown up. it finish the game. just get the game over with. >> there was a time when the biggest debate in the nfl was whether or not tom brady or peyton manning was the best quarterback in the league. that time is officially over. the struggles continuing for manning. today the broncos meeting kansas city. peyton needed just three yards to set the record for career passing yards. he got them, but it was all downhill. manning finished with just 35 yards. four interceptions. he was sacked twice, add quarterback rating of 0. he was benched in the third quarter. 29-13. the broncos fall. just a horrible day for pay ton. meanwhile the vikings meeting the raiders this afternoon. end of the first half, oakland had the lead, but not for long. paterson taking the kickoff field for the go-ahead touchdown. minnesota would then add to its lead courtesy of adrian peterson who takes the handoff. the vikings improve to 7-2. 30- 14 your final. so minnesota all alone in first in the nfc north. when we return, it took the knicks 31 games last year to finally win their fifth. today trying to match that mark in just their 11th game day for the french man. it took me eleven years to finally track down the ecephidon megolis. gorgeous, isn't he? it was pricey, but a total bargain compared to this little beauty. (vo) a new york man spent $3.2 million on a dead bat. i have such enormous respect for these creatures. which is why i stuff them and hang them on the walls. (vo) you'd make a way better rich person. lotto. making more new yorkers rich than any other game. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. in the first 10 games of the knicks' season kevin serrafin was basically a non factor. today was different. it was of course more than basketball. he shaved the word "paris" into his hair, and the french national anthem was played before the game. then it was game time. new orleans. anthony davis led everyone, but carmelo anthony 29 points for new york. but then it was serrafin. one-handed flush from melo. 12 points in 14 minutes to help the knicks stay in front, which they did. the knicks win. they are now 5-6. no team seems to be hotter on the ace right now than the rangers what keep improving upon the best start in franchise history. on the line tonight, a 9th straight win which would be the third longest streak in franchise history. blue shirts hosted toronto while also honoring the people of paris with the french national anthem before the game. and it was a wild one when it started. third period, derek broussard. the leaves would later tie it. zuccarello your hero. rangers finding a way to get things done. 4-3, their point streak now at 13 straight games. college hoops season is here. rutgers men were out to stay perfect which they did over howard at home improving to 2- 0. also this afternoon seton hall trying to stay unbeaten hosting wagner. the baseline three, that's good to beat the buzzer. pirates up by 16. they held on in the second. whitehead leading all scorers. 69-59 is your final. seton hall also 2-0. it was one of the most tumultuous weeks in school history for missouri, but when it was all over the protests turned to celebration as the tigers rallied around head football coach gary pinkle who announced he was leaving the team to focus on his fighting a gains lymphoma. after the game the team surrounded their coach. he got a little emotional but dance moves. way to go, coach. >> good celebration. >> was that a dread lock? >> in missouri that's what >> he set. a local woman's worry after the terror attacks. is missing. why she thought he might be near some of the violence. >> police commissioner bratton talks about the tools and resources the nypd has to stop an attack at home. we continue our coverage of the terror attacks in paris. new video shows the moment terrorists attacked the bataclan concert hall. nearly 90 people died at that location. >> tonight france launched air strikes against the islamic state group in syria. jets dropped 20 bombs on the extremist extremist de facto capital of raqqa. a 26-year-old is believed to be the leader of the gunmen. >> in paris the sun is about to rise on a new day. some tourist sites will reopen, but the people in the city remain on edge. >> that showed today as panic spread at a memorial site and people ran for cover. eyewitness news reporter jim dolan reports from paris. >> reporter: we learned a lot today about how france will respond to the attacks against its own people. the military stepped up its campaign against syrian rebels. here at home a nation wonders what will come next. maybe it was fireworks. but in a heartbeat, hundreds of people were trampling the very memorial they had built with flowers and candles. minutes. it's difficult here for everyone now. attacks differently. >> reporter: muhammad says people who don't know him seem more wary and even perhaps hostile. >> the last few days are extraordinarily difficult for the entire city. >> reporter: james is from now. business is rough for him closed. what paris is becoming frightens him. >> more things will be more often. access on many different limited. >> we've been here since, goodness, we've been here about four days, and the first couple of days were just wonderful. of course, after the event, it put a bit of a damper on our plans. >> reporter: tourists who planned their trips months in advance find themselves now in a shuttered paris, but they are learning a bit about the city and its people. >> it's been a good feeling amongst all the folks locally we've run into. >> reporter: and in that sense, maybe a more valuable and rewarding trip than you otherwise would have had. >> certainly a different trip, and valuable and rewarding. >> no one knows here how many terrorists are still out there, how many more people of france. "charlie hebdo" in january, and now friday night it is suddenly shockingly the new normal in france. in paris, jim dolan, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> and at the french consulate in manhattan a memorial, candles, flowers, and messages of support grows outside the building on the upper east side. tonight dozens of people attended a prayer vigil hosted by the park avenue synagogue. french nationals and american citizens stood together sharing their grief. >> we here in new york city stand shoulder to shoulder, side by side with those lives that were changed and lost forever. >> when you are french, you don't live in france, you're far, it's tough, because you want to get involved. you want to go to the places that were attacked, and you just can't. >> the nypd continues to station extra security at the consulate following friday's attacks. >> the attacks in paris especially difficult for a french woman living in new jersey. her brother lives in paris but she hasn't heard from him since the attacks, and he was supposed to go to the bataclan friday night. eyewitness news reporter kimberly richardson has the story from cranford. >> reporter: the sound of french tv fills this small cafe in cranford, new jersey, where own erma rei fuller anxiously counts the hours. >> i worry every minute. i work, but i worry for him. >> reporter: you see, maria is from france. her entire family is there. and it's her younger brother john who she is worried about the most. >> i called him friday night when i seen the tv, the attack. i call him, no answer. i call saturday, no answer. today i call, no answer. calling the 45-year-old because he told her he was planning to go to the bataclan concert hall. john, who loves music, lives less than a mile from the venue. marie says when he heard an american band was headlining, he really seemed interested in stopping by. the last time she heard his voice was thursday. now, each time she dials his number, it goes to voice mail. she's afraid john may have been at the concert, was severely injured, and is now somewhere in a hospital unable to reach her. >> they don't know yet who is the family, then monday maybe, you know, my brother find out. >> reporter: another brother traveled from his home in knees to paris today to check on john who does not have a home phone. marie typically is not here on sundays but came to work today to try and keep her mind off all of this. >> i'm so sad for the people. i'm like shaking friday. we look at people run away. >> reporter: again, john's neighborhood less than a mile from that concert hall. another thing complicating all of this is the fact that john is not on social media. in cranford, kemberly richardson, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> in the wake of the attacks in paris the nypd has stepped safe. this morning police commissioner bill bratton told eyewitness news while new york city has the best anti- terrorism forces in the still learn from friday's tragic events. >> we have to be prepared to defend for when an attack occurs, and one will attack. maybe not in new york, maybe elsewhere, but it will happen here. in our case we are going to learn from this event reinforcing the idea that you don't stay outside waiting as police, you have to get in. >> bratton says friday's attacks perhaps presented a gaining intelligence. the attackers may have communicated through encrypted messages that cannot be monitored. stay with eyewitness news for continuing coverage on the paris attacks. we are constantly updating the story on facebook, twitter, and on our website, the attack in paris are dominating the agenda of the g 20 conference. sharpened focus on combating terrorism and creating stability in the middle east. >> the killing of innocent people, based on a twisted ideology, is an attack not just on france, not just on the civilized world. >> president obama also met with the russian president today. did he not provide details of that discussion but said they agree on the need for a cease fire in syria and syrian-led political transition. a vicious pit bull attack leaves a man critically injured in jersey city. police say they found 36-year- old antonio garcia covered in blood when they arrived at his apartment around midnight. garcia's friend, who was also bitten, says the dog got out of its cage and began attacking. garcia is now at jersey city medical center undergoing treatment for wounds to his hands and stomach. also in jersey city another murder investigation underway tonight. police responded to a shooting atterberry mini market. eyewitnesses say a man suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the head. this is the 18th murder in jersey city this year. graffiti left at a uconn student's dorm room referencing the paris attacks. why he was targeted and what police are doing about tint. plus, here's something you don't see every day. zebras running down a busy street. how they got loose in philadelphia. and we take a live look outside. returns with it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, so go online or call now. the university of connecticut police launched an investigation after someone defaced a sign on a foreign student's dorm room door. the words "killed paris" were written beneath the student's name. his ram mate first discovered the sign saturday. he says he is upset about being linked to terrorists. a strange sight today in philadelphia. the pair of zebras somehow got away from the circus this afternoon. police say they ran around for about an hour before they were finally caught. nobody was hurt. circus officials say they don't know just how the animals escaped. they wanted an adventure. >> officially encroachment. temperatures will be all over the place this week. >> and we're going to see some when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. so we are in for an interesting work week to say the least. >> first of all we have a lot of sunshine for the next couple of days but a big difference in temperature. 10-degree difference to be exact. then we talk about heavy rain at the end of the week. a live look right down past the empire state building down to one world trade. 55 degrees so still very mild by november standards for the middle of the night. wind coming in from the southwest at 8 miles per hour. 60s over parts of new jersey. morristown, newark, and belmar and toms river getting up to 61. 58 in central park. a full five in to some cases 10 degrees above normal. 52 at 9:00 in the morning. 60 by noontime. how about a 62 at 1:00 and 2:00. and then the back-door cold front sneaks in from the north later on in the day, and that tails our temperatures back off into the 50s. right now you're cool but not that cold in places like middletown and andover and monticello in the upper 30s. not nearly as cold as it was this time last night. high pressure firmly in control for the time being but we're already watching some energy entering the west coast here, interacting with some pacific moisture. you see moisture starting to build over the plains. this system will head off to the east and create some severe weather over the midsection of the country during the day on tuesday. you might hear about a tornado outbreak in that area on tuesday. by wednesday at 7:00 p.m. clouds have started increasing around here. the heaviest rainfall still over the ohio valley. i think that moves in during the day on thursday. in the meantime, wake-up temperatures 47 in the park, 62 or so in the afternoon. so it is going to be a really nice monday out there. accuweather seven-day forecast warm, nice by november standards, tomorrow the high getting up to 62. again, a lot of sunshine but much cooler on tuesday, 52. milder on wednesday, upper 50s. the rain waits until thursday. it could be a doozy. maybe even some flooding for the thursday evening commute but that's the warmest day of the week, 66. bill evans has much more in the morning. >> thank you jeff. we want to recap the latest developments in the terror attacks in paris. >> tonight france launched air strikes on the isis group's de facto capital in syria reportedly destroying a training camp and weapons warehouse. officials are also searching for a belgium-born man who they believe organized the assaults. authorities have arrested seven sins brussels. >> that's going to do it for us tonight. thank you for staying up. i'm sandra back man. >> i'm joe torres. eyewitness news returns make it (man) yes. i'm sitting in wine. it's a 2011 pinot noir from the noir region. thank you, remy. (remy) you're welcome, sir. (man) of course we all know the rejuvenating effects of pinot therapy are quite well-documented. what's that, remy? (remy) it-it's a speck of cork, si- (man) i know what it is. (vo) a new york gentleman spends $28,000 a week on wine to sit in. (man) i'm so sorry you had to see this. (vo) you'd make a way better rich person. (man) i'll be in the pool. (vo) lotto. making more new yorkers rich

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New York , United States , Jackson Heights , Brooklyn , Missouri , Oakland , California , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Minnesota , Toms River , New Jersey , Manhattan , Ohio Valley , Syria , Russia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Jersey City , Connecticut , Raqqa , Ar Raqqah , Seton Hall , Middletown , Carroll Park , Newark , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Monticello , Corse , Greece , Americans , Russian , French , Syrian , American , Charlie Hebdo , Ray Kelly , Notre Dame , Kimberly Richardson , Sandra Bookman , Antonio Garcia , Tom Brady , Adrian Peterson , Mallory Hoff , Carmelo Anthony , Madison Square , Dwayne Harris , Mallory Hof , Peyton Manning , Anthony Davis , Jim Dolan , Joe Torres , Lucy Yang , Eli Manning , Derek Broussard ,

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