Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151027 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News 20151027

bullets. good evening at 11:00. i'm bill ritter . >> and i'm sade baderinwa. the gunfire ringing out during the height of rush hour. >> the shooting at the busy intersection of dekalb and flatbush avenues. jim dolan is there with the developing story. >> classes were letting out it eschool across the street. there were scores of people out there when the gunfire started. witnesses say at first down the street then it came down here to the dekalb avenue subway stop. before it was done, two people were shot. now a 17-year-old is dead and police say the gunman is still out there. >> reporter: police rushed to the crowded intersection of flatbush and dekalb. a deafening barrage that left shell casings scattered around the crowded sidewalk and bullet holes in cars. one of the guns used was found a few blocks police had to comfort the shaken eyewitnesss who saw two teenagers shot in front of them. >> i was walking across the street. kids were arguing and the kids started shooting at him and shot him in the head. i ran back once they started shooting. >> how are we safe? we go to school here. >> reporter: in downtown brooklyn, across the street from the university campus and a famous restaurant and right above a subway stop, two people were hit, including a teenager who was shot in the head and so many people who witnessed the violence. >> everybody was devastated. the kid got shot. it was a young kid. when it was over, i don't know. but it's sad. it's a young kid that got shot. >> two young people were shot and a lot of young people out here on the street. there are a number of surveillance cameras on the street. so police may well have good video of that if those cameras work. again, no one arrested for the shooting. reporting live from flatbush avenue, jim dolan, channel 7 eyewitness news. new tonight, a 7-year-old girl is now on life support after choking on her food during lunch at school. her family is demanding answers, wondering how this happened. meanwhile the emt, the only one who tried to save the little girl's life, now suspended. lucy yang in kips bay. >> noelia-lisa echavarria is here surrounded by her weeping family. they fear she may have choked on her lunch while at school. but how did it disintegrate in to this, with their little girl barely clinging to life? >> that's my baby. >> reporter: never did ana santiago expect her daughter to be on life support after a day at school. >> i wish they could give me an answer to tell me what happened to my baby. >> reporter: last wednesday noelia-lisa went skipping off to school. her family said she was a slow eater and was always being rushed to finish at lunchtime. >> they say she was eating a sandwich and she was choking. and she was holding her throat. >> reporter: emt qwasie reid happened to be driving by in an ambulance when someone ran out of the school crying for help. he immediately cleared out the little girl's mouth, put an oxygen mask on her, used a defibrillator and did cpr. >> blue in the face, no circulation. she wasn't respond ing to anything. she was basically unconscious. >> reporter: compounding the family's nightmare, they tell me the principal has never called them. they actually have no idea what happened last wednesday. when the mother saw her daughter so lifeless, she collapsed, suffered 15 seizures and had to be admitted herself. she was discharged just yesterday. >> i'm trying to find an answer but nobody give me one. >> she's a sweet girl. it's hard to see her like that. >> if i have to jump out of another ambulance again to save a child's life, i will do it anyway day. -- any day. >> the family says noelia-lisa is basically brain dead but they don't have the heart to pull the plug. no information from the department of education about the sequence of events wednesday. reid tells me he's been suspended from his job for trying to save the little girl. we're live in kips bay, lucy yang, channel 7 eyewitness news. a vigil tonight and more than 50 precincts, in all five boroughs to remember officer randolph holder. several precincts tweeting out pictures of the gatherings to remember holder, in fact, remember all guns that are far too readily available. josh einiger police precinct. >> holder was just 33 years old. he was the 44th police officer to die in the line of add those numbers together, you get 37. and thus became a 37-minute across the city. >> reporter: the silence was deafening. this is the housing precinct where officer randolph holder worked, where he reported for his final shift, where he never returned. and where tonight dozens of community members stood shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement and mourned. >> cops that work with him on a daily basis, thank you for your support. and it shows them that community loves us. >> reporter: it's been nearly a week but to many it still seems like yesterday. police say holder was shot by a known gang member named tyrone howard as he tried to flee the scene of a different gun fight. police announced they'd succeeded at un-earthing the murder weapon after a search at the bottom of the harlem river where they say howard ditched his .40 caliber pistol. >> pretty much on my stomach, feeling the small distance in front of my face. i did see at first but it was from here to my hand. >> reporter: on the eve of officer holder's wake and funeral, the public and police joined hands at vigils at every precinct in the city. every borough, activists came together to support new york's finest. >> we were destroyed. this was tragic on all levels. it was tragic for our officers and for the community as well. >> as the memorial to officer holder continues to grow here at the police service area where he worked, his family and close friends attended a private vigil with governor cuomo in the rockaways tonight. the public ceremonial farewell to a fallen hero gets underway tomorrow. josh einiger, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you. here are the details of that final farewell. viewing tomorrow for officer holder at the greater allen ame cathedral in jamaica, queens from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. his funeral will be there wednesday afternoon at 3:00. reverend al sharpton has been invited by the family to speak. officer holder will be buried in his native guyana. police in connecticut hope a sketch will help in their week-old search for a suspect. police say a man looking like this sexually assaulted a woman jogging in cove island park on october 16th. the victim said he raped her twice that morning. he's described as a 5'6" stocky man with a potbelly. now to the world series. the mets slight underdogs for this series but diehard mets fans not buying odds makers for a second. rallies this afternoon in queens and long island. were their shouts hurt 1200 miles away in kansas city? we know rob powers and marcus solis were listening because they can hear our newscast. they're in the land of blues and barbecue. we begin tonight with rob. >> game time approaches, tomorrow night this place is going to be jam packed with baseball fans. october baseball is special baseball and it's that time of year. >> in october you see the world series and you always kind of imagine yourself being there. so to be able to make it is definitely very exciting. >> reporter: exciting for everybody. i mean, come on, this doesn't happen every day. the mets haven't been to a world series since 2000, haven't won one since 1986. >> i was 5 years old. i hadn't even started playing organized baseball yet. i think i had a wiffle ball. >> oh, how time flies and the hammered home to enjoy this moment. it could be another 15 years before the mets are back. >> kind of take a deep breath and say, you know what, it's the world series and the new york mets have made it to the world game. now that we're here, we're going to do everything we can to win this. >> it's the ultimate. when you're a manager or player to play in this setting. it's hard to get here so you got to have some fun with it and even though enjoy it. you've got to try to enjoy it and we're going to try to enjoy it. >> when it comes to met fans they're going to kansas city. kansas city, here they come. eyewitness news reporter marcus solis is in kansas city with us. we're in the show me state. show me. >> new york city we know the big apple is the capital of the world. kansas city, it's the city of fountains. they have a pretty good baseball team though. and there's one other point of distinction. they have really good barbecue. >> reporter: there they are, ribs piled high, dry or slath ered in sauce. it's kansas city barbecue at its finest. >> the ribs, beef. everything is good. >> reporter: this is arthur n was a regular, and folks have been coming here for generations. yes, it's located on brooklyn street. >> presidents, kings, queens come to visit kansas city. they come and they pray at the altar of arthur bryant. >> reporter: but if barbecue is not your thing, just over the border in mission, kansas is a place called italian delight started by james' father. in the 70s he visited kansas city for a game and never left. the world series poses a problem. >> i've been here most of my life but i still have a little heart for new york. i think it's going to be a really tough battle. i'd like the royals to competitors. i think it's going to go all seven games. i think it's going to be a good series. >> reporter: but how's the pizza? they moved here from queens village 15 years ago. >> it's new york pizza. we finally found it. it took us years but we finally found it. >> so some good food options for met fans but the focus now, some good baseball. >> we can only hope for that. game time approaches with game 1 tomorrow. coming up in sports you'll hear from the mets' game 1 starting pitcher. rob powers, channel 7 eyewitness news. see you in just a bit. >> thank you both. we invite you to stay with us all week for coverage of the world series. we have several reporters in kansas city covering every angle of the excitement and the games themselves. speaking of kansas city, some rain is headed to the area. meteorologist lee goldberg is tracking it. >> close call in kansas city. will the rain leave by game time? we'll let you know. we haven't had a good soaking in a few weeks. we'll time the rain arrival in our area coming up in accuweather. >> did this arrest inside a classroom go too far? this video is going viral tonight and the investigation is now underway. plus, a tree trimmer trapped. see what happened after patients across the country have spoken. they recently rated their care experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. fewer than 10% received 5 stars. america in philadelphia. learn more at cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. [ female announcer ] business travel isn't just about the going. it's also about the going home. and being connected all along the way. whether you're working or recharging, do business travel on your terms. acela. take off. r new video of a violent classroom confrontation between a police officer and a high school student going viral tonight. it shows a school resource officer forcing a female student out of a desk then dragging her out of the class. it happened today in south carolina after the student refused repeated orders to get up and leave the class. the deputy is on administrative leave pending an investigation. was taken in to custody for resisting arrest. new at 11:00, new travel ban. it's electronic cigarettes this time in checked luggage. e-cigarettes will no longer be allowed in bags headed to the belly of airplanes. government making the new rule following fires by the devices. passengers will be allowed to bring them on their carry-on bags but won't be able to use them. the initiative becoming a reality tonight in westchester county. the city of new rochelle and the school district announcing this new program. high school auditorium filling with people wanting more information. organizers say they've signed more than 100 local groups to join this effort. a tree trimmer is back on solid ground tonight after getting trapped inside a 25-foot palm tree. the tree trimmer had to be rescued by firefighters in tonight after getting stuck under palm frons. nearly all of the palm frons fell away, leaving the man dangling. firefighters lowered the man to the ground with a cable. fortunately he was not seriously hurt. >> looks like he's kind of hurt there. look how dry those palm frons are. it's not going to stay dry around here too long. >> no, got some rain coming up and the timing is wednesday. daybreak wednesday. we're dry till then. we'll see if it stays dry in kansas city. outside we go, a mainly clear night and beautiful picture from that's the hunters moon which is full tomorrow night. really beautiful. looking at the empire state building to one world trade, comfortable evening. barometer through the roof. there are your sunrise and sunset times. the first weather headlines look like this. fading sunshine, upper 50s tomorrow. the one change is the early evening hours. i think the clouds are thickening a little bit more slowly. a fair amount of sunshine mixed with high clouds tomorrow. wind swept soaking on wednesday. flooding is possible. then it turns warm on thursday before we cool off and probably dry out for the weekend, just a small rain chance on marathon sunday. very small. 35, montgomery. going to be a chill in the air in the northern suburbs. 32 in danbury. isolated spots. 50 in new york city. 40 in islip. 49 in belmar. wind fairly light tomorrow. clouds will be thickening pretty quickly toward sunset. mainly clear right now but high clouds are already streaming in from the west. there's the big storm system for wednesday. that's connected to the remnants of patricia, lots of moisture surging in to the southeast on its western fringe. kansas city right there, look at the futurecast. it will rain and probably at a pretty good pace. worst case, there's a delay, but they because the move is moving out pretty aggressively during the evening hours. 56, showers in the area around first pitch time. chilly tomorrow morning, go with the heavier coat. not bad in the afternoon. sun, high clouds. clouds thicken toward sunset. we're near 60 degrees. rain comes in daybreak wednesday. the heaviest is afternoon and the first part of wednesday night. could easily be 1 to 2 and a half inches of rainfall. it is warm though. temperatures are in the 60s. see the dop pler radar estimates which could be on the low side here. high clouds, 30s north and west tomorrow morning. it is chilly but a pretty nice afternoon. sun mixing with clouds then the clouds thicken. rain doesn't come in until late tomorrow night, wednesday morning. soaker wednesday, possible flooding. thursday is warm and breezy. friday is not bad. here's the halloween in the details. early evening should be 51. clocks turn back saturday night. sunset on sunday. 4:52. looks like 50 for the start of the new york city marathon. i think there might be a slight threat of a shower. odds are it's going to be dry. nothing like last year. >> 4 :52? >> that's the sunset on sunday. coming up next, bizarre story. a bank robber walk out on the street. police show up and he starts throwing the cash, but there's more. wait till you see what happens next. first let's check in with our pal jimmy kimmel to see who's on the show tonight. >> hello, new york. tonight we're sad to be back but we have kristen wig, a wager on the a suspect in a bank robbery taken down by bean bag bullets and it was all caught on camera. the man surrounded by police as he tried to make a getaway outside a bank in downtown los angeles. suspect started tossing cash out of the bank before they shot him with nonlethal force. the man told bank workers he had a bomb. he is now in custody. a new study shows fruits and vegetables seem to have a long-term positive impact. researchers at the minneapolis heart institute asked 2500 people about their eating habits in their 20s. ct scans followed. the people who ate the most fruits and veggies when they were younger with 26% less likely to have significant plaque in their arteries. no kansas city barbecue for all those people, including rob powers who's in kansas city. no barbecue for you for a while. >> not right now, not yet, anyway. this is nothing more than the empty visitors dugout in kansas city. tomorrow this transforms in to the mets' office. straight ahead on eyewitness news, preparations for game 1 of the world series. the mets against the royals. we've got you covered live in kc. >> we're taking you mile by mile, introducing you to some of the new yorkers you'll find on the course. >> mile 13 goes over the palaski bridge named for a polish general. it's home to one of the biggest polish populations in the united >> our cov okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? 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>> that's exactly right. golly gee, tomorrow this place is going to be packed. it will be much different than it looks right now. we're pretty much the only people here. the fall classic though will have less than classic fall weather with rain in the forecast for game 1 of the world series. rain and a healthy dose of matt harvey. >> we still realize that it's a baseball game and for me this is another start. obviously it's a start on a different level. but it's still baseball and we have to go out and do our jobs. >> reporter: just one more start to start the world series. this team has been through so much since spring training. >> that's the ebb and flow of baseball. we're definitely thankful to be here. very fortunate to be in this position. >> reporter: a position envyed by every team watching from home. some business, kelly johnson will dh tomorrow. yoenis cespedes, sore shoulder, said he'll be good to go. curtis granderson, jammed thumb, ready to go. >> continue to keep having fun. we've been having fun for all the games in the month prior to this place. no reason to change that. >> reporter: that message comes straight from terry collins. enjoy this. then come to play. >> you look a little relaxed, it's a workout day, but come talk to us tomorrow and i'm sure that it's going to be a little more serious and a little more driven. >> reporter: and they say don't worry about the long layoff after the nlcs. >> hopefully we can lean on the past experience leading in to tomorrow night. >> no, absolutely not. we're all still confident in all of us. that's all we can really control. all of us forward to tomorrow and getting the show on the road. >> as for the opposition, the mets will be facing a veteran ball club that does not beat itself. the royals will be making their second straight trip to the fall classic here. they don't have a lot of big names here but they do do everything pretty much -- they do it well. kc sends hard throwing edison volquez in game 1. >> special player, pitching at home. it's a great feeling. on to football. jason pierre paul met with giants doctors in the hopes of restarting his nfl career. pierre-paul met with giants medical staff for a special surgery, hoping he'll be ready to resume football activities. even if pierre-paul does pass that physical, he and the giants would then need to work out a contract before he could make it on to the field. we have hockey tonight in brooklyn. the islanders on the ice against the calgary flames. after a scoreless 1st period, the islanders rang off a string of four unanswered goals. halak saved all 29 shots. 4-0 isles win. they're on a roll. and the mets hope they're on a roll game 1 of the world series. we've got you covered here in kansas city. until then, we're having fun. rob powers, channel 7 eyewitness news. in panama, which is a city of roughly 2 million people, we are having 5,000 new cars being sold every month. this is a very big problem for us with respect to fast and efficient transportation. it's kind of a losing proposition to keep going this way. we are trying to tackle the problem with several different modes. one of them is the brand new metro. we had a modest forecast: 110,000 passengers per day in the first line. we are already over 200,000. our collaboration with citi has been very important from the very beginning. citi was our biggest supporter and our only private bank. we are not only being efficient in the way we are moving people now, we are also more amicable to the environment. people have more time for the family and it's been one of the most rewarding experiences to hear people saying: there will be a moment, when all the wonder, excitement, and joy of christmas will be contained not on the stage, but in that little face, in the seat to your right. that can only happen... the radio city christmasspectacular presented by chase. you bring the family, we bring the joy. visit we invite you to join the conversation. how do you think the mets are going to do? post it on facebook or twitter or instagram with #abc7ny. we'll write back to you. sade always does. be sure to join us later tomorrow for eyewitness news at 4:30 in the morning with lori and ken. thanks for watching. i'm bill ritter . >> i'm sade baderinwa. have a

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