Employees and students and families. My hope was that this year i would not sit here. Well im not into any slides yet. So, my hope last year was that this year i would not sit before you and present these resolutions. However, as you will see our circumstances warrant taking these actions. Do i have it . Okay. Okay, this is an overview of what the presentation consists of. Our fiscal out look is much better than it was last year, the passage of prop 30 stopped the cuts to our budget. And we stand to get an increase in funding compared to the Previous Year if the governors recent Budget Proposal is approved. However the proposal must be approved by the state legislature which is no guarantee. And even if the proposal is approved, it will take several years before we see significant differences in our funding. Numerous funding are ending including the Improvement District that provided the district 45 million is ending, another example of a program that sending is the nutrition, education project grant that provided the district 1. 6 million last year. And finally and probably most importantly we are in the process of taking a critical look at how the program and services we offer our students are aligned to our districts vision and Strategic Plan and in order to realize our goals we know that some program shifts are necessary. The resolutions that you have in front of you tonight are about insuring that we have a balanced budget that reflect the service of our students and their family and staff. This evening, you have four resolutions to consider. Each deals with noticing staff at our prek through 12 division and Early Education department. We bringing all, projected layoffs to you to give you the comprehensive picture at this time. The notice is time critical. We need your approval for the initial notice of potential layoffs of certificated employees. This is called reduction in particular kinds of service or pks. The second resolution is related to the pks and determines how sameday of service hire ties are reserved in the layoff process. As you know if we do not notice our certificated employees by the mandated march 15th deadline, we lose the flexibility to layoff the employees for the 2013, 14 Academic School year. Of equal importance is our classified staff which includes Early Education, teachers and para professionals. We have more flexibility with this particular category and that we have a rolling 60 day noticing requirement. We ask you tonight that you approve these resolutions together. This slide is an overview of our workforce. As you can see we have about 3900 prek through 12 teachers broken down by teacher and nonclassroom. We have 3,000 classified employees of which about half are para professionals. While i am not happy to have them, i am encouraged that the number of pks notice ss much smaller across the board than it has been in Previous Years. Now, if we could take a look at certificated staff. This slide shows our time line we would like you to authority march, they will be sent on march 11th and layoff hearings will be held between april second and ninth and once the Administrative Law judge has made a decision, which must come no later than may 7th, you the board will have the opportunity to vote on that decision and the final notices or rescisions will be sent no later than may 10th. In the implementation of the layoff process, first we will release temporary teachers and these are teachers that accepted a limited time assignment that they knew would expire. Covering a staff on a maternity or medical leave. We have 132 temporary teachers and because they are filling a position temporary it does not impact on the layoff count. Next we will give consideration to known projection and finally we will release according to seniority in their classification or subject. Now, lets take a keeper look at known attrition, which includes nonreelections and retirement and resignations. We offered a early retirement incentive with a deadline of march 1, 55 certificated staff have taken advantage and submitted retirement requests. To date we have 96 certificated staff who we know will not return, these numbers are less than where we were last year at this time. And in the end, about 275 teachers left the district through retirement or resignation. So at this time, it is our best guess that between 175 and 225 certificated staff will depart this year. Teachers are released according to seniority within in the classification or subjects. We have 631 probationary teachers most of the layoffs will occur within the probationary status. However, in some credential areas we may need to layoff permanent staff, for example, in arts, social studies and vocational ed. Hard to fill subjects such as math, science, special education and bilingual will be skipped this year, we have been able to exclude other subject areas, it is the first for me and that is multiple subjects. Now, to para professionals. We have 1532 para professionals and of these 921 are in special education. 611 in general education and Early Education and community out reach positions and security aids. If the pks is approved, 68 para professionals will receive notices which equates to approximately 3 percent of the workforce in this classification. This slide compares the para professional layoff for last year and this year. As you can see last year by the time that we sent out final notices we were able to significantly reduce the number from 158 down to 66. And in the end, all but four para professionals were called back last year. We are hopeful this will be the case this year as we continue to gather information from the sites in the Central Office departments. Before wrapping up, and taking questions, i want to outline the reemployment process which is as follows. Layed off staff replaced on a district reemployment list for a period of 39 months, reemployment will be offered according to seniority or adverse order of release and layed off teachers and para professionals will be offered employment as substitutes. In conclusion as a sit before you, although we are in the best fiscal position we have been for quite a number of years, we still face significant and uncertainty in cuts to our budget and by approving these resolutions we are asking to you give us the ability to further align and strengthen our services to our students. At this point i am going to ask anggy the executive director of staffing to read the resolution and then we will be happy to answer your questions. This evening, we are proposing that due to the length of these resolutions and acceptable to the board and the superintendent, that i read the therefore be it resolved sections of each resolution. For resolution to decrease the number of certificated employees, due to reduction in reduction in particular kinds of services, now therefore, be it resolved, that a total of 24 fte in Administrative Services and 117. 80 fte in Instructional Services as set forth in exhibit a will be reduced or eliminated no later than the beginning of 2013, 14 school year. That due to the reduction or elimination of particular service and programs, it shall be necessary to reduce the number of certificated employees, employed by the district at the end of the 2012, 13 school year. And that the superintendent or his designated representative is directed to send notice of recommendations not to reemploy in accordance with the provisions of sections 44949, and 44955, of the Education Code to the number of certificated employees allowed pursuant to Education Code section 44955, by march 15, 2013. Be it further resolves that nothing here in shall be deemed to confer any status or rights upon temporary certificated employees or any other employee in addition to those specifically granted to such employees by statute. Be it further resolved that the board of education has considered positively accrued and anticipated attrition and that even with the accrued and anticipated attrition, it is necessary to certificated employees equal in number to the positions identified in this resolution. Be it further resolved that pursuant to Education Code, 44955 d1 it will be necessary to retain the services of certificated employees in the 2013, 2014 school year, regardless of seniority who possess credential and special training and experiences and qualifications needed for and who are currently assigned in this 2012, 13 school year, to Render Service in the following programs. All certificate employees possessing and teaching under a clear, preliminary intern or emergency single subject mathematics credential, excluding the credential in foundational level mathematics during the 2012, 13 school year, all certificated employees possessing and teaching under a clear preliminary intern or emergency single subject science credential during the 2012, 13 school year. All certificate employees possessing and teaching under a clear preliminary intern or Emergency Special education credential during the 2012, 13 school year and all certificate employees serving in a bilingual education classroom in which the ininstruction is provided in both the students native language and english and possessing and teaching during the 2012, 13 school year under a clear preliminary or emergency close cultural and Economic Development and certification. Therefore, be it resolved as to any employees who seeks to move into a position requiring certification qualifications bumps, held in a less senior certificated employee the following criteria will be used to determine come pency for retention in the position. Credential in the discipline, english learner certification. Service for at least one complete school year in the last five years in the same assignment into which the employee seeks to bump. At least one year of Prior Experience within the last five years teaching in the discipline to which the employee seeks to bump. In the event of teachers on special assignment tsa, including without limitation and structural reform facilitators no senior employee shall be credentialed and competent to bump into a position currently occupied by a junior tsa by virtue of the special training and experience necessary in the sole judgment of the district to serve in the capacities of tsa and erf. It will be used to determine a senior employees ability to bump into a junior employees position. I will node move forward to read the resolution establishing the order of seniority for which employees with the same date. One second. You need to have a motion to adopt. We have to motion all of them before we have them read. Can we do them altogether . We were going to vote on them separate. But we are having them read into the record and have them moved before we read them into the record. Could i hear a motion for all of them . We move the first one the other three. I move the other three, the second, third and fourth resolutions. And i need a second. Second. Thank you. Proceed. Resolution establishing the order of seniority for the employees of the same date of first paid service, now therefore be it resolved that to meet the requirements of Education Code section 44955, the following criteria for establishing the order of seniority for those employees hired on the same date will be used. 1 point will be added for each of the following credential or authorizations except where otherwise noted. Possession of clear preliminary Cross Cultural language and Academic Development and class certification as of february 15, 2013, possession of emergency class certification or current enrollment in a program as of february 15, 2013. Possession of clear, or preliminary bilingual Cross Cultural language certification as of february 15, 2013. Possession of an emergency b class certificatization or current or active envoluntariment in b class Certification Program as of february 15, 2013, breadth of the clear or preliminary credentials as of february 15th. Only awarded if the employee holds a clear or preliminary clad or b clad certification. Breadth is defined as follows. Two or more credentials where one is a currently valid and nonexpired single subjects mathematics credential. And single subject science credential or special education credential. One point shall be awarded for employees meeting this definition for breadth of credentials. I will read the read the resolution in regard to resolution of regarding reduction in number of para professional employees. School term para professionals prek through 12th grade, 37. 81 ftes. School term para professionals Early Education department, 2. 75 ftes. Full time paraprofessionals Early Education department 2. 25 ftes, be it further resolved that the district shall eliminate the services specified before. Para professional hours, school terms, prek to 12th grade. 0. 375 fte. Para professional hours, school term, Early Education department 2. 85 ftes. As more fully set forth in exist a hereto. And the last resolution i will read tonight is resolution regarding reduction in number of Early Education department employees. Now, therefore be it resolved that as of august 17th, 2013, the district shall reduce employment in the classification of permit teachers by a total of 10 ftes. Be it further resolved that the order of layoffs shall be determined by length of Service Provided that no permanent employee shall be layed off ahead of a probationary employee. The superintendent or designee is authorized or directed to give notice of layoff to all affected employees not later than 60 days prior to the Effective Date of layoff set forth above. Be it further resolved that the superintendent orders designee to be authorized and directed to take any other actions necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution. Thank you very much. We forgot to read part of one. There were sections skipped by accident. I apologize. These are long resolutions unfortunately. I am going back to resolution distinguishing the order of seniority for those employees with the same date of first paid service. The section i did not read, says employees need not be teaching under the credential or authorization listed above during the 2012, 13 school year in order to be awarded points under items 1 through 5 above. Any ties that may occur after application of these criteria shall be resolved by lottery. Moving to the resolution regarding reduction in number of paraprofessional employees. Be it resolved that the school term prek through 12th grade para professionals and the elimination of position and reduction of hours and in exhibit a will be effective june first, 2013, be it further resolved that the school term Early Education department para professionals the elimination of positions and reduction of hours described above in exhibit a, here to shall be effective june 8th, 2013. Be it further resolved that for fullyear Early Education department para professionals the elimination of positions and reduction of hours described above and in exhibit a here to shall be effective on august 17th, 2013. Be it further resolved that the superintendent or his designee is authorized and directed to give notice of layoff to all affected employees not later than 60 days prior to the Effective Date of layoff and to inform the employees of their displacement rights if any, and reemployment rights. And i believe that i completed the resolution regarding reduction in number of Early Education department employees. I did. Thank you very much. Thank you, i have a number of public speakers signed up to speak on these four items. Roberto, kelley and marry weatherer and harris and will you please approach the mic and you have two minutes each. Good evening, i guess that every time there is a cut you are going to see me. Because when you cut a teacher, it cuts all wait down to the classroom. And students bleed after that cuts. And that is what brings me here. Every year there is something that happens in sacramento or somewhere, and there is lack of money. But, i dont believe so. I believe that the money is here, there is folks that talk about the money spent somewhere else. I walk every day to school and i see through the hallways, and nothing but junk that was paid for and something was brand new and it has to be given away or taken away. I have personally taken stuff out of there. Brand new books in the trash. I know we can cut somewhere else. I went to a school, a long time ago, in mexico. There was only one book in the classroom. And inaudible the teacher and i myself and others, we wrote the whole book by the end of the year with it on the blackboard. And we knew. And we recite it there and we had to recite it and everything was taught there, and the recital and everything was taught by one book and i can see that we need all of this stuff that was spent on and was used to waste i would love to see it actually used but it is in the wastebasket. So i hope that you take that into consideration, i hope that you work the halls just like i do and scrutinize all of the stuff that is there, and see that it is actually just spending the money where your mouth is, thank you. No cuts. Good evening, superintendent. Board of education and commissioners, my name is betty harris and i am the united educators chair of Early Education committee. Im here again speaking in support of all educators and para professionals. And i am speaking especially for all educators because that is where my heart is of course. The research is very clear, we dont have to rehash that again. In this invest in Young Children now or pay later. When the staff is reduced or eliminated, the results of that reduction or elimination is evidence 5