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This gives v.o.a. News I'm David Berg the Us Senate has voted to acquit President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial Chief Justice John Roberts announced the verdicts the Senate having tried Donald Trump president of the United States upon 2 articles of impeachment exhibited against him by the House of Representatives and 2 thirds of the senators present not having found him guilty of the charges contained therein it is their forte ordered and it judged that the said Donald Trump being and he is here by acquitted of the charges in said articles the vote on the 1st count of the impeachment abuse of power fellow along party lines 52 to 48 former presidential candidate and Utah Republican Mitt Romney voted with the Democrats to convict trump the 2nd vote obstruction of Congress fellow along party lines but Romney voted with the Republicans for a final total of $53.00 to $47.00 Trump is only the 3rd president in u.s. History to be impeached no president has ever been removed from office by impeachment the World Health Organization is appealing for $675000000.00 to help prevent the global spread of the deadly coronavirus Lisa reports w.h.o. Chief. Says the small number of cases and deaths circulating around the world provides a window of opportunity to prevent the coronavirus outbreak from becoming a wider global crisis out a message to the international community is invest today or pay more let's take drugs says he understands the people are worried about the evolution of this disease but he notes this is not a time for fear and panic he says it is a time for evidence based action to end this outbreak while there is still time the sunshine for v.o.a. News Geneva For more visit our website this is v.o.a. News. 2 avalanches in eastern Turkey have killed dozens of people most of them rescuers buried by the 2nd snow slide as they work to free people caught in the 1st Reuters Lucy fielder has details Turkey's disaster authorities said at least 5 people were killed in this. And rescue as was searching for 2 more victims when the 2nd avalanche hit that one killed at least 33 people at least 53 have been injured and it's not known yet how many people may be trapped rescuers a still working at the scene but the interior minister Sulaiman solely said conditions were making it hard for emergency workers one vehicle had been pulled out from under 4 to 5 meters of snow that's Lucy fielder reporting one person was killed and 157 others injured Wednesday when an airliner skidded off a runway in Istanbul Reuters Francesco liner has details officials said the plane which was carrying 177 passengers from Izmit splits into 3 pieces after what the transport minister described as of rough landing. Footage on tuchis media showed the plane's fuselage as well as a section of it near the tail had broken off a spokeswoman for Pegasus Airlines confirms the crash but did not provide further details on Turkish Airlines said it had canceled all flights in and out of the airport that's Francesco line a reporting the new coronavirus continues to impact companies doing business in China we get more from a.p. Correspondent Rita Foley retailers like Ralph Lauren are temporarily closing some shops and big tech companies are canceling presentations a trade shows because of the virus Nissan and Toyota which is close some factories in China will decide within the next few days what to do now Walt Disney closed parks in Hong Kong and Shanghai taking a $175000000.00 hit it says I'm worried a fall a. Venezuelan opposition leader One Goh I don't met Wednesday with President Trump at the White House says why don't try to rekindle his campaign to depose Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a statement announcing why Doe's visit the White House said we will continue to work with our partners in the region to confront the illegitimate dictatorship in Venezuela White House visit to Washington follows visits with European and Canadian leaders in an attempt to revive his campaign after an unsuccessful uprising against manure oh the United States and other countries blame enduros socialist policies for a political and economic crisis threatening regional stability while recognizing quite oh as Venezuela's legitimate interim leader for more be sure to visit our website v.o.a. New start com You can also follow us on the v.o.a. Mobile app I'm David heard the latest. This is v.o.a. Asia I'm Ira Mehlman the World Health Organization wants money a lot of money to carry it through to carry out a new plan through against the China virus this is Thursday February 6th and this is v.o.a. Asia I'm Ira Mehlman in Washington you are part of this program make sure you join us on v.o.a. Asia Facebook Also ahead the wood hunt virus is spreading very quickly we will explore what the buying this outbreak is doing to worldwide shipping and the u.s. Senate is having its say on the impeachment of Donald Trump it's all on today's v.o.a. Asia. Some 3700 people are facing at least 2 weeks locked away on a cruise liner anchored off Japan after health officials confirmed on Wednesday that 10 people on that ship and tested positive for the corona virus and more cases were possible it follows a steep rise in deaths in China and airline suspending flights to Hong Kong with the virus affecting people in more than 20 countries we are working on some technical difficulties will see it Reuters Michelle Hennessy is available as not well speaking Wednesday at the World Health Organization headquarters w.h.o. Director General Ted rose out of mamma grubber a sow's said the majority of the cases still remain in China the doctor said that all cases outside of China had some connection to who Bay province the epicenter of it all taking a look at the our engines of the coronavirus money health experts believe the novel coronavirus that originated in China and Michelle e. Pass the you 2 humans from a wild animal probably a bat that's why some disease experts are looking at the wet markets in Africa and in Asia where live animals including wild animals are sold and but you. These are among the top Asia headlines you'll find right now at v.o.a. News dot com and best think it is from the International Criminal Court in the process of gathering evidence for a case involving alleged crimes against humanity by me and Marg not against throwing good Muslims Rosemont months or the wife of a lation expert Meir. Has gone on trial for corruption her trial focuses on allegations that she received bribes connected to a government project India wants to double defense exports over the next by years as the country seeks to cut its import bill the death toll from the Corona virus outbreak and China passed $490.00 on Wednesday as 2 u.s. Airline suspended flights to Hong Kong make sure you read and watch more on v.o.a. Asia Facebook and Twitter plus the v.o.a. News dot com website with many Chinese cities on a virtual lockdown and business is closed until next week at the earliest there are growing concerns about coronaviruses impact on the global economy on Tuesday automaker Hyundai Motors said it would suspend production in South Korea its biggest manufacturing base becoming the 1st major automaker to do so outside China due to disruption in the supply of parts resulting from the Corona virus outbreak with much of China shutting down we were wondering how this has affected trade between China and the rest of the world particularly trade between China and the United States to find out I contacted film levy a man well informed about this with a background as a high level economist and now the senior economist at the shipping company flex sport he said so far water transportation has not been overly affected however airlines have what so many Ok let's I believe we now have Phil Levy. You are a former federal government a columnist working under George w. Bush now you are in the freight business and how is the freight business being effected by the coronavirus biggest that we can point to right now is you've seen lots and lots of flight cancellations these are generally passenger aircraft flying in and out of China what many people don't realize those passenger aircraft also have cargo as they describe it which is that it's not just your suitcases down there there's also pallets of goods being shipped back and forth and that is a fair bit of air capacity that has been taken offline in many cases through March April and what is even through May soul what happens to ships going back and forth I have that have they been canceled at all have they been d. Toward in any way so far we're not getting reports of ships being canceled However it's important to remember that that's one component in a supply chain so what we have not seen really come back as expected is trucking which means if ships are dropping containers at ports for example those they need to have new containers brought for load in or old containers cleared from from the port in China we're not seeing that as much the thank you remember in The reason it's a little bit tricky to give a full assessment is every year thankfully most of them without a major viral outbreak every year you have the whole country of China mostly shut down for Chinese New Year and this happened just around that time so we were seeing almost no economic activity in China last week but that was what everybody expected to see. It's this week and into next when you're starting to notice the difference when the factories were supposed to come back on line the airfreight was supposed to pick up perhaps by this coming weekend and the question then is what will happen it with that resumption will it take place as as usual I think the answer is very likely to be no well one would think that was the case and that leads to my next question we have many people listening to this right now who are living in showing that they are blocked at almost every move they make why isn't shipping affected so it certainly will be for the other links in the chain if you're talking about ocean freight which is the bulk of the way goods move around the world ocean freight you can have crews in and shipping vessels who have relatively little interactions with ports and you have a lot of the stuff automated where you can have cranes taking containers on and off of ships and so that part can proceed I won't I hope I didn't say that this is unaffected because we have seen some reductions in sailings we've seen a lower capacity usage on some of the ships but it has not been as dramatic as it has been with air it will very much be affected if the factories don't reopen on schedule and if if you don't have for example truckers moving goods around internally in China what is the overall feeling of the shipping industry about this . Apprehension there's there's a lot of uncertainty about how this is going to play out we just did a survey of our customers and asked the question when do you think that factories are going to reopen the norm probably would have been this week you had I think roughly a 3rd of core of the respondents say next week a 3rd said the week after and about a 3rd said later than that now there could be a different answers for different people they know very well what's happening but there's just a lot of uncertainty about what's going on how much of the reduction in freight in freight traffic is due to not it's not so much the coronavirus but to us China trade. Well you're right this is coming this is actually coming at a time when you're already going to have a couple serious challenges to the to the logistics in the freight business one as you mentioned you had a trade war that was going on and the trade war although there was an agreement in January that didn't end the trade war that actually left us with a lot of tariffs in place we already had reduced volumes because of that So this is coming at an awkward time and it's a little bit difficult to disentangle some of those things there's this sort of several categories in which you could sort of place concern one category is Will production resume another category is. Will we be able to have the supply chain and the transportation links move the way they're supposed to and then a 3rd category is what's going to happen to overall demand you know Will this push towards a recession or something of that sort. The United States Senate held a vote today a very important vote on whether or not the country's president Donald Trump will be thrown out of office on impeachment charges the awakened rational Correspondent Catherine Jepson has been following this all the way in Katherine what happened. Well President her point found not guilty on both her chances were the articles of impeachment that had passed with a Democratic majority u.s. House of Representatives both of those articles of impeachment failed in the Republican majority u.s. Senate the exception of one Republican senator Mitt Romney of Utah did vote against the president of his own party said that he was guilty of abuse of power this was expected was and that this was a good outcome that was very much expected from the beginning really even before the Democratic House voted to pass those articles of impeachment it was known that it would be extremely difficult to get these articles of impeachment passed a Republican majority in the u.s. Senate that could beat what ended up happening but as many of the House impeachment managers have been saying today to reporters including me they are going to continue with investigations in the President Trump likely leading up to a court order to order compelling former national security adviser John Bolton to testify well they can impeach again can they are tending. There is nothing to say that they cannot impeach the president again them or that we are in a presidential election year well Kratz do not want to step over themselves they don't want to tire voters out with the back and forth courtesy bickering on Capitol Hill they want to go ahead they move ahead for me Iowa caucus that really no clear winner emerged from in the Democratic Party they need to solidify their voters on the November so that they can beat Donald Trump in a reelection campaign not entirely sure how much continuing investigation would really help their case on that front Katherine Gyp's it is be always congressional correspondent that has done yeoman's work throughout all of these investigations Thank you Katherine get some rest after this thank you so much she has been working so hard she has been so many weeks she has been. Probably the most in demand correspondent that we have for the last several weeks and just imagine the scope of what we've seen we've seen other way Doug Bernard is the person who is causing. Sitting here with Ira moment you know I mean think about the scope of what we've seen. Just in the last several days the impeachment of the president the trial of the president and the Iowa caucuses which is really kind of when the entire 2020 and election you know actually gets rolling when people start actually committing their names to a candidate or a piece of paper or what have you so it's really been remarkable she's done terrific work I think in some ways that the impeachment may have overshadowed and I may be wrong on this but may have overshadowed the Iowa caucuses. You know here you had and Democrats are happy about that what happened well well you know I imagine many of them are frankly. You know the House speaker Nancy Pelosi famously was kind of dragged into this entire impeachment process she'd said for months that she didn't think this was the way to go. And yet in the end you know in her judgment it was the thing that the House simply had to do so as far as that decision is concerned there were those who were arguing including then c. Pelosi that bringing up impeachment proceedings would further divide the country even more than it was you think it is I well I think the country is clearly divided . And you know you don't have to you know be a magician to look at the poll numbers and just this week the proven rating for President Trump has risen to 49 percent that's probably one of the highest approval ratings he's got so far in still still lower than most presidents still lower than most presidents and still below that Porton 50 percent or 51 percent margin but you know there's 49 percent of the population who think hey he's doing a good job I like what he's about I like the cut of his jab and you know the Democrats in in Washington should really just leave him alone and let him be Meanwhile on the other hand you have many Democrats who are saying you know no in fact you should go after President Trump more forcefully than you have in the past so you know it's there's a very stark division I think well. Many of the Democrats and many of the so-called pundits and we are not those by the way now yeah but many of the so-called Kundan pundits are saying that this further establishes what Trump apparently is doing which is almost establishing a kingdom Well you know the White House from the beginning of this process had been saying whether they meant it or not we don't know but they had been saying that they welcome impeachment because they think it would be to the benefit of President Trump in the end. We're going to have to wait and see if you know how that plays out I'm not sure. Well I don't know I mean nobody could really say that they know. But you know the White House had been signaling that while there might be some private concern and worry about being impeached that's something that will never ever go away. That they were in some ways welcoming it well then we have the story of Mitt Romney Mitt Romney a Republican senator and a former unsuccessful presidential candidate. Was the only Republican to vote for the articles of impeachment and he made an impassioned speech about he did you know there had been a lot of talk that maybe other Republicans might join in the effort to bring it to call witnesses or to call for documents that kind of thing in the end none of them actually materialized and in the end on this vote Mitt Romney he only voted for one of the articles of impeachment he sided with the president so the votes were 40 to. 5248 and then 5347. So President Trump was able to really hold his entire Republican caucus in the Senate together. Some of the credit for that must go to the majority leader Senator McConnell. But you know it's it seems clear that the president is fully in control of the Republican Party at this point and that there really aren't any Republicans Mitt Romney now with standing willing to challenge him on that and people seem to be worried as far as that is concerned on the Democratic side where they're asking themselves whether or not any or which of the candidates can beat Donald Trump in November by the way you're listening to v.o.a. Asia and I know we're not talking about Asia now but we have a lot of ex-pats in our audience and we are hoping that you would like to listen do to non-experts and pundits talk about this but nevertheless I mean where do we go from here well you know it's interesting at clearly I think that this election 2020 is going to have global impact we've seen in his 1st term President Trump has famously initiated a we won't call it a trade war but. Trade difficulties what have you with China and with other nations he pulled out of the tepee so that So Asia is clearly going to focus high on President trumps if he is reelected on his schedule for the next 4 years you mentioned the unity in the Republican Party what we're seeing in the Democratic Party right now I think is disunity there are many candidates none of them really seems to be breaking out none of them really seems to kind of have that. You know that fire or that that sense of inevitability but to be fair we only have one caucus that was written Mork. Yet we still don't even really know the results the full results of that caucus the Iowa caucus we still don't know and it was on Monday night which is kind of crazy in the game where Be aware of new apps yes think it was thinks plain that all of a. I think it self-explanatory. But. So a number of the candidates is fashionably among them former Mayor Pete booted Gedge is you know their campaign is really kind of tied in a knot about this because they wanted to come out of Iowa you know waving the flag we were victorious we won we came out on top and as you have yet nobody's actually been able to say that so everybody sort of scrambling and kind of trying to to grab for the title of The Who's the winner who's going to be the comeback kid all this kind of stuff and you know you are seeing a fair amount of disunity in the Democratic Party. He's Doug Bernard I am I remember I know we have been discussing the historic vote in the u.s. Senate today just exonerate Donald Trump of all impeachment charges let's check out politics but in another country how about India 2 months after a controversial citizenship law passed by Indian prime minister Narendra Modi is Bharatiya Janata Party government sparked a wave of protests by students and women the Indian capital city will hold polls to elect a new local government on Saturday that's very worrying as the b j p tries to wrest the prestigious city government from a city based party that rules Delhi The election will indicate whether the party retains its popularity among young voters who have been its enthusiastic supporters our reporter Roger procedure has details from New Delhi. Losing. Some singing songs others paint posters outside the university campus in New Delhi as they slam a new citizenship law that fast track nationality for non muslim immigrants as discriminatory against India's largest minority. The protests reflects the change to mood among many college students 8 months after they helped prime minister no brains or Modi we know designing victory in national elections as his party agenda top r.t. Campaigns for the local government in Delhi some worry that the Party's prime focus has moved from development to a Hindu nationalist agenda even in the near crying again you know. When the workers by making comments like. You know this is a never spark a stun this is more than initially this is a never suspect is done and we don't care if everyone good horse saw all this kind of you know upsets me business or question about it b. I. Our divisive party after winning a 2nd term more of these scraps the special status of Muslim majority Kashmir and the Supreme Court granted permission to build a Hindu temple on the side of a mosque the b. G.o.p. Has refused to back down from the citizenship law for these policies the support for be dippy is very large immense aboard and as I said earlier also if b.g.p. Starts showing the part that they're willing to negotiate they're willing to you know big steps backward maybe these who are supporters of b.g.p. Gore supporters of these policies they would start getting busy illusion. But many students have you by the government's refusal to engage in this attitude of dictatorial style of functioning that yes we have brought in this legislation we're not going to budge on this I think that attitude has angered you it's the Aam Aadmi Party that truthfully has campaigned on its record of improving education and health care to be g.o.p. Is wooing voters on a plank of nationalism statue worries some young people including its supporters i believe me that is a good bit tired old bugger Mordor the concentration has been going on the edge and us are just really just. The poll among young people is to focus on rebuilding a faltering economy humming this guitar but we are students we want a point on time a good education and good jobs but no one talks at that point. How the b.g.p. Fares in the high stakes Denny back when indicate whether the protests against the citizenship trail by students and women can get its popularity poll helps the college is its base among Hindu hold on to up a street show for the only news daily. And you have been listening to v.o.a. Asia remember to get our program but i Tunes and sound Paul that many other areas and platforms thanks to you for doing better thanks to our director Tracy Carter our engineer Nelson the folks managing editor Diane cow and our team of Jim Stevenson Doug Bernard and people a m I read about it watch you did a couple wonderful day here. At the. Elite. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America on Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from John Russell Joel robins and ball and Brian Lamb later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st here is John Russell. Animals rule the countryside at the animal paradise sanctuary 75 kilometers outside Argentina as capital by no Cyrus The sanctuary is a labor of love something being operated for pleasure not for profit. Gabrielle Besser Rick and Armando Scopa have been heading the Center for over 25 years they rescue in a most that would otherwise have been killed for meat around 850 in a mall live in the sanctuary these residents include ducks pigs and horses the sanctuary is also home to llamas and cap a bar a large mammals native to South America as a rec hopes one day to expand the animal paradise I always say that I am going to save all the in a moles that are at risk of death she told the Reuters news agency as a wreck and Scopa who are a married couple support animal rights their ideas stand out in a country where meat consumption is central to the culture and to the economy young. Volunteers at the sanctuary. Animal paradise is the product of the work of 2 visionaries who along time ago believed in giving a 2nd chance to animals mostly those destined for consumption she said so that they can be treated as the sentient beings they are and not just as a plate of food and economic crisis has held up some of the couple's plans for expansion. They are now looking for financial supporters the important thing is that our paradise can keep going said Besser Rick. Everything I do is for the animals and I want to continue so that this remains for them as he fed Wolf one of the sanctuaries horses Scopus said that he sometimes worried about the future he and better ect are now in their seventy's there are no errors here the animals are the only ones to inherit it he said the animals own the place I'm John Russell. The new study on people who eat red meat has found they have higher risks of heart disease and early death the finding goes against other recent research that suggested removing meat from one's diet has few health benefits the 2 opposing findings can make it difficult for people to make sense of what can seem to be conflicting messages on food noted Duane Miller he has a dietician at Aston University in England Mellor was not directly involved with either study but he and other researchers say that after examining research on the subject moderation may be the best way forward in this case eating moderate amounts of meat including Red meat is likely to be safe Miller said he noted the cost of producing meat on the environment as well as the health effects of eating meat. However in the interest of sustainability as well as health reducing meat intake to the recommended less than 70 grams per day would be sensible a researcher with ties to the meat industry published a report on the subject in September 21000 that report said people should not reduce the amount of red meat they eat some experts criticized the findings because they were in conflict with dietary advice from international agencies the latest research comes from scientists at Cornell University and Northwestern University in the United States their findings appeared on Monday in the publication John La internal medicine the scientists found that eating 2 servings a week of red meat processed meat or poultry was linked to a 3 percent to 7 percent higher risk of heart disease they also reported that eating 2 servings a week of red meat or processed meat but not poultry or fish was linked to a 3 percent higher risk of all causes of death Norina Allen was a co-leader of the latest study she said the health risk is small but people should try to change their diet it's a small difference but it's worth trying to reduce red meat and processed meat she added that eating red meat is also regularly linked to other health problems like cancer Ellen is an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern. The World Cancer Research Fund says red and processed meat may cause cancer it advises eating only moderate amounts of red meat with an upper limit of 500 grams cooked weight per week and little if any processed meat a group of experts writing in The Lancet in January suggested an ideal diet for human health and the planet they said on average adults should reduce the amount of meat they eat by 50 percent and they should eat twice as much nuts fruits vegetables and. Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate but people disagree on whether the devices are useful tools for education students can be easily distracted by their phones during class are they listening to the teacher or texting their friends are they taking a picture of a quiz to cheat maybe they are playing a game or watching a video instead of paying attention. School officials teachers and parents are all trying to find out the best way to supervise students use of mobile or cell phones in the Canadian province of Ontario officials are restricting phone use during teaching time however there are exceptions for classroom activities health and other emergencies France passed a law in 2018 banning the use of cell phones in schools for students up to age 15 the age when they go to high school last July California Governor Gavin Newsome signed a new law it says state public and charter schools can ban students from using smartphones in class and at school it does not however say schools are required to completely ban the devices the law asks school districts charter schools and education offices to develop cellphone policies to prevent or limit students use of the devices at school there are exceptions which include emergencies or issues related to health and well being one high school in California is Silicon Valley area had a serious problem with students and their cellphones. Joanne Saba ledge a French teacher said students using their phones in class had been a real problem. They were checking their phones and texting going on social media she said and she would have to take the phone over and over and over the school's vice principal Adam Galba said some students were spending as much as 11 or 12 hours a day on their phones so the administration turned to technology for answers San Mateo high school now locks up cell phones during the day in a special container Each student must put their phone away in a small bag with a magnetic lock it is called a yonder pouch at the end of the day students unlock the bag with another device the bag is being used in schools in both the United States and Europe the cost for the equipment is around $20000.00 a year for a school or $12.00 for each student teacher Joanne Saab which is happy she sees a difference in students' behavior she said they are very engaged this year instead of just looking at their phones. Other schools are choosing simpler answers to the problem they ban on cell phones in classrooms one of these schools is Forest Hills School District near Grand Rapids Michigan school officials decided this school year to ban cell phones throughout the day including at lunch day and being is the superintendent of the district he told the publication Education Week the reason why district officials put the ban in place they wanted to provide a clean break for students and not have the frenetic energy that can happen if kids start texting each other or social media posts start going beam said they tried the ban last year as a test Beam said they found that students said they were less anxious when they were not so attached to their devices education week found that more than 30 schools and in some cases school districts have put in place some kind of restrictions during the current or last school year districts across the country also have their own versions of phone restrictions both formal or informal one district choosing not to ban cell phones is St Mary's area school district in the state of Pennsylvania. Brian toto thing is the superintendent of a small rural district he told v.o.a. Each teacher can decide whether and when to restrict students cellphone use Toad said students have grown up with cell phones and it is our responsibility to teach them proper use for tools within the classroom he added that schools are teaching about cellphones and how to use them with social media and the internet it is part of changing education for kids he said as long as we teach them to use them responsibly the technology is here tote said schools should use it to help students and not fear it. And ball and I am Brian lan. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in video a special English Larry West and Tony Riggs continue the story of President Woodrow Wilson. In 1917 Europe was at war it was the conflict known as World War one after 3 years of fighting Europe's lands were filled with the sights and sounds of death but still the armies of the Allies and the Central Powers continued to fight the United States had tried to keep out of the European conflict it declared its neutrality in the end however neutrality was impossible Germany was facing starvation because of a British naval blockade to break the blockade Germans submarines attacked any ship that sailed into Europe that included ships from neutral nations like the United States the German submarines sank several American ships many innocent people were killed German submarine attacks finally forced the United States into the war it joined the Allies Britain France and Russia like most Americans President Wilson did not want war but he had no choice Sadly he asked Congress for a declaration of war Congress approved the declaration on April 6th 1917 it was not long before American soldiers reached the European continent they marched in a parade through the streets of Paris. The people of France gave them a wild welcome they cheered the young Americans they threw flowers at the soldiers and kissed them the Americans marched to the burial place of the Marquis De La Fayette Lafayette was the French military leader who had come to Americas aid during its war of independence from Britain the United States wanted to repay France for its help more than 100 years earlier and American Army officer made a speech at the tomb he said Lothar yet we are here and so the Americans were there they were ready to fight in the bloodiest war the world had ever known week by week more American troops arrived by October and 1917 the American army in Europe totaled 100000 men the leader of that army was General John j. Persia. Pershing's forces were not sent directly into battle instead they spent time training building bases and preparing supplies then a small group was sent to the border between Switzerland and Germany and the Americans fought our short but better battle there against German forces the Germans knew the American soldiers had not fought before. They tried to frighten the Americans by waving their knives and guns in a fierce attack the Americans surprised the Germans they stood and fought back successfully full American participation in the fighting did not come for several months it came only after another event took place that event changed to the war and the history of the 20th century it was the bows of a revolution in Russia its leader was Luddy near Lenin. The Russian revolution began in the spring of 1917 the people of that country were tired of fighting Germany and they were tired of their ruler Tsar Nicholas Lezard was overthrown how temporary government was established it was headed by Alexandre cut and ski President Woodrow Wilson sent a team of American officials to Russia to help cut and skis new government the officials urged Russia to remain in the war under current scheme Russia did keep fighting but it continued to suffer terrible losses many Russians demanded an end to the war Lenin saw this opposition as a way to gain control of the government so he went to the city of Petrograd there he led the opposition to the war and to cut and ski. Night after night he spoke to big crowds What do you get from war he shouted only wombs hunger and death Lenin promised peace under Bolshevik communism within a few months he won control of the Petrograd Soviet That was an organization of workers and soldiers cut in skis government continued to do badly in the war more and more Russians soldiers lost hope many fled the army others stayed but they refused to fight the end came in November 1917 soldiers in Petrograd turned against God and ski Lenin ordered them to rebel and he took control of the government within 48 hours Russia was no communist nation as promised Lenin called for peace so Russia signed its own peace treaty with Germany the treaty forced Russia to pay a high price for its part in the war it had to give up a 3rd of its farmland half of its industry and 90 percent of its coal mines it also lost a 3rd of its population still it did not have real peace with Germany the treaty between Russia and Germany had a powerful influence on the military situation in the rest of Europe. Now Germany no longer had to fight an enemy on 2 fronts its eastern border was quiet suddenly it could am all its forces against Britain France and the other allies on its western border Germany had suffered terrible losses during 4 years of war many of its soldiers had been killed and many of its civilians had come close to starving because of the British naval blockade yet Germany's leaders still hoped to when. They decided to launch a major attack they knew they had to act quickly before the United States could send more troops to help the Allies German military leaders decided to break through the long battle line that divided most of central Europe they planned to strike 1st at the north end of the line British troops held that area the Germans would push the British off the continent and back across the English Channel then they would turn all their strength on France when France was defeated Germany would be victorious the campaign opened in March 1918 German forces attacked British soldiers near ami on France the Germans had 6000 pieces of artillery the British troops fought hard but could not stop the Germans. They were pushed back 50 kilometers the attack stopped for about a week then the Germans struck again this time their target was e.p. Belgium. The 2nd attack was so successful it seemed that the Germans might push the British all the way back to the sea the British commander Field Marshal Douglas Hague ordered his men not to withdraw Haig said there is no other course open to us but to fight it out the British fought hard and stopped the attack losses on both sides were extremely high yet the Germans continued with their plan their next attack was northeast of perilous in May This time they broke they allied line easily and rushed toward Paris the German army chief General Eric Luden dog tried to capture the French capital without waiting to strengthen his forces he got close enough to shell the city the French government prepared to flee allied military leaders rushed more troops to the area the new force included 2 big groups of American Marines the heaviest fighting was outside Paris at a place called Bello would the American Marines were advised to prepare for a possible withdrawal one Marine said withdraw we just got here. The Marines resisted as the Germans attacked Allied lines in bello would again and again then they attacked the German lines the battle for Bello would lasted 3 weeks it was the most serious German offensive of the war the Germans lost. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson.

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