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Since a visit ministrations accomplishments despite the impeachment proceedings he said America's respected again around the world days of our country being used taken advantage of that even scorned by the other nations are long behind us overall he said the economy is the best it's ever been the military's completely rebuilt with its power being unmatched anywhere in the world and it's not even close the borders are secure the families are flourishing and u.s. Values are renewed and the pride is restored the results from the Iowa caucuses continue to trickle and there are technical meltdown that delayed the outcome for nearly a full day correspondent Jackie Quinn with nearly 2 thirds of the Iowa precincts tabulated and announced the early results show former South Bend Mayor Pete booted judge and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders leading the opening contest booted judges campaigning in New Hampshire the Live Free or Die states treat means more than just living free from government interference Sure sometimes it's just that like ensuring that the government stays out of the business of dictating to when it was a reproductive health care choices and Sanders is there today marks the beginning of the end but Donald Trump Iowa Democratic Party chair Troy price is apologizing for what he calls a coding error but says that he's confident the results coming out now are correct President Trump easily won the g.o.p. Contest I'm Jackie Quinn the trumpeter ministration plans to meet this month to discuss further curbing exports to China and its flagship telecoms company according to 2 sources the gathering currently scheduled for February 28th will bring to get a high level officials for talks after the u.s. Commerce Department with drool rule aimed at further reducing foreign shipments to while we technologies amid pushback from the Defense Department this is v.o.a. News the World Health Organization said Tuesday the corona virus outbreak is a global health emergency but not yet append. Mick. Foley says the outbreak may have not just been physical consequences but also economic experts say of industrial China is locked down for the next few weeks and that's a real possibility retailers auto companies and manufacturers in the West will start to run out of the goods they depend on not too worried well most of Apple's i Phones and other devices are made in China as are most t.v. Display panels the partial shutdown of the city at the center of the virus outbreak has already hit production of those t.v. Display panels and raised prices says a research group breeder folly Washington and the World Health Organization reports cancer is on the increase globally but it says preventative measures can save the lives of millions of cancer sufferers over the next decade at least a slime report for v.o.a. And a launch of the report which coincides with the February 4th World Cancer Day World Health Organization reports one is 6 people will develop cancer in their lifetime causing at least 10000000000 deaths from this disease every year if current trends continue w.h.o. Warns you cancer cases will rise by 60 percent by 2040 the tactical officer in cancer control or w.h.o. Andrea Bobby says more people are dying from cancer in the poorer countries because they lack the services and cancer control measures that exist in the richer countries our report presents the 1st investment case from the u. H. O. For cancer services that governments by investing in cancer can save 7000000 lives by 2030 Lisa shrine for v.o.a. News Geneva as the u.s. Presidential election approaches Twitter says it is going to start labeling altered media Ed Donahue Twitter has new rules sharing synthetic or manipulated material that's likely to cause harm is prohibited it will be labeled or in some cases removed deciding what might cause harm could be. Difficult to define Twitter says it will be a challenge adding they're committed to doing this right Twitter considers the rights to a person or a group serious harm along with risk of mass violence or widespread civil unrest social media sites are under intense pressure to prevent interference in the 2020 elections after they were manipulated 4 years ago by Russia connected actors You Tube has reiterated its ban on election related deep fake videos I'm a Donahue and you can find more at v.o.a. News dot com I'm Tom You make me feel a news. Good U.s. President Donald Trump deliver his thirsted of the Union speech Wednesday focus I mean less on the active ments of his 3 years in office. 3 years ago we launched the great American comeback tonight are steadily for you to share the incredible results. Jobs are blooming incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting. Crime is falling confidence is surging and our country is thriving. And highly respected again. America's enemies are on the run. America's for change on the rise and America's future is blazing bright the years of economic aid are over the days of our country being years to take advantage of and even scorned by other nations are long behind us in just 3 short years we have shattered the mentality of American decline in just 3 short years we have shattered the mentality of American decline and we have rejected the downsizing of Americans yesterday. We have totally rejected the downsizing. I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been our military is completely rebuilt with its power being unmatched anywhere in the world and it's not even close our borders are secure our families are flourishing our values are renewed our pride is restored and for all of these reasons I say to the people of our great country and to the members of Congress this state of our union is stronger then there. For the for. President Donald Trump deliver his 3rd State of the Union speech Tuesday night in Washington President on Trump's recent addition of 4 African countries Nigeria Eritrea Tanzania Sudan continues to be met with strong reaction Nigeria's foreign minister Geoffrey speaking Washington on Tuesday said his country was blindsided by the u.s. Travel ban he said Nigeria was not fully briefed on why it was being penalized with visa restrictions I'm a holocaust sized executive director of African communities together what we've seen with this latest review that they and from the trumpet ministration is broadening the exclusion of immigrants from Africa or people from Africa from visiting or emigrating to the u.s. And with the addition of these 4 African countries some aspect of the band now reaches about a quarter of the population of Africa so what we have here is really an accident of the president's agenda where he has stated a preference for immigrants from European countries like Norway has used slurs against African countries so what we've seen is those prejudices turned into a policy of racial profiling for immigration. The administration says the addition of Nigeria and times a new era trade on Sudan these countries the administration 40 they are deficient risk of becoming deficient in fulfilling their what is still called requirements when it come to say fighting terrorism what do you make of that well I think that the story doesn't hold together but you know if we're talking about a policy based on real risk of terrorism it's notable that we can't point to examples of terrorism directed towards America. From these countries are very few examples over decades and if we're saying that it's deficiencies in screening or security they haven't pointed to ways that these countries are worse than other countries who are not being banned and what makes it even less convincing is they are banning people from processes where they are extensively screened for terrorist ties criminal activity so the question for the administration is why are the administration's screening procedures insufficient to catch those kinds of security concerns and why would we expect any country including African countries to do better I don't know what do you think as some analysts have described out in Nigeria some people have described the kind of incoherence the u.s. Policy on the one hand the u.s. Wants Africa Nigeria particularly to help fight in counter rein Chinese or maybe Russian influence I did same time your band Citizens for African countries Well I would say that this administration has been consistent and very few things but they have given them can stand for a bias against state Africa from other black and brown countries and they've been consistent in their willingness to and break the law in order to achieve their policy goals so I say the fact that we've included the largest country on the African continent and its ban is obviously a major escalation but I think it's more of the same rather than a pivot from the previous policy I have thank you very much again so nice that we can speak with you my pleasure Dan thanks for having me on the hot cause so is the executive director of African communities together you're speaking with us from Washington d.c. You and sponsor military and security talks aimed at achieving a lasting cease fire in Libya under way negotiations. Current warring parties continue to violate it temporary truce agreed to emit January least reports from Geneva where the talks are taking place 5 high ranking officers appointed by the government of national accord in the Libyan capital Tripoli and 5 other high ranking military officers appointed by rebel commander. Are in attendance this is the 1st time ever that high ranking officers from both sides are getting together to talk peace instead of war. Salam 80 is the special representative of the u.n. Secretary general and head of the u.n. Support mission in Libya he says both sides agree on the necessity to turn the truce into a permanent cease fire how they will achieve that he says is very much an open question. And to listen carefully to the. Orders or for that. We. Have to our who began a military assault on Tripoli nearly a year ago in April expected an easy win instead it has turned into a bloody stalemate claiming more than 2000 lives and displacing hundreds of thousands of people Salama it says an arms embargo imposed in 2011 by the Security Council has been incessantly violated since then the ready availability of weapons he says is the source of great concern as it continues to fuel the war. With. This equipment for the story is. So long I may says the Security Council has been asked to revitalize a Sanctions Committee to give more teeth to the arms embargo he says that could give a much needed boost to peace talks the social and for v.o.a. News journey. To this Wednesday February 15th you are listening to daybreak Africa and the Voice of America James Bhatti in Washington the break Africa time it's 15 minutes past the hour the head of Sudan's ruling body known as the sovereign Council met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Monday this week to discuss normalizing relations between the 2 countries the meetings Pog to criticism from religious leaders and some of fishes in Sudan for home Israel remains a sensitive issue number one he didn't reports from Khartoum on the meeting which took place in Uganda at the dauber hands meeting in Teddy with this right of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of controversy back in Sudan where public and government support for the Palestinians once is strong hundreds of protesters gathered in Khartoum on Tuesday condemning the meeting and the idea of normalization of toys I do how you see an influential religious man and politician describe the meeting as a betrayal for Allah adding that Mohan is not allowed to meet with Netanyahu without authorization from other offers shields government a spokesman Feisal Saadi stating a statement he had no information about the meeting and that the cabinet had not discussed that he said officials would wait for a lot of occasions a bumper hands to return under former ruler Omar al Bashir of Sudan build a strong ties with anime Iran leading Israel to consider of Sudan a threat the New York Times who portrayed that is why easy airstrikes in 20092012 is struck a weapons factory south of quote that was said to be working for a Palestinian militant group Hamas but she has government blamed Israel for the airstrike and say the downed an Israeli drone. In 2015 Sudanese political analyst Ahmed Abdul Ghani sais Netanyahu his visit is part of a broad Israeli strategy how the hell hole. There was sore a young girl and he says normalizing relations between Sudan and Israel is an expensive step from Israel toward African on Muslims countries as we learn in school children they gave to other African countries he also says that this estate is directly linked with Iran's expanding ties in our van African reasons he said that made his right you'll build relations with a number of countries especially in the race he region to security Netanyahu has told about Israel expanding relations with the Arab and Islamic worlds in October 2018 he went to a man on a surprise visit and renewed ties of this child in January 2019 Sudanese political analyst in fact he Mahmoud says Netanyahu is trying to pull more of the recently unveiled u.s. Peace plan for the Middle East while we're honeys trying to advance his own agenda . Can you always welcome the deal of the century in Africa in general and the Muslim community specifically his also looking for a permit to pass twice within his airspace and to make credits inside Israel while Bryan is pursuing international financial support and lifting Sudan from United States status morsels of terrorism list senior Palestinian officials say been kept cold perhaps meeting with need to Yahoo a stab in the back of Palestinian people according to a statement published by the official Wafa news agency now Obama had the for reviewing news. Malo is reinstated vice president Dr solace to Lima will address the nation today Wednesday his speech comes after a 5 judge panel of Malawi's constitutional court Arnaldo last year's presidential election results and order a new poll in 150 days just have she done my longa is the spokesperson for children Mansour United transformational movement party 3rd let me go. That indeed it's true that he's going to speak to the nation and be. That Lee after Big Pete new venture you know people would want to you know and that's why he's going to talk to him I don't want to preempt what he's going to say because I don't you know but overtly I prevented messages that he's going to keep probably in effect of all I don't know but yes it's true that he's going to talk to the nation he asked called for calm but what should be this practitioners of Malawians since the constitutional court room that he remains the vice president all be restored as the vice president so the next election in a 150 days which probably some people think is in August you know before this everyone was saying. Country for peace and things like that and we kept saying that we went to court for justice and it's against either side we don't think we're going to be. A little exactly what has happened yesterday that's been said you see how calm the country people are going to bring this truly no violence no nothing it means that we need a court. How has been his reaction and of the u.t.m. Following the court's ruling given it's not the person that. We hear. A jump but. The general come. To Court to you know to go all the way. And exciting and I think that. You would right now is that finally we go to the banks. You know I mean. People have expressed concern that the opposition including yours would have a better chance of wrestling power from the ruling is a consideration on for possible our lands in the run up to the election since some people suggest that is how the same objective so why not I think that is a question for another right now I think people like that. The victory people are finally what they wanted and so many questions. Now so many questions that people asking the time is going to come when. Now that you know a presidential candidate has been restored as the substantive all legitimately elected vice president of the Republic of Malawi How are things going to go and what Iowa's practices from now on till the elections. He had 2. Things. Miles and the. Meeting. Whatever. That but for now all we can say is that we are going to. Just have to Dante Malone guy is the spokesperson for Malawi's opposition united transformation movement party he spoke with Piers Peter Clottey from the capital a long way to police Tuesday charge prime minister to ban these wife months to bandy with the murder of the prime minister's former wife the 1st Lady had be on the run for nearly a month she is accused of killing Prime Minister telling wife Les Paul a live days be full of the Prime Minister's 2nd inauguration ceremony in June of trying to 17 fickle much will surely is jam person of the ruling convention Party caucus actually. Notified not yet could quote Police then we had bad. Luck that you found that we had from the police on a press conference today. When they. Tried that plan my advice Bowmore that in fact they tried to. Drive. The lack of. Can come under 20. 1000000. Middle. Of the bride and the other lady. Given that they were too proud of our country. But. Then they moved to 5. Public. We're talking about the 1st lady and there was some indication that perhaps the prime minister to Bonnie might have been also connected how much is this affecting the politics of late so little. Political least ability to shout about this situation if I had the mullet live in one of the local Subway will say that because that's really going to contribute so that they probably can get the prosecution really. Be experts in. Government. It's the police said they have a strong case against the 1st lady 2 factors here they repeat that. They have a strong lead in that he said I couldn't give that because clearly that's the big Really I want to rebuild but we have a strong team here thank you very much thank you fickle Marshall Show is the chairperson of the ruling all but social convention Party Caucus he was speaking with us from the capital must rule 47 nurses and midwives returned home to sail in this month to serve in rural health facilities around the country after they complete a trainee and education in Ghana during the past 2 years Madsen song fronted the m s have sponsored the health care workers trainee and will also support them as the nurses go back to serve a similar residence and as f.c. 70 head office somehow Theo spoke to reconstruct about the hopeful of the new health care workers and impact they will have. For. Anyone. Even before. That was Samuel Theodore head of Doctors Without Borders Syria he was speaking to Ricky Shriver. Briefly before we leave you a summary of Africa News president Donald Trump's recent addition of 4 African countries to his travel back Nigeria Eritrea Tanzania and Sudan continues to be met with strong reaction Nigeria's foreign minister frae p.k. In Washington on Tuesday said his country was blindsided by the u.s. Travel ban he said Niger was not fully briefed on why it was being penalize with visa restrictions Malawi's restate the vice president. Will address the nation today Wednesday. After a 5 judge panel of his Constitutional Court. Last year's presidential election results and order a new poll in $150.00 days and us military and security talks aimed at i t v last in ceasefire in Libya on the way that is it for this Wednesday January. February 5th edition of daybreak Africa for the daybreak Africa. In Washington. Welcome to. This is always International. Washington. The word from the president and Congress. Beginning for Democrats working to deny the president a 2nd term Chinese Americans. Profile due to the coronavirus it's all on today's international edition. Donald Trump Tuesday evening making his case in the annual State of the Union speech telling the American people that the country has achieved the great American comeback speech comes after the president became the 3rd in the nation's history to be impeached and that's his trial is still underway but he looked to make the case that despite the division the country's better off now than 4 years ago and that he has kept his election promises as he also makes a pitch to voters in an election year a speech began with Republicans chanting 4 more years before touting what he presented as a thriving America that was not respected before he took office. Members incomes the story. Poverty is plummeting. Crime is falling confidence is surging and our country is thriving. And highly respected again and they also talked about a booming economy taking a not so subtle swipe at his predecessor President Barack Obama. America's for change on the rise and America's future is blazing bright. The years of economic decay are over. The days of our country being used to take advantage of it even scorned by other nations are long behind us and after a long drawn out trade war of the president spoke of a preliminary agreement on trade with China. Days ago we signed the groundbreaking new agreement with China that will defend our workers protect our intellectual property bring bit is and billions of dollars into our treasury and open vast new markets for products made and grown right here in the USA. And the president addressed social issues speaking of how he is bringing people of all races to gather. We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race color religion and creating a very very high. And in an unusual movie awarded the highest civilian honor in the middle of the speech to controversial talk show host Rush Limbaugh who had just announced he has late stage lung cancer and was an invited guest of the president sitting next to the 1st lady and as we speak now Jennifer excuse me Michigan governor aggression Whitmer is delivering the Democratic response to President Trump state of the Union address saying that Republicans are not helping the average Americans by improving health care or helping them get by financially Joining us to talk more about the state of the Union the president's address joining us live is Jennifer Victor she is a an associate professor of political science at George Mason University is Shar School of Policy and government thank you so much for being with us it was a long speech and I know it's taking some time to gather it all. Pretty unusual but thank you for being with us happy to be here what what struck you about this the most it certainly seemed like a not the usual state of the Union speech yeah there were a number of unusual moments in some ways there were parts of it that were very similar to previous state unions that Trump has given where it's a very crafted in scripted speech and he sticks to the teleprompter and quite unusually for him it's sort of a poised and polished speech which I think is not his preferred manner of trying to connect with an audience but in the past particularly things like state a union he's done the magic quickly and we saw some of that tonight as well some of that same kind of you know be presidential read the teleprompter give give the speech but it at the same time there were also a number of what I might call sort of violations of traditions or norms he appeared to refused to shake the speaker of the house as hand before he began speaking when here. At the day s. . He openly praised his appointees to the Supreme Court and politically tinge the way that we don't usually see from presidents during the State of the Union and the various you know it's become the habit you will for presidents to include audience members or special guests in the gallery to recognize in a pointed way that that often is a little bit blatantly kind of pandering but there was quite a bit more of that type of thing and this addressed than we've seen in the past and it gave the event to much more as. Some people on Twitter are calling it sort of a game show feel or much more of a almost a campaign event type feel than what you typically see in the state the Union it was also unusual I thought to continue and we know that this president doesn't like to go after his predecessor Barack Obama but there were a number of references to his predecessor This is after 3 years into his own pregnancy. Right well you know in sometimes in competitive sports of any kind including politics it helps to have an opponent and at the moment the Democrats are trying to figure out who exactly their opponent is. And so in. In the absence of having a specific opponent on the other side for him to attack it makes just as much sense to go after the previous occupier of the office from the other party did lay out a picture that is accurate as to what is happening to our union. You know over the next hours and days I'm sure they'll be a number of articles that come out with fact checks of the of the speech my sort of quick fact check that I was trying to do on the fly I did note a number of sort of misstatements or exaggerations or he has some kind of unusual ways of pointing to things and exaggerating about accomplishments in ways that don't need to be. And I can't remember now exactly which point of the speech was but he was saying there was some sort of statistic that was. The highest and then he said the highest ever and I forget exactly now what the statistic was but it it is something that has become that is at a high point in his administration but it's not the high point of all time and so it sort of adds a level of exaggeration to some of his claims that just aren't necessary in a way like that there would be ways to sort of brag about what you've done without going to the point of getting the to the extreme where people might accuse you of lying about it Ryan the biggest ever of the best of all time the greatest Exactly. Right he really feels the need to to say that often. And the predecessor comments obviously Russ Reed talked about that then what do you think the overall. Mood What was he trying to achieve in the state of the union because it was unusual it wasn't it didn't feel as though he was trying to bring both parties together well you know frankly it was a campaign event I mean it wasn't the type of campaign event where he goes and throws a rally and you know riled the crowd up for a couple of hours that was it was a polished campaign events like if you want to preview of what 2020 is going to be like over the next 9 months but on our on our way to the November election or I probably did that math wrong. This is what it's going to be like it's going to be. You know pulling out all of the red meat for the for the Republican Party and Democrats standing up and claiming that those things are false and figuring out how to respond in a political environment where the traditions and norms that the culture usually follows are no longer in place which can make it a challenging environment in which a for a political opposition to combat in right as we heard you know the president didn't she said the president didn't shake Nancy Pelosi and and it didn't seem like there were any olive branches coming out and yeah campaign speech yeah the only ones that I heard that got real bipartisan support except for you know some of the sort of game show stuff was the line about paid family leave and a line about infrastructure so there were 2 points of actual policy that were a little bit more traditional State of the union stuff. Appeared to be points where perhaps Republicans and Democrats could come together on some legislation where we really appreciate your coming on and given us some perspective this is Jennifer Victor associate professor of political science at George Mason University shore School of Policy and government thank you so much thank you. Well Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has been delivering the Democratic response to President from State of the Union address saying that Republicans. Are not helping average Americans improve their health care but she started the speech by saying she would focus on what her party is doing and not what the president is saying quote She said instead of talking about what he's saying I'm going to highlight what Democrats are doing after all you can listen to what someone says but to know the truth watch what they do well before members gathered to hear President Trump's address Tuesday senators have a chance to give speeches on the floor of their chamber explaining why they stand on the president's impeachment trial trial where they stand on the president's impeachment speeches are not officially part of the trial itself and unlikely to make much of a difference in the senator's expected acquittal of Trump when they cast a final vote later today House Democrats prosecuting the impeachment case against Trump and his defense team both offered forceful closing arguments after 2 weeks of trial proceedings Congressman Adam Schiff the lead House Manager prosecuting Trump passionately and passionately implored the $100.00 members of the Senate acting as jurors to do impartial justice or the president will be emboldened to feel he is above the law you can trust this president to do the right thing not for one minute not for one election not for the sake of our country thought White House counsel Jay Sekulow told senators there's no evidence the Trump did anything wrong and that rather than ousting Trump from office the only solution was to leave it to the voters to decide his fate these articles failed on their faces as they did not meet the constitutional standard for impeachable offense has been no amount of testimony . Could change that fact the House impeached Trump in December for allegedly abusing his power and obstructing Congress the Constitution allows Congress to remove a president from office for committing high crimes and misdemeanors. Joining us to further understand the process v.o.a. Congressional correspondent Katherine Jackson is joining us from Capitol Hill Katherine why the whole closing arguments on Monday when they're not voting until later today on whether to remove or acquit the president. So in the eager is the senators were to wrap up this trial after 2 and a half weeks of sitting in their seats silent they didn't want to chance to make their thoughts about impeachment known because of course remember that they have not been allowed to speak up until now except through those written questions that they submitted during the q. And a portion of the impeachment trial this week is giving them an opportunity to do what senators do best which is to get on the Senate floor get in front of the t.v. Cameras reach out to their constituents and voters and really thoughtfully work through the reason why they're either voting to acquit President Trump or voting to remove him from office and part of what's going on here is the fact that it's an election year and a 3rd of the u.s. Senate is up for reelection what they're really doing is just a fine possibly the most important political decision of their careers to the voters who will be looking at them this November and deciding if they should send them back to Washington and back to the u.s. Senate isn't it all a foregone conclusion no we haven't heard of any Republicans ready to convict and remove this president from office but I know the Democrats certainly the House managers the House impeachment managers have really tried to make the case that you know this is setting a precedent but it doesn't seem like that had any real impact No I mean really after we've gone through this entire process in the end very few minds have been changed and actually Democratic senator from West Virginia Joe Manchin actually came up to the Senate floor yesterday and said that he had a it was having a difficult time deciding to vote for impeachment and would really prefer to censure the president which is quite frankly a nonstarter up here. It's really a choice between removing Trump from office or acquitting him but it really speaks to the fact that a Democratic senator who is in a state with a lot of Trump supporters is struggling with this decision as well and is really almost coming down on the side of not voting for Trump's guilt thing that's very telling and tells you a lot about the political atmosphere in an election year which of course this is the 1st time that we've had an impeachment happening during election year those considerations are really coming into play up here on Capitol Hill what about the fact that Democrats expressed concerns that if the president is not held accountable for asking for political favors from a foreign country in help with his reelection or basically targeting a potential opponent their concerns they expressed were that if he's had not held accountable he would just do it again and there might be concerns now about the upcoming presidential election right I mean absolutely housen Pietschmann managers have brought that up here when they've been talking about the vote to remove the president they're telling Republicans look how are you going to really function as an effective check on the executive branch if you are going to vote to acquit him for what they see as the highest abuse of power a president in it which is to invite for an election interference in an upcoming election there and they argue that the push for this impeachment that urgency and it the reason why they didn't go to the courts to push through some of those subpoenas is because they had this urgency that they had to address this before the November election this is something that they really talked about in their closing arguments they're saying look to Republicans you need to think about the implications of this in an election year and you need to think about what you're going to do to him otherwise you have an executive presidency that's really on checked and according to Democrats it's a breakdown of the system that was set up. In the u.s. Constitution the huge concern up here it's all but inevitable that the president is acquitted and if so what happens after that are Democrats concerned that this couldn't hold on the president to feel that he could have carte blanche to do whatever he feels he needs to do without any ramifications that's certainly a concern up here but if you us to listen to one of the heated house in peach and manager Adam Schiff he's been playing his cards very closely about what he's going to be doing after this impeachment trial and the prospect of subpoena and John Bolton the former national security adviser who of course came out with that blockbuster book over the course of the impeachment trial there's been some talk that the House could continue an investigation and that that would be one way that they could continue to put pressure on the president to remind him hey look at the u.s. Congress is still here and is still investigating you but of course you know in the end they're not going to go through another impeachment trial President Trump knows that and President Trump is also not change the highest approval ratings of his presidency to date a personal bounced of 49 percent approval rate so the Democrats need to be really careful that they don't overplay their hand knowing that the November election is coming out they don't want to turn off those voters who could potentially come out and vote for a Democrat they don't want to turn them off with this constant push of investigations so they're really delicate balancing act the Democrats have ahead of the not snow a Congressional Correspondent Catherine Jepson. Well here's some of the other stories we're following a deal in News dot com president's approval ratings as you just heard for each to new highs and a Gallup poll after brutally crushing dissent the late Kenya next leader leaves a mixed legacy. Secretary of State my pump aoe defense dropping a reporter from his trip as the perfect message on press freedom and Chinese Americans worry about backlash as the current virus fears mount find expanded coverage of these stories and much more at Meo News dot com and on our v.o.a. Mobile app this is international edition. The 1st long awaited contest for the u.s. Democratic presidential nomination in the farm state of Ohio our Iowa was a mired in chaos Tuesday with preliminary Rilla results announced today after complicated caucus voted the voting ended the state Democratic Party was unable to report even a single vote count 15 hours after about 100000 of the party faithful showed up to vote for their favorite candidate chairman of the Iowa State Democratic Party Troy price Tuesday apologized for the delayed results saying it was due to an abundance of precautions to confirm the data the bottom line is that we had a stumbling block on the back end of the reporting of the data but the one thing I want you to know we know this data is accurate. Joining us now from. The Midwest the awakened correspondent Cain Sharon in Iowa who has been there through it all Cain what have you been seeing and hearing on the ground about all that transpired and who could potentially have won this state well really it boils down to technology I mean the Iowa Democratic Party was really hoping to be able to tally the results of these caucus meetings on this newly developed app that they had and they were hoping to get those results in sooner it would have been experience and efficient for them to do so the problem is and they admitted this the day after the election there seems to be a coding problem in the actual app that they were trying to use so the technology failed them and because there was still been a precinct trying to report back to Democrat Party headquarters with their results the phone lines were busy and so people couldn't get through to give them those results. Were Democrats wanted to make sure they got this right they wanted to make sure that anybody of the selection was sound and so they didn't want to report any sort of results until they were absolutely sure they could verify those results by having paper documentation back up what they were seeing. Coming in on their on on the app as well as from the phone tallies but all of this is really just a big mess that is a source of embarrassment for I with Democrats and it really throws into question the relevance of the of the guy in the caucus at this point since most of the candidates have moved on without knowing what the results are Hampshire and how this is going to be in for years to come and go as far as we know they finally did get some preliminary results out what are we hearing well at least as far as the numbers that the Iowa Democratic Party is putting out there right now it shows that former South Bend Indiana Mayor people to judge is leading in those precincts that have successfully gotten their reporting tallied it looks like Bernie Sanders is in 2nd place and then. Well behind the Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden looks right now like he's somewhere around 4th place which you know for a former vice president of United States is quite a remarkable distance from 1st place which is where the Biden camp hope to be coming out of the Iowa caucuses they spent a lot of money and time in the States hoping when a while back could be concerning going forward I'm sure that may. Be a stumbling block for him going forward and of course it's certainly a surprise to see that the former mayor who did judge did so well a long shot person just really shooting straight to the top not really a well known name I think above all things he is considered to be a moderate and he's younger you know he's a contrast to many of the other candidates that are on the campaign trail but he invested himself in Iowa he spent a tremendous amount of time in Iowa campaigning spending money on advertising. Hosting events being involved many different activities there in the state over the past year and a half and the question will be now he has spent so much time in Iowa campaigning and trying to build what would be a now is successful campaign to help him win the Iowa caucuses he's virtually spent no time in New Hampshire I mean he's been there for a few events but he hasn't spent the amount of time in the Hampshire that he has in Iowa will he be successful in New Hampshire like he was in Iowa it's going to be difficult for him because Hampshire could be considered to be Senator Bernie Sanders home turf Vermont is the state right next door also it's in New England which is also where Senator. Gordon is from it remains to be seen I guess we'll know in a week what the outcome of that will be but people to judge could have a hard time doing just as well in New Hampshire as he did in in Iowa right now it'll be interesting to see what happens with former Vice President Joe Biden if you can sort of come back in some of these upcoming races Super Tuesday for sure there are some states that he seems to be polling pretty well well the other thing here too is we can't forget the name that. Isn't really mentions right now and that is former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg he has not has not had a presence really in Iowa so that's a paid for advertising on television and on social media sites on the internet but Michael Bloomberg virtually made no appearances or traveled a lot in Iowa and so he's not tallied in those results he's focusing on those Super Tuesday states so it'll be interesting to see once see the doctor in the campaign how many votes you may take away from former Vice President Joe Biden or perhaps some of the other candidates that are looking for an alternative but ultimately I think what everybody is looking for is that candidate who they think. Are All Right v.o.a. Correspondent King Farah by listening to international edition will be back in just a sec. Talking about. Developments. Around the world and our lives in fear. And change the time for me. And. International Edition continues well the u.s. And Nigeria have both expressed hope that new visa restrictions announced last week will soon be lifted after Africa's most populous nation was added to the list of countries facing restrictions Nigeria's foreign minister and Secretary of State Mike Pompei Ahmed of the State Department Tuesday night Derrius foreign minister Jeffrey on Yamaha sought more information on Trump's latest immigration crackdown announced last week which targeted Nigeria and 5 other countries. A lot of people back home in Nigeria. Understood it and put different interpretations and different spins on it. Century very straightforward and it was very gratifying to to come here speaking to u.s. Officials and to understand more clearly the reasoning behind these pumps praise Nigeria's efforts to defeat the Islamic state group and its affiliate Islamic state West Africa major was one of the 1st African nations to join the global coalition to defeat ISIS America's now supporting the jury and fight against ISIS this larger global of global affiliate ISIS West Africa a dangerous threat to both of our countries pump a 0 said Nigeria has been looking to address u.s. Concerns including information on suspected terrorists and embedding electronic data into passport he said the trumpet ministration hopes these issues will be resolved quickly. Well it seems almost daily there's another story about Grammy winning pop singer Billy Eilish and today is no exception the 18 year old who swept the boards at the 62nd annual Grammy Awards is now going to appear on the cover of American Vogue magazine's March issue she was previously on the cover of Vogue Australia no surprise her style and popularity are catching the eye of the fashion world she says her choices reflect her love of fashion and hatred her body which she has worked to overcome she shied away from revealing her struggles with body image led to her baggy attire another issue says she's also not shied away from her concerns for the environment and it's for that reason she says she's making plans for her upcoming world tour which gets away underway in March Eilish says she's partnering with nonprofit group reverb to make sure her tour is completely eco friendly there will be no plastic straws allowed and fans will have to bring their own water bottles she says she wants the tour to be as green as possible. You. Been listening to international edition that does it for our show today but you can always find us a feel we News dot com and we always thank you for being with us thanks to our director Tracy Carter and her engineer Calvin Fowler I'm Laurie London and Washington have a wonderful day. They called me and we. Just. Couldn't believe. It and felt like it was. A a girl. And it was. Going to be a way. To do it and. I didn't see. Anything. To.

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