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Things were a trust matter for the board to review. We have the specific funding remedies that are proposed by the programs that are listed there which total 886,000 they are so specific allocations is discretionary such that the specific matters are the matters of board of supervisors and to be calory on those items weve done this last week there is no action on the committees behalf. Colleagues any questions or comments. Okay. Thank you ms. Howard. Why dont we move on to our City Attorneys Office good morning naomi. Id like to thank harry rose and this is for all the productive conversations weve had. Im breaking out my budget we agree with the budget on operating budget with expectation of one is our medical examiner and reduction to the attrition in the medical examiners office. Theres a recommended kit by 82 though 8 hundred and 88 and reducing the attrition by 80 notice o thousand in fiscal year 2014. The medical examiner is required by state law to investigate the cause of suspicious deaths. This supports the Police Department and the da and public defenders there need to be is proper staffing. Over the last 5 years the medical examiner has afrmgd a deficit in salary costs. The deficit is slightly lower because of the delay between separation and the hiring has loefrd the salary costs. But were actively recruiting to fill the medical examiners positions and thats the National Association of medical. We ask i regret those cuts to maintain a staff. As for the equipment thats open our list were aware well, i think it was a policy decision before the board the vehicle replacements were part of our budget to replace those 12 years and older. We have to take take into consideration the maintenance and the fuel and economy of the vehicle. Were totally in support of those decisions. Thank you and if you have any questions im here to answer ms. Kelly the only conflict between our office and the other office is regarding the medical examiner positions. Thats correct. I see at least in the Previous Report about a half of year can you talk about the implementation if not funded. The implementations is really again well lose were going having a instant turnover. Where you were in the interviewing process theres a small pool of forensic folks in the country so were interviewing right now to hire in those position. Were in the h. R. Process and were working with the medical examiner in other county to youre in the mid of hiring if this money were taken away . We wouldnt be able to fill those positions. Im looking at the medical examiner positions there a total of 1 hundred and 75 thousand but its critical for you and the citys Law Enforcement investigations to have those positions so id be strongly support of what youre saying about that. To the budget analysts office. Mr. Chairman from the doubt u budget analysts office. We just handed out a revise report so supervisor mar did have the reduction for this one area of disagreement. Our revised report has 782 thousand and 58 saves for the salary and benefits but our rationale is the medical examiner as ms. Kelly has indicated has a fairly high turnover. We did relook at that and reduced what we had originally anticipated Going Forward to give them back sufficient funding so they francisco increase the funding Going Forward. But imprisoning there are a number of vacancies and theyre in the myth of hiring for multiple positions the reduction we have is only. 6 of one position. So if you spread that out over several positions that are vacant if theyre new positions brought on in august, september, october this would then assume no further vasectomies or turnover but there are likely to be some so we thought that was a reasonable approach how much positions are we talking about here . I believe theres 3. We have 3 assistant medical examiners and then im looking we have 3 medical x arm folks this recommendation as i mentioned to you is the attrition savings where were being extremely conservative in terms of what were reducing. It was reduced by another 50 percent were saying this money were recommending were providing on awe this will more than provided the funds for all the needs of medical examiner thank you, mr. Rose. And to be clear right now none of those positions have been filled. The work is still going on but we have to use temps but as soon as we fill the positions we can release the temps. We have to have the physical body doing the work but mr. Chairman thats precisely our point. We understand this is needed work to be done but the department can only spend the money as the positions are hired and even while those position are being hired based on the medical examiner attrition theres more turnover so thats why i see is to the board that our recommendation provides more than needed funds so the debate is about the new positions. It basically recommendation all positions supervisor farrell in terms of what were trying to estimate we know what the turnover is year after year but we are projecting the whole budget for the department and were looking at the mode it remedies and we believe it will provide more than needed positions for all the medical examiners positions. Yeah. I think it make sense but im using the june 20th budget analysts is there a new version that was distributed to our office. It was just distributed. And this replaces the entire thing. Yes, it does supervisor avalos. So previously you were at. Let me i will go over that with you. On the old report we had made to the recommendations for 13, fourteen of 708506 that becomes 422428 for 2014 arrest so for fourteen, 15 is now 46570 one okay colleagues any further comments. Questions i have questions overall on city vehicles and i i know weve requested a budget analyst to do a report. Weve had several departments to come before us dw being one of them. I wasnt sure the best approach to take do we have the global report over the whole city but we have them here now mr. Chairman and members of the committee. We first of all, its my understanding that the city administrator concurs with our recommendation we dont see it as a recommendation. Sorry about that. It certainly open for debate. Id like ms. Campbell to briefly give you an overview of that that and i want to add supervisors that we were e we believe our report as president chiu has requested an overall analysts of the budget. We believe that report about be issued probably late tonight or tomorrow morning. And it goods into debt about the vehicles and its confusing were making decisions about vehicles in other departments so if you want to be careful about how youve made our recommendations it b will be important for us to know. Actually a thats why i mentioned this reports. It will give you the overall the committee can take whatever action it wants and can you please explain the context when we looked at it across the mayors proposed budget theres about 3 million in reduction and we want so say theres opportunities for further reductions. Our two Major Concerns with one is were receiving a lot of requests for new to replace vehicles would low mileage. I think that 50 percent of them have lower than 50 thousand miles and so the department is requesting to replace the years that are 12yearold. So we didnt think it the other really major certain we have and this is the citys baseline fleet is 19 hundred vehicles. Right now the department and part of the ordinance is to reduce this by 20 percent of the cities fleet by 2015 out of the 19 hundred vehicles its only 6 hundred and 20 vehicles are subject to the reduction. Thats not how many vehicles are going to be reduced only 20 percent which is 1 hundred and thirty vehicles citywide. So i would certainly say the ordinance needs another look but 500,000 reduction. Those are in all departments not a separate remedies thats correct. And for the overview your own u in the base and their 13 hundred waivers pending. So the jaufdz basically after waivers is 6 hundred and 6780 vehicles which would require at the end of this fiscal year we reduce 50 vehicles and our expected vehicles by the end of this year is 99 so well exceed the number required by about 45 vehicles. For a couple of other items we have a number of vehicles that are is vehicles have less than 50 thousand miles. Not trying to find the exceptions but they were looking at russ the fleet. How can we justify retiring vehicles that have less than 50 thousand miles. We had the chief probation officer saying we cant use our low c and g vehicles to go outside the city well, then dont think. You can work around it so the retirement vehicles still have a lot of life in them. I think there are some interesting questions youre raising supervisor avalos and its something our office has pulls he would about. It is required we look at vehicles that are driven 26 thousand miles a year so if youre vehicle is 12 years old i think the questions that ms. Kelly referred to related to the whether a vehicle is a hybrid or not and its not complicated. Theres horrify remember we do have the ordinance as it stands the city replace or reduce the vehicles by 2015 so this is a two year plan to reduce the vehicles that is required and reducing the vehicles as well i want a little bit more clarity. Why is there a high turnover the high turnover has been in this last year. Its due to personnel issues that have come up in this last year. Over the last if you fiscal years we have over spent 90 in our salaries by 08 and 09 we were over budgeted by 9 percent and in fiscal year 2013 we have been over budgeted. Were back filling with temps to keep our cases moving forward. So you anticipate if we accept the budget Analysts Recommendations do you anticipate come back to the board asking for more funds from this department. Yes. Id like to look at the ordinance and making changes to it in the future. I think the idea of replacing vehicles that are over ms. Kelly thought wed made a recommendation on the policy were recommending it be reduced. Okay colleagues thank you, mr. Rose. Any questions . Comments . I make a motion to accept is budget Analysts Recommendations with expectation of the american questions. Any discussion on that item . Can we do so without opposition. Well actively id prefer to take the position for the attrition savings so lets do a roll call vote. Okay. On that motion calling names the motion passes. Okay motion passes. Thank you, ms. Kelly. Colleagues thats the ends of our list for today. Mr. Clerk any other items that completes the items those two items should be continued until wednesday, june 26th. So the items are move forward to june 26th. Mr. Clerk any other items . That completes the items. Thank you. We are adjourned this lodge is home to some of the best fly casting pools in the world. These shallow concrete pools dont have fish. This is just a place where people come to practice their fly casting technique. Ith was built in the 1930s and ever since, people have been coming here to get back to nature. Every year, the World Championship of fly casting is held in San Francisco and visitors from all over the globe travel to be here. We are here with phil, general manage of San Francisco rec and Parks Department at the anglers lodge. What do you think about this . It is spectacular, travis from oregon, taught me a snake roll and a space cast. There are people from all over the world come to San Francisco and say this is the place to be. Yeah. Its amazing, we have teams from all over the world here today and they are thrilled. I flew from ireland to be here. And been practicing since for the competition. All the best casters in the world come here. My fellow countryman came in first place and james is on the current team and he is the head man. Its unique. Will not see anything like it where you go to compete in the world. Competitions in ireland, scotland, norway, japan, russia each year, the facilities here in the park are second to none. There is no complex in the world that can touch it. Im here with bob, and he has kindly agreed to tell me everything i need to know about casting. Im going to suit up and next, were in the water. What any gentleman should do. Golden gate angling has free lessons the second saturday of every month. We have equipment show up on the 9 30 on the second saturday of every month and well teach them to fly cast. Ok. We are in the water. Let me acquaint you with the fly rod. Nice to meet you. This is the lower grip and the upper grip. This is a reel and a fly line. We are going to use the flex of this rod to fling away. Exactly as you moved your hands. Thats it . Thats it. Im a natural. Push both arms forward and snap the lower hand into your tummy. Push forward. I did gave it a try and had great time but i might need some more practice. I met someone else with real fly casting skills. Her name is donna and she is an International Fly casting champion. I have competed in the casting ponds in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. I have been to japan and norway for fly casting competition. I spend my weekends here at the club and at the casting pond. Its a great place to learn and have fun. On a season day like this, it was the perfect spot to be. I find fly casting very relaxing and also at the same time very challenging sport. Takes me out into the nature. Almost like drawing art in the air. And then i can make these beautiful loops out there. Even though people from across the globe come here to compete, its still a place where locals in the know relax and enjoy some rely unique scenery. Until next time, get out and play

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